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Adele’s former trainer addresses weight loss and "fat-phobic accusations" over photo that showed her transformation – CBS News
Adele received widespread attention for a photo and message she posted on Instagram to mark her 32nd birthday this week. In the post, she praised frontline workers but the photo is what sparked conversation online. The photo revealed that Adele has lost a significant amount of weight, and while many commenters praised her, others criticized the focus on her physical appearance.
Now, Adele's former trainer, Pete Geracimo is speaking out about the star's transformation, saying it was "never about getting super skinny. It was about getting her healthy."
In an Instagram post on Thursday, Geracimo said "it's disheartening to read negative commentary and fat-phobic accusations questioning the genuineness of her amazing weight loss."
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As Adeles former London-based personal trainer, its disheartening to read negative commentary and fat-phobic accusations questioning the genuineness of her amazing weight loss. In my personal experience of working with her through many highs and lows, she always marched to the beat of her own drum on her own terms. She never undermined her God-given talent in any way. She let her incredible voice do the talking, or should I say singing! She never once pretended to be something that she wasnt. What you saw was what you got. And we all LOVED it! When Adele and I started our journey together, it was never about getting super skinny. It was about getting her healthy. Especially post pregnancy and post surgery. When 25 dropped and the tour announced, we had to get ready for a 13 month gruelling schedule. In that time, she warmed to training and made better food choices. As a result, she lost considerable weight and people took notice. Her body transformation was splashed across every media outlet. The attention it generated was mind-blowing. Since she moved to LA, its been well documented that she underwent some tough personal changes. Its only natural that with change comes a new sense of self and wanting to be your best possible version. She embraced better eating habits and committed to her fitness and is sweating! I could not be prouder or happier for her! This metamorphosis is not for album sales, publicity or to be a role model. She is doing it for herself and for Angelo. My hope is that people appreciate the hard work that Adele has done to improve herself for the benefit to her and her family only. She did not lose the weight to make others feel bad about themselves. This personal transformation has nothing to do with me or you. Its about Adele and how she wants to live her life. She has not changed from the Adele we grew up with and have loved. There is just a little less of her to go around. #adele #fabulous #strong #songbird #transformation #powerful #voice #love #rumorhasit #pt
A post shared by Pete Geracimo (@petegeracimo) on May 7, 2020 at 10:14am PDT
The London-based trainer wrote that he worked with the singer post-pregnancy and post-surgery on a 13-month "grueling schedule." He said that with exercise and better food choices, Adele lost a considerable amount of weight and people took notice.
"Her body transformation was splashed across every media outlet. The attention it generated was mind-blowing," Geracimo wrote. "Since she moved to LA, it's been well documented that she underwent some tough personal changes," he continued.
That attention swelled this week when Adele shared the photo of herself in a black dress. Many of the comments focused on her body which struck the wrong note with some.
"I see that Adele is trending because people are saying how gorgeous she is since she lost weight. Y'all, we've been over this... Your weight doesn't determine your beauty. Your appearance doesn't determine your beauty. The number on the scale doesn't make you worthy or unworthy," blogger and disability activist Melissa Blake tweeted.
In Geracimo's Instagram post, he praised Adele's hard work and commitment to healthy eating and fitness. "This metamorphosis is not for album sales, publicity or to be a role model. She is doing it for herself and for [her son] Angelo," he wrote.
The trainer hopes people appreciate that hard work, and understand that she did it for herself: "This personal transformation has nothing to do with me or you. It's about Adele and how she wants to live her life. She has not changed from the Adele we grew up with and have loved. There is just a little less of her to go around."
In a message to CBS News, Geracimo said he did not want to answer any questions about Adele.
Read More..I Combined Keto With The 16:8 DietAnd I Lost 105 Pounds And Reversed My Prediabetes – Women’s Health
My name is Courtney Smith (@coco.goes.lowcarb), and Im 40 years old. Im from Houston, Texas, and I am an account manager in group insurance. After finding out I was prediabetic, I decided to start intermittent fasting and following a keto/low-carb diet. I lost 105 pounds in two years.
