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Sudden Weight Gain – 13 Common Causes Of Unexplained Weight Gain – Women’s Health

Whether you deal with constant bloating or you tend to feel heavier
In some cases, there may be a connection between your weight gain and insulin. Weight gain around the waistline in adultsoutside of pregnancyis often a sign of insulin resistance or insulin hypersecretion, says Naomi Parrella, MD, a family physician and obesity medicine specialist at Rush University Medical Group. Although its less common, Parrella adds that weight gain may also be a sign of excess cortisol, a condition like Cushings syndrome, or in more serious cases, an illness like ovarian cancer.
If a few extra pounds are starting to impact your mental health or way of life, it may be time to consider an appointment with your dietitian or doctorespecially if you're noticing joint pain in the hips and knees, reduced daily activities and movement because of pain, or a worsening mood.
Before you decide to book a visit to your doctors office, keep a log of everything you eat as well as your exercise habits (including activity outside of your workouts) for at least a few days if not a week or two, says Melina Jampolis, MD, an internist based in Los Angeles. Perhaps you are eating more calories throughout the day or youre sitting at your desk more often than usual due to a heavier workload. Even a busy schedule involving being away from home with lots of travel can impact unexplained weight gain.
As for a general benchmark, Dr. Parrella says it is common to see a weight increase of one to two pounds per year from the age of 20 to 65. However, if your weight gain is greater than that and you can't seem to pinpoint the underlying reason, here are some potential conditions that may be at play.
Meet the experts: Naomi Parrella, MD, is a family physician and obesity medicine specialist at Rush University Medical Group. She is also the medical director for Rush Universitys Center for Weight Loss and Lifestyle Medicine. Melina Jampolis, MD, is an internist based in Los Angeles and the host of the Practically Healthy podcast. Roco Salas-Whalen, MD, is an endocrinologist at the Medical Offices of Manhattan.
When a young woman walks into a docs office with unexplained weight gain, the thyroid is the first place most physicians will investigate, says Dr. Jampolis. And for good reason: A whopping one in eight women will develop a thyroid disorder in her life, according to the American Thyroid Association.
That butterfly-shaped gland in the neck is responsible for secreting a hormone that regulates your metabolism, and if youve got an underactive thyroid (called hypothyroidism), your metabolism may slow down, triggering weight gain.
Women with hypothyroidism may also suffer from low energy levels or fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, muscle cramps, or constipation, says Dr. Jampolis. Notice any of these signs and you should book a chat with your doc, who can check on your thyroid with a simple blood test if necessary.
Research shows that as many as one in five women have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), an endocrine disorder that throws off the balance of reproductive hormones estrogen and testosterone and can trigger a number of unpleasant symptoms like wacky periods, facial hair growth, and migraines.
PCOS can also muck up the way your body uses insulin (the hormone that helps turn sugars and starches into energy), which means (womp, womp) unexplained weight gain around the mid-section is common, says Dr. Jampolis.
If your menstrual cycles are off, a gyno will likely take a peek at your hormones to diagnose this one.
When you're stressed, you're thrown into fight-or-flight mode and get a surge of adrenaline, along with a heavy dose of the hormone cortisol, which is supposed to help you restore energy reserves and store fat. Because, hello, you just sprinted three miles from a tiger (okay, dramatic example)you're starving.
The problem? Lots of us get chronically stressed sitting at our desk all day or just living a crazed life, says Dr. Jampolis. When your cortisol levels stay elevated for a prolonged period, then your body continues storing fat, which can lead to weight gain.
If youve persistently felt down in the dumps or anxious, have trouble sleeping, feel fatigued, or youve lost interest in the stuff that used to make you tick, talk with an MD or mental health pro who can make suggestions for getting back on track if stress seems to be the culprit behind your sudden weight gain.
Theres nothing like a busted night of sleep to make a girl crave sugar and fat (anything to survive at work the next day, right?). That's because missed shuteye does a number on your hunger hormones and metabolism: Sleeping too little raises ghrelin, the hormone that signals its time to eat, while lowering your levels of leptin, the hormone that conveys the Im full feeling, says Dr. Jampolis. The result: a totally unsatisfying chow-fest the next day.
Putting off sleep to watch just one more episode? That hour could be contributing to sudden weight gain. People who slept just one hour more per week lost more fat than those who slept an hour less, a 2018 study in the journal Sleep found. The people who slept less lost lesseven though everyone in the study ate the same number of calories, proportionate to their weight at the start of the study.
The gut relies on good bacteria to function well (probiotics, anyone?), but theres also bad bacteria chilling in your digestive tract. When that balance of good to bad gets thrown off, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO, for short) can take place, triggering extra gas in your GI tract along with bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, andyou guessed itsudden weight gain.
Docs arent entirely sure how SIBO may trigger those extra pounds, says Dr. Jampolis, but treatment for SIBO typically includes antibiotics to treat the bacterial overgrowth, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Making changes to your diet can also help.
The transition period to menopause (a.k.a. perimenopause, which can start in women as early as their mid-30s, but usually starts in your 40s) triggers hormones like estrogen to rise and fall unevenly, which can cue weight gain in some women, says Dr. Jampolis. Other signs of perimenopause include irregular periods, hot flashes, mood swings, and a change in your libidosymptoms your doc can usually suss out with her eyes closed.
Compound perimenopause with the other inevitable body changes that happen with age (like a loss of muscle mass and increase in body fat), and it may feel like the scales tipping fast. Talk to your doctor to manage "the change" in stride.
There's a laundry list of both prescription and over-the-counter meds that can trigger sudden weight gain or water retention that shows up on the scale as extra pounds. Antidepressantsmost commonly the selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Paxil, Lexapro, and Prozacmay affect the appetite center in the brain, says Roco Salas-Whalen, MD, an endocrinologist at the Medical Offices of Manhattan.
Meanwhile, beta-blockers (meds that reduce blood pressure) can slow your metabolism, and certain steroids (like prednisonean anti-inflammatory that causes water retention and an increase appetite) can add on pounds. Even OTC antihistamines like Benadryl, which can disrupt an enzyme in the brain that helps regulate food consumption, can trigger noticeable weight gain, says Dr. Salas-Whalen.
A word to the wise: Dont stop taking any pills cold-turkeychat with your doctor, who may be able to find a more waist-friendly substitute.
A super-rare condition called Cushings disease (only 10 to 15 people per million are affected, but 70 percent of those diagnosed are women) causes excess cortisol production and can trigger excessive weight gain just around the abdominal area (the legs and arms usually stay lean) and the back of the neck, says Reshmi Srinath, MD, an assistant professor of diabetes, endocrinology, and bone disease at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
It can sometimes be caused by certain medications like steroids used to treat asthma and autoimmune disorders.
Cushings typically presents with significantly low energy and complications like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. But the telltale sign is very large, red stretch marks on their belly, she says. If this sounds eerily familiar, talk to your doctor ASAP.
Cushings disease can be managed with medication, radiation, or surgery, adds Dr. Parrella. You'll also want to tamp down your stress levels, which means taking really good care of yourself and finding ways to recharge on a regular basis.
Theres a reason behind the bloat, and it may have just as much to do with the water you forgot to drink as the food that you ate.
Most of us arent drinking nearly enough water, says Kristen Neilan, RD, of University of Florida Health. Thats because many of us mistake the feeling of thirst for the feeling of hunger. Confusion, tiredness, and lightheadedness are all signs of even mild dehydration, she says. Sounds a lot like how we feel when were hankering for a snack.
