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Apr 23

Now is the time to take control of your diet, health – Winnipeg Free Press

DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: I went on a secret diet two weeks ago and gained five pounds! I had coffee for breakfast and ate my diet food for lunch salads, fruit and veggies but my wife would sucker me into eating a "regular dinner" meat with sauces and a pasta dish (were Italian), and then Id have some wine, and break down and eat some of her special desserts.

I think the weight gain is her fault. She knows I have to be on a diet, and isnt helping me at all. Im 45 ugly pounds overweight, according to my doctors scale, and Im borderline diabetic. The doc is concerned and asked me what I intended to do. I said I would lose all the necessary weight ASAP.

My wife is also overweight by about the same amount. I think she doesnt want me to get slim since she isnt anymore. We are at home a lot together kids have flown, virus is happening and she has started baking daily to fill the time, and then cooking these giant meals as if the kids still lived here. How can I handle this problem?

Pre-Diabetic and Gaining, Fort Garry

Dear Pre-Diabetic: Ask your wife the big unspoken question, nicely: "Are you worried that if I lose 40 pounds, bad things will happen? Like I would look at you critically, or Id start looking at other women?"

Then emphasize you must lose the weight because youre endangering your life and your doctor says its about to cause a big health problem diabetes. Ask her to consider dieting with you, so the same doesnt happen to her because you cant bear to lose her.

Notice that I didnt suggest you tell her to quit making all those rich foods. That will naturally follow if she agrees to diet. But, if she doesnt agree, youll have to cook plain meats and fish without fattening sauces and refuse her baking and wine, as it breaks down your will.

Definitely ask her to come out on daily walks with you, and go alone if she wont. After you lose the first 10 pounds and it starts showing, she may want to join you. Or not! This is your own health adventure and she may even try to sabotage you because youre making her feel guilty. If you need human support, join a weight-loss group online and youll get lots of it.

Watch out for tricks to get you to stay in, instead of exercising after dinner. "Ill watch that movie with you in an hour, darling," is a nice way to counteract the sabotage. Its much better than squaring up for a fight with, "Are you trying to wreck my diet?"

Psst! Be aware that lovemaking burns off calories and is fun exercise, so itd be wise to keep your partner in a good mood. Good luck!

Dear Miss Lonelyhearts: I feel lonely since my wife died and I have taken on extra work to fill my hours. Im an accountant and people need their taxes done, lucky for me. But that doesnt fill my need for a girlfriend.

I told my sister (whos disgustingly happy with her mate) I was thinking of getting a dog because my wife would never let me have one. My sister said, "You should be looking for a girlfriend, not a dog!" What an ignorant thing for her to say! This may the time to start dating, but Im not really over my wife yet. What do you think?

Dear Lonely: Call Adventures for Successful Singles about their Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends course, now offered by phone (204-775-3484). And you should get that puppy for love, companionship, fun walks and stick-chasing everything one does with a puppy.

The face-to-face girlfriend thing needs to be put on hold, but you should consider checking women out online on dating websites. You wont be able to get together for some months, so that really gets you off the dating hook. While you get over your wife, you can make friends and chat online or on the phone until COVID-19 restrictions ease up.

Good news! This is the time you stop asking women to run your life. Your sister needs to be put in her place. It also sounds like your wife decided a lot of things for you, as if her word was law the puppy situation, for instance! Youre on your own now, whether you like being alone or not, and its time you took back your power.

Dont consult your sister about anything personal. She sounds like a bit of a know-it-all and thinks she can get away with it with you. Let her know things are changing and the new you is making up his own mind about everything.

Please send your questions and comments to or Miss Lonelyhearts c/o the Winnipeg Free Press, 1355 Mountain Ave., Winnipeg, MB, R2X 3B6.

Miss LonelyheartsAdvice Columnist

Each year, the Free Press publishes more than 1,000 letters to Miss Lonelyhearts and her responses to the life and relationship questions that come her way.

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Now is the time to take control of your diet, health - Winnipeg Free Press

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Apr 23

The Slow-Carb Diet Is All About Eating Fiber-Rich Carbs, But It’s Pretty Restrictive – Yahoo Lifestyle

Photo credit: fcafotodigital - Getty Images

From Women's Health

If youve already given keto or any other low-carb diets a try, you might be eager to test out the Slow-Carb Diet, which is *somewhat* similar.

The eating plan is included in the book The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman by Timothy Ferriss (an entrepreneur, author, and podcast host), which was published in 2010. In the book, Ferriss details his Slow-Carb Diet approach. But the diet has also gained lots of followers who haven't necessarily read about it in The 4-Hour Bodyit's a buzzy diet that makes the rounds.

So what's the Slow-Carb Diet all aboutand can it really help you lose weight in a safe and sustainable way? Let's get into it, with the help of a registered dietitian.

The Slow-Carb Diet involves eating five food main groups (animal protein, vegetables, legumes, fats, and spices) and teaches to eat four meals a day for six days of the week. You also get one cheat day, on which you can eat whatever you want, explains Brigitte Zeitlin, a registered dietitian and owner of BZ Nutrition in New York City.

Basically, the idea is to follow a very low-carb regimen on the premise that it will increase your bodys ability to break down fat for energy and reduce your overall fat stores, says Zeitlinand in turn, reduce your body weight.

Ferriss also talks about various supplements (like calcium and magnesium) you can take while doing the diet, but they aren't a requirement. Now, a break down of the Slow-Carb Diet eating rules.

