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Risk of Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Linked to a Genotype – Renal and Urology News
Inheritance of the adrenal-permissive HSD3B1 genotype in men with low-volume metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC) is associated with development of earlier castration-resistant disease and shorter overall survival, according to a new study.
Thegenotype augments extragonadal dihydrotestosterone synthesis, and previousresearch has suggested an association between the adrenal-permissive allele andearly development of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), investigatorsinvolved in the new study noted in a paper published in JAMA Oncology.
Thenew findings may enable clinicians to identify patients more likely to benefitfrom escalated androgen receptor axis inhibition beyond gonadal testosterone suppression,a team led by Nima Sharifi, MD, of Cleveland Clinic, concluded.
DrSharifi and colleagues analyzed the association between HSD3B1 (1245A) allele and early development of CRPC usingprospective data from CHAARTED (E3805 Chemohormonal Therapy vs AndrogenAblation Randomized Trial for Extensive Disease in Prostate Cancer), amulticenter phase 3 trial of androgen deprivation therapy with or withoutdocetaxel therapy in men with newly diagnosed mCSPC. Of 790 men randomized inthe trial, 527 had available DNA samples. Dr Sharifis team retrospectivelydetermined the HSD3B1 germlinegenotype in 475 white men (in whom the frequency of the adrenal-permissiveallele is highest) and analyzed clinical outcomes by genotype.
Ofthe 475 men, 270 (56.8%) inherited the adrenal-permissive genotype allele,whereas 205 had the adrenal-restrictive genotype, which limits extragonadaldihydrotestosterone synthesis. Among men with low-volume disease, theproportion of patients without CRPC at 2 years was significantly smaller amongthose with the adrenal-permissive than adrenal-restrictive genotype (51% vs70.5%), Dr Sharifis team reported. The overall survival rate at 5 years also wassignificantly worse in the group with the adrenal-permissive genotype (57.5% vs70.8%).
Comparedwith the adrenal-restrictive genotype, the adrenal-permissive genotype wassignificantly associated with a nearly 1.9-fold increased risk of CRPC and1.7-fold increased risk of death. The investigators found no associated betweengenotype and outcomes among men with high-volume disease.
Takentogether, our findings suggest that the HSD3B1genotype can be used to risk stratify white men with low-volume metastaticprostate cancer, Dr Sharifis team concluded. Those with the adrenal-permissivegenotype have a worse prognosis inasmuch as they develop CRPC sooner and haveshorter overall survival than men with the adrenal-restrictive genotype. Thisinformation could assist clinicians in counseling patients and guideresearchers in identifying those for whom escalated androgen receptor axisinhibition beyond mere gonadal testosterone suppression is most warranted.
HearnJWD, Sweeney CJ, Almassi N, et al. HSD3B1genotype and clinical outcomes in metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer.JAMA Oncol. 2020;6(4):e196496.doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2019.6496
Originally posted here:
Risk of Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Linked to a Genotype - Renal and Urology News
Simple And Effective Home Exercises For Weight Loss – Femina
While you are staying indoors during the lockdown, you can start chalking out a practical plan for losing weight. While you follow thesehome exercises for weight loss, remember to opt for a healthy diet as well:
Push-ups are undoubtedly one of the most popular forms of home exercises that can help you strengthen your core and upper body muscles. It can help you lose weight as well, provided you do push-ups along with other home exercises meant for weight loss - push-ups alone cannot help you shed the extra kilos. Push-ups can improve your metabolic rate, which in turn can make you lose weight. If you have just started doing push-ups, dont overdo them. Be gentle on your body and remember you have to do them right. So, keep these points in mind while doing push-ups at home:
Tip: After you get comfortable with doing push-ups at home, increase the number gradually.
Yes, of course,squatscan be part of yourhome exercises meant for weight loss. Although they are leg exercises, squats can make fats burn faster aroundglutes and thighs. As a rule, squatsaim for your hamstrings and quads, and they can fantastically tone your glutes too in the process. So, how do you do basic squats? Stand with your feetshoulder-width apart. Stretch your hands in front of you - they should be on your eye level. Keep your spine, arms and head straight and lower yourself - go as low as possible. Remember, your thighs should be parallel to the floor, and your knees should bend at a 90-degree angle, without extending over your toes. Come back up to the original position. Initially, stick to two sets of 10 reps each.
Tip: You can hold dumbbells or a kettlebell in both hands while doing squats at home.
Although lunges are meant fortoning your lower body, they can make youlose weightbyboosting your metabolic rate. So, make lunges a part of yourhome exercises intended for weight loss. Stand straight with your hands on your waist. Now move one leg forward and lower your hips until both your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. They should not extend beyond your ankle, and the knee of the back leg should not touch the floor. To avoid straining the knees, put your weight on your heels while returning to the original position. Repeat with the other leg. Initially, stick to two sets of 10 reps each.
Tip: To lose weight effectively, do other exercises along with lunges.
Among other yoga basics, Kapalabhatican make youlose weight. But first, you need to know how Kapalabhati can fight a condition calledMetabolic Syndrome(MS). To put it simply, MS is a medical term that describes a cocktail of conditions such as obesity, diabetes andhigh blood pressure. MS can expose you to a higher risk of coronary heart diseases, among other things. A 2016 study, carried in the International Journal of Yoga (IJOY), says, Kapalabhati is considered as a form ofabdominal-respiratory-autonomicexercise which stimulates the respiratory, abdominal and gastrointestinal receptors. Since Kapalabhati induces a positive influence on the centres within the skull, the vital areas of the brainstem, cortex, their efferent pathways, and effector organs may also get stimulated.
