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Why you Should Buy Clen and Kickstart your Weight Loss – The African Exponent
Losing weight is one of the most challenging things that youll ever do in your entire life. Some people have this idea that they will lose weight immediately and it doesnt work that way. You think that going for walks, exercising, or eating healthy will make the fat melt away. Theres so much more involved in losing weight than any of that. You need to buy Clen today and put yourself on the right path. Without Clen, youre more than likely, never going to achieve your weight loss goals.
What keeps people from losing weight?
You might think that youre not losing weight because youre eating the wrong things. There may be some truth in that your diet is causing you not to lose weight fast enough. A balanced diet is essential, and you cant load up on too many carbohydrates. However, the real reason why so many out there cant lose weight is due to their metabolism. Your body isnt allowing you to lose weight. Why would your body do anything to make you not lose weight? You must think about what your fat means to your body. You store fat as a means of storing calories for when you need them at a later date. You see, there was once a time when people didnt have enough to eat, and their body fat is what kept them alive.
Trick Mother Nature into allowing you to give up the fat
Mother Nature is as smart as a whip, and she doesnt want you to do anything that would harm your long term survival. Your body thinks that at any time, you could wind up in a situation where theres no food. Your body is the result of millions of years of humans living in the jungle. There were times when food was scarce, and your body fat meant survival. We dont live in those times anymore, and you dont have to worry about not having access to enough calories. Its okay to shed your weight because the store has all the food youll ever need.
Clen helps trigger the weight loss response in your body
No one should be surprised that they need help losing weight. Clen is the ace in the hole that youve been searching for. Clen triggers the body through a chain of events that produces weight loss. The oral steroid will increase the rate that your body sheds the weight. It doesnt make you lose weight; it helps encourage your body to do what it doesnt want to do. Your body doesnt want to give up its precious reserves of energy, but Clen will encourage it. Clen does just that and helps put you on the right track to success.
Can human growth hormone help you lose weight also?
All of this talk about the need for help losing weight has probably brought up memories about HGH and how it, too, helps people lose weight. The real question is how much does a cycle of HGH cost? Each cycle will cost you $200. Thats peanuts if you put into consideration how it will change your life. Youll look, feel, and perform better in your day to day life while taking HGH. Anyone who needs help losing weight or needs a boost in their overall performance should consider the human growth hormone.
Losing weight is never easy, but it does get easier
Anyone who has packed on the pounds knows that its not easy to get rid of them. Help is out there in the form of Clem and or HGH. Both can help you get rid of the weight that you packed on over the years. You didnt become overweight overnight, and you wont lose it as quickly either. You can, however, put yourself in a better situation and lose weight faster than most. You do that by putting your body in weight loss mode and making sure to stick to a strict diet and exercise regimen. If you dont, then you cant expect the type of results youre looking for. If youre dedicated to your health, then losing weight and building muscle is a must, and a helping hand like Clen is what you need.
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Why you Should Buy Clen and Kickstart your Weight Loss - The African Exponent
Weight Loss: Consume Jaggery With Warm Water to Detoxify Your Body And Shed Those Extra Kilos –
An unhealthy or sedentary lifestyle is what makes people gain too much weight. There are factors too in the picture but majorly your habit plays a bigger role. Those extra kilos in your tummy can not only make you look unattractive but can take toll on your overall health too. From increasing your blood pressure to causing heart ailments and affecting insulin level in your blood, accumulation of unhealthy fats in the body can do much damage than you think. Also Read - Weight Loss: Roti vs. Rice, What's Healthier to Eat When You Are Trying to Shed Those Extra Kilos?
