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Martina Navratilova on Austin Killips’ cycling triumph: ‘Womens sports is NOT THE PLACE’ for trans athletes – Fox News

Tennis legend Martina Navratilova added her voice to the uproar over transgender cyclist Austin Killips winning the womens overall category at the Tour of the Gila event in New Mexico.
Killips became the first transgender woman to take home a victory in an official Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) stage event. The UCI is the world governing body for sports cycling.
On Wednesday, Navratilova spoke out about Killips win.
Austin Killips pictured on the podium after the women's elite race of the 'Kasteelcross' cyclocross in January 2023. (DAVID PINTENS/BELGA MAG/AFP via Getty Images)
"this will happen more and more- womens sports is NOT THE PLACE for trans identified male athletes," she wrote on Twitter as she tweeted a New York Post article about the win.
The UCI defended its rules governing transgender participation in its sport.
"The UCI acknowledges that transgender athletes may wish to compete in accordance with their gender identity," the organization said Tuesday.
"The UCI rules are based on the latest scientific knowledge and have been applied in a consistent manner. The UCI continues to follow the evolution of scientific findings and may change its rules in the future as scientific knowledge evolves."
Jun 6, 2015; Paris, France; Serena Williams (USA) and Martina Navratilova pose with the trophy after her match against Lucie Safarova (CZE) on day 14 of the 2015 French Open at Roland Garros. (Susan Mullane-USA TODAY Sports)
The UCI tightened its rulesfor transgender femaleriders to compete against biological females in its events. According to Reuters, the organization halved the maximum permitted plasma testosterone level to 2.5 nanomoles per liter and doubled the transition period to 24 months.
The nine-time Wimbledon champion has been an activist for the gay community but has been against transgender women competing against biological women in sports.
In March, she applauded World Athletics for adopting a policy to exclude transgender female athletes from womens competitions. She called it a "step in the right direction."
"In the wake ofWorld Athletics announcement, I think the best idea would be to have biological female and biological girls categories and then an open category," she wrote in an op-ed in The Times of UK. "It would be a category for all-comers: men who identify as men; women who identify as women; women who identify as men; men who identify as women; non-binary it would be a catch-all. This is already being explored in athletics and swimming in Britain.
"Biological females are most likely to compete in the biological female category, as thats their best shot at winning and it maintains the principle of fairness. With an open category there are no question marks, no provisos, no asterisks, no doubts. Its a simple solution.
"Once somebody has gone through male puberty, there is no way to erase that physical advantage. You cannot simply turn back the clock, for instance by trying to lower testosterone levels."
Split photo of Martina Navratilova and Austin Killips. (Getty Images)
Navratilova said she hoped the decision would lead to other sports following its lead.
The rest is here:
Martina Navratilova on Austin Killips' cycling triumph: 'Womens sports is NOT THE PLACE' for trans athletes - Fox News
Here Are 4 Tips on How to Lose 15 Pounds Safely – Men’s Health

WE'VE ALL BEEN there you have an event coming up (wedding, important work thing), and you want to get in shape fast. If you only shed, like, 15 pounds, that suit would fit.
Unfortunately, losing weight fast almost always means extreme restriction and an unhealthy amount of exercise. And, even more unfortunately, that means it's easy to gain that weight right back when you're bound to take a break from your regimen.
The risks are scary: If you aim to lose fat too quickly, you might end up harming your health. "To lose weight 'safely' means to do so in a way that is sustainable, healthy, and does not put your physical or mental health at risk," says Erin Kenney, M.S., R.D., founder of Nutrition Rewired.
Your body always has a way to fight back against extreme change, too.
"People may try challenging strategies to maintain weight over the long term," says Fatima Cody Stanford, M.D., M.P.H., obesity medicine physician at Harvard Medical School and a Men's Health advisor. "For example, they may choose to overly restrict calories. While they may lose weight fast, the body fights back, and their lost weight is rapidly regained."
