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Slim shady: 4 sneaky moves by gym instructors to fake clients’ weight loss – Nairobi News

A man and a woman exercising on a treadmill. PHOTO | SHUTTERSTOCK
Weight loss tends to top the list of every new me, new lifestyle list made by people across the world. This is because weight is something a person has to carry around for life and deal with the esteem issues that concern it.
There tend to be peak seasons when gym enrollment is high. People want to lose weight for weddings, for birthday photos, to lose baby fat, to gain a six-pack, or to get healthier by avoiding illness predispositions.
But for many, the psyche of hitting the gym daily with aspirations to become a gym rat is barely sustained past one or two months for many people.
They tire fast.
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The spirit is willing, but the body has refused. And this is where some mischievous gym instructors roll out shady tricks to keep clients around- most likely for profits and to save their jobs if they are on a salary/commission basis.
Nairobi News samples four tricks such instructors are known to use:
They alter the weight scales in the gym
Many gyms have routine weigh-in checks to see how people looking to lose weight are progressing. If an instructor happens to notice a client is not losing weight as fast as they had been assured when signing up, they alter the scales to read lighter numbers as opposed to the real numbers. A 100kg woman may end up weighing 90kg within one and a half months in the gym but weigh 98 at the doctors office!
They use curved glass mirrors in the gym
Many gyms spot mirrors on the wall. These mirrors are used to make the place appear more spacious and brighter. They also motivate people to watch themselves and others working out. However, some instructors now use curved glass on some of the walls. Known as the skinny mirror, curved glass mirrors make someone look thinner than they actually are. The surface of the mirror tends to be slightly curved and is unnoticeable to the trained eye.
Flowery compliments
When losing weight, certain outer parts of the body become slimmer first before others. These include the neckline, legs, and arms. While they know you are struggling with belly and back fat and are demoralized, mischievous instructors will choose to focus your attention on these parts to keep you from focusing on the problem areas so that you can keep returning to the gym- this is even though they are complimenting results that are yet to be achieved because your neckline is still fat!
Also read: Working out is more than getting a bigger butt: Kenyan female gym rats share
Mislabeled merchandise
There are some gyms where the instructors sell sporty goods to clients such as gym clothes. Some mischievous instructors are known to alter the labeling on clothes that are a size bigger to read smaller sizes and sell them to clients as proof they are losing weight if they are now able to fit into smaller clothes.
Some gym instructors have mastered the art of manipulating clients dopamine levels. Dopamine are a feel-good hormone, and there are certain ways that they can be boosted in a person. Make a client feel good, you get to keep them and their wallets around even when the progress is slower than expected.
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Slim shady: 4 sneaky moves by gym instructors to fake clients' weight loss - Nairobi News
16 Best Floor Exercises To Melt Belly Fat – Eat This, Not That

Contrary to popular belief, the best way to lose belly fat isn't through jogging and just performing endless sets of crunches, sit-ups, and side bends. The secret to losing fat in your stomach area is to perform strength training regularly and to get in a mixture of both steady-state and interval cardio training. Pretty plain and simple! That's why we've rounded up some of the best floor exercises to melt belly fat. When you keep up this regimen along with eating a healthy diet, then the pounds and inches will start coming off.
These exercises will help increase your calorie burn, daily activity, and also keep your muscles stimulated to aid in fat loss. If you're not a gym person and prefer to stick with bodyweight movements for now, this is a great option. Keep reading to learn the best floor exercises to melt belly fat. And when you're done, be sure to check out 9 Lazy Ways to Lose Weight All Month Long.
This list of floor exercises to melt belly fat kicks off with the reverse crunch. Lie down with your lower back flat on the floor. Keep your core tight. Raise your feet back toward your body, and flex your abs hard. Then, lower your legs slowly, maintaining tension in your core before performing another rep. Complete three sets of 10 to 15 reps.
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Lie flat on your back with your hands at the back of your head. Rotate your body up by taking one elbow and bringing it toward the opposite knee. Fully extend the other leg by reaching your heel straight out. Flex your abs hard as you finish, then repeat with the opposite side. Complete three sets of 30 reps.
For the side plank hip lift, set yourself up against a wall with your heels, butt, and shoulders touching the surface. Align your shoulder with your wrist, and stack your feet on top of each other. Keep your core tight and your glutes squeezed as you tilt and flex your hips straight up and down, maintaining tension in your obliques. Perform three sets of 10 reps on each leg.
Assume a pushup position with your shoulders in line with your wrists and your back straight. Keep your core tight and your glutes squeezed, and lower yourself under control until your whole body is on the floor. When you reach the bottom, take your hands off the ground, then place them back to push yourself up. Flex your triceps and chest at the top to finish before performing another rep. Complete three sets of 10 to 15 reps.
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Lean back with your feet fully extended. Lift your legs a few inches off the ground, and begin drawing a figure 8 (or infinity sign) with your legs, crisscrossing while maintaining tension in your core. Once you complete one loop around and draw a figure 8, that's one rep. You can continue drawing in the same direction, or go in reverse for the next rep. Complete three sets of 8 to 10 reps.
Start your duck walks by getting into a deep squat with your hips at least parallel to the ground. Keep your chest tall and your core tight, and take a mini step forward with one leg, then with the other. As you walk in this position, make sure you stay low while keeping all the tension in your legs. Walk down forward, then reverse the motion and walk backward to the starting position. Perform three to four sets of 15 reps, forward and backward.
To perform feet-elevated pushups, begin by placing both hands in line with your shoulders in a pushup position while positioning your feet on top of a stable surface. Keep your core tight, hips high, and chest tall, and use your control to lower your body, coming down until your chest is an inch or two above the floor. Then, push yourself back up, flexing your upper pecs and triceps to finish. Perform three to four sets of 10 to 15 reps.
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Get into a side plank position with your elbow in line with your shoulder and your feet stacked. Keeping your abs tight, begin to raise your top leg up. Lift the heel as high as possible, as you squeeze the glute hard at the top. Lower using control, then perform another rep. Complete three to four sets of 10 reps on each leg.
Begin split squats with a pulse in a staggered stanceone foot should be in front, and the other foot should be behind you with your toes firmly planted. Keep your chest tall and your core tight, and lower yourself until your back knee touches the floor. Come up 1/4 of the way, then return to the lowered position. Drive through the heel of the front leg to come all the way up. That counts as one rep. Perform three to four sets of 10 reps on each leg.
For the V-Twist, get into position by lying flat on your back with your knees bent 90 degrees. Keep your core tight, curl up, and reach to one side while extending your legs out at the same time. Crunch hard at the top, return to the starting position, and then crunch up on the other. Perform three to four sets of 10 reps on each side. 6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e
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This exercise is a great variation of the pushup, as it stretches out your core and improves your shoulder mobility. Start by getting into a classic pushup position. Drive your hips up toward the ceiling, and stretch the hamstrings. Swoop down toward the ground, leading with your head by your chest. Right before your body reaches the ground, push yourself back up, flexing your triceps to finish. Complete three sets of 10 to 15 reps.
Place your heel on top of an elevated sturdy surface with your knee bent and your other leg up in the air. Keep your core tight, and push through the heel and the hip of the working leg, extending your hip up. Flex your glute hard at the top, then lower back to the ground, keeping control, before performing another rep. Perform three sets of 15 reps for each leg.
Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your arms behind you. Push yourself up by driving through your palms, extending your arms out as far as you can. Flex your triceps hard at the top, then come all the way down until you're seated before performing another rep. Perform three sets of 15 to 20 reps.
Assume a side plank position with your bottom leg in front of the top one. With your top hand holding your head, perform a side crunch by bringing the top elbow toward the bottom knee. Flex your oblique hard, then return to the starting position before performing another rep. Perform three sets of 10 to 15 reps for each side.
Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Once you're in this position, exhale all of your air, and hollow out your stomach. Draw your belly button in toward your spine as much as you can. This will activate your transverse abdominis muscle. Hold this position for 15 seconds to start, then build yourself up to a longer hold, up to 60 seconds.