Mixed signals arent the only only possible culprits behind your unexplained weight gain. Adequate hydration increases mitochondrial functionwhat that basically means is that it increases your metabolism, says Neilan. Without enough water, your cells cant do their thing (namely, convert your food into energy) quickly and efficiently.
Make sure to drink plenty of water, especially at higher altitudes (like air travel), on hot days, with fevers and infections, or with extra physical exertion. Choose options with the least amount of sugarcoconut water, clear broth, and of course pure H2O are all fair game.
If your pee looks darker than usual or you're not using the bathroom as often, that's a sign to begin drinking more fluids, notes Dr. Parrella. Other warning signs include fatigue, muscle cramps, and lightheadedness when standing up.
In rare cases, an expanding belly is the result of an ovarian tumor and the fluid buildup associated with it, says Sanaz Memarzadeh, MD, PhD, a gynecologic cancer surgeon at UCLA Health. Patients come in with abdominal bloating, and their usual pants are not fitting, she says. Sometimes the tumor is so large it can cause distention of the abdomen."
Women are more likely to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer after menopause. But its important for women at every age to look out for this symptom, as well as feeling full too quickly, pain in the lower stomach area, and extra pressure on the bladder. See your doc if the bloating persists, especially if your family has a history of ovarian cancer.
Smoking can often act as an appetite suppressant, so when you quit, the cravings can hit you hard. Smoking can lead to a rise in dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for instant pleasure, says Pouya Shafipour, MD, a weight-loss specialist at Paloma Health. It's the same kind of pleasure you get when you eat a sweet snack, like ice cream.
Quitting smoking causes that dopamine level drop, but your craving for it still remains, and this craving for a dopamine hit can sometimes lead you to eat something satisfying, and more than usual. "When one quits smoking, the body still has cravings for dopamine and often people get this craving from excess intake of refined sugar and starch (i.e., candy and other starchy snacks) and gain weight," says Dr. Shafipour.
To counteract the lower levels of dopamine once you quit smoking, it's important to engage in other behaviors, like exercise or meditation, that help release feel-good endorphins and also provide a nice distraction and healthy new habit.
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes both require insulin management in order to keep blood sugar levels regulated. In people with type 1, the pancreas essentially isn't producing enough insulin, so those that have it need to regularly insert themselves with the hormone. Insulin allows the body to absorb glucose (or sugar) and use it for energy.
Generally, Type 2 diabetes is associated with insulin resistance from a poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and unhealthy eating behaviors. That can usually contribute to weight gain in itself, explains Dr. Shafipour. Type 2 diabetics have a higher baseline insulin level which by itself causes more weight gain, typically around the belly," he says.
But an increase in insulin from external hormone treatments can also lead to weight gain. Insulin lets glucose into your blood cells so that it can be stored for energy, but if you're eating more calories than your body needs, your cells will take what they need leaving the remaining glucose to be stored as fat.
To counteract the weight gain, it's important to closely monitor your diet and avoid eating too much fast food or foods high in refined sugar, Dr. Shafipour says.
Most cancers in their early stages will result in weight loss instead of weight gainunless it's a cancer that causes the release of cortisol, like a tumor in the adrenal gland.
However, as cancer progresses, it can cause weight gain. "This weight gain can be due to growth of the size of the tumor itself or [if it spreads] to other organs like the liver, which can cause fluid buildup in the stomach or the stomach cavity," says Dr. Shafipour.
But don't be too alarmed, as this is usually a worst-case scenario. Most cancers will cause other symptoms that may cause you to see a doctor while it's still in an early stage.
First, you should take a look at what your lifestyle's like. If your diet is poor, it's normal to gain between a half a pound to a pound of weight a week. Your menstrual cycle can also cause your weight to fluctuate between four and five pounds depending on what stage of your cycle you are.
But when is weight gain a cause for concern? If you're gaining one to two pounds or more a week, and you don't see the numbers going down, then it might be time to see a doctor. "If one notices that they're gaining weight rapidly, one to two pounds a week, and it's not related to menstrual cycle, poor sleep, anxiety or depression, or snacking or overeating, then they should probably see their primary care physician, who will do a thorough history and physical as well as some appropriate laboratory work-up to find the causes of weight gain," says Dr. Shafipour.
A doctor can work with you to determine whether an underlying condition is contributing to your weight gain, and find appropriate remedies to help you maintain a weight that makes you feel good.
Here are some of the most common questions doctors get asked about unexplained weight gain, according to Dr. Parrellaand what she typically advises her patients to do.
There are many reasons this could be happening and the only way to understand it is to systematically investigate what is going on, like a detective solving a mystery, says Dr. Parrella. Weight gain as an adult, outside of pregnancy, is (most of the time) about the hormone balance.
For many people, this means examining thyroid function. Thyroid disorders and untreated sleep apnea can cause unexplained weight gain, she says. A few cancers can cause unexplained weight gain, but those are less common. The most common cause of unexplained weight gain is insulin resistance, she says, which is associated with weight gain (especially around the waistline). However, this can be treated and managed in multiple ways, and you should always consult your doc to see whats best for you.
Some commonly used medications may also cause weight gain, but there may be alternatives that won't bring unwanted side effects. If you are taking chronic medications, it is worth asking a pharmacist or your doctor if this applies to you, says Dr. Parrella.
Apart from these reasons, your weight gain may be a sign to evaluate your nutrition, stress levels, physical activity, and sleep habits in detail. There may be certain behaviors (including those you believe are "healthy") that are contributing to your weight gain without you realizing it.
Your weight can certainly be impacted by menopause, aging, genetics, and hormones like insulin, Dr. Parrella says. How you eat, how you move, and how regularly you get rest can affect your hormones and the genes that are activated, she explains.
But the good news is, you can help influence how these changes occur in your body, and seeing a provider can be a great first step. Dr. Parrella recommends working with a specialist who can help you uncover your bodys signaling pattern and learn how it may be impacting your weight gain. This ongoing process may involve ongoing investigation, self-tracking, and trying different options, she adds.
Weight gain can also be a sign that your body is experiencing chronic stress, Dr. Parella addsespecially if youre a caregiver for a small child, someone with a chronic disability, or an aging parent, for example. [If] your work demands interfere with your ability to relax and recharge regularly or to sleep well, you may gain weight even if your daily food intake is low, she explains.
The short answer: Its complicated. If you use medications to lower your weight, with the medications currently available, you will likely need to stay on those medications to keep the weight down, says Dr. Parrella. Everyones body is different, so always consult your doctor about starting and stopping meds, and what dosage and frequency is right for you.
You may find that medication is helpful for a while, but everyday lifestyle changes might benefit your body just as much. If your doctor has ruled out obvious and less common medical issues like thyroid disorder or cancer, [the reason] could be the timing of when you eat, how often you eat, if you are drinking alcohol, what you are eating, medications, sleep, or chronic stress," Dr. Parrella says.
[Unexplained weight gain] is rarely about not eating enough calories or whether or not you eat breakfast, says Dr. Parrella. Weight gain can occur if youre not eating the right nutrients, are eating the wrong nutrients for your body physiology, are not getting adequate sleep, or you have chronic stress with high cortisol, she adds. Its entirely possible to eat little and still have unexplained weight gain, and it can also happen if you eat or snack frequently throughout the night, she says.
The key, Dr. Parrella explains, is to eat the right nutrients for you and your body. For example, if you deal with insulin resistance, protein and fibrous vegetables can help keep your insulin at a lower level so that you can get health-promoting nutrients that allow your body to burn fat.