As a result, the synchronous discharge from the autonomic nervous system, pineal gland, and hypothalamus that regulate the endocrine andmetabolic processesincreases, which, in turn, accelerates fat metabolism. This eventually increases basal metabolic rate, reduces fat deposition, and ultimately ends up inweight reduction. In other words, by improving metabolic rate, Kapalabhati can lead to weight loss.
So, how do you do Kapalabhati as part ofhome exercises for weight loss?
There areonline tutorialsgalore on how to do Kapalabhati. But it will undoubtedly be better if you learn it from a yoga guru - a one-on-one tutorial can be more productive, according to experts. But, overall, there are some necessary steps to follow, to enjoy the benefits of Kapalabhati.
First of all, practise Kapalabhati yoga on anempty stomach. Sit in a meditative pose - you can choose Vajrasanaor padmasana. Keep your palms on your folded knees, don't clutch them - keep them open, facing the ceiling. Keep your spine straight. Inhale and then breathe out, while pulling your stomach in.
Be relaxed while you breathe in and breathe out. Repeat this 20 times, which generally account for one set of Kapalabhati breathing exercises. Initially, you can do a couple of sets of Kapalabhati.
Tip: Practise Kapalabhati yoga on anempty stomach.
If you are not too fond of gymming, you can consider opting for specific yogaasanasthat can help you fight obesity. Of course, you need to consult a proper yoga trainer first. Here are some poses that can come in handy while you battle the bulge:
Paschimottanasana: Sit on your yoga mat, with your spine erect and legs stretched out in front of you. Keep your palms on the mat. Inhale and raise your arms as high as possible. Breathe out and bend forward; keep your spine straight. Try to touch your toes by bringing your arms down. Ideally, your forehead should touch your thighs.Breathe slowly. Stay in this pose for as long as you can.
Vajrasana: Kneel on the floor or your yoga mat; keep your feet together. Place your hands on your knees, palms down. Fix your gaze on a still point ahead of you. This will help you to focus. Concentrate on your breathing. Remain in this position for as long as you can.
The above can easily be part ofyour home exercises for weight loss.
Tip: Consult a yoga expert who can assess your individual fitness needs and prescribe asanas accordingly.
Experts say that pilates can help you reduce yourcortisol levelsand that in turn can facilitateweight loss. It is said that chronic stress and high cortisol levels can exceedingly whet your appetite, leading to weight gain.
SaysNamrata Purohit, one of Indias best know pilates instructors, Before taking up pilates, the basic thumb rule is to understand what kind of pilates you are signing up for; equipment-based or mat. Both will teach you how to use the power in your body and help in building up strength in your bodys core. Mat based pilates consists of bodyweight exercises which are performed low on the ground which are easy on the joints, making them suitable or anyone of any age and health profile. On the other hand, equipment-based pilates such as reformer exercises is performed on a contraption using springs, gears, straps and ropes.
Needless to say, while at home, practisemat-based pilates. Go for these easy home exercises:
Pilates curl: Lie on your back on the mat. The knees should be bent, and the feet flat on the floor put your arms at the sides. Breathe out, curl the chin to the chest and lift your shoulders from the mat. Hold for a second and then slowly lower your back. Be gentle.
The hundred: Lie on your back and bring the knees towards the chest. Lift your head, neck and shoulders and stretch your arms on the sides. The palms should face the floor. Stretch your legs forward with your heels together. Pump your arms up and down while breathing in and out.
Tip: Pilates can help you destress during these tough times.
Yoga Nidra: People feel that they are relaxing when they sink into an easy chair with a cup of tea or coffee, a drink or a newspaper. But this is a mere sensory diversion. Twentieth-century research into sleep has proven that even entering into this relaxation mode can rarely banish stress. Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. During this yoga practice, one appears to be asleep, but the mind is active at a deeper level of awareness.
Bihar School of Yoga's Pawanmuktasana 1 series: Yoga experts say that pawanmuktasana series is one of the most important clusters of yoga practices that can have a very profound effect on the human body. Regular practice of pawanmuktasana series can bring about physical and mental relaxation.
More here:
Simple And Effective Home Exercises For Weight Loss - Femina
What Is the Keto Diet and How Does It Work? – Elemental
I started on the Keto diet and lost 27 kg in 3 months!!
Keto or the ketogenic diet have been touted as a detox, or a reset button for the body and as a quick fix means of weight loss in as little as 21 days. You can lose weight by replacing the bodys typical go-to energy source carbs with fats. That means if you are on keto, you can start gorging on fatty foods like pork belly, bacon, cheese, eggs and lots of eggs!
If that sounds too good to be true, thats because, well, it just might be. By depleting the body of carbohydrates, which are its primary source of energy, you can force the body into a fat burning mode, thereby maximizing weight loss. That means you body starts to become like a fat burning furnace!
When you consume foods that contain carbohydrates, the body converts those carbohydrates into glucose, or blood sugar, which it then uses for energy. Unused glucose will be turned to stored fat for fuel which is the common underlying reason why (sedentary) people start to develop belly fat, obesity and diabetes.
Many celebrities have sworn by keto and its hardly surprising considering their amazing body transformation. Basketball superstar LeBron James followed for 67 days in 2014 to stellar results, namely a seriously ripped midsection and, you know, his third NBA Championship ring.
So question is how do you start on keto and maintain this diet succesfully?
The keto diet is an eating plan that consists of a very low-carb, high-fat diet, i.e. 80 percent fat, 15 percent protein and little to no carbohydrates. Staples of the keto diet are fish, meat, eggs, dairy, oils, and green vegetables. Pasta, rice and other grains, potatoes, and fruits are strictly prohibited.
When the body cant draw energy from carbohydrates either because theyve been cut out of the diet or because a person hasnt eaten for a long time it looks for other forms of energy. The keto diet deliberately places the body in a state of ketosis, where fat is released from cells and turned into ketones, the bodys plan B for energy production. Hence over time, you will start burning off stored fat very fast.