This list of floor exercises to melt belly fat wraps up with the hollow body hold. Lie flat on your back with your arms extended over your head and your feet straight out and together. Press your lower back into the floor, and slightly curl up, lifting your legs and arms in the air. Your body should be in the shape of a banana.
Be sure to keep tension in your core at all times and try not to compensate with your lower back. You can regress the exercise by raising both your legs and arms higher until you get the strength to have it lower. Do the hollow body hold three times for 20 to 30 seconds.
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16 Best Floor Exercises To Melt Belly Fat - Eat This, Not That
How To Avoid Loose Skin After Weight Loss – 5 Tips In 2024 – Deccan Herald

When you lose weight fast and well, you may feel good in your body and mind. But you may also feel sad about the extra skin on your arms, belly, and other parts. Having extra skin is normal and shows that you lost weight well. But you can do some things to stop it from happening to you. Getting older and gaining weight can make these strings weaker and hurt. When you lose a lot of weight, it is hard for the collagen and elastin strings to go back to how they were before you gained weight. This happens more when you lose weight very fast, because the strings get smaller and tighter too fast.
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Your skin has two important proteins called elastin and collagen. They make your skin look tight, strong, and stretchy. The strings in collagen and elastin let your skin stretch without breaking when you gain weight or grow fast. This is why you get extra or loose skin when you lose a lot of weight. The strings get weaker over time, and the skin cannot get tight like before. Younger skin can get tight better, so your age can also affect how much extra skin you get.
Also, the more weight you gain, the more your skin strings will stretch. These strings will change when you are overweight, so when you lose weight very fast, it will be very hard for the stretched skin strings to go back to their normal size.
This is different for different people. But usually, losing a little weight, like 20 pounds or less, does not make extra skin.
But losing a lot of weight, like 50 pounds or more, especially in a short time, can make you more likely to get extra skin. Your genes and age will also affect how much weight loss makes extra skin.
For example, some research has said that people with white skin get older signs on their skin sooner and are more likely to get saggy skin than other people, because of how their skin works.
When people lose a lot of weight, their skin may become loose. This is normal and does not hurt their health. They should be proud of their weight loss. But some people may not like how their loose skin looks or feels. It may also cause problems like itching or infection.
The best way to avoid loose skin is to keep your muscles strong and healthy. This will make your skin look tight and smooth. If you lose muscles along with fat, your skin may look more loose.
Here are some things you can do to lower the chance of getting loose skin:
Do not rush to lose weight. Your body needs time to get used to having less fat. Losing weight slowly is also better for keeping it off. Try to lose between one and five pounds every week, especially at the start.
Some things in the environment can make your skin worse. For example, the suns rays can change how your skin works and looks. Older skin can be dry and wrinkled and may sag more.
Water is good for your body and your skin. It helps your skin stay stretchy and moist. A study showed that drinking more water made the skin better, especially for people who did not drink enough water before.
Exercise is good for your fitness, but also for your skin. Do some exercises that use weights or resistance to keep and grow your muscles. This will help your skin look less saggy.
Some things in your body can harm your skin. They are called free radicals. You can fight them by eating foods that have a lot of vitamins C, E, and A. These are called antioxidants. Fish oil also has omega-3, which is good for your skin.
You should also eat foods that have collagen or help your body make more collagen. Collagen is a substance that makes your skin strong and elastic. Some foods that have collagen or help with collagen are bone soup, fish without skin, chicken, eggs, green leaves, and fruits and vegetables with vitamin C. You can also take collagen pills.
Things that make skin loose How much loose skin you get after losing a lot of weight depends on your situation. Your skins stretchiness can change because of many things. Some people may have a lot of loose skin that needs surgery to fix. Others may have no loose skin, even after losing a lot of weight.
Some things that make skin loose are:
Losing weight very fast Smoking in the past
Your genes and family history
Your age
Your health
Losing muscles
When you lose a lot of weight, your skin may become loose and saggy. This can be hard to fix with just changing your habits. But you can use some ways at home and with a doctor to make your skin better and smoother.
These ways will not make your loose skin go away completely, but they can be good things to do every day.
Keep your weight loss, get stronger, and grow healthy muscles with regular exercise and lifting weights. Growing new muscles can help fill some of the loose skin from losing fat. Changing fat to muscles can make you healthier and make you look and feel good.
If your loose skin is not very bad, but still makes you uncomfortable or sore, wearing tight clothes can help. Tight shirts, socks, and pants can hold your loose skin and make it less rubbing, itching, and hurting from touching other skin.
Tight clothes will not make your loose skin smaller, but they can help with the problems. Other helpful methods that do not need surgery are creams that help lift, shape, and firm your skin, and small needles that make tiny holes in your skin, helping it make more collagen and make your skin tighter.
If your loose skin is very bad or makes your life hard, a doctor can do skin removal surgery. This surgery takes away the extra skin from your body; the doctor will also shape the skin that is left to make it look smooth. Skin removal surgeries have different costs and ways of doing them, so talk to your doctor if you want to try this. Types of surgery are tummy tuck, lower body lift, arm lift, butt lift, or breast lift.
Skin removal surgery will not stop your skin from getting loose again if you gain or lose weight again. Also, it is usually done in parts and may take many months or even years to finish. This kind of surgery also has many dangers and possible problems and so, it is better to try all your other choices before thinking about this solution.
Food When you eat food to make your skin tighter, it is important that you eat collagen. You can find it in bone soup, eggs, meat, fish and seaweed. Dr Kapoor says, Eating food with a lot of protein and drinking a lot of water will also make your skin stretchy and soft and stop it from getting dry. You should also eat food with vitamin C and E to help make more collagen and make your skin healthier.
Treatments that do not hurt Treatments that do not hurt such as using radio waves and light that you cannot see give energy under the skin and make the cells smaller and new collagen and elastin are made. The result is skin that is firm and flexible.
Skin tightening surgery These are a group of ways such as the popular tummy tuck, arm lift, breast lift, face lift and lower body lifts. The doctor takes away the extra skin and fat from the body and wraps the skin around to make it look smoother. But, for this surgery, you need to have the same weight for the last six months and it should be more than two years since the weight loss surgery.
You can fix loose skin problems. Image from: Shutterstock
Creams that make your skin firmer
This may not be a very good solution but it can make some difference. Creams that make your skin firmer help to make your skin look better by making more collagen and elastin. Always pick one that has ingredients that make you look younger such as collagen and retinoids. Use them every day and take good care of your skin.
You might have seen tight clothes in the shops that say they can fix floppy skin. But remember that they do not make the skin better but only hide the problems of floppy skin. They can help with soreness, hurting, scratching, and the chance of getting sick but they do not make the skin firmer.
Talk to your beauty doctor about the best way to keep your weight loss and stop and fix floppy skin.
You may wish for a firmer, more shaped body while you work hard to lose some weight. But if you get floppy skin after losing a lot of weight, you might feel a bit sad. Losing weight to control being too fat can lower your risk of getting many illnesses. But it can also cause floppy skin.
This is a normal thing that happens when you lose weight. In fact, up to 70 percent of people who have weight loss surgery may also have it, according to a study by PubMed Central and the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Even though this is not a bad thing and not a sign of trouble, it can still be annoying and make your skin look older. So, how to make your skin firmer after losing weight? Lets see.
Lose weight in a slow and steady way to avoid floppy skin. Picture by: Dr Kapoor says, Besides the beauty reasons, keeping a healthy weight also has many health benefits such as good heart and energy and a bright skin. There is only one problem of losing weight and that is floppy and dull skin.
People who have lost a lot of weight by exercising or by weight loss surgery, often find the floppy skin upsetting. Dr Kapoor says, The amount of floppy skin is not related to how much weight you lose but it is also influenced by many things such as your food habits, genes, smoking and sun light.
The good news is that some easy ways can help stop or fix floppy skin. He says, Floppy skin happens because of weakening of collagen and elastic threads. This not only makes you look older but the skin folds can also be a place for germs, causing infection and rubbing.
If you want to avoid floppy skin because of losing weight, follow these 5 tips:
Exercise Making your muscles bigger by doing muscle strengthening and weight lifting exercises can help fill the skin and make the floppy skin less visible. As a result, your skin will look firmer and nicer.
