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The 80/20 Rule Promises Easy Weight LossBut Does It Work? – Best Life

There's a new weight loss scheme making the rounds on the internet, and many people swear by it. It's known as the 80/20 rule, and the concept is simple: For 80 percent of the time, you follow a nutritious eating plan that falls within your set calorie budget. For the remaining 20 percent, you can let loose a little, enjoying the foods you love with fewer restrictions.
For many people, this offers a balanced approach to dieting that puts weight loss well within reach. However, others have found that despite adhering to the plan, the scale won't budge. Wondering if the 80/20 rule might work for you? Here's everything you need to know about the new eating plan that promises easy weight loss.
RELATED:Lose 50 Pounds by Following 2 Simple Rules, Successful Dieter Says.
The 80/20 rule may sound straightforward, but it can actually look very different from person to person. For some people, an 80/20 split means following a strict diet for five days out of the week and then indulging in two cheat days. For others, it means carefully breaking up each day's calorie budget to allow for a daily splurge that accounts for 20 percent. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb
The key to success is to get honest with yourself about how much structure you need to stay on track with your diet plan. Trying the plan out various ways can help you determine what works best for you and your lifestyle.
Krutika Nanavati, RDN, a registered dietitian and nutritionist practicing in New Zealand and a medical advisor at Clinicspots, says there are several benefits to the 80/20 rule.
"Flexibility prevents deprivation and burnout, fostering long-term adherence," she tells Best Life, adding that enjoying occasional treats can provide mental relief and reduce cravings. Planning for controlled indulgence may ultimately help some people avoid binging behaviors, she notes.
If you have an active social life, you may also appreciate how the flexible 20 percent of your schedule allows you to enjoy shared meals with others. Instead of having those events sway you off course, you can treat them as normal parts of life that you balance in the remaining 80 percent of your time.
However, not everyone following the 80/20 rule will find that it leads to easy weight loss. Nanavati says that many people overeat significantly during their flex days and struggle to switch between restriction and non-restriction. "The 20 percent freedom might lead to unhealthy choices, compromising overall effectiveness," which she says depends on "personal habits, discipline, and metabolic factors."
She also warns that any diet plan that you view as a "quick fix" may ultimately end in disappointment. The 80/20 rule, like all other weight loss plans, "requires long-term commitment and consistent effort for noticeable weight loss," the dietitian says.
RELATED:I'm a Diet Coach and These Are the 5 Things I'd Do to Lose Weight Fast.
Michele Saari, MSc, RD, a registered dietitian working with EHealth Project, says that with a few slight changes, the general concept of the 80/20 rule can lead to significant and sustainable weight loss. In particular, she suggests tweaking how much time you spend eating healthy meals versus eating flexibly. A 90/10 split is ideal, she says.
"If someone is telling you that 20 percent of the time, such as on weekends, you can eat whatever you want, you likely will not lose weight," Saari explains. "Those two days or 20 percent of the time eating whatever you want can throw away all the hard work you put in throughout the week. Someone could easily eat and drink thousands more calories on the weekend than they intended to, and this will lead to weight gain."
She adds that the specifics of what you eat will also determine whether or not you shed pounds. The vast majority of the time, your diet should be built around fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, a range of vitamins and minerals, and ample water.
When you do indulge, it's still best to maintain a little bit of structure. "Make sure that you fill up on a nutritious meal before, including a high fiber and protein option," Saari says. "When you're eating your treats, try to listen to your body when you're actually full there's no need to clean your plate if it's only going to make you feel overly full and uncomfortable after."
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Best Life offers the most up-to-date information from top experts, new research, and health agencies, but our content is not meant to be a substitute for professional guidance. When it comes to the medication you're taking or any other health questions you have, always consult your healthcare provider directly.
The 80/20 Rule Promises Easy Weight LossBut Does It Work? - Best Life
Going Low-Carb? Avoid Meat to Keep the Weight Off Long-Term – HealthDay

THURSDAY, Dec. 28, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- New research offers yet more evidence that veggies, whole grains and low-fat dairy products are good for you in the long run.
"Our study goes beyond the simple question of, 'To carb or not to carb?'" said lead study author Binkai Liu, a research assistant in the nutrition department at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston.
"It dissects the low-carbohydrate diet and provides a nuanced look at how the composition of these diets can affect health over years, not just weeks or months," Liu explained in a Harvard news release.
The key takeaway: Not all low-carb diets are the same when it comes to managing weight over the long haul.
In the study, researchers analyzed data from more than 123,000 healthy adults who were part of major research studies between 1986 and 2018.
Participants reported on their diets and weights every four years, and they were scored based on adherence to five types of low-carb diet. They included ones based on animal proteins, plant-based proteins and ones that emphasized animal proteins, unhealthy fats and processed grains.
Low-carb regimens high in proteins, fats and carbs from healthy, plant-based sources were linked to slower long-term weight gain.
Participants who stuck with total low-carb or animal-based eating regimens gained more weight, on average, than those who followed a healthy low-carb eating plan over time.
These links were strongest for participants who were overweight or obese, younger than 55 and/or less physical active, the study found.
The findings were published Dec. 27 in the journal JAMA Network Open.
"Our findings could shake up the way we think about popular low-carbohydrate diets and suggest that public health initiatives should continue to promote dietary patterns that emphasize healthful foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products," said senior study author Dr. Qi Sun, an associate professor of nutrition at Harvard.
More information
The Mayo Clinic has more about low-carb diets.
SOURCE: Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health, news release, Dec. 27, 2023
See the rest here:
Going Low-Carb? Avoid Meat to Keep the Weight Off Long-Term - HealthDay
The Role of Carbohydrates in Weight Loss and Disease Reduction – Medriva

The world of diets is a confusing one, filled with countless theories and strategies, each claiming to be the ultimate solution for weight loss and health. Among the most popular are low-carb and no-carb diets. However, these diets may lead us to miss out on many delicious and healthy foods. It is crucial to understand the difference between healthy carbohydrates, often found in whole foods, and less healthy ones, typically found in processed foods. This article aims to provide valuable insights for those considering a low-carb or no-carb diet.
Refined carbohydrates, also known as simple carbs, come in two forms: refined grains and sugars. The refining process eliminates the bran and germ, leaving only the endosperm, which significantly reduces the nutritional value. Consumption of too many refined carbs is associated with an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. Common examples of refined carbohydrates include white bread, white rice, and white flour. Hence, it is advisable to consume these foods in moderation and opt for complex carbohydrates, which are digested more slowly and are richer in nutrients.
A study conducted by Harvard found that the quality of foods, not just the quantity of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, makes a difference in maintaining weight. The research, which followed the eating patterns of 120,000 people over 30 to 40 years, found that diets composed of plant-based proteins and fats, and healthy carbohydrates were significantly associated with slower long-term weight gain than unhealthy low-carb diets. This study confirms that the quality of diet matters, not just the number of carbs.
Complex carbs digest or absorb more slowly than simple carbs, which can aid in weight control and maintaining stable blood sugar levels. They are also more filling, which can help prevent overeating. The timing of consuming carbs can also play a role, with simple carbs being suggested for energy before or after intense workouts, and before bed for faster digestion and energy.
A study of nearly 125,000 healthy adults showed that replacing refined carbs with whole-grain foods and reducing animal-based fats and proteins lessened the amount of weight people gained over four years. The research emphasized the importance of high-quality carbohydrates such as whole grains, healthy fats, and plant-based proteins. Moreover, it showed that diets heavy on healthy carbohydrates and plant-based proteins and fats are associated with significantly slower long-term weight gain. However, even healthy choices can become unhealthy depending on how they are served.
Reducing refined carbs can lead to weight loss and decrease the risk of heart disease. Consuming fibrous vegetables and natural fats can also aid in weight loss and disease prevention. However, it is crucial to note the potential risks of low-carb diets and the dangers of increasing carbohydrate intake to very high levels. The connection between carbs and weight loss is complex and depends on the quality and quantity of the carbs consumed.
