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May 15

12-year-old inspires his family to lose weight

Tired of being bullied at school, Marshall Reid decided to do something about his ballooning weight, so he inspired his family to make a commitment to healthier living. Now 36 pounds lighter, Marshall and his mother, Alexandra, chat about their new book, "Portion Size Me: A Kid-Driven Plan to a Healthier Family," which outlines the Reid family's journey to fitness.

By Linda Carroll

Ten-year-old Marshall Reid was tired of being bulled about his weight. He was tired of not being able to keep up with the other kids at recess and of having to constantly pull his shirts down to keep his stomach covered.

One of my classmates actually told me, You know, you dont look very good. Youre fat, Reid told TODAY.

But with the Reid family eating out most nights, it was impossible for the frustrated tween to do much about his weight.

Then Marshall saw the documentary, Supersize Me, and he got an idea: Maybe he could do the opposite of what he saw in the movie and eat healthy for 30 days. However, he knew that wouldnt work without his familys help.

Marshall went to his mom, Alexandra, and told her things had to change. Im done, he told her. Im not doing this anymore. Im not putting up with this. Im going to change myself.

The conversation hit Alexandra Reid hard.

I knew it came from his heart, Alexandra told TODAYS Ann Curry. It was a sad moment for me because I knew he was hurting and any mother doesnt want their child hurting.

I felt like somebody had thrown a brick at me because the amount of parental responsibility that all of a sudden came washing down on me was alarming, she told TODAY.

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12-year-old inspires his family to lose weight

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