There are ways to lose those last pesky pounds without spending several hours in the gym daily and surviving only off of cans of plain tuna, though. Losing weight, after all, is all about calories in versus calories out.
It's simple math: To lose one pound of fat, you must be in calorie deficit of at 3500 calories, according to the Mayo Clinic. Calories add up quick but that also means they can be subtracted quick. A healthy weight loss rate is about 1 pound per week, or about 500 calories per day.
Small changes can help cancel out these calories. Here are 4 ways to do it safely.
Maria Korneeva//Getty Images
Natural foods are easier for your body to breakdown than more processed foods. Plus, some have more unnecessary calories than their natural counterparts.
"Evaluate your food and see if it looks like what you see in nature," Cody Stanford says. "If it does not, it is likely processed, which can be problematic for weight regulation."
It feels intuitive, because it is. Eat when you're hungry, and don't eat when you're not. But sometimes, we over analyze our hunger cues. We might try to wait out eating when we're hungry to restrict our calories. Or, we may feel starving and overestimate how hungry we are and eat too much, leaving us over-full and uncomfortable.
The best thing we can do for ourselves is to acknowledge our hunger cues and obey them to the best of our ability, Cody Stanford says. When you're hungry, eat. When you're not hungry, don't eat. Our hunger cues are a direct communication of what our body needsso listen to them, but don't over think it.
Uwe Krejci//Getty Images
As in, water. It's the drink of life, and (apparently) of weight loss. Keeping your body hydrated assists in so many aspects of your health, and can help when you're trying to shed some pounds. Consuming water with and after meals will help you feel fuller, longer which will prevent you from needing snacks throughout the day. It can also help boost your metabolism which will cause you to burn more calories in a day, Kenney says.
Find small ways to add extra activity into your day, both Kenney and Cody Stanford say.
"Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking farther away from the entrance, or going for a walk during lunch can all add up to more movement throughout the day," Kenney says. Extra activity will help you burn more calories in a day. Like we said above, small changes can add up to create a big impact.
Cori Ritchey, NASM-CPT is an Associate Health & Fitness Editor at Men's Health and a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor. You can find more of her work in HealthCentral, Livestrong, Self, and others.
Read the rest here:
Here Are 4 Tips on How to Lose 15 Pounds Safely - Men's Health
Weight Loss Wednesday: Experts weigh in on TikTok diet videos –

NEW ORLEANS If you've turned to social media to lose weight, you're not alone.In fact, as you will see, billions look just on TikTok alone, for advice.
So, is that a good idea.
TikTok is not just where Gen Z posts dance videos, it's where people are turning to lose weight. So, we turned to the experts for the science.
So, people are sharing mostly healthy diets, but the most healthy diets they aren't sharing enough, said Dr. Melinda Sothern, Professor Emerita, LSUHSC School of Public Health.
They are not going to have the best information for what your entire diet should look like, but they could give you some very nice specific recipe ideas, said Dr. Jake Mey,
Assistant Professor of Research in Integrated Physiology and Molecular Medicine Laboratory at Pennington Biomedical Research Center.
YorkTestis a lab that tests for food sensitivities. And it rated the top 50 diet trends on TikTok, and number one with more than 10 billion curious viewers, is the extremely low carb, high fat keto diet.
So, keto diets are extreme, but they have been studied and they have been shown to be safe if they're physician supervised, But it's not a long term lifestyle is the problem. People with disordered eating would never be on this type of restrictive diet, said Dr. Sothern.
Good old fashioned calorie counting was second with around half the views, more than five and a half billion.
Calorie counting is not recommended, because it's basically, it forces you just to ignore the nutrient value of foods. When you reduce calories and you're focused on only calories, that has been associated with disordered eating, explained Dr. Sothern.
Third is the low carb diet, removing the starchy carb foods like rice, bread, and pasta, but keeping the nutritious carbs like veggies, and berries. That helps prevent spiking your insulin which promotes storing belly fat.
Fourth and fifth on the list are vegan and vegetarian diets, which are good, but need a dietician's advice on where to get good protein.
