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Best diabetic diet: What foods to avoid to prevent, control diabetes – USA TODAY

For people with diabetes or those trying to prevent the disease, you shouldn't just watch your glucose. Protein and fat also play a big role.
Signs and symptoms of diabetes, explained
Over 37 million people in the U.S. have diabetes and that number is climbing. Here are the signs and symptoms.
Just the FAQs, USA TODAY
More than 10% of Americans have diabetes and roughly half of us are at risk for the disease, but most don't know how to eat to prevent the worst outcomes.
To some degree, the advice is the same nutritionists give everybody: eat lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds and avoid heavily processed, packaged foods.
Most people know some features of a healthy diet: eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding soda and fast foods.
But it's more complicated than that. Understandinghow diabetes develops can help add to thoserecommendations and bust some myths.
The first is about weight.
While excess weight increases the risk for diabetes, proper nutrition is likely just as important, said Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, a cardiologist and professor of nutrition at the Tufts UniversityFriedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy.
"Regardless of your weight, diet has a major impact,"he said.
What is diabetes? What to know about one of the deadliest diseases.
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Here is advice from Mozaffarianto help avoid diabetes or keep it under control:
Foods that lead to a spike in blood glucose drive up the amount of insulin released into the bloodstream, which over the long term, increases the risk for diabetes and makes the disease harder to control.
So what is glucose?
Refined starches, also known as complex carbohydrates, are chainsof glucose molecules and have long been known to trigger this rapid spike in blood glucose. These include white rice, white bread and potatoes.
Added sugar, a simple carbohydrate, is also well known to trigger diabetes because it's 50% glucose.
Fructose, which makes up the other 50%, has almost no effect on blood glucose or insulin but recent research has shown that it, too,plays a role in diabetes, Mozaffarian said.
Fructose is fine when eaten in low doses in foods that are digested slowly, like fruit.But at high doses, such as in heavily sweetened foodor drinks, it triggers the liver to make more fat.
Weight gained from eating fatty foods accumulates under the skin, puffing out cheeks, arms and thighs. But, weight gained from fat produced by the liver is more dangerous, accumulating around the liver and other organs in the abdomenand dramatically increases the risk for diabetes as well as heart disease, Mozaffarian said.
Too much protein circulates in the bloodstream,raisesinsulin levels and turnsinto fat, just like too much starch or sugar does, he said.
Eating extra protein doesn't build muscle alone. So, unless someone is in a meaningful strength training program, they don't need a protein shake or smoothie and should generally avoid excess protein.
Protein in the form of red meat is harmful in another way, Mozaffarian said. The iron that gives red meat its color can damage the pancreas if not eaten in moderation and increase the risk for diabetes.
Diets like paleo and the ketogenic diet are helpful for cutting out refined starches and sugars,Mozaffarian said, but may be harmful long termif they encourage people to eat too much red meat ortoo much protein.
"There's sort of a sweet spot of getting the right amount," he said.
About 10% of calories should come from protein, he said. The Recommended Dietary Allowance for protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For a 150-pound adult, thats 55 grams of protein, or 220 calories of a 2,200-calorie diet.
Healthy sources of protein include:
Food that promotes a diversity of healthy gut bugs improves metabolism and therefore prevents or helps control diabetes. These foodsinclude:
Too much iron from red meat canthrow off the balance of bugs in the gut, leading to diabetes.
And some artificial sweeteners, including aspartame (sold as NutraSweetand Equal),acesulfame potassium (sold as Ace K) and sucralose (Splenda),mayincrease the risk for diabetes, likely because they throw off the balance of gut microbes.
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While too much animal protein can promote diabetes, avoiding animal products altogether isn't necessarily the way to go, Mozaffarian said.
"You could have a horrible vegan diet," eating mainly foods like rice cakes and highly processed cereals and breads, whichwould spike blood glucose and cause the liver to make new fat, he said.
On average, the top two dietary risk factors for developing diabetes are eating too much refined grain and too little whole grain, he said.
While too much red meat is a bad idea, the occasional steak or hamburger won't lead to diabetes.
Ozempic andMounjaro: How these diabetes medications promote weight loss and what you need to know
People used to think that because they didn't want fat on their bodies, they shouldn't be eating it in their diet. But nutritionists have moved on.
Healthy fatslike those in olive oil, nuts, fish avocadoes and other plantoils are now considered essential to a balanced diet.
Low-fat diets often replace fat with starch and sugar, which is the worst thing for someone trying to avoid diabetes, Mozaffarian said.
Avoiding fat is "totally the wrong approach," he said.