Ketosis is a normal physiological process. Theres nothing dangerous about it. Its just that this particular eating style is keeping your body in that state all the time a fat burning state.
In real terms, low carb means anything between 30 and 50 grams of carbs a day. So you can binge freely on meat, poultry, and seafood, especially fatty fish like salmon and sardines. Eggs, cheese, butter, cream, and other full-fat dairy are also permitted on keto.
What cant I eat?
Bread, pasta, grains, and starches. Sugar in any form. Beans and legumes. Starchy vegetables like corn, carrots, and peas. Potatoes and other root vegetables. Processed foods in general. Alcohol. And most fruits.
Whats the takeaway?
If your goal is to lose weight, youve done your research on what and how much to eat or are working with a nutritionist, AND youre able to stick to the diet, youll probably lose the weight.
For more information, visit me on Instagram at @thefatty__
About Shannon Quek: Singapores number 1 Keto Influencer (Instagram: @thefatty__) who lost 27kg in 3 months on Keto diet.
Shannon spent most of his life overweight. He was obese as a child, and before starting on a Keto diet, Shannon weighed in at 95 kgs. Through pure grit and determination, Shannon has achieved an incredible weight loss from 95 kgs to 68 kgs in just 3 months with Keto and regular exercise.
Shannon is also a double PhD holder in Marketing and Organisational Leadership, and has coached and given lectures and trainings in schools and corporations alike.
See the original post here:
What Is the Keto Diet and How Does It Work? - Elemental
The final tally: Which ’19 offensive recruit makes biggest jump? – 247Sports
When it comes to the2019 Nebraska recruiting class about to fully enter the fray, the biggest boys are carrying the biggest hopes among many fans.
In our poll for the Husker defensive player who you thought would make the biggest jump the top vote-getter was Ty Robinson.
On the offensive side of the ball? Bryce Benhart was the pick among those in the '19 class who fans expect to make the most significantclimb next season.
The O-lineman Benhart received 45.2 percent of the vote. Quarterback Luke McCaffrey was next in line with 16 percent, followed by running Rahmir Johnson (13.3), wide receiver/tight endChris Hickman (10.6), O-lineman Ethan Piper (4.3), wide receiver Demariyon Houston (3.7), running back Ronald Thompkins (3.2), wide receiver Jamie Nance (2.7), with O-linemen Jimmy Fritzscheand Brant Banks (0.5) each receiving a couple votes. (Wan'Dale Robinson wasn't included in this vote since he's already fully on the radar screen to NU fans).
The 6-foot-9, 300-plus-pound Benhart spoke last fall about how he was learning a lot on the move in his first year about what it takes to play at this level. The hope is the payment now comes in his second year.
"I'd say probably after that first practice it was like, 'Yeah, it's real football here, it's no joke, it's going, and you're going everywhere,'" Benhart said then. "Going from Minnesota high school football, people are faster and I'm not the biggest one out there. Maybe the tallest, but not the strongest. There's faster guys, there's bigger D-linemen. There's guys like Darrion Daniels. Those guys are just ginormous. In high school, I never saw a guy that big before blocking him."
But one of the advantages Benhart has had is he's no longer having to lose weight for wrestling after a football season. How big can big get? That's a sidebar in itself when it comes to Benhart.
"I've been told upwards of 320 to the 340 range," hesaid last fall of his possible playing weight in college. "Just all depends what I can move at and play at. I've never been this big. The biggest I've been is 310 so far. Yeah, it's scary but exciting."
Benhart also gave an ideain that conversation with media last September about the challenges facing a young linemen, even if you're highly regarded out of high schoolwith an enviable frame.
"I would say for a while, and it still is a struggle, because I'm still working on getting down the footwork and how to do it off ofwhat the other guy does," Benhart said.
But Husker offensive line coach Greg Austin said in March he could see some of the growth his redshirt freshmen had when the team got out there for the first couple practices before football was put on pause. "Those guys knew their angles. They knew generally speaking where their landmarks were. They saw the signals and things like that," Austin said.
And when it comes to the guy at the top of this poll?
"The things that I see: the weight gain, you can see the body change, the feel with the offense, making the calls, certain things like that, give me a lot of encouragement as I move forward with him."
Originally posted here:
The final tally: Which '19 offensive recruit makes biggest jump? - 247Sports
Coronavirus: 3 Easy and Healthy Recipes to Try During Work from Home – Entrepreneur
For those lookingtostrengthentheirimmune system during COVID-19 season, this gluten-free and vegan salad is an immunity quick-fix.
"This recipe ispacked with delicious superfoods like chickpeas, kale, and blueberries that arerich in nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron,and antioxidants. All these nutrientshave been shown to critically affect our bodys immune response, and getting them regularlythrough foodis a must," he said.
Time: 15 minute
1 bunch (2-3 cups) of raw kale leaves
1 cup of boiled or canned chickpeas
1 cup thinly sliced strawberries
1/2 a cup of chopped onion
1 cup blueberries (or 1/4th cup of dried blueberries)
1/4 cup sunflower seeds (or seeds of your choice)
For the Chia Balsamic Dressing
1/3 cups of water
3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
1 clove of garlic, finely minced
1 tablespoon of chia seeds
1/4 teaspoon of table salt
1.First, prepare the salad dressing by tossing all the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Whisk all the ingredients together by hand using a spoon for a thinner consistency. Alternatively, pulse all ingredients in a blender for a thicker texture.
2.Keep the dressing mixture aside and it will naturally thicken as the chia seeds absorb water and swell up.
3.Wash, massage, and tear up the kale by hand into bite-sized pieces. Drain the boiled or canned chickpeas and add them to the bowl of shrunken and softened kale. Add onion, strawberries, and blueberries to the mix.