While you cannot stop floppy skin completely if you are losing a lot of weight, there are some ways to help avoid too much sagging.
Losing weight slowly is the best way to avoid too much sagging. Most experts suggest trying for 1 to 2 pounds a week, which means 4 to 8 pounds a month. This will help you lose more fat than muscle and let your skin change as you lose weight. Focus on Nutrition
Getting enough big and small nutrients is important to keep your skin healthy and stretchy. Skin-healthy foods have unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats; vitamins A, C, and E; selenium; zinc; copper; polyphenols; and carotenoids.5
It is good to work on your fitness, and it can also help your skin. For example, one study says that people who exercise often have more moist skin.6 Some studies have tried to find out if exercise can make more collagen, but they need more evidence. Exercise does make more blood flow, which is good for the skin.
You might have loose skin if you have lost a lot of weight. You are not the only one, as loose or saggy skin is a common issue after losing a lot of weight (100 pounds or more) fast. After some time, you might see your skin get more elastic, but some people might need surgery to take away extra skin.1
Everyone has different skin, and the same amount of weight loss will look different on different people. Many things decide how your skin will change after weight loss:
Age: As you get older, your skin gets less elastic.2
Amount of weight lost: Weight loss of 100 pounds or more usually causes more hanging skin. Genetics: Genes decide how much tightness your skin keeps. Some people are just more likely to have sagging skin than others.
How long youve been overweight: If youre overweight for a longer time, your skin might not be able to shrink when you lose weight.
How quickly you lose weight: When you lose weight fast, like with weight loss surgery, your skins elasticity does not have time to adjust. The result is loose skin.3
Nutrition and water intake: Your skin might not be as healthy or firm if you dont get balanced nutrition, vitamins, and minerals (especially vitamins C and E) and drink enough water.4
Smoking: Smoking can make your skin age faster. Sun exposure: Your past, present, and future exposure to the sun can harm your skin.
Because were all different, people will react differently after losing weight. Some people might recover quickly, while others might think about body contouring surgery to remove extra skin. Body contouring is a costly and serious procedure that needs a long recovery time. Plastic surgery experts suggest waiting at least a year after weight loss to let your weight stay stable before thinking about body contouring plastic surgery.
You might be able to make a difference with other options, like exercise and a healthy diet. A basic cardio and strength training program can help you lose body fat while building muscle. When you add muscle, you can make your skin look better and maybe reduce some sagging.
Loose skin is a common result of big weight loss. While there are ways to lower your chance of getting loose skin, loose skin is normal and usually wont bother you. For some, though, loose skin can affect how they feel about themselves. The health of their skin can be improved with natural at-home options or with surgery.
View original post here:
How To Avoid Loose Skin After Weight Loss - 5 Tips In 2024 - Deccan Herald
The effects of challenge or social buffering on cortisol, testosterone, and antler growth in captive red deer (Cervus … –

Observation of farmed red deer took place in a deer facility belonging to the Institute of Animal Science (V...V.) at Podlesek, Praha, Czech Republic (500302.2"N 143537.1"E).
Setting up a classical control is a problem in a study like this. Without it, we could not fully distinguish whether the social environment causes differences in hormone levels and antler growth or whether specific individuals (with particular hormonal levels and antler growth characteristics) are more or less likely to aggregate with others. Without a full control, it is not possible to discount the hypothesis that internal characteristics of individual males could influence our results. We have previously shown that antler size has high repeatability in subsequent seasons during ontogeny56. Moreover, even though the males had shown behavioural plasticity, their individual attitude to seeking or avoiding interaction had been maintained despite the modifications of the social environment49.
In addition to our main experimental season (Season 1), we also had data on hormones and antler sizes from the following two seasons (Season 2 and Season 3). We, therefore, presumed that if the cause of the results were based on characteristics which were individual-specific, then the hormonal and antler values recorded for individual males in this study in Season 1 should correlate with those of the same individuals in the following season or seasons. On the other hand, if the hormonal and antler characteristics displayed by individual males in Season 1 were primarily a consequence of the males social tactics, the repeatability of hormonal and antler values between Season 1 and Season 2 should be lower than that between Season 2 and Season 3, when the males lived in the same environmental conditions.
Seventeen semi-tame red deer males (one male aged 9, seven aged 6, six aged 3, and three aged 2) belonging to the same bachelor group since birth were available at the beginning of the observation at the facility, within an area of approximately 4ha. This area was divided into six enclosures. Each enclosure (about 0.7ha large) contained a shelter (a wooden, roofed barn with one side permanently open with the entrance of approximately 24 m2), a water reservoir, and a mud pool for wallowing. During the main observation period (from 17th April to 28th August in Season 1, the period of antler growth), all enclosures were interconnected by two (in the first and last enclosures) or three permanently opened gates in other enclosures allowing the deer to move around and aggregate with or separate from others. In contrast, for control purposes, in Seasons 2 and 3, the same males were kept in three interconnected enclosures, each 0. 7ha in size, i. e. their living space in Seasons 2 and 3 represented about 50% of the area in Season 1. The animals fed predominantly on the natural pasture of the enclosures and were supplemented with hay (ad libitum) and occasionally also with potatoes, beets, apples, pears, barley and oats. The animals were identified with coloured, numbered collars and in Season 1 equipped also with GPS collars (Lotek Wireless Inc. GPS_3300, position readings with an error of less than 5m). When this study ceased, all animals stayed at the facility for future investigations.
According to European and Czech laws, the experimental deer facility is an accredited research centre for the ethical use of animals in research (60444/2011- MZE-17214). The experimental proposal no. MZe 1297 was approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. We confirm that all methods were carried out following relevant guidelines and regulations and are reported in accordance with ARRIVE guidelines.
In Season 1, observations were designed to record agonistic interactions between animals when competing for supplemental food. At the time of observation, deer were fed a mixture of soya, barley, oats and a mineral/vitamin premix, which amounted to an average of 0.7kg/day/animal. When the supplemental food was presented, it usually attracted all males regardless of whether they were otherwise in groups or associated individually in the paddocks. Thus, at the time of provision of the supplementary food, all the males met together even if otherwise they preferred to avoid encounters with other individuals.
The food was carried to the observation place in a wheelbarrow and presented in several piles to encourage mild competition over a scarce resource (serious competition was prevented to preserve good welfare of the stags). The food piles were tipped from the wheelbarrow in 8 or 9 piles about 2m apart, in order to encourage competition without exacerbating it. This method has already been proven valid in previous studies e. g.,15,49, etc. Each observation session took place in the morning (between 9.00 a.m. and 11.30 a.m.) and ranged from 20 to 60min (depending how long the deer stayed at the site of supplementary feeding). In Seasons 1, 2, and 3, observations took place from 1 to 5 times per week between 1st May and 28th August (with an average equal to 3). In total, the deer interactions were observed for 37h in Season 1, 30h in Season 2, and 15h in Season 3. All deer were semi-tame and started to compete over the food as soon as it had been presented, running from one pile to another trying to eat as much as possible. When a feeding deer was challenged by others, it either escaped to another pile or defended itself. All the observations were made into a voice recorder and then transcribed into a table using Microsoft Excel. We recorded any occurrence of an approach of one male to another, any attack, threat gesture, or fighting, which caused an apparent displacement of the approached individual49,59. As in previous studies reviewed in55, we determined dominance status for each pair of males on the basis of the agonistic interactions observed. We regarded as dominant the males who won more agonistic encounters than they lost in any dyad, as subordinate the ones who lost more often than they won within the dyad, and as indifferent the males in a dyad with no agonistic interactions.
GPS collars measured inter-individual distances between males in Season 1 only. Positions were programmed to be recorded once per hour. This enabled us to obtain records of inter-individual distances during the observation period with an average of 90.404.6m (meanSE) per dyad (n=272) over the observation period, producing a reliable picture of mean inter-individual spaces whole period. In Seasons 2 and 3, we did not use GPS collars and made no detailed spatial observations as done in Season 1.