Rather than undereating, Dr. Parrella suggests that every 24 hours, you allow your body at least 12 continuous hours (usually overnight including your sleep hours) of not eating or drinking anything other than water, black coffee, or unsweetened tea. It is good for your health to let your gut rest on a regular basis, she says.
Moderating alcohol use may also help, she adds. Try eliminating alcohol for one month and seeing what happens with your weight, or alternatively, explore a sugar detox month without any sweets or sweetened beverages.
You may have heard that eating less and exercising more is the solution for weight loss, but according to Dr. Parrella, weight gain is usually way more complicated than that.
Motivation is not the problem for most people, and trying to eat less and exercise more is not the answer for most people, she says. For many, weight gain is a sign of a hormonal imbalance. Based on what you eat, how you move, how you socialize, sleep, and recharge, your hormones will vary, she adds. If your hormones are set up to cause you to grow, that is what you will do. If your hormones are set to burn, then you can burn fat [more easily].
That said, if you are struggling with motivation to make lifestyle changes, consider your intentions behind wanting to manage your weight. Is it that you want to feel more energized during the day? Make it through your fun workout classes? Feel more confident taking cute selfies? Whatever your reason is, tapping into your internal motivation (and not just rushing to crash diet) can help you make sustainable, long-term changes.
Jasmine Gomez is the Commerce Editor at Womens Health, where she cover the best product recommendations across beauty, health, lifestyle, fitness, and more. When she's not shopping for a living, she enjoys karaoke and dining out more than she cares to admit. Follow her @JazzeGomez.
Ashley Mateo is a writer, editor, and UESCA- and RRCA-certified running coach who has contributed to Runners World, Bicycling, Women's Health, Health, Shape, Self, and more. Shell go anywhere in the world onceeven if its just for a good story. Also into: good pizza, good beer, and good photos.
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Sudden Weight Gain - 13 Common Causes Of Unexplained Weight Gain - Women's Health
The #1 Best Lifting Workout To Lose Weight Fast – Eat This, Not That

Embarking on a weight-loss journey often involves a combination of cardiovascular exercises, a well-balanced diet, and resistance training. While cardio is crucial for burning calories, incorporating an effective lifting routine can significantly boost your metabolism, promote fat loss, and help sculpt a lean physique. This is the #1 best lifting workout to lose weight fast that I always recommend.
According to research published in Obesity Reviews, performing resistance training exercises (such as lifting weights), when combined with calorie restriction, was the most efficient way to lose body fat across randomized controlled trials. In addition, a substantial difference was noted when resistance training was combined with aerobic exercise, along with resistance training being performed all by itself, compared to doing no workout training at all.
Needless to say, incorporating this comprehensive lifting routine into your weight-loss strategy is the name of the game. Remember to perform these exercises with proper form, gradually increasing intensity and weight as your strength improves. Consistency, along with a balanced diet and regular cardiovascular exercise, will contribute to achieving your weight-loss goals effectively. Consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.
Keep reading for the #1 best lifting workout to lose weight fast. And when you're finished working up a sweat, check out the 5 Most Effective At-Home Workouts for Weight Loss.
Start by positioning a barbell at shoulder height on a squat rack. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing slightly outward. Position the barbell on your upper back using a comfortable grip. Then, lower your body by bending at the hips and knees, keeping your chest up and your back straight. Descend until your thighs are parallel to the ground or as far as your flexibility allows. Push through your heels to return to the starting position. Complete three sets of 12 to 15 reps.
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Hold a barbell at shoulder height with an overhand grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Press the bar overhead, fully extending your arms. Lower the bar back to shoulder height with control. Repeat for three sets of 8 to 10 repetitions. Complete three sets of 12 to 15 reps. 6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e
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Stand with your feet hip-width apart and a barbell in front of you. Hinge at your hips, keeping your back straight, and grip the barbell with hands shoulder-width apart. Lift the bar by straightening your hips and knees, maintaining a neutral spine. Lower the bar back to the ground with control. Complete three sets of 12 to 15 reps.
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Hold a barbell with an overhand grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Hinge at your hips, keeping your back straight, and let the barbell hang in front of you. Pull the barbell toward your lower chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Lower the bar back to the starting position. Complete three sets of 12 to 15 reps.
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The #1 Best Lifting Workout To Lose Weight Fast - Eat This, Not That
Voy Weight Loss Program: A Science-Backed Approach to Achieve Your Health Goals – Deccan Herald

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If you are looking for a new and effective way to lose weight and keep it off, you may have heard of Voy, a weight loss program that is backed by science and tailored for you. But what is Voy and how does it work for weight loss? In this article, we will explore the features, benefits, and limitations of Voy, and how it can help you achieve your health goals.
Voy is a UK-based company that offers a personalized program for weight loss. Voy combines breakthrough medication that reduces hunger and cravings, with dedicated health coaching that helps you build healthy habits, and digital tools that keep you motivated and on track. Voy is designed to help you lose at least 10% of your body weight in 6 months, and maintain it for good.
The aim of this article is to explain how Voy works for weight loss, how effective and safe it is, and what are its limitations. However, before starting any new program, you should always consult your doctor and follow their advice.
## Medication
- Explain the role of medication in the Voy program, and how it enhances weight loss by suppressing appetite and regulating blood sugar
- Provide some information on the medication used by Voy, semaglutide, a GLP-1 receptor agonist that is approved for type 2 diabetes and weight loss
- Mention the possible side effects and precautions of the medication, and what to do in case of overdose or missed dose
One of the key components of the Voy program is medication, which helps you lose weight by suppressing your appetite and regulating your blood sugar. By taking medication, you can reduce your hunger and cravings, and eat less without feeling deprived. You can also lower your blood glucose and prevent fat storage, which can improve your health and reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
The medication used by Voy is semaglutide, a synthetic version of a naturally occurring hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 is produced by the gut after eating, and it has several effects on the body, such as stimulating insulin secretion, slowing down gastric emptying, and reducing appetite. By mimicking GLP-1, semaglutide can help regulate blood sugar and promote weight loss.
Semaglutide is approved by the FDA and the MHRA for type 2 diabetes and weight loss, under different brand names and doses. For type 2 diabetes, semaglutide is sold as Ozempic, and for weight loss, it is sold as Wegovy. Voy uses a lower dose of semaglutide than Wegovy, which is cheaper and more widely available, but still effective for weight loss.
Semaglutide may cause some side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, headache, dizziness, fatigue, injection site reactions, and low blood sugar. These side effects are usually mild and temporary, and may improve as your body adjusts to the medication. However, if they persist or worsen, or if you experience any serious side effects, such as severe allergic reactions, pancreatitis, gallbladder problems, kidney problems, or thyroid problems, you should contact your doctor immediately. You should also tell your doctor about any other medications, supplements, or herbal products that you are taking, as they may interact with semaglutide.
If you take too much semaglutide, you may experience symptoms of overdose, such as severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, or low blood sugar. You should seek emergency medical attention if this happens. You should also carry a source of glucose, such as candy, juice, or glucose tablets, to treat low blood sugar if it occurs. You should also wear a medical alert bracelet or carry a card that identifies you as a user of semaglutide.
If you miss a dose of semaglutide, you should take it as soon as you remember, as long as it is within 3 days of your scheduled dose. If it is more than 3 days past your scheduled dose, you should skip the missed dose and take the next dose on your regular day. You should not take two doses in the same week, or take more than one dose in a day. You should also keep track of your doses and injections, and contact your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.
