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Mar 28

How to work protein into your diet

Protein is the latest hip food supplement, appearing in everything from weight-loss shakes to pasta. Protein is marketed as vital to our health and well-being, and this is true.

High-protein foods satisfy you longer than high-carbohydrate foods, making them essential to include at every meal, especially if you want to lose weight.

But where's the best place to get the protein you need?

Protein is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks for muscles, the immune and nervous systems, the organs (including skin), even hair.

Our bodies can't produce nine of the essential amino acids, so we must get them from food.

Where to find it Americans are famous for their love of meat. Animal products (including eggs) are a wonderful source of protein, but for health, cost and, for some people, ethical reasons, you might not want to make it your sole source of protein.

After ingesting animal protein, the body produces a byproduct called uric acid, and this can be a real problem if you are prone to attacks of gout.

Also, while a thick steak has a lot of protein, it also has a lot of fat, which is good neither for heart health nor weight control. So it's important to choose lean cuts and varieties of beef, pork, chicken and fish, and watch your portions. But even the leanest cuts still can have quite a bit of fat, so it's not a good idea to depend on meat as your sole protein source.

Dairy products, especially plain (not fruit-flavored) Greek yogurt and cottage cheese, are great sources of protein. They do not increase uric acid and are generally not high in sugars, which can interfere with weight-loss goals. Unfortunately, lactose sensitivities are on the rise, so dairy may not be right for all.

Vegetable proteins vary in the amount of amino acids they contain and must be combined (such as legumes and whole grains) to provide a more complete protein. For convenience, many people prefer using grains that can be quickly cooked and therefore are more processed. In general, the more processed the food, the less nutritionally complete it is.

See the rest here:
How to work protein into your diet

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