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How to ‘Track’ Your Runs Without a Fitness Watch or App – Lifehacker

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Yep, that's an indent from a watch. I was writing about Apple Watch features earlier that day, so I actually took the watch OFF for this run. Credit: Beth Skwarecki
When youre new to running, or getting back into it, the last thing you need is one more barrier. Shoes, appropriate clothes, sweat-resistant sunscreen: These things are hard to do without. But those running watches that it seems like everyone has? You dont need one on your first day. You dont even need your phone.
It's kind of strange that fitness has become almost synonymous with tracking fitness: How many steps are you taking? How many calories are you burning? How many minutes per mile was your pace when you went jogging this morning? What was your heart rate?
But you dont need to know any of this. You can just go for a run, and the results are recorded in the very fibers of your muscles. Your heart and lungs know how hard they worked, and they are in the process of adapting so that theyll be able to serve you better next time. This process does not require you, at any point, to look at numbers on a screen. So do you need a Garmin, a Fitbit, an Apple Watch, or any of their kin? Absolutely not.
Ive run with a variety of devices and apps over the years, and right now Im gearing up to review a series of running appsyou can look for those articles in the weeks to come. But my little secret is that I actually prefer to do most of my running without a watch or even a phone app.
Ever since I dusted off my running shoes earlier this springabout six weeks agoIve been running multiple times each week without a watch. I have a vague idea of time and mileage, but no precise numbers. My brain is empty of thoughts except for dont go too fast and turn around when I get to the main road. So here is the data that Im not getting from a running watch, and how to do without it:
The watch tells you: how far youve gone. Want to run 3 miles? Turn around when your watch says 1.5. You can also add up your miles at the end of the week.
How to do without: Measure a route beforehand. You can use Google Maps (right-click and select measure distance, or just plan a walking route through the normal interface). For a nicer interface, use an app like Footpath. The free version lets you measure routes but not save them; honestly, creating a route and then taking a screenshot is good enough for our purposes here. If youre going to pay for an app with route planning, you might as well get Stravabut more on that later.
You can plan the route before you go, and then when youve finished the route, you know youve done your mileage. It can be handy to have a few routes on hand for common distances you like to run. Theres a 5-mile loop at my local park, for example, and I know exactly where to jog in my neighborhood if I want a 2-miler.
To keep track of distance from day to day, you can keep a note in your phone, or add it to your training journal.
The watch tells you: how long youve been running.
How to do without: In the olden days, youd use a dumbwatch to track time, or even just look at the clock before you leave home and then again when you come back. Where a watch-user knows that their run was 32 minutes and five seconds, you are free from worrying about such minutia and can be happy to know that you were running for about half an hour.
You can also use a stopwatch on your phone to track the time, if you really want to know. You can also just estimate from your mileage: That three-mile route will take about 30 minutes if you run at a 10:00 pace.
The watch tells you: how many minutes its taken you to run each mile; also, what pace you are going right now.
How to do without: Go by feel. If youre a beginner, the exact pace doesnt matter; do easy runs at a speed that feels easy. Do faster intervals at a pace that feels challenging but doesnt leave you gassed. The exact numbers arent important.
If youre an experienced runner, use that experience! How do you feel when youre running 10-minute miles? 8-minute miles? Run at an effort level that feels right for the programmed run, and every now and then you can run a race or time yourself on a track to recalibrate.
The watch tells you: your current heart rate, and maybe the zone youre in.
How to do without: Honestly, if youre a beginner, dont use heart rate at all. Heart rate can be a useful number once you have a pretty good handle on what your personal heart rate is at different effort levels. But the way most watches and apps calculate heart rate is with an error-prone formula that often sets the zones too high or too low.
As a beginner, the only thing that really matters is that you do your easy runs at an easy pace, not a gut-busting breakneck speed that ends up being unsustainable. So, go with perceived effort here too. Do you feel like you could keep this up almost forever? Like you could talk on the phone with only a little bit of heavy breathing? Thats the famous zone 2. See, you didnt need a heart rate monitor after all.
If you're an experienced runner, you probably get more use out of pace data than heart rate data, anywaybut you can always use a chest strap connected to your phone if you'd like the numbers.
Not all watches have this feature, and even among people who have running watches, not everyone uses the coaching. But yes, some watches and some apps provide a running plan, telling you how many miles, at what pace, to run each day. They may also give you guided runs, with a coach in your ear telling you when to speed up and slow down.
Without a watch, youre on your own for this stuff. But you can also find a plan online thats not tied to any particular app. Hal Higdon says Im running 3 miles on Tuesday? Well then, Ill go out on Tuesday and run (roughly, approximately) 3 miles.
Putting all of this together, heres what it looks like for me. First of all, I started my running habit this year by getting consistent with my morning walk (30 minutes, so about 1.5 miles.) Over the course of a week, I started adding some bits of running to my walk, slowing down when I got winded or uncontrollably itchy, and after about two weeks, I was running pretty much the whole 1.5 miles in relative comfort. The following week, I started adding a little mileagedoing 2 miles most morning instead of 1.5.