## Coaching
- Explain the role of coaching in the Voy program, and how it helps you build healthy habits and overcome challenges
- Provide some information on the coaching service offered by Voy, such as the matching process, the frequency and duration of sessions, and the topics covered
- Mention the benefits and feedback of coaching, and how it can improve your motivation, confidence, and accountability
Another key component of the Voy program is coaching, which helps you build healthy habits and overcome challenges. By working with a coach, you can create a clear plan to reach your goals, and get support and guidance along the way. You can also learn helpful strategies and tips to cope with stress, cravings, and setbacks, and stay motivated and accountable.
The coaching service offered by Voy is personalized and flexible, and it matches you with a coach who understands you and your needs. You can choose the frequency and duration of your sessions, and the mode of communication, such as phone, video, or chat. You can also choose the topics that you want to focus on, such as nutrition, exercise, mindset, or lifestyle. Your coach will help you identify your root causes, strengths, and areas of improvement, and work with you to make realistic and sustainable changes.
How Do You Know If You Need Pills That You Can Buy Without A Doctor (OTC) Or Pills That You Need A Doctor To Give You For Losing Weight?
When you want to lose weight fast, you will look for any help that can help you. The faster you need to lose weight or the more fat you have to lose, the stronger the pills that are natural that you can buy without a doctor will be. This will often make people look for pills that are natural that they need a doctor to give them, as they can burn fat fast.
But, while they can make you lose weight fast compared to people who try to lose weight without pills for losing weight, pills that are natural that they need a doctor to give them are not always the best choice, as they can cause bad effects. Not only that but pills for losing weight that you can buy without a doctor will often make good results while being much safer.
The question is, without help from a doctor, how do you know what the best pill for losing weight for you is? With fat burner, hunger stopper, and many other kinds of pills for losing weight on the market, all using different things and amounts and made by different companies, picking one can be hard.
This is especially true as people lose weight and build muscle in different ways. That is why we have made this guide to the 5 best pills for losing weight on the market today, to make sure that everyone can find a good pill for losing weight to help them get rid of stubborn body fat on their way to losing weight.
Pills That Are Natural That You Can Buy Without A Doctor - Bad Effects and Dangers
Pills that are natural that you can buy without a doctor can cause bad effects and are dangerous because they change how your body works to make you lose weight. Many work by making you less hungry, stopping fat from going into your gut or making your body use fat faster.
Pills That Are Natural That You Can Buy Without A Doctor
Phentermine and Xenical are popular pills that are natural that you can buy without a doctor. Phentermine makes you less hungry by changing things in your brain that control hunger. It can cause bad effects like high blood pressure, not sleeping well, and feeling your heart beat fast. Xenical stops fat from going into your gut and often causes stomach problems like diarrhea and gas.
Pills That Are Natural That You Can Buy Without A Doctor
New pills like Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro work by making your body use insulin better and lower your blood sugar. At higher doses, they also make you less hungry and cause weight loss. While good for losing weight and managing diabetes, they may cause nausea, diarrhea and problems with your gallbladder.
Pills for Losing Weight - Quick Fix But Not Healthy
Pills for losing weight promise a quick fix but lifestyle changes are the healthiest way to lose weight. The best way to lose significant amount of weight is through eating less fat food , moving more , drinking lots of water and resting well . Relying on drugs to lose weight is dangerous and the effects are often short-lived . Pills for losing weight from companies making big promises are not checked or proven by science .
Many people have trouble with too much weight and stubborn belly fat but fad diets , supplements and pills for losing weight are not the solution . The risks of a pill for losing weight from a company outweigh the benefits for most people . Lifestyle changes and talking with a doctor about right goals based on your body mass index (BMI) and specific health needs are the best way for safe and lasting weight loss . Temporary measures may lead to a cycle of weight loss and gaining back that is hard to break .
Pills For Losing Weight - Only Used By Doctors For A Short Time
Pills For Losing Weight should only be used under medical watch for a short time . The healthiest way to lose weight is through eating balanced food , moving more , reducing stress and resting well . Relying on drugs is not replacing habits for long term management of yourself and overall wellness .
" Good Points
Its ingredients are natural, gluten free, vegan friendly, and approved by the FDA It can help you lose weight and fat from every angle It does not have any weight loss drug that is banned by any big sports groups All the amounts and ingredients are carefully mixed to give the best results and no bad effects Many pro athletes and regular users say good things about it
Bad Points
You can only buy it directly from the official Instant Knockout Cut website
Possible Side Effects
You should know the side effects of weight-loss medicines. Side effects can be:
More blood pressure Trouble sleeping, headache, nervousness, and fast heartbeat Feeling sick, constipation, and dry mouth Feeling sad, which some people who are very fat have trouble with already
How does the new drug work?
The new drug, semaglutide, is a GLP-1 receptor agonist. It is a type of medicine that has been around for many years. These medicines copy GLP-1, a hormone that our body makes when it sees food in the gut, helping the pancreas make insulin when sugar levels are high. At first, GLP-1 receptor agonists were made to treat type 2 diabetes.
Later we found out that the hormone also makes us move slower in our gut, which helps us feel full, and affects our hunger in our brain to make us eat less. Usually it takes about 15 minutes for our body to make GLP-1 naturally when we eat. But you can do a lot of damage in just 15 minutes before your body has time to make enough of the hormone to move slower in our gut and tell our brain to stop eating.
I study appetite at Columbia University. One way we do that is by measuring peoples GLP-1 levels. We found out that levels of this hormone go up after bariatric surgery, which may be one of the reasons people can eat less food and feel full.
GLP-1 receptor agonist medicines give us a steady amount of this hormone. People who use this kind of medicine can feel full with smaller portions and they are less hungry, which makes them lose weight. The hormone gives us a signal that some people dont get on their own. The reason why some people eat more isnt because they have less willpower, its because they dont get a signal that other people get when they eat. We hope that the drug will give us this signal so that we can eat smaller portions.
See the original post here:
Voy Weight Loss Program: A Science-Backed Approach to Achieve Your Health Goals - Deccan Herald
Travis Scott Shocks Fans with Ozempic Diss Track Aimed at Kylie Jenner – Deccan Herald

According to the web search results, Travis Scott is a famous rapper who has a lean body and low body fat percentage. Some people have speculated that his weight loss is due to drugs, such as xanax or lean, which can suppress appetite and make him feel numb. However, there is no conclusive evidence to support this claim, and Travis Scott has not publicly commented on his drug use or weight loss.
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Another possible explanation for his weight loss is that he follows a healthy diet and exercise routine. Travis Scott reportedly eats four to five balanced meals a day, with a mix of carbs, protein, and good fats. He also works out regularly, doing cardio and strength training to maintain his muscle mass and endurance.
- Start with an introduction that introduces Travis Scott and his weight loss, and states your main argument or thesis statement. For example, you could argue that his weight loss is due to his healthy lifestyle, not drugs.
- Write three body paragraphs, each with a topic sentence, supporting evidence, and a concluding sentence. For example, you could write one paragraph about his diet, one about his exercise, and one about the negative effects of drugs on weight loss and health.
- Write a conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your thesis statement. You could also include a call to action or a recommendation for further research on this topic.
- Cite your sources using the appropriate citation style, such as MLA, APA, or Chicago. You could use the web search results as your sources, or find more reliable and academic sources online or in the library.
Do you want to help your healthy diet and exercise and burn fat faster than ever? A fat burner can help make your metabolism faster, make you less hungry and help weight loss. Fast.
Fat burners in India are not easy to find when compared with western countries. But, luckily, some of the best fat burners are available in India. And you can order them directly from the website. In this article we will look at the best fat burners India has and where you can buy fat burners in India.