To tackle this problem and get a body of your dreams, you firstly need to make changes in your daily diet. Now is the time to replace the unhealthy items with some healthy options like jaggery. It gives best result when consumed with warm water. Jaggery is a substitute for white sugar and has therapeutic benefits. Here we will stick to its weight loss benefits only. Read further to know how this natural sweetener helps in reducing your tummy fat and maintain a healthy weight. Also Read - Weight Loss: Here is How This Super-Food Can Help You Shed Those Extra Kilos
An effective metabolism is necessary to lose weight. Jaggery contains significant nutrients that are known to enhance your bodys ability to burn calories. These vitamins and minerals assist in maintaining electrolyte balance and improve metabolism. So, to get a toned body, all you need to do is to add jaggery in your daily diet. Also Read - Weight Loss: Consume Garlic Tea Daily And Bid Adieu to Those Extra Kilos
Constipation is associated with weight gain. Consuming jaggery daily can help in proper breakdown of food and its digestion. Being rich in fiber, protein, and other essential nutrients, jaggery can stimulate your digestive enzymes and help in the process. It actually improves the function of acetic acid in stomach.
Water retention in the body can lead to puffiness and weight gain. To prevent it or get rid of the problem, you can have jaggery as it contains potassium, which is known to manage electrolyte balance in the body and reduce water retention.
Read More..Obesity in mice prevented by disabling gene – Medical News Today
A study has found that disabling a gene in the myeloid cells of mice prevents them from developing obesity.
New research has found that inhibiting an immune cell gene in mice prevented them from developing obesity, even when they consumed a diet high in fat.
The studys findings, published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, may one day help scientists develop therapies that can help people with obesity burn calories more easily.
Obesity is a major health issue, and in the United States, rates of the condition have risen over the past 40 years.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that between 2017 and 2018, 42.4% of people in the country had obesity. Between 1999 and 2000, that figure was 30.5%.
Obesity increases the risk of heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and some types of cancer.
The CDC say that lifestyle changes, including eating a more healthful diet and getting more regular exercise, are key to reducing obesity.
One issue, however, involves obesitys effects on metabolism previous research in mice lead to the suggestion that a person with obesity burns fewer calories than a person who does not have obesity.
Better understanding how and why this might happen, and what scientists and clinicians can do about it, may help with reducing obesity.
In the present study, the researchers inhibited a gene in immune cells in mice. They did this because of an association between obesity and increased inflammation, and immune cells play a key role in controlling inflammation.
The researchers had wanted to find out what part the immune cells play in the metabolic complications of obesity. To their surprise, they found that the cells have a central role in regulating obesity and weight gain.
To study the effects of inhibiting the immune cell gene, the researchers conducted two experiments. In the first, they deleted the gene Asxl2, and in the second, they injected regular mice with nanoparticles that interfered with the function of the gene.
Once the researchers had inhibited this gene in the immune cells, they found that the mice did not develop obesity when fed a high fat diet, and that this was likely due to increased energy expenditure.
Compared with a control group of mice who had obesity but none of the gene inhibition, the mice with the inhibition burned 45% more calories, despite eating high fat diets.
For the studys principal investigator, Prof. Steven L. Teitelbaum, of the Washington University School of Medicine, in St. Louis, MO, Weve developed a proof of concept, here, that you can regulate weight gain by modulating the activity of these inflammatory cells.
It might work in a number of ways, but we believe it may be possible to control obesity and the complications of obesity by better regulating inflammation.
The team is not yet sure why inhibiting the gene in the mices immune cells resulted in them not gaining weight while on a high fat diet. The researchers suspect that the answer may involve encouraging white fat cells to burn fat rather than store it, as brown fat cells do.
While this is only preliminary research, the findings may eventually help people with obesity burn calories at a higher rate, supporting them as they make broader lifestyle changes that involve the diet and exercise.
According to Prof. Teitelbaum, A large percentage of Americans now have fatty livers, and one reason is that their fat depots cannot take up the fat they eat, so it has to go someplace else.
These mice consumed high fat diets, but they didnt get fatty livers. They dont get type 2 diabetes. It seems that limiting the inflammatory effects of their macrophages allows them to burn more fat, which keeps them leaner and healthier.
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Obesity in mice prevented by disabling gene - Medical News Today
Stay Healthy: Intermittent fasting – the hottest new diet – Hello Monaco!
Beach body, bikini body. Summer is almost here and everyone wants to get in shape which usually means shedding a kilo or two. We know that traditional diets dont work, but experienced nutritionists like me are re-discovering a way that does. Intermittent fasting or chrono-fasting as its sometimes called. Read on to discover how it can help you lose weight and improve your health.
