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Oct 10

DeWine pleads with residents to help curb the spread – Delphos Herald

MARION Governor Mike DeWine provided the following updates on Ohiosresponse to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thursdays press conference was heldin Marion at the home of President Warren G. Harding.

Updated county risk levels

GovernorDeWine released Ohios updated Public Health Advisory System map. Newhealth data compiled by the Ohio Department of Health found that 18counties currently have a very high risk of exposure and spread (Level3): Ashland, Butler, Fayette, Hamilton, Lawrence, Madison, Mahoning,Marion, Mercer, Montgomery, Muskingum, Pike, Portage, Putnam, Richland,Ross, Scioto and Trumbull.

We have 18 Red counties, which is morethan weve seen since the week of July 23, said Governor DeWine.Additionally, there are 58 Orange counties this week, the highest ever.Ninety-six percent of Ohioans are living in a Red or Orange county. Thevirus continues to spread quickly throughout the state, and we need tocontinue staying at home when sick, wearing a mask when out, and keepingat least six feet between you and those outside of your household.

DeWine was cautioning Ohioans Friday when in talking to reporters in Toledo.

Whatwere seeing in NW Ohio & across the state is many cases are comingfrom social gatherings - parties, people getting together, not wearingmasks, not keeping distance. Were seeing bad trends. We cant let thisvirus flare up, said DeWine. I dont want to be an alarmist, but ifyou want your kids physically in school, weve got to slow this down. Ifthere is spread in the community, more schools will end up goingremote. Please wear a mask. Please encourage your friends to wearmasks.

A county-by-county breakdown outlining the presence ofCOVID-19 in all of Ohios 88 counties can be found on the Ohio PublicHealth Advisory Systems website.

Nursing home visitation order

GovernorDeWine announced that Ohio Department of Health Interim Director LanceHimes has signed the order that allows nursing facilities to permitindoor visitation beginning Monday. In order to permit indoorvisitation, facilities are required to meet certain health and safetyrequirements.

The visits will be limited to two visitors and willbe a maximum of 30 minutes. Visitors will have to be socially distancedand wear a face covering. Visits are to occur in areas that are separatefrom a residents room.

Facilities are required to reportvisitation information, including visitation status, hours, maximumvisitation time, and number of visitors via an online dashboard Facilities must register with the state by Oct.19.

In addition, this order also details compassionate carevisits, which are separate and distinct from normal visitation. Thesevisits are not exclusively for end-of-life situations, but can alsoinclude situations where a resident was recently admitted to the homeand are struggling with the change in environment and lack of familysupport.

Other situations can include when a resident is grievingsomeone who recently passed away, a resident that may need encouragementto eat or drink that was previously provided by a family member orcaregiver and is experiencing weight loss or dehydration, or when aresident is experiencing emotional distress.

Facilities shouldwork with residents, families, caregivers, resident representatives,clinicians, and the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman programto identify the need, length, and frequency of these visits.

The order is available on

H2Ohio update

Priorto todays press conference, Governor DeWine visited the site of afuture H2Ohio wetland complex in Wyandot County. The new wetlandcomplex, with several new and restored wetlands, will be developed atthe headwaters of the Blanchard River, which flows into Lake Erie.

H2Ohiois a comprehensive, data-driven water quality plan to reduce harmfulalgal blooms, improve wastewater infrastructure, and prevent leadcontamination. An important part of this plan includes expanding andprotecting wetlands throughout the state.

Ohio Task Force One

GovernorDeWine acknowledged Ohios Task Force One as they were activated anddeployed yesterday to assist those impacted by Hurricane Delta inLouisiana. Ohios Task Force One is headquartered near Dayton, Ohio, andserves as one of the top Urban Search and Rescue teams.

Womens Enterprise Certification

BeginningFriday, the Ohio Department Administrative Services (DAS) launched theOhio Womens Enterprise Certification (WBE). This first-of-its-kindcertification will allow women-owned businesses to seek certificationfrom the Equal Employment Opportunity office at DAS.

Center for Community Solutions

GovernorDeWine acknowledged Kimberly Hall, Director of the Ohio Department ofJob and Family Services and Congresswoman Marcia Fudge for being namedthe 2020 Center for Community Solutions Public Service award winners.

TheCenter for Community Solutions awarded both Director Hall andCongresswoman Fudge for their commitment to ensuring Ohioans have accessto food and nutrition services through the Supplemental NutritionAssistance Program, as well as for their efforts to create thePandemic-EBT program, which provides critical assistance to hundreds ofthousands of Ohio school-aged children.

Donate Life

DonateLife Ohio will be holding Ohios first-ever online donor registrationdrive today. Donate Lifes Dont Wait, Save 8 campaign encouragesOhioans to register online to become a donor, rather than waiting until avisit to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV). In Ohio, more than 3,000people are waiting for a life-saving organ transplant.

First ladies for Health- Family health day

TheOhio National Guard will be assisting with free COVID-19 testing in theCincinnati-area on Sunday, October 11. Testing will be available innine Cincinnati locations from 1-4 p.m. Several of these locations alsooffer flu shots.

Information on testing in Cincinnati is available at

Additionalinformation about COVID-19 testing throughout the state is available under the Testing and Community Health Centerstab.

Fridays COVID-19 data

There were166,102 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 in Ohio and 4,994confirmed and probable COVID-19 deaths. A total of 16,301 people havebeen hospitalized, including 3,413 admissions to intensive care units.In-depth data can be accessed by visiting

Videoof Thursdays full update, including versions with foreign languagetranslation, can be viewed on the Ohio Channels YouTube page.

For more information on Ohios response to COVID-19, visit or call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH.

DeWine pleads with residents to help curb the spread - Delphos Herald

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