I struggled with my weight from a very young age. In addition to being heavy, I was really tall, so I always stood out in a crowd. Most of my struggles took place during my childhood and teenage years. I owned who I was as an adult. I have a big personality and I'm confident, so I never really let my weight get to me once I decided I was okay with being overweight.
But after losing a close family member, I started self-medicating with food and wine. That's when I noticed that I was gaining weight rapidly, and I was also generally unhappy with some other aspects of my life. Instead of addressing my issues, I continued to eat whatever I wanted.
I was also dealing with knee and lower back pain due to arthritis. The weight exacerbated the pain. I was told I was prediabetic in early 2017 after going to the doctor for my annual physical. At my heaviest, I was 333 pounds. I was around 35 when I realized I had gotten so big. I was miserable but also had refused to do anything about it.
I was terrified. I saw what diabetes did to friends and loved ones, and I knew that the outcomes could be bleak. I was determined to take control of my health and stop making excuses.
So, I started eating differently and walking. I saw some results but knew I had more work to do. I got serious in January 2018, at 39 years old. I had a friend who was losing weight, and I just asked her outright what she was doing. She explained keto and some of the benefits of that lifestyle.
Keto and low-carb works for me because I am able to eat and create delicious meals that don't make me feel restricted or like I am being punished. I'm also able to go out to eat and make choices that don't alienate others or make me appear to be on some weird diet. This is important, as my profession requires that I attend work lunches, dinners, and sporting events.
I think dieting or lifestyle changes scare people because it can be challenging to figure out what you can eat when you're out at events or dinners, but being keto helps me with that. I saw how rapidly the weight started falling off, all while being able to still enjoy great food. I'm proud to say that this lifestyle has reversed my prediabetes as well.
I also typically follow a 16:8 fasting plan, meaning I eat within an eight-hour block of time. I eat between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., or from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. I don't snack very much, but if I do, I make low-carb choices.
I also walk at least three times a week. I started walking for about 20 minutes a day at work. It was a good way to step away and decompress while getting my body moving. My goal is to incorporate more exercise and yoga into my life.
I chose to turn my life around at almost 40 years old. I have a new lease on life and I'm so grateful. I've had times when I opted for the slice of cake or a few chips during this journey, but I don't park there and beat myself up. This lifestyle change is about balance. My biggest piece of advice is to not beat yourself up during the process. It isn't easybut it is so worth it.
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I Combined Keto With The 16:8 DietAnd I Lost 105 Pounds And Reversed My Prediabetes - Women's Health
3 Fitness Lies That Prevent You From Losing Weight – Medical Daily
Burning out fats to achieve or maintain a healthy weight does not have to be complicated. Unfortunately, this is exactly the case, with many myths and unsound fitness advice floating around the internet causing unnecessary pain and frustration among many of you who want or are planning to shed unwanted pounds.
Now is the time to debunk these lies. Listed here are 3 fitness lies that prevent you from losing weight this season, courtesy of Men's Health:
You Can't Add Muscle And Lose Weight
According to the International Journal of Obesity, your muscles contribute to a whopping 20 percent of your metabolic rate, while your fat mass uses 3 percent of your energy. All this means is that staying lean involves adding muscle through strength building exercises.
Metabolic rate, as defined in the second edition of the "Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition," is "the overall rate of tissue oxidation of fuels by all the body's organs." The fuels mentioned are "the carbohydrate, fat, protein, alcohol, and minor dietary components" that are oxidized in the tissues, oxygen that is being taken up by your lungs and the combusted end products such as carbon dioxide, water and urea that are being excreted by your lungs, urine and skin. In other words, it determines how well you burn off fats and utilize protein, all of which can lead to either weight loss, retention or gain as well as added muscle.