Intermittent fasting is nothing new. It has been a traditional practice throughout history. Virtually forgotten until now, but if done right, this powerful dietary intervention has huge benefits that include weight loss, reversal of type 2 diabetes, increased energy and many other things.
No. Its all about control. Starvation means the involuntary absence of food, whereas fasting means withholding from food for spiritual, health or other reasons. In other words, you could eat, but you choose not to. You can fast for a few hours or a few days and you can stop whenever you want. You decide. Anytime you are not eating, you are fasting. Consider the term break fast. It means that you are fasting between dinner and breakfast the next day usually for about 12-14 hours. Breakfast is the meal that breaks your fast.
So, fasting is a normal part of everyday life. Its probably one the oldest and most powerful ways of boosting our health but these days weve forgotten how to do it and we ignore its enormous therapeutic potential.
Simply put, fasting allows your body to burn off excess fat. We need to understand that this is perfectly normal and humans have evolved to fast without detrimental consequences to our health. Body fat is just energy from food that has been stored away for later use. If you dont eat, your body simply burns this stored fat for energy.
When we eat, we consume more calories than we can put to immediate use. Insulin is the hormone that stores the rest away. Remember that insulin is a storage hormone! Its job is to store fat.
Some of this food energy is stored in the liver. But that quickly reaches capacity. The rest is turned into fat and deposited around the body. Energy stored in the liver is easily accessible, but energy stored as fat is much more difficult to access and has unlimited storage space as anyone who has struggled with their weight can attest.
The process goes in reverse when we do not eat (fasting). Insulin levels fall, which tells the body to start burning stored energy as its no longer getting it through food. Blood glucose falls, so the body must now pull glucose out of storage to burn for energy.Energy stored in the liver can power our body for about 24 hours. After that it starts to break down fat as energy.
Basically, our body is either in the fed (insulin high) mode or the fasted (insulin low) mode. Either we are storing food energy, or we are burning it. Its one or the other. If eating and fasting are balanced, then you dont gain weight.
On the other hand, if we start eating the minute we get up and dont stop until we go to sleep, we spend almost all our time in the fed state. Over time, we will gain weight because we never allow our body any time to burn food energy.
To restore balance or to lose weight, we simply need to increase the amount of time we burn food energy. Fasting allows the body to use up its stored energy. Its as simple as that.
The most obvious one is weight loss. But there are many others. Like detoxes and cleanses, fasting helps to clear toxins and rejuvenate our bodys cells, so the benefits are similar:
Fasting has the edge for many reasons. There is no better way to lower insulin and decrease body weight:
As with any diet, for best results you need the guidance of a trained professional. More of an eating pattern than an actual diet, there are different ways to do it usually either eating 500 calories one or two days a week or going twelve to eighteen hours a day without food (not as hard as it sounds!)A licensed nutritionist can help you decide what works best for you and plan accordingly. My preferred approach goes something like this; drink green tea or coffee in the morning, exercise, keep busy until 1:00 pm, eat a light, healthy, balanced meal (around 600 calories) and eat your evening meal early. One of the big advantages is that the mind is sharper and your mornings are more productive. After the initial getting used to period, youd be surprised how easy it is.
You might be wondering whether fasting will put you in starvation mode. The answer is no. Fasting increases basal metabolic rate. And its a myth that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Since hunger tends to be lowest in the morning, skipping breakfast is the easiest meal to give up. Another important thing to remember is that hunger comes in waves. Despite what you might think, hunger does not continue to grow until its unbearable. Have a cup of tea and often it will pass. Whats more, once your body starts burning fat most people find that theyre no longer hungry.
Intermittent fasting is an almost fool-proof way to lose weight. Still sounds too good to be true? Give it a try and see!
For nutritional consultations on a wide range of health issues contact Susan Tomassini, Licensed Nutritionist BSc (Hons) Dip BCNH @ 06 17481114 or visit
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Stay Healthy: Intermittent fasting - the hottest new diet - Hello Monaco!