The slow-carb diet is based on the following five fundamental rules, which Ferriss also detailed on his blog:

Avoid white carbohydrates. If you are on this diet to lose weight, then you need to avoid all processed carbohydrates (like breads, pastas, cereals, baked goods, etc.) for six days per week. If you are on the diet to increase your muscle and strength, then youre allowed to eat these foods within 30 minutes of finishing a resistance-training workout.

Eat the same meals over and over. Basically just re-make the same meals from the approved five groups of foods (animal protein, vegetables, legumes, fats, and spices).

Watch what you drink. This diet boasts the importance of drinking water and other unsweetened tea or coffee. Consuming alcohol, juice, smoothies, sodas, or any calorie-filled beverage is discouraged.

No fruit. This diet bans all fruit intake on the premise that they contain too much sugar for weight loss. (Psssst, many other experts still recommend fruit on a weight-loss plan, though!)

Take one day off per week. One day a week of your choosing, you can cheat and eat and drink anything you wish. (More on that later.)

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Turns out, there are no foods that are actually dubbed slow-carbohydrate foods. "I believe the name of this concept comes from the approved-food lists and the fact that the carbs that are allowed are all complex carbohydrates, meaning they have fiber in them and therefore take your body longer to break down and process," says Zeitlin. "In other words, they move through your system at a slower rate than the simple, or white, carbs that are off limits on this diet."

For anyone unfamiliar with the concept of simple versus complex carbs: White-flour items or simple carbohydrates move through the body at a faster pace than complex ones like legumes or dark leafy greens, Zeitlin explains. So, simple carbs end up being less filling and satiating, plus they spike your blood sugar, compared to complex ones due to the removed fiber. So, complex carbs = slow carbs. Get it?

Foods allowed on the Slow-Carb Diet include:

Animal proteins: Eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, beef, pork, and fish

Legumes: Lentils, black beans, pinto beans, red beans, and soybeans

Certain vegetables: Spinach, asparagus, peas, green beans, sauerkraut, kimchi, and cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts)

Fats: Butter, olive oil, grapeseed oil, nuts, ghee, and dairy-free creamer

Spices: Salt, pepper, herbs, and seasonings

FYI: Several food groups are off-limits on this diet, including fruit, dairy (except for cottage cheese), fried foods, white-flour products, and alcohol.

One of the main aspects about this diet is that you must take one day "off" to eat whatever you want. The book calls it a "free day," during which you can eat and drink anything you wish.

"[Ferriss] believes this eases the mental stress that often comes along with dieting and that it may help to boost your metabolic rate, which can sometimes slow down with calorically restrictive diets like this one," says Zeitlin.

One of the principle rules of the diet is that you will eat the same things over and over. A variety of meals is not the goal or purpose.

The following are a few examples of meals you could enjoy that would fit the Slow-Carb Diet bill, provided by Zeitlin:

Slow-Carb breakfasts

Slow-Carb lunches

Slow-Carb dinners

Salmon with roasted broccoli

Stir-fry with all the allowed vegetables and soybeans

Grilled steak with cauliflower

The diet cuts out processed foods, sugary beverages, and other less-nutritious foods, and doing so can certainly yield weight-loss results. Allowing for a day of eating whatever you want may help some people feel less deprived, too. (However, the opposite can also be arguedsee the cons comin' up!)

The reviews about the Slow-Carb Diet online are mixed, but there are certainly lots of positive ones. "Even if you don't actually apply any of the techniques, this book will likely make you think about your overall health in a different way," one reviewer wrote on Amazon. "There is a wealth of information in this book, and it has helped me lose weight, gain strength, and run faster in the last 12 months."

The same reviewer went on to explain: "Like most of Ferriss' work, it could easily be misunderstood. Be clear that it isn't about shortcuts or 'hacks'it's about efficiently getting maximum benefit from the minimum inputbut that 'minimum input' still requires effort and dedication. You'll get out what you're prepared to put in." (That's only *one* person's opinion, of course, but valid points.)

There are very few pros to fad, restrictive diets like this one, according to Zeitlin. You can definitely lose weight, but she warns it may not be sustainable for everyone. As soon as you reintroduce the healthy food groups that have been removed, like whole grains and fruits, you will regain weight and likely gain back more weight than you originally lost, Zeitlin says.

Zeitlin also warns that you may feel guilty about falling off the plan, and you may end up going overboard on the restricted foods if you feel deprived while omitting simple carbs, alcohol, and more six days of the week. Additionally, the concept of a free or cheat day can create a messed-up relationship with food, reinforcing the notion that they are 'good' foods and 'bad' foods, when some of those 'bad' foods are vitamin-rich fruits and whole grains," she adds.

The choice is ultimately yours, and you know your body and personality best. Some people have an easier time losing weight by following structured guidelines and grocery lists, while others (like people with a history of disordered eating) may find that type of heavy guidance and rigidity harmful or even downright dangerous.

Zeitlin personally doesnt recommend trying an overly restrictive diet like the Slow-Carb Diet. "Diets that encourage cutting food groups out completely dont support your health-goals long-term and can leave you yo-yo-ing up and down with your weight," she says.

If you are trying to lose weight, Zeitlin recommends "concentrating on foods you should be adding in versus taking out," she says. This includes adding in more veggies, lean proteins, whole grains instead of white flour, and fruits. "Keep your grains and fruits to two servings each per day and dont forget to add in more water, along with sleep and physical activity," she says.

