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Aug 23

Tour Report: Fitness: Reverse Spine Angle

By Travis Fulton, Director of Instruction, PGA TOUR Academy

The reverse spine angle is a common swing fault affecting a number of amateur players in the game of golf. This swing fault is characterized by a backward bend of the upper body during the backswing.

The reverse spine angle makes it very difficult for the golfer to initiate the downswing with the lower body due to the poor postural positioning at the top of the backswing. This typically results in the upper body dominating the downswing thus causing issues with swing path and power outputs. Secondly, a reverse angle swing fault is a primary cause of lower back pain due to the crunch factor created by this compensation pattern on the lower back.

Alternating Arm & Leg ExtensionThe cause of swing faults in general are a result of biomechanical inefficiencies, improper equipment, and/or physical dysfunctions. On the physical side of this equation, in order to execute each phase of the swing efficiently with the correct timing certain levels of joint mobility, muscular flexibility, segmental stability, and power must be present. If limitations in any of these aforementioned physical parameters exist, the ability to execute a proficient swing may be impeded.

Relative to the reverse spine angle swing fault, physical limitations impeding the golfer to maintain a fixed spine angle due to an inability to create separation between the upper and lower body can be the culprit behind this compensation pattern.

Separation between the upper and lower body allows the golfers shoulders to rotate around the spine without going into an excessive backward bend (i.e. reverse spine angle). In order to create this separation, mobility in the hips, thoracic spine (i.e. area of spine between shoulder blades) and stability in the lower body and core are needed.

Bent Knee Side to Side Leg Swings StartIn situations where physical limitations are impeding the golfers ability to create separation it is ideal to implement golf fitness exercises to assist in the correction of physical dysfunctions affecting the swing.

Golf fitness exercises conducive to developing separating between in the upper and lower body in the backswing are the Alternating Arm and Leg Extension, Bent Knee Side-to-Side Leg Swings, and Kettle Bell Swings.

Alternating Arm and Leg Extension (Core Stability): Place both of your hands on the floor directly under the shoulders. Position both of your knees directly under the hips, eyes looking down, and back flat.

Simultaneously extend the left arm and right leg. Extend both the arm and leg until completely straight. Hold this position for one second and return to the starting position of the exercise. Repeat the exercise extending the opposite arm and leg. Alternate for 10-15 repetitions.

The rest is here:
Tour Report: Fitness: Reverse Spine Angle

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