Finding the right info about Fibromyalgia –
Dear Dietitian,
I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. There is a lot of information on the internet about diet to help with this. Some websites say one thing, others say another. Its very confusing, and I need your help.
Thank you,
Dear Joyce,
While the internet has brought a world of information to our fingertips, nutrition information must be evaluated for its authenticity. Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disorder characterized by chronic widespread pain, sleep problems, fatigue, and problems with memory and thinking (fibro fog). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, FM affects around 4 million Americans (1). The cause of FM is not well understood, and there is no cure.
It is important to note that while nutrition therapy is a hot topic in research, not all diseases are treatable with nutrition. For example, treatment for diabetes and heart disease includes nutrition therapy. However, there is no dietary intervention for the prevention or treatment of Parkinsons disease. Whether there will be evidence-based nutrition therapy for FM remains to be seen.
Some claim that nutrition therapies for Fibromyalgia are promising, but more studies are needed before scientific conclusions can be made. Special diets that have been shown to improve FM symptoms are weight-loss, low FODMAP (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono- saccharides and polyols) and a mostly raw vegetarian diet. Improvements in pain levels, quality of sleep, anxiety and depression, and inflammatory labs were noted (2). If you choose a low FODMAP or mostly raw vegetarian diet, it would be wise to consult with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. The RDN will provide diet education to ensure that all your nutrient needs are met.
A weight loss diet possibly helps in two ways. Extra weight means more work for the muscles and can be damaging to the joints over time. It follows that shedding those unwanted pounds will make it easier on the body. Also, fat cells produce inflammatory molecules, which may contribute to pain. When the fat cells are eliminated, pain is diminished. Similarly, the mostly raw vegetarian diet is believed to improve symptoms by decreasing inflammation.
Many patients who suffer from FM have intestinal problems, such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The low FODMAP diet may ease FM symptoms by improving the environment of the intestines, also referred to as the gut microbiota.
As for supplements, there is some evidence that vitamin D or magnesium deficiency is common in those who suffer from FM. You may ask your doctor to test your blood levels to see if you need a supplement. Supplementation with these nutrients is helpful only if there is a deficiency (3).
Other natural remedies have been studied to see if they have a benefit for FM patients. These remedies include soy, Sam-e, and creatine. However, there is not enough evidence to determine if these products are helpful (4).
The development of well-designed studies is needed to determine the effects of nutrition intervention in patients with FM. Not until then will we have a clear path to move forward with nutrition therapy. Consult your doctor if you think you may have Fibromyalgia.
Until next time, be healthy!
Dear Dietitian
1. What is Fibromyalgia? (Oct 11, 2017) Retrieved from
2. Silva, A.R., et al. (2019) Dietary interventions in fibromyalgia: a systematic review, Annals of Medicine, 51:sup1, 2-14, DOI: 10.1080/07853890.2018.1564360
3-4 Fibromyalgia: In Depth (May 2016) Retrieved from
Leanne McCrate is an award-winning dietitian based in Missouri. Her mission is to educate the public on sound, evidence-based nutrition. Do you have a nutrition question? Email her at
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Finding the right info about Fibromyalgia -
Venus Williams’ Diet Is Primarily Raw And Vegan, But She Calls Herself A ‘Chegan’ – Women’s Health
It's not an exaggeration to say Venus Williams, who went pro at 14-years-old, changed the face of tennisand she's not slowing down anytime soon.
Now 39, the tennis champion and entrepreneur (who has seven Grand Slam titles and two companies under her belt) continues to perform at an elite level on all fronts. These days, she puts most of her energy into her activewear line, EleVen, which is all about empowering women to kill it on and off the court.
How does Venus keep her endless hot streak going, though? She says her diet deserves a lot of the credit.
"I started eating raw and vegan for health reasons," Venus tells Women's Health. "I needed to fuel my body in the best way possible." (She's previously opened up about having Sjogren's syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that comes with fatigue, muscles aches, and joint pain.) "Knowing how important a role my diet plays keeps me on track," she says.
Venus leaves room for a little flexibility, though. "I try to make the majority of my meals raw and vegan, but Im only human and am known to cheat a little bit. I joke that Im a 'chegan' because sometimes Ive been known to stray."