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The Slow-Carb Diet Is All About Eating Fiber-Rich Carbs, But It's Pretty Restrictive - Yahoo Lifestyle

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Apr 23

What "High Protein" Really Means + The 15 Best Foods To Up Your Intake –

Most people maintain a common understanding that protein is an important part of a balanceddiet. But what exactly are the benefits, and how can you make sure you're getting enough?

According to naturopathic physician and registered dietitian Jaime Schehr, N.D., R.D., "Dietary proteins are made up of amino acids, which are largely responsible for both muscle building and muscle repair," making it especially important to eat after exercising.

Exercise aside, when combined with fats and carbohydrates, dietary protein "promotes a slower breakdown of carbs and a more steady blood sugar level," registered dietitian Jessica Cording, M.S., R.D., CDN, tells mindbodygreen.

While the actual definition of "high protein" can differ based on labeling, Cording says, "In general, for something to be high protein, a serving needs to provide at least 20% of the recommended daily intake for protein. In the U.S. that's about 56 grams per day."

While that definition can be a helpful tool in the grocery store, registered dietitian Molly Knudsen, M.S., RDN, says you can also take a more general approach. "Instead of focusing on the grams of protein in each food," she explains, "focus more on the quality and serving size of the food. And try to eat protein at every meal and snack to increase satiety."

To spare you from mulling over nutrition labels, these are 15 of the most high-protein foods, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) food charts.

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What "High Protein" Really Means + The 15 Best Foods To Up Your Intake -

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Apr 23

Jersey Shore’s Vinny Guadagnino Shows Off His Fit New Body… Thanks To His Keto Diet! – TheThings

The cast of MTV'sJersey Shoreand its spinoffJersey Shore FamilyVacationhave definitely experienced their fair share of highs and lows over the past decade, but Vinny Guadagnino seems likehe officiallyhas his life on the right track.

The 32-year-old reality star has been replacing the drinking and partying of his younger years with a healthy diet and exercise program, and he's proudly showing fans the results of his hard work on Instagram.

WhenJersey Shorepremiered in 2009, Vinny didn't have the abs of his co-stars Mike "The Situation" Sorrentinoand DJ Pauly D or the bulk of Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.While he acted like he didn't care much about his appearance on the show, he's now opening up about his lifelong struggle with his weight.

"A lot of people didnt know that I struggled with my weight my whole life. I was the king of yo-yo dieting," he admitted in a recent Instagrampost. "I was my biggest during the years I was off TV so a lot of people didnt realize."

RELATED:14 Things Mike The Situation Does To Stay In Shape

Vinny started embracing a keto diet in 2018, and since then, he's launched a new diet and fitness Instagram account under the name Keto Guidoso fans can observe his progress.

On Wednesday, hecompared a shirtless picture of himself before starting keto with a current selfie, revealing his chiseled new body. In the post, he explained that his diet is "low carb, moderate protein, high fat," andexplained his reasoningforfollowing those guidelines.

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A lot of people didnt know that I struggled with my weight my whole life. I was the king of yo-yo dieting.I was my biggest during the years I was off TV so a lot of people didnt realize.My genetics make me gain weight easily especially to high sugar/carb food.That being said I believe calories also matter.If you eat a surplus of calories a week you will gain weight and if you eat less calories than you burn you will usually lose weight (unless youre in too much of a deficit and your body goes into starvation).So if you figure out how many calories you need to eat a day and be in a deficit,you will lose weight.The question is,what types of foods are those calories made up of? Are you high carb/low fat ? High protein / low fat ? I prefer low carb/ moderate protein/ high fat with #cleanketo... _ I do this for a few reasons :1) i dont react well to sugar. It bloats me,makes me feel groggy and lethargic, and i feel that it makes me fat easily.2)Im an Italian foodie so I LOVE the taste of food.So I need fat in my diet to create delicious meals while still eating clean(ie. a ribeye steak and creamed spinach over grilled chicken and quinoa)3.)I have more sustainable energy over long periods of time.I dont feel groggy and I have more mental clarity.I dont walk around starving because the food is sustainable.I enjoy fasting so i need food that will fill me up during my fasts. I find that higher carb diets make me feel hungry during my fasting hours.4)I believe that #cleanketo (meats and greens)emulate how our hunter and gather ancestors ate,therefore how our bodies were evolved to eat . Hunting meat and gathering leaves ,seeds, etc while moving around all day on empty stomachs (exercise and fasting) 5) my bloodwork indicates my body has been healthier than ever. Everything just seems to regulate itself out when i cut processed sugars and grains and eat quality meats, fats, and greens for the most part ( with treat meals in between of course) this isnt easy to do in the modern sugar world but possible. So u can eat twinkies and be in a deficit and probably lose weight but is that healthy and sustainable? Chose what calories are best for you #ketoguido

A post shared by Vinny (@ketoguido) on Apr 21, 2020 at 12:11pm PDT

Vinny went on to explain that while it's possible to stay in a caloric deficit and lose weight by eating nothing but Twinkies, that's not "healthy and sustainable." However, hedoes allow himself to indulge in snacks every now and then.

Sometimes I have a cheat meal once a week and sometimes I dont depending on whats going on in my life," he admitted in an earlierpost. "But I try to stick to this #ketoguido way of life as close as possible.

