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How To Lose Weight Fast At Home –

How To Lose Weight Fast At Home 59 Expert Proven Methods Ravi Teja Tadimalla June 7, 2016
One of the main reasons we love flipping through popular celebrity magazines is to check out those fabulously toned and sculpted figures. Almost all of us have envied those perfect bodies, telling ourselves that the only reason celebs manage to look so good is because they have the luxury of a personal trainer or a dietitian.
Well, thats not true. With a little time, dedication, and commitment, you can also get the body of your dreams.
In this post we have come up with certain tips and techniques that can help you realize your fitness dreams. Delay no more and keep reading!
As they say, it all starts in the mind. Before you take steps to lose weight, you must first decide to do so.
Assess yourself and decide how many pounds you need to lose. This assessment must be based on your overall health, height, age, and bone structure.
Be realistic. Dont expect to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. It just doesnt happen that way.
What to remember First and foremost, make a strong commitment to lose weight.
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Having an expectation of how much weight you want to reduce is more important than you may realize. Do not have a vague idea of looking thin or an unrealistic goal of losing 10 kgs in a month. Such expectations are detrimental in the long term, bringing you back to square one. Set small, short term goals (5-10% of body weight) that you will stick to as time goes by.
A particularly effective way to start off on this journey is to aim for a particular dress size, marking it as a good motivation. Next, maintain a food dairy. Start recording what you eat and drink, as this gives you an idea of what the problem areas are. With more understanding, you would correct the diet and feel better about those choices.
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Diet is an integral part of your weight loss regime, and focusing on it is a given. Most people think they can eat what they want and exercise to burn off the extra calories and thats exactly why they eventually quit altogether.
Did you know that your diet is the largest contributor to your fitness? 80 percent of your fitness is dependent on the diet you have. Exercise forms the remaining 20 percent.
So focus on your diet it will help you become fit, and maintain your fitness levels once you lose all that weight.
What to remember Focus on what you are eating. Be mindful.
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What you can do is this For a week (before changing your usual diet) eat in your normal manner and make a note of all that you eat. You can write down everything in your diary or a journal. By the end of the week, you will be aware of what it is that you are consuming, and what it is that you need to replace in order to become your fittest self.
What to remember Keep track of what you are eating. That helps in understanding exactly what you are putting into your mouth.
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Okay. So you now know your eating habits and the kind of stuff that goes into your abdomen on a regular basis. Post this is the time to take some real action. Go through the list and check what all you can avoid to reach your weight loss goals. The idea is to understand what you can continue eating and what you must discontinue. Take a look at following guidelines:
What to remember Understand the characteristics of foods around you. Learn to differentiate the good from the bad.
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There are certain ways you can eat that will help you achieve your weight loss dreams faster. Simple tricks, if you ask me. Here you go:
What to remember Change your eating habits and behavior, as they also have an influence on your health.
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Because when you are trying to lose weight, what you eat is as important as how much you eat. Following are the different categories of foods you can include in your diet:
Including foods rich in protein in your diet will increase the metabolic rate. This will help your body burn more fat than you consume. Slower metabolism results in the slower burning of fat, thereby dampening your weight loss dreams.
Foods that boost your metabolism include the following:
a. Soybeans: They are extremely rich in protein that helps improve your metabolism. b. Hot peppers: This includes red and green chillies, and jalapenos. Jalapenos contain capsaicin that accelerate your heartbeat and improve metabolism. c. Spices: Spices like cinnamon increase your metabolic rate and promote weight loss. You can regularly add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to the curry of your choice.
Fiber-rich foods form a good part of a weight loss diet. The fiber keeps your stomach full for a longer time, and hence, you will not end up binging and packing pounds. It also improves your digestive system and regulates blood sugar levels.
