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May 21

Weight Loss Diets: The perfect shake to lose weight and burn fat in a short time and effectively – Explica

On many occasions we seekHow to burn that fat that we have in the abdomen and that we can not get rid of, no matter how much we exercise or eat better.Many of us have tried to get hold ofsmoothies to lose weight,reduce fat, purify our body, in short, feel better. For this we proposea fruit-based smoothie and an ingredient that often goes unnoticedand that, in addition to flavor, it is beneficial for the kidney and digestive system, relieves flatulence and cramps and is none other than parsley.

For itWe will need half a melon, two cucumbers, two pears, the juice of two lemons and about 20 grams of parsley.In addition, we will use 250 milliliters of water to better liquefy all the ingredients. It is also advisable to use some chia seeds. This seed contains twice as much protein as any other similar type of seed. To use them we must leave them to soak for about 20 minutes.We can also leave them overnightAnd when we discover them we will see how they have acquired a gelatinous texture that will sweeten their flavor.This smoothie will help us lose weight easily and quicklyand it is also one of the cheapest we can do in our own house and thus be able to lose weight easily and without starving.These types of shakes also help improve skin.and the hair to be full of vitamins and antioxidants.

In our blenderWe will start by throwing the two cucumbers completely peeled, the two pears peeled, without seeds and in more or less medium pieces. We will cut the melon half so that it enters the blender glass without problems and we will also pour it into the blender.We will use between 10 and 20 grams of parsley and the juice of the two lemons.When beating we must make sure that the mixture is as liquefied as we want. As for parsley, the more we use it will be better for the properties of our smoothie, although it must be recognized that perhaps the flavor can be very strong.This smoothie can replace a breakfast or dinner, you can not abuse this type of drinks so much as to replace them with a meal, the main one of the day. With these ingredients we will have about a liter and a half of this drink. LOr it is better to refrigerate it in order to use it if we have not finished it the first time it was taken.

This smoothie helps detoxify the body,to burn localized fat and thanks to the properties of the fruit, parsley and chia will even serve our kidneys well.


Continued here:
Weight Loss Diets: The perfect shake to lose weight and burn fat in a short time and effectively - Explica

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