NEXT:14 Pics Of Jersey Shore's Snooki That'll Make You Want To Hit The Gym

Kaitlynn Carter Reveals Her Fling With Miley Cyrus Was A Wake-Up Call

As captain of Los Angeles' premiere quidditch team and the proud owner of 1,000s of Marvel comics and action figures, Steve is a huge pop culture junkie with a passion for everything geeky!

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Jersey Shore's Vinny Guadagnino Shows Off His Fit New Body... Thanks To His Keto Diet! - TheThings

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Apr 23

Earth Day Feature: Insights on heating, diet and climate change – ESI Africa

As the world observes Earth Day today, research by Energy Systems Catapult highlights that while 75% of people believe climate change is a serious threat, they are still unclear as to which activities in their lives emit carbon.

Thetheme for Earth Day 2020is climate action. The enormous challenge but also the vast opportunities of action on climate change have distinguished the issue as the most pressing topic for the 50th anniversary.

According to the Energy Systems Catapult analysis, only 49% of people that participated in the research, realise that natural gas heating contributes to carbon emissions.

The studyUnderstanding Net Zero: A consumer perspectiveforms part of the Innovating to Net Zero project that recently modelled 100s of potential pathways to achieve 2050 carbon targets.

Read more about:Climate changeCarbon footprint

Over 2,000 people were surveyed in January 2020 and focus groups conducted to understand public attitudes, including:

Matt Lipson, Energy Systems Catapult consumer insight business lead, said: Most people believe that climate change is a big problem and accept they have a personal responsibility to do something about it. But this concern does not necessarily translate into understanding the biggest sources of carbon emissions or the actions that will make the most difference to cutting them

This research underlines the huge challenge of focusing the publics willingness to tackle climate change on the areas where actions can make the most difference, and where progress is slower, such as transport and heating.

What do you think about climate change?

Choose all sources you think produce emissions that contribute to climate change?

What actions would people consider taking to reduce their carbon emissions?

Which actions have people taken already?

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Earth Day Feature: Insights on heating, diet and climate change - ESI Africa

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Apr 23

The healthy snacks that won’t ruin your diet – IOL

By Lifestyle reporter 9h ago

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Sticking to a diet can be difficult. Resisting the urge to reach for that burger, chips or sweets when you're hit with a snack craving, can make a big difference to your health and your body.

Dietitian Bernice Venter says that the feeling brought by our cravings for snacks, is sometimes related to our eating behaviours and is often related to our hunger gene.

There is a gene in your DNA that affects your leptin (a hormone that helps regulate and alter long-term food intake and energy expenditure) sensitivity. This is the gene that tells you when you are full, and if it doesnt work properly, you may always feel hungry and tend to overeat," says Venter.

Venter added that there are important questions you need to ask yourself before you rush to the fridge you get your snack fix.

"Before you snack, ask yourself: why do I feel like a snack? There are many reasons why you may feel peckish, but believe it or not, hunger is generally near the bottom of the list. Do not make snacks as big as your main meals and plan to include snacks as part of your overall calorie intake. If you are going to snack on an ongoing basis, consider changing your habits to eating five small meals for the day, of which the snack is one, says Venter.

If you are going to add snacks to your diet, she suggests you include these snacks as part of your daily food regimen.

Make frozen yoghurt buttons

Fill yoghurt in a plastic bag, cut the corner and pipe small buttons on a tray and freeze.

Crackers and cheese

Rice cakes or whole wheat crackers with cottage cheese and cucumber (remember three crackers is equivalent to one slice of bread).

Peanut butter balls

You can make these using dried fruit and rolled oats dipped into peanut butter (there are some great recipes online).


A small tub of low-fat plain yoghurt with a dash of honey (or dried fruit) and sunflower seeds.

Bear in mind that you may be less active now, so be cautious not to eat more than usual. It is very easy to snack throughout the day, but before you know it, you could have eaten six meals per day, adds Venter.

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The healthy snacks that won't ruin your diet - IOL

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Apr 23

New Mom Cameron Diaz Says Cooking Is Her Favorite Thing in the World, Jokes Shes Now on a Pasta Diet – Us Weekly

The kitchen is her happy place! New mom Cameron Diaz shared that she loves to cook and his currently making up to three meals a day while quarantined amid the coronavirus pandemic with her husband Benji Madden and their 3-month-old daughter, Raddix.

My favorite thing in the world to do is cook thats my happy place, the actress, 47, said during a Wednesday, April 22, Instagram Live video with makeup artist Gucci Westman. Cooking is everything.

Diaz shared that whipping up dishes in the kitchen and having a glass of wine at the end of the day are helping her make it through the current health crisis. I want to cook, she said. I just cook every day, like it doesnt matter, like I cook at least one meal, sometimes two, sometimes three. Its just what I do.

She continued: [Cooking] is my wind down. Every night I cook. Dinner takes me like an hour, but I want it to. Its my time to, like, chill out.

The California native, who said shes been preparing meals since she was a child, noted that shes particularly fond of the social aspect of cooking. I love sitting in the kitchen with my friends and everybodys just sitting in front of me, she explained.

The Bad Teacher star then added that she even designed her kitchen to be a space where people socialize and spend time together. I made my kitchen, like, half of my house and everybody sits in front of me and I sit on the other side and we just talk, she explained. [Cooking] is not stressful for me because Im just going through the motions of it and thinking about like, Whats the best? Whats going to taste the best? What should I add now? Whats the next layer of flavor?

Its all about layering the flavor, Diaz added with a laugh. They do call it the culinary arts, you know?

