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Nov 3

Wellness 101: lose weight the healthy way

They are in newspapers, magazines and TV. Theyre on the sides of Facebook, Google and YouTube. Get a skinny boost. No surgery needed. Lose weight and learn to keep it off. Without even realizing it, we are not only constantly bombarded with weight loss ads, but we are also being told we are fat.

Whats worse, though, is the unrealistic suggestion that we should turn to drugs and other quick fix solutions to shed any unwanted pounds. What these ads dont tell you is that when a weight loss system sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Many people see weight loss as a way to improve their appearance. While this is true, maintaining a manageable weight is more about being healthy and physically in shape, and this takes work.

But many times, advertisements fool us into thinking that there is a way to cut the corners in weight loss. As a result, we turn to gimmick and fad diets, extreme low calorie diets and artificial weight loss pills, none of which promote health maintenance in the least.

Fad diets are those that offer rapid fat loss with short-term results. A lot of hype surrounds new dieting plans, but a study done by the University of Massachusetts published in the International Journal of Obesity in 2008 found that popular fad diets have low adherence, which can quickly lead to weight regain if the diet becomes too difficult to follow.

Some examples of fad diets include the grapefruit juice diet, where eating half a grapefruit is required for every meal, and the caveman diet, which is a plan to eat the wild plants and animals that were consumed during paleolithictimes.

Extreme low calorie diets are also a cause for concern. These diets require low levels of daily food energy consumption and can range from about 600-1,000 calories a day.

Though this does result in the desired weight loss, there are many consequences to these diets because the body is not designed to starve. The lack of calories disrupts the metabolism and deprives the body of necessary nutrients.

This lack of nutrients is unhealthy for various parts of your body and will eventually sabotage your diet in the long run. For example, a lack of protein will result in muscle loss, as your body will consume its own muscle mass.

A similar finding in a study done by scientists at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria and published in the Journal of Medical Case Reports examined a case of a patient on a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet who developed diabetic ketoacidosis, a condition where extremely low blood sugar leads the body to break down fat for energy. (The acidic ketone bodies produced in this process then cause complications.) Our bodies need a balance, so while there will be initial weight loss, restricting certain food groups through low calorie diets will undoubtedly lead to nutritional deficiencies.

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Wellness 101: lose weight the healthy way

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