In all three study years, we weighed the males once a month (5 times between April and August), collected blood samples for the hormone analysis in a physical restraining facility (crush). All deer involved were used to this procedure and had undergone it since birth. No chemical restraint was used besides physical restraint. In Season 1, when collecting blood samples, we downloaded GPS records from data loggers. In all seasons, we measured the antlers after casting, as previously described e. g.,60 and used the total antler length, the final sum of the length of all tines, points and beams divided by 261, as a dependent variable.
Analyses of T and C concentrations were performed in the laboratories of ELISA development, s.r.o. (Velk ernoseky, the Czech Republic). T concentration was measured by RIA Kit from Beckam Coulter (code IM1087). T antibody for this RIA Kit is species-nonspecific. The radioimmunoassay of T is a competitive assay. Before the assay, plasma samples were extracted with ethyl ether; the solvent was evaporated, and the dry residues were re-dissolved in the recovery buffer of the kit. The re-dissolved extracts and calibrators were then incubated with 125I-labeled T, as a tracer, in an antibody-coated tube. The concentration range was up to 23ng/mL, the assay's detection limit was 0.1ng/mL, intra-assay-precision was 8.6%, and inter-assay was 11.9%. The recovery of the extraction step was 90%.
C concentration was determined by RIA Kit from Beckman Coulter (code IM1841) previously validated only in cattle62,63. C antibody for this RIA Kit is also species-nonspecific. The radioimmunoassay of C is a competitive assay. Samples and calibrators were incubated in monoclonal antibody-coated tubes with 125I-labeled cortisol tracer. The concentration range was up to 2000nM, the assay's detection limit was 5nM, intra-assay-precision was 9.4%, and inter-assay was 12.6%.
All data were analysed with the aid of the SAS System (SAS, version 9.4).
Previous studies have shown that it is essential in assessing relationships between social behaviour and physiology to record and analyse measured characteristics in as much detail as possible e. g.,6. Therefore, we preferred to analyse the inter-individual pairwise relationships rather than rely upon any form of summarized values.
(i) In the main observation period (Season 1), for each male, we collected for each observation the inter-individual mean distance (meters) from each of the herd mates (i.e., 16 inter-individual distances per male). A cluster analysis (PROC CLUSTER, with TYPE=NOMINAL and METHOD=HIERARCHICAL) was used to divide the mean inter-individual distances resulting into two groups, Associates (males keeping together) and Distant (those living apart). According to their involvement in interactions during the feeding competition, these latter (distant) dyads were further subdivided as Indifferent (i.e., no interaction within the dyad was recorded), or Non-associates (i. e., dyads keeping mutual distance, interacting during the feeding competition only). In conclusion, three levels of mutual relationship between the individual stags were considered: Associates (keeping together), Non-associates (keeping distance but interacting when meeting during the feeding) and Indifferent (keeping distance, non-interacting). For each male, we then calculated the "Proportion of Associates" of all dyadic relationships (% of individuals from all 16 possible dyadic groups who were identified as Associates of the focal individual) and the Proportion of Non-Associates relationships (% of individuals identified as Non-Associates within any dyadic group). At this point, however, it should be pointed out that the classification of Associates, Non-Associates and Indifferent concerns dyadic distances, not the categorization of males. Thus, each individual could be Associate with one male, Non-Associate with another male, and Indifferent with other males. It, therefore, depended on whom the focal individual had interactions with, and which conspecifics preferred more than others.
For each subject we had available also other characteristics of interactions (listed in Table 2), between him and all other males such as the number of attacks, wins, losses, etc. For the analysis, we used the mean values of all quantifiable variables over the whole period for each subject and all its dyads. Having 17 males with 16 relationships each, we obtained 272 dyadic records in total.
To check for possible multicollinearity, we first calculated correlations (PROC CORR) between the individual metrics involved (Table 2). Significant correlation was found between the Bodyweight at the beginning of the observation and at the end of the entire experimental period (MayAugust; r=0.91, P<0.0001), between Bodyweight and Weight gain (r=0.83, P<0.0001), between Age and Bodyweight (at the beginning of the observation r=0.84, P<0.0001; and at the end of the observation r=0.71, P<0.0001. We subsequently made a judgment of the extent of collinearity by checking related statistics, such as Tolerance value, Variance Inflation Factor (VIF), Eigenvalue, and Condition Number and using TOL, VIF and COLLIN options of the MODEL statement in the SAS REG procedure. We discovered apparent collinearity between all variables characterizing agonistic interactions (i. e., Sum of all agonistic interactions of any given type, Wins, Losses, and Number of attacked conspecifics). When either of these characteristics entered the REG procedure alone, the lowest tolerance value did not drop below 0.13. The highest variance inflation value did not exceed the value of 7.5. Also, there was no case of small eigenvalues combined with the large corresponding condition number. So, there was no threat of other multicollinearity indicated by these results.
Across the models, where appropriate, count variables were log-transformed (natural logarithm transformation) to improve the normality of residuals and to reduce skewness.
Since the issues analysed in this study represent more complex causality, we used the information-theoretic approach (IT-AIC) for estimating the effects of the factors on dependent variables64.
Associations were subsequently sought between C concentrations (ii), T concentrations (iii), or total antler length as dependent variables and the remaining fixed factors (Table 2) using a multivariate General Linear Mixed Model (GLMM, PROC MIXED). To account for the repeated measures on the same individuals, all analyses were performed using PROC MIXED with ID of the individual male as a random effect. For each dependent variable, we constructed a set of multiple a priori hypotheses and added a Null model. Where appropriate, we included interaction terms. Specifically, for log-transformed C concentrations, we set up 38 alternative hypotheses, for log-transformed T concentrations 26 hypotheses, and for Total antler length 90 hypotheses (Supplementary Table S4). For each dependent variable (i.e., C, T, and total antler length) we generated all GLMMs in the Supplementary Table S4 and converted values of fit statistics.
Since the introduction of Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC), more information criteria have been developed with differing mathematical properties and philosophies of model selection65. We used expanded information criteria AIC, AICC, BIC, CAIC, and HQIC to select a true model, as recommended by Christensen65. Then we compared the candidate models by ranking them based on the information criteria being used (PROC RANK). The model with the lowest value (i. e. closest to zero) is considered to be the "best" model64,65. To see if the best model has merit, we compared our model to the null model for all dependent variables and all fitting criteria, showing delta (null best model) and a relative information loss [exp((nullbest)/2)], an approach adapted from Burnham and Anderson64.
The differences (i) between the Fit statistic values (the smallest values indicating the best fitting model) were sorted according to AIC values. Akaike weight wi can be interpreted as the probability that Mi is the best model (in the AIC sense, that it minimizes the KullbackLeibler discrepancy), given the data and the set of candidate models e. g.,64. For five models with the lowest AIC values, we therefore calculated AIC, Akaike weights wi, and for estimating the strength of evidence in favour of one model over the other we divided their Akaike weights wmin/wj (AIC Odds)64.
Associations between the dependent variable and countable fixed effects are presented by fitting a random coefficient model using GLMM as described by Tao et al.66. We calculated predicted values of the dependent variable and plotted them against the fixed effects with predicted regression lines.
Several statistical methods are typically used to show comparability or repeatability67. As previously49, we chose Lins concordance correlation coefficient68 using the SAS macro described by67 and Kendalls tau-b correlation coefficient to estimate a measure of association of the hormonal and antler measures of the same subjects between Season 1 Season 2, and between Season 2 Season 3. For computing Kendalls correlation coefficients and its confidence interval estimation, we applied macro by Looney69. From the Seasons 1 to 3, males group consisted of the same individuals. Decreasing N on comparisons between seasons (Table 4) reflected that some males were removed from the facility for other purposes (four in Season 2 and one in Season 3).
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The effects of challenge or social buffering on cortisol, testosterone, and antler growth in captive red deer (Cervus ... -
Understanding the Complex World of Women’s Hormones – Yahoo News UK

Achieving hormone balance is of the utmost importance for women's overall health. (Image: Pexels)
Welcome to the realm of women's hormones, where achieving balance is of utmost importance, and even minor changes can have significant effects. This guide will delve into the hormones that affect women's overall health, focusing on testosterone. This hormone often goes unnoticed in discussions surrounding well-being.