As for what shes currently enjoying, the Body Book author admitted its all about the carbs. Girl, I am eating way too much pasta, she told Westman, 48. Im eating [pasta] like, every night I was just on a pasta diet. I was like, What should we have tonight, darling? Should we have more pasta?

Diaz noted that shes currently craving the Italian staple because its comforting and versatile. Thats the beautiful thing, like with pasta or rice, Im always throwing whatever we had the night before or new veggies and everything and just chopping it all up and cooking it together. Its so good.

When her Whole Foods delivery arrived in the middle of the chat, The Holiday star explained that shes also being extra careful about not wasting any precious eats. I have a whole system with my food and Im just the person who wants to make sure I use everything anyhow. I dont like to waste food. I think its so disrespectful to waste food, she said. I cannot throw away one bite of food. Then I compost everything that I dont use and then if I cant compost it in my own comp composter, I put it into the the green bin for the city.

Aside from cooking up a storm, Diaz and Madden, 41 have their hands full with their little girl. The Longevity Book author and the former Good Charlotte frontman announced the arrival of their daughter in January. Us Weekly later confirmed that they welcomed her via surrogate.

During her chat with Westman, Diaz noted that the fact that she and her husband have very different sleep schedules has been helpful in adjusting to life with a newborn. I go to bed early and wake up early, and he wants to go to bed late and wake up later, she explained. That works so well for us as parents. I can go to bed a few hours earlier and he does those later feeds. Then I can go to bed and I wake up early and am with [our daughter] early in the morning so he can sleep.

Given the constantly evolving nature of COVID-19, Us Weekly wants our readers to have access to the most accurate resources. For the most up-to-date coronavirus information, guidance, and support, consult the CDC, WHO, and information from local public health officials. If youre experiencing coronavirus symptoms, call your primary care provider for medical advice.

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New Mom Cameron Diaz Says Cooking Is Her Favorite Thing in the World, Jokes Shes Now on a Pasta Diet - Us Weekly

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Apr 23

How to lose weight in lockdown: theres one thing thats GOT to go from your diet, and you probably wont like it – T3

During lockdown weight gain is perhaps inevitable, and not necessarily the end of the world. But if you want to lose weight or at least not put on too much extra weight there is one thing you can do that is almost certain to help. It is very obvious when you think about it, and arguably not that easy, but it will give positive results, and perhaps it might not have occurred to you before.

So, you want to know how to avoid isolation weight gain at home? There is one item in a lot of people's diets that could be easily cut and would result in losing weight faster. You guessed it: alcohol, booze, and the drink. No one needs a lecture about why alcohol is bad for your health but I think a lot of you don't realise how consuming alcohol effects your diet and your weight loss. Or your weight gain, more accurately.

If Google Trends is anything to go by, everyone seems to be having more booze than usual now that we are in full lockdown. And in the case of the UK in particular, that is saying something.

Best protein shake blender: there are brands other than Nutribullet, you know

Let's get one thing out of the way right at the beginning: the best way to lose weight is not to exercise more, but to eat less. Especially now that we have to stay indoors almost all the time, eating the same amount of food as we used to will result in us putting on weight. Cutting back on calories of any sort will help you in your weight loss battle. No news there.

There are a lot of misconceptions about alcohol and as I mentioned above, I'm not here to lecture anyone about just how bad it is to consume alcoholic beverages. Sure, some types of alcohols contain certain micronutrients (like minerals) that can be beneficial for health, but this doesn't outweigh the negative effects of these drinks.

One very important thing to realise about alcohol is that it is basically pure carbohydrate. Carbs are one of the three main macronutrients your body needs to function; the other two are lipids (fats) and protein. This doesn't mean your body needs alcohol to function, on the contrary. Drinking alcohol adds nothing to your diet, alcohol calories are just 'empty calories'.

Shop low-calorie beer at Skinny Booze

Just how many calories, though? There are a few options that are considered 'low-calorie' drinks, like vodka and diet coke. Although diet coke can be considered free of calories (still pretty bad in every way) a double shot (50 ml) of vodka contains over 100 calories. You would have to run 10 minutes to burn off those calories and that is just one drink.

Shop alcohol-free beer at Amazon UK

How about beer? A small bottle (12 oz/355 ml) of Goose Island IPA is 208 calories, twice as much as what's in a double shot vodka plus diet coke combo. And whoever has only one small bottle of beer when they drink? That's right, no one.

Shop light beer at Walmart US

Maybe wine? A bottle (750 ml) of Cabernet Sauvignon is just under 600 calories, meaning that two medium glasses (approx. 175 ml) contain around 250-300 calories.

We used the Drinkaware Unit and Calorie Calculator to calculate the below numbers.

For the rest, we used MyfitnessPal's database and the manufacturers websites.

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The best idea, of course, is to keep your alcohol consumption to the minimum. As I mentioned in the 'how to lose weight at home' article, being mindful about your diet and food/drink intake can help. Before you pour yourself another drink, ask yourself: do I want another drink? Am I bored? Is there another task I'm putting off by drinking?

Admittedly, on some occasions, especially during social gatherings, it is pretty challenging to get out of drinking at least some alcohol. When everyone is having beers and wines around you, the social pressure on you to have one too could be immense. Even in these cases, there are ways to reduce consumption.

If you are a wine drinker, have a soda spritzer instead of just a glass of wine. You would still get the sensation of having a wine in a wine glass, but you also drink plenty of water, which dilutes the alcohol and makes it easier for your body to digest it more efficiantly.

