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Mar 6

Some of the most popular diets but do they actually work? – Flux Magazine

words Alexa Wang

Do you find yourself constantlytrying to find the right diet? Like most of us, you might try to get tips fromyour favorite celebrity or swap information with friends and family. You mightalso opt for the popular diets that you hear about every now and then. If itswidespread and so many people are on it, then it must work, right?

But is whats popular alwaysright, Or are most of the popular diets just a fad?

We are going to help you get tothe bottom of this once and for all, so can find the diet that stops yourweight fluctuations, and makes you feel good and healthy. Before you select anydiet you should know more about your body and what it requires. If you arelooking for fast results, you can read more here on a diet designed specificallyfor those who dont want to lose that much weight.

Here are some of the most popular diets of today, and whether theyare a go or a no!

This diet was eyed with suspicionwhen it first became a celebrity go-to. Many were skeptical because Atkinspromised that bacon, eggs, steak cooked in butter, and smoked salmon with creamcheese are safe options on your weight-loss menu. You would have to watch yourcarbs still, but youll get an abundance of tasty options nonetheless. Sounds alittle too good to be true, and far from healthy, right?

Atkins focuses mainly on fats andproteins such as poultry, meat, seafood, oils, eggs, cheese and butter. Itsuggests steering clear of sugary carbs such as pasta, bread, candy, potatoes,chips and cookies. Carbs will be initially limited to vegetable form only untilyou progress, and then your diet will include more foods like beans, fruits,and whole grains.

Atkins is known to be one of thebest low-carb diets, and it involves only a mediumlevel of difficulty following it. If your diet barely consists of fruits andvegetables, and you are a big fan of your pasta and white bread, then this dietcan work for you and help you lose weight.

Ketogenic diets are also anothercontroversial celebrity favorite. However, as time passes, Keto is growingincreasingly popular all around the globe. There are many diets, we know thatcontain keto options including the Paleo, Atkins and South Beach; however, atrue Ketogenic diet is unlike other low-carb dietsthat choose to focus on protein. Thats because Keto revolves around fat, whichprovides 90% of daily calories under it.

The Keto diet predominantlyfocuses on reducing frequent epileptic seizures that children suffer from.Despite not actually being a weight-loss program, the Keto diet has been usedas one. Studies have shown that Keto only produces short term results when usedas a weight loss diet with mixed results. There has been, therefore, noguarantee that it will be effective for everyone.

The Mediterranean diet is quite astandard regimen. It takes time to see improvements, but they will appeargradually and sensibly. This diet will not result in quick, drastic changes toyour blood pressure, cholesterol, or your weight, but if you persevere you willbe rewarded.

As the name suggests, theMediterranean diet is based on the eating patterns that are primarily popularwithin countries along the Mediterranean; such as Spain, Greece, and the Southof Italy.

It focuses on vegetables, fruits,and whole grains, as well as lean meats and fish. It limits the amount of youranimal protein intake; so only moderate amounts of red meat, cheese and yogurtare allowed. This diet also centers around olive oil, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

Studies of the Mediterranean diethave shown that it does work quite well in improving health because of its positiveeffect on the digestive system. This diet has also played a role in healinginflammation inside the body. Its combination of vegetables, olive oil, andlean meats has resulted in reducing breast cancer risk for its followers. Also,its consistent use of extra-virgin olive oil is beneficial as it preventsarrhythmia, and is associated with lower risks for dementia and diabetes.

So, as you can see most of thesediets are popular for a reason. The truth with any diet is that, no matter howgood it may be for others, if it doesnt suit your specific needs it wont havemuch of a positive impact. The trick with any diet is to make sure it includeswhat your body requires. Just because a diet worked for your friends or familymembers, does not mean it will be right for you.

Some of the most popular diets but do they actually work? - Flux Magazine

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