Some strength-building exercises for gaining muscle include weightlifting and exercises that use your body weight as natural resistance such as push-ups, crunches and leg squats.
Swapping "Bad" Fats For "Good" Ones
"Most foods contain a mixture of both types (of fats)," Steve Grant, nutrition consultant, said. "It's not one way or the other." The "bad" saturated fat present in rib-eye steak contains about the same number of calories as healthier salmon. In addition, feta cheese is weighed lighter than nuts.
According to Harvard University's The Nutrition Source, saturated fats negatively impact health when consumed in excess, though not as much as trans fats, which are found mainly in processed foods. Foods that contain large amounts of saturated fats include red meat, butter, cheese and ice cream. Saturated fat is also present in some plant-based fats such as coconut oil and palm oil.
On the other hand, "good" unsaturated fats -- monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats -- lower your risk of diseases. Foods that are high in unsaturated fats include nuts, seeds, fish and vegetable oils such as olive, canola and sunflower oils.
Carbs Are Bad For You
There is no need for you to follow a minimal to no-carb diet for weight loss. Instead, just aim for one gram of carbs per pound of bodyweight in the hour after training. It is the optimal formula for storing those grams as muscle, and not as fat.
Carbohydrates all break down into blood sugar or glucose that fuels your body. However, while simple carbs such as those found in regular pasta and white bread tend to release glucose faster (which have a side effect of causing a spike in insulin levels -- not a good thing if you are suffering from diabetes), complex carbs such as those in leafy greens, sweet potatoes and brown rice break down slowly.
For instant physical energy daily, simple carbs should do the trick. If you want to lose a lot of pounds or maintain your weight, it is good to consume more high-fiber carb sources.
Maintaining a stable weight is important to your health. Photo courtesy of Pixabay
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3 Fitness Lies That Prevent You From Losing Weight - Medical Daily
The humble garlic can help you lose weight and keep diseases away – TheHealthSite
The humble garlic, that we use to spice up our foods, comes with some amazing health benefits. Many researchers agree that garlic, which has been used for thousands of years to treat numerous diseases in traditional medicine, can reduce the risk of developing certain kinds of cancers, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes. Researchers from the University of Louisville say that consuming garlic helps counteract age-related changes in gut bacteria associated with memory problems. The benefit comes from allyl sulfide, a compound that is present in garlic. According to researchers, dietary administration of garlic containing allyl sulfide could help maintain healthy gut microorganisms and improve cognitive health in the elderly. Another study at the University of Oregon, Linus Pauling Institute, says that whenever you crush or chop a clove of garlic , it releases organosulfur compounds (including allicin). This provides several health benefits. Also Read - Veggies lower risk of premature babies: Best foods to include in your pregnancy diet
Here, let us look at a few health benefits of this food that was used by ancient civilisations like the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans and Chinese to treat a range of health disorders. Also Read - Watch this video to make a glass of lip-smacking peanut butter smoothie
According to many studies, just one or two cloves of garlic a day is enough to control blood pressure levels. In fact, You can also consume more garlic if your levels are very high. If you dont like the taste or smell of garlic, you can go in for supplements, which are easily available in the market today. Also Read - Add these foods to your diet for a healthy heart
Regular intake of garlic can bring down your bad cholesterol levels, which as we all know is one of the main risk factors of heart diseases. But research has shown that it has no effect on good cholesterol. Nor does it affect your triglyceride levels, another risk factor of heart disease.
This food contains antioxidants that can prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimers disease and other dementia related conditions. It boosts the bodys protective mechanisms against oxidative damage and increases antioxidant enzymes in humans.
Garlic improves digestive health and aids in flushing out toxins from your body. It ensures smooth bowel movement and helps reduce water retention. If you include this detoxifying food in your daily diet, you will definitely lose tons of weight in a healthy manner.