Exercise helps build muscle, and muscle takes up excess glucose andprotein in the bloodstream, preventing it from being turned into fat, Mozaffarian said. Someone who is muscular can consume more protein and glucose to maintain a steady state.
Also, although exercise alone doesn't lead to weight loss, it does improve insulin resistance, he said, though it's unclear exactly why.
Also, while scientists tend to study single nutrients orfoods, most people eat them in combination.
A slice of white bread eaten alone spikes blood sugar and insulin.Dipping that bread in olive oil or spreading it with peanut butter, while adding calories, will also slow down the bodys absorption of the bread's starch, while adding other beneficial nutrients.
That may be why ice cream, which has dairy as well as sugar, has not been linked to a higher risk of diabetes, Mozaffarian said.
Diabetes may be a disease of insulin resistance and abnormal glucosemetabolism but it's also about protein and fat metabolism, Mozaffarian said.
"All the nutrients are thrown out of whack when you have diabetes," he said.
There's no question it's better to avoid diabetes. Diabetes increases the risk of infection, cancer, blindness, kidney diseaseand heart disease, among other health problems.
"It's really a systemic disease," Mozaffarian said.
Contact Karen Weintraub at
Health and patient safety coverage at USA TODAY is made possible in part by a grant from the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation and Competition in Healthcare. The Masimo Foundation does not provide editorial input.
Here is the original post:
Best diabetic diet: What foods to avoid to prevent, control diabetes - USA TODAY
Healthy Breastfeeding Diet: What to Eat, Foods to Avoid and More – Good Housekeeping

Coming off the heels of pregnancy, you may be eager to dive into a giant platter of sushi and chase it with sake, but is that safe to do if youre breastfeeding? Fortunately, there arent as many guidelines to follow for a healthy breastfeeding diet as there are for a pregnancy diet. Generally, as long as youre taking good care of yourself, youre also taking care of your baby.
That said, postpartum is a confusing time, and you probably still have questions about whether youre eating the best foods you can for your little one. Here, two registered dietitians, who are also experts in lactation, explain everything you should keep in mind when it comes to diet and nutrition while you are breastfeeding.
Whats most important is to eat a variety of foods so that you can load up on a wide array of nutrients, but here are some healthy foods to prioritize when breastfeeding:
Healthy fats
"Breastfeeding is very nutritionally expensive, so we want to maximize those foods that are going to be really nutrient dense and considering that our calorie needs are higher, I thinkhealthy fats, whether that's from plant or animal sources is going to be important, saysKayla Thorngate, RDN, IBCLC, a dietitian who specializes in maternal and infant nutrition and lactation. Things like nuts, seeds, eggs, fatty fish such as salmon, peanut butter, avocados and olives will help in thehealthy fatsdepartment. Salmon is aparticularly great sourceof both protein and DHA, a healthy fat thats important for your babys brain development, says Thorngate.
Our protein needs specifically during postpartum recovery, but also breastfeeding are going to be really high, and it helps with optimal blood sugar control, says Thorngate. Consider eating a wide variety ofhigh-protein foodslike seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, beans, peas, lentils, nuts and soy-based foods. Organ meats, like liver, can be especially helpful in providing retinol, a form of vitamin A that aids in iron metabolism, says Thorngate, while egg yolks are excellent sources of choline.
If you're short on time while caring for your newborn, grab one of thesehigh-protein snackstested by theGood Housekeeping InstituteNutrition Lab.
Vegetables and fruit
They may not be high in calories, butvegetablesandfruitare often rich in antioxidants and fiber. We want to keep stools nice and soft for postpartum recovery, says Thorngate. Fiber is kind of our natural stool softener and helps keep us regular. (If your body isn't used to a lot of fiber, gradually increase your intake to lower the risk of bloating, cramping and gas.) She recommends including produce at every meal. Generally, the bigger the variety of colorfulfruitsandveggieson your plate, the more antioxidants youre consuming.
Whole grains
Whole-grain foodssuch as bulgur, barley, farro, quinoa, oats, brown rice and whole-wheat flour can be good sources of fiber, B vitamins and minerals. Plus,whole grainsare much better for glycemic control than refined-carbohydrate foods (like white bread).
My own philosophy is that all foods fit into a healthy, balanced diet, says Thorngate. With that being said, I do think there are some that you need to be cautious of.
Here are a few foods and drinks you may want to think twice about before eating when breastfeeding.
High-mercury fish
The only big thing you need to avoid is high-mercury-containing fish such as swordfish, tile fish and ahi tuna, saysDiane L. Spatz, Ph.D., RN-BC, FAAN, a professor of nutrition and perinatal nursing at theUniversity of Pennsylvania School of Nursingas well as a nurse scientist atChildrens Hospital of Philadelphia. When babies consume mercury, it can affect their cognitive thinking, memory, attention, language, fine motor skills and visual spatial skills, according to theEnvironmental Protection Agency(EPA).