The Delicate Interplay of Hormones; Key Actors in Women's Health
Estrogen: The Essence of Femininity
Estrogen is widely acknowledged as the embodiment of femininity. It governs cycles, influences health, and impacts mood and bone density. However, it is crucial to recognize that estrogen levels fluctuate throughout a woman's life, especially during menopause.
Progesterone: Striking a Balance
Progesterone acts as estrogen's counterpart. It plays a role in maintaining pregnancy and regulating cycles. As an equilibrium hormone, it ensures that estrogen's effects are balanced to preserve health.
Testosterone in Women: A Vital Hormone
Contrary to belief, testosterone isn't solely confined to menit also plays a role in women. It contributes to muscle strength, bone density, and sexual desire. While women have lower levels than men, testosterone remains indispensable for their health and well-being.
The Role of Thyroid Hormones in Women's Well-being
Thyroid hormones, T3 and T4, regulate metabolism, energy levels, and body temperature. When these hormones become imbalanced, it can lead to conditions like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism that can affect aspects of women's health.
Cortisol: The Hormone Connected to Stress and Its Effects on Women
Lastly, cortisol, the stress hormone, is vital for managing stress. However, high cortisol levels can result in health problems such as weight gain, fatigue, and hormonal imbalances that particularly impact women.
Testosterone in Women: Understanding the Underrated Hormone
Unveiling the Significance of Testosterone in Women's Bodies
Contrary to belief, testosterone plays a role in promoting overall well-being among women. It influences aspects including mood, energy levels, and overall health. Although present in smaller amounts than men, its impact on women's health should be noticed.
Story continues
Symptoms and Causes of Low Testosterone Levels among Women
Low testosterone levels in women can lead to reduced libido, fatigue, muscle weakness, and mood disturbances. Age-related changes, hormonal disorders, and medications contribute to these levels. Unfortunately, this aspect of health often goes unnoticed despite its impact on women's quality of life.
Health Effects of Elevated Testosterone Levels in Women
On the other side, when testosterone levels are high, it can result in symptoms such as excessive hair growth (hirsutism), acne breakouts, irregular menstrual cycles, and fertility complications. It is often associated with conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Exploring Low Testosterone Levels in Women
Identifying Signs of Low Testosterone in Women
The indications of low testosterone levels in women may be subtle yet impactful. These can include diminished sexual desire, fatigue, muscle weakness, and even feelings of depression. Recognizing these signs is a crucial step toward addressing the issue.
Taking a Look at High Testosterone in Women
Recognizing Symptoms of High Testosterone
Symptoms of high testosterone levels in women encompass acne breakouts, excessive hair growth, weight gain, and irregular menstruation. Identifying these symptoms is vital for timely intervention.
Achieving Hormonal Balance for Overall Well-being
Lifestyle Adjustments for Hormonal Balance
Maintaining hormonal balance requires dieting, exercising, getting sufficient sleep, and effectively managing stress. Simple modifications in these areas can have a profound impact on your health.
The Significance of Diet and Physical Activity
A well-rounded diet with lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates promotes hormonal health. Engaging in physical activity helps regulate hormone levels and reduces stress.
When to Seek Professional Medical Advice
If you are experiencing symptoms that suggest hormonal imbalances, seeking advice from healthcare professionals is crucial. They can provide personalized guidance and discuss suitable treatment options.
Empowering Women Through Hormone Awareness
Gaining an understanding of the world of hormones and the role of testosterone in women's health is empowering. It empowers women by giving them the information to make informed choices regarding their overall health. It's important to remember that every woman's hormonal journey is distinct and to embrace it.
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Understanding the Complex World of Women's Hormones - Yahoo News UK
The Unexpected Side Effects of Taking Testosterone – VICE

This article originally appeared on VICE Netherlands. A few weeks back, I felt my eyesight getting hazier. I went to the optometrist for an eye test and, weirdly, the results indicated that my prescription had decreased, so Id need weaker glasses. I was as confused as my doctor, but after a bit of looking into this, it was determined that testosterone was behind the changes. As strange as it might seem, hormone levels really can have an impact on an individuals eyesight. In cis men, this is largely because age can slow down the rate at which our body produces androgens, a group of male sex hormones including testosterone. One knock-on effect of this reduction is blurry eyesight.For the past two months Ive been using testosterone gel. Usually applied to the lower abdomen and absorbed through the skin, these gels top up my T levels and are prescribed by doctors.Prior to using it, I read up on possible side effects that come with the use of gels like AndroGel: increased muscle mass, shortened temper, or a deeper voice. Ive also discovered some other personal effects to add to that list: the structure of my hair has changed, I *swear* my feet have grown by a few millimetres, and, happily, my eyesight has improved. People use testosterone gel and clinically administered testosterone injections for a variety of reasons. Everyone reacts very differently to the treatment, and since there is very little in the way of public discussion about the topic, those side effects can be surprising. We asked gel users cis, trans and intersex about their experiences with the drug and all of the remarkable things that come with it. It doesnt take much for me to start crying: put Bambi on and the tears will be streaming down my face I was diagnosed with HIV in 1999 and first put on medication in 2001. After a few years on the drugs, I became increasingly fatigued. It started with coming home on Friday evening and then spending most of the weekend sleeping. As time went by, Id already be so tired on Wednesday that I had to drag myself to work for the rest of the week. This is because the medication I was on blocks your energy supply at a cellular level.I had contacts in San Francisco at the time, and someone there pointed out a study to me in which anabolic steroids [artificial testosterone] were used together with HIV medication to fight that fatigue. My internist approved the treatment and I have been using testosterone ever since. I do it in 12 week blocks I apply the gel for three months and then have the next three off. The testosterone has given me enough energy to be able to do things again. Another thing that struck me is that I need to be careful with my emotions while applying the gel. It doesnt take much for me to start crying: put Bambi on and the tears will be streaming down my face. Fortunately, Im not prone to depression, but I can at times wallow in self-pity. I really need to actively get myself together in moments like that. Testosterone is also the reason that I cant allow myself to get too angry: I tend to oversimplify things and become rude. If I start to speak softly, that means Im really angry. Then I have to restrain myself.
I also notice a difference in my sexuality. During the last two weeks without testosterone, when the fatigue starts to kick in, Im really looking forward to applying the gel again. - Hans Verhoeven, 58, is a self-declared rainbow activist and owns the online store Gays & Gadgets
"No one tells trans people that giving oral sex can be pretty challenging once youve grown a beard."
Physically, I feel like I won the genetic lottery. Any man wanting to look more masculine would kill to have my beard. I was quite hairy anyway, but it took time to get used to it. Eating can be a challenge now. I cant eat yoghurt anymore and soup is impossible to get out of my beard. I had to change how I performed oral sex, too. - Bappie Kortram, 30, is a YouTuber and podcaster
Pepjin has been using testosterone gels and injections since he was 16.
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The Unexpected Side Effects of Taking Testosterone - VICE
Boxing, exercise routine improves quality of life for those with Parkinson’s –

Rock Steady Boxing sessions focus on boxing drills, strength training and cardio exercises designed to reduce the progression of Parkinson's Disease.
Who are we? Rock Steady Boxers. Why are we here? Fighting Parkinsons!
Thats the rally cry of a group of people who know what its like to live with Parkinsons disease, each cheer getting louder as they raise their fists in the air.
They meet regularly for a program that focuses on boxing drills and other exercises designed to reduce the progression of their disease.
It is also very clear there is far more going on in the gym than exercise: what is quickly evident is the support members offer each other mentally, emotionally and physically as they fight a debilitating disease that has no cure.
The rally cry ends every single hour-long session of Rock Steady Boxing, three days a week, 52 weeks a year. The only class that is cancelled is Christmas Day, says Mario Toffolo, the programs head coach of the classes held at The Club at White Oaks Resort and Spa.
The battle begins when members walk through the door. Each one is greeted warmly, welcomed as a much-loved family member joining the group means becoming part of a community of people who help each other as much as they help themselves.
The program trainers are not just gym employees, they are passionate and committed to fighting with and for their members, boxers, and also some spouses who attend with them, fighting every bit as hard as their partners.