If you are more of a beer drinker, see if there are any low calorie/alcohol-free beers in stock. A bottle of alcohol-free Holstein is only 8 calories (!) and there are plenty of low-cal options out there, especially if you live in the US.

And in any case, if you drink a glass of water after you had a drink, your stomach will fill up sooner and you will feel fuller sooner, making you less likely to drink too much alcohol. It also helps with hangovers, too.

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How to lose weight in lockdown: theres one thing thats GOT to go from your diet, and you probably wont like it - T3

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Apr 23

Ramadan 2020: Is fasting healthy? Is fasting a good way to lose weight? – Express

Eating Rules for Ramadan

When you're hungry, it's easy to eat your food too quickly.This creates digestive issues and will leave you feeling less full, and bloated.Hannah suggests seven things to do to avoid this, they are:

There are four main food groups to stick to during Ramadan, they are:

Hannah said: "Rich in fibre, fruits, and vegetables are essentials during fasting as they increase the feeling of fullness and help prevent constipation.

"They also contain vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that are vital for good health."

Hannah said: "High-fibre carbohydrate foods like brown rice, quinoa, beans, lentils, and wholemeal bread take longer to digest, helping to sustain energy levels longer.

Skinless chicken, fish meats, and dairy are a great source of protein to keep you sustained.

Hannah explained: "They help repair and build body tissue, and build up your immune system"

Don't fear fat! Hannah explained: "Fats keep you satisfied and happy.

"Load up your plates with avocado, nuts, good quality organic cheese, Olive oil, ghee, tahini, and ghee."

Originally posted here:
Ramadan 2020: Is fasting healthy? Is fasting a good way to lose weight? - Express

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Apr 23

Want to lose belly fat fast? Try these tips, cheats and gadgets while in lockdown – T3

Want to know how to lose belly fat fast? Well you can't. But there are ways to torch fat, shed the dreaded visceral fat and maybe even reveal your abs. During lockdown it's a problem a lot of us are facing but then again, its a problem a lot of us were facing before lockdown.

Contrary to what a lot of websites will tell you, directly targeting 'belly fat' is largely impossible outside of surgical procedures. It's more of a matter of knowing how to lose weight in general some of which will be around your belly. It can also be useful to work on your abdominal muscles, so that when the fat is finally gone, your stomach will be properly flat, not fat. Although there's no magic bullet to slay belly fat, there are ways to burn visceral fat that are tried, trusted and true.

And, as you have probably guessed, we have a list of them. So if you want to burn belly fat and get fit, this is our 'six-pack' of tips, cheats, technologies and strategies. Oh and if you want to round it up to a lucky 7 tips, try this one blindingly obvious way to avoid lockdown weight gain.

Important note here, everyone: Belly fat these days is often referred to as visceral fat because that sounds scarier. If you really need to shed visceral fat because it's endangering your life, that is an area where you should probably be seeking medical advice, if that is at all possible. But while this guide is more about slimming down a bit, or avoiding ballooning during lockdown, belly fat loss also has an element of visceral fat loss.

Our lose belly fat tips aren't necessarily quick, and this is not about telling you how to get six pack abs although we have plenty of guides to that, too. No, this is just a 'six pack' do you see what we did, there? of tips to getting a healthier life and feeling comfortable with the girth of your mid-riff. We're not looking to fat shame anyone here or totally bro out, we're just offering advice.

We've got some great tips, a few cheeky shortcuts and key strategies to lose belly fat quickly, healthily and sustainably. As we just said, there are no quick fixes here; we want you to develop habits that ensure you'll stay trim for good.Weve also got the lowdown on the best exercises to lose belly fat, and all the gear youll need to get started although, of course, the most important 'gear' is the bit between your ears.

There's no hard-and-fast rule for slim-down success: the best way to lose belly fat is the way that works around your lifestyle. If you follow an unsustainable plan, you won't last: it's as simple as that. In this article we lay out six principles that are applicable to everyone, whether you're a total beginner starting your weight-loss journey or a seasoned pro who fell off the wagon over Christmas.

These guiding lights will keep you on the straight and narrow, even during a lockdown situation. Dont try to take on more than you can reasonably fit into one day. And, despite the name of this feature, don't fixate on 'belly fat'. It's important to reduce visceral fat, which does tend to lurk around the belly area, but that is best achieved by trying to slim down and tune up overall.

Here are six strategies to help you start losing weight.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

The short answer to the question of how to lose belly fat is to burn more calories than you consume on a regular basis. In the fitness world, this is known as achieving a "calorie deficit".

If this sounds like a waking nightmare, there's a trick to it: what you need to do is ensure youre eating the correct kind of food to make sure you feel full and sated, even when consuming fewer calories than you're burning off.

Certain foods are "empty calories" while others release energy slowly, keeping you fuller for longer. This is a big danger, especially while you're at home, with all your food within easy reach.

But before that, you'll need to find a good way to track your calories burned and calories taken in. The free MyFitnessPal app is one of the best ways to record your calorie intake, but to track your calories burned, you'll need a dedicated fitness tracker. If you already own a smartwatch, most will offer calorie tracking as standard, but for those yet to make the plunge, the Fitbit Versa Lite is the best activity tracker you can buy right now. Check out the deal below.