4.Toss the dressing into the salad mixture, and evenly coat all the ingredients. Sprinkle sunflower seeds over top.
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Coronavirus: 3 Easy and Healthy Recipes to Try During Work from Home - Entrepreneur
After Having 9 Kids, I Lost 135 Pounds by Combining the Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting –
Growing up, I was always seen as the big kid. It makes senseI am 511, But to me, big equated to fat. I can remember wanting to go on my first diet in the third grade. That was just the start of many years of binging and purging and trying every diet fad that existed. I did the Hollywood Juice Diet, Slim-Fast, Herbalife, the Mayo Clinic Diet, WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers), Atkins...and so on. Basically, if I heard about a diet, I tried it.
This caused my weight to yo-yo. When I was 20, for my wedding, I only ate a half sandwich per day and did a ton of cardio. I got down to my lowest weight everbut that success was short lived. By the time I got back from my honeymoon, I had gained 10 pounds and the weight continued to creep back on. For years, I gained and lost the same 50 pounds over and over.
I was either going to get healthy or just be the fat, happy mom.
At my heaviest, non-pregnancy weight, I reached 300 pounds. I am lucky that I never suffered any serious health issues related to my weight, but I did struggle with knee and back painwhich I used as an excuse not to exercise.
In 2014, I decided to give this whole weight loss thing one more shot. I was 40 years old and had recently given birth to my eighth child. By that point I had two daughters, and I didnt want them to grow up with body image issues like I had. I was either going to get healthy or just be the fat, happy mom. I didnt want to waste another day obsessing over the scale. I committed to making lasting changes and being patient enough to do the dang thing!
My first step was looking at my diet. I knew that I was a carb addict and had to deal with that. I tried the keto diet in 2017 and had lots of success, but then I got pregnant again. After my ninth baby was born, I still struggled to get to my real goal weightso I decided to try keto again, but this time with a refreshed mindset. I told myself that I could still eat what I wanted and go back to regular eating anytime I needed to. For some reason, that shift made a big difference. Keto really worked for me.
I also started hearing more about intermittent fasting and read a lot of research about the benefits of it. I started with fasting for 16 hours and giving myself an 8-hour window to eat during. Now, I do 20 hours of fasting with a 4-hour window to eat. I have so much more energy and clarity when I eat this way. When I do eat, I find myself really savoring it. It has helped me realize that food is meant to nourish meits not a reward. Heres what a typical day looks like:
I also finally found an exercise routine that works for me. At first, I mostly did 30-minute, at-home cardio videos. Slowly, I transitioned to running. And the more weight I lost, the easier it was for me to run. Adding in strength training was a game changer. Now, I walk for 30 minutes five to six times a week and I lift weights every other day.
I am currently down 135 pounds. I lost the first 100 pounds in 11 months. I maintained that for a couple years, and then had my ninth baby. I gained some weight, bounced around for a while, and lost another 50 pounds since switching to keto and intermittent fasting.
This journey has changed my life in more ways than I could have imagined. I learned that I didnt have to be a slave to diet and exercise. Making sustainable choices was the secret to my success. Now, I like to inspire other men and women. We all deserve to look, and more importantly, feel our best. You just have to be consistent, patient, and believe in yourself.
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After Having 9 Kids, I Lost 135 Pounds by Combining the Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting -
Joe Scarborough Pleads With Trump to Start National Testing – Mediaite
Joe Scarborough basically pleaded for President Donald Trumpto focus on producing a national testing system for the coronavirus, to prevent a second spike of the deadly contagion.
The Morning Joe co-host presumed that the president was watchingon Monday morning, and given the reported White House cable news diet, that could very well be true.
Mr. President, you can lie to your supporters about Bob Mueller. Theyll believe you because they dont know who Bob Mueller is, Scarborough opened this harangue. You can lie about Ukraine. You know what? Theyre trying to take care of their families.
Theyre not going to believe you on the coronavirus, he added, when they see people they know dying in nursing homes. They see people they know dying in their community. They see nurses and doctors pushed to the wall here.
Scarborough then cited a National Review podcast he mentioned earlier in the show that suggested the coronavirus is going to come back in the fall in some form. Dr. Fauci said that, Scarborough noted, I havent talked to a medical expert who hasnt said, This is coming back in the fall.'
If youre not ready in the fall during the flu season, itll be worse. Mr. President, you hear that? If you dont work constantly to get national testing between now and the fall, Mr. President, its April 13th right now. Im warning you, your doctors are warning you, your medical experts are warning you, the whole world is warning you, it could be worse in the fall.
You have to work every day to move towards national testing. That is our way out of this. This is how small business owners can get back to work. This is how we stop losing trillions of dollars.
Watch above via MSNBC.
Have a tip we should know? [emailprotected]
Read the rest here:
Joe Scarborough Pleads With Trump to Start National Testing - Mediaite
Dr. Kevin Dalby on How to Decrease Your Risk of Developing Cancer – Thrive Global
Life expectancy in the United States is about 78 years, though longevity is not without medical concerns. As many as one in three Americans will develop malignant cells in their lifetime. While the scientific community has significantly increased their understanding of cancer in recent years and applied that knowledge to treatment, prevention research remains a top priority; however, since cancer is a series of diseases, the exact cause is not always known. Genetics plays an important role, yet so does diet and lifestyle.
Dr. Kevin Dalby, professor of chemical biology and medicinal chemistry, is studying the mechanisms of cancer cells and currently working on cancer drug discovery. His research primarily focuses on developing targeted therapeutics, but he does acknowledge that specific behavioral changes can help lower a persons risk for cancer. The Harvard School of Public Health estimates that 75% of American cancer deaths could be prevented if tactics are adopted on a mass scale.