Niagara-on-the-Lake resident Heather Beckman has been helping her husband Henry fight Parkinsons since he was diagnosed 10 years ago.
The couple had been members of a White Oaks exercise program with Toffolo even before that, when they learned about a program in Indianapolis to help those with Parkinsons. It was founded by a young lawyer with early onset Parkinsons, and has been featured on both 60 Minutes and CBC.
There are now 800 such affiliates offering programs around the world, with all trainers both trained and licensed through Rock Steady Boxing.
Heather heard the testimonials from many who found their lives changed by joining the Indianapolis program, and brought that information to Toffolo, who looked into it. Soon he and his wife were in Indianapolis themselves to learn more about it, and returned to ask White Oaks to offer it at their fitness centre, at a special price so that non-members wouldnt have to pay for a membership. White Oaks agreed, and thus it began, the first and only one in Niagara.
What is really important about the program at White Oaks, Heather says, is the commitment Mario and his wife Linda have made to this endeavour. Everyone loves them and so appreciates all they do for us. Unless they are out of town and then they have other trainers take over they are there, no matter the weather, no matter the holiday. They are truly caring and so committed and involved. We are very lucky.
The program has grown to include 34 regulars from across the region, but Toffolo knows there are many more potential boxers in Niagara who could benefit. The only one nearby opened recently in Hamilton, started by a couple who learned about it by participating in Toffolos sessions.
There are about 1,000 people in Niagara Region diagnosed with Parkinsons, Toffolo says. His goal is to reach many more of them and to see the program grow across Niagara.
The testimonials from those interviewed on the CBC documentary are no different than what you hear at White Oaks, says Heather.
Her husband Henry is now 90, and doesnt miss a class. She attends to support him, and also does some boxing herself.
While a hand tremor is often the first sign of Parkinsons disease, the symptoms can be very different for each individual, unbelievably different, explains Toffolo, and can go for years undiagnosed, which means they arent getting the help they could.
And a lot of people are in denial. They dont want to know, and they dont want to talk about it.
Once diagnosed, many say they had seen the signs, but just thought it was due to aging.
Parkinsons is a neurodegenerative disease with no cure, caused by a lack of dopamine, explains Toffolo, and as it progresses, it can rob people of coordination, balance and strength.
Research has shown Rock Steady Boxing can slow down the progression of the disease, as Henry firmly believes it has for him.
Like the disease itself, everyone in the class will see individual results. It can reduce symptoms for some, their tremors disappear. Boxers in Toffolos sessions speak of feeling stronger, and with improved balance are less likely to fall. And its typical to develop a confidence in themselves to do what they thought they couldnt.
Rock Steady Boxing improves their quality of life, he says, and not only because of the boxing, but because of the support they feel from everyone around them.
The exercise plan we have here with Rock Steady Boxing is a life-saver, says Henry. I truly believe that.
And if we hadnt been living here in Niagara and working out at White Oaks, with our connection to Mario, Henry wouldnt be here today. Hed be in Upper Canada Lodge or some other such location like it, says Heather.
Henry still shakes a little, but not as much as I would without this, he says of the boxing program. There is no cure, so what is the alternative? Its not magic. You have to work at it.
He wont miss a class. Parkinsons doesnt take a rest, so neither do we, a refrain heard throughout the class.
During COVID, some members continued their workouts online, says Toffolo, helping to maintain their fitness levels, but those who didnt went down hill quickly.
Many people in the class say they come regularly, three days a week, and wont miss one. When they travel, they seek out a gym to continue to exercise, as Heather and Henry do.
Im committed to exercise, Henry says. I like to follow the routine. Even at 90, he adds, I find it invigorating, not exhausting.
And, he adds, I feel like I belong here. Its like a second family.
Toffolo, retired from GM, says he has always worked out to stay fit, running marathons and lifting weights. Now his workouts are with his boxers. These guys keep me young, he says.
Visiting the gym during a session means greeting familiar faces from NOTL, as they work through their exercise programs. The class is divided in half, one group doing flexibility training, the other in the boxing room.
Overseeing one group is Cathy Mills from NOTL, group exercise director at The Club at White Oaks she is one of the trainers, and her husband Rick Mills is a volunteer, helping to put boxers through their paces.
I do this because it takes such bravery, such courage to come here, says Rick. If I am able to be of any help, thats what I want to do.
Oresta Simpson, one of the more recent members, is doing some stretches, and as Toffolo watches, he notices she is able to bend her knees and lower herself considerably farther than when she started. She laughs that its because she has an audience shes chatting with The Local as she stretches.
If you dont exercise, she says you regress.
Since she started Rock Steady Boxing, I feel much more confident, she says.
Her symptoms began with freezing, a situation where she couldnt move her legs. It feels like being cemented to the ground.
She heard about the program through a friend, she says, a psychologist.
This program has been amazing. At one point I couldnt go shopping. I couldnt do anything. I felt awful. Then I was diagnosed with Parkinsons and everything fell into place.
As Toffolo watches her exercise, he says, I can see the difference. I can see her becoming more independent.
Cheryl Smith, 64, comes from Thorold to attend the program she was there the day it started, Oct. 16, 2016.
She had been diagnosed about a year before that. This has helped me big time, she tells The Local.
I see a difference when I dont do it. If you go away you have to find a gym, otherwise you lose it.
She too wont miss a session, and Heather says the benefits for Smith are noticeable. You would never know she has Parkinsons. It seems like she hasnt declined at all.
Smith says she has, a little bit, but she has also been able to reduce her medication, and she attributes that to the boxing.
Peggy Thorne comes from St. Catharines. When she was diagnosed she was told she should keep active. This has been phenomenal, she says. I feel it helps me focus. Its amazing what you thought you couldnt do, and you get here and find out you can. And you have a whole community of people to work with. They help to make you feel good emotionally and physically. I love these people!
Noel Morris, at 62 one of the younger participants, is from NOTL. He was diagnosed recently, and he too has already seen a difference.
You feel better when you learn and through the stretch routine. It also helps clear some of the brain fog that can comes with Parkinsons and that feels good.
As he says that, the boxing group has just finished a group exercise led by Rick Mills, and with each movement they shout out the multiplication table they are making sure they exercise their brain as well.
The price of the program is a monthly fee of $140, about $11 per session. There is a drop-in fee, but it is seldom used Toffolo welcomes those who want to try it out the without charge.
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Boxing, exercise routine improves quality of life for those with Parkinson's -
Indoor Cycling Training – The Best Apps to Crush Your Indoor Riding – Bicycling

Bikes and the outdoors go together like
Thats just what happened to Dave Ambrose, a New York City venture capitalist whose friends suggested he try indoor training when his busy work schedule kept him away from his long rides. He quickly said no. I thought it was boring, Ambrose says. I wanted to meet people and be outdoors. The problem was that Ambrose didnt realize he could create an indoor cycling training routine that would perfectly mimic his ideal outdoor cycling scenario.
Fortunately, his friends persisted, and Ambrose tried out Zwift (a cycling app) on a Wahoo Kickr (an indoor trainer). I did 45 minutes for the first ride and thought, This is amazing. You actually feel like youre riding outside, Ambrose says. The resistance is changing with the terrain. There are other riders everywhere. Its competitive. It changed everything I thought about indoor cycling.
Hooked, Ambrose got his own Kickr and Zwift subscription. He began riding 100 miles a weektwice as much as he ever did outdoors. Inspired, he begin to cook more and eat out less.
I had a ton more energy and I wanted to get even fitter and stronger, Ambrose says. I didnt want to go to a gym. I figuredlike with cyclingthere must be something I could do at home.
His fiance was into Peloton, so Ambrose discovered the platforms strength classes and started consistently tacking on core workouts to his Zwift routine. He has created his own at-home cross-training routine.
Ambrose trains indoors with TrainerRoad, competes in Zwift races, and does core workouts via Peloton. The subscriptions (sans equipment) add up to about $55 a month, which is more affordable than the average gym membership in New York City. Ambrose says they are totally worth it. I feel like a new person," he says. Its an incredible time for a cyclist to get fit and stay fit no matter the season or how busy they are.
So, whatever your outdoor cycling habits and goals, here are the gear and apps you can choose from to help create your indoor cycling set-up.