While low-carb and no-carb diets can seem attractive for quick weight loss, its essential to consider the long-term effects and benefits of whole, unprocessed foods. By focusing on the quality of carbohydrates and including a balance of healthy fats and proteins in our diet, we can enjoy delicious food, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
See the original post:
The Role of Carbohydrates in Weight Loss and Disease Reduction - Medriva
Low-carbohydrate diets emphasizing healthy, plant-based sources associated with slower long-term weight gain –

Low-carbohydrate diets comprised mostly of plant-based proteins and fats with healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains were associated with slower long-term weight gain than low-carbohydrate diets comprised mostly of animal proteins and fats with unhealthy carbohydrates like refined starches, according to a new study led by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
The study will be published on December 27, 2023, inJAMA Network Open.
Our study goes beyond the simple question of, To carb or not to carb? said lead author Binkai Liu, research assistant in the Department of Nutrition. It dissects the low-carbohydrate diet and provides a nuanced look at how the composition of these diets can affect health over years, not just weeks or months.
While many studies have shown the benefits of cutting carbohydrates for short-term weight loss, little research has been conducted on low-carbohydrate diets effect on long-term weight maintenance and the role of food group quality.
Using data from the Nurses Health Study, Nurses Health Study II, and Health Professionals Follow-up Study, the researchers analyzed the diets and weights of 123,332 healthy adults from as early as 1986 to as recently as 2018. Each participant provided self-reports of their diets and weights every four years. The researchers scored participants diets based on how well they adhered to five categories of low-carbohydrate diet: total low-carbohydrate diet (TLCD), emphasizing overall lower carbohydrate intake; animal-based low-carbohydrate diet (ALCD), emphasizing animal-based proteins and fats; vegetable-based low-carbohydrate diet (VLCD), emphasizing plant-based proteins and fats; healthy low-carbohydrate diet (HLCD), emphasizing plant-based proteins, healthy fats, and fewer refined carbohydrates; and unhealthy low-carbohydrate diet (ULCD), emphasizing animal-based proteins, unhealthy fats, and carbohydrates coming from unhealthy sources such as processed breads and cereals.
The study found that diets comprised of plant-based proteins and fats and healthy carbohydrates were significantly associated with slower long-term weight gain. Participants who increased their adherence to TLCD, ALCD, and ULCD on average gained more weight compared to those who increased their adherence to HLCD over time. These associations were most pronounced among participants who were younger (<55 years old), overweight or obese, and/or less physically active. The results for the vegetable-based low carbohydrate diet were more ambiguous: Data from the Nurses Health Study II showed an association between higher VLCD scores and less weight gain over time, while data around VLCD scores from the Nurses Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-up Study were more mixed.
The key takeaway here is that not all low-carbohydrate diets are created equal when it comes to managing weight in the long-term, said senior author Qi Sun, associate professor in the Department of Nutrition. Our findings could shake up the way we think about popular low-carbohydrate diets and suggest that public health initiatives should continue to promote dietary patterns that emphasize healthful foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.
Other Harvard Chan authors included Molin Wang, associate professor in the Departments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Yang Hu, research scientist; Sharan Rai, postdoctoral research fellow; and Frank Hu, professor, in the Department of Nutrition.
The study was funded by research grants from the National Institutes of Health: UM1 CA186107, U01 CA176726, U01 CA167552, P01 CA87969, R01 HL034594, R01 HL035464, R01 HL60712, R01 DK120870, R01 DK126698, R01 DK119268, U2C DK129670, DK119268, R01 ES022981, and R21 AG070375.
Low-Carbohydrate Diet Macronutrient Quality and Weight Change, Binkai Liu, Yang Hu, Sharan K. Rai, Molin Wang, Frank B. Hu, Qi Sun,JAMA Network Open, December 27, 2023, doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.49552
The material in this press release comes from the originating research organization. Content may be edited for style and length. Want more? Sign up for our daily email.
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Low-carbohydrate diets emphasizing healthy, plant-based sources associated with slower long-term weight gain -
The Dangers of Losing Weight Too Quickly – The Baton Rouge Clinic

The new year brings with it the promise of new beginnings, which is why many people make resolutions. One of the most common commitments made at this time of year is to lose weight, although many people are at a loss for the best way to get it done. While you may be wooed by fad diets that promise quick weight loss, you may want to give those diets a second thought.
Losing weight too quickly or depriving yourself of certain foods can lead to a number of health issues. It also makes it less likely youll keep the weight off. Thats because if you cant sustain the changes you make (and with most fad diets, thats hard to do), your body will put the weight back on as soon as you stop following the diet. In fact, many people find they gain back more than they originally lose.
When you dont eat enough calories or restrict whole food groups, youre likely not getting enough nutrients. This can lead to health problems such as anemia, fatigue and hair loss. Nutrient deficiencies may also affect your digestive, cardiovascular and bone health.
Losing weight too quickly may also result in:
The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to focus on making healthy lifestyle changes you can stick with for the long term. Here are some tips that can help:
The key to losing weight and keeping it off is to be patient. Aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week by making sustainable changes you can live with. Give yourself time to turn each healthy change into a fully ingrained habit and youre more likely to stick with your new habits for a long time to come.
Originally posted here:
The Dangers of Losing Weight Too Quickly - The Baton Rouge Clinic
9 Self-Compassionate Health Influencers for Sustainable Weight Loss – Everyday Health

If you want to lose weight in a sustainable way that isn't self-punishing, it might be hard to find people who inspire you. Thats because so much advice on social media is coming from a place of negativity with a focus on restriction and miracle products (though now users on Instagram can now remove weight loss ads from their feeds, according to CNBC).
Theres also a growing group of influencers promoting self-compassion and self-love as a way to achieve better health and theyre worth following ASAP if youre looking to shed pounds. Self-love is a key aspect of the weight loss process, says Kristen Smith, RDN, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the founder of 360FamilyNutrition. Regardless of what someone may tell you, weight loss is difficult and can be extremely mentally challenging; if you have a strong love for yourself, then you will be more motivated to make healthy diet and lifestyle changes, Smith says.
And the benefits of body positivity and self-compassion extend beyond what people may even realize. One study found that a positive body image was linked to better life satisfaction and psychological well-being. In fact, a recent survey by Everyday Health, which involved more than 3,000 people, found that a preoccupation with weight and body image issues increased during participants' weight loss journey. Participants had all attempted weight loss in the preceding six months.
RELATED:Everyday Healths Survey and Special Report: Weight Loss Reframed
Some of these self-compassionate health influencers even prefer not to mention weight loss in their posts, and instead focus on concepts like self-care, fitness, and intuitive eating (which encourages paying attention to natural hunger cues, according to Harvard Health Publishing). When our focus is on weight loss, we are fighting against our genetics and our bodys current state for many people, they use weight loss as their goal, but by focusing on weight loss we are misplacing our focus and setting ourselves up for failure, says Adelle Cadieux, PsyD. Our focus needs to be on being healthy, not achieving a certain size or body shape, she says.
So whether your focus is on adopting new healthy habits or losing weight in a sustainable, body positive (or body neutral) way, here, discover nine influencers who take a self-compassionate approach, so you can find some inspiration for your own experience.
In addition to healthy meal ideas for the whole family, the TikTok feed of the mother-of-two Ayat Sleymann, RDN, is full of advice that can help you reach your goals without restriction. In one TikTok video she shares her top five tips for sustainable weight loss, including to start slow. Completely changing the way you eat and working out seven days a week when you used to do none of that is going to burn you out and youll probably end up quitting, she says in her video.
Smith also supports a slow and steady approach to weight loss. If you are losing weight quickly, it is likely an indicator you are doing something that may not be feasible to maintain for the long haul, says Smith. Interventions that lead to rapid weight loss are typically not attainable. The Cleveland Clinic notes that a slow path toward weight loss allows you to keep muscle mass and increases the chances you'll get the nutrition your body needs.
