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Rob Glass and Staff Hard at Work Developing Workout Programs – Sports Illustrated
STILLWATER -- Now it is almost a week into college athletic programs, and more precisely the football programs that are disseminating materials to their athletes to keep them on point with the on-line classes and keep them pointed physically at next season or whenever they are able to gather again. There are virtual meetings with position coaches and/or coordinators.
Glass and company; which includes Gary Calcagno, Anthony Hibbert, Mark Smith, and Joel Tudman; can send instructions even video instructions, but they cannot meet and monitor workouts through video. Although, seeing posts on Twitter like this one from returning All-Big 12 linebacker Malcolm Rodriguez has to make them smile.
"Really like when we talked the other day, it is a fluid situation and when we think we have programs that we can send to the guys and all athlete with all sports, then their situation changes," Glass said. "Now it is shelter in place and we're really kind of had to work out five different workouts for our athletes. With football right now we're trying to maintain fitness levels, which is the main thing. We are going to take some hits in peak strength since they aren't able to get to bigger weights and their central nervous system will see some regression there."
This has all caused Glass to become more proficient in technology and being able to communicate electronically. Most of the time, Glass and his assistant strength coaches communicate face-to-face.
Glass has said to Pokes Report on a couple of occasions that if he and his staff were going to train a team remotely in absentia, then this team, for a variety of reasons, would be the one that gives them a chance to be close to where they need to be to start fall camp and to get ready to win football games.
"Teams, vary from year to year, their physical maturity, and average age, all of those things vary from year to year; and we have about 24 seniors and it is a very physically mature group," Glass said of this OSU football team. "Our strength levels are on the high end. Those are somewhat cyclical as well. For us maturity we are on the high side. If they do have to spend a significant time away our strength levels at the end of the winter program were at a very high level."
The Big 12 and all other Power Five conferences are now under the current guidelines that do not allow teams to gather through May 31. What happens after we reach that deadline will be up to the Big 12 Board of Governors, basically the school presidents. We will see how the COVID-19 pandemic and threat is at that point. The schools and programs that have plans ready to go will have a leg up and I think you can expect Oklahoma State to have a plan in place for a variety of circumstances.
See original here:
Rob Glass and Staff Hard at Work Developing Workout Programs - Sports Illustrated
Intermittent Fasting’s Other Benefit: It Helps You React to Virus – The Beet
Dr. Jason Fung, co-author of Life in the Fasting Lane, wants to let people know that intermittent fasting is not only the fastest way to lose weight, burn fat, and reduce your body's susceptibility to diabetes and other ailments. Dr. Fung, a nephrologist (aka kidney specialist) who uses Intermittent Fasting to treat patients who need to lose dramatic amounts of weight for their overall health, tells The Beet that "fastingis part of a natural reaction to viral infections that is likely beneficial." Dr. Fung explains the science behind this, below. It's also why you lose your appetite when you first get sick with any virus, including COVID-19.
Defined as restricting your calorie intake toa window of time, for example, six or eight hours, and then fasting for either 14 or 16 or 18 hours (or longer) several days a week. Intermittent Fasting can help your body stay healthier by allowing it to use that period of not eating to focus on fighting off infection, viruses, and more, by stimulating your body's disease-fighting defenses. Here is how this works, according to Dr. Fung:
Q. You explained to The Beet how Intermittent Fasting helps people lose weight, by lowering their blood sugar and requiring the body to pull energy out of fat stores, in the absence of food intake. We tried it and it does seem to work! Once one gets used to controlling hunger cues, the body can learn that instead of being fed, it has to burn fat for fuel, and it can help someone lose weight naturally. But how can restricting one's eating to within a short window, and then not eating for say,14 or 16 hours, or longer, help fight disease?
A.When you get sick, the body's natural reaction is to stop eating or eat less. Everyone has experienced this. The science behind this natural instinct. The body wants to spend energy fighting off the virus and eating actually can get in the way of this process.
For viruses specifically, eating less stimulates a process called autophagy. You might not have heard of it before, but autophagy (which is the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells) plays a key role in helping the body fight viruses. Auto means self and phage means eat, so this is a way of your body eating cells that it doesn't need. It's like a cleaning crew that comes in and scrubs the entire place, while you're sleeping.
Autophagy activates lysosomes, or the body's version of scrubbing agents, which degrade viral particles so they no longer can make you sick and then presents them to the immune system to develop antibodies. All this works while you are fasting. When you eat during a specific window, the body has to process and metabolize that food, and the cleaning process hits pause.
Q. So would you tell anyone who is eating immune-boosting foods to stop? I like to pack my smoothies with blueberries, and then eat spinach for lunch, and more veggies at dinner. Is this a bad idea? I thought I was eating helpful foods to be my healthiest!
A. First of all, I don't want to tell you to eat less. But eat within a specific window of time, like six or eight hours, and then fast for the rest of the 24 hour day. So for some people, that means between your last bite at dinner (let's say around 8 p.m.) until the next day, if you are trying to not eat for 14 hours you would have breakfast at 10 a.m. If you want to go longer you would skip that meal and wait to eat at lunch.Or you could choose toeat one meal a day, so if that's breakfast or lunch, you skip dinner.
Some people fast for 24 or 36 hours at a time. I am not saying don't eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, but choose to time yourintake, to give your body a break from calories for a while, at least 12 to 14 hours and perhaps longer if you can. That way it has the chance to conduct its vital cell clean up.
Eating less is not inherently good or bad. It is simply part of a natural cycle: you eat and then you stop, and that's where the term "break-fast" comes from.
A. Nobody knows really when autophagy starts, but my best guess is around 16 to 18 hours. Weight loss with [COVID-19 and] other viruses (influenza, etc.) is also common. It's always important to listen to your body. If it is telling you not to eat, then it's probably better to listen. If you feel hungry, then you should eat.
Q So is this what the expression: Feed a cold, starve a fever" comes from? I have heard this is not true and you need to eat to have the energy to fight off a virus. Plus when people become sick they obviously need to stay hydrated. What do you say to the old adage?
