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Jan 24

Want To Lose Weight Fast? — Beware Of 4 Common Myths That Can Sabotage Your Dreams – Video

Want To Lose Weight Fast? -- Beware Of 4 Common Myths That Can Sabotage Your Dreams
Yes, there are a lot of weight loss myths out there. In spite of all the miracles of the #39;information age #39;, people are still full of mis-information about how to lose weight fast, healthily and consistently. Let us try to destroy some of these common myths. Myth 1: I can worry about all-round fat loss later, first let me get rid of this weight around my belly. This is probably the kind of thought process that drives people to buy sauna belts and other #39;belly fat #39; gadgets, mostly advertised on TV. The truth is that there is no known way to get rid of belly fat specifically while ignoring thigh fat, face fat or arm fat. Fat loss is not a process that can be activated on specific target areas; it is an all-inclusive process, and with the right diet and exercise, one can start burning body fat. Sauna belts never gave anyone a body to die for. To get rid of those inches around your waist instantly, they drain out the water in the form of sweat, and all that water goes back when you replenish! Myth 2: The best way to lose weight rapidly is that miraculous 2-week diet I heard about. Any extremely low calorie, drastic and unbalanced diet that puts your body and mind through extreme self-denial is hazardous to your health and actually counter-productive for your weight loss goals. Sure, in the short run there is no faster way to lose weight than a #39;crash #39; diet, but such a diet sends the body into a shock, and in order to prepare for the famine conditions, the body #39;s metabolism ...

By: Mynetvision1

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Want To Lose Weight Fast? -- Beware Of 4 Common Myths That Can Sabotage Your Dreams - Video

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