This inclusive National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certified trainer encourages body positivity and emphasizes importance of movement for things like strength and better mental health. In one Instagram post, published in October 2023, she wrote: Fitness progress beyond weight loss Able to lift heavier weights. More endurance. Better sleep. Feeling more confident. Increased mobility. This focus on what you can gain from exercise beyond simply losing weight is a key step in a health journey. We are more likely to build healthy lifestyle habits when we focus on specific behavior changes that we are making and the positive outcomes from those changes, says Cadieux. One study found that physical activity was directly associated with self-esteem.
Leavell shares body-positive fitness tips on her account; for instance, that you dont have to solely do crunches to work your core. You can and should be working your core in a variety of exercises in your workouts. You can train your core without the goal being a flat tummy. And you can have a strong core and a belly! she wrote on Instagram in November 2023.
The registered dietitian-nutritionist Diana Rodriguez has a goal to provide her followers with sustainable ways to lose weight without having to give up their cultural foods. In one post in November 2023 on Instagram she shared how to make your breakfast more satisfying. So, instead of having just a cafecito con leche with pan dulce, Rodriguez suggested enjoying them with eggs for more protein and fat as well as papaya pieces for fiber. By making small tweaks to the way you eat your favorite foods, not only can it help you lose weight, but you'll also feel confident doing so, says Rodriguez.
In November 2023 on Instagram, she reminded her followers: Remember this the next time you look at someones before and after photos, quick results, and misinformation on social media! Not everything you see and read on social media is true.
She then went on to say, This is why I teach sustainable, easy-to-implement strategies to help you lose and maintain weight without giving up on your culture. Comparing yourself to, say, a post on Instagram, can be problematic, Smith also says. An individual's weight loss journey can differ significantly from others due to numerous factors including metabolic rates, medical history, physical ability and environment, Smith adds. Whats more, as the Mayo Clinic notes, genetics may play a role in your appetite and fullness levels, which is why its so important to focus on your own journey.
Megan Jayne Crabbe, author of Body Positive Power, regularly shares with her 1.2 million followers on Instagram the importance of self-love and body positivity. While Crabbe isnt a fan of diet culture, she is a regular supporter of self-care, and how even little steps are beneficial to your health. In July 2023 on Instagram she shared, Self care note: you dont have to do the whole thing for it to count. She went on to say, Five minutes of stretching is better than none. One extra glass of water is wonderful. little bits of housework are still a win. Cant make it out? A quick call is still socializing. A few deep breaths before bed? Beautiful.
This advice with a focus on achievable lifestyle wins can help with sustainable health goals. We need to celebrate even small steps because a lot of hard work goes into making even small changes, says Cadieux.
While the word dieting is not in the registered dietitian Laura Ius vocabulary (shes a self-proclaimed anti-diet dietitian), her Instagram account is full of health-promoting advice that can help her followers reach their goals, whether thats to grocery shop so you have options for the week or work on sleep hygiene and permission to rest, she says in one pinned post on Instagram from November 2021.
Cadieux also suggests shifting your focus to healthy habits you have control over and to stop weighing yourself. The first step is to focus on being healthier and not the number on the scale, says Cadieux. Engaging in healthy habits such as eating healthy, being physically active, and getting good sleep should be our focus, Cadieux adds.
The self-proclaimed weight-inclusive dietitian and author of Unapologetic Eating provides advice on self-love as well as gentle nutrition tips (as she calls it) on Instagram. In one Instagram post, published in February 2022, she says, Think about what you can add to your meals, instead of taking foods away, and Approach food decisions with curiosity rather than judgment.
A restricted diet that focuses on taking away foods rather than adding can be detrimental, says Cadieux. If we are engaging in restrictive eating habits because our goal is weight loss, we may achieve weight loss, but it will not necessarily make us healthier or feel any better, says Cadieux.
The registered dietitian-nutritionist Samar Kullab has a TikTok feed full of nutrition tips to help her followers on their health and weight loss journeys. Among her advice: how to balance your meal (with enough protein, veggies, and grains on your plate) and make a satisfying, veggie-packed salad-in-a-jar. Kullab also approaches nutrition with self-compassionate advice, sharing that certain foods including fast food shouldnt be off-limits. For example, she posted a TikTok video in September 2023 about what she ordered at Taco Bell (including how she added extra veggies, jalapeos, and beans for more protein). Do not think that just because its fast food its not going to be healthy, she said.
Smith advises, too, that to increase your odds of long-term success on a weight loss journey, its important to choose a weight loss intervention that you enjoy (which for some may include fast food), and doesnt feel like personal punishment. If a weight loss intervention feels like punishment you are likely to abandon it quickly, says Smith.
The body positivity dietitian creates videos on TikTok on everything from healthy family meals under $15 to how to build a healthier relationship with food. You can also find her raising awareness about diet culture and weight stigma.
In one TikTok post from September 2023 she wrote, After breaking up with diet culture, I can finally eat pizza without feelings of guilt & shame. It may seem counterintuitive, but when trying to lose weight, leaving room for indulgences can be a smart move doing so is healthy, and can help prevent feelings of guilt and deprivation, as Harvard Health Publishing notes.
In another TikTok video from September 2023, Mathis urges her followers to focus on their own journeys, writing, Sometimes we get into the habit of comparing ourselves to others, but we have to remember that our path was uniquely created just for us. Its time to show ourselves a little self-love and embrace our differences and enjoy the journey. Smith says, No two weight loss journeys will have the exact same pathway or results.
Rachel Paul, RDN, PhD, has a doctorate in nutrition and behavior change, and online she shares with her almost 800,000 followers the importance of a healthy mindset when trying to lose weight. In one September 2023 Instagram post, for example, she said, I used to think in order to lose weight, I needed to scold myself whenever I overate. I would say things like: Whats wrong with you, you slob? You need to eat perfectly starting tomorrow. Do you ever have those thoughts? She then went on to say, The great news is that that type of negative self-talk is actually completely unnecessary for long-term weight loss. Instead, self-compassion is key to actually staying consistent.
Cadieux, too, promotes self-love as part of a health journey. We need to love ourselves in the present, as we are, and not as we think we should be, says Cadieux. Her advice? Practice challenging those negative thoughts or beliefs and recognizing our positive characteristics; practice recognizing that our body shape or size does not determine who we are as a person or what we can accomplish, says Cadieux.
Everyday Health's Weight Loss Reframed Survey queried 3,144 Americans nationwide ages 18 and older who had tried losing weight in the previous six months. The study was fielded between July 10 and August 18, 2023, across demographic groups, genders, and health conditions. Survey recruitment took place via an online portal, in app, and via email. The margin of error for the sample size of 3,144 is +/-1.7 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.
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9 Self-Compassionate Health Influencers for Sustainable Weight Loss - Everyday Health
The Best Meal Replacement Shakes Reviewed – Kent Reporter

Weight loss has become so much easier with the advent of supplements like meal replacement powder. A few years ago, who would have thought that one could replace an entire meal with just a shake and still healthily lose weight?
But this is a real possibility now. And more people than you think are adding healthy meal replacement shakes to their diets to help their weight loss journey. And like with everything under the market forces, there are too many meal replacement shakes!
It is challenging to choose one because there are too many options, and many are either scams or not worth their price. If you are looking for the best meal replacement shake for you, we may have a thing or two to tell you.
The best weight loss shakes contain healthy fats like saturated fat, reasonable protein concentration, and other nutritional goodness. These should make for suitable and tasty meal replacements.
Read on to check out the best meal replacement shakes that the people are vouching for this year!
Meal replacement shakes are an excellent way to get in your daily nutritional requirements without eating large meals. They can be used as part of a weight loss program or just for general health and wellness. The best liquid meal replacements contain whey protein isolate (WPI), which is the most popular type of protein powder on the market today. WPI has been shown to have many benefits, including:
There are many different types of meal replacement shakes available from various companies. There are also several different flavors that you can choose from. You may want to consider one with added vitamins and minerals if you plan to use them as part of a healthy diet.