Here's exactly what the tennis legend eats to fuel her training and entrepreneurial ventures.
For Venus, mornings are focused on training. "Im not a morning person or a big breakfast eater," Venus tells Women's Health. "I do need some fuel to get me going, but find it hard to scarf down a big meal first thing when I wake up, so Ill usually have something light like fruit or a protein shake."
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Since Venus' calendar is often jam-packed during the day, she switches up her lunch as needed, often opting for mobile meals like smoothies when time is tight. "Depending on how much time I have for lunch and what my schedule looks like, lunch can vary from sweet potatoes and rice to a green smoothie," she says.
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"Eating is part of the job when Im competing, so I make sure to get some protein and carbs," she says. "After a match, Ill usually have a protein shake with a plant-based milk and protein powder and then eat a real meal shortly after."
Snacks (and lots of them!) also help Venus get through hectic days. "Im often running from multiple practices to meetings for EleVen or calls with my design company, V Starr, so I am always looking for little things that are easy to bring on-the-go," she says. "Clif Bars are great when Im super busy; they are small-but-mighty and fill me up quickly." (Venus is a Clif Bar athlete, but she's been a fan since long before the deal.)
Otherwise, Venus loads her snacks with greens and veggies. "You'll often find me snacking on kale chips in meetings," she says. "Green juice and smoothiesand protein shakes, if I'm coming straight from practiceare also my go-tos. I need foods that are tasty and convenient, but still pack a punch and keep me going, whether Im on the court or in a meeting."
In the evening, Venus usually goes for a salad. "For dinner, I love vegan Caesar salads because they are super easy," Venus told Women's Health. "I can whip it up quickly whether Im at home or in a hotel room at a tournament."
Venus isn't the only one on the vegan train. These other icons swear by eating only plants, too:
Venus' sweet tooth might rival her powerful swing, but she's found healthy swaps to satisfy it with. "When Im training I really try to practice self-control, but sometimes a girl just needs a donut!" she says. "I have found its easier to curb those cravings by finding foods that are still sweet but also healthy, like a juice or a smoothie." Okay, Venus may really be the smoothie queen.
One of her favorite smoothies: a "Green-Colada," which she makes with pineapple, canned coconut milk, coconut oil, a little vanilla flavoring, and kale. "Sometimes Ill have some fun and put a rum or prosecco floater on top," she says. "Work hard, play hard!"
Venus' ultimate eating MO: "It's all about moderation. Life is too short to not love what youre eating." Right on, Venus. Right on.
All Star 7/8 Legging
Luna Bar Variety Pack
Pitch Windbreaker
Clif Bar Crunchy Peanut Butter (36 Bars)
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Venus Williams' Diet Is Primarily Raw And Vegan, But She Calls Herself A 'Chegan' - Women's Health
This Guys Shredded Look Started with Walking on Work Breaks –
I have two children and would like to be around in the future and see them grow up, says Danny Beard, a 44-year-old-systems developer from Meridian, MS. The possibility that he might not be around in the future really hit home when he went for his yearly physical. He was shocked by his weight, and even more so when his doctor prescribed liver screenings and cholesterol medication.
For the previous five to eight years, his weight had crept up, driven by his feelings of depression and low self-esteem. He was unmotivated to do more than lay around the house and play video games, scarfing down junk food and soda. He was also a heavy smoker, which didnt do wonders for his health. At age 43, he was at his heaviest: 218 pounds.
After his physical, he resolved to change. He asked for a Chantix prescription to stop smoking. He stopped drinking soft drinks, and completely revamped his diet. Hed eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast to help lower his cholesterol; lunch was tuna and crackers, a protein shake, and an apple, followed by a dinner of vegetables and grilled chicken with a protein shake. He aimed for 1400 to 1600 calories a day.
For exercise, he started walking on his breaks at work. Hed try to get 9000 steps a day, and stood at his desk rather than sitting. He started light runs after work. Within a month, his tests were back to normal, earning appreciation from his doctor.