A. When you get sick, you naturally stop eating, and this process is so common in all animals (like dogs and cats) that the ancient Greeks termed it 'the fasting instinct'. But what's the science?As you eat less, blood glucose levels drop, which makes sense as protection against bacteria in the bloodstream, which uses that glucose for energy. The less you eat, the less bacteria is able to grow and replicate within your body.
Q. But what about viruses, such as COVID-19. If someone gets it should they fast?
A. They probably won't have much appetite. That's the body's way of harnessing its energy to fight the virus. Eating less helps to stimulate this process, and this is why when youre sick, the bodys natural reaction is to eat less. Your body wants to clean house (speaking in lay terms).This is why people often lose weight when they get sick, since their body diverts energy to fight off the virus. and of course, staying hydrated by drinking lots of water, tea and fluids is important to keep your body able to recover if you do get sick.
But as I said above, the most important thing is to listen to your body. If it is telling you not to eat, then it's probably better to listen. If you feel hungry, then you should eat.
Read more:
Intermittent Fasting's Other Benefit: It Helps You React to Virus - The Beet
Plans fail because they don’t fit into the schedule people actually live. with Dr. William Seeds & Andrea Marcellus – Thrive Global
Plans fail because they dont fit into the schedule people actually live. Creating lifelong beneficial habits is all about consistency and repetition of doable daily goals. Small tweaks to the life you already live are far more effective at creating lasting weight loss and muscle development than restricted diets and rigorous programs that require a lot of time and mental energy. Everyone is gung ho at the start, but as soon as life starts to happen, people get easily derailed from plans that are too far from their default way of life.
I had the pleasure to interview Andrea Marcellus. Andrea is a certified fitness expert and CEO of ANDREA MARCELLUS, a cross-platform lifestyle brand focused on delivering customized how-to content that enables busy people to maximize their lives through fitness and healthy habit building.
Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you share with us the story about how you first got involved in fitness and wellness?
Igot into fitness when I was studying acting at NYUs Tisch School of the Arts. I had a really traumatizing accident in the summer between my Sophomore and Junior years of school that took four surgeries and years to heal. I started taking classes at an amazing studio in NY at the time Molly Foxs place as something I could do to make myself strong and confident again as fast as possible. In the process, I ended up soaking up technique and inspiration from two amazing instructors, Terri Walsh and Petra Kolber. They have no idea, but they taught me how to teach.
Throughout the years, fitness was my bread and butter while I was busy working on an acting career, then dabbled in stand up comedy and ultimately ended up a screenwriter. My first feature film to actually be made is coming out in 2020 A Nice Girl Like You, starring Lucy Hale. I never expected my fitness career to overtake my entertainment industry aspirations, but over the past three years, thats exactly what has happened. And I couldnt be happier. The work I do now to get my message across about a personalized, positive approach to fitness takes absolutely every skill Ive ever developed. It feels great to push myself in every possible way as I work to help others improve their lives, both physically and mentally.
Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?
Within a year or so of teaching, I got an audition to teach for NYCs Crunch gyms which were all the rage at the time. Youre supposed to have at least five years experience, so I was super-honored to have a woman I was teaching for at a boutique gym tell me I needed to level up and make that call for me. I was only 21, it was super nerve-wracking and then when I walked in, who was auditioning me? Terri Walsh (one of my two hero teachers). She didnt remember me from her classes years earlier, and I was too chicken to tell her she was one of the reasons I decided to start teaching. Thank God she hired me on the spot. It would have been mortifying to be rejected by my secret mentor. In a way, it was better that I didnt mention how much of an inspiration she was to me. By not saying anything, I knew for sure that I got the job totally on my own merits a hugely important boost to my confidence at a time when I was so young and inexperienced next to my colleagues.
Can you share a story with us about the most humorous mistake you made when you were first starting? What lesson or take-away did you learn from that?
When I was 20, I taught my first step class in NYC to a packed room of about 75 people and about 67 of them left. Keeping my head up and seeing that class through to the end was one of the hardest things I ever did. After the class, I was absolutely devastated and couldnt have been more ashamed to face the club manager. But her response wasnt only unexpected, it was one of the greatest lessons of my life: namely that, perspective is everything. The manager said that she needed to elevate the club, but didnt have the budget for high-level instructors until my audition. She said I could absolutely hold my own with the best in NYC but, since I had no experience, she could afford me. It was pretty funny. Then she gave me the best piece of advice ever she said believe in yourself and never teach down. If people dont get it, slow down, but never dumb down what I have to offer. Give people the opportunity to catch on and ramp up and when they do, theyll love you for it. It was confidence-cementing, life-changing advice and I truly wish I could remember her name to thank her.
Can you share with our readers a bit about why you are an authority in the fitness and wellness field? In your opinion, what is your unique contribution to the world of wellness?
In the past 26 years, Ive taught basically every type of fitness including functional resistance training, Spinning and Pilates, and have had the privilege of guiding people of every age and background to better, stronger, more confident versions of themselves. There is nothing more satisfying than helping people achieve an outside that matches the confident, capable person they feel like on the inside. I also take great pride in approaching every new thing with a degree of healthy skepticism (Ive seen a lot of studies, recommendations and trends be debunked under the scrutiny of time.) And the thing I enjoy the most is helping people find their own way to success in fitness, wherever that goal post is for them and by highly individualized means that will be sustainable. I love freeing people from the vicious cycle of diet and overexercise. My book The Way In and my AND/life app are all about that helping you find out what works best for your body and schedule and getting you to your goals in a way that you can easily maintain.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
A woman named Emily Smith (I think!) had a boutique gym called Sevens on 14th Street my first great job in fitness. When circumstances forced her to close the studio, she made a call to Crunch on my behalf and, thanks to her, I got an audition right away despite my relative lack of experience. Without that call, I truly wouldnt be where I am today. Amazingly, about 5 years ago in LA where I now live and teach, I ended up behind Emily in a Starbucks. I recognized her immediately even though it had been over 20 years. I got to tell her about the incredible impact her encouragement and that phone call had on my life and thanked her from the depths of my heart. She cried. I cried. It was pretty awesome. Its not every day you get to to express profound gratitude and to someone who has no idea she has it coming. Ill treasure that extraordinary chance encounter for my entire life.