Finding the best meal replacement shake for you is no more a challenging task! We bring a list of the best meal replacement shakes loaded with healthy fats and other nutrients to help you lose weight quickly and effortlessly.
Losing weight gets so much easier with healthy meal replacement shakes! Our best weight loss shakes have been chosen carefully after doing lots of research, so you do not have to put in the extra time and effort. Here is the list of the best meal replacement shakes for you:
PhenQ Meal Shake is one of the best meal replacement shakes. This is a 100% plant-based vegan meal replacement shake that helps you lose weight healthily. PhenQ Meal Shake is a great meal replacement shake since it is loaded with 24 kinds of vitamins, healthy fats, healthy MCT oils, and lots of protein concentrate.
We count PhenQ Meal Shake on the best weight loss shakes list since it can replace one full meal without leaving you hungry at all. The users claim it to be the best meal replacing shake as it has been beneficial for losing weight.
Drinking meal replacement shakes can also help in boosting energy and satisfying hunger cravings. This way, you do not end up binge eating and regretting the extra calories.
The Instant KnockOut Complete meal replacement shake outperforms most when listing a good meal replacement shake. This fat-burning meal replacement powder can be a replacement for a nutritious meal.
The Instant KnockOut Complete meal replacement shake has a complete amino acid profile. They contain saturated fat, plant-based proteins, chia seeds, oat flour, brown rice, MCT oils, and golden flax seeds.
With one serving of Instant KnockOut meal replacement shake, you consume only 400 calories and get about 35 grams of protein and 13 grams of fiber.
The Instant KnockOut Complete meal replacing shake is filled with vitamins and minerals and makes an excellent replacement for meals with unorganized calorie and nutrition distribution. It has unmatchable health benefits. It helps in muscle building since its protein contents are high.
The Exante Meal Replacement Shakes has created an excellent reputation for themselves in the market. They make weight loss easy and customizable for you. The Exante meal replacement shakes have various options for you to select from in terms of flavors, package sizes, and variants.
If you are a picky eater, Exante has got you covered. With Exante Meal Replacement Shakes, you can choose your favorite flavors such as strawberry, mocha, chocolate, tropical mango, etc. You can keep altering between a few so that you dont grow weary of them at any point. Who knew weight loss could be so customizable?
The Exante Meal Replacement Shakes are packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to get healthier as you lose weight. When you drink meal replacement shakes, you can satisfy your hunger while also looking out for your nutritional needs.
The Fit&Lean Fat Burning Meal Replacement Shake has a better formulation than most other meal replacement shakes you may find online. This one contains proteins, fiber and vitamins, and minerals like many meal replacement shakes, but it also contains probiotics and digestive enzymes.
The Fit&Lean Fat Burning Meal Replacement Shake has a great range of flavors, from those found in standard protein powders to new flavors such as cookies and cream flavors and coffee crumb cake flavors. The Fit&Lean Fat Burning Meal Replacement powder is a great weight-loss shake containing saturated fats.
The Fit&Lean Fat Burning Meal Replacement Shakes help limit your cravings, making weight loss an easy journey.
The Garden Of Life Raw Organic Meal makes one of the best plant-based meals replacing shake powders as it is entirely plant-based and vegan. All its ingredients are organically harvested.
The Garden Of Life Raw Organic Meal has a great range of the best meal replacement shakes to help you lose weight quickly. Not only this, but the Garden Of Life Raw Organic meal replacing shake is also dairy, soy, and gluten-free. It has no added sugar, either.
That is why this is the best meal replacement shake for people with dietary restrictions. One of the best weight loss shakes, the Garden Of Life Raw Organic Meal Replacement contains many minerals and vitamins extracted from plant-based sources.
You can meet your goal weight quite quickly with the help of the Garden Of Life Raw Organic Meal replacement shake that is safely formulated and has undergone various tests as well!
The IKARIA Lean Belly Juice is a great meal replacement powder that contains extracts of some of the most exotic herbs. It includes a blend of milk thistle, taraxacum, ginseng, resveratrol, Citrus pectin, ECGC, Bioperine, and Fucoxanthin. These ingredients are great for hosting your metabolism and helping you lose weight.
The Ikaria lean belly juice contains other ingredients such as Beetroot, Hibiscus, Strawberry Extract, Acai Extract, African Mango Extract, Black Currant Extract, and Blueberry Powder.
One of the best meal replacement shakes is a meal replacement shake that helps you lose weight by consuming healthy fat such as saturated fat instead of unsaturated fat that makes you gain weight. It is one of the best weight loss shakes as it also contains digestive enzymes to help you keep your gut healthy while you lose weight.
One of the best meal replacement shakes, the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic, is a gluten and soy-free weight loss shake. It comes with a complete amino acid profile as well. This meal replacement shake supports your metabolism, helps you burn the excess fat off your body, and also helps in increasing your energy levels.
The Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic has been listed as the best meal replacement shake by many users who claim to see the results with its regular use. It is a 100% natural product, and the manufacturer claims that it has no side effects.
With the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic meal replacement shakes, you can make complete meal replacements without compromising minerals and vitamins. One of the best weight loss shakes, Okinawa meal replacement shakes are a great way to get started with your fat loss journey.
The Green Regimen Elite Protein may be the best meal replacement shake for you if you are looking for plant-based nutrition to aid your fat loss. Unlike many meal replacement shakes, this meal replacement shake comes with the goodness of vegan, dairy-free, soy-free, and gluten-free ingredients full of minerals and vitamins.
It helps you lose weight and helps with muscle recovery and better digestion. The Green Regimen Elite Protein meal replacement shake is slightly costlier as it is made from organic ingredients. However, its nutritional aspects make it worth the cost. These meal replacement shakes are incredibly healthy and also aid in fat loss.
Formulated by Danette May, the Golden Superfood Bliss is a great vegan meal replacement formula. The essential ingredient of this meal replacement shake is Turmeric which, May believes, reprograms the body.
The Golden Superfood Bliss helps you lose weight and boost your metabolism. It is also helpful in decreasing cortisol levels and combating cravings. This meal replacement powder contains minerals and vitamins, and saturated fat.
Along with being vegan, this meal replacement shake is also gluten-free. The Golden Superfood Bliss has been trusted by many women who claim to have transformed with this meal replacement shake.
Just the name says it; this is a superfood meal replacement shake that comes in two artificial flavors- vanilla and chocolate. The KaChava Tribal Superfood meal replacement shakes contain fewer calories than your regular meal, yet they have way more nutrients.
Better than other meal replacement shakes, the KaChava Tribal Superfood is very high in nutrients and helps lose some pounds quickly. It has a high amount of saturated fat and essential vitamins and minerals.
Thanks to its nutritional values and low-calorie count, this meal replacement powder can help complete meal replacements. It is called a tribal superfood since it has been formulated with the secrets of various tribes that remain healthy and strong on minimal diets.
The Ladder Whey Protein is another great vegan meal replacement formula packed with essential nutrients. It is gluten-free and a good source of saturated fats. The Ladder Meal replacement shake contains pea protein isolate and many vitamins and minerals.
You can drink meal replacement shakes as complete meal replacements as this meal replacement powder contains the right amount of nutrients to replace a meal. The ladder protein shake is a balanced meal replacement shake that will help you lose some extra weight.
When mentioning the best weight loss shakes, one can not forget the Lanta Flat Belly Shake vegan meal replacement shake. It contains fat loss-inducing ingredients such as green tea extracts, ginseng, and cinnamon.
It also contains ashwagandha extracts that are known for their excellent wellness properties. The Lanta Flat Belly Shake is the best meal replacement shake since it helps you lose weight while also allowing you to increase your metabolism and control your appetite.
