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May 2

Lose Weight Fast – Now Loss

I've been on your plan for a week & have Only Lost 7 Pounds - What do I need to do to Lose Weight Faster Shay Cole

(Play the video below if you hate reading)

Dale lost 22 lbs. in 3 weeks following these 4 steps

1. Eat at least 2 raw fruits &/or vegetables before each meal

Quick Tip: You could also drink at least 8 oz. of water with your raw fruits & veggies to really kill your hunger.

Highly recommended before meals: Apples, Broccoli, Green Bananas, Carrots, Peaches, and/or V8 juice.

2. Eat a 0-to-300 calorie meal after eating your raw fruits & veggies so

3. Eat UP To FOUR 0-to-300 Calorie Meals a Day

4. Follow 1 of These 4 Workout Plans

Tip: Use Fat burners like Green Tea, Lipo-6 or Hydroxycut before your workouts to give you more energy to workout longer & harder to burn even more fat as you workout.

Has This Actually Worked For Anybody?

I lost 22 pounds in just over 3 weeks


I did the lose 20 lbs in 3-4 weeks program to make weight for my military weight in and I lost 22 1bs in just over 3 weeks. Thanks for helping me make my weigh in!

To me These aren't that impressive but I am proud that I did it in 23/24 days! Feel free to use them if you like, hope to look better in a few months, thanks for the advice on my new plan, and for being so generous with your knowledge.

Sincerely, Dale Mathis

She Looked Great On Her Wedding Day

Hi Adrian!!!!

Wedding over now & thanks to your motivation I was able to lose a stone (14 pounds) and was much more relaxed with my body shape on my holiday & wedding day.

I think your amazing & will always refer to you as "my personal trainer" : ) thank you.

Helen Haddock

She Lost 15 Pounds in 3 Weeks

My confidence is on the way up and I feel great. Just in time for my Stateside vacation in two weeks. Maybe I'll wear a bikini instead of a suit this time!!! Hi Adrian, I've attached my before and after pics. I put the same dress on for comparison.

Thank you so much for all your motivation and support. My 3 week 15lb weight loss pics

Fiona Davies

Frequently Asked Questions

The amount of weight you lose and how fast you lose it doing this plan mainly depends on how overweight you are so the more overweight you are = the more weight you'll lose in 3-to-4 weeks on this plan and a good rule of thumb to follow is this

If you're more than 20-to-50 lbs. overweight

You may want to look at

Yes but remember: You're ONLY eating UP TO 1200 calories per day by eating UP TO FOUR 0-to-300 calorie meals (see steps 1-thru-3) so

You should ONLY do this diet for longer than 4 weeks if you're able to effortlessly sustain a less than 1200 calorie diet without you constantly being hungry or thinking about food all the time because

The Key to losing weight fast and keeping it off permanently is finding a diet (or a lifestyle change) you can stick to for the long-term and in most cases

It's going to be real tough & take lot of willpower on your part to stay on a very low 1200 calorie diet for more than 3-to-4 weeks to lose way more than 20 pounds and even if do tough it out for longer than 3-to-4 weeks

Then chances are you're going to gain back some or all of the weight you lost once get off the diet and go back to your old habits and that's why it's best that you use one of the permanent lifestyle changing weight loss plans here (especially if you don't have a weight loss emergency) to lose weight fast and keep it off for good.

You may want to look at

Yes, you will gain some weight back IF you go back to your old eating habits but

You can minimize your weight gain, maintain your 20+ weight loss or lose more weight by going on 1 of the permanent weight loss plans here after you've finished the 3-to-4 week diet.

Depends on how overweight you are so

Make Sure You Also See

See the original post:
Lose Weight Fast - Now Loss

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