When you are on a diet, you should be careful about the things you choose for your fat burner. Some have fats and some dont. Read on to learn more about the differences between fat cutters and fat burners. Youll also learn about the best fat burners India. Here, well look at some of the top things that can help you lose weight and keep it off. And remember, the best fat burners in India are the ones that have natural things.
Article In Short: PhenQ gives you the best chance at burning fat naturally for people in India. It comes with fast shipping and is the top rated thermogenic fat burner in the world. You can get the best price on PhenQ here.
Why Choosing PhenGold Fat Burner for Men? Some reasons for choosing PhenGold weight loss are mentioned below.
Whole Body Shape Change PhenGold is made specially to reduce the extra fat under the skin in men which takes away the love handles from their body. These are some bad sights that become thin and thinner every day with regular PhenGold use.
Helps Motivation a Lot! Some men are not loyal to their weight loss plan so they lose the courage and start eating bad meals like before. PhenGold makes the bodys energy higher to bring home the best results and it gives you extra mental clearness to get rid of the bad thoughts that most of us face as weight loss problems.
Make Fat Burning Hormones Several hormones are helpful for mens weight loss but they dont get made every day unless you give them a boost. PhenGold formula has possible fat-burning things that make the levels of fat-burning hormones like leptin higher. Its main role is to control fat keeping and how many calories you eat and burn.
Phentermine Phentermine is a fake hunger stopper which belongs to the amphetamine family. The medicine was widely used as a hunger stopper for more than 5 decades and you need a doctor to give it to you. Recently, Phentermine for weight loss trend is becoming more popular by the use of its best alternatives but its still in use for some very obese people.
Doctors around the world think Phentermine is a possible weight loss medicine but they also agree that the side effects of phentermine are too dangerous sometimes. Because of the danger of Phentermine, the idea of PhenQ started which was to act like a hunger stopper without the bad side effects.
Phentermine Weight Loss Pills for Men helped millions of men and women to get better from higher BMI in the past. Since 1959, a medicine is a popular option for weight gain and its also been used with other fat burners. Phentermine makes weight loss by making the levels of brain chemicals higher which makes you less hungry.
With Phentermine, its also good to have a changed lifestyle with clean eating habits. Regular exercise and a low calorie diet are two important parts that shouldnt be missed. Changes in diet and lifestyle often make Phentermine too high in the blood which give faster and best results. As an old way for weight loss, the use of phentermine is stopped by the experts as so many safer options have already been made.
Buy Best Fat Burners for Men near Me Almost every fat burner for men is made using natural things and the trend of medicine weight loss drugs is going down.
"Phenq Ingredients
The main PhenQ fat burner ingredients are Capsimax Plus Blend and L-Cysteine. L-cysteine is a type of protein that makes you feel less hungry and is a natural way to control your appetite. It also helps speed up your metabolism. The other ingredient helps burn fat by making your body produce more heat. The product also has caffeine, calcium, and Chromium, which are all good sources of energy. These things are important for keeping your bones and muscles healthy.
Besides these three main ingredients, PhenQ also has some other good substances that make you healthier. Caffeine has been proven to help you keep your weight by increasing how much fat you burn and making you eat less. According to a research review published in 2019, caffeine helps you keep your weight by increasing how much fat you burn and making you eat less. Caffeine also makes you feel happier and less depressed.
A mix of these ingredients can make you feel more energetic, make you eat less, and stop your body from making more fat. These strong ingredients can help you reach your perfect body weight in a short time. Also, PhenQ gives you access to nutritionists, fitness experts, and health advisors to help you use the product better. These supplements are tested and proven to help you lose weight fast and safely. With over 190,000 happy customers, this product is a sure success.
How does Phenq work?
PhenQ is a food supplement that is made from natural ingredients. It can be used by both men and women. But, it should not be used by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. PhenQ can cause some mild to medium side effects, such as feeling sick or having a stomach ache. Some people also feel too excited from its caffeine content. If you dont like caffeine, you should not use this supplement. This supplement can help with problems with your metabolism and food cravings, but it will not take the place of a healthy diet and regular exercise.
It works by making your metabolism faster, which can help you burn calories. You should take two pills every day, one at breakfast and one at lunchtime. But, you should not take PhenQ at night, as it has caffeine. Also, do not take PhenQ with food, especially before you eat. You should not take it with coffee, soda, or alcohol. If you dont like caffeine, you can take two pills an hour before your workout, but not after.
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Best fat burner ingredients
A good fat burner will have some key ingredients. It will help you burn fat and help you lose weight naturally. Cayenne pepper is one of these ingredients, and it can make your body temperature higher. It can also burn the hard-to-lose belly fat. Other ingredients are Bioperine and turmeric, which make your metabolism faster and heat your body. These ingredients should not have shellfish, eggs, or milk. Pick a dairy-free version if you are dairy-intolerant. You can also look for a fat burner that has no gluten. Gluten is also a possible problem, and it can make you gain weight.
Another ingredient in a fat burner is caffeine. The mix of caffeine and L-carnitine may make you sweat, and you should talk to your doctor before taking these ingredients. Also, L-carnitine-based fat burners are usually less effective than caffeine-based ones. Make sure you talk to a doctor before taking a fat burner, because caffeine may make your heart beat faster and disturb your sleep. Also, talk to your doctor if you are taking medicine or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
PhenQ Review - Why this is the best fat burner in India
The ingredients in PhenQ work together with the body to make you eat less and keep you full for longer. You wont feel hungry between meals, so you can eat enough food and still have space for dessert. This makes losing weight more fun and easy. It also has z
"Which fat burner is the safest?
The term fat burner is not used anymore. Diet pills are a risky option. As of April 1, 2012, NIH says that almost half of all diet pills that were taken back had food. Some foods have hidden things. Luckily PhenQ has the best fat burner you can get. And it sends from India.
Does the Best Fat Burners send to India?
Yes, the current best fat burners do send to India. They send from inside India so it is fast.
How We Picked the Best Fat Burners in India When picking the best fat burners on this list we think about the things and amounts based on research and the cost a fat-burner really has in India. The truth is its not needed, but if looking for one and youre curious, well keep looking deep to find the best choices.
When a thing seems to be safe but in an amount thats five times lower than what science says works well whats the use of it? We try to pick products that have the right things in the right amounts and are priced well. Weve also looked at the amounts that are right here.
Secret Mixes
If we dont know what the amount is its hard to know how well the fat burner works. We liked fat burners that depend on clear labels, instead of those that use secret mixes. We want you to know exactly what youre getting and what youll pay.
The cost of the fat burner you buy will depend on the things that are in the bottle. A more expensive fat burner might have more things and a bigger amount of these things, too. We tried to show fat burners that have a middle cost but also with the best and cheapest options too. Fat burners made and sent in India will have the best cost, but also can be the most good.
How Fat Burners Work?
There are three ways that a fat burner can help in fat loss. This is a clear breakdown of each.
Fat Burning
A fat burner cant take away fat from your body. But, it is a source of power that your body keeps and uses. Making sure your food is set and training all the time is the most important thing to do first. But, some things in fat burners have shown to make your body use (or burn) the fat kept. Especially, the green tea thing especially, the chemical EGCG that is in green tea and L-carnitine.
Heat Making
The metabolism burns calories (needed to lose fat) just by doing normal things, like breathing and your organs things, and your inside heat. Most fat burners use capsaicin (taken from chili peppers) and caffeine to make the bodys heat higher. So your body will work at a higher level to lower its heat and to burn more calories. The number of calories youll burn because of heat making is not too much but they could add up in time. Supplements. This is more true if youre already having a low in calories and dont want to eat less food. If youre in that situation adding 50 to 100 calories per day can help.