Drinking meal replacement shakes like the Lanta Flat Belly Shake is an excellent way to incorporate healthy fats and vitamins, and minerals into your diet without making additional efforts each day.
Unlike most other meal replacement shakes, the NatureFuel Keto Replacement is a keto-friendly meal replacement shake. This means that it has lower carbohydrates and higher fats and protein contents than most meal replacement shakes.
The NatureFuel Keto meal Replacement shake contains all essential vitamins and minerals and plant-based protein that helps you build muscle and lose weight quickly. This weight-loss shake comes in two artificial flavors- double chocolate milkshake and creamy vanilla milkshake- both are super tasty!
The Orgain Organic Meal replacement shakes are better than most meal replacement powders since they have many health benefits. For every meal you replace with this plant-based protein shake, you eat fewer calories (just 230 calories per serving) and get about 20 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber and the essential vitamins and minerals.
The Orgain Organic Meal replacement shakes are great for helping you to lose weight and are available in two artificial flavors that are very delicious. With the Orgain Organic Meal replacement shakes, you can keep your allergies in check while losing weight since this meal replacement shake is soy, gluten, GMO, dairy, and lactose-free. It is also completely sugar-free.
Organifi Complete Protein meal replacement shake is probably the top meal replacement shake. This balanced meal replacement shake is vegan, gluten and dairy-free. Organifi Complete Protein is also keto-friendly.
Organifi complete protein powder contains the best blend of vegetables and fruits and uses only natural sweeteners and flavors. It also contains digestive enzymes that help significantly in having smooth digestion.
Organifi complete protein powder is better than other meal replacement shakes as this weight loss shake can help you complete meal replacements for at least one meal of the day. Organifi complete protein, the lean meal shake helps you consume more nutrients and fewer calories and keeps you full for long.
Organifi complete protein powder is a balanced meal replacement shake. Organifi complete protein is a great way to kickstart fat loss in your body.
The RSP TrueFit meal replacement shakes are great protein powders for complete meal replacements. This weight-loss shake gives you as much as 35 grams of grass-fed whey protein and healthy fats in one serving in which you consume about 150 calories only.
You can see how you eat fewer calories through the RSP TrueFit meal replacement shake, a great source of saturated fat and losing weight. This is better than other meal replacement shakes that are not gluten-free.
With the RSP TrueFit meal replacement shakes, you can have a healthy diet and at least one nutritious meal per day and may lose weight quickly.
The Vega One All-In-One Shake is an excellent source of saturated fat and has lower sodium contents than most meal replacement shakes. This helps keep your blood pressure in check and adds years to your life. The raw organic meal vega, the best meal replacement shake, contains organic pea protein. Pea protein is considered one of the best proteins and has the highest protein concentrations.
This recipe book has thousands of recipes for complete meal replacements, one of the cheapest guides available. With these recipes, you can make one gluten-free balanced meal replacement shake filled with healthy fat, vitamins, and minerals each day and still not run out of new recipes for many weeks.
A good weight loss shake goes a long way in maintaining your calorie count and helping you shed the fat.
Drew, the Smoothie Diet Weight Loss Program creator, believes that even though traditional protein powders help lose some weight, they are too costly. This program allows the customers to maintain an excellent fat loss regime without spending much money.
You need to make a balanced meal replacement shake for each day and consume it. This weight-loss shake will be filled with vitamins and minerals to ensure good nutrition for you.
There is no detailed research done for checking the scientific backing of any meal replacement shake. However, many experts believe the ingredients of meal replacement shakes have anti-obesity properties.
According to WebMD, these fat loss shakes are full of nutrients and have fewer calories. This is why one may see reduced weight due to calorie deficit. It also helps in getting better overall health due to improved macronutrient consumption.
Most meal replacement shakes contain various blends, such as digestive enzyme blend, protein blend, and extracts like green coffee bean extract. The digestive enzyme blend promotes good digestion. This way, these meal replacement shakes have many other benefits on health too.
According to Dr. David Heber, the chairman of Herbalife Nutrition Institute, your protein intake increases when you consume meal replacement, which keeps you full for longer. Since your carbohydrate consumption decreases, forcing your body to use fats for energy. Dr. Heber also talks about nutrient density and behavioral changes because of meal replacement shakes in this blog.
Meal replacements provide a convenient way to get all your daily nutrition needs without preparing multiple meals throughout the day. Many people use them when they diet because they dont want to overeat food.
Others use them after working out because they need to replenish their muscles with nutrients while recovering from a strenuous workout. In either case, these products are great alternatives to eating solid foods.
Here are the most significant features of meal replacement shakes that make them superior to other supplements for overall nutrition and weight loss:
When youre trying to lose weight, you may constantly get hungry. You may even feel like youre starving all the time. Using a liquid meal replacement shake instead of eating solid foods will allow you to consume fewer calories but still receive the same nutritional value.
If youre feeling fatigued, you probably arent consuming enough calories. A liquid meal replacement product provides a quick energy source, so you wont have to worry about being sluggish throughout the day.
After working out, your body requires a lot of energy to recover. Liquid meal replacements are perfect because they quickly deliver essential vitamins and minerals into your bloodstream. Your body doesnt have to work hard to absorb these nutrients.
Some individuals experience hunger pangs before bedtime. This is especially true if youre not sleeping well at night. Having a liquid meal replacement shake before going to sleep will keep you from waking up in the middle of the night and reaching for a snack.
One of the best things about using a liquid meal replacement product is that it helps increase muscle mass. The reason is simple; liquids are absorbed by the body faster than solids. As a result, youll be able to maximize your calorie intake while providing your body with the necessary nutrients it needs to build lean muscle mass.
Since liquid meal replacements are digested more quickly than solid foods, you wont have to spend hours chewing each bite. This means less time spent on digestion which allows your digestive tract to rest and repair itself.
Eating healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil can help lower cholesterol levels. However, many people struggle with incorporating these foods into their diets. Instead of relying on solid foods, you can simply add a liquid meal replacement product to your diet.
If youre looking for ways to incorporate more vegetables and fruits into your diet, you should consider using a liquid meal replacement shake. These products are loaded with fiber and other beneficial nutrients. Because they are fluid, you can mix them into smoothies, soups, salads, and other dishes.
While liquid meal replacements are great for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, they make excellent snacks. They can be mixed with fruit juice or milk and eaten right away. Many manufacturers offer flavored versions of their shakes, making them easy to eat when you need a pick-me-up.
Most liquid meal replacement products come in delicious flavors, including chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, etc. So whether you want something sweet or savory, theres a flavor option available.
Its important to remember that liquid meal replacements are an affordable way to lose weight. Some companies offer free shipping options, so you dont have to pay extra for delivery.
Even though liquid meal replacements contain all the nutrition, most require no cooking. Simply add water or another beverage of choice and blend until smooth.
Once youve added the ingredients to your blender, you can start enjoying the benefits of a liquid meal replacement shake within minutes. You can even prepare them ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator or freezer.
Another benefit of liquid meal replacements is that theyre portable. You can carry them around in your purse or backpack without worrying about spilling them.
When you use a liquid meal replacement product, you can enjoy the benefits of a protein bar without having to worry about eating a sloppy bar.
How we picked a few products over the others while bringing the top meal replacement shakes is interesting. We had a lot of parameters to find a good meal replacement shake.
We looked for many things in our meal replacement shakes, such as essential vitamins and minerals and effectiveness in helping to lose weight. Read more about all the parameters we used to rank the best fat loss meal replacement shakes:
Company reputation matters a lot. A great meal replacement supplements manufacturer is the one that is transparent about the formulation process, ingredients list, and trials and testing of the meal replacement shake.
That is why our preferred meal replacement shakes were the ones that had good company reputation backing and were transparent about their formulation.
