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Woman who lost third of her body weight vowed not to put it back on in lockdown – this is how she’s doing it – Daily Post

A woman who lost more than eight stone after the sudden death of her father and sister says she is determined to keep the weight off during lockdown.
Ezme Rutherford-Hallam, from Holywell in Flintshire, lost 8st 7lbs following the Weight Watchers plan for 18 months.
After the lockdown was announced last month, the 40-year-old was determined to keep going and managed to lose another 6lbs during the first three weeks.
The former gift shop owner weighed more than 24 stone when she first committed to losing the weight having been "in and out" of Weight Watchers since her teens.
She has been following the plan using the virtual groups that have been set up to help people get by while social distancing rules are in place.
Ezme said: "I'm not doing any exercise at the moment for health reasons but before lockdown I was doing up to eight fitness classes a week and swimming.
"It's been a shock to the system and it's very hard not being able to do anything and being limited.
"At the moment I'm 2lbs below my goal weight having lost 6lbs over the first three weeks of lockdown.
"I'm still following the Weight Watchers plan and doing the virtual classes but I'm not as on top of it as I would be if I was going to the classes because I'm out of routine.
"The virtual classes are great because you can dip in and out of different ones so I've been doing ones in the Wirral, Chester and North Wales as I'm really conscious of putting any weight back on.
"Before lockdown I started to realise that I was an emotional eater so I need to make sure I'm not boredom eating which is easier to do when you're at work or out and about.
"I do miss the physical groups, when they told us they were closing them my heart sank but I'm so glad the virtual ones are available, they didn't just leave us hanging.
"It probably has affected the older generation or people who don't have Facebook or those who aren't tech-savvy but for the majority of us it's been so helpful.
"It's really helped keep me on track and with being able to go to loads of different online classes you get to meet new people and get different advice from people you would never meet otherwise.
"It took me 18 months to lose the weight but when I look in the mirror I still see myself as bigger.
"If you show me a picture of me before and put it next to a picture of me now it's obvious how much I've lost but because it happened so gradually I don't really see it in my reflection.
"I do have a lot of excess skin after the weight loss but who cares, if other people don't like it then they don't have to look at me."
Ezme says she has always been in and out of Weight Watchers after years of he grandmother telling her she "would be pretty if you were thin".
She added: "I could never understand why my grandmother would say those things because she was a big lady herself.
"I come from a big-bodied family and would say that the majority of them are obese, none of us are skinny but she would always be very derogatory about our weight.
"She was quite horrible and hypocritical as she would take sweets and chocolate up to bed with her at night."
The final push came when she suddenly lost her father, Harold, to a brain tumour in 2014.
In the meantime her sister, Mirraelle, was hospitalised and caught a flesh eating bug and needed emergency surgery to save her life.
Ezme, who works in a bakery, said: "My sister was fighting for her life when my dad died so I think all of the stress and heartache from that made me lose weight quicker.
"She pulled through and I carried on losing weight steadily."
Tragically in October 2016 Ezme's sister died of chronic heart failure at 45 years old just 48 hours after getting married.
"We went from cloud nine to the depths of despair within two days.
"We were still replying to lovely comments on the pictures of her wedding day on Facebook when we had to start telling people that sadly she had passed away.
"Once again this impacted on my weight and I began losing at a faster pace and decided that I was going to do it once and for all.
"I realised that it was only me and my mum now and that was no age for my sister to die and it was a sort of lightbulb moment for me.
"I lost three to four pounds a week at first and then it slowed down to one or two but I'm OK with that, a loss is a loss.
"My goal was to get to 15 stone and 5lbs and I'm below that now so I'm happy.
"I will never be a bikini girl anyway.
"I actually got to target while working at the bakery which shocks people.
"I do have a cheat day every Thursday after I get weighed because it's not about totally depriving yourself it's about being responsible with it and carrying on living your life.
"No government lockdown will stop me from maintaining my goal weight."
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Woman who lost third of her body weight vowed not to put it back on in lockdown - this is how she's doing it - Daily Post
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