Garlic offers protection from the effects of free radicals. It can also slow down collagen loss, which leads to loss of elasticity in aging skin. In fact, even topical application of this food can help you fight off fungal infections and get relief from skin conditions like eczema. Moreover, it is a blood purifier and regular intake can keep acne outbreaks at bay. can It can also help you get rid of fungal infections like athletes foot and ringworms. This amazing food can also boost hair health. If you apply crushed garlic on your scalp you will be able to prevent and even reverse hair loss.
Published : May 8, 2020 7:16 pm | Updated:May 9, 2020 9:16 am
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The humble garlic can help you lose weight and keep diseases away - TheHealthSite
Tricks to lose weight: The perfect diet to lose weight if you are over 30 years old – Explica
Nutrition recommendations vary by age. You should not follow the same guidelines at age 20 as at age 60. However, some basic guidelines are always recommended. And, to have a healthy life, they must be taken into account throughout the years. The specialized publication Mens Health has compiled a guide for small recommendations that is having a great pull on social networks. Some very simple guidelines that can help you have a healthier life.
You must prioritize fiber and vitamin D. If you consume daily you avoid gaining weight, both at that age and in the future. The ideal, then, is to create a custom. The ideal is to consume some 700kg of vegetables and 500 of fruit a day. But, importantly, according to experts, it better not be in smoothies. And, if you eat between meals, better with fruit. Regarding vitamin D, it is best to eat canned tuna protein, light cheese, milk or salmon. On the other hand, specific diets should be avoided as much as possible and in any case always recommended by professionals, since it can cause an eating disorder. You have to eat everything, but with balance.
At thirty the body passes a barrier and the risk of gaining weight and losing muscle increases in great proportions. You are no longer a 20 year old kid. Therefore, you need specific nutrients. An example is omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in many fish. The ideal is to eat at least two servings per week, accompanied by a garnish. Fish also helps prevent heart disease. On the contrary, you should avoid drinking excessively, since cases of cirrhosis increase at that age.
At that age, you need a diet rich in fiber and antioxidants. In addition, it can help prevent the risk of cancer, colon or prostate. It is recommended to have breakfast guava, hand and pitaya for its high fiber content. As much as possible, avoid excess calories, which will become your enemy.
On the other hand, regardless of age, you should not forget to exercise. The de-escalation by the coronavirus is filling Spanish parks with new runners. Many citizens bet on losing the kilos gained in quarantine by going out for a run. And, due to inexperience, shoelaces and overloads arrive. For this reason, specialized publications such as Mens Healt become the latest simple training in fashion to lose weight and also avoid injuries. It is very easy to carry out and suitable for beginners. The method, which is called Caco, is simply based on alternating walks with running. Do not run at once, then.
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Tricks to lose weight: The perfect diet to lose weight if you are over 30 years old - Explica
Picture of ‘fat Barbie’ inspired Abbie’s amazing lockdown weight loss – Cornwall Live
While many of us have found it hard to stay away from the kitchen cupboards during lockdown, one woman from Cornwall is celebrating a rather impressive weight loss - and it's all thanks to a picture of 'fat Barbie'.
Abbie Browne, from Liskeard, has struggled with her weight since she was a teenager.
She has tried dieting over the years but, like many of us, found it hard to stick to the plan.
But after being inspired by a picture of a post-lockdown "fat Barbie doll" and with some help from her local WW group and supportive husband, she is shedding the pounds.
I have been a member of WW and other weight loss clubs before, had a bit of success but have never stuck with it," Abbie said.
"I am an emotional eater and when challenges come up in life, I eat my emotions rather than confront them. However, a week into lockdown, I saw an image online that really struck me. It was a picture of a normal Barbie doll and a fat Barbie doll bulging out of her clothes with the caption Barbie before and after lockdown.
"It was a real lightbulb moment for me! I didnt want to come out of this lockdown more overweight than I already was and I realised that this was the perfect opportunity for me to make the lifestyle changes I needed to.
Abbie had re-joined WW, formerly known as Weight Watchers, in October 2019 and had been losing weight very slowly.