Using natural ingredients is preferable in meal replacement powders since they eliminate the worry of harmful side effects of synthetic compounds. They add benefits to meal replacements as they contain more vitamins and minerals. That is why for us, a worthy meal replacement shake was the one that had natural ingredients like whey protein isolate only. We preferred vegan and dairy-free powders to cater to all kinds of audiences.
An excellent vegan meal replacement shake would hardly ever contain artificial ingredients. However, it may have those if it adds minerals with low bioavailability. This ensures that you do not miss out on any nutrients when consuming meal replacement shakes.
Therefore, we were cautious about what artificial ingredients were added (if any) to the meal replacements that made it to our list.
Many companies use artificial flavors in their meal replacement shakes to enhance the taste of the complete meal replacement shakes. Added flavors do not have any side effects and instead make the taste of the meal replacement shakes good. We looked for those meal replacement shakes with many flavors to suit your tongue and never get bored of one flavor of meal replacement shake.
The best meal replacement shakes come in various flavors. This gives the customers a variety to choose from according to their taste preferences. Complete meal replacement powders do not have to be bland for you when using them to help your fat loss. We ensured that the meal replacement powders we mentioned had a good variety of flavor options for you.
To consider meal replacement shakes good, they must produce tangible results for all their claim benefits. Many meal replacement shakes claim to help you with an excessive amount of fat in a short period. Similarly, they may also claim to have digestive enzymes, particularly vitamins, which may come out false in a test.
We ensured that if we mentioned a weight loss shake in our list, it had proven its claims to be true.
A macronutrient profile is the distribution of carbs, fats, and protein. Many meal replacement shakes are usually able to manage a good macronutrient profile. However, only the best meal replacement powders can give extra goodness on top of it.
Many meal replacement shakes can keep a strong macronutrient profile but fail in micronutrient profiles. However, a good weight loss shake should never lack vitamins & minerals if it is to replace a healthy meal.
A good weight loss shake manufacturer should maintain its quality standards in its production. You will be surprised to know that many meal replacement shakes fail this parameter quite quickly.
Thus meal replacements must prove maintenance of quality standards. Only those meal replacement shake powders made the cut that passed this criterion.
Protein is the essential nutrient in any meal replacement shake. Our preferred meal replacement shakes were the ones that had plant-based protein powder and helped to lose weight quickly.
The Best Meal Replacement Shakes Reviewed - Kent Reporter
Compare The Top 8 Best Phentermine Alternatives for Weight Loss (2024 Update) – Kent Reporter

Phentermine over-the-counter prescription weight loss medication has been used for quite some time now to help people lose weight quickly. However, it may not be suitable for everyone due to a variety of reasons, the wide range of side effects and difficult access being just a few of them.
In such cases, you must search for the best phentermine alternatives to prevent weight gain and promote the fat-burning hormones in your body.
But there are so many natural OTC phentermine alternatives that claim to provide the best weight loss benefits. In such cases, how will you choose the right option that will help you lose weight? Lets check out the top phentermine alternatives to answer this question in detail!
There are plenty of weight loss supplements that claim to be the best natural OTC phentermine alternatives but, which one should you go for? To help you lose weight using the right phentermine alternatives, we have compiled the best options for you below (along with everything you need to know about them!):
Ingredients used:
Capsimax Powder, Chromium Picolinate, Caffeine, Nopal Cactus, L-Carnitine Fumarate, etc.
Starting from $69.99 (Official Website)
Servings per bottle:
60 capsules
Refund policy:
60-day money-back guarantee
PhenQ is known to be one of the best phentermine alternatives to lose weight if you are looking for an all-in-one natural option to go for. It helps prevent weight gain, acts as an efficient appetite suppressant, and shows decent results within an impressively short period.
This natural phentermine alternative has been created by a group of highly qualified researchers who wanted to help increase weight loss by promoting the bodys natural ability to burn fat. In many cases, this potent appetite suppressant has also been found to regulate high blood pressure and is trusted by thousands of its users.
PhenQ is labeled as one of the best phentermine alternatives because it targets the five key aspects that can help you lose weight effectively. These are:
The unique blend of natural ingredients and a patented a-lacys reset formula of this supplement can help you lose weight, suppress appetite, and burn fat easily without causing any harm to your body.
Yes! PhenQ is considered to be one of the best phentermine alternatives because it provides a plethora of health benefits to your body while helping you lose weight quickly. These include:
This alternative to phentermine diet pills has been known to boost metabolism among almost every individual who sticks to the right dosage of PhenQ. By increasing the rate with which your body converts food into energy, this weight loss supplement ensures that your food intake does not end up piling up in layers of fat around your internal organs.
Instead, PhenQ ensures that the fired-up metabolism can help the body burn fat, break down more calories, and prevent any buildup of the stored fat in the long run.
PhenQ consists of a decent amount of caffeine. As a result, while other natural ingredients will help you lose weight quickly and boost other aspects of the fat-burning processes of your body, the caffeine in this supplement will make it act as one of the best phentermine alternatives to increase your mental alertness throughout the day.
Individuals who consume the PhenQ weight loss supplement regularly report that the weight loss pills of this brand have made them more intellectually productive and now, they can focus better on their tasks as well.
Your digestive health is a crucial aspect that needs to be maintained if you want to lose weight naturally. However, with the high amounts of fats and plastics that we consume today, it is obvious that the health of our digestive system is going down with time.
However, the core natural ingredients of the PhenQ weight loss supplement ensure that it can boost the functioning of the digestive processes carried out in your body. When your food is digested properly, you will find it easier to lose weight, prevent weight gain, and burn fat as this weight loss pill product will prevent the issue of stored fat accumulating in your body in the first place.
Several pros make PhenQ weight loss supplement one of the best phentermine alternatives, and a few of them are listed as follows:
According to a few critical reviews of the PhenQ natural suppressant and fat-burning hormones regulator, there are a few cons of this product as well:
Ingredients used:
Calcium L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate Powder, Vitamin B12 Premix, Chromium Nicotinate Glycinate Chelate, L-Carnitine L-Tartrate Powder, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Cayenne Pepper Powder, etc.
Starting from $65 (Official Website)
Servings per bottle:
90 capsules
Return policy:
30-day return policy for unused products that are in the same condition as the user received in
If you hate the idea of starving yourself by ignoring your basic food cravings but still want to boost your metabolism, lose weight, and prevent weight gain you must try Ozemra once. It is a natural phentermine alternative that aims to help people control their body weight and burn fat as easily as possible.
Being a non-insulin weight loss supplement, it is available to everyone and is more accessible than any prescription drug like phentermine over-the-counter weight loss pills. This natural alternative to phentermine diet pills is suitable for both common folks and athletic individuals alike!
One of the best things about Ozemra that makes it one of the best phentermine alternatives is its ability to accelerate your weight loss journey using a 4-step fat-burning process:
Step 1: Helping you control your food cravings naturally and healthily so that you can stick to a nutritious and healthy diet
Step 2: Within a few days of routine consumption of this natural alternative to the phentermine diet pills, the Ozemra weight loss supplement formula will help boost metabolism in your body, thus making the process of losing weight much easier
Step 3: The next step would be to bring on a lipolysis trigger, which means that the Ozemra weight loss pills will start breaking down your stored fat to help you lose weight and develop lean muscle mass
Step 4: Since the fat-burning process can take up all your energy, Ozemra weight loss pills help you lose weight while providing you with ample energy levels as well so that your daily productivity does not get compromised
Ozemra weight loss pills can boost the overall health of your body in several ways, such as:
If you are looking for phentermine alternatives to lose weight and control food cravings while maintaining the overall health of your body, Ozemra natural diet pills might be the right fit for you. They are known to boost the health of your blood vessels as well as promote better blood flow, thus leading to a healthier blood pressure in the body.
Further, several users of this potent appetite suppressant have reported that Ozemra is one of the best natural alternatives that prevents spikes in blood sugar levels effectively.