Oh, and staying hydrated is crucial, as well

Fitbit Versa 2 | now 199 at AmazonThe Fitbit Versa 2 is getting regular price cuts in 2020. The Versa 2 features advanced cardio tracking as well as the usual steps and sleep stuff, and has Alexa built in. It's also unusually stylish for a Fitbit, and via its excellently presented app and sprawling ecosystem, you can use it as the basis of a complete fitness and diet programme. You can also enter your meals to log calories consumed, so you can have all your dietary data in one place.View Deal

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S'Well Marble Drinking Water Bottle | now 17.50 at John LewisIn this case beauty is more than skin deep. This bottle is vacuum sealed, which means it should be able to keep liquids warm for 12 hours and cold for 24 hours. Its stainless steel, has a capacity of 500ml and requires handwashing, and its definitely one for one-upping your co-workers boring flasks and supermarket specials.View Deal

BEEFIT Biltong, 10 x 30g bags | now 16.99 on AmazonLooking for a calorie-dense but highly nutritional snack? Swap your bag of crisps or chocolate bar for jerky or biltong, a cured meat snack high in protein. BEEFIT comes in handy 30g bags, to keep yourself fuller for longer. It's packed full of protein to help build muscle after a workout (Over 20g per pack, to be precise), and is even gluten free too.View Deal

Intermittent fasting is becoming more and more popular. It involves significantly cutting calories or abstaining from food altogether for a portion of the day or week, and then cramming all your calories into a much shorter time window.

The best-known intermittent fasting plan is the 5:2 diet, where you eat as you normally would (although hopefully a bit healthier) for five days a week, then scoff no more than 600 calories two days a week.There are also variants of this diet where you consume almost no calories, two days per week. This is much more doable than it sounds, so long as you are in good general health, but it's not exactly fun.

However, for trainees who are serious but not that serious, there's the 16:8 diet. With this diet you have only 8 hours a day to fit all your meals in, but can only drink water (and maybe some black coffee, if you're feeling naughty) within a 16 hour fasting period outside of those 8 hours. Most choose to eat from 10am to 6pm, but as long as you stay within an eight hour window, you can start and finish at any time of the day. This isHugh Jackman's strategy, so if you have ever wanted to be in Wolverine shape

Why try fasting, though? Well, during the fasting period the body will run out of sugar to run on, and so will start eating up the bodys fat stores. The big negative is the adjustment period: if you're used to a big breakfast or an early dinner, a 16-hour fast feels tough at first, especially if you're exercising. You're going to get seriously cranky.

Soylent Nutrition Shake, Cacao (Chocolate), 12 Pack | now 35.00 on AmazonMarketed as a 'complete meal in a bottle' soylent is a perfect on-the-go quick feed for breakfast or lunch. With 20g of plant protein - to keep you going and slow-burning carbs to help you stay full, Soylent is vegan, gluten free, nut free, dairy free and low GI. At under 3 a shake, it's an ideal replacement to your usual hurried, bland supermarket meal deal.View Deal

Dead set on having chips? An air fryer can deliver a lot of the delicious taste with less of the not-quite-so-delicious oil

(Image credit: Future)

If you eat fried food all the time, switching to an air fryer will definitely cause you to lose weight unless buying one causes you to start eating loads of chocolate because you've reduced your fat intake. No, it doesn't taste as delicious as proper fried food of course not but it turns out meals with a good fried/roasted taste, but with up to 80% lower fat content.

If you don't eat fried food all the time but like to treat yourself now and then, switching to an air fryer could still help with you to lose weight. Even with a solid balanced diet and a good workout ethic, there will come a time when your willpower will falter and you'll want to fall back on your old favourites, like fried chicken, fish, chips and all the other foods you love normally dripping with grease. If you schedule in cheat days and do this in a controlled way, it's good to know you're cooking these foods in a way that still helps you hit your goals.

Enter the air fryer. The best air fryers are revolutionary pieces of kit that use hot air combined with a teaspoon of oil (as opposed to the gallons of oil found in the deep-fat variety) to cook your crispy favourites. If kitchen space and budget is no object, you can cook a whole chicken in the Philips Airfryer XXL, but if you're after something a little more economical, Pro Breeze Airfryer 1400W is lightweight, versatile and cheaper, perfect for portion control. It also seems to usually be sold out all the time at present, so perhaps everyone has already taken our advice, here.

This is just one way to have your (fried) cake and eat it too. Swapping high-calorie pints of ice cream to the low-calorie versions like Halo Top or Oppo, or switching out cholesterol-laden butter for a healthier olive spread, are other easy ways you can make relatively simple lifestyle choices and still keep weight off.

Weight training is a great way to tip your muscle-fat ratio the right way

(Image credit: Getty Images)

There are two main types of exercise: cardio training and weights, otherwise known as resistance training.Although cardio burns a lot of calories while you do it, weight training builds muscle which burns more than fat as you go about your day. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you'll burn even when not working out.

Resistance training may seem scary if you're doing it for the first time, especially in the gym when the area's dominated by serious lifters, but you dont have to start adding big plates to the bar right now. There's plenty of ways to get started at home with smaller weights such as dumbbells, kettlebells and even medicine balls.

Were not going to list every single lifting exercise, so why not pick the body part you want to start toning up and check out some of our muscle-building how-tos. One you've done that, grab one of the best dumbbell sets on the market. They're not just for arms: you can use a dumbbell to work your core, shoulders, and even your legs with combination movements.

The only issue you will find right now is that most of them are sold out, but this store still has home gym equipment for online delivery. By the time this lockdown ends, you'll be ready for the gym.

