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Jul 3

Bye Bye Baby Weight – 28-Day Low Glycemic Program Promotes Pregnancy Weight Loss

SAN FRANCISCO, July 3, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --A frustrating side effect of childbirth is pregnancy weight gain. After childbirth, many women find that baby weight is seemingly impossible to shed. Even women who watch what they eat and work out may find themselves held captive to that stubborn baby weight gain. These moms want to feel energized and able to take care of their responsibilities, but they don't know how to lose pregnancy weight.

Donna Parker, a licensed acupuncturist and Wellness Coach, launched a new website earlier this year to bring hope to moms who have tried to lose baby weight and failed. offers visitors advice on how to lose baby weight and adopt a low-glycemic lifestyle, the cornerstone of Donna's pregnancy weight loss program.

Donna works with her clients to help them eat the proper combination of fat, carbs, and protein. "I don't ask my clients to go on a diet," says Donna. "Diets are restrictive. Dieters feel deprived and count the days until they lose weight and can go back to their old eating patterns. Instead, I show my clients a new way to eat that includes wonderful, delicious food they will be able to enjoy for the rest of their lives."

The results of this lifestyle change include steady and permanent pregnancy weight loss and a new way of looking at food. It eliminates cravings for refined carbohydrates (foods which quickly release their sugar content into our bodies, such as baked goods, alcoholic drinks, and all things sweet), which raise levels of the feel-good hormones, dopamine and serotonin, in the body, but overload the system, causing abdominal fat and wild blood sugar swings.

To start losing baby weight, Donna's clients begin with a five-day "re-set" period, during which they reprogram their bodies to lose cravings for refined carbohydrates, followed by a further 23 days eating only low-glycemic foods. It takes 28 days for these lifestyle changes to be fully incorporated. Donna's clients receive individual, customized recommendations with respect to food, water, sleep, and exercise which reflect each client's lifestyle, age, body type, specific health issues, and weight loss goal. She provides nutritional products that help moderate her clients' cravings (including the Usana products endorsed by Dr. Mehmet Oz) and coaches her clients to success.

A study by Dr. David Ludwig, M.D., Ph.D, director of the Optimal Weight for Life program and an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, showed that some people's bodies react to the blood sugar spike caused by refined carbohydrates by secreting too much insulin and are prone to stubborn weight gain. Dr. Oz mentioned this study in conjunction with his advice to follow a 28-day low-glycemic diet to get control of unwanted weight.

Donna understands the frustration of stubborn baby weight gain and the process of changing deeply ingrained eating habits. She changed to a low-glycemic lifestyle to lose the weight she gained during pregnancy. "It helps so much to have a coach," says Donna. "So many times we are very good at knowing what isn't working for us. We need someone to point out what we have accomplished and show us the progress we are making."

Donna's dietary products help her clients transition from high-carbohydrate foods to low-glycemic foods. "You can't just change a lifelong way of eating overnight," she says. "These are our comfort foods, the ones we crave when we're tired, depressed, or anxious because they boost the 'happy' hormones. The products I recommend cut cravings and help your blood sugar level out."

Donna maintains that the two biggest barriers to permanent weight loss are having the attitude that we can lose some weight and then go back to bad eating habits and that we are just one of those people who can't keep weight off. "The program I offer combats both these issues," she says. "People who eat a low-glycemic diet stop craving unhealthy food and start craving healthy food! It takes awhile for your taste buds to change, but they do. My program is so useful because it gets you over the hump. I know this program will work for everyone who follows it."

Click here to watch Donna's video on losing weight after giving birth.

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Bye Bye Baby Weight - 28-Day Low Glycemic Program Promotes Pregnancy Weight Loss

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