There may be supplements that are going to be highly recommended for you, to make sure that you get the certain nutrients that you just can't get well out of a vegan diet. Some of those would be vitamin B-12 or your omega fatty acids, both of which are critically important for overall health and wellness, said Dr. Mey.
On intuitive eating, LSU Health's Dr. Melinda Sothern says there is emerging research suggesting it is beneficial to think and plan, what and where you're going to eat, and to develop a schedule. It's about changing your relationship with, and behavior around food, and not mindlessly snacking.
But Dr. Jake Mey of Pennington Biomedical Research Center says this diet is not for everyone.
That's probably great if you were an always skinny person, your body's just telling you the right ways to eat, but what we know about obesity now is that people that struggle with weight or have obesity, have a disruptive biology that's telling them to eat the wrong way, or too much, said Dr. Mey.
Intermittent fasting only allows eating during a specific time window that you choose.
Keto diet, combined with intermittent fasting, has recently been shown to be effective and that's because you can go on and off of it, said Dr. Sothern.
And when it comes to the dairy-free diet, she says low fat dairy is recommended for weight loss with its high protein and calcium.
The Dairy-free trends and the gluten-free trends are a little concerning to me. I would stay away from unless you have a known intolerance to something like dairy products or gluten products, said Dr. Mey.
And both doctors say if science and health were to guide TikTok users, two proven diets would be high on the list, Mediterranean only ranked 26 and DASH ranked down at 47.
And the first thing I thought was where is our Mediterranean diet trend. Where is our DASH diet trend? I mean those have the best evidence behind them and we know they're some of the healthiest dietary patterns out there, but they're just not trendy, right? That's the problem, said Dr. Mey.
TikTok does not allow dangerous diets or ones that promote eating disorders, like the water diet where no food is eaten for 24 hours.
Here is the YorkTest complete list of the 50 trends:
The rest is here:
Weight Loss Wednesday: Experts weigh in on TikTok diet videos -
I’m a health coach – here’s how to lose weight by eating COOKIE DOUGH – Daily Mail

A health coach has caused quite the stir online after claiming her four-ingredient cookie dough works in the same way as weight-loss drug Ozempic.
Aesha Karunakaran, from Beverly Hills, California, took to TikTok to share her hack.
She listed out the simple list of ingredients needed to complete the recipe that she claims can help dieters lose 'half a pound of fat' in 30 days.
And social media users were left stunned by the revelation and rushed to praise the insightful tip.
In the clip, which she shared with her 18,000 followers, Aesha can be seen sitting at a table as she relays her instructions to viewers.
She begins: 'You lose half a pound eating an Oreo everyday for 30 days. I'm going to show you how to transform this Oreo so you can lose weight eating your favorite snack.
'We're going to make a cookies and cream cookie dough that works like the natural version ofOzempic and helped me lose 15 pounds in 60 days.'
Aesha then launches into her findings: 'The wayOzempic works is that it synthetically releases a gut hormone you naturally produce called GLP-1.
'Your GLP-1 is your hormone that is responsible for making you feel full. So when you feel full that's a sign that your GLP-1 is releasing.
'After you eat a big meal - so after consuming a lot of calories - you release that GLP-1 and you feel full and you stop eating.
'Now Ozempic is a zero calorie GLP-1 and what that means is that it releases high, high, high amounts of GLP-1 synthetically so you feel full without eating any food. You create a huge caloric deficit.'
Elaborating further, Aesha continues: 'Now whey protein actually releases high amounts of GLP-1 naturally so that's why we're starting with this recipe with two scoops of all natural whey protein and we're using cupcake batter.
'Whey protein digests too quickly so you wouldn't be able to release as much GLP-1 with only whey protein so we need to slow down the digestion of this whey protein with a fiber.'
She instructs viewers to add two tablespoons of coconut flour to the mix as she explains: '[It] adds seven grams of fiber to this recipe which is going to slow down the digestion of the whey protein which in turn is going to release even more GLP-1.