Eating Less
It is needed to eat less fat than the calories you eat to lose weight. Thats the only way to do it. When youre trying to eat a low-calorie diet, it is not easy. This is why many fat burners have things like 5-HTP fiber, 5-HTP, and the mineral psyllium to make your body feel full. So youre less likely to eat because youre bored or not focused.
When Should I Take Fat Burners?
Its good to take fat burners early in the morning around 30 minutes before you have your breakfast. Because your
Continued here:
Travis Scott Shocks Fans with Ozempic Diss Track Aimed at Kylie Jenner - Deccan Herald
Ikaria Gummies for Weight Loss 2024 – Best Weight Reduction gummies – Deccan Herald

Ikaria Gummies is a powerful supplement for losing weight because it is made from natural ingredients of the highest quality. Besides helping with weight loss and the treatment of fatty liver disease, this powder supplement also improves kidney function, heart function, and digestive function.
However, the need for weight loss has never been higher. People want to achieve healthy fat loss without giving up too much time and effort, because of the many health problems related to obesity. But how can they reach their goals without the time to focus on a healthy lifestyle and diet?
>>>>>>>>> Click Here Visit (Ikaria Gummies) Official Website <<<<<<<<<
With the help of Ikaria Gummies, you can naturally restore your health and shed extra pounds. There are many different products available that can help with this goal. The only challenge is choosing the best option for you.
A proper supplement should boost fat burning naturally, without interfering with other essential functions of your body.
From avoiding long-term diets to skipping the gym, this article examines an all-natural supplement that has helped countless people reach their weight loss goals.
Ikaria Gummies for Weight Loss is an advanced weight management formula that has been designed to support healthy fat loss with the help of scientifically proven ingredients. Lets explore the details of Ikaria Gummies for Weight Loss in this comprehensive review.
Are you someone who is looking for a reliable piece of Ikaria Gummies review? Then you have come to the right place. Well, I have been a professional nutritionist for the past 10 years. Recently I learned about the Ikaria Gummies and I decided to research what it is. There were many reviews but nothing felt trustworthy. But my independent study and reading about Ikaria Gummies powder helped me find some facts about it. I want to share those with you. I am sure that this review will be very helpful for you to find the validity of the product.
>>>>>>>>> Click Here Visit (Ikaria Gummies) Official Website <<<<<<<<<
Get ready to dive into a thorough review of Ikaria Gummies, where well navigate the ins and outs to determine if this dietary supplement is a real solution or possibly a scam. In a market flooded with weight loss products, its important to distinguish the genuine from the doubtful. Our analysis will carefully examine Ikaria Gummies, focusing on its ingredients, claimed benefits, and user experiences, all in the quest of shedding light on its legitimacy.
Health is a true treasure for every human being. It is a gift that is given by God. If you want to live an active, healthy, and strong life to enjoy every moment and occasion, you need to be healthy. If all your efforts to get a slim and smart body failed, now you should try Ikaria Gummies for Weight Loss to get desired results. This wonderful supplement helps you to lower your weight within three months without doing any hard exercise and you dont need to follow any diet plan.
This supplement helps you to energise and maintain your body. If you use it daily, you will get amazing results. This product is made for people who want to lower their weight fast and without any harmful effects. It is a new weight loss invention that provides incredible results to its customers at a low price. It is a natural and herbal weight-reducing product. It gives a pleasing body shape to its users.
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Ikaria Gummies for Weight Loss 2024 - Best Weight Reduction gummies - Deccan Herald
The Weight Of It All: What You Need To Know To Finally Shed The Pounds – Essence

On Jan. 11, 2023, the start of the year, LeKeisha Banks of Atlanta decided to change her life. At the time, she weighed 257 pounds, had an A1C of 7, and had become insulin resistant. Psychologically, the beginning of a new year symbolizes a fresh start for many people, and such was the case for Banks. This is often accompanied by a surge of motivation, and it may be helpful to use this energy to kickstart a weight-loss journey youve been putting off.
But the best time to start a weight-loss program or plan truly depends on individual circumstances. Before you begin, there are some questions you should ask yourself. Are you ready? Does your current schedule allow you to remain consistent with training? Did your doctor clear you for this lifestyle change? Do you have a support system? Do you have the resources needed to start and maintain this lifestyle? Having the answers to these questions will help you reach your goals.
Obesity has increased within the Black community, but more so for women than men. Black men have slightly lower levels of obesity than non-Hispanic white men (41.1% vs 44.7%).
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, African American women have the highest rates of obesity or being overweight compared to other groups in the United States, with about four out of five Black women considered overweight or obese. Body mass index (BMI), a figure calculated from your weight and height, is used by many in the medical community to gauge your risk of disease. A BMI of 30 or higher is considered to be obese.
Nevertheless, the number itself is important but it does not paint the entire picture. BMI can be helpful in certain cases, but it does not give us all the information we need, says Supriya Rao, MD, quadruple board-certified physician in internal medicine, gastroenterology, obesity medicine and lifestyle medicine. We know nothing about a patients body fat percentage or their skeletal muscle mass. In terms of a persons overall health, we also need to consider sleep patterns, age, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, cardiovascular health, physical activity, diet and family history. In June 2023, the American Medical Association (AMA) acknowledged issues with using BMI as a measurement due to its historical harm, its use for racist exclusion, and because BMI is based primarily on data collected from previous generations of non-Hispanic white populations. They recommended that BMI be used in conjunction with measurements of visceral fat, body adiposity index, body composition, relative fat mass, waist circumference and genetic/metabolic factors.
Additionally, a small study of 39 African American women and 66 white women, published in the International Journal of Obesity, revealed that African American women who follow the same diet as white women and exercise just as much tend to lose less weight because they burn fewer calories. The results suggest that behavioral changes and not just weight loss are what matter for improving health.
Rao says that before her patients embark on a weight-loss journey, she makes sure they have realistic goals. Weight loss doesnt happen overnight. Its often a lifelong journey and you need the right team in place, including accountability partners. That could be anyone from a friend to a dietician to your doctor. Rao reviews the lifestyle of her patients, patterns of their diet, exercise, sleep and stress. She discusses any preexisting conditions or screens the patient for currently undiagnosed health issues that might hinder the weight-loss process. Diabetes and hormonal imbalances, for example, can make it hard to lose weight.A thorough medical exam can usually take care of this.
Behavior change is hard, so its important to set realistic expectations. Banks can attest to this. She had an endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, a minimally invasive weight-loss procedure that reduces the stomachs size and volume by about 70 percent. Prior to surgery, she weighed 257 pounds and wastaking metformin, an anti-diabetic medicine, at its highest dose. She says she led an active lifestyle, playing sports, working out occasionally, and enjoying the outdoors, but she was not consistent. After the ESG, done by True You Weight Loss in North Carolina, she lost 65 pounds in 11 months, and has adopted a new relationship with food and exercise.
I feel like a completely new person, she says. My health is truly bouncing back. Ive lowered my A1C from 7 to 5.6 and my blood pressure is trending in the right direction. Maintaining a healthy body weight can improve symptoms and lower your risk for serious health conditions like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
Some might say using any form of surgery to assist in weight loss is cheating, but I beg to differ, says Banks. Thats the easy part. Changing your relationship with food, understanding what your body needs, all the support systems, is what is needed to conquer this battle.
