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Jul 13

See which diet techniques work best for weight loss

Want to lose weight? Write down everything you eat. Dont skip meals. Dont go out for lunch -- at least not very often.

These three tips come from a study comparing the behaviors and eating patterns of a group of women in a yearlong weight-loss study.

The research involved 123 overweight-to-obese women age 50 and older who live sedentary lives. After a year, the women lost an average of 10 percent of their body weight.

Three factors had a big impact on an individuals success, the researchers found:

Those who kept a food journal lost 6 pounds more than those who did not. Those who ate regular meals lost almost 8 pounds more than those who skipped meals. The women who went out for lunch at least once a week lost an average of 5 fewer pounds than those who ate out less often.

"For individuals who are trying to lose weight, the No. 1 piece of advice based on these study results would be to keep a food journal to help meet daily calorie goals, said Anne McTiernan, director of the Hutchinson Center's Prevention Center in Seattle and lead author of the study. It is difficult to make changes to your diet when you are not paying close attention to what you are eating."

The report was published online today in The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

The study did not find that exercise made a big difference. The participants were divided into two groups one followed a diet plan and the other an exercise-plus-diet approach. Both groups averaged a 10 percent weight loss.

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To track their food intake, the women were given printed booklets. McTiernan said any tracking tool will work from a pad of paper to a smart phone or tablet. She offered the following tips:

Read more from the original source:
See which diet techniques work best for weight loss

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