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Entrepreneur Jas Mathurs Weight Loss Journey Inspires Others To Have Limitless Dreams – Forbes

Everyone has dreams. But few put in the blood, sweat, and tears to reach them. Jas Mathur succeeded in the realm of tech entrepreneurship early in his life, but struggled to keep his health in check as he worked long days. His decision to embark on his weight loss journey led to Mathur creating Limitless. Limitless is a creative and empowering lifestyle agency that develops brands and products across various arenas. Limitless is based in Los Angeles, California.
Jas Mathur (right) with a cougar on the left.
Frederick Daso:When did you first understand that there was a missing community for WWE enthusiasts that you could bridge that gap with the technology that you could build?
Jas Mathur: It's very interesting how this all came about. I was a huge wrestling fan growing up. I ordered every single pay-per-view watch. I have been going to live events since I was probably four or five years old. Everyone in my family used to watch wrestling. I got my first computer when I was 11. I was going around in chat rooms and different things. At that time, WWE, which was known as WWF then, didn't even have its website. They were just found via the search for the keyword "wrestling" on AOL. Everything was on AOL at the time. And, people used to call the 1-800 number to get news on what was happening behind the scenes in the world of wrestling. I learned that you can build a website fairly quickly.
I learned that people were using platforms like Angelfire and Geocities to make a bulletin board. I started to publish things on there, and I was in those MIRC chat rooms, putting links to my website. Because what I used to do was I used to call the one 900 number, and I used to get the news that I would post it for people to see. And, I was racking up my phone bill at the house for thousands of dollars every month. It was nuts, but that's when I slowly started to realize that there's something there for this.
From there, I went on to learn CGI, Pearl, HTML. When I bought my, which cost me about $250 Canadian, there was only one company selling them at the time. I went in and installed a full-on bulletin board. As things kept evolving and more people started to get on the internet, I just used a grassroots technique to get people to know about the website because there was no such thing as SEO. There was no such thing as social media. All it was was IRC chat rooms. I didn't know that there was a need for it. I just did it because it was my passion. I mean, the first thing I did when I got my computer was print out a picture of the undertaker.
Daso: Your early success being an entrepreneur with the website you developed for wrestling and the other businesses that you've gone on subsequently are impressive. Yet, you've also indicated that the success led to the decline of your health. What were some of the personal consequences of your declining health other than the weight gain.?
Mathur: I had no social life. I didn't even know what a social life was until I was 23, and then Facebook came out. That's kind of what motivated me to want to start losing weight. It was some combination of some stuff related to Facebook and connecting with those people from my past. When I started to lose weight, I wanted to lose more.
When I was young growing up and I gained a lot of weight, I would never think, Oh, wrestlers, I want to look like the wrestlers. This is what they do. This is what they eat. This is how they train. I never thought of that. I was just focused behind the computer. I didn't have much of a strain on me up until I was connecting with everyone else. I realized, 'I'm excessively overweight,' and that's when I needed to start making a change in my life.
Daso: You also mentioned your external motivations for losing weight. Specifically, a girl overlooked you, and you couldn't even fit in your own car at one point. What about beyond those external motivations? What was your reason for trying to take better care of yourself? Right.
Mathur: My reason was to prioritize a long life and avoiding some disease or something that could shorten my lifespan. This happened when I went to the doctors, and their weight scale went up to 450 pounds. And, I wasn't able to get my accurate weight because I went straight down to four 50. We don't even know what exactly my weight was. That's when it became a little more serious. I started to understand the medical problems that could come later, but considering I was still lucky, I was still very young. I had that chance to do it. When you can get older, it becomes more and more challenging. So it was primarily lifespan considerations that drove me to lose weight.
Jas Mathur's weight loss journey.
Daso:You embarked on this physical fitness journey that transformed you, not just physically, but also emotionally and mentally. That was the precursor to Limitless. Then, through establishing Limitless, how did you distill the brand down to the slogan, 'Dream, Believe it and Achieve'?
Mathur: Dream, Believe, and Achieve is a tagline that I've been using for almost 15 years now. I believe in manifesting and achieving anything that you set your mind to. If you wake up every morning and stay focused and target that goal, and make small steps every day, you will achieve it at some point or the other. The key is to not give up. I'm always dreaming. Even when I'm working, when I'm doing anything, I'm always thinking, 'Hey, this is what I want. This is what I want my quality of life to be. This is my end goal.'
A lot of people have an end goal. They want to be multi-millionaires or billionaires and things like that. What they love, but what's missing is you have first to understand the purpose of why you want what you want. If you want to make, let's say, a billion dollars, what is your purpose? Why a billion, why not a hundred million? Why not 5 billion? What exactly is your goal, what do you have in order to achieve, but what are you going to do with it? So dreaming came from the fact that I'm always dreaming of something or the other. A small percentage of people dream, and then they ultimately have to believe in themselves. Cause you're the one that's going to take the steps forward.
You're the one that ultimately has to go out there and pretty much sell yourself because life is all about networking, right? You're the goal. This ladder where I look at it as if you have this ladder, this ladder, and you're crossing over as you're meeting different types of people. You have to believe in yourself to be able to take that step constantly over and jump from one ladder to the other and not know that this ladder here, the person is going to have way more knowledge than you, but believe in yourself to know that, Hey, like, it's fine. I have less knowledge, but I can learn. I can adapt, and I can slowly scale and grow from there and then achieve milestones. You want to go from Point A to Z, but before Z comes B comes C comes D comes E, etc.
You dream about what you want. You believe in yourself that you can execute. When you believe in yourself, you take steps forward, and you achieve those milestones leading up to your ultimate goal.
Jas Mathur (left) with Floyd Mayweather (right).
Daso: Great. Once, and those goals, which were limits at one point, you exceed them, and you become 'Limitless.' I've seen you hanging around with Floyd Mayweather. How deep does your relationship run with Mayweather and, how has that affected Limitless' development?
Mathur: We've been friends for a few years now. We met about four years ago roughly, but we've had many mutual friends in common for many years. Everyone knows him and recognizes him. We have a great relationship, both personal as well as business. He is a brand ambassador for one of the brands under Limitless, and he's fully involved in and participates in anything that I have him involved in or stuff that I have going on. It's for that same reason because he sees that I have that same work ethic and discipline. In his world, it's the same thing.
If he didn't have the discipline to do what he does, he wouldn't be able to become the greatest of all time. There's only one person that has a stellar record when it comes to professional boxing, and that's Floyd Mayweather. So, and that's, he has the work ethic. He has the discipline. He has the determination and will to outwork everyone else in his field. That's the same way that I am in my field. I stay on track. I stay focused. I still aim high. This is the reason why I wanted to align myself with Floyd. Primarily, I like to surround myself with people that have that discipline, that understanding of what it takes to become a winner, and that can see beyond the light at the end of the tunnel.
This is the core reason why we have a very good relationship and which is formed now into more in terms of business.
See the original post here:
Entrepreneur Jas Mathurs Weight Loss Journey Inspires Others To Have Limitless Dreams - Forbes
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