Ok thank you for all that. Now lets move to the main focus of our interview. We all know that its important to eat more vegetables, eat less sugar, exercise more, and get better sleep etc. But while we know it intellectually, its often difficult to put it into practice and make it a part of our daily habits. In your opinion what are the 3 main blockages that prevent us from taking the information that we all know, and integrating it into our lives?
1)Plans fail because they dont fit into the schedule people actually live. Creating lifelong beneficial habits is all about consistency and repetition of doable daily goals. Small tweaks to the life you already live are far more effective at creating lasting weight loss and muscle development than restricted diets and rigorous programs that require a lot of time and mental energy. Everyone is gung ho at the start, but as soon as life starts to happen, people get easily derailed from plans that are too far from their default way of life.
2) Eating programs fail because they dont take into account your social life. A no thank you lifestyle is not one people can maintain for very long, and its no fun. In my opinion, theres no faster train to grumpy town than making it all about what you dont eat and cant have. Unless you have a medical issue that requires complete elimination of certain foods, better to take a moderate approach to the kinds of foods you eat and spend more time working on eating smaller portions at each meal.
The moderate, permission-based approach to food in my book,The Way In,and on my AND/life app are highly successful, because they take into account less beneficial foods that we will absolutely eat socially and also caloric beverages. You can absolutely drop 1 to 2 pounds this week simply by eating three bites less of every meal you eat. Try it and youll be shocked at the results. Sustainable fitness tweaks are far more effective than full-blown programs that are only temporary and then end.
3) Workout programs fail because they are too aggressive. They keep your heart rate too high for too long under the guise of burning calories and boosting your metabolism. But all they do is burn glycogen out of your body which makes you feel funky, and then you end up eating even more to try to feel normal again. Its a vicious cycle. Again, moderation is key, especially when it comes to high intensity interval training. Most classes move too quickly and heart rate stays too high for too long, lessening the overall benefit.
Can you please share your 5 Non-Intuitive Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Dramatically Improve Ones Wellbeing? (Please share a story or an example for each, and feel free to share ideas for mental, emotional and physical health.)
The Way In and my AND/life app offer a whole lifestyle strategy: losing weight and shaping up in a sustainable way requires consistency. My method builds confidence by keeping the bar low and including your social life in the plan: the small daily goals of the method magically turn into life-changing habits that get you to your goals and keep you progressing. The plan is grounded in my 5 practical life strategies a mindset that, when applied to fitness, helps you deal when life happens so you have the time and energy for fitness and never get derailed. Its truly a mind/body approach aimed to build both physical and mental strength.
1) Practice Personal Authenticity: In short, this means, you be you. Your fitness program needs to be highly individualized to keep you excited and invested, and it should fit into your regular schedule without a lot of rearranging so you can be consistent the key to maintaining your gains.
2) Live The Rule of Awesome This is everyones favorite: if its not awesome, dont do it. Applied to fitness, this means if you bite a brownie and its not an AMAZING brownie, dont finish it just because its there. And being discerning about isnt just about avoiding calories that arent worth it. Its a chance to remind yourself over and over again that you are.
3) Strategize Habits leaving meals to chance is a recipe for never getting to your goals. Alternate between just a few optimized meal options for all meals except dinner and maybe your nighttime snack. Were already creatures of habit. When we get those habits to be aligned with our vision for ourselves, were home free.
4) Practice Oppositional Stability this a stress management technique based on Pilates. If you want to bend to the left in Pilates, you first have to pull your body to the right the opposite way to create a stable place from which to hear the points being made to you and also to get your point to be heard.
5) Allow In the Extraordinary: this is the whole point. The better we feel physically and mentally, the more open we are to amazing life opportunities.
As an expert, this might be obvious to you, but I think it would be instructive to articulate this for the public. Aside from weight loss, what are 3 benefits of daily exercise? Can you explain?
Conclusion: Exercise makes you happier.
For someone who is looking to add exercise to their daily routine, which 3 exercises would you recommend that are absolutely critical?
Easy: Back lunges with a rotation, Moving Plank to Down Dog and Swans. If you want a total body workout in three moves thatll not only help you lose body fat, get strong and develop flexibility, do those three moves 10 times each and take a brisk walk. Boom.
In my experience, many people begin an exercise regimen but stop because they get too sore afterwards. What ideas would you recommend to someone who plays sports or does heavy exercise to shorten the recovery time, and to prevent short term or long term injury?
Im not a fan of long, grueling workouts as a daily habit. The idea that you need to break yourself down to build yourself back up is ridiculous. Lives are super busy and consistent exercise can be a really tall order when youre already mentally overloaded. Choosing workouts that physically overload to the point of serious discomfort are not only unnecessary to improve your health, they can also quickly put out your fire for fitness. Exercise has to feel good and be fun for you to adhere to a program for the long haul and whats the point if it isnt for the long haul. Pushing hard every now and then can be fun, but its more beneficial to think in terms of cultivating an active lifestyle with exercise as an enhancement.
There are so many different diets today. Can you share what kind of diet you follow? Which diet do you recommend to most of your clients?
I recommend not dieting EVER. I like to think of my book The Way In as the anti-diet, an opportunity to develop a new, appreciative relationship with food where you can become friends with it again. When we judge our food as good or bad, we unwittingly judge ourselves the same way by association. These messages hit deep, chipping away at our self-confidence and derailing our motivation.
Losing body fat and cultivating good health is more about awareness of portions, food preparation, and what makes your body feel its best, than following someone elses idea about what you should eat. I often find that small tweaks to things people already eat can make a huge difference. encourage people to tweak things they already eat to be more beneficial and create simple, wholesome Go-To lists for each meal and snack time you dont share with others or eat on the fly. If you nail down a short list of super clean foods that are easy for you to get, make and rely upon for meals you dont share, you will develop an eating plan thats easy to stick with because it feels like you. And you will be able to eat whatever you want socially and still achieve a lean, strong body without willpower because your stomach will be adjusted to portion sizes that are smaller and your tastes will have changed away from salty and sugary foods (youll still want them, but they will become too much quickly during a meal.)