Foods at risk for contamination
Youre probably willing to take more risks on consuming undercooked, or unsafely prepared or stored foods when youre not pregnant or breastfeeding. Say you have food poisoning, and youre so sick that you struggle to breastfeed or struggle to keep fluids down, says Thorngate. Thats definitely going to cause an impact on your milk supply. For a food-safety refresher, check out theseguidelines from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Good news: You dont have to cut out caffeine entirely! Both Spatz and Thorngate agree that a cup or two of coffee a day is fine just try not to go overboard. I would be mindful of it and not go wild on it because if you are getting shaky or jittery, maybe your baby will feel shaky or jittery, but I dont want people to think they cant have that coffee or tea, says Spatz.
Some herbs
Ask your doctor before taking any herbal supplements while breastfeeding. Most are considered safe, but some may reduce your milk supply, according to Thorngate.
The number of calories that a mother needs is always going to be dependent on so many different factors such as age, height, weight, fat stores, activity level, and then also the extent to which she is breastfeeding, says Thorngate. If she is exclusively breastfeeding, her calorie needs are going to be a lot higher compared to a mom whos partially breastfeeding with the addition of donor milk or formula.
Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that moderately active women who are breastfeeding add 330 to 400 calories to their pre-pregnancy daily caloric total. Women who are overweight and wish to shed pounds while breastfeeding should talk to a doctor or registered dietitian before cutting any calories. If you eat too little, then you can impact your milk supply, says Thorngate.
Breast milk is made up of mostly water. As a result, you will get thirsty when you are breastfeeding and/or pumping, says Spatz. A good practice is to have a large glass of water every time you breastfeed or pump. Keep an eye on your urine. Your urine should be pale and clear. That means you are drinking enough water. Consuming electrolytes like sodium, calcium, potassium, chloride, phosphate and magnesium can also help your body stay properly hydrated, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Yes, but you need to be strategic about it. Alcohol doesnt stay in your system. You metabolize it, says Spatz. So if youre just having one beer, one cocktail, one glass of wine something like that then you really dont have to worry about it. If youre having several beverages, and you are feeling tipsy, drunk or woozy, then your milk is also tipsy, drunk or woozy, and you should pump and discard the milk while youre feeling the effects.
If you want to be extra careful but do not want to miss out on the fun, mix up some of these yummy mocktails.
I do believe that many women will benefit from taking a multivitamin or at least supplementing with certain nutrients postpartum, says Thorngate. Lactation is a really nutritionally expensive task on the body and your body will actually sacrifice your own nutrient stores whenever possible to provide for baby because we're trying to keep the next generation alive. If we're not getting enough nutrients from our diet to replenish those lost nutrient stores, then it can leave us feeling really depleted or fatigued or just not well mentally and physically. Before you take any supplement, though, its best to consult with your physician or a registered dietitian to figure out what your body needs most. Some of the nutrients they might suggest taking in supplement form are vitamin B12, iodine, zinc, copper, vitamin A, choline, DHA, folic acid and magnesium.
If food triggers an immune response in your baby, it can manifest in different ways. Contact your pediatrician if you notice any of these signs:
The bottom line: One of the biggest things that I like to stress to people is that you don't have to be perfect in your diet when you're breastfeeding, says Spatz. When you are pregnant or breastfeeding, your body preferentially shunts nutrients to your baby. That's one of the most amazing things about women the fact that they are able to literally nurture their young. I don't ever want people to get obsessive about their diet when they're breastfeeding because your body's going to make perfect milk for your baby because your body is that smart. If your nutrient stores get depleted, you might feel tired or crappy, but your milk quality will be just fine, she adds.
Senior Editor
Kaitlyn Phoenix is a senior editor in the Hearst Health Newsroom, where she reports, writes and edits research-backed health content for Good Housekeeping, Prevention and Woman's Day. She has more than 10 years of experience talking to top medical professionals and poring over studies to figure out the science of how our bodies work. Beyond that, Kaitlyn turns what she learns into engaging and easy-to-read stories about medical conditions, nutrition, exercise, sleep and mental health. She also holds a B.S. in magazine journalism from Syracuse University.