There is no use in consuming any natural diet pills or natural alternatives to the phentermine over-the-counter medicine if they cant boost your energy levels efficiently. You need higher energy levels to stay active throughout the day, move more to burn more calories, and of course achieve more fruitful workouts.
Fortunately, the Ozemra weight loss supplements are packed with natural ingredients that not only help in losing weight but also increase your bodys natural ability to move more by boosting energy levels.
While starvation is never the answer you still need to have some control over your food cravings if you want to lose weight efficiently. But since there are plenty of OTC phentermine alternatives on the market today, why should you go for the Ozemra natural appetite suppressants?
You see, the formula and natural ingredients of Ozemra diet pills make sure to suppress appetite using only the most potent formula and natural ingredients. The key is to not simply help control your calorie intake but to prevent you from binging due to the lack of natural appetite suppression too.
This is why Ozemra is also called one of the best natural appetite suppressants for people who want to control their body weight.
There are tons of pros that people get to enjoy after investing in the Ozemra weight loss supplements making it one of the best OTC phentermine alternatives and a few of them are listed below:
There are some cons of the Ozemra diet pills too, like:
Ingredients used:
Green Tea Extract, Green Coffee, L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, Rhodiola Rosea, Cayenne Pepper, Caffeine, Vitamins, etc.
Starting from $64.99 (Official Website)
Servings per bottle:
90 capsules
Return policy:
100-day money-back guarantee
PhenGold multi-action formula is a Health Nutrition Limited product and is one of the best natural phentermine alternatives to exist today. It uses clinically backed natural ingredients to help control body weight and burn fat efficiently.
As long as you combine the consumption of this natural appetite suppressant with a healthy diet and regular exercise, you will achieve your desired body weight within a few weeks. Barring a few exceptions, this weight loss supplement brand ships internationally to every corner of the world!
As we mentioned above, PhenGold follows a multi-action formula to help you lose weight and burn fat efficiently. The five key methods through which this phentermine alternative product works to promote weight loss and the fat-burning process of your body are:
If losing weight using phentermine alternative supplements is not your only goal, but improving your overall quality of life is you will be impressed with the wide variety of health benefits offered by the weight loss supplements of PhenGold. The most commonly reported ones are listed as follows:
Your body needs to absorb the contents of any natural phentermine alternatives to reap their benefits. If it cant do so, even the best phentermine alternatives will not help you lose weight or burn fat. Hence, the formula of PhenGold comes with an easy-to-absorb formula that starts working quickly.
In numerous cases, this phentermine alternative has been found to promote better blood flow. Ultimately, this health benefit leads to better blood circulation, regulation of high blood pressure so that it gets lowered, and better heart health.
While many prescription drugs and even natural alternatives to the phentermine over-the-counter appetite suppressant claim to work efficiently in terms of promoting the fat-burning mechanism of your body how many deliver the desired results within a short period? Thats right, very few.
However, PhenGold happens to be one of these few options that can help you lose weight by carrying out effective appetite suppression and helping you burn calories within days of routine consumption.
PhenGold is considered to be one of the best natural supplements that act as the perfect OTC phentermine alternative for many reasons:
There are certain cons of the PhenGold appetite suppressants too, like:
Ingredients used:
Stinging Nettle Leaf, White Kidney Bean, 5-Htp, Ashwagandha Root, Saffron Extract, L-Theanine, Valerian Root Extract, Green Tea Extract, etc.
Starting from $59 (Official Website)
Servings per bottle:
60 capsules
Refund policy:
60-day money-back guarantee
Did you know that the functions of the happy hormone of your central nervous system that is, serotonin go way beyond simply regulating your moods? Studies have found this hormone to help you maintain a decent body weight, sleep better, burn calories faster, and even lower high blood pressure in some cases.
But with the rapid rise in stress today, it seems impossible to promote fat-burning while maintaining our serotonin levels. This is why Dr. Robert Posner designed one of the best phentermine alternatives, SeroLean.
It boosts the weight loss journey using effective and natural ingredients, thus eliminating the need for any prescription medication that may promote harmful side effects.
SeroLean weight loss pill supplement is considered to be one of the best phentermine substitutes due to its unique approach to destroying fat cells and helping you reap the benefits of all your weight loss efforts. You see, the base formula of this natural OTC phentermine alternative boosts the natural production of serotonin in the body.
This way, users who routinely consume this dietary supplement can suppress their appetite by preventing the emotional eating fest, destroying the fat storage around their organs, and using the goodness of natural ingredients for weight loss. SeroLean sells both a daytime and a nighttime formula, and you can invest in either (or both!) according to your preferences.
SeroLean weight loss diet pills come with several health benefits, which is why this product made it to our list of the top phentermine alternatives. A few of the most commonly reported ones are:
Not many people know about the importance of deep sleep for promoting a more fruitful weight loss journey. You see when our body is properly rested, it gets the chance to repair all the wear and tears while rejuvenating the entire system. This can ultimately lead to a healthy body mass index range and destroy the fat cells and fat storage reserves in most cases.
If you consume the PM formula of SeroLean according to the suggested dosage, the natural ingredients present in this best phentermine alternative to suppress appetite will help induce a better quality of sleep, thus ensuring that you wake up feeling refreshed.
Eating disorders can be mentally exhausting and affect your self-esteem drastically which is why you should consider taking natural supplements like the SeroLean weight loss boosting supplement. The base formula of this appetite suppressant ensures that your happy hormones are well-regulated, thus preventing emotional outbursts that lead to binge eating.
If your binge eating disorder is what has been stopping you from achieving your weight loss journey goals, it is best to stick to natural alternatives like SeroLean that can act as effective appetite suppressants without harming your health.
There are several pros of the SeroLean natural phentermine alternative, including but not limited to:
There are a few cons of SeroLean too that make it an unsuitable phentermine alternative supplement for certain groups, like:
Ingredients used:
L-Phenylalanine, Guarana, Cayenne, Ashwagandha, L-Theanine, L-Arginine, etc.
starting from $69.99 (Official Website)
Servings per bottle:
30 capsules
Refund policy:
60-day money-back guarantee
For some people, simply consuming phentermine over-the-counter prescription drugs or other prescription medications once a day is not enough. While doing so may promote weight loss for a brief period in their case, the results often end up wearing off in a few hours.
However, the group of medical professionals who came up with Phen24 created a weight loss supplement formula that would help promote weight during the day as well as at night. It is also labeled as one of the best phentermine alternatives to help the body burn more calories and in turn, reduce body fat percentage effectively.
The AM formula of Phen24 aims to provide us with ample energy levels to kickstart the weight loss process during the day. The diet pills of this OTC phentermine alternative supplement can help you carry out fat-burning processes and reduce body fat in any region efficiently.
Further, our body kickstarts the process of repair and rejuvenation as soon as we fall asleep. This includes the destruction of fat cells leading to weight loss, fixing any malfunctions in the internal organs, and so on.
See the rest here:
Compare The Top 8 Best Phentermine Alternatives for Weight Loss (2024 Update) - Kent Reporter
Heres how doing LESS exercise is better for you the 4 quick moves to help you lose weight fast… – The Sun

MANY of us are trapped in the mindset of 'more equals better' when it comes to exercise.
Whether that be a gruelling 5km run or a booty-building home workout video - we seem to think proper exercise requires hard work and lots of sweating.
This all-or-nothing attitude can make it very tempting to give up on exercise altogether.
Not only that, but thinking of exercise this way can also increase the risk of injury, according to Sarah Campus, a personal trainer and founder of LDN Mums Fitness.
She tells the Sun: "Working out lots can sometimes result in overtraining, which can be a detriment to your progress and your health.
"You may see that you stop burning as many calories, that your metabolism and hormones are negatively affected, and that you experience more injuries."
January is a clean slate; with that, it's time to start thinking of exercise in a new, easier and healthier way.
This is where exercise snacking comes in - sadly,no eating is involved in this workout.
Instead, it is an approach to health that is the Holy Grail of the time-poor, ever-so lazy or exercise-averse.