After eight months of losing weight, hed motivated a co-worker to also try slimming down. The two became gym buddies, starting with a 5x5 program of progressive overloads in squats, barbell rows, deadlifts, overhead presses, and bench presses three days a week. Beard did cardio twice a week on off days, including speed intervals and a 5K run.
In a year, he lost more than 65 pounds. His friends and coworkers say he looks like a different person, and he says he feels better than ever. Everyone tells me I smile a lot more now, he says.
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His first 5K time was around 36 minutes, but hes shaved that down to 26 minutes; hes also prepping for his first half-marathon. Now that hes dropped so much weight, hes looking to build muscle; he admits having a little trouble wrapping his head around the idea of eating more calories rather than fewer. Hes upped his intake to 2500 calories a day, aiming for 150 grams of protein daily when hes strength training.
Beard feels like hes come back from the brink, turning his health around to make sure he has a future with his kids. He encourages anyone who wonders about their own future to take that first step. As long as you do something every week or every other day, he says, its better than nothingeven if it is a short walk on your break at work. Thats where he started, out of necessity. He stuck with it, and soon a year of real change had passed. You will be surprised by how little changes every day will add up and make a big difference.
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This Guys Shredded Look Started with Walking on Work Breaks -
Another Voice: Survival of the Fittest – Ukiah Daily Journal
In recent weeks, we have seen shelter-in-place protesters: a mingling of alt right, neo-Nazi, tea party, and Trump supporters. Some hold signs demanding we thin the herd. Perhaps inspired by Ayn Rand and the concept of the superman, they believe in the supremacy of the individual over the whole. From a unity perspective, this is lethal foolishness.
Bumper sticker Darwinism boils down to survival of the fittest, but that summary is misleading. When a herd is attacked by a predator, everyone tries to run away. While the fittest individual does survive, so does most of the rest of the herd. What happens in nature is the demise of the least fit, not focusing on the individual, but evaluating the whole herd.
A May 12th Washington Post article, by Bernstein and Cha, reported New Ways the Coronavirus Attacks the Body. In the initial days of the outbreak, most efforts focused on the lungs. No one was expecting a disease that would not fit the pattern of pneumonia and respiratory illness, said David Reich, of Mount Sinai Hospital. Today, there is widespread recognition the novel coronavirus is far more unpredictable than a simple respiratory virus.
It attacks the heart, weakening its muscles and disrupting its rhythm. It savages the kidneys so badly some hospitals have run short of dialysis equipment. It crawls along the nervous system, destroying taste and smell and occasionally reaching the brain. It creates blood clots that can kill and inflames blood vessels throughout the body. An exaggerated response from the bodys own immune system can attack the bodys own cells along with the virus. It harms men more than women. It picks on the elderly, people weakened by previous disease, and, disproportionately, the obese.
The combination of diminished immune function due to age and the likelihood of other health issues tend to make the elderly least fit. The protesters, who are mostly young, are willing to sacrifice others to get the economy going again and help Trumps re-election chances.
But obesity, a particularly unfit category in terms of the virus, is not limited to the elderly. In 2018, a higher percentage of Americans were rated as obese than any other country in the world, over 40%, and a fifth of them were morbidly obese. Obesity puts stress on the heart, making it more vulnerable to the virus.
A strong immune system is critical during this pandemic. Almost 10 percent of Americans have diabetes, often induced by diet, which reduces immune function, and another 20% of Americans are pre-diabetic. 9 percent of Americans have asthma and reduced lung function. Chemical contamination of our bodies reduces immune system function, as does increased stress. Stress increases with economic inequity and poverty, lack of access to health care, and soul deadening work. Poor anger management is another stress factor, dramatically on display in the lock down protesters.
Consider what most fit might look like. Certainly, improved diet and exercise would help, as would universal access to health care. Fittest should also consider how and where we work and live. Robust health and safety regulations in the workplace, and rigorous attention to the chemical contamination of our air, food, and water, would be important.
In addition to healthy physical conditions, examine what kind of behavior would be most fit. Media exposure has honored the compassion exhibited by the front-line health care workers. Shelter in place is the individual restraining themselves for the benefit of the larger society: compassion in action. Contrast that to Trumps every move.