But during lockdown, the super slimmer has lost a stone in just five weeks.
She said: "When the lockdown started, I couldnt wait to join my local virtual workshop online in Liskeard. I decided to join up with my previous coach and it was great to see lots of familiar faces on the zoom screen and to hear my old coach Laura Carson lead the workshop. We all got involved and swapped top tips and talked about everything we would normally do in a face to face workshop.
I am very organised and plan and pre-track all my meals for the week. I make a note of the points I have leftover after I track my meals and make myself a little lockdown snack box so I know I can still have the things I love every day. If its not in the box, I cant have it!
"For me, this is transformational. In the past, my excuse for not losing weight was that I liked to go out with my friends and have coffee, lunch and dinner.
"I dont drink much alcohol anyway so that wasnt an issue. We have lots of lovely friends and family who invite us to dinner but in other peoples houses I always found it hard to stick to my points. Now nobody is allowed to socialise, I can no longer use that as an excuse and the weight is beginning to fall off.
Abbie has recently started running and says she feels great because of it.
She added: My husband, Luke, is my biggest supporter and has never given up on me each time I try to lose weight. He encourages me to join him running once a week. Every week, Im running further as my stamina is improving and I love it. We live in such a beautiful place, its lovely to make the most of it.
"I used to hate exercise but I make sure I do a workout at home, weights or a short walk every day which is a breakthrough for me. It doesnt sound like much but Ive lost a stone in five weeks and Im so proud as my mindset has completely changed and I know I can keep it going and come out of this a much healthier person!
Laura Carson, Abbies WW coach, said: It is so rewarding to see that Abbie has made the connection between healthy eating, mindset and moving more despite all the challenges of being in lockdown.
"I cant wait to see her face to face so I can give her a reward for hitting her weight loss milestones and celebrate her incredible determination and success together!
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Picture of 'fat Barbie' inspired Abbie's amazing lockdown weight loss - Cornwall Live
Intermittent fasting: The health trend Muslims have been practicing for centuries – Arabnews
RIYADH: Despite an increase in the number of deaths from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the recovery rate is relatively high. While there are carriers with mild or no symptoms at all, others have no choice but to seek treatment at the hospital.
Arab News talked to a Saudi woman who caught the disease while she was isolated with her family, with 11 members in the house also infected. Their symptoms ranged from mild to severe.Khuloud Mullah, 43, who works in the diplomatic sector in Riyadh, visited her family in Yanbu before the nationwide curfew was put in place.It all started before the government issued the curfew order, when my brother-in-law went to a weekend getaway (isteraha) and was joined by other men who just came from abroad and carried the coronavirus without knowing, she said.Unfortunately, the disease spread to four houses, two in Riyadh, one in Yanbu and one in Madinah, and the members of these houses all tested positive for COVID-19.During her recovery journey, Mullah said she learned and discovered many things while at the hospital struggling with her illness. For the first time, I feel the true values of the blessings I have and I wanted to share them with everyone.The blessing of health cannot be compared to any other blessing, she said, adding that there were moments she felt that her death was close. He (Allah) will hold me accountable for this blessing, whether I take care of my health or neglect it.The blessing of freedom was also something Mullah felt while in quarantine. She started to appreciate all the things she took for granted before the virus outbreak.(Before COVID-19) I was free to go out, enter, decide, discuss, express, travel, change and do whatever I wanted. And in one moment everything was taken away from me. I became trapped in a bed, imprisoned in a hospital room. It was not my choice or my decision, but forced on me for the first time in my life, she said.The third lesson Mullah learned from this experience was practicing patience in the midst of a painful journey.Fighting the disease for two weeks, Mullah said that some of the symptoms that she and her family suffered from included losing the sense of taste and smell, lack of appetite to eat, instability when walking or standing, always falling to the ground whenever walking, high fever, severe pain in the body very severe and constant headaches, shortness of breath where I couldnt fill my lungs.