Todays indoor cycling experience is interactive, immersive, and honestly enjoyable. Like outdoor riding, it can also serve specific goals such as building a base, losing weight, winning a race, or just having a good time on two wheels. As Ambroses story shows, you just need to choose the right indoor training system (or systems) to get it done. Here are some of the most popular indoor cycling options to help you accomplish any goal.
Best for: Riders who want to bring all the fun of cycling inside
How it works: Zwift aspires to mimic riding outdoors right in your very own living room. So if rolling from the coffee shop with 15 of your friends while chitchatting as you spin down new roads is your dream ride, Zwift is the perfect place for you. You create a personalized avatar, input your height and weight, and zip down the road at speeds based on your power output.
There are tons of options for cycling fun: join group rides, line up for a race, meet up with a friend and just ride, or do some of the pre-programmed Zwift workouts. You can also take an in-app FTP test and follow one of their training plans to get ready for a century or other goal. But the real gold is in the game: earning new wheels, unlocking new courses, chatting with fellow riders via the app. Its all the trappings and socially competitive stuff you love about outdoor cycling, brought indoors.
Details: $14.99/month; available for iOS, Apple TV, Android, Mac, and Windows/PC; requires a smart trainer for the best experience, but non-smart trainers and rollers are compatible with the use of an ANT+ or bluetooth speed sensor or a power meter.
Best for: Riders who want progressive, structured trainingno games necessary.
How it works: TrainerRoad, unlike its competitors, is for the cyclist who doesnt need dazzling animation, virtual hangouts, or trophies. The whole system is geared around your FTP, which you establish via an in-app baseline test. Then choose from one of the professionally-created plan to reach your specific goal. The guided workouts include on-screen motivational text, but you determine any other entertainment. The app lets you watch whatever you want while the workout streams on the bottom of the screen. The workouts can also be optimized to take outdoors on the road via Garmin Edge and Forerunner devices, as well as Wahoo head units when nice weather beckons.
Details: $19.95/month or $189/year, available for iOS, Android, Mac, and PC; requires a power meter and smart trainer to have automatic resistance control. VirtualPower requires only a speed sensor.
Best for: HIIT fanatics who are hunting for solid power-based training and complete fitness coaching.
How it works: With workouts called Violator and The Hunted, Wahoo X is a membership program that offers training plans that adjust to help you achieve your goals. If you geek out on HIIT training, youll love it. Its also one of the best apps for multi-sport and all-around athletes, as they have running, cycling, and triathlon videos, as well as mental training programs, strength training, and cycling-centric yoga workouts.
Details: $14.99/month or $149/year, available for iOS, Mac, and Windows; requires an indoor or smart trainer, such as the Wahoo Kickr.
Best for: Spin class lovers and riders who just want to get or stay fit
How it works: Peloton offers an array of classes you can do right in your living room. The interactive fitness platform is work with the Peloton bike, complete with a built-in digital screen streams live and on-demand instructor-led classes along with relevant metrics. However, you can also get in on the fun by pairing the Peloton digital app with your regular indoor training bike.
You can also use Peloton for cross-training. The brand offers running, walking, bootcamp, strength, stretching, cardio, yoga and meditation, so you also can use it for general strength and fitness training instead of going to the gym.
Details: Peloton has new and refurbished bikes available at various prices and payment plans. The Peloton Digital app alone is $12.99 and available for iOS, Android, and web. Its $24 a month for the Peloton App+.
Best for: Serious, all-season cyclists who want to simulate the outdoor riding experience indoors on a moments notice.
How it works: The high-tech, smart stationary bikes business is booming and unlike in the past, cyclists have options way beyond the basic indoor cycling Spin bikes. These specialized bikes are designed to more closely mirror your outdoor bike, from the geometry and fit to real shifting and accurate gear ratiosthe Wahoo Kickr can even match your 11-speed drivetrain groupset. These smart cycles can cost as much as a second bike, but there are more affordable options out there. So, if you want to bring the outdoors into your house and are tired of dragging your bike through the house and wrestling it on and off the trainer, they could be worth the investment.
The Fit Chick
Selene Yeager is a top-selling professional health and fitness writer who lives what she writes as a NASM certified personal trainer, USA Cycling certified coach, Pn1 certified nutrition coach, pro licensed off road racer, and All-American Ironman triathlete.
See the rest here:
Indoor Cycling Training - The Best Apps to Crush Your Indoor Riding - Bicycling
The best workout apps in 2023 – Tom’s Guide

Best workout apps: Quick Menu
If the cost of gym memberships feels like an expense you can do without right now, the best workout apps could be your saving grace. We've tried and tested many of the workout apps deemed "the best," whether that's for strength training, yoga, Pilates or CrossFit.
Workout apps are so advanced that just about any exercise style has been included, and whatever your goal, you can access an online community of like-minded people, as well as advice and personal trainers. Some home gym equipment now comes with its own handy partner app, like leading brands Peloton and Technogym, but that doesn't mean it's the best workout app for you.
For example, if you want to learn how to train for a marathon, your focus will be on running apps like Strava or Runna.Some of the apps we've chosen suit the best exercise bikes or best treadmills and others have options for mindfulness and recovery.
Apps like Peloton require a monthly subscription, which ranges from reasonable to pretty darn expensive, but others are completely free or at least offer a free trial period.If you're wondering which is the best workout app for you, here are the pros and cons of each and what you can expect after you've downloaded them.
Jane McGuire
Jane McGuire is Tom's Guide's Fitness Editor and she's spent years writing about all things health and fitness. She crossed the finish line of her last marathon in 3:38, with the Garmin Forerunner 965 on her wrist.
Here are the best workout apps you can buy right now based on our testing. Scroll down for in-depth reviews.
Best for iPhone users
Best for iPhone users
With HIIT, strength, core, yoga, Pilates and meditation classes, theres a huge variety of workouts to choose from with Apple Fitness Plus, taught by a range of different trainers.
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Best free workout app
Best free workout app
Nike Training Club has made the app completely free for users, and unlike others on this list, theres no paid version anymore.You now have the option to filter workouts by muscle group and workout focus too.
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Best for bikes and treadmills
Best for bikes and treadmills
The Peloton workout app has thousands of interactive classes thatll help you strengthen, sculpt, and get that post-Peloton buzz. The instructors stand out from the crowd, and theres also the option to join live classes, and compete with friends.
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Best for women
Best for women
The Sweat app has now grown into an extensive training app with a number of different programs and recipes to help you reach your goals. There's a structured program for every woman.
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Best for versatility
Best for versatility
EvolveYou is perfect if you're someone who likes to mix up your workouts, alternating between cardio or weights, Pilates or HIIT, the gym, or workouts in your living room. The app has six different trainers on board.
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Best for men
Best for men
You could do a lot worse than opt for the Centr app favored by Thor. Actor Chris Hemsworth has thrown his weight behind Centr, an app that looks to combine exercise with meal planning and mindfulness to help both your physical and mental shape.
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Best workout app for iPhone and Apple Watch wearers
Connects seamlessly with Apple Watch
Content updated regularly
Wide range of classes
Available to anyone with an iPhone
Cant sort classes by difficulty
Apple Fitness Plus is one of the best workout apps for Apple users. With HIIT, strength, core, yoga, Pilates, and meditation classes amongst others, theres a huge variety of workouts to choose from, taught by a range of different trainers. During testing, we also liked the fact there were two instructors in the background during classes, showing modifications for beginners, or those looking to push themselves harder this is particularly handy as theres no option to filter classes by difficulty.
The app can feel a little overwhelming at a first glance, but classes can be filtered by trainer, time, and the music you prefer to work out to. You can also add classes to your library, which lets you select classes youve taken before, or plan on taking in the future, at a glance.
During a workout, if you're wearing one of the best Apple Watches, youll be able to see stats from your Apple Watch on the screen. Following an update in 2022, you don't need to wear an Apple Watch to be able to access Apple Fitness Plus classes, however, and even without wearing a watch, you'll still get access to thousands of fitness classes you can do at home or in the gym.