A most fit economy would reward skills necessary for survival: the ability to grow and process food, working in the food supply chain, keeping the basics of life functioning, such as water works, sanitation, trash, electricity, and education. These essential services are often poorly paid while we lavish money on the top of the corporate structure. Millions are unemployed and the stock market increases: indication of a least fit economy.
People should be wary of rooting for thinning the herd. Our poor diet of chemically contaminated agribusiness food, distorted economy, fractured health care system, toxified environment, and incompetent leadership has produced a death count higher than any other country, and the epidemic still rages out of control. On a global scale, all of America is ripe for thinning.
Crispin B. Hollinshead lives in Ukiah. This and previous articles can be found at
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Another Voice: Survival of the Fittest - Ukiah Daily Journal
Horoscope today: Here are the astrological predictions for May 24 – Mumbai Mirror
If its your birthday today
Travel for work/ business is less for six months. Business/ career gradually improves. Just take care of work to be completed every day- thats all one can do. Overall health is good, but do have blood pressure checked regularly. An ongoing issue with some friends/ relatives is amicably resolved and all is well again. Family is closer knit with greater understanding.
Capricorn: That a sensitive issue is resolved mentally is wonderful. Embrace underlying love with unconditional acceptance. Do follow a healthy diet. Lucky days: 24th, 27th, 28th, 30th. Colours: lilac/ white.
Virgo: A change of direction in business/career is managed wisely. Karmas are balanced minutely, drawing in many opportunities for receiving just rewards. Lucky days: 25th, 26th, 27th, 29th Colours: violet/ cream.
Aquarius: Do drink enough water and get adequate sleep to deal with so much work every day. Working out flaws in a project is challenging. Lucky days: 25th, 28th, 29th. Colours: silver/ tan.
Gemini: A relationship you thought was over gets revived quite unexpectedly. Avoid impulsive actions. Consider ramifications before making changes. Lucky days: 26th, 28th, 29th. Colours:white/ brown.
Libra: Reward yourself for work well done. This energy balance is important too. Try not to react immediately to something said innocently. Lucky days: 24th, 25th, 26th, 29th, 30th Colours:red/ orange.
Pisces: Being supportive towards a friend who is quite tense helps a lot. Sort out a misunderstanding as soon as possible. Be practical. Lucky days: 24th, 26th, 28th, 29th, 30th. Colours:maroon/ turquoise.
Cancer: Avoid a feeling of regret, accepting a situation unconditionally. You would rather not be in it, but have no choice as of now. Lucky days: 24th, 27th, 28th, 30th. Colours: pink/ purple.
Scorpio: Honestly look into your heart and accept what you find. Sometimes one just has to agree with what cant be changed. Health is good. Lucky days: 28th, 30th. Colours: light blue/ gold.
Aries: Balancing spiritual growth with materialism is so important for you. Have facts and figures ready for an important meeting. Do regularly follow a nutritious diet. Lucky days: 27th, 28th. Colours:turquoise/ black
Leo: Maintain a balance between work and leisure. Some deal with extra expenses. You maintain closeness in relationships by being transparent. Do get enough sleep. Lucky days: 25th, 27th, 30th. Colours:green/ beige.
Sagittarius: Try using ideas and opportunities which you felt would not work earlier. You have come a long way to achieving inner peace. Be happy. Lucky days: 26th, 28th, 29th, 30th. Colours:peach/ aquamarine.
Horoscope today: Here are the astrological predictions for May 24 - Mumbai Mirror
Young Indiana wrestlers find ways to stay fit amid pandemic – The Republic
GREENWOOD, Ind. From the comfort of his living room, Greenwood wrestler Eli Ross is able to get in shoulder and bicep workouts without the benefit of weights.
Ross has filled two milk jugs with water, another two with sand and two more with rocks.
The makeshift setup is one of the methods used by the junior to maintain his strength until things return to normal after the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many other Johnson County wrestlers, Ross, a two-time regional qualifier at 160 pounds, became creative in how he remains fit despite not having a practice partner or coach nearby to dispense advice.
