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Sep 7

Masterchef’s Gregg Wallace says he lost weight to be ‘attractive’ for young wife – Mirror Online

Masterchef host Gregg Wallace says losing his love handles is keeping the romance alive with his younger wife.

Gregg, 55, who used to weigh 16 stone, says he was motivated after falling in love with a younger woman, then wanting to be physically attractive for her.

He met Anna, 33, in 2013, and went on to shed four stone through exercise and healthier eating because he did not want to be the older and fatter partner.

Gregg said: Ive got more energy and stamina and Im stronger and leaner than I was at 25.

"If someone cant get a jar open, I want to do it.

A big wake-up call for Gregg was being told he had dangerously high cholesterol, which is when he signed up with a personal trainer.

His goal, he said, was to look more like a Love Island star because he hated seeing how tubby he looked on screen.

Ditching the conveyor belt of takeaways and fry-ups really helped the weight drop off, and now he loves buying clothes that I like, not clothes that will cover me over.

Catching the fitness bug also led Gregg to launch a website,, to help others achieve their fitness goals.

It includes his own tips, exercise routines from his personal trainer, wife Annas healthy recipes and advice from a nutritionist and psychologist.

But Gregg reckons the key to getting fit is to be patient.

He said: When we slip up we tend to chuck it all in, but thats not the way. Youre going to slip up. Youre going to go to the pub, drink too much and get a kebab on the way home.

What I have learned is being good most of the time is good enough.

You dont have to go crazy. You dont have to be hungry. There is no way Im going through the week without a pint of beer. But Im careful most of the time and here I am, as fit as a butchers dog.

Gregg refused to go down the 5:2 fasting plan route, finding the idea uncomfortable.

He said: Why do people put themselves through that? It might make you lose weight short-term but its not sustainable.

You need to gradually move yourself to a better place. In the end your body craves the good things. If you put a fry-up in front of me now, I wouldnt want it.

Gregg recommends starting by making simple changes.

So the roast potatoes go from a pile to two and a boiled one, the rib eye steak becomes fillet, fish in batter becomes grilled fish, a chocolate bar becomes an apple Have a gammon steak and a poached egg, it will fill you up longer than a bacon sandwich.

He says tinned and frozen food can even be the healthy choice.

I dont know one single chef who doesnt use frozen peas once in a while, he said.

Gregg exercises for an hour at the gym, five days a week, and kept up his regime at home in lockdown.

He has also been enjoying walks near his home in Kent and cooking healthy lunches for Anna, his daughter Libby, 23, one-year-old son Sid and Annas parents.

But the crisis has made Gregg reevaluate life.

He said: Im a workaholic. I want to slow down a touch. I loved being at home. It made me appreciate what Ive got.

Greggs weight loss and fitness subscription website costs 7 per month.

Excerpt from:
Masterchef's Gregg Wallace says he lost weight to be 'attractive' for young wife - Mirror Online

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