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Jun 3

How to Lose Weight Naturally: 15 Steps (with Pictures …

Steps Part 1 Practicing the Right Eating Habits
















How can I lose weight if there is always good food in the house?

wikiHow Contributor

Change your idea of what good food means. Good food doesn't mean unhealthy food. Try to keep your kitchen as healthy as possible. If you're living with your family, keep the unhealthy foods away from the healthy ones by sorting the fridge or cupboards. Discover which healthy foods you love and they will become your "good foods". And everyone will benefit, as nobody is immune from lifestyle diseases.

Why can't I lose weight when I eat once a day and only eat fruit for dinner?

wikiHow Contributor

Starving yourself like this tells your body that food is scarce and simply convinces it to shut down your metabolism (fat burning rate), which in turn slows down weight loss. Increase the amount you're eating and the type of food, so that you have a healthy regime, such as five 300 calorie+ meals a day with 40 to 60 minutes of exercise and you should be able to lose weight.

What are the healthiest foods to eat?

wikiHow Contributor

Fruit and vegetables are the healthiest. Also, try to stay away from processed food--this includes processed fruit and vegetables!

I have a very bad right hip. I dislocated and fractured it in 1986. It is very hard to exercise without feeling pain, during or after. What should I do, or what can I do?

wikiHow Contributor

Can you just gently walk? Do it 20 minutes in morning and another half an hour after dinner. Your weight will gradually come down. Also, morning walks after hot plain water helps liver to convert body fat to energy.

How can I reduce belly fat?

wikiHow Contributor

Don't eat sugar and avoid sugar-sweetened drinks. Eating more protein is a great long-term strategy to reduce belly fat. Cut carbs from your diet. Eat foods rich in fiber, especially viscous fiber. Exercise is very effective at reducing belly fat.

How do I get energy when I don't have any?

wikiHow Contributor

The more active you become, the more energy you'll have. Start slowly, by taking increasingly-longer walks around your neighborhood, then perhaps work up to a cardio program at a local fitness center. Get enough sleep. Drink plenty of water. Do daily movement. Limit alcohol, caffeine and sugar.

I am 45 and gaining weight rapidly. My thyroid is fine. I control my diet, drink only green tea and walk every morning. What else can I do to lose weight?

wikiHow Contributor

Go on a walk two times a day, try the gym and try a longer walk for one of the two daily walks. At your age, it does start getting harder to keep of weight, so ensure that your food portions are of an appropriate size and highly nutritious.

What are some good weight loss tips for a child?

wikiHow Contributor

A child should not yet be thinking of dieting and losing weight. Many young girl and boys face the struggle of not feeling confident in their bodies, which often leads to eating disorders. If the child is severely overweight, he or she could visit a doctor and ask for his or her advice.

What exercises help to reduce body weight?

wikiHow Contributor

Cardio exercises are best for losing weight.

How do I lose weight off my chest and stomach?

wikiHow Contributor

The best way to take weight off your chest and stomach is to eat fewer calories, do pushups, cardio, sit ups and planks.

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Categories: Losing Weight

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Espaol:bajar de peso naturalmente,Portugus:Perder Peso Naturalmente,Italiano:Perdere Peso Naturalmente,Deutsch:Auf natrlichem Weg abnehmen,: ,Nederlands:Op natuurlijke wijze afvallen,Franais:perdre du poids de faon naturelle,etina:Jak pirozen zhubnout,Bahasa Indonesia:Menurunkan Berat Badan Secara Alami,:,: ,: (Vajan Kam Kaise Kare),Ting Vit:Gim cn T nhin,:

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How to Lose Weight Naturally: 15 Steps (with Pictures ...

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