In the weight management and obesity medicine space, there are also several medications that can be used in conjunction with improved diet and lifestyle choices. Much of 2023 was spent with the spotlight on options like Ozempic. Medications have helped many people achieve a healthier weight and reverse some of their chronic medical conditions when used as part of a comprehensive lifestyle change. Unfortunately, many have side effects that can make them difficult to tolerate. They are also expensive and arent always covered by health insurance.
Weight loss usually involves some form of exercise and movement. This can improve your mood. Losing weight can also improve your physical health, which can boost your self-esteem. Racine Henry, LMFT, PhD, shared that whenever a person can hold themselves accountable and achieve a goal, there are hormonal benefits and an increased sense of pride. As a therapist, I often emphasize that we can always make different choices and control ourselves. Weight-loss goals emphasize that ideology and can bring a sense of accomplishment. Losing weight can also reduce your risk of depression and anxiety and improve sleep quality.
So you have a plan. You have been cleared by your doctor, your program has been set, and you have an accountability partner. Certified personal trainer Garrette Campbell shared the following tips for staying on track to reach your goals.
Remember, the key is to build a routine that suits your lifestyle and preferences. Consistency is more important than intensity, especially when starting out. Be patient with yourself, andcelebrate the progress you make along the way.
The rest is here:
The Weight Of It All: What You Need To Know To Finally Shed The Pounds - Essence
Nutrition trends to get healthy, lose weight in the New Year – WXYZ 7 Action News Detroit

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. (WXYZ) We see it every year. The holidays end and America's love affair with weight loss begins. Many of us turn to diet plans to lose pounds and shed weight. But the whole concept of a diet could be part of the problem.
The word diet now has a connotation of something that has a beginning and an end, said Grace Derocha, Registered Dietitian with Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Metro Detroiter Grace Derocha is a registered dietitian and a national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She says focusing on nutrition is a more sustainable path to a healthier lifestyle and can lead to weight loss.
Walk us through some of the nutritional trends that you expect to see in 2024, 7 Action News asked Derocha.
You'll hear this word a lot, reducing inflammation in the body, she said.
Grace says think fruits and vegetables with deep colors.
Berries, pomegranates. Also in the vegetables, we have broccoli, kale, peppers, she added.
All nutritionally dense and packed with antioxidants, fighting inflammation linked to diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and supporting brain health.
I see chocolate and wine here. So, we're not talking sacrifice, said 7 Action News.
No. And I think to keeping the portions in check, obviously, if there's weight loss goals, said Derocha.
Another trend Grace says she expects to see a greater push toward is 'flexatarianism' and a more plant forward lifestyle.
Adding more fruits and vegetables, but maybe they're still having, you know, some fish or protein sources that aren't necessarily vegetarian or vegan, she said of the new trend.
Another nutrition trend for 2024 a brighter spotlight on micronutrients and microminerals.
They're elements like vitamins like A, D and B complex and elements like phosphorus for bone structure and magnesium.
It can help support our immune system, helps with nerve and muscle function, helps give us a steady heartbeat, Derocha revealed.
Magnesium also helps with mood and sleep. Men need about 400 mg a day and women need about 310 mg each day. A handful of pumpkin seeds has about 180 mg.
A cup of spinach has about 80 mg. So, if you're making a salad. Throw some pumpkin seeds on it with some spinach, Derocha said of ways to increase magnesium daily.
To jumpstart a more nutritious lifestyle, Derocha says to search for micronutrients with cold pressed oils. They're making a big splash in 2024. The cold press method preserves more nutrients and flavor.
Finally, connecting nutrition and environmental sustainability. Here we're emphasizing the use of whole grains, nuts seeds and legumes. They're packed with protein, full of fiber essential for digestive health and renewable, which is good for the environment.
It's a common saying that eating healthy foods is more expensive.
But the USDA says that depends on how you measure the value of the food.
Less healthy food may be cheaper per calorie but offer far less in the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. And all those extra calories turn into extra pounds and expense that can take a lifetime to pay off.
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Nutrition trends to get healthy, lose weight in the New Year - WXYZ 7 Action News Detroit
Stress Relief Through Acupuncture May Promote Weight Loss – Wetumpka Herald

Acupuncture is a traditional Eastern medical treatment that involves inserting fine needles into the skin to induce a therapeutic effect. Acupuncture is used for various reasons, whether it be stress relief or pain treatment, but experts are now saying it may help with weight loss. While the treatment will not directly cause weight loss, it does affect your body in a way that can assist you in an ongoing fitness journey. Acupuncture is known to improve metabolism and mitigate certain bodily stressors that affect ones appetite. Another indirect way in which acupuncture can help you lose weight simply comes down to a positive attitude. Stress relief, whether it be mental or physical, can affect one's decision-making, causing them to make healthier choices. Given that acupuncture is a known method of relieving stress and pain, experts agree that it could mentally assist you in losing weight.
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Stress Relief Through Acupuncture May Promote Weight Loss - Wetumpka Herald
The #1 Best Dinner for Weight Loss – Eat This, Not That

We've all heard breakfast is essential for weight loss, but what about dinner? It's that meal where many people fall off the rails on their weight loss journey, succumbing to cravings or overconsuming calories after a long, stressful day. But what if we told you dinner could actually help you lose weight? And no, it's not just salad and boiled chicken. We spoke with Destini Moody, RDN, CSSD, LD, a registered dietitian and sports dietitian with Garage Gym Reviews, who shares her #1 dinner for weight loss and achieving a slimmer midsection.
There's more to weight loss than what you eat. The timing of your meals also plays a crucial role. According to a 2022 study in Nutrition Research and Practice, eating three square meals dailybreakfast, lunch, and dinnerat specific times each day can help boost weight loss success. Other studies have found that those who eat a larger breakfast and smaller dinner lose more weight than their large-dinner counterparts. These studies also suggest eating your last meal within two hours of bedtime and avoiding snacking before bed to support weight loss further.
If you're ready to dig into the recipe (pun intended), read on for Moody's #1 best dinner for weight loss. When you're finished, be sure to check out 10 Ways Drinking Lemon Water Can Support Weight Loss.
Comprised of three simple, whole-food ingredientsshrimp, kale, and lentilsa simple shrimp, kale, and lentil salad is the best dinner for weight loss. Moody tells us, "The three main ingredients have a healthy balance of carbs and protein, along with a vegetable that's low in calories."
With a balanced mix of carbs and protein and a low-calorie vegetable, this simple dish provides both satiety and essential nutrients. Featuring lean protein from shrimp, nutrient-rich kale, and protein-packed lentils, it creates a wholesome and satisfying option for those aiming to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
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"The digestive system cannot break down fiber," says Moody. "Fiber slows digestion like protein does, which prolongs the feeling of hunger. Furthermore, your stomach detects how much volume is in it, not how many calories you consume. So, if you add volume to your dinner with low-calorie vegetables like kale and tomatoes, you can feel fuller from a lower-calorie dinner."
Kale has a higher fiber content than other salad greens like spinach and lettuce, providing 4 grams per 100-gram serving. Combined with the fiber-packed lentils (21 grams per cup, raw), this salad is a satisfying and nutrient-dense choice that can support weight loss goals while keeping you satiated.
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Crucial for muscle repair and maintenance, the shrimp, kale, and lentil salad doesn't compromise on protein content. The shrimp and lentils offer a lean source of protein, an essential macronutrient required for muscle repair and maintenance and for keeping hunger at bay. One cup of raw lentils provides a whopping 47 grams of protein, while 100 grams of shrimp contains 20 grams. This protein-packed salad will provide a sense of fullness and a balanced and nutritious approach to weight loss.
