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May 10

Find an exercise time that works best for you – Rincn Latino

Exercise is a very individual thing. For many people, early morning is the only time of day available to exercise. For others, it is late evening. But if you have a choice, which is best?

Although we all know that exercise is important, we have lives with jobs, families, friends, household duties, errands and even the need for some rest and sleep.

Both morning and evening exercise have health benefits and potential pitfalls, but for most people, the right time to exercise is not about how many calories you burn or how much weight you lift. It is more about how you feel when exercising and how exercise fits into your daily schedule.

Of course, the best time to work out is whenever you can. But the best-best time of day to exercise is the time you can stick with for days, weeks and months. The fact of the matter is that people who exercise consistently see better weight loss and fitness results in the long-term.

Given that, morning workouts and night workouts both have their advantages and disadvantages as evidenced by decades of scientific research.

However, according to multiple research studies, morning workouts truly do have an edge.

People who exercise in the morning are often more consistent simply because morning workouts leave less room for excuses.

Waking up early might be difficult at first, but research suggests that a morning exercise habit can shift your circadian rhythm so that your body is naturally more alert in the morning and more tired in the evening. So, you fall asleep earlier and can exercise in the morning again.

Morning exercise also seems to boost deep sleep more than evening exercise. Plus, sleep helps muscle growth, so you might even see more strength gains if your circadian rhythm and sleep cycle improve.

Exercising on an empty stomach is proven to burn more fat than exercising after a meal. This happens because your body must utilize fat stores that already exist to fuel exercise, rather than use the calories you just ate. Other research also shows that the afterburn of calories by increased metabolism lasts longer when you exercise in the morning.

Exercising in the morning has a beneficial effect on energy levels, alertness, focus and decision-making, which can translate to a more productive workday.

Morning workouts can cause release of endorphins that your body produces in response to exercise can keep your mood improved long past your exercise.

Early morning workouts have their drawbacks, too.

If you did not eat enough the evening before, you might find yourself battling serious hunger mid-workout.

Depending on your sleep cycle, an early-morning alarm might interrupt deep sleep. This can result in sleep inertia (feeling groggy for a while after you wake up), as well as chronic fatigue if it happens often.

Most people do not roll out of bed feeling great. You might experience stiffness in your joints and temporary inflexibility. You should loosen up as you warm up, but studies show that certain strength markers, including peak power, are higher in the evening.

Your core body temperature is also lower in the morning. So, jumping into a workout, rather than slowly easing in, can result in injury. This is true all the time, but especially when your body is cooler.

Between noon and 4 p.m., many people feel more flexible, more mobile, and more physically energetic, which makes afternoon and evening the best time to exercise if possible.

Research shows that most people function better, physically speaking, later in the day. Muscle strength, flexibility, power output and endurance are all better in the evening than they are in the morning. Plus, people who exercise in the evening take up to 20% longer to reach the point of exhaustion.

Testosterone is important for building muscle in men and women, and your body might produce more of it during afternoon workouts than morning workouts, resulting in greater strength and muscle gains.

Exercise is a good way to relieve stress, but working out at night can really help you blow off some steam. The surge of endorphins you get during and after exercise can really help.

If you have some evening or nighttime habits you want to replace, like snacking, drinking, smoking, or watching too much TV, exercise can take the place of those habits.

Unfortunately, there are also some potential downsides to later exercise.

Although exercising at night is not always detrimental to sleep, scientists have found that some people might experience jitters if they work out too close to bedtime. This generally only applies to intense exercise, whereas yoga, stretching and other gentle exercises can improve your sleep when performed before bed.

If you are like many people, exercising at night may not work for you simply because you are too tired after a long day. Afternoon and evening workouts might interfere with daily responsibilities, especially if things tend to pile up during the day. If that seems familiar, you might try shifting your daily routine to fit in a morning workout instead.

No matter what time of day works best for you, get some exercise when you can.

See more here:
Find an exercise time that works best for you - Rincn Latino

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