'Carbs also naturally release high amounts of GLP-1 but because we're making this a weight loss food, we're going to use a small amount of slow digesting carbs, we're going to use two tablespoons of rolled oats that we've blended into oat flour.'
Aesha then also adds a quarter cup of milk before mixing the whole thing together.
The health coach shows the finished cookie dough to camera before placing it in a bowl and topping with crushed Oreo.
She concludes: 'I promise you'll probably have a very hard time eating very much else after this cookie dough because it releases such high amounts of your GLP-1 and works like a natural version of Ozempic for suppressing your appetite.
'If you struggled with binge eating or overeating, this recipe will greatly help you overcome those problems while also creating a healthy relationship and helping you enjoy your favorite foods in moderation.'
Rounding up, Aesha says: 'The protein in this cookie dough ends up being about 250 calories for 50g of protein which is an excellent protein to calorie ratio - probably the best you're going to find.
'About 70 calories are going to get burned every time you eat this cookie dough.
'Over a 30-day period that's 2,100 calories... which is a half a pound of fat that you're going to burn sitting on your coach eating cookies and cream cookie dough.
'This is a great way to build lean muscle mass, speed up your metabolism and lose weight even faster.'
And other social media users were left stunned by the revelation and rushed to praise Aesha's recipe.
One wrote: 'Thank you for this!!! Much cheaper than the Ozempic.'
Another added: 'Obsessed with this!! You're so smart, thanks for sharing.'
And a third simply said: 'This is so cool.'
But FEMAIL spoke to a spokesperson from New York-based Chelsea Nutrition who was a little more wary of Aesha's recipe.
They said that they would 'would not recommend eating this cookie dough as a one stop weight loss solution.'
And instead said: 'The claims of this cookie dough being equivalent to Ozempic can be dangerously misleading...
'Using this recipe as a "cure" for weight loss could lead to disordered eating patterns and could leave someone with vitamin and mineral deficiencies if their diet is not comprehensive.'
Go here to read the rest:
I'm a health coach - here's how to lose weight by eating COOKIE DOUGH - Daily Mail
Best Diets For Weight Loss Of 2023, According To Experts Forbes … – Forbes

Not all diets are created equal when it comes to weight loss. In addition to fitting into your individual needs and lifestyle, the most effective diet plans should also be sustainable and easy to follow, according to Su-Nui Escobar, a Miami-based registered dietitian and former spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
A great diet plan balances all the essential nutrients like proteins, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats, says Escobar. She explains that the exact amounts of specific nutrients can vary for different eating patterns (such as low-carb or paleo diets), but emphasizes that all food groups should be included.
Certain diet plans have also been studied more extensively for weight loss. According to one review, plant-based diets may prevent overweight and obesity while also promoting weight loss. Whats more, another study linked a greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet with a two-fold increased likelihood of maintaining weight loss long-term.
Regardless of which plan you choose, its also important to create a calorie deficit for weight loss, meaning youre burning more calories than youre consuming each day. For example, if your goal is to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week, you should aim to reduce your food intake by 500 to 1,000 calories less than the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight. However, its also important to not reduce your calorie intake too much; its recommended to consume at least 1,500 calories per day for men and 1,200 calories per day for women.
Dr. Escobar also notes that an effective diet for weight loss should always come with an exit strategy for once you reach your goals to help you ease back into the swing of things. It is easy to lose weight, but difficult to maintain, she says.
Continue reading here:
Best Diets For Weight Loss Of 2023, According To Experts Forbes ... - Forbes
Whats The Healthiest Way To Prepare Chicken For Weight Loss? We Asked Experts – Yahoo Life

Woman preparing chicken for cooking
Whether your want to lose weight or just make healthier meal choices, lean proteins like chicken can help women over 40 reduce fat and build muscle. Experts agree that lean proteins like chicken can also provide your body with protein and energy, and burn more calories than red meat.
