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Mar 12

Eating right – The Navhind Times

The next Navhind Times workshop on March 22 at DempoHouse, Panaji, will see award-winning celebrity nutritionist and director ofDiet Dr Clinic, Harpreet Pasricha, speaking about nutrition, weight loss, superfoods, etc. Participants will also get a free body composition analysis withnutrition counselling. NT KURIOCITY details


Owner anddirector of Diet Dr Clinic, a chain of wellness and weight loss clinics inIndia, Harpreet Pasricha has been in the wellness business for over 20 years.With a post-graduation in food and nutrition, a certification fromInternational Sports Sciences Association, USA, a certified practitioner ofNutrigenomics, and a doctorate in alternative medicine, her achievements in thefield of nutrition are many.

Her fame as a credible lifestyle guru has established heras one of the leading nutrition experts in the country and she was awarded theInternational Quality Award by former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen. She was alsohonoured with The Best Nutritionist in India at the Indias Best Doctors Award(IBDA) for making a real difference to her clients lives and achieving thehighest levels of excellence in her offerings.

Pasricha believes that each individual has a uniqueconstitution and her holistic approach to weight loss revolves around thisbelief. Through personalised diet plans, regimented follow ups, and constantencouragement she helps her clients achieve realistic goals.

Quite often people have many misconceptions about diets.They are under the impression that being on a diet means eating only soups orsalads for dinner or cutting down calories. However, at Diet Dr Clinic, webelieve in eating right and not eating less, being healthy and not beingdeficient in any vitamins and minerals, says Pasricha. The workshop thus, hasbeen planned keeping in mind the plethora of weight and lifestyle managementissues faced by many people. Participants will learn about the importance of anatural and healthy diet in weight management. The workshop will touch upon thedangers of falling prey to crash and fad diets which can lead to seriousnutritional deficiencies and damage to internal organs, she says. Pasrichawill also help participants gain an understanding of different super foods andthe dangers of packaged foods, through engaging games, quizzes and demos.

The talk and workshop, she says will benefit all agegroups, from children to adults. Since we are all exposed to a wide variety offoods, becoming aware of what we are consuming especially the detrimentaleffects of sugar and other additives found in packaged and processed foods isextremely vital. It is imperative we all realise the need to be discerningabout our food choices, she states.

At the session, participants will also get a bodycomposition analysis along with nutrition counselling. A body compositionanalysis, she says, is a physical test that measures fat mass, fat free masssuch as bones, muscle, water) and body mass index. This analysis provides witha better understanding of health factors such as higher risk to diabetes,cholesterol depending on the fat percent and is a more widely used analysiscompared to other screening methods such as BMI (height to weight ratio), shesays.

Diet as we are well aware affects our general health andwell-being and dietary deficiencies and imbalance can cause serious medicalconditions. Life span, health, immunity, energy, metabolism, complexion,strength, enthusiasm, lustre and mental as well as emotional clarity are alladversely affected by foods, stresses Pasricha. Actually, you are what youdigest and assimilate and you become diseased by the foods that your body doesnot digest, she says. People are plagued with many illnesses, primarily dueto unhealthy dietary choices. Hence by understanding the individuals body typeand health parameters, we will be able to help the person by giving nutritioncounselling so that they can accordingly set realistic health and wellnessgoals and be able to achieve them.

Along with helping people lose weight, Pasricha is alsoinvolved in, designing of special menus for people suffering from migraine,acidity, hypertension, diabetes, asthma and various other medical problems.Speaking about the common mistakes people make with concerns food and diet, shesays that the most common is following crash or fad diets to lose weight.These are temporary methods that aid in weight loss and eventually have otherside effects such as hair fall, skin pigmentation, vitamin and mineraldeficiency etc. Instead eat right! says Pasricha. She recommends eating allfood groups and not eliminating any. This can cause an imbalance ofmicronutrients and would adversely affect internal organs like, kidney, thegut, heart and liver. Instead incorporate the many local and seasonal superfoods that are easily available into your diet, she says.

Dispelling a common myth that people have that bananas,rice and potatoes are fattening, she says: Although a banana is sweeter thatan apple or orange, it has only 85 calories. Bananas are a wonderful source ofpotassium and contain valuable protein. Dieters report bananas are more fillingthan some of the other fruits, and are also great for reducing constipation.Similarly, rice and potatoes are also essential in food as they are source ofB-complex vitamins, fibre and amino acids. All these foods should be consumedbut in a wiser manner.

Participants at the workshop will be introduced to somesuper foods like kokum, amarnath, virgin coconut oil, desi ghee, chia seedsetc. Super foods are foods that have functional properties that help reducedeficiencies, aids in reducing weight and improving overall health. They can besimple foods found in your kitchen and are not necessarily expensive packagedfoods. Though many foods could be described as super, it is important to understandthat there is no single food that holds the key to good health or diseaseprevention, states Pasricha.

Asked what are some major food-related health issues thatwomen in India especially Goa face, she answers, In todays generation, wefind every fourth women suffering from gynaecological issues such as PCOD/PCOS,endometriosis, fibroids, etc. This was not common 10-20 years back, butnowadays, we see girls even at the age of 15 detected with PCOD/PCOS, shesays. This, says Pasricha, can be contributed mainly to the wrong eating habitssuch as excessive consumption of packaged, processed foods, fruits andvegetables being sprayed with injections and pesticides, chicken injected withgrowth hormones etc. These eating habits have eventually affected the hormonalbalance in women leading to the gynaecological problems, she says.

(If you are above 13 years of age and would like toparticipate in the workshop, log on to and fill in theregistration form. Last date for registration is March 16.)

Eating right - The Navhind Times

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