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Do you want to lose weight, then be quarantined? Why is it that on a Keto Diet, it may be the solution for you – the Power – Matzav Review

What is the secret behind the way of Koutney Kardashian, Halle Berry, Adriana Lima or Vanessa Hudgens? Simple: you diet Keto or cetognica. Dont start with the conclusions: this is one of those formulas in the ultra-secret food estranhssimos habits and amazing that it is only the school they follow. Its a lot simpler than that. This is a plan for affordable the only products that you find in the supermarket, the ones that are part of this formula is effective, and that is to lose weight, and it reduces the fat in the body.
But this does not mean that it is a easy thing to do, because we all know how hard it is to go through a process of loss of weight the more we think about what we cant eat it, the more you want to eat, and its a pain in the ass. But, okay, heres the thing that just gets worse all the more so because, with this exclusion, almost all of the carbohydrates, which the body gets messed-up and unsure of where to go and get the energy you need. But he is smart: it goes to the fat that you want to delete them. That is, the body is a fascinating thing.
And how does it work? What is it that you can eat? What are the consequences? These and other questions. We explain to you all about the diet Keto in three key areas, and with the help of a nutritionist, Ana Lucia Silva.
Before we commit ourselves, with great explanations, there are a few facts that nutricionias that you should keep in mind so that you are able to notice the shift of the radical regime Keto causes in the functioning of the body. Basically, there are a group of nutrients, the macronutrients, which are responsible for giving us energy. It is composed of three main actors: the carbohydrates, which is our major source of energy in the immediate on our fuel as we do in all of our activities, so we have everything in our body to work on; then there are the proteins, which are essential for the muscles and cells, and, in the end, the fat, which has the function of storing energy, as well as a sort of storehouse for energy.
In the diet Keto to change the function of the energy of macro nutrients, with the elimination or drastic decrease of nutrients and an increase in the other. This is the kind of diet that basically consists of lowering the consumption of foods that are rich in carbohydrates and increasing the intake of foods that are rich in protein, while maintaining the consumption of a balanced fat, says registered dietitian.
Thus, in this regime, we do not accept the intake of cereals and by-products of cereals, legumes and root vegetables, or with bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, beans, lentils, chick not forgetting, of course, but also cakes, biscuits, soft drinks, fruit juices, chocolates, anything rich in flour and sugar.
On the other hand, its about the macronutrient is predominant, there are various theories. Some advocate that an intake of great fats (saturated and unsaturated), but its Ana Lucia, Silva, gives the preference to the protein, thus restricting the intake of lipids, and to their health. Going to be the key to consume protein. With this choice, the origin of the animal, including meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products, with some degree of caution on the amount of fat, he says. The consumption of fats would be on the sources, the more unsaturated, such as olive oil, vegetable oil, avocado, fish, and tree nuts.
So, but without the calories, as the body has no energy right now? That is a good question. We explain this point below.
Most of the calorie restriction, this diet is restricted in carbohydrates a change that generates a change in the body, is highly efficient in the burning of fat in the body. The name Keto, that serves as an abbreviation for the term cetognica. The diet cetognica is the one that causes the body to enter a process of ketosis, the production of ketone bodies, it is a phenomenon that results from the elimination of this macronutrient and added sugars in the diet plan.
The diet cetognica it works for the carbohydrates, the main source of energy in red blood cells and the cells of the brain, when the amount of available glucose, which is a single unit of a carbohydrate is not available, the body tends to use its fat reserves and, eventually, a few of the muscle tissue, as an alternative way to produce the same glucosesays the nutritionist. The ketone bodies are a by-product that results from the use of fat as an energy source.
As a result, the body to pass to go pick it up the stored fats in the body is the source of the energy that you need to work on. At the bottom, in this case there is an exchange of the main power source is no longer on the carbs and fat in the body, it will begin to decrease, thus resulting in weight loss and reduction of inches.
In the long term, hunger is also decreased, because of the absence of the ingestion of the glucose, makes sure there are ups and downs, drastic blood glucose, which makes us become weak, and the desire to eat. But, in the short term, you can feel the effects of the settling-in period. It is not as easy as it sounds.
This is a change from a fuel to generate some of the effects are unpleasant: fatigue, aches and pains, headache and difficulty in concentrating are some of them.
Because this is the kind of diet that uses a pipe as a source of energy will no longer be the calories and make your fat stores and some muscle tissue as an undesired side-effects may arise from the decreased ability to concentrate, constipation, and an impairment to the physical performances, especially the ones that require more effort, more high, says Ana Lucia Silva.
In addition to this, it is common to get bad breath: The ketone bodies are derived in the appendix, then it may be a alitose [mau hlito]which creates a distinctive odour in the breath of a person.
Ana Lucia Silva is not recommended because this type of diet to those who do, is physical activity, lack of intensity, as well as those who have demands on the intellectual as well.
Whats more, it highlights the need for follow-up work: what I would advise is that you follow these protocols, followed by a nutritionally oriented doctor, because, in spite of these general guidelines, each situation is different and, for this reason, all diets need to be personalized.
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Do you want to lose weight, then be quarantined? Why is it that on a Keto Diet, it may be the solution for you - the Power - Matzav Review
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