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The Instagram fitness experts you need to follow – British GQ

Social media and fitness have become close bedfellows in 2020 and while weve already guided you through some of the best Instagram and YouTube workouts you can do, and talked to some of the biggest names in fitness on home workouts that turn your living room into the country's best gym, we also wanted to take a moment to share some names with you that will help inspire you even when scrolling on the 'gram.
Across this list are some titans and some emerging talent, people who will provide you with full live workouts and some who will just give you excellent tips for your posture or working out in transit or even some important motivation. Some of these people we just follow from afar and some are fitness gurus we consult monthly for our fitness guides and other exercise pieces. Some of them might be perfect for where you currently are and some might give you more inspiration when youre at a different point in your fitness journey. All of them, however, are worth knowing.
Zack George, by his own confession, is the sort of man youd see at the gym and feel intimidated by. He is, after all, the UKs fittest man, our greatest Crossfit athlete and built like a house. But once you speak to him, theres a far more impressive side to him: hes intelligent, eloquent and an excellent source of fitness knowledge. After a year in which his Crossfit career had to take a backseat to coronavirus, and the sport he called home had to grapple with a racist CEO, George has gone on to feature on the cover of Mens Health and also become one of our sagest fitness and nutrition experts, working with us on features covering what to eat before a workout and more yet still to come. You can do a lot worse than seeing him crush an assault bike workout next time you boot up Instagram.
For proof of Luke Zocchis training prowess look no further than Chris Hemsworth as Thor:hes the trainer responsible for sculpting those godly muscles, as well as the 500-calorie-a-day cut the actor underwent before appearing as a shipwreck survivor in In The Heart Of The Sea. Tattooed Australian Zocchi, like all the best fitness influencers, favours a simple but effective attitude towards training and a no-nonsense attitude towards nutrition (think: fish, chicken, veg and pulses, with the odd #cheatmeal photo thrown in for good measure). As a lead trainer at Hemsworths gym, Centr, his simple recipe videos are handy, sure, but its the workout tips that really make him worth a follow. As a champion of shorter, more efficient training sessions from 90-second flash reps to 30-minute between-scenes workouts Zocchis high-performance moves are sure to upgrade your usual routine. Be it a brutal but blessedly quick warm up, a killer finisher or speedy circuits, expect plenty of bear crawls, kick sits and push-ups.
This year, Joe Wicks went from celebrity fitness influencer to national hero with his mission to keep the nation fit through livestreamed workouts. Where Wicks free workout videos tend to live on YouTube, his Instagram is largely focused on food, dispersed with motivational posts driven by his own ten-year overnight success story and the importance of exercise for mental wellbeing. His recipe videos showcase healthy meals that take only 15 minutes to prepare, filmed in his signature lo-fi chuck it all in style, hence his lean in 15 tagline. With his no-fuss recipes and meal inspiration posts, Wicks debunks the idea that healthy means vegetables, protein and not much else, advocating a rounded, nutritious diet that allows for familiar favourites such as chicken pie, chips and even breaded cheese (he oven-bakes his halloumi in coconut oil). Broccoli is midget trees and scales are the sad steps. Think of Wicks as the enthusiastic everymans influencer, the likeable bloke next door (albeit with abs of steel and, not incidentally, a face like a Disney prince) a chirpy optimist who wants to making boshing out decent dishes accessible for all. Since having his own kids, hes branched into childrens nutrition too, with the launch of Instagram profile and book @weanin15.
If youve ever done one of Hendricks classes at Rowbots or Equinox, you know this former Olympic powerlifter is a kind soul, a great instructor and also relentless in making you sweat. As well as showing off his incredible skills, Famutimis Instagram is a great source of myth-busting and inspiration, a place to go when youve heard 15 contradictory opinions and want someone to give you an answer on anything from weights to losing weight. If you cant make it to one of his classes? Hes done workout guides for us on lats, legs and arms, which you can take into your own regime as a sample of just how good he is.