Below, Dr. Kevin Dalby reviews practical behavioral choices that anyone can take up to help prevent cancer, thus reducing the risk of the emotional and the financial burden inflicted by this crippling disease.
Avoid Tobacco
The correlation between tobacco use and cancer is staggering. In the United States, one out of every five deaths is related to tobacco. Moreover, cigarette smoking accounts for 85-90% of lung cancer deaths and 70% of oral and laryngeal cancer deaths.
Tobacco use (smoking or chewing) is a difficult habit to quit. Still, it could help you as well as those around you (secondhand smoke kills) avoid a future collision with the following cancers: lung, mouth, throat, larynx, pancreas, bladder, cervix, and kidney.
Limit Alcohol
Research has yet to pinpoint exactly how alcohol influences your susceptibility for cancer, but excess use does increase the risk for mouth, throat, liver, colon, rectal, and breast cancer. Men should limit their acholic beverages to two a day and women to one. For context, one drink equates to approximately twelve ounces of beer, five ounces of wine, or one and a half ounces of liquor.
Eat A Healthy Diet
40% of cancers are associated with dietary factors: habits, foods, and nutrients all play a role. The American Cancer Society suggests a daily nutritional regimen consisting of whole grains, fish or poultry, and a variety of vegetables and fruits to lower your risk for cancer. Try to limit red and processed meats, eat fewer sweets, and reduce your intake of saturated fats.
Regular physical activity helps you maintain a healthy weight, control blood pressure, and may lower the risk for several types of cancer such as colon, prostate, and even breast cancer. Obesity is especially of paramount importance since it has been linked to 20% of all cancer-related deaths.
Adults should strive to exercise moderately for 150 minutes each week. Alternatively, you can aim for 75 minutes of vigorous activity if that suits your lifestyle better.
Sun Protection
Skin cancer is common but also preventable. To reduce your risk, proportionately apply sunscreen, avoid the sun at midday if possible when its rays are most reliable, cover exposed skin and forgo tanning beds and sunlamps, which are just as dangerous as actual sunlight.
Regular Medical Care
Cancer may not be entirely preventable, but if caught early, your chances of survival improve drastically. Schedule regular checkups with your doctor, be transparent, and ask what tests make sense for you. Depending on your sex, age, and medical history, your doctor may recommend screenings for breast, cervical, colon, lung, or prostate cancer.
About Dr. Kevin Dalby:
Dr. Kevin Dalby has been interested in the why of chemical reactions since he was a student at the University of Cambridge, where he graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Organic Chemistry. This curiosity has led to his interest in the processes of cell signaling, and ultimately to cancer research. Dr. Dalbys research areas include biochemistry, cancer, cell biology, chemical biology, drug discovery & diagnostics, and enzymology.
Read the original here:
Dr. Kevin Dalby on How to Decrease Your Risk of Developing Cancer - Thrive Global
Why don’t monkeys get fat? What nature teaches us about the science of eating – The Canberra Times
whats-on, food-and-wine, eat like the animals, diets, david raubenheimer, stephen J simpson, harpercollins, science of dieting
Stella lived in a community on the outskirts of Cape Town, South Africa. She was one of 25 adults who between them had an impressive 40 children. It was a serene setting on the foothills of Table Mountain, surrounded by vineyards, pine plantations, groves of eucalyptus trees, stretches of natural fynbos vegetation, and a few suburban settlements. Caley Johnson was a young anthropology student from New York City. Her graduate thesis was on nutrition of a rural population in Uganda, who lived almost entirely off natural foods. Her advisors suggested that it would be an interesting comparison to include in the study a population that ate not only natural foods but also some sugary and fatty processed foods. This is what brought Caley to Cape Town, where she and Stella met. Caley's research approach involves watching individuals throughout an entire day and recording which foods they eat and how much of each. The foods are then analysed in a laboratory for their nutrient content to give a detailed daily record of the diet. But this study was radical in one respect: rather than follow several subjects, each on a separate day, the team had decided to study the diet of only one individual for 30 consecutive days. Caley therefore came to know Stella and her eating habits intimately. What she saw was intriguing. Stella's diet was surprisingly diverse: she ate many foods, almost ninety different things over 30 days, and on each day, she ate different combinations of natural and processed foods. This suggested that Stella was not particularly discerning, indiscriminately eating whatever she fancied. The numbers from the nutrient laboratory appeared to tell the same story. The ratio of fats to carbohydrates in Stella's diet varied widely, as might be expected given the variety of foods that she ate and how these differed from one day to the next. Then Caley noticed something unexpected. When she totaled the combined calories from carbs and fats and plotted that figure on a graph against the amount of protein consumed, there was a tight relationship. This meant that the ratio of protein to fats and carbs - a very important measure of dietary balance-had remained absolutely consistent over the course of an entire month, regardless of what Stella had eaten. What's more, the ratio that Stella had eaten each day - one part protein to five parts fats and carbs combined - was the same combination that had been proven to be nutritionally balanced for a healthy female of Stella's size. Far from being indiscriminate, Stella was a meticulously precise eater who knew which dietary regimen was best for her and how to attain it. But how did Stella track her diet so precisely? Caley knew the complexities of combining many foods into a balanced diet-even professional dietitians have to use computer programs to manage this. Could it be, she might have been forgiven for wondering, that Stella was secretly an expert in nutrition? Except that Stella was a baboon. A confounding story, when you consider all the dietary advice we humans seem to require in order to eat properly (not that it does most of us a lot of good). Meanwhile, our wild cousin, the baboon, apparently has figured it all out by instinct. How could such a thing be so? Before we begin to explore that question, here's another even weirder tale. It starts with a lab scientist named Audrey Dussutour at the University of Sydney. One day Audrey took her scalpel and started preparing an experiment by cutting a gooey blob of slime mold into small pieces. Beside her on the bench sat hundreds of Petri dishes, all set out neatly in rows. Audrey picked up each fragment of yellow goo with forceps and carefully transferred it into the center of a