If everything for the home gym has sold out which happens a lot lately consider doing bodyweight exercises. If that idea makes you think of muscular men working out in prison, try our guide to the best bodyweight exercises for beginners and ease into it gently. Before you know it you'll be ready for the Navy SEAL workout. None of these require any specialist equipment.

York 20kg Cast Iron Dumbbell Spinlock Set | Buy it for 59.99 at the Fitness SuperstoreIdeal for starters, the York 20kg Cast Iron Dumbbell Spinlock Set features knurled handles for a secure grip, plastic spinlock collars and solid, durable weight plates. considering you can't buy any reasonably priced home weight sets anywhere at the moment, this might be your best option to get an adjustable dumbbell set for under 500 for a while.View Deal

Powerplate Move vibration plate | 2,199 | Was 2,699 | Save 500 at John LewisIf you want to really power up your bodyweight exercises, and certain dumbbell moves, try doing them while being violently vibrated. This is particularly good for your core as your body has to work extra hard to complete moves.View Deal

All of this aside, dont neglect cardio, as regular cardio workouts are important for fitness and stamina.

Electric Muscle Stimulation can help your muscles recover faster

(Image credit: PowerDot)

It may seem gimmicky when you unwrap your new six-pack vibrating belt, complete with a picture of Ronaldo on the box, but don't roll your eyes just yet. While you can't just sit there eating crisps and expect to get ripped, Electric Muscle Stimulators can help as part of a controlled dietary and exercise plan.

EMS can cause the muscles to contract, essentially tensing and untensing rapidly. During downtime post-workout, you can continue to encourage muscle growth with EMS, while the right bit of kit can also encourage faster recovery, allowing you to get back in the gym all the quicker. According to the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, EMS stimulates the muscle in the same way as a massage, prepping it for the next go-round.

It's not a bona fide shortcut to a six-pack, but it can speed up the muscle-building process with regular use.

(Image credit: Sixpad)

Our top choice is always SIXPAD as used by Cristiano Ronaldo, a man who takes great pride in his body. Perhaps a little too much pride, the unkind or jealous might say. Amazon also sells all manner of abs belts by brands we have never heard of, for about 20. Needless to say we dont recommend these.

PowerDot 2.0 - Smart Electric Muscle Stimulator | now 185 at AmazonAlternatively, the PowerDot 2.0 is a smartphone-controlled muscle stimulating monster.This neat muscle stimulator works from your phone, allowing you to control intensity, stimulation and goal. Reduce your recovery time and increase muscular performance, as the PowerDot working to support your gym schedule. This model has two stimulators, but you can scale up to four for 325View Deal

Planks are a tough abs workout and a great end-of-workout finisher

(Image credit: Taco Fleur from Pixabay)

As well doing both muscle-building and cardio exercises, if you want to lose belly fat its also important to switch up the pace of your workout.

Every time you workout, you should exercise using both steady state (working hard but not at max capacity, such as during brisk jog) and high intensity (going flat out, like sprinting) to torch your abdominal fat.

Steady state or aerobic exercises include cycling, running or uphill hiking.Its a crucial part of losing belly fat because it burns through your fat stores. However, it also uses your sugar stores for energy first, so you need to do steady-state for long enough to use up all that sugar before it eats into your fat reserves.

High intensity workouts use mainly sugar for fuel, so they don't hit the fat right away, but it does help in building muscle, which will help you torch fat even on days you're not exercising. Explosive weight lifting, sprinting and HIIT-friendly exercises like mountain climbers are all great high-intensity exercises.

A good fitness tracker will help you to gauge the intensity of your workout by monitoring your heart rate. For overall fitness trackers, check out the Fitbit Versa Lite above, but for a dedicated running watch, you can't beat the Garmin Forerunner 645, the best on the market right now.

Find out more about heart rate zone training

Garmin Forerunner 645 | now 342.34 at AmazonGarmin dominates the running/fitness watch category so totally, it's almost embarrassing for the competition. The most recent addition to their premium line, the Garmin 645, incorporates GPS and wrist heart-rate tracking, which is good for monitoring your resting and all-day rates. The 645 crunches a lot of data to suggest recovery times, make a decent stab at estimating your VO2 Max, tell you how optimal your training load and lots, lots more.View Deal

FitBit Aria 2 smart bathroom scale | now 119.99 on AmazonThis clever scaletells you your weight, BMI and body fat percentage which is all a lot of people want. It then reports this to your Fitbit account, so you can monitor your weight trends and use it alongside your Fitbit wearable's daily calorie-burn estimates. Add MyFitnessPal or Fitbit's own dietary features and you can then sync your meal-plans, daily calories consumed and weight goals, if you want.View Deal

The most important thing to bear in mind is this: losing weight takes time. You'll have setbacks and slip-ups, but if you stay committed to your goal, you'll be fitter and healthier in 2020, building up great habits for many years ahead.

Need some help to get started? Check out all the latest deals on the kit you'll need to get fit in 2020.To start with, you'll need a killer playlist and a good set of workout headphones to listen to it on:

Beats By Dre Powerbeats Pro | now 219 on AmazonPowerbeats Pro are a 'game changer' for Beats; the quality of them is over and above anything the brand has produced before. Designed for workouts and running, the clever design of these true wireless buds means they stay still in your ears during even the most arduous physical jerks. Battery life is way better than most true wireless buds at 8-9 hours and they recharge incredibly fast.View Deal

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Want to lose belly fat fast? Try these tips, cheats and gadgets while in lockdown - T3

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