To learn more about the healthiest way to prepare chicken for weight loss, we consulted the experts: Lisa Richards, a registered nutritionist, and Jen Welper, the Wellness Executive Chef at the New Mayo Clinic Diet. They said that grillingis the healthiest, weight-loss-friendly way to cook chicken. This is because grilled meats have reduced fat content because fat drips off as the food cooksthat way meals are healthier and it makes it easier to manage a low-fat diet. Plus, reduced fat intake helps lower bad cholesterol levels. Find out more below!
Who doesn't love chicken? This lean protein can be a healthy and affordable meal for anyone looking to lose weight or improve their overall health. Chicken strengthens bones and muscles, helps reduce cholesterol, controls blood pressure, and is rich in vitamins D and B.
While oven-baking chicken can provide a delicious and filling meal, Richards and Welper agree that grilling is often the healthiest way to prepare this lean protein. "Chicken is best cooked without unnecessary added calories from oils and other ingredients," Richards, who founded The Candida Diet, explains. "Grilled chicken is typically the healthiest method of eating chicken, but you must be mindful to avoid adding fats and high-calorie toppings."
Richards continues and says that after eating grilled chicken, "you will be more nourished because you are opting for lean animal protein rather than meat that is high in fat." Eating grilled chicken "on a regular basis can replace meats high in saturated fat that can lead to heart disease and other chronic illnesses," she adds.
Story continues
Welper points out that the ingredients you add to your grilled chicken and the "type of cut" you get matter if you want to lose weight. That's why it's important to carefully examine the type of chicken you buy at the store. "With a boneless, skinless, 4-5 ounce chicken breast, grilled would be ideal," she says. "An outdoor grill is not necessary as you can use the cast iron skillets or griddles for this."
"A serving of boneless, skinless chicken breast is under 300 calories, just 6 grams of fat, no carbs, and 53 grams of protein," Richards tells us. "This is an excellent source of lean protein for weight loss. When purchasing chicken breast, always opt for skinless as this is where most of the fat is contained."
Richards concludes that grilled chicken offers you the leanest possible meat with far less fat and calories than any other meat or cooking method. "You may feel more satisfied because of the protein content in grilled chicken," she notes. Protein, she continues, is a "satiating macronutrient that helps the body feel full for longer." Overall, she stresses that regularly eating grilled chicken "can lead to less overeating throughout the day."
So, experts agree that grilling your chicken is the best way to cook them for healthy weight loss. They also suggest cooking with as little oil as possible with unsaturated fats like avocado oil and choosing toppings and herbs that are anti-inflammatory and low-calorie. And, if you're looking for some recommendations, check out these 4 grilled chicken recipes for weight loss!
The rest is here:
Whats The Healthiest Way To Prepare Chicken For Weight Loss? We Asked Experts - Yahoo Life
True or false: Green chillies not only spice up meals, they can also help you lose weight – The Indian Express

We all love a hint of spice in our food, isnt it? In fact, many Indian dishes are famous for being spicy. But turns out, one of the spiciest ingredients used in Indian kitchens green chilli not just enhances flavour but is also rich in nutrients and well, good for weight loss. Sharing these, and the many other health benefits of this powerhouse of goodness, nutritionist Mac Singh called wrote on Instagram: Green chillies are rich in vitamin B6, vitamin A, iron, copper, potassium.
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Singh shared the health benefits of green chillies:
PROMOTES WEIGHT LOSS. Green chilli helps our body to burn extra fat. Being low in calories (15gm chillies = 6kcal), it speeds up our metabolism.
TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEART. Green chillies reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, by lowering blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Blood pressure and heart rate can both be lowered by eating green chillies. Consumption of green chilli also increases fibrinolytic activity.
GOOD FOR DIGESTIVE HEALTH. Green chillies are high in dietary fiber, which aids in colon cleansing and regular bowel movements.
GET RADIANT SKIN. Green chillis strong antioxidant vitamin C (15gm chillies = 60%) helps in the production of essential collagen. Vitamin E present in green chilli creates natural oils that are beneficial to the skin. So, treat acne, rashes, pimples, blemishes, and wrinkles effectively.