You should always have a partner and a coach to get better, said Ross, one of three Woodmen captains for next season with fellow seniors-to-be Anthony Walker and Chris Ping. Over the virus and staying at home, I was able to get a wrestling dummy to practice throwing.
Ross maintains his level of cardiovascular conditioning by running one to two miles most days.
Indiana governor Eric Holcombs gradual reopening of the state includes school-sponsored summer activities resuming on July 1. The first meeting for members of the 2020-21 Greenwood wrestling team is scheduled for the following day.
Their conditioning isnt what Im worried about. Its more that mentally theyre in a good place, Woodmen coach Jay Yates said. Theyre bored. But I think when we start back in July that theyll be pretty motivated and it will have more meaning.
Theres definitely going to be a lot of energy and excitement to get that social aspect going.
In the meantime, wrestlers at Center Grove, Franklin, Greenwood, Indian Creek and Whiteland are doing what needs to be done from the comfort of their living room, basement or garage.
Having a family member with wrestling experience is a big plus. Center Grove sophomore Drake Buchanan, fresh off a sixth-place state meet performance at 182 pounds, competes against his father, Joel, a few times a week on the wrestling mat at the family residence. Joel, 51, wrestled at Columbus North, graduating in 1987.
Right now what Im doing is wrestling with my dad three times a week. Hes not the best technically, but hes really strong, Drake Buchanan said. I feel very fortunate that hes stayed in shape. My dad made the first round of state his senior year.
Buchanan also plans to continue playing for the Trojans football team, and practices speed and jumping drills in his back yard.
Franklin junior Jake Bechert has a wrestling mat and workout room in his basement. He and younger brother, Luke, wholl be a freshman for the Grizzly Cubs in the fall, make it a point to get their work in.
Well go down there once or twice a week to wrestle and about five times a week to work out, said Jake Bechert, who is coming off a 25-12 season at 120 pounds but figures to jump to 145 or 152 as a senior. This whole quarantine thing is a lot different than anything weve been through before.
Weve never had to work out this much from home. I miss my teammates, though. They help motivate me.
Whiteland freshman Joey Buttler, a semistate qualifier at 113 pounds over the winter, helped transform the guest bedroom at his house into a weight room. Buttler, who figures to compete at 113 or 120 next season, lifts seven days a week, splitting workouts between push exercises (chest, triceps and shoulders), pull (biceps, back, forearms and abdominals) and legs.
Its obviously hard. You can do stuff, but the kitchen is right downstairs, so youre tempted, Buttler said. Im very good about my diet, even in the offseason, so right now the (cardiovascular) exercise is the hardest part. The weather is very indecisive. Its getting better now, but for a couple months it was bad.
Coaches, too, are trying to help their athletes the best they can in trying times.
Our guys are doing in-home workouts, things theyve sort of developed on their own, Center Grove coach Maurice Swain said. It kind of goes back to the old-school ways in the 1990s and early 2000s when there werent a lot of offseason workouts and tournaments.
Sometimes, I think kids need a break. Thats kind of how Ive been looking at it. Its a chance for everyone to get healed up and get the batteries recharged.
Yates created a web page for Greenwood wrestlers in grades 9-12 next season. Included are announcements and workouts they can do from home.
The Franklin program is active on social media, with Facebook and Twitter pages. Coach Jim Tonte uses those platforms in order to make interviews with everyone from high-level coaches to first responders available in order to keep wrestlers motivated.
It is, after all, a time when it would be easy for a teenager to lack the normal discipline pertaining to exercise and diet.
The first day this happened, we filmed a video so kids could train at home without a partner, Tonte said. Weve taken a big initiative to do some things and not just sit around.
Franklin returns six wrestlers who qualified for the Evansville Semistate, three of whom made it to state.
(Tonte) keeps reminding us what the goal is for next year, which is a state championship for the team, Jake Bechert said. I definitely think we can pull it off if we continue to work hard. Its given me an opportunity to close the gap on some kids who maybe arent working as hard right now.
Source: Daily Journal
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Young Indiana wrestlers find ways to stay fit amid pandemic - The Republic