Exercise snacks, which consist of brief spurts of exertion spread throughout the day, can do wonders for your physical health, Sarah explains.
This has been proven by multiple big studies, such as one from the Journal of Physiology, which found that workouts less than 15 minutes long could improve blood sugar control and heart and lung function.
While a separate study published in Nature Medicine journal, linked small amounts of vigorous physical activity interspersed throughout the day to a longer life.
"One of the best things about exercise snacking is that it does not have to be particularly structured", Sarah said.
This means that instead of booking in time to fit exercise into your daily routine, your exercise can slot in around whatever you have going on that day.
You dont need to head to the gym or sign up for a class for this workout.
1. Walking
Sometimes overlooked as a form of exercise, walking briskly can help you build stamina, burn excess calories andmake your hearthealthier.
You do not have to walk for hours; the NHS says that just 10 minutes daily is enough.
"Incorporating this into your routine can be as simple as includingshort bursts of speed during a daily walk or when climbing stairs," Sarah says.
Alternatively, try walking around the room at pace when you're on the phone, she adds.
2. Squats
Squats are a functional exercise that can boost calorie burn, help prevent injuries, strengthen your core, and improve your balance and posture.
"You can get a few squats in while sitting on the sofa watching TV," Sarah says.
To do this, lead with your buttocks, keeping your back straight as you sit back down on the sofa, and stand back up.Keep the movement slow and controlled.
"Or, if you're brushing your teeth, you can try holding a squat for the few minutes it takes."
3. Lunges
Lunges are a strength training exercise that may help you strengthen, sculpt, and tone your body.
They can also improve overall fitness and athletic performance, according to Healthline.
"You can try doing these as you wait for the kettle to boil," Sarah says.
Try standing in a split stance with your right foot roughly two to three feet in front of the left foot.
Bend your knees and lower your body until the back knee is a few inches from the floor.
The front thigh should parallel the floor, and the back thigh and the back knee should point toward the floor.
Push back up to the starting position, keeping your weight on the front foot's heel, and repeat with the other leg.
4. Dancing
Who doesn't love a weekend boogie?
Turns out, if you cut out the booze and try dancing during the day, it most certainly counts as a workout - you'll get a lovelymood boostout of it, too.
Sarah suggests turning on some music at home and having a little spin - you can even get the rest of the family involved and have a mini dance off.
Read the original post:
Heres how doing LESS exercise is better for you the 4 quick moves to help you lose weight fast... - The Sun
Speedy Keto Gummies Review – Should You Buy or Fast-Acting Keto ACV Gummy Scam? – Bellevue Reporter

Managing an appropriate body weight seems to be a prominent issue that remains at the top of many peoples desired list since individuals of all ages want to acquire adequate health and a toned physique that is also straightforward.
However, because of our hurried lifestyle, we are prone to an unhealthy style of living, poor nutrition, a stressed body, inappropriate use of contaminated food or calories, and disregarding general health, which leads to ill health and unhealthy fat buildup in the body.
Abnormal body weight is a complicated condition that raises the risk of numerous health issues and can result in death or fatality. To overcome and sustain this, several supplements are available in the weight reduction sector. However, the most popular, secure, as well as a natural treatment is Speedy Keto Gummies for Losing Weight.
The keto diet is a renowned low carbs, high-fat diet which has been popular for a long time. The keto diet functions by generating ketosis, a metabolic condition that happens whenever the body is unable to produce sufficient glucose to consume for energy and instead begins burning stored fat. This promotes weight loss since the body gets its nourishment from fat reserves rather than food.
Consistency is the most difficult aspect of this diet. Many people struggle to give up carbs, even though switching from sugar to ketones metabolism is a crucial stage in protracted ketogenesis. Blood sugar and insulin levels can be significantly reduced by following a ketogenic diet. This, combined with higher ketones, really does have some health advantages.
Keto Gummies For Reduction Of Weight are the best, most rapid-acting, and one-of-a-kind fat burner, recognized for their effectiveness in fat loss and superior health benefits. Those are all keto-based goodies that promote fat burning and have assisted millions of obese people in losing extra body fat; there are a lot of gummies available in the market in which Speedy Keto Gummies are considered to be one of the popular brands.
Speedy Keto Gummies for Calorie Restriction have been proven by doctors and professionals to be a secure, reliable, and natural solution to deal with undesirable fat cells found in the body. These are delicious sweets that are easy to ingest and jumpstart the dieting process rapidly. These tasty gummies are packed with antioxidants, vitamin supplements, zinc, fiber, and minerals. Keto gummies are a fantastic and attractive product since they function without generating any side effects or posing any risks.
Unlike any capsules, pills, and perhaps other weight reduction tactics, Speedy Keto Gummies for weight loss have perhaps become the trendiest supplement in the fitness community. These sweets are receiving a lot of attention and popularity.
Get started with Speedy Keto Gummies today!
Speedy Keto Gummies, like the title indicates, help you lose weight and get in shape even without adverse effects or exertion. These incredible chewable candies have natural and anti-obesity compounds that aid in fat loss and weight loss. According to experts and dietitians, Speedy Keto Gummiesare wonderful supplements that may assist you in losing weight as well as remaining healthy in a short amount of time.
Doctors say keto gummies have been focused on keto and lose calories to increase body metabolism. These lollies can cure metabolic insufficiency and improve its functioning, allowing people to lose weight more quickly.
A recent study has discovered that Keto Gummies for Weight Reduction contains keto-friendly diet plans that fill your body with leafy vegetables, nuts, fruits, and grains. It limits unhealthy diets and reduces food dependency. It will give ketones to the body, which will detoxify your entire body and battle harmful fatty cells.
So, the enhanced working of astonishing Keto Gummies for Losing Weight demonstrates that even these keto-based goodies are natural and perform without any negative side effects. These are exceptional remedies created by competent health professionals in third-party labs. These are shown or passed after significant investigation and analysis throughout the world.
Click here to learn more about Speedy Keto Gummies >>>
Without hesitation, Speedy Keto Gummies for losing weight represents the only weight-reduction plan that is 100% healthy and non-addictive, as well as the simplest approach to losing fat. These include a double filter technology and clinically certified gummies. People who consume these sweets have fantastic sensations and emotions. These are easily consumed, tasty sweets that work even while you are asleep or sleeping. So, dont be afraid to use such vitamins in your everyday diet.
Each GoKeto bottle contains 60 sweets, which is enough for one month. The recommended dosage is two candies per day with a glass of water after food, according to the website. Speedy Keto Gummies can indeed be consumed at any time of day or night to achieve the desired outcomes. If you desire to attain outstanding weight loss results, you must ingest these supplements for several months.
Act quickly to secure the limited-time discounted price today!
Listed below are a few benefits why you need to use Speedy Keto Gummies in your regular food diet as a calorie restriction supplement:
This product is widely available on the companys official site in a variety of bundles; from that, you must select one. Before proceeding, you should complete a form. Complete this questionnaire with your contact information, delivery confirmation, and name. After that, you need to complete the transaction by payment for the bundle. Payments are possible by any online payment option you like. The company will then begin the shipment process, which might usually take not more than 7-10 working days.
Speedy Keto Gummies is a highly practical option for losing weight and enjoying significant ketogenic benefits. So, instead of wasting money on expensive weight reduction programs and training equipment, give this amazing option a shot, and youre going to experience excellent results with no negative side effects. These tasty, chewy candies significantly decrease fat in all parts of the body. Any remaining questions can be addressed by examining the dietary solution on the companys website. Weight loss may sap all of ones joy and enthusiasm in life. Its time to choose this revolutionary pill that increases digestion and assists you lose weight swiftly.
[TRY IT NOW] Try Speedy Keto Gummies now and see for yourself why its the top seller!
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Sound Publishing, Inc. does not accept liability for any loss or damages caused by the use of any products, nor do we endorse any products posted in our Marketplace.
The rest is here:
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