BEST FOR HAIR GROWTH. Green chillies are a good source of natural silicon, which increases blood circulation to the scalp and hair follicles, stimulates hair growth, and protects hair follicles.
GOOD FOR IMMUNITY. They are rich in vitamin C, which help in increasing the immunity levels and in fighting cold and sinus.
CAPSAICIN present in green chillies cures common cold. It has a stimulating effect on the mucous membranes of the nose. Also, lowers body temperature by stimulating the cooling centre of the hypothalamus in the brain.
CALCIUM in green chillies helps to keep our teeth and bones healthy and strong. It repairs the tissues and contributes to creating new blood cells.
Talking about the same, G Sushma Clinical Dietician CARE Hospitals Banjara Hills Hyderabad told, The nutritional profile of green chillies is quite impressive, considering their small size.
One green chilli (5g) contains around
1 calorie,0.1g of protein,0.1g of fat, and0.2g of carbohydrates,0.1g of fibre
Some evidence suggests that green chillies may help with weight loss. Capsaicin can help increase metabolism and reduce appetite, leading to decreased calorie intake and weight loss, said Sushma, adding that more research, however, is needed to fully understand the potential weight loss benefits of green chillies.
When consuming green chillies, its important to keep in mind that they can cause irritation and discomfort in some individuals, especially those with sensitive stomachs or gastrointestinal issues. Additionally, consuming too many green chillies can lead to gastrointestinal distress, such as nausea and diarrhoea. Hence, its always best to consume green chillies in moderation and gradually increase intake if needed, concluded Sushma.
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First published on: 10-05-2023 at 19:00 IST
Read More..I lost 83LBS in a year – here’s how I shed weight AND got a six pack – Daily Mail

By Katie Dollard and Kelsi Karruli For Dailymail.Com 14:31 10 May 2023, updated 15:46 10 May 2023
A teenager has become unrecognizable after dropping 83lbs in just one year and is now sharing his fitness journey online to help others struggling.
Nick Dipietro, 18, weighed 250lbs before he began eating right and exercising.
Due to 'overeating' and a lack of exercise, his body size continued to increase, prompting the teen to constantly feel 'tired' and overworked after climbing one flight of stairs.
Now, Nick weighs 167lbs and boasts a six-pack of abs and has shared how he shed pounds with millions of social media users who have been left stunned and 'inspired' by his jacked physique.
Nick first decided to take control of his fitness after an eye-opening incident at school.
He explained: 'I found myself extremely tired and sluggish even though I had a good sleep schedule.
'One key moment that contributed to my journey was after a whole school assembly everyone had to make their way up a main flight of stairs.
'I remember standing out of breath halfway up the stairs while everyone rushed past me.
'Standing there, being the only one left, I realized I had to change something with my health.'
In May 2022, he committed to a gym routine, working out six days a week, and a new, healthier diet which has seen Nick lose 83 lbs in just one year.
He knew his diet - which included fried chicken, wings, pizza, cheeseburgers, and many snacks - had to change.
He said: 'My diet was all over the place when I was overweight. The main problem was not what I ate but how much, as I often resorted to binge eating while studying or when I was stressed out.'
Nick's family was extremely supportive of his plan to lose weight, which helped him in the process.
He added: 'I specifically want to thank my mom because she drove me to the gym and she cooked food for me based on my new diet.'
However, his friends didn't fully believe the 18-year-old would stick to his routine, which motivated Nick even more.
'My friends gave the usual response that most do thinking it was a cool idea, but I don't think they believed I would do it.
'That's part of the reason that since that day, whenever I say I will do something, I always do no matter what.'
Because Nick didn't want to begin blindly working out, he did plenty of research before going to the gym.
He said: 'I had no one to guide me in the process so I used the skills I learned as a good student regarding research and applied it to finding the best way to lose weight.
'Some of the guys at the gym commented on my form and other things, but again, it was almost all through research on the Internet.'