Heres how you can include fiber in your diet:
a. You can have a medium-sized bowl of pulses, with lean meat or fish. Even brown rice is good. b. Oats with some diced fruits make a nutrition-rich and fat-free breakfast. c. Strawberries, raspberries, and bananas are also good sources of fiber. d. As an evening snack, you can have a bowl of fruits or sprouts. e. You can have a bowl of green veggie soup, containing spinach, broccoli, or peas, for your dinner, in addition to other items.
Well, who hasnt heard about antioxidants? They are the superheroes when it comes to defending the body against diseases. All types of berries, raisins, broccoli, spinach, cherries, oranges, and red bell peppers are rich in antioxidants.
What to remember Having sufficient knowledge about the nutritional values of different foods helps you plan your diet better.
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This probably is the number one mistake people who want to lose weight make. And also the number one reason people ultimately get discouraged and get back to their unhealthy habits.
Skipping meals might help you shed a few pounds but thats just temporary. Write this down and stick it somewhere you can see.
When you start skipping meals, your body enters the starvation mode. For some time you might think you can continue following the diet, but you cant. You will eventually lose control and end up hogging on anything that meets your eye, instead of keeping your portions under control.
Also, skipping meals deprives you of the required nutrition which is the perfect recipe for sickness.
What to remember Never skip meals. Focus on eating nutritious food than starving yourself.
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Balance is required in whatever you do. So is the case with your food. Yes, it is important that you stay away from junk and embrace healthful foods. But this in no way means you totally forget your favorite cake or chocolate cookies (or whatever it is that you love).
As long as you are watchful of your eating behavior, you can occasionally indulge in guilt foods probably once a month. Too much restriction, just like starving yourself, can eventually lead to temptation and your healthy diet would literally be chucked out of the window.
And I would like to repeat this not more than once a month. Dont make your indulgences a daily thing.
What to remember Dont torture yourself in the name of eating healthy. Maintain a healthy balance.
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Nothing new in this. Home food is always the healthiest. Because we are cooking for our own people, we tend to take extra care. We ensure that we use only healthful ingredients, and if needed, can customize our diet according to our needs.
All this doesnt happen in a restaurant. So if you are out and are returning home, make it a point to get to your own kitchen and cook and eat. Trust me, it will be worth it.
What to remember Food cooked outside is not as healthy as that prepared at home. Always prefer to eat at home.
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Fluids are as important as solids when it comes to maintaining optimum health. As already discussed, drink plenty of water. The best bet would be plain water with some natural flavoring. You can also treat yourself with smoothies provided you keep in mind not to add excess sugar or dairy products to it.
P.S: Stay away from packaged fruit juices, cold drinks, or alcohol. Yes, they are fluids too, but of the wrong kind.
What to remember Fluids are as important as solid food. Take them in plenty.
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Human beings would do almost anything to save their face in public. And in a way, that can help in achieving goals. So make your diet public. Tell all the important people in your life what you are doing. Some might mock at you, others might laugh at you, a few might encourage you but ultimately, everybody would provoke you in some way that motivates you to keep going.
What to remember Announcing your weight loss goals to your peers makes you more resolute to achieve them.
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I am against having emotions, not against using them Harvey Specter, Suits. And I am against emotional eating. Plain and simple.
When you are happy, you eat. When you are sad, you eat. When you are angry, or depressed, or pained, or whatever, you eat thinking that food can make you feel better.
And months down the line you would end up in the hospital bed, wondering whats happening.
Understand that emotions and food dont go hand in hand. Identify the issues that lead to food craving and solve them. You can even talk to your doctor and take help.
What to remember Dont take the help of food when you are on an emotional roller coaster. You wouldnt have control over your emotions, and hence, you wouldnt have control over what you eat.
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There would be times when we think we are hungry but in actuality we are just thirsty. Be aware of what you feel. If you feel like eating something between meals, try drinking something instead probably a glass of water or fresh fruit mix. If you still arent satisfied, go ahead and have a light snack.
What to remember Sometimes the hunger you feel is nothing but thirst in disguise. Consume water, and if you still feel hungry, you can eat something.