This worked beautifully as a gentle re-introduction to running, and honestly? I dont think I would have done it this way if I were wearing a watch. It would have been demoralizing to see that my running pace was so much slower than what I was logging last year. But once I was in the habit, it was easy to add mileage.
These days, I have a few neighborhood routes in mind. I put on my sun visor and headphones when I go out with the kids to wait for the bus, and as soon as they leave I turn and head off on one of my 3-mile (usually) routes.
I keep track of my mileage in a notebook. Three miles, five times a week, is 15 miles. If I miss a morning or if I want to add more time on my feet, Ill add another run in the evening or on a weekend day. Ill usually head to a nearby park where I know the mileage of my favorite trails and roads. If Id like to try a new route, Ill pick an album that is about as long as Id like my run to be (many are around 45 minutes, which is perfect) and take note of which song occurs at the halfway point. When I hear that song, I turn around. Thats a 45-minute run in the booksin the ballpark of four miles or so.
You sure can! If youre looking at that list above and thinking aww, I wish I had that data, wish no more! There are tons of running apps that can track distance, duration, and pace in real time, even speaking up through your headphones to let you know your split times each mile.
Pros of phone based running apps:
No need to buy special equipment like a watch.
Numbers are available anytime you want to pull your phone out and look at them.
Youre probably bringing your phone anyway to listen to music.
Youll get a map of your run after the fact (thanks to your phones GPS).
The app will keep track of your mileage over time.
Cons of phone based running apps:
You may not want to see all those numbers, especially if the thought of logging a bad average pace makes you rush warmups or skip walking breaks.
GPS tracking on phones is not as accurate as the tracking on watches.
GPS tracking tends to run a phones battery down faster than if you werent using the GPS.
No heart-rate tracking, if thats a thing you want (unless you use a chest strap and pair it to your phone with Bluetooth).
I enjoy the guidance I get from running apps if Im doing a specific workoutlike one I tried recently that involved segments of 0.6, 0.5, and 0.35 miles. No way was I going to track that manually, but the pleasant voice in my ear told me exactly when to start and stop each interval, and cued me to speed up or slow down if I was getting off pace.
If you do decide to get a running watch later on, theyll have the same features as the phone apps, but with better battery life and an easier way to view the numbers.
The classic is Strava. In fact, if the community aspect of a running app or watch is whats most important to you, youll definitely want to get on Strava. People who log their runs on a Garmin or another device will often upload to Strava so they can have everything in one place. But you can also record a run from the Strava app directly, no extra device needed. Just beware that the social features can end up revealing your location, so dip into the privacy settings to make sure you arent sharing more than you intend.
Other popular running apps include MapMyRun, Runkeeper, Adidas Running (formerly Runtastic), and Nike Run Club. There are also some general fitness apps that can track running data, like Polar Beat and Intervals Pro.
Measure or estimate the length of each run, ideally by measuring on a tool like Google Maps or Footpath. (In the olden days, we would sometimes drive a route and use the odometer.)
Add up your mileage over time by keeping notes on a calendar (paper or digital), a notebook (paper or digital), or any other way youd keep track of a running tally.
By paying attention to your body. For an easy or zone 2 pace, youll want to feel like youre breathing easy and like you can keep going forever. Faster paces might feel harder, but theyll still be sustainable enough that you can make it the entire distance you intend, without collapsing into a heap by the end. Youll learn over time what each appropriate pace feels like.
On guided runs, offered by many running apps, the coach or narrator will help you figure out the right effort level. They might ask you to aim for a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10, or they might describe in words how your body should feel when youre at a given pace.
You dont make it to the start line of a marathon without having a decent amount of running experience under your belt. And these days, when youve been running regularly for the amount of time it takes to build a base and then train for a marathonyoull probably have already given in to the temptation to buy a running watch.
But its not necessary in any way. You can do your training by mapping out routes ahead of time, gauging your pace based on how you feel, and writing down your weekly mileage in a notebook. This is how almost everybody trained until running watches became more accessible about 10 or 15 years ago. The race organizers are keeping track of your time (theres a chip in your bib, usually), and theyll post mile markers along the course so you know where you are.
On race day, you probably wont want to use your running app; it drains battery, and youll be out there a long time. Instead, you can pace yourself by wearing a basic stopwatch and comparing your time at each mile marker with pre-calculated split times. Sound complicated? Its notjust grab one of these temporary tattoos that has them all calculated for you.
Once you've gotten the hang of running, you may eventually decide it's time to shop for a watch. Fortunately, we have a guide to the best watches for runners here. If I had to pick just one, Garmin's Forerunner series is a great place to start, and the Forerunner 165 is the newest moderately-priced member.
Original post:
How to 'Track' Your Runs Without a Fitness Watch or App - Lifehacker
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