Soon enough, the teen was in the gym six days a week, pushing himself more and more every day.
'I started working out, controlling my portion sizes, and being consistent.
'My diet had a calorie deficit of 2,000 per day, with about one gram of protein per pound of body weight, and I made sure to go the gym six days a week.
'I usually only do weightlifting, I didn't do cardio for quite a while.
'But have started to do some recently since it's good for your heart, but it's not needed in weight loss,' he explained.
Before starting his weight loss journey, Nick would eat cheeseburgers, pizzas, take-out, Chinese food, fried chicken, hot dogs, wings, and generally anything fried.
But now, he loves to cook his own fresh meals, with store-bought ingredients, and he ensures that he gets a lot of protein.
He said: 'I consume many natural types of meat, aiming for a high protein intake.
'My weight loss has fully been down to healthy nutrition and exercise. A lot of my friends didn't recognize me after I started my weight loss journey.
'But everyone has been supportive and happy for me.'
To document his journey, the teen decided to share his transformation on TikTok, with a recent video of his 'before and after' videos racking up 13.5 million views.
In the clip, Nick begins by showing his body in 2021, before cutting to a clip of himself at the start of 2022 and then in 2023, as he flexes his muscles in the mirror in black gym gear.
'You can't change that much in a year,' the clip is captioned.
Thousands of users have shared their reactions in the comments, gushing over his new physique.
One person commented: 'Bro redesigned his character.'
Someone else added: 'My jaw dropped, good job.'
'This is so inspiring,' wrote another person.
'The opposite of a jump scare,' said one user.
'You're the definition of a glow up sir,' added someone else.
Someone else wrote: 'Bro glow up?'
Another user said: 'Outstanding.'
One person commented: 'A year bro.'
The 18-year-old has a new lease on life and loves his new routine.
Nick added: 'I am super happy with my transformation.
'I'm looking to improve my physical and mental health by focusing on my health and fitness.
'The other goal behind what I do is to inspire others.
'I hope to show people that if they have the same goals I had, and are in a similar starting place, they can achieve it.
'The biggest thing I believe in is nutrition and discipline.'
Before beginning his fitness journey:
Breakfast: Four slices of toast with eggs and butter
Lunch: Chick-fil-A and Chipotle takeaway meals
Dinner: Steaks, stews and burgers.
Snack: Crisps, pretzels
After losing weight:
Breakfast: Protein shake, protein oatmeal, scrambled eggs.
Lunch: Teriyaki chicken and rice, tacos, protein shake, salads.
Dinner: Bison burgers, steaks and asparagus, stew, grilled chicken, tacos with ground turkey.
Snack: Vegetables, protein bars, bananas, peaches, celery, homemade popcorn.
Originally posted here:
I lost 83LBS in a year - here's how I shed weight AND got a six pack - Daily Mail
Obesity experts on risks of Wegovy, Ozempic weight loss drugs – STAT

Amid rising demand for drugs like Wegovy, Ozempic, and Mounjaro that can lead to significant weight loss, some obesity experts are concerned about the drugs costs both to patients finances and to their health.
Speaking at a panel on new obesity treatments at the STAT Breakthrough Summit in San Francisco on Thursday, one expert cited a large clinical trial for Wegovy that showed that about 40% of the weight participants lost was lean mass. Side effects like nausea, vomiting, and a possible link to rare cases of pancreatitis also still plague this newest class of drugs, which imitate the effects of a hormone called glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP) that helps people feel full.
Thats what starvation does. You lose equal amounts of muscle and fat, said Robert Lustig, emeritus professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco. If youre a person 60 years old or over and youre losing muscle, your risk of dying just went up exponentially. So we may be robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Jamy Ard, professor of epidemiology and prevention at Wake Forest School of Medicine, was more open to using the drugs to treat some people with obesity. For patients who dont feel full because their bodies have a weaker GLP-1 response after eating, Ard also the co-director of a weight management center at Wake Forest might recommend an incretin.