Is there a particular book that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story?
The process of envisioning and writing my own book,The Way In: 5 Winning Strategies to Lose Weight, Get Strong and Lift your Lifehas obviously been life-changing for me.
The first 16 years of my career, I did so many things we are told we need to do to get super fit: calorie counting and restriction, food elimination, lengthy, taxing workouts you name it. 10 years ago, I realized that despite doing all the things we were supposed to be doing, neither my clients nor me were able to easily sustain our achievements (if we got to our goals in the first place). So I threw all the supposed-tos out the window and came up with a better solution that goes beyond exercise and workouts and thinks about your whole day including three huge weight-loss inhibitors: caloric drinks, sitting too much and stress. Developing my own, unique approach to fitness through 10 years of experimentation, research and refinement has been one of the greatest achievements of my life. Its incredibly gratifying to to read reviews of my book and see my vision for personalized fitness resonating with so many people.
You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.
The Moderation Movement I think a moderate approach to food and fitness is the most effective for the long haul.
Your best body starts in your mind. My goal is to first address the mindset necessary to make your fitness goals attainable, sustainable reality and then offer a practical method to get you there. Both my book, The Way In: 5 Winning Strategies to Lose Weight, Get Strong & Lift Your Life, and the AND/life app feature my real-world, small daily goals approach to fitness that takes into account your whole lifestyle including your social life. But both work on your mentality as well so that life events good or bad wont ever totally stop your progress. The plan makes the body. The mentality makes it permanent.
Getting in shape in a sustainable way is all about consistency. My method builds confidence by keeping the bar low and including your social life in the plan: the small daily goals of the method magically turn into life-changing habits that get you to your goals and keep you progressing. The plan is grounded in 5 practical mindset strategies for when life happens so you have the time and energy for fitness and never get derailed. Its truly a mind/body approach aimed to build both physical and mental strength.
Everything I do is about helping people preserve and cultivate more of their own most precious personal resources: time, energy and money so they can achieve any goal, fitness or otherwise, get the most out of every day and always put their best foot forward. As you strengthen physically, you fortify yourself mentally as well. Im about mind-body connection in the most practical sense of the term.
Can you please give us your favorite Life Lesson Quote? Do you have a story about how that was relevant in your life?
Never complain. Never explain.
I first learned and adopted this Katharine Hepburn quote in my early 20s and it has served me well. It helped me move past a victim mentality developed during some tough times in my childhood where my ego was easily bruised by failure and criticism and Id waste precious time rehashing the situation over and over. One of the greatest lessons you can learn is never to waste the opportunity of criticism by defending yourself. Theres great strength in accepting it when you fall short and deciding to listen instead of speak so that you can learn how not to repeat the mistake. My confidence doesnt come nearly as much from my successes as it does from my failures. Developing personal power is all about failing with grace, learning quickly and getting right back on the horse.
We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them.
Ashton Kutcher. He invests in digital products that have a soul and stand to make a meaningful impact peoples lives. The Calm app is an example. My hope is to take on the obesity epidemic, the #1 cause of preventable disease in the US, with a shame-free, doable approach that helps people ingrain small tweaks to their lives that will make a big difference and, over time, yield huge results. I think we are aligned in terms of our big picture goals and desire to help improve lives and make a difference.
What is the best way our readers can follow you on social media?
Insta @andrea_marcellus
FB AND/life by Andrea Marcellus
Twitter @AndiMarcellus
Pinterest Andrea Marcellus
YouTube Andrea Marcellus
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Plans fail because they don't fit into the schedule people actually live. with Dr. William Seeds & Andrea Marcellus - Thrive Global
How to lose weight at home and avoid weight gain: our 7 best tips for home weight loss – T3
Weight loss at home or perhaps more accurately, avoiding weight gain at home is suddenly a big deal for a lot of us. A few weeks into self isolation and/or social distancing and you start noticing something peculiar: although you are not eating more, your favourite jogging pants feel a bit tighter than they used to. That's because you do less physical activity than before; but even that is the case, with our handy tips, you'll see that it is not all that difficult to avoid weight gain in isolation.
Managing your weight is beneficial for both your physical and mental wellbeing. With a few simple tricks and lifestyle adjustments, you can make sure the pounds stay off and who knows, you might even shed a few kilos in the process. The fact is, the best way to lose weight fast is to pay close attention to your diet. Not surprisingly, the best way to get a six pack is to eat right (and, to some degree, to work out).
The tips below can be used on their own or you can even combine them as you see fit. Very important, however, is not to overdo it and do vigorous exercising while not eating much at all. That is just plain dangerous and can get you injured in no time. Be sensible and if you had any issues with obesity before or really unfit, consider talking to a health professional first before you implement any drastic changes in your lifestyle.
(Image credit: The Protein Works)
It's really not rocket science: if you don't want to out on weight, you have to stop eating more than your body needs. Even if before the mandatory isolation you have been living a relative sedentary lifestyle, being indoors for 99% of time means you are burning less calories than you used to. And this means you should eat less to adjust to this new lifestyle.
Of course, you can offset the lack of outdoor exercising with indoor exercising but there are other ways to keep the waist slim that doesn't involve gruelling physical activity. And the best of them all is to be more mindful about how and what you eat.
Without trying to convert anybody to mindfulness and being present, try stopping for a second anytime before you raid your cupboard for some food. Ask yourself the question: am I hungry or just bored? Was there anything I was supposed to do before I decided to eat? Something I had to deal with? Unhealthy eating habits often stem from procrastination and us not wanting to deal with the task at hand.
If you are a big fan of fried food, one obvious way to reduce calorie and fat intake is to get one a best air fryer. Air fried food isn't necessarily as delicious as deep- or even shallow-fried, but it does retain a fried/roasted taste and mouth-feel whilst using as little as a tenth of the fat of frying or roasting. We know they're in demand right now, cos they keep selling out.