dish then covered it with a lid. The dishes contained either small blocks of protein or carbohydrate, or a wheel of 11 tiny bits of jelly-like food medium varying in the ratio of protein to carbs. Once all dishes had received their bit of slime mold, Audrey stacked them in a large cardboard box and left them overnight. The next day, she opened the box. When she looked closely, she was astonished. Each bit of goo had changed overnight. When the slime molds were offered two blocks of food - one of protein, the other of carbs - the blobs extended their growing tendrils to both nutrients, reaching out in each direction to pull in a mix of the two. That mixture contained precisely two parts protein to one part carbs. Even more incredibly, when bits of goo were placed in dishes containing 11 different food blocks, the tendrils grew overnight from the centre of the dish to colonise only the blocks containing that same two-to-one nutrient mixture, ignoring the rest. What is so special about a diet of two parts protein to one part carbs? The answer came when Audrey placed pieces of slime mold into dishes containing differing combinations of protein and carbohydrate. The next day, some bits of slime remained stunted, whereas others had grown dramatically, extending themselves across the dish in a lacy network of pulsing yellow filaments. When Audrey later mapped the growth of the blobs, it was as if she had charted the up and down contours of a mountain. Goo placed on a nutrient that was two parts protein to one part carbs sat at the summit of the growth mountain. As the proportion of protein fell and carbs rose, or vice versa, the blobs' growth decreased. In other words, when the bits of slime mold were given the chance to select their own diet, they chose precisely the mixture of nutrients needed to optimise healthy development. Now, we may be able to accept that Stella the baboon can make some wise nutritional decisions. But how can a single-celled creature without organs or limbs, let alone a brain or a centralised nervous system, make such sophisticated dietary choices and then carry them out? This puzzled us, too, so, we asked an expert. Professor John Tyler-Bonner passed Steve a laboratory beaker filled with steaming coffee, freshly brewed on the naked blue Bunsen burner flame that hissed quietly on the teak benchtop. Steve sat discussing Audrey's results with this venerable guru of slime mold biology in John's office-a time capsule that has not been refurbished since 1947, when John first arrived on faculty at the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University. He pioneered the study of slime molds, and his work has helped lay the foundation for the study of complex decision-making within distributed entities, such as bird flocks and fish schools, crowds of people, or global corporations. John explained that each part of the blob senses its local nutritional environment and responds accordingly. As a result, the entire blob acts as if it is a single sentient being, seeking out optimal sources of food-a balanced diet that will ensure favorable health-and rejecting what does not serve that goal. This, you may agree, is better than what is achieved by some other sentient beings we could name. And this, as you probably realise by now, has everything to do with the subject at hand. Why have we, two entomologists, written a book about human diet, nutrition, and health, a subject on which quite a few experts have already weighed in (no pun intended)? We didn't start out meaning to do any such thing. Throughout our lives as scientists, and especially during the first two decades of our 32-year collaboration, we have studied insects in an attempt to solve one of nature's most enduring riddles: How do living things know what to eat? Answer that and you've learned something very important - possibly even useful - about life itself. And not just for insects. But we're getting ahead of ourselves now. Better to start at the beginning. "Everything should be made as simple as possible," Albert Einstein wrote, "but not simpler." This is the approach we've tried to take, throughout all our efforts, to understand nutrition. The first step in our scientific journey, the big locust experiment, challenged an oversimplified view held by many - that animals have a single appetite that drives all of their intake. We learned that things are more complex than that; and to tame this complexity, we invented a new concept, a way of understanding why and how we eat, called Nutritional Geometry. But what could geometry have to do with eating? We used it to explore and visualise the interrelationships among the appetites locusts have, each for a different nutrient. Ultimately, we were able to show that of all the appetites, that for protein has the strongest, but not the only, influence on intake. Locusts, we saw, try their best to get just the right amount of protein to support healthy development-neither too little nor too much. That realisation provided one of the key insights of this book and one that has guided us ever since: the strong appetite for protein shared by all animals can lead them to eat too much or too little of other nutrients, including fats and carbs. If their protein appetite is not satisfied, they will overeat. Once they get enough protein, their appetites cease driving them to eat more. That's as simple as we can make nutrition-without oversimplifying it. This set us up to tackle the biggest challenge of all. Can this view help us understand why nutrition has gone so wrong in the most complex species of all - ourselves? Could the same principles that apply to locusts in little plastic boxes hold true for we humans with our infinite choices of what to eat and how much? Yes, it turns out. We travelled from mountains to islands to deserts and cities and studied species from slime molds and monkeys to crickets and college students. Our nutrition, we discovered, is no more complicated than that of our fellow living things. We, too, have a strong appetite for protein that determines what and how much we eat. But dramatic changes in our food environment, particularly the displacement of traditional whole-food diets with ultraprocessed foods, have imbalanced our diets, causing us to overeat all the wrong things. The current global health crisis of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease is the direct result of that transformation of our food supply. We owe a debt of gratitude to those humble locusts who taught us to think differently about nutrition and diets and set us off on a lifelong journey to apply this approach to examining the natural world - and then to ourselves. And what is the significance for you? We hope that the lessons we've learned can help steer you toward healthy and sensible eating choices.
Stella lived in a community on the outskirts of Cape Town, South Africa. She was one of 25 adults who between them had an impressive 40 children. It was a serene setting on the foothills of Table Mountain, surrounded by vineyards, pine plantations, groves of eucalyptus trees, stretches of natural fynbos vegetation, and a few suburban settlements.