Khuloud Mullah caught the disease while she was isolated with her family, with 11 members in the house also infected. Their symptoms ranged from mild to severe.
She learned that the blessing of real relationships is priceless regardless of the differences and conflicts which disappear during crisis.
Mullah has left the hospital and is now in a hotel until she fully recovers before she can come into contact with other people.
Although she tried to force herself to eat, Mullah said everything she ate and drank tasted like iron rust.She said that she resisted the pain and constant dizziness, and tried to move around her hospital room whenever she could.I was struggling and trying to move despite the constant feeling of dizziness. I also tried to fight the headaches by taking painkillers and drinking a lot of water and fluids. I was practicing breathing exercises even though it was painful. All these pains took me 14 days to heal, I was patient, she added.Mullah mentioned that the only thing that kept her strong during her illness was the presence of her family and siblings who supported her despite going through the same struggle. I could see their pain and yet they were resisting to care for each other.She learned that the blessing of real relationships is priceless regardless of the differences and conflicts which disappear during crisis. You find them standing next to you at the time of hardship and when you need them the most, especially in your illness.She said that all the unprecedented changes imposed on the world since the virus outbreak reminded people that they can adapt to any unforeseen circumstances life brings them face to face with.She added: Whoever was infected with coronavirus will relate and understand what I am saying because they have certainly gone through the period of reflection that I have been through during my illness.Mullah has left the hospital and is now in a hotel until she fully recovers before she can come into contact with other people.
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Intermittent fasting: The health trend Muslims have been practicing for centuries - Arabnews
Meghan McCain admits that her "worst fear,quot; right now is the reaction of the media not to lose the baby’s weight fast enough. Up News Info -…
In the last episode of The View, Meghan McCain spoke about her greatest fear and it's quite surprising! According to the conservative expert, what she fears the most is receiving a violent reaction for not losing the baby's weight quickly enough after giving birth!
As you know, Meghan is pregnant with her first baby and it happened that the topic of discussion on The View earlier today was celebrity weight loss.
Whoopi Goldberg started the conversation focused on Adele's incredible transformation as the singer has dropped no less than 100 pounds.
The star just shared a photo from her birthday celebration in which she was showing off her new fit frame while wearing a little black dress that showed off her legs and small waist.
Whoopi argued that there is something in the reaction to Adele's weight that validates the fact that you must be thin to be valued in this world. And it confirms all the fears women like me have that if I only lost 30 pounds, maybe the media would love me more.
Meghan then shared her point of view on this, saying that: 'I was talking to my sister-in-law and I was telling her that one of the strange parts of being pregnant during this pandemic is that the world cannot see my body change because you the boys only see me from the waist up. And one of my biggest fears when we look forward to returning to the show is that the media reaction will be the weight you gain while pregnant and then if I don't lose it fast enough. "
She then emphasized once again that her worst fear at the moment is not related to elections or politics in general, but rather how the media will react to the transformation of her body after having her baby.
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Meghan McCain admits that her "worst fear,quot; right now is the reaction of the media not to lose the baby's weight fast enough. Up News Info -...
Weight loss tricks: They invent a simple workout to lose weight and gain muscle in just 5 exercises – Explica
Quick, concise and with almost immediate results. These are five exercises, 25 minutes, designed to gain muscle throughout the body. It is a guideline designed by MensHealth designed to be done three times a week.With a day of rest between sessions. The workout has six easy steps to gain muscle, lose weight, and get in tune.
In the plank position, on a bench with the left forearm supported and a leg separation as wide as the men,you must hold a dumbbell in your right hand and do a one-hand dorsal paddle. 4 sets are enough: two with each arm.
You have to change your posture and lie on your upper back, with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor, squeezing your abs, glutes and lifting your butt. And, with a weight in each hand, you have to do a chest press.It is also about four series.
We stand up. And, with a weight in his right hand. We stride with the left leg while raising the hand with a shoulder press. There are also 4 series. Two with each arm.