Tefal Actifry Genius 2in1 Air Fryer | Sale price 270 | Was 300| Save 30 at AmazonThis air fryer is also a slow cooker and casserole/curry maker, with a robotic stirring paddle doing all the actual work for you while you work out. With a 1.2 kg capacity, it's very family friendly, and that dome on top is actually see-through, so you can view your dinner as it cooks.View Deal
Tefal Optigrill | Sale price 120 | Was 170 | Save 50 at VeryJust like a George Foreman grill, but without the George Foreman element, this has presets for cooking burgers, chicken, bacon, sausage, 'red meat' and fish, with a further setting for cooking food from frozen. There's 600 square centimetres of non-stick, die-cast aluminium cooking surface, and a large juice tray to catch all that fat you are now not consuming. Serves 2-4.View Deal
Another way to to eat less is to face how much we eat in general. Considering the amount of processed food we eat, it's easy to count the amount of caloriesand macronutrients (lipids[fat]/carbs/protein) we consume by using apps that scan barcodes of food items and does the adding up for us.
The best known of these apps is MyFitnessPal, but there are many other apps that can do the same thing. Garmin watches can integrate with it o you can see calories consumed vs calories burned on your wrist. Fitbit does a similar thing with its Fitbit Premium service. You can currently grab a free, three-month trial of Fitbit Premium, which should hopefully belong enough
By realising just how many calories are in certain food items we eat, we can make more educated decisions about snacking in the future. Can you eat a box of Jaffa cakes in one sitting? That's 450 'bad' calories consumed and to burn it off, you would have to do an hour of HIIT workouts. Which you probably won't.
Fitbit Versa 2 | Sale price 159.99 | Was 199.99 | Save 40 at AmazonThe Fitbit Versa 2 is always getting price cuts and is currently 40 off at Amazon UK. See below for the best prices in your country. The stylish Versa 2 features advanced cardio tracking as well as step and sleep tracking, and has Alexa built in. It's not got GPS but, of course, you don't need that indoors anywayView Deal
Fitbit Charge 3 | was 149.99 | now 89.99 at AmazonThe new Fitbit Charge 4 with GPS will be on sale shortly but as we noted, if you are concerned with activity and avoiding weight gain at home, that is less useful. So why not try to snap up one of the remaining stocks of the Charge 3 at a knockdown price instead? If you're outside the UK, see below for the best prices for Fitbits near you!View Deal
Today's best Fitbit prices in your location
Fitbit Versa Health & Fitness...
Fitbit Versa 2 Smart Fitness...
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(Image credit: Getty Images)
Even if you don't want to swap out Mars bars for kale and broccoli, you can drastically reduce calorie consumption by only eating in a certain time-window a day. Probably the most popular way is to do intermittent fasting. There are two ways to go about it: either the 5:2 diet or the 16:8 fast diet.
With the 5:2 diet, you restrict calorie intake for two days a week, down to 700-800 calories, while for the rest of the weeks you eat normally. The 16:8 diet is a daily fast, where you eat only in an 8-hour window. With the latter, the most convenient way is to fast while you sleep: have your last meal at around 8 pm, and have the next one at 12 pm the next day. This way, you sleep through most of the fats, making it super easy to do so. Well, somewhat easier anyway.
Wild West Original Jerky, 12 x 35g bags | 21 at AmazonFor a calorie-dense but nutritious snack, nothing beats jerky or biltong cured meat snacks high in protein. This Wild West Original comes in handy 35g bags, to keep yourself fuller for longer. It's packed full of protein to help build muscle after a workout (13.2g per pack, to be precise), and is gluten free.View Deal
Today'a best protein snack deals
Barebells Protein Bar Cookies...
Oatein Hype Protein Bar, 60...
THE CURATORS Beef Jerky...
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(Image credit: Sundried)
Drinking more water is beneficial for a lot of reasons and now that we are all grounded in our homes, people can't really use the usual excuse not to drink more, which is "I'll need to go to the toilet more often", since the loo is really always available at home (we hope so anyway).
Drinking plenty of water can help metabolism and, most importantly, it can also help you feel fuller for longer. The best combination is eating more fibrous food more vegetables, mainly and drinking plenty of water. Cold-pressed bars are okay as a snack too with lots of water, although they are by nature quite high in sugar.
Low-sugar protein bars and savoury snacks like beef or vegan jerky are a great alternative to chocolate bars as a mid-afternoon snack. Nuts are okay although they are very energy dense (high in good fats) so you should only eat a small portion at the time.
Today's best gym water bottle deals
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(Image credit: Fitbit)
Although we are stuck indoors, having a fitness tracker or running watch around your wrist can still be beneficial. One of the more casual feature of these fitness wearables is the 'movement reminder' that prompts you, once every hour, to get up and walk for a bit. Now, being in isolation doesn't help but getting off from the sofa periodically can be beneficial for your overall wellbeing nevertheless, even if it is just to have a stretch or to put away some washing.
Fitness trackers and running watches also measure calories burned so you it can adjust your calorie consumption to your calorie expenditure. These devices are not ultra precise but they will give you a good estimate nevertheless.
Garmin Forerunner 645 Music 249 | Was 349 at Wiggle | Save 100|Not the best Forerunner watch perhaps, but the 645 Music is an excellent deal at this price. Offering advanced calorie tracking as well as expert analysis of your steps, cardio, running, cycling and sleep, this Garmin watch has long battery life and looks great. It also doubles as a smartwatch, with alerts for messages, calendar appointments etc.View Deal
Today's best prices on Garmin Forerunner watches
Garmin Forerunner 645 Music...
Garmin Forerunner 645 Music -...
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Garmin Forerunner 245 Music...
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Garmin Forerunner 735XT GPS...
Today's best prices on the best current Fitbit fitness trackers in our order of preference
Fitbit Versa 2 Smart Fitness...
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(Image credit: Sixpad)
SIXPAD Abs Fit 2 | Buy it for 222 at AmazonAs used by Cristiano Ronaldo, no less, this is certainly not going to help you avoid weight gain on its own, but it could help add the finishing touches to your six-pack, if your home weight-loss drive is really successful. Amazon also sells all manner of abs belts by brands we have never heard of, for about 20. Needless to say we dont recommend these.View Deal
Today's best SIXPAD Abs Belt, Sixpad arm belt and Sixpad Abs Fit 2 deals
SIXPAD Unisex Ems Abdominal...
