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Aug 9

OWLS program offers weight-management for older adults

By: FRAN DANIEL | Winston-Salem Journal Published: August 08, 2012 Updated: August 08, 2012 - 11:22 PM

Debbie Hughes and Rebecca Matthews signed up for a weight-management program called MY TURN six months ago because the friends were frustrated about not being able to lose weight.

"When you read the magazines and when you see stuff on TV, everybody is 20 and 30," said Hughes.

She is 60 and Matthews is 62.

"At this age, we're not ready to be models anymore," Hughes joked. "I'm more realistic about my goals."

MY TURN is part of the OWLS program at the Sticht Center on Aging at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.

OWLS, which stands for Optimizing Weight for Life in Seniors, is a weight-management program geared for those ages 55 and older. The program opened in 2008.

Barbara Nicklas, the program's director, came up with the idea after getting feedback from research study participants at the medical center.

"When they were entering back into a life without research, they wanted to know what to do to maintain their exercise and weight loss," said Elizabeth Chmelo, a program manager for Wake Forest Baptist.

The OWLS program is led by dietitians, exercise physiologists and geriatricians.

Read more:
OWLS program offers weight-management for older adults

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