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Letters: Jim Jordan, fitness centers, Trump’s strength and the value of life – The Columbus Dispatch

Letters to the Editor| The Columbus DispatchJordan needs concrete proposals to end pandemic
It is perhaps the easiest thing in the world to criticize everyone else without offering any solutions yourself. For example, U.S. Rep.Jim Jordan has chosen to use his public platform as an antagonistic peanut gallery, muttering snide criticisms and complaints about the medical community's recommended response to the worsening COVID-19 pandemic. The Twitter zingers keep coming, lashing out against these basic safety measures that are apparently the greatest threat to American freedom since King George III.
Any cynical troll with internet access can do what he's doing, but the people of his district elected him to do moretodosomething. They elected him to develop balanced and effective solutions amid challenging circumstances. They elected him to be productive, proactive and empathetic on behalf of Ohio citizens. Is he content to merely grandstand and complain about other people who actually have ideas, or does he have any alternative suggestions of his own to offer?
SinceJordanfindsthe COVID-19safety recommendations from infectious disease experts so laughable and offensively overreaching, how does hepropose we should limit the spread of this disease to protect the vulnerable people and healthcare workers in our community? How does hebelieve we should avoid the mass sickness and hospitalization that threaten to close businesses and schools? Yes, it is heartbreaking to miss out on holidays and weddings we had planned this year, so how does hesuggest we proceed while also protecting our health and economy?
I have a feelinghissolution isto"do nothing," even though U.S.states like the Dakotas are now world leaders in infection and mortality rates thanks to the "do nothing" approach. WhateverJordansproposed solution may be, we won't know untilhe tells us.Is hewilling to stop grumpy-Tweeting and actually contribute some productive ideas to this mix? We're all ears.
TonyAuseon, Upper Arlington
I disagree with Richard Lupton'sMondayletterSenior citizens statewide rely on fitness centersthat urgedGov. Mike DeWine not to close fitness centers as a means of helping stop Ohio's COVID-19 surge. He writes: "I am not aware that fitness centers are responsible for a high rate of the spread of the coronavirus."
A study released last week by researchers at Stanford University and Northwestern University found that gyms, along with restaurants and hotels, present a higher risk for spreading COVID-19 than other businesses. This is likely a reason the governor described gyms as among the locations "muchmore risky" for the virus's spread.
Moreover, Lupton said he is a member of Lifetime Fitness at Easton. I was a member there for many years until leaving in July because of the club's refusal to follow the statewide mask mandate.
Although the mandate contains an exception for persons who are exercising, the governor's spokesman publicly explained in July that it applies only to those who are actively exercising. He said people in fitness centers should wear masks at all other times, including "when walking between machines."
Lifetime Fitness has consistently refused to follow that direction. A senior citizen who is displeased with the situation but still a member there said recently the club continues having "throngs of folks not wearing masks."
Many fitness center owners and members have contributed to Ohio's currentCOVID-19 spike by flouting the statewide mask mandate. If their workout facilities soon have to close because of the surge, it's hard to feel sorry for them after they foolishly and selfishly helped create the problem.
Joseph Sommer, Columbus
Irespond to theTuesday letter Maybe state should pay families a death benefit from Richard Bailey. I cant tell if he is being serious or sarcastic. If he is being serious, this is the most ridiculous letter I have ever read in The Dispatch, and there have been some doozies.
Will a $10,000 death benefit really help a familythathas lost a loved one to this horrible disease? And what about prevention? Further, the medical expenses of those who have survived COVID-19 can be way more than a $10,000 death benefit, for which a survivor would not be eligible.
My only reaction is one of bewilderment and exasperation.
Marc Neiwirth, Bexley
I respond tothe Tuesday op-ed Bidens foreign policy wont be Obama 2.0, thankfully byDoyle McManus.Suppose, as he thinks, Uncle Joe does rejoin the Parisaccord.President DonaldTrump got us out of that because we were the only ones doing the "according."
The World Health Organization is another boondoggle for the American taxpayer.With a name like WHO, no reasonable person should oppose our membership, like being against apple pie and motherhood until you look at the WHO's budget.
America, with 330 million people, was contributing over$500 millionper year. China,with 1.3 billion people,was kicking in$25 million.Then, to add insult to injury, the WHO consistently voted against American interests.
NATO, composed ofthe U.S. andour European allies is another wonderful organization.Turns out, the USA was just about the only member that contributed its required share. The other members did not until Trump forced them to start anteing up.
Trump did shake things up a bitI'll give him credit for that.
If we do, in fact, return to business as usual, I just hope this country doesn't keep taking it on the chin the way we have been.We're broke,you know.AsPresident RonaldReagan used to say, "We don't have any revenues to share."
Jeff Danison, Delaware
I want to make two points about the pandemic:
I think that people who do not wear masks should sign a legal document, like a living will, that says that if they getCOVID-19,they do not want to be treated at a hospital or other medical facility. They should declare unequivocally that they choose to be treated at home.
If they will not even try to protect themselves and others, they shouldn't tie up needed hospital personnel and space and supplies. Reserve those supplies for those who care about themselves and others.
President Trump,Dr.Scott Atlasand all Republican enablers in Congress should be tried for "depraved indifference" or "depraved-heart murder" on Jan 21.
Joe Tilley, Columbus
I can stand it no longer. The primary job of the POTUS is to protect and defend "we, the people." But Donald Trumprefusing to admit that he lost the election is too much.
This denial goes to block all efforts to transition to a new federalgovernment, thereby recklessly endangering the people as to national security, the pandemic, the environment, and onand on.Our beloved democracy is suffering.
"We, the people" want to begin to mend.Let go, Mr. President.
BillVanGieson, Westerville
I was shocked that, in hisTuesday letterMaybe state should pay families a death benefit, RichardBailey suggestedthat we abandon all preventive measures for COVID-19for the sake of the economy.
More appalling is that he thinks a human life is valued at only $10,000.No amount of money could replace the loss of a spouse/parent/child.
Diane Larick, Powell
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Letters: Jim Jordan, fitness centers, Trump's strength and the value of life - The Columbus Dispatch
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