London-based Jack Hanrahan has been in the fitness industry for a decade, working both as a trainer and a soft-tissue therapist. Hes best known for his celebrity clientele, with gigs training A-list actors on sets from X-Men: Apocalypse to Bohemian Rhapsody, as well as his ultra-efficient style of strength training. He believes in training like an athlete rather than a bodybuilder, meaning a focus on building lean, functional muscle as opposed to a bulked-up aesthetic. On Instagram, Hanrahan shares his instructional, to-the-point approach with more than 200,000 followers, posting practical videos that demystify moves, equipment and misleading ideologies.
Intermittent fasting is impractical and unnecessary, bootcamps are a plague on the fitness industry, free weights are way better than machines and an espresso is more effective than a pre-workout booster. Hanrahan also believes in quality, not quantity. He advocates training four times a week, split into two upper and two lower days, one with heavier weights and the other lighter, in more of a pump style. During the first lockdown, he developed his anti-HIIT format, comprising a series of low-impact, dynamic exercises done in intervals with very short rest times. Like most of his workouts, these can be done easily from home with just a few sets of weights and a resistance band, with a focus on physical fitness goals over gains.
Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, his own app Alex Crockford is something of a fitness renaissance man. Clear and concise in his instruction, with a huge spectrum of videos and content that can show you everything from a new exercise to adopt to a whole new workout, Crockford has an output few can rival and thats why you should definitely be adding him to your list.
George has been one of our most consistent workout guide contributors this year, capable of making detailed and effective workouts leap off the page. An instructor at both Core Collective and Gymbox as well as a personal trainer, Palmer manages to make the difficult art of health and fitness sound much more attainable than it can feel at times, someone who understands everyone is on a different path and able to speak to every level. If you havent got enough of his words on the site, his Instagram contains a looks at how to keep your head held high during the exercise tempest that was 2020, as well as useful workouts or exercise tips.
With an Instagram following of 7.2 million, British-born, LA-based Simeon Panda is one of the most influential trainers on the planet. His body is, depending on which way you look at it, either ultimate goals or a little unnerving: Panda has a real-life waist-to-shoulder ratio that looks like its been photoshopped, gigantic traps, bulging calves and an eight pack.
He uses his channel to tease the secrets to his success (he is, of course, trying to push downloads of his online training programme, his YouTube channel and exercise-gear brand at the same time), with ultra-technical, gym-focused short videos that will help you to improve your form. If you want to grow your arms and back and already know your way around a gym then this is a great place to look for inspiration Panda is all about building as much muscle as physically possible. Breathing, weight and posture are all of central importance, as is method (Panda advocates for the pyramid, combining higher rep hypertrophy sets and much heavier lower rep strength sets).
Arby Kehelis workout guides for our site have, across the board, been excellent: lengthy, detailed guides on how to do everything from working out your core to maximising your use of bodyweight. Hes also an incredible trainer, which I can attest to after spending three exhausting months of my life learning to lift increasingly heavy weights under his careful tutelage. Kehelis Instagram page has been a great source of home workouts during lockdown, including ways of using things you have around the house to get right and tight during this ludicrous phase in human history.
James Stirling, AKA London Fitness Guy, is the man to follow for unintimidating, straight-forward home workouts from someone with a vaguely normal (but obviously still pretty ripped) physique. He started posting 30-minute home workouts during the first lockdown back in March, all shot in his front room or garden and with minimal equipment, but his gym workouts are just as accessible (bodyweight reigns supreme).
Stirlings smiley, sometimes silly content screams warm, friendly and accessible, making his a great profile for beginners, with videos covering topics from how to warm up and how to stretch before a run to a Photoshop explainer and posts about his struggles with anxiety and de-stigmatising therapy. He demonstrates each move clearly and frequently runs workouts on Instagram Live, bringing a nice community feel to your living room as well as the opportunity to ask questions and get a real-time response.
Fitness experts on the best home workouts to keep you motivated
What you need to know about returning to the gym
The no-nonsense guide to getting back in shape
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The Instagram fitness experts you need to follow - British GQ
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