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(Image credit: Tanita)
Just like fitness trackers, bathroom scales the smart scale variety can also measure energy expenditure and tell you how many calories you burn, as well as other deets about your body, like bone/muscle mass and, most importantly, body fat percentage. They don't even cost the earth either: the Tanita BC-401 body composition monitor is less than 80 and measures 10 different body metrics. Cheaper than getting a Garmin Fenix 6 Pro, for sure, although the Tanita BC-401 won't be that much of a help when it comes to navigating forest trails, unlike the Garmin's offline topographic maps.
Today's best Tanita scales deals
Tanita RD-953S Connect Body...
Tanita Ironman BC-1500...
(Image credit: Fitbit)
HIIT workouts have never really gone out of fashion but they are definitely 'in' at the moment, mainly because they are an effective way to burn calories and can be done indoors, using your bodyweight only, a kettlebell, dumbbells, treadmills, exercise bikes, rowing machines and basically everything you can think off. We have seen a gym water bottle tabata workout before, too.
Should you be considering doing HIIT workouts, we have an article about why should you try HIIT and also an ever expanding list of free apps and online workouts that can help you get started. Or you can follow along Joe Wicks' daily HIIT workouts for kids on Youtube as well.
Today's best gym & fitness deals - stock checked every 30 minutes
Barebells Protein Bar Cookies...
Nike Phantom Vision Club DF...
Meglio Yoga Mat, Premium Non...
KILLIAN'S Store AB Roller...
Elite Qubo Power Fluid Trainer
Continued here:
How to lose weight at home and avoid weight gain: our 7 best tips for home weight loss - T3
Here is how to easily lose weight after turning 50 – Times of India
Just like their younger counterparts, people who have reached a certain age also strive to lose weight. Some for medical reasons and others for being able to keep fit and healthy. However, it might be a little difficult to lose weight once you reach the age of 50. Lowered metabolism, a drop in hormone and conditions like menopause in women of this age all contribute to making weight loss a difficult journey as you grow older. It also risks certain nutritional deficiencies that may lead to other health complications further on in life.Here are six tips you can follow to make the journey of weight loss after 50, safer and healthier.Concentrate on metabolismThe bodys metabolism is the rate at which it can burn fats. The slower your metabolism, the more time it will take to burn fat. It is said that the bodys metabolism slows down by 2% every decade after you turn 20. Given this, you have to be consistent in your weight loss journey to see results. Here are a few ways you can accelerate your metabolism. Drinking cold water is known to increase your metabolism. Room temperature, on the other hand, does not amp up your rate of metabolism It is advisable to choose to stand rather than sit whenever possible Green tea is a good antioxidant and also increases your metabolism Adding zinc to your diet is a good way to amp up your metabolic rate. Oysters, red meat and poultry are good sources of zinc
Keep a track on your dietAs you grow older, your level of activity during the day reduces. Given this, you need to take extra care of your diet. Here are a few tips to help you watch what you eat in a day.
It might be a good idea to practice intermittent fasting. It keeps your metabolism up and gives your gut much needed rest. It also keeps a check on your insulin levels leaving you more active. Increase the amount of protein you consume. It helps in your metabolism and is also necessary for the upkeep of your muscles thus saving you from muscle degeneration which commonly begins at this age. Eat vegetables before you eat carb-rich foods. Vegetables make you feel fuller, reducing the number of carbohydrates you have. It is important for you to have a balanced diet so that you leave out no essential nutrients. Nutrient deficiencies are common at this age, which can lead to other complications at later stages.
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Here is how to easily lose weight after turning 50 - Times of India
Plant-Based Doctor Reveals Her Top Tips For Weight Loss – Plant Based News
Dr. Michelle McMacken says those hoping to lose weight should 'start from a place of kindness' towards themselves (Photo: Adobe. Do not use without permission)
A leading plant-based medic has shared everything you need to know about losing weight on a whole-food plant-based diet in this exclusive Plant Based News video.
Michelle McMacken, MD is Assistant Professor of Medicine at NYU School of Medicine and the director of Bellevue Hospital Weight Management Clinic.
According to Dr. McMacken, her first weight loss tip is to 'start from a place of kindness to yourself'.
She adds: "I say that because having directed a weight management program for 15 years, what I've seen is that people get incredibly frustrated. It's a challenging process, and people can get really down on themselves because ultimately there are a lot of factors outside of our control that can go into maintaining our body weight.
"And so, while there are lots of things we can do to address our body weight, it's important to start from a place of compassion and kindness to yourself."
Dr. McMacken pointed out some of the specific difficulties people can have when losing weight, one being that many get to a point where it becomes more difficult to lose weight.
"That's not anyone's fault, or a lack of willpower," she said. "It's just biology. So it's important to be realistic about where you're going with it, and not be hard on yourself, and to minimize the shame you might feel if you slip-up, because again, everybody is human.
"So what I often will tell patients who come to see me when they are trying to lose weight, is that I'd like very much not to focus on the number on the scale. In fact, I have patients when they come to see me who we don't even check their body weight, because that can actually frustrate people more if it's not going as quickly as they would like or if it's going in the wrong direction."
She recommends instead focusing on tracking the behavioural changes you're making - as that is something tangible people are in control of.
Dr. McMacken's third tip is not to rely on willpower, which she joked 'extinguishes by about 1pm'.
"It's not really a good strategy for longterm weight loss - to rely on denying yourself, and willpower, and trying to white-knuckle yourself through a dietary plan," she said.
"What I think is much more important is to change your environment, and that looks like changing the foods that you just happen to have in your home, working with whoever you live with to help strategize with you...changing your routine - so that if you know you have a habit of walking past a certain bakery each day and getting a donut, it would be better just to walk on a different block so you're not tempted to do that."
Go here to see the original:
Plant-Based Doctor Reveals Her Top Tips For Weight Loss - Plant Based News
Tucson Morning Blend A gentle, easy way to lose the weight you want Heather Rowe 2 – KGUN
Click here for more details. What were you weight loss goals at the beginning of the year? Have you met your weight loss goals? Are you moving in the right direction? Is it hard to stay on track?