Its like Ive given you a remote control that allows you to turn up the volume on the television, he said.
That said, the drugs are costly, as Ard acknowledged; Wegovy, for example, has an average net price of $13,600 per year. That means they have the potential to make existing health disparities even worse. People most affected by social determinants of obesity, such as poverty and reduced access to healthy food and spaces for physical activity, are also those least likely to have access to these treatments through health insurance or the ability to pay out of pocket.
At the same time, public discourse around these newest drugs is helping break down another major barrier to tackling obesity, Ard said a longstanding view that if you just think hard enough, if you try hard enough, then you can stay thin or you can lose weight and keep it off.
The pharmaceutical companies behind the new weight loss drugs, including Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly, have launched campaigns to get the public to see obesity as a disease. Ard pointed to research that shows that weight issues arent a matter of lack of willpower.
The drugs represent the evolution of our learning and understanding of the physiology related to body weight regulation, said Ard, who has consulted for companies like Novo and Eli Lilly.
But Ard cautioned against over-prescribing the drugs, noting that the current frenzy over them risks being driven not by provider discretion and input but really on the social media side [by] issues that are not related to disease.
Lustig, who is also the chief medical officer of fiber supplement startup BioLumen, said that solving access issues to healthy food should be prioritized before turning to drugs as a solution. He noted that in clinical trials for drugs like Mounjaro, patient responses were compared against a placebo, but not to a group that ate different food. Reducing the amount of sugar in food, he said, could have a big impact on obesity.
Fix the food first, Lustig said. Lets see if these drugs are actually better than real food.
Read more of STATs series on The Obesity Revolution. Other parts of this series examine how pharmaceutical makers are promoting a new message about obesity; assess attempts topersonalize obesity treatment; explain the origins of a flawed weight metric, thebody mass index; and delve into the debate overnew childhood obesity guidelines.
The rest is here:
Obesity experts on risks of Wegovy, Ozempic weight loss drugs - STAT
Dog Dieting: Here’s how to help your lovable dog lose weight and … – The Scotsman

A survey has estimated 42 per cent of dogs are overweight and there are a range of simple lifestyle changes you can make to shed those excess doggy pounds.
The worrying numbers were revealed by pet nutrician experts, who estimate that obese dogs on average live a year less than pups of an optimum weight.
We can all be guilty of a little overindulging now and then, whether its an extra biscuit or an extra helping of dessert, but when those over indulgences lead to quite a bit of weight gain, we can put ourselves at risk of damaging our health.
Just as it is for humans, obesity in dogs is also a health risk with associated problems including, but not restricted to, arthritis, diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, respiratory issues, an increased risk of developing certain tumours, and a lower quality of life.
So, if you think your dog needs a little help to get back into shape, heres what you need to do.
First of all, everyone in your house needs to be on board. Its no good if only one of you is taking the diet seriously, whilst others continue to feed treats. Try creating a feeding chart so that when your dog has been fed their meals and daily treat, everyone in the house knows too. Photo: Canva/Getty Images
A good rule of thumb to remember is: treats shouldnt make up more than 10% of a dogs daily calorie intake. The occasional treat can be good for your dog when combined with training or if given for a nutritional benefit. Photo: Canva/Getty Images
If your dog is already fairly active, try changing their usual exercise routine and adding other exercises like swimming. Swimming is a great way for a dog to exercise without putting any excess stress or strain on their joints, although remember not all breeds are built to swim - the likes of Bulldogs, Pugs, French Bulldogs, and Corgis generally prefer to stay on dry land. Photo: Canva/Getty Images
When treats become too much of a regular occurrence, they can contribute to weight gain and for many dogs, its actually the attention that they appreciate more than the treat itself. So when they turn those puppy dog eyes on you, swap the usual treat for an affectionate scratch, cuddle or play time session. Photo: Canva/Getty Images
Read more:
Dog Dieting: Here's how to help your lovable dog lose weight and ... - The Scotsman