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There is no one single diet in the world that would fit all. We all have different levels of fitness and our weight loss goals could be different from that of another. Hence, customize your diet regime according to your needs and requirements. Dont blindly go for a diet plan just because it worked for someone else.
What to remember Everyone has their own unique body mechanisms. Find out what suits you and go ahead with it.
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Just hold on before you jump to conclusions. What I mean is of the available healthy foods, eat the ones you love. What is your favorite of fruits? And what about vegetables? Pick your favorites and munch them.
What to remember Pick the foods you love from the healthy lot, and eat more of them. This way you can enjoy your new and healthful diet.
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In case you are eating outside, the chances are high that your servings will be huge. If you happen to eat with your friends or family, you can always share your servings with them. You can also follow this while eating dessert on the go.
Of course, sharing is caring, right?
What to remember Share your servings with people around. This helps you reduce your intake and stay healthy.
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Hunger makes a person eat more the next time he or she sits down for a meal. Dietitians warn against staying for more than 8 hours without a meal. That makes breakfast the most important time to begin nourishing your body. Typically, night time eaters tend to skip breakfast, which is an unhealthy habit to begin with. Have proper breakfast to maintain energy levels, avoid cravings and consequent overindulgence.
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Dietitians suggest that the best way to shed the pounds is to eat small portions of food. When you eat smaller portions that are spread out over the day, the calories are also spread evenly. This ensures you have the same amount of calories as a normal meal but avoid the extra calories from unnecessary junk food.
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All effective methods to lose weight are the healthy ways. Staying hydrated and adding plenty of water to your diet ensures you stay full as well as healthy. Besides, every gram of fiber you eat helps you lose nearly ten calories from your body.
Additionally, according to research, drinking water before meals was found to reduce weight, probably because it makes a person feel fuller. So ensure you get more fruits and fruit juices.
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Having food at a consistent pace is a healthy choice of lifestyle. One needs to allow the body to maintain its internal clock by eating and sleeping at the same time each day. Having meals at the same time ensures stable blood sugar levels. Hence, the next time you feel hungry, it means you are actually hungry and are not experiencing a craving.
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Dietitians suggest you cook your food at home. Cooking it yourself from scratch enables you to check what goes into the dish. One can make informed decisions about which foods to choose from without cutting back on essential groups such as pasta or meat. Prefer steaming or baking the food to frying it.
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Dietitians have advised us to color our diet palates. We need to add a variety of vegetables to our diet chart, mixing them as much as possible. Red is a particularly healthy vegetable color to look out for. Coloring your diet is an innovative dietitian advice for weight loss as that will make sure you will have lesser sugary foods and beverages, reducing an overload of empty calories.
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Cravings are hard to stop in a short span of time. It needs a conscious eater, who is aware of each foodstuff going into their mouth, to control the cravings completely. One needs to cultivate an attitude to recognize triggers. Before that, desert lovers should try and make a list of those items that they absolutely cannot do without. While avoiding all the others, dietitians say it is safe to indulge in a dessert once or twice a week. Here too, portion size is the key.
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Never waver from your goal. One foolproof way to ensure this is to get the support of a friend. Do not make drastic diet changes. Keep exercise to your comfortable level, quit alcohol or drink it in moderation and importantly, stay away from too many sugary food stuffs.
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Regular exercise has an indispensable role to play in weight loss. Most of us often consider exercise to be a chore something that is more often performed with forcefulness. But if you take it as an activity to be enjoyed, or find that one physical activity that you enjoy doing, things will get simpler.
Simple options like cycling, walking, or even dancing can help greatly.
What to remember Exercise daily. The results might not show immediately, but they will benefit you over time.
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Yes, I understand that you are now all pumped up to become the next Jane Fonda. But hey, it doesnt happen overnight. And it definitely doesnt happen if you pounce upon the big machines in the gym right from the start.
Right away starting with intense exercises can wear you down soon, and you would eventually become demotivated something that you wouldnt want.
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