The Apple Fitness Plus app won our best fitness app/subscription award in our 2022 Tom's Guide Fitness awards because of the huge variety of workouts on offer, and for its seamless integration for connecting with the iPhone and Apple Watch. We were also impressed with how often Apple adds new workouts to the platform to help prevent users from getting bored.
Read our full Apple Fitness Plus review.
Best workout app for free workouts
Content completely free
Classes labeled by intensity
Home workouts
Apple Watch app
Nike removed training programs from app
In March 2020, Nike made its Nike Training Club app content completely free for 90 days, to help people keep fit while they stayed at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, the app has been completely free for users, and unlike others on this list, theres no paid version anymore.
However, with the update, Nike removed some of their training programs, which used to be a popular feature of the app. Instead, you now have the option to filter workouts by muscle group abs and core, arms and shoulders, or glutes and legs, workout focus endurance, mobility, strength, and yoga, and by equipment. There is also the option to filter by duration, level, and intensity.
During testing, we found the instructor-led workouts to be engaging and motivating, and also enjoyed the whiteboard workouts, which show you the entire workout so you can follow at your own pace. Theres also the option to connect the workout to your Apple Music. Its not perfect, but for a free app, theres plenty to keep you moving here.
Read our full Nike Training Club app review here.
Download Nike Training Club: Android, iOS.
Best workout app for exercise bike and treadmill users
Price: Free, $12.99, or $24.99 per month
A wide range of motivational classes
Easy to stack and save classes for later
Live classes to join with friends
Can be completely free
Still need equipment for full Peloton experience
If you cant afford a Peloton exercise bike or Tread to stay in shape, the Peloton workout app is the next best thing. There are thousands of interactive classes to take thatll help you strengthen, sculpt, and get that post-Peloton buzz. The instructors stand out from the crowd in terms of their enthusiasm, and theres also the option to join live classes, and compete with friends.
From strength to yoga, to HIIT cardio, when testing this app, we found it difficult to get bored. The option to stack classes is great, and lets you add multiple classes together so you can seamlessly add a cool-down or stretch to your workout. The classes are easy to follow on a phone or tablet, but to get a real Peloton experience, wed recommend streaming the workouts on the TV.
The Peloton programs give you a longer schedule of classes to help you reach your goal, whether that be to get stronger, or to crush your core in four weeks. There are also different collections of workouts, which make it easier to find a range of workouts by type, for example, strength for runners, resistance band training, or Pilates classes.
Of course, to get the most out of Peloton, its worth having access to one of the best exercise bikes, or the best treadmills to take the bike and tread classes, but even without, this is a great workout app with some of the most motivating instructors around.
In May 2023, Peloton announced three new app-only membership options: Peloton App Free(free),Peloton App One($12.99/month) andPeloton App+($24/month). App One members will get strength and floor-based workouts, while App+ unlocks cardio classes.Read more about the different membership options, and Peloton Gym workouts here.
Download Peloton now: Android, iOS
Read our full Peloton app review.
Best workout app for women
Price: $19.99 monthly/ $119.94 yearly
A number of different trainers and training plans
Easy to follow
Nutrition plans are also available
Apple Watch compatible
Need to manually tap the screen during workouts
The brainchild of Australian personal trainer Kayla Itsines, Sweat started as a series of downloadable "Bikini Body Guides" in 2015 and has now grown into an extensive training app with a number of different programs and recipes to help you reach your goals. There's a structured program for every woman from the new mom taking her first steps into post-baby fitness, to the girl looking to gain more confidence in the weights room at the gym.
Trainers include Kayla herself, as well as the likes of Kelsey Wells, Chontel Duncan, Britany Williams, and Stephanie Sanzo. You can switch your program easily and take on-demand classes if you feel like adding the odd barre session to your planner. The workouts are also compatible with Apple Watch. Theres no free version of the app, although newbies can sign up for a 7-day free trial.
During testing, we loved the range of workouts but found it a little irritating having to bend down and manually skip between exercises, although it wasnt enough to put us off using the app regularly. Wed also say this app is definitely aimed at women, but theres no reason why guys couldnt follow the training plans.
Read our full Sweat review here.
Download Sweat: Android, iOS
Best for those who love to mix it up
Six different training programs with qualified trainers
Easy to use app
On-demand classes
App can be a little glitchy at times
If you're someone who likes to mix up your workouts, alternating between cardio or weights, Pilates or HIIT, the gym, or workouts in your living room, EvolveYou is a workout app worth considering. Designed for women by personal trainer Krissy Cela, the app has six different trainers on board, all of whom have a number of different workout plans to choose from.
During testing, we found the app was easy to navigate around, although we did find it a little glitchy now and again. The workouts were simple and extremely easy to follow, making the app well suited to complete newbies, and more experienced gym-goers alike. There's also the option to play your own music or listen to a podcast while working out, as you don't have to follow along with a video, which we appreciated.
The app has a 14-day free trial, which allows you to access all areas and give the workouts a try before subscribing.
Download Evolve You: Android, iOS,
Best workout app for men
Training programs
Home and gym workouts
Meal plans
No option to play your own music
When looking for a fitness regimen, you could do a lot worse than opt for the own favored by Thor. Actor Chris Hemsworth has thrown his weight behind Centr, an app that looks to combine exercise with meal planning and mindfulness to help both your physical and mental shape.
Centr offers daily workout videos that you can practice either in the gym or at home, covering a variety of disciplines (HIIT, strength training, boxing and even yoga and pilates). Meal plans let you find healthy, tasty recipes, while guided meditations and sleep tips work on putting you in the right mental space.
Read the original post:
The best workout apps in 2023 - Tom's Guide
7 reasons to get started with your fitness program – Community Voice

(NAPSI)Because physical activity and healthy aging go hand in hand, getting started with a fitness program included in your health plan can do more than help you maintain your health as you age.
Movement truly is medicine, says Dr. Jaynie Bjornaraa, physical therapist, fitness professional, adjunct professor, and senior vice president of rehabilitation services and digital fitness solutions at American Specialty Health (ASH).
Dr. Bjornaraa oversees the Silver&Fit Healthy Aging and Exercise program for ASH, ensuring that its members get evidence-based recommendations when starting their fitness routines. She helped develop the programs onboarding feature, which sets members on individual fitness journeys based on their needs. Fitness levels, exercise goals, and personal preferences all factor into a tailored 14-day workout plan.
Research has shown that active movement is the best way to prevent and improve chronic disease. And the great thing about exercise is that it benefits your cognitive healthmemory and moodas much as it affects your physical well-being, according to Dr. Bjornaraa.
She offers this short list of other benefits a thoughtful fitness program can provide:
1. Improved Health Being physically active can reduce your risk of disease, strengthen your bones and muscles, help you manage weight, and boost your mental well-being.
2. Preventive Care Physical fitness can help prevent certain high-risk scenarios such as serious injury from falls, which is the leading cause of accidental death in older adults.
3. Social Interaction Some programs offer links to connect with clubs and free group fitness classes online for various types and levels of workouts.
4. Health Rewards Incentives for tracking your activity though a fitness program can earn various awards as well help you work with your medical provider to better manage any chronic disease.
5. Personal Coaching Connecting with a health coach during regularly scheduled sessions through a fitness-focused plan can help you achieve a variety of wellness goals.
6. Cost Savings Fitness-focused plans often include low-cost access to fitness centers and exercise videos for a wider variety of workout choices.
7. Quality of Life A thoughtfully designed program will help members develop a workout plan, which can help you stay mobile and maintain their independence.
Even for individuals who dont currently engage in fitness activities, Dr. Bjornaraa says its never too late to start.
You can be 80 years old, she said. Whenever you decide to start an exercise routine, youll notice the health improvements quickly add up. However, starting slow and staying consistent is the key to building fitness levels and a good program can help you steadily reach your goals.
Its important that your health plan supports your long-term healthand fitness. If youre considering adding fitness to your routine, be sure to work with doctors before starting any new exercise regimen.
Finally, once youve started a fitness plan, make the most of it. Stay committed to a lifestyle of fitness. Regular attendance in exercise classes and engaging in your wellness will go a long way to help you maintain and improve your health.
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7 reasons to get started with your fitness program - Community Voice