Caley Johnson was a young anthropology student from New York City. Her graduate thesis was on nutrition of a rural population in Uganda, who lived almost entirely off natural foods. Her advisors suggested that it would be an interesting comparison to include in the study a population that ate not only natural foods but also some sugary and fatty processed foods. This is what brought Caley to Cape Town, where she and Stella met.
Caley's research approach involves watching individuals throughout an entire day and recording which foods they eat and how much of each. The foods are then analysed in a laboratory for their nutrient content to give a detailed daily record of the diet. But this study was radical in one respect: rather than follow several subjects, each on a separate day, the team had decided to study the diet of only one individual for 30 consecutive days. Caley therefore came to know Stella and her eating habits intimately.
Dr David Raubenhiemer in Nepal. Picture: Supplied
What she saw was intriguing. Stella's diet was surprisingly diverse: she ate many foods, almost ninety different things over 30 days, and on each day, she ate different combinations of natural and processed foods. This suggested that Stella was not particularly discerning, indiscriminately eating whatever she fancied. The numbers from the nutrient laboratory appeared to tell the same story. The ratio of fats to carbohydrates in Stella's diet varied widely, as might be expected given the variety of foods that she ate and how these differed from one day to the next. Then Caley noticed something unexpected. When she totaled the combined calories from carbs and fats and plotted that figure on a graph against the amount of protein consumed, there was a tight relationship. This meant that the ratio of protein to fats and carbs - a very important measure of dietary balance-had remained absolutely consistent over the course of an entire month, regardless of what Stella had eaten. What's more, the ratio that Stella had eaten each day - one part protein to five parts fats and carbs combined - was the same combination that had been proven to be nutritionally balanced for a healthy female of Stella's size. Far from being indiscriminate, Stella was a meticulously precise eater who knew which dietary regimen was best for her and how to attain it.
But how did Stella track her diet so precisely? Caley knew the complexities of combining many foods into a balanced diet-even professional dietitians have to use computer programs to manage this. Could it be, she might have been forgiven for wondering, that Stella was secretly an expert in nutrition? Except that Stella was a baboon.
A confounding story, when you consider all the dietary advice we humans seem to require in order to eat properly (not that it does most of us a lot of good). Meanwhile, our wild cousin, the baboon, apparently has figured it all out by instinct. How could such a thing be so?
Before we begin to explore that question, here's another even weirder tale. It starts with a lab scientist named Audrey Dussutour at the University of Sydney. One day Audrey took her scalpel and started preparing an experiment by cutting a gooey blob of slime mold into small pieces. Beside her on the bench sat hundreds of Petri dishes, all set out neatly in rows.
Audrey picked up each fragment of yellow goo with forceps and carefully transferred it into the center of a dish then covered it with a lid. The dishes contained either small blocks of protein or carbohydrate, or a wheel of 11 tiny bits of jelly-like food medium varying in the ratio of protein to carbs. Once all dishes had received their bit of slime mold, Audrey stacked them in a large cardboard box and left them overnight. The next day, she opened the box. When she looked closely, she was astonished. Each bit of goo had changed overnight. When the slime molds were offered two blocks of food - one of protein, the other of carbs - the blobs extended their growing tendrils to both nutrients, reaching out in each direction to pull in a mix of the two. That mixture contained precisely two parts protein to one part carbs. Even more incredibly, when bits of goo were placed in dishes containing 11 different food blocks, the tendrils grew overnight from the centre of the dish to colonise only the blocks containing that same two-to-one nutrient mixture, ignoring the rest.
What is so special about a diet of two parts protein to one part carbs? The answer came when Audrey placed pieces of slime mold into dishes containing differing combinations of protein and carbohydrate. The next day, some bits of slime remained stunted, whereas others had grown dramatically, extending themselves across the dish in a lacy network of pulsing yellow filaments. When Audrey later mapped the growth of the blobs, it was as if she had charted the up and down contours of a mountain. Goo placed on a nutrient that was two parts protein to one part carbs sat at the summit of the growth mountain. As the proportion of protein fell and carbs rose, or vice versa, the blobs' growth decreased. In other words, when the bits of slime mold were given the chance to select their own diet, they chose precisely the mixture of nutrients needed to optimise healthy development.
Dr Stephen J Simpson. Picture: Supplied
Now, we may be able to accept that Stella the baboon can make some wise nutritional decisions. But how can a single-celled creature without organs or limbs, let alone a brain or a centralised nervous system, make such sophisticated dietary choices and then carry them out?
This puzzled us, too, so, we asked an expert.
Professor John Tyler-Bonner passed Steve a laboratory beaker filled with steaming coffee, freshly brewed on the naked blue Bunsen burner flame that hissed quietly on the teak benchtop. Steve sat discussing Audrey's results with this venerable guru of slime mold biology in John's office-a time capsule that has not been refurbished since 1947, when John first arrived on faculty at the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University. He pioneered the study of slime molds, and his work has helped lay the foundation for the study of complex decision-making within distributed entities, such as bird flocks and fish schools, crowds of people, or global corporations.
John explained that each part of the blob senses its local nutritional environment and responds accordingly. As a result, the entire blob acts as if it is a single sentient being, seeking out optimal sources of food-a balanced diet that will ensure favorable health-and rejecting what does not serve that goal.
This, you may agree, is better than what is achieved by some other sentient beings we could name. And this, as you probably realise by now, has everything to do with the subject at hand.
Why have we, two entomologists, written a book about human diet, nutrition, and health, a subject on which quite a few experts have already weighed in (no pun intended)? We didn't start out meaning to do any such thing. Throughout our lives as scientists, and especially during the first two decades of our 32-year collaboration, we have studied insects in an attempt to solve one of nature's most enduring riddles: How do living things know what to eat?
Answer that and you've learned something very important - possibly even useful - about life itself. And not just for insects. But we're getting ahead of ourselves now. Better to start at the beginning.