Losing "stubborn" fat is hard and as you get older - it just gets harder and harder. You might go to the gym five days a week, sweat on the treadmill for an hour, and see maybe a pound or two drop in a month. Is that really worth your time? Or... imagine going to a medical facility, laying down, spending 25 minutes relaxing, then getting up and finding out you've lost two inches around your waist. Which do you prefer? What if you could keep doing that and losing more and more fat until you looked like you did years ago? If you have any interest in this and how it works when it comes to inch loss, you should stop what you're doing and call the office for an appointment immediately. This new treatment technology - now available in Tucson - uses a special light therapy to trick your mitochondria (in your fat cells) to release their fat content. ULTRASLIM is now cleared for prescription use in the United States as the only noninvasive treatment for immediate fat removal without dieting, exercise, or pills.This treatment is safe and painless! If you eat better, drink plenty of water, stay away from sugars, and carbohydrates, this can lead to permanent fat loss without surgery. Here's a heads up. If you have tried liposuction in the past - you know that when you"regain the weight" it goes to different places-making your body look distorted and then unfortunately, you're back to where you started, only worse. With this technology we don't destroy your fat cells. What we do is we simply drain the contents of the fat cells so you lose the inches and look good again.
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Tucson Morning Blend A gentle, easy way to lose the weight you want Heather Rowe 2 - KGUN
Prioritizing Transplants When Other Surgeries Are on Hold – Medscape
Editor's note: Find the latest COVID-19 news and guidance in Medscape's Coronavirus Resource Center.
Currently, living donors are urged to go ahead with the preliminary steps in the process remotely, but in-person appointments and transplants are largely on hold. Deceased-donor transplantations deemed essential surgeries are moving forward, but surgeons are having to use their best judgment to determine whether the kidney's donor was infected with COVID-19.
Rapidly evolving concerns about the effect that COVID-19 is having on kidney transplants was a hot topic at the virtual National Kidney Foundation 2020 Spring Clinical Meetings.
The COVID-19 concerns are being added to longstanding issues in the transplant community, such as the debate about whether patients who are obese should be required to lose weight before they can be considered for kidney transplantation.
Obesity can cause complications in kidney recipients, experts agree, but views on how much emphasis should be put on pretransplant weight loss differ.
"Kidneys are a limited resource and we can't transplant everyone," said Kenneth Woodside, MD, a transplant surgeon and associate professor of surgery at Michigan Medicine in Ann Arbor.
The implications of obesity for transplant patients were discussed in a virtual presentation by Woodside and Meera Harhay, MD, associate professor of medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia.
A link between obesity and death from cardiovascular disease after kidney transplantation was seen in a previous study. The meta-analysis showed that patients who are obese are twice as likely to die from cardiovascular disease after kidney transplantation as patients with a healthier weight, Woodside explained.
Cost to the healthcare system is also higher for kidney recipients who are obese, Woodside said.
Average accumulated Medicare payments for the first 3 years after transplantation ranged in cost (in 2012 US dollars) from $109,623 for living-donor recipients who had body mass index (BMI) of less than 18.5kg/m to $143,529 for those with a BMI over 40kg/m, according to an unpublished study of more than 8000 patients by Tayyab Diwan, MD, and colleagues from the University of Cincinnati.
"You really see a jump at the BMI 30 mark," Woodside pointed out.
There are practical concerns as well, he explained.
"It takes longer to sew in kidneys in obese patients, so there's more delayed graft function," he said. And "to sew vessels, you need to be able to see the vessels. Retractors are only so long."
There is no question that surgical complications are a big factor in patients who are obese, said Harhay, but there are several problems with mandated pretransplant weight loss and BMI cutoffs at transplant centers.
One is the steady increase of morbid obesity in the United States, which would limit access to an ever-rising number of patients.
Although there is no national standard BMI cutoff, 66 of 67 transplant programs in the United States use a BMI cutoff of 35 to 40kg/m, according to a previous study.
And 21% of transplant programs did not list any candidate with a BMI of 40kg/m or higher from 1995 to 2006, according to a study of all waiting-list registries in the United States.
"What that means is that in the United States, if you have end-stage kidney disease and morbid obesity, your access to a kidney transplant might depend more strongly on what transplant program you live near what they're willing to do than your own health status," Harhay explained.
"A BMI cutoff of 35kg/m would exclude about one in five adult incident dialysis patients in the United States from a kidney transplant evaluation, and a cutoff of 40kg/m would exclude one in 10 incident dialysis patients," she said, citing data from the US Renal Data System.
In addition, BMI does not equal body composition. "A person with a high BMI could be muscular, and that could be protective," Harhay said. "BMI doesn't differentiate between where fat is stored."
Importantly, it's hard for anyone to lose weight, let alone people who are on dialysis and perhaps also working. "Dialysis is an exhausting procedure and end-stage kidney disease is an exhausting condition," she emphasized.
But tips for patients with end-stage kidney disease who want to lose weight were provided at the virtual meeting by Karen Greathouse, RD, a transplant dietitian from the University of Michigan Health System in Ann Arbor.
"The key to successful weight loss is not just losing the weight, but being able to maintain that for 5 or more years," she said.
The big problem with many diets is the lack of programs to support people. "We're trying to give handouts and expecting people to go with it," she explained.
Diets that include unusual combinations of food or that have a particular eating sequence are not sustainable, Greathouse pointed out.
She said she recommends individualized action plans with a dietitian for people with end-stage kidney disease. Dietitians will stress lifestyle changes and the importance of combining dietary changes with exercise, she noted.
And smaller goals relieve anxiety and increase the chances of success. Some people are given instructions to lose 50pounds, which "puts them at the bottom of a well trying to climb out," she explained.
And healthcare providers often tell people to limit fruits and vegetables because they contribute to fluid complications or high potassium levels.
"I can't tell you how many times I've heard patients say they've been told not to eat salad because it contributes to fluid," Greathouse said.