"Shrimp is one of the leanest sources of protein out there, meaning it provides a high amount of protein without the saturated fat or excess calories," Moody explains. "Protein takes a while to break down in the stomach, which means meals that are high in protein leave you feeling more satisfied even when the meal is low in calories. Lentils contain protein, carbs, and fiber, providing plant-fueled energy while also helping control appetite."
RELATED: 10 Best Breakfast Foods for Losing Weight & Gaining Muscle
Customization is vital for weight loss, and this shrimp, kale, and lentil salad allows for flexibility in creating a meal that suits your preferences and hunger needs. By incorporating additional vegetables or whole foods, you can increase the salad's bulk to help you fill you up without a ton of extra calories.
"Adding more non-starchy vegetables, like bell peppers, beets, cucumber, tomatoes, and broccoli, can add more bulk to the salad without significantly boosting the calorie content. You can also use vinegar, lemon juice, and salt to make a calorie-free dressing," says Moody.
RELATED: 9 Best Low-Calorie Breakfasts for Weight Loss
Total calories: approximately 497 6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e
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The #1 Best Dinner for Weight Loss - Eat This, Not That
Chrononutrition: When you eat is as important as what you eat – EL PAS USA

The way you eat is essential for your health. But not only do what and how much we eat have an influence, but also when we eat. In recent years, science has focused on unraveling the phenomenon of chrononutrition, which explains the relationship between time-related eating patterns, circadian rhythm, and metabolic health. And research has already shed light on the importance of food intake times that are synchronized with our circadian rhythm, which is the 24-hour biological clock that regulates internal physiological functions. For example, scientists have discovered that skipping breakfast is associated with a higher risk of obesity, and eating late dinners is also linked to weight gain.
Humans have a kind of central clock that sets the time for the body. At first glance, it is a barely one-millimeter ball located in the hypothalamus, but these tiny molecular devices are capable of telling the time to the rest of the body. Together with the small chronometers that are independent of the tissues, they anticipate and prepare the cells for what is to come, such as eating at noon or going to sleep at night. Our body has schedules and this central clock is not isolated, but is synchronized with the outside world, mainly through light and darkness, but also with changes between eating and fasting or with periods of activity and rest, Marta Garaulet, a professor of Physiology at the University of Murcia and expert in chrononutrition explains.
Keeping to our circadian rhythm and all the biological changes that follow a 24-hour cycle is essential for health. So much so that a disruption in these biorhythms can alter basic vital functions, the scientist points out: We are diurnal animals. We are made to sleep at night and we do not eat while we sleep. We are made to eat and move during the day. So, if your body perceives that there is light at night or that you are eating, it is receiving contradictory information.
Internal biorhythms are regulated through the central clock, peripheral chronometers (which are in organs and tissues), lifestyle habits, behaviors, and the environment. A person who is in good chronobiological health is one who has all their clocks synchronized in accordance with the changes of light and darkness, Garaulet says. Now, there may be synchronization failures in the central clock, in the peripherals or in the behaviors, and that can create chronodisruptions that, in the long run, are related to diseases, such as obesity, cancer, depression, or metabolic alterations, says the scientist. This is clearly seen in shift workers or employees who work at night, people whose behaviors are misaligned with their internal clock.
Mealtimes, like light, are a clear modulator of internal clocks, says Garaulet. Mealtimes synchronize the peripheral clocks of food-related organs such as the liver and pancreas. If you eat at the wrong time, none of the organs that prepare to receive the food react well. This is because receiving food has a large impact on the body and it has to prepare for it, says the specialist, who goes into more detail about this explanation: It is as if 100 people have come to eat at your house and they didnt tell you in advance. The anticipation that food is going to enter the body helps it respond well and, when that does not happen, there is an alteration at the metabolic level.
The body is programmed a certain way, and the organs function accordingly. That is, in a different way during the 24 hours of the day: they do not respond in the same way if they have to work at a time that they had not planned. The pancreas, for example, is lazier at night and more active during the day. Eating dinner late has a very clear effect: it coincides with the secretion of melatonin, which is the hormone that prepares you for sleep, with insulin, which is the hormone that helps distribute food. But, in the presence of melatonin, insulin secretion is reduced and tolerance to sugar and carbohydrates is worse, says the chronobiologist. She and her team discovered a decade ago that eating late can influence your ability to lose weight when youre on a diet.
Lidia Daimiel, researcher at the Madrid Institute of Advanced Studies and the Obesity and Nutrition Network Research Center, insists that the body is not equally prepared to manage food at just any time of the day. For this reason, when you eat is a determining factor in the chronobiology of an individual, she explains: When you eat is as important as what you eat. If what you eat is good and healthy, but the timing is not right, you are not getting the benefit at the same magnitude that that food could give you.
In practice, there can be an impact on overall health. Once the time is set, it can affect everything, says Garaulet. A few months ago, an editorial in Frontiers of Nutrition brought together studies indicating that chronodisruptive eating behaviors have been implicated in many health disorders, including sleep disorders, cardiometabolic risk, unbalanced energy distribution, deregulation of body temperature, weight gain, and psychosocial discomfort, among others.
In 2020 another scientific review recalled that experimental and clinical studies have consistently shown that alteration of circadian rhythm can favor the development and progression of digestive pathologies, such as irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases. Likewise, research on mice published in 2023 in the journal Science indicated that synchronizing feeding with the circadian clock mitigates obesity: animals that ate in active phases of their circadian cycle burned more calories and reduced the risk of developing this disease.
Disruption in natural mealtimes also impacts sleep. Sleep is an external synchronizer, like mealtimes, and it sets your clocks. But, at the same time, it is also a consequence of your internal clock and there may be alterations, such as eating late, which can alter sleep because you cannot digest properly, Garaulet adds.
In the context of chrononutrition, fasting and its influence on modulating internal clocks also has an impact. Time-restricted intake, which means that the number of hours of eating is reduced, is being studied. What we know is that when fasting is done early, it works better than if we move it to the afternoon and delay breakfast, explains Daimiel. The scientist defends that fasting helps to reset the body and helps launch epigenetic mechanisms that help control nutrient metabolism.
But there are many questions to be resolved, she says, and the scientific community is not clear. For example, whether fasting [limiting the time of intake] is better than caloric restriction [reducing the number of calories ingested]. Furthermore, she adds, as there are many different fasting protocols, we dont know which is the best because we dont know how each one influences circadian rhythms.
Scientists warn that there are no magic formulas or infallible recommendations for the appropriate time to eat. Garaulet says that there are more than 300 identified genes that define the predisposition of each individual to be more of a morning or evening person: There are people who, if they have dinner at 12 at night, are not affected, since their biological night begins at 1 in the morning. Each individual has different biological nights and the time at which they eat will affect them depending on their internal chronotype. For this reason, Daimiel emphasizes that it is very difficult to give overall advice. But there are two general messages: do not eat late and do not have dinner too close to bedtime, Daimiel says.
Chrononutrition, however, is an expanding science and there are still issues to be resolved. For example, Garaulet points out: It is not clear nor are there studies that confirm that changing the hours of intake improves the prognosis for obesity. Daimiel, for his part, points out another key mystery to be resolved: There is a lot of knowledge about how the circadian rhythm is controlled, but the difficulty now is learning to modulate this to our metabolic convenience. The work is to see how the clocks align through nutrition: what dietary protocols can be applied to set our clocks.
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Chrononutrition: When you eat is as important as what you eat - EL PAS USA