Lying down, en this time, face up, you have to hold two dumbbells with your arms stretched and raise and jerk your legs without touching the ground with our feet.Another 4 series and youre done.
With a dumbbell in our hands, we end the exercise with a jump squat if we still have strength. With those 4 series the training ends
In addition to these guidelines, outdoor exercise is also recommended.Many citizens bet on losing the kilos gained in quarantine by going out for a run. And, due to inexperience, shoelaces and overloads arrive. For this reason, specialized publications such as Mens Healt become the latest simple training in fashion to lose weight and also avoid injuries. It is very easy to carry out and suitable for beginners. The method, which is called Caco, is simply based on alternating walks with running. Do not run at once, then.
On the other hand, to recover, a well-known fruit can also be a good option: pineapple. Studies have shown that its carbohydrates help to recover quickly after an effort, so it is recommended to consume it just after exercise. The key is the glycogen that is recovered, which has previously been expended on physical exertion. On the other hand, pineapple contains bromelain, which is an oak that helps repair damaged muscle fibers and causes stiffness. The stiffness, as a quick explanation, are micro-breaks that appear in the body due to the accumulation of lactic acid and go away in about 48 hours.
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Weight loss tricks: They invent a simple workout to lose weight and gain muscle in just 5 exercises - Explica
Don Lee: Into the blue yonder in a battery-powered airplane – The Tribune – Ironton Tribune
In the last column, we reviewed the 1986 Voyager non-stop trip around the world in nine days with Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager. This week, we explore more recent news.
The continuing development of electric-powered airplanes made the news recently. I think it didnt make the mass media, since everyone wants the latest news on the infamous virus known at COVID-19.
NASA has become interested in the electric-powered airplane it has named the X-57 Maxwell electric plane.
It is the first government-sponsored experimental airplane in 20 years.
It is not exotic as previous X-designated planes. A comment I read mentioned that the test pilots will be wearing polo shirts and shorts rather than special pressure suits. That says this experimental aircraft is about as laid back as it can get.
The electric plane has to overcome several obstacles before it is a practical way to travel.
First of all, the current development of a battery is not very efficient, even though the lithium battery is a great improvement over the lead acid battery that starts our internal combustion powered vehicles.
The lead acid battery was invented in 1859 by a French scientist, Gaston Plante. It has a very low energy to weight ratio even though it powered electric cars in the 1918-era.
My dad, Robert E. Lee, not the Civil War general (I am not that old), told me that the doctor that came to deliver my oldest brother in November 1918 arrived in an electric car.
Also, in the late 1930s, I remember seeing these old ladies driving an electric car in Terre Haute, Indiana. It had a vase on the windshield near the drivers side with a flower in it. It was rather slow moving.
OK, back to the latest, the X-57 Maxwell is powered by 14 electric motors and two 400-pound lithium-ion batteries.
It will use all the motors to take off, but when it is in cruise mode, only the two large motors mounted in the wing tips will be used.
When the smaller motors are shut down, the propellers fold back to reduce the drag.
As with government projects, it will be several months before they will actually fly it. The ground testing will occupy them during this time.
The electric plane has a few problems over the jet and internal combustion powered engines. The jet-powered planes take off with more fuel than they can safely land with. When they reach their destination, they are considerably lighter in weight.
The electric plane doesnt lose weight and this takes more power. Also, the batteries need a long time to charge, although the plane could be designed to change out the batteries quickly.
The name Maxwell was inspired by remembering the 19th century physicist, James Clerk Maxwell, who was a pioneer in studying electromagnetism.
Albert Einstein was an admirer and said he accomplished his theories by standing on the shoulders of Maxwell.
Don Lee, a pilot flying out of Lawrence County Airport since 1970, has been in charge of equipment and grounds maintenance for the last several years. He can be reached at
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Don Lee: Into the blue yonder in a battery-powered airplane - The Tribune - Ironton Tribune