"When you're increasing fruits and vegetables, you're having better bowel movements, you're lowering your potassium deposits and fluid," she explained. "Processed foods have more potassium than the fruits and vegetables, and that's what a lot of our patients are eating."
National Kidney Foundation (NKF) 2020 Spring Clinical Meetings. Presented March26, 2020.
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Prioritizing Transplants When Other Surgeries Are on Hold - Medscape
Weight loss story: This teacher lost 18 kilos in just 8 months by brisk walking every day! – Times of India
When 35-year-old Surya Gaur was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and hypertension, he knew he had to change the way he was living his life. On top of that list was getting back in shape and reducing all the extra kilos. A teacher by profession, Surya chose the mantra he often taught his students i.e. persistence is the key to success. The journey did test his determination and will power, but he certainly came out as a winner! Here is his immensely inspiring weight loss journey.Name: Surya GaurOccupation: Teacher
Age: 35 yearsHeight: 5 feet 7 inches
City: New Delhi
Highest weight recorded: 90 kgs
Weight lost:18 kgs
Duration it took me to lose weight: 8 months
The turning point: A lot of people dont realise that more than the weight itself, it is all the lifestyle diseases that haunt someone who is overweight. I was in my 30s when I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and hypertension. I realised that I must be doing something really wrong that my health is in such poor shape, so early in my life. I did not wish to lead the rest of my life feeling exhausted and lethargic because of all the extra kilos that I was shouldering. That was the point I decided to lose weight and get back in shape. Since that day there has been absolutely no looking back and I feel like a completely different person now.
My breakfast: A bowl of wheat flakes with milk
My lunch: A portion of brown rice and a bowl of dal
My dinner: 1 chapati made of the multigrain flour and a bowl of sabzi
Pre-workout meal: A cup of black coffee
Post-workout meal: Protein shake
I indulge in: I did not believe in the concept of cheat days. So, I did not have any cheat days or cheat meals for 6 whole months.
My workout: I stuck to the basics when it came to working out. I made it a point to go for a brisk walk for at least 45 minutes every morning, without fail. I finished it off by drinking a glass of lukewarm water mixed with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (ACV).
Fitness secrets I unveiled: On my journey, I have realised nothing quite pays off like being persistent. So, you need to continue even when the going gets tough and understand that there are no shortcuts to losing weight.Low calories recipes I swear by: I vouch on boiled chicken with brown rice.
How do I stay motivated? I had promised myself that if I am able to shed all the extra kilos, I will get the hair treatment I had wanted for so long! This was enough to keep me motivated to continue my weight loss journey.How do you ensure you dont lose focus? I weighed myself every Monday and also clicked a picture. I had made it a target to lose around 500 grams per week. This short yet achievable goal made sure that did not lose my focus.Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? When you are overweight, you tend to feel lethargic and lazy all the time. I felt as if I did not have enough energy to make it through the day.
Originally posted here:
Weight loss story: This teacher lost 18 kilos in just 8 months by brisk walking every day! - Times of India
Lisa Riley weight loss: Emmerdale stars strict diet that led to losing 12 stone –
Lisa Riley, is best known for playing Mandy Dingle in Emmerdale as a guest appearance on the show in 1995 and joined the regular cast permanently in 1996. She left in 2001, however later returned in 2019. She has recently opened up about her battle with her weight and confidence. Lisa - who has gone from a dress size 28 to a size 14 - has been showing off her weight loss on social media and it hasnt gone unnoticed by fans, with many flooding her Instagram photos with comments.
The Emmerdale star said she now looks at old photos of herself and asks whos that girl as she no longer recognises her old self.
Lisa slimmed down after giving up alcohol and junk food in 2012, but was left with a huge amount of excess skin.
The actress relied on a simple trick to slim down. At the beginning of her weight loss journey, Lisa watched her portion sizes and has now added a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day to her lifestyle.
Opening up about her decision to lose weight, Lisa told the Mirror: I started thinking about my own health.
READ MORE:Catherine Tyldesley weight loss: How the Coronation Street star lost huge amount of weight
People forget how gigantic I was. With the skin removal I lost 12 stone, one pound.
The surgeon chopped off one stone, four pounds. Since then my weight has more or less stayed the same.
Commenting on her new diet, Lisa added: Now, for lunch I eat either a bowl of soup or a plain jacket potato. Im never going to be a size 28 again.
The actress is known for playing Mandy Dingle in Emmerdale, but the soap has been suspended temporarily because of the coronavirus outbreak and Lisa is currently self-isolating at home.
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Over the weekend, Lisa shared a selfie, encouraging her followers to stay at home.
The sun is shining but I beg you PLEASE stay inside and respect the lives of EVERYONE.
Last year she shared a clip of her workout routine on a cruise with Strictly Come Dancing.
She captioned the video, which showed her sweating as she worked out on a machine: So here I am doing what I do best working out HARD.
Fans soon commented on the Instagram video as they encouraged her on her fitness journey.
You really are enjoying exercise, one comment read.
Wow you are so beautiful. A second added.
In 2012, the soap star shared her secret to maintaining her new weight loss.
I was the classic over-eater but I have completely changed my attitude towards food, said Lisa, whose favourite foods were crisps, crumpets, white bread and pasta.
I used to go out for a meal and have a starter, main and pudding. No wonder I was gaining weight.
Lisa Rileys Honesty Diet book was released last year and retails at 16.99. The diet plan came out on top five weeks running as the cheapest way to lose weight on ITVs Save Money: Lose Weight - costing just 11.79 for every pound lost.
Lisas Honesty Diet focuses on eating lots of fresh food and working out, with the focus on enjoying what youre eating and being as inexpensive as possible.
In 2017 she filmed a documentary detailing her weight loss titled Lisas Baggy Body Club.
Speaking in the film, she said: I feel like a balloon thats had all its helium taken out.
This encouraged her to open up about the battle on her ITV documentary. The actress underwent a tummy tuck, surgery to remove the loose skin from her thighs and the removal of excess skin on her arms.
Despite the tummy luck leaving scars behind, Lisa shared that it was worth it to get rid of the saggy skin.
See the original post:
Lisa Riley weight loss: Emmerdale stars strict diet that led to losing 12 stone -