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Aug 1

Folks have to decide to lose weight themselves

Dear Annie: My parents and siblings often complain that they can't lose weight. However, they douse their food in salt and sauces, drink alcohol before bed, and have no qualms about pulling out the potato chips or chocolate candy. I used to be like them, but I've lost a great deal of weight and feel fantastic.

When my family complains about their weight, I suggest that they accompany me on my walks or eat the same foods I eat, but they decline. They tease me when I measure out portion sizes or choose healthier options for my meals. They congratulate me when they notice my continuing weight loss, but then they urge me to "slow down." What does this mean? Are they jealous of my success?

Annie, I can't stand to watch them put unhealthy things into their mouths anymore. What do I do? -- Healthier and Happier

Dear Healthier: Nothing. You have discovered that losing weight is important for your health, but you didn't do it because someone told you to. Your relatives must be self-motivated. The most you can do is set a good example by modeling the type of behavior that will help them. When they are ready, they will take the next step. It's possible they are jealous, or they may be genuinely concerned that you have some type of eating disorder. But if your diet is healthy and well-balanced, you should continue to focus on your own good habits and do your best not to lecture them on theirs. If eating around them is too difficult, take your meals elsewhere.

Dear Annie: Throughout my life, whenever I've been in a mixed group of men and women, the men frequently talk over the women or interrupt them before they are finished. Now that we are over 60, the problem is worse, as many of our male friends are hard of hearing. Do you have any suggestions about how to get a word in edgewise or finish a sentence tactfully? -- Pat

Dear Pat: We hate to say it, but some men are simply dismissive of women's conversation. If you are close friends, you should mention it, asking them to be more considerate and reminding them when they forget. Otherwise, there's not much you can do other than talk over them, ignore them or direct your conversation to a more amenable listener.

To write to Annie's Mailbox, send to c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 Third St., Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.

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Folks have to decide to lose weight themselves

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