"Everything should be made as simple as possible," Albert Einstein wrote, "but not simpler." This is the approach we've tried to take, throughout all our efforts, to understand nutrition.
Eat Like the Animals: What nature teaches us about the science of healthy eating. HarperCollins, $35.
The first step in our scientific journey, the big locust experiment, challenged an oversimplified view held by many - that animals have a single appetite that drives all of their intake. We learned that things are more complex than that; and to tame this complexity, we invented a new concept, a way of understanding why and how we eat, called Nutritional Geometry.
But what could geometry have to do with eating? We used it to explore and visualise the interrelationships among the appetites locusts have, each for a different nutrient. Ultimately, we were able to show that of all the appetites, that for protein has the strongest, but not the only, influence on intake. Locusts, we saw, try their best to get just the right amount of protein to support healthy development-neither too little nor too much.
That realisation provided one of the key insights of this book and one that has guided us ever since: the strong appetite for protein shared by all animals can lead them to eat too much or too little of other nutrients, including fats and carbs. If their protein appetite is not satisfied, they will overeat. Once they get enough protein, their appetites cease driving them to eat more.
That's as simple as we can make nutrition-without oversimplifying it.
This set us up to tackle the biggest challenge of all. Can this view help us understand why nutrition has gone so wrong in the most complex species of all - ourselves? Could the same principles that apply to locusts in little plastic boxes hold true for we humans with our infinite choices of what to eat and how much?
Yes, it turns out. We travelled from mountains to islands to deserts and cities and studied species from slime molds and monkeys to crickets and college students. Our nutrition, we discovered, is no more complicated than that of our fellow living things. We, too, have a strong appetite for protein that determines what and how much we eat.
But dramatic changes in our food environment, particularly the displacement of traditional whole-food diets with ultraprocessed foods, have imbalanced our diets, causing us to overeat all the wrong things. The current global health crisis of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease is the direct result of that transformation of our food supply.
We owe a debt of gratitude to those humble locusts who taught us to think differently about nutrition and diets and set us off on a lifelong journey to apply this approach to examining the natural world - and then to ourselves.
And what is the significance for you? We hope that the lessons we've learned can help steer you toward healthy and sensible eating choices.
See the original post:
Why don't monkeys get fat? What nature teaches us about the science of eating - The Canberra Times
Not a staycation: Isolating at home affects our mental health (and what to do) – Harvard Health Blog – Harvard Health
As a pediatrician and a parent navigating this pandemic, I worry sometimes that an important point gets lost in the midst of all the helpful posts about things to do with your children in cramped spaces, homeschooling, and other tips for managing the current reality:
This is bad for the mental health of each and every one of us.
Lets review: We were going about our business as usual and suddenly a possibly deadly virus appeared and shut down life as we knew it. School and daycare closed, and our children were home without any structure or activity except what we create or enforce. Every trip out of the house became treacherous. For those who cant work from home, work either became dangerous or it disappeared, taking income with it. Supplies became precarious. Interactions with anyone outside our home became almost entirely virtual or nonexistent.
There is no way that we can live this without anxiety and sadness and no way that our children can live it without anxiety and sadness. We all need to do our best, sure, but its important that we acknowledge that we are feeling strange and bad, that our kids are too, and this cant help but affect how we all behave. We have to take care of ourselves in a different way, being proactive about our mental health.
Keep to a schedule but be realistic. Having a daily schedule is important, especially for children, and you should make one and stick to it. However, dont get too ambitious. If you have school-age children, make sure they have enough time allotted to get their work done (this will vary from child to child), but dont feel obligated to make it as long as they would have been in school or have the hours match school hours (if your children have never been early morning people, why force it now?). If your child is not able to get the work done, and youve reached out to the school and tried everything they suggested, cut both of you some slack; most of us parents are not trained teachers, and well figure out how to fix it all when this is over. On the flip side, if your children are interested in reading great literature, learning a new language, or otherwise gaining extra knowledge and skills during this time, go for it but dont force it. Keep the bar low.
Schedule self-care. All family members should have time set aside to do what makes them happy. Be deliberate about that.
Schedule fun. Bake cookies, play a game, be silly, make messes. Be deliberate about that, too.
Make sure everyone gets enough sleep and that they stay on a regular sleep schedule. Shut off the screens in the evening, stop the video games, and set an alarm clock in the morning. Inadequate or irregular sleep will make everything worse.
Make exercise a priority. Exercise makes all the difference for our physical and mental health. If you can go outside safely, do that; take a daily family walk, for example. If you cant get outside, have a daily dance party. Do yoga it doesnt take up much space, and helps with stress. There are plenty of videos out there to show you how.
Use tech to connect with people. Set time aside every day to call or FaceTime people maybe some friends and family you have lost contact with over the years (more people are home now!). Set up virtual play dates and other virtual gatherings.
Put yourself on a media diet. Yes, we need to keep abreast of the news. But obsessively clicking on links will only make you more anxious.
Stress kindness and be patient. We all get cranky and mean when we are anxious and sad. This situation is likely to bring out our bad sides. Have house rules on how you treat each other. Take a breath and try to redirect yourself before you yell at your kid or snap at your partner (or worse). If just a breath wont do it, take a moment. Walk away.
Understand that the usual stress management strategies might not work. These are extraordinary times, and the things that you usually do to help yourself or your children may not be enough. Call your doctor or your childs doctor; they know you and your situation best and can help.
There are also resources that can help, such as:
Its especially important that you reach out if you are feeling like you might hurt yourself or someone else. But dont wait for that. Make changes, and ask for help if you need it, right now.
Follow me on Twitter @drClaire
Read the original here:
Not a staycation: Isolating at home affects our mental health (and what to do) - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health