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Feb 4

Can Laxatives Make You Lose Weight? Watch This Before Taking Laxatives – Video

Can Laxatives Make You Lose Weight? Watch This Before Taking Laxatives
Can Laxatives Make You Lose Weight? Can Laxatives Make You Lose Weight Safely? Visit: A lot of people ask the age old question #39;can laxatives make you lose weight? #39; or #39;is taking laxatives to lose weight dangerous #39;? While the answer should be fairly obvious, it is surprising that a lot of people still resort to this unfavorable method of weight loss. If you really want to know the answer to the question #39;can laxatives make you lose weight? #39;, it is that laxatives are absolutely dangerous for your health when you take it on a daily basis and should be completely avoided as a weight loss tool. As a rule, laxatives are drugs that are administered orally to people who happen to suffer from constipation. Because they are unable to pass stool, laxatives are given to them so that they would be able to do so again. However, people have started abusing laxatives to lose weight. They take this drug after meals so that passing stool would come easily all at once and they can eliminate the foods they eat immediately. People who do this believe that it would help them lose weight and stay thin and slim. Can laxatives make you lose weight? Do you really believe that losing weight can come that easily? After all, if such an option were a wise one, everyone would stop exercising, stop dieting and simply consume laxatives. There are many dangers of taking laxatives to lose weight. Firstly, what you have to know is that laxatives only help to rid your body of its water content ...

By: WeightLossTub3

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Can Laxatives Make You Lose Weight? Watch This Before Taking Laxatives - Video

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