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May 4

Secrets to lose weight by improving your digestion – NewsDio

Weeks under quarantine hinder weight loss with closed gyms across the country, on-site physical distance measures, and nutrient-rich fresh produce with a limited supply. Fortunately, you may lose weight while hiding at home, without restricting your diet and taking care of your gut, more formally known as the digestive system. The digestive system is one of the most important parts of your body. It breaks down the food and nutrients your body uses for energy, growth, and cell repair. Improving your digestion as part of your weight loss journey is made possible by the following secrets from various experts: Microbiomes "There are many ways to lose weight in the short term, but this does not mean that they are healthy or sustainable." Alex Glover, a nutritionist, told the Daily Express. "There are millions of bacteria living inside their gut, known as their microbiome. Every person's microbiome is unique to them and plays an important factor in weight control." Studies from King & # 39; s College in London found that microbiomes affect even how identical twins differ in weight gain and storage. This means that "our weight loss trips must always work to benefit our gut as well," Glover said.Portion Control and Fiber Intake Rather than cutting things out of your diet, losing weight and maintaining a good digestive system, it's about portion control, explained dietitian Dr. Megan Rossi, also known as The Gut Health Doctor."For filling and nutritious meals, diversity and fiber are key to keeping us full longer," he said. When a meal fills you up longer, you're less likely to eat snacks throughout the day, and that helps you reach your weight loss goals. "Instead of counting calories, I would recommend focusing on variety, the more, the better, and maintaining proper portion sizes," Rossi added. However, she noted that it is important not to become obsessed with portion control, as this can affect your relationship with food and your overall well-being. "Unlike other types of carbohydrates, our human cells cannot digest fiber," said Rossi. . "Their sole purpose is to feed our gut bacteria, which, in turn, produce beneficial compounds that help balance our blood sugar levels and tell our brains that we are full." The recommended daily intake for fiber is 30 grams, so it is a good idea to increase your fiber intake to help balance your blood sugar levels. Changing Your Lifestyle Eating fiber-rich foods is an effective way to lose weight. However, it will have little or no effect unless combined with long-term lifestyle changes, such as daily exercise, getting enough sleep, and eating whole foods. Rossi suggested targeting two pieces of fruit, five servings of vegetables, three servings of whole grain, and one or two servings of nuts or seeds daily. Weight management, he explained, is not just about the food we eat; Sleep quality also plays a role in weight control. She recommended sleeping 7 to 9 hours every night. Beans and legumes "are great foods to include in your diet when it comes to fat loss," said nutritionist Jenna Hope. "These foods are low in calories and are a great source of prebiotic fibers. Prebiotic fibers are required to feed the good bacteria in the gut to help maintain an optimal profile of gut bacteria." "You can add beans and legumes to soups, stews, curries and sauces," he added. Additional body weight is related to a number of dangerous health consequences. Photo courtesy of Pixabay. [TagsToTranslate] secrets

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Secrets to lose weight by improving your digestion - NewsDio

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