Nutrition Lab Director
Stefani (she/her) is a registered dietitian, a NASM-certified personal trainer and the director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Nutrition Lab, where she handles all nutrition-related content, testing and evaluation. She holds a bachelors degree in nutritional sciences from Pennsylvania State University and a masters degree in clinical nutrition from NYU. She is also Good Housekeepings on-staff fitness and exercise expert. Stefani is dedicated to providing readers with evidence-based content to encourage informed food choices and healthy living. She is an avid CrossFitter and a passionate home cook who loves spending time with her big fit Greek family.
Read more:
Healthy Breastfeeding Diet: What to Eat, Foods to Avoid and More - Good Housekeeping
The High-Fat Sauces You Should Cut From Your Diet Over 40, According To Dietitians – SheFinds

Thousand Island Dressing
When it comes to the most fattening sauces out there, Richards tells us that creamy Thousand Island dressing is somewhere at the top of the list due to all the calories, added sugar, and preservatives it packs in.
"Thousand Island dressing is a high-calorie sauce that should be consumed in moderation or avoided altogether if you're looking to maintain a healthy diet," she warns. This delicious but detrimental sauce is made with mayonnaise, ketchup, and relish, which she points out "are all high in calories and fat." She also notes that "many store-bough varieties of Thousand Island dressing contain added sugar and preservatives, which can further increase the calorie count."In fact, Richards says that just one serving of this dressing can pack in around 140-160 caloriesand most of those come from fat. Yikes!
"It's also high in sodium, which can contribute to high blood pressure and other health issues," she goes on. This is something that people over 40, in particular, should be weary of. That's because as we age, our risk of hypertension and a variety of diseases increases.
So, what are your options if you love Thousand Island dressing but want to keep your health in check? Richards says you should "consider making your own at home with healthier ingredients like low-fat mayo, Greek yogurt, and fresh herbs." (Greek yogurt is so good for youread about it here!) You may also simply choose healthier dressings, like balsamic vinaigrette or salsa.
Find one of the healthiest salad dressings here.
Speaking of salad dressings, let's not forget about the risks of another high-fat option beloved by many Americans. While Ranch dressing may primarily be just that (a salad dressing), many of us put it on a variety of foods, from sandwiches to French fries. Unfortunately, Campbell says we probably eat too much of it, and it can take a serious toll on our health over time.
"The issue with this fatty condiment is not only with the sheer number of ranch users but also with how often and how much is being used in a sitting," she explains. "The numbers listed on the nutrition facts label are often a mere fraction of what is really being consumed."
But even if you're sticking to the suggested serving size, this sauce is packed with unhealthy ingredients. "Just a 2 tablespoon serving packs about 129 calories, 12 grams of total fat, and almost 3 grams of saturated fat," Mitri warns, noting that saturated fat is "the bad" kind. "These calories add to your waistline without providing any satiety or nutrition, which makes it easy to go over your daily allotment."
On top of the fat content, Campbell points out that there are many other health risks associated with consuming ranch dressing."It also adds sodium, sugar, saturated fat, and cholesterol. The higher the intake of these harmful constituents, the higher one's risk of developing weight gain, obesity, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, gastrointestinal issues, and even depression," she says. Like we noted earlier, it's especially important to mitigate these risks as you age, so people over 40 should consider limiting their intake of Ranch as much as possible.
READ MORE: Heres The Real Reason Nutritionists Say You Should Never Use Ranch
While kicking your Ranch habit can be difficult, there are plenty of health alternatives out there. "If you love salads, opt for a simple olive oil and vinegar or lemon juice," Mitri suggests. Learn about some of the benefits of olive oil here.
If you really can't give up the taste of your favorite dressing altogether, consider implementing Richards' advice above and whipping up a healthier variety with some Greek yogurt.
Ultimately, while maintaining your overall health over 40 will require you to make an array of smart decisions every day, cutting out fattening sauces like these and replacing them with healthy swaps is one great step in the right direction.
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The High-Fat Sauces You Should Cut From Your Diet Over 40, According To Dietitians - SheFinds
Role of diet in dandruff: Foods to add and avoid – Sportskeeda

The role of diet in dandruff is often overlooked but can have a significant impact depending on the severity of the condition.
Dandruff is a common scalp condition that affects many. It's characterized by white or greyish flakes on the scalp and can be caused by various factors like genetics, stress and improper hair care.
While there are many ways to cure dandruff, a healthy diet is one of them. Keep in mind that there are certain foods you should avoid if you're looking to treat your scalp.
In this article, we explore the relationship between diet and dandruff and discuss foods that should be avoided to prevent or manage this condition.
Before delving into the role of diet in dandruff, it's essential to understand what causes this condition.
Dandruff is primarily caused by the overgrowth of yeast on the scalp, specifically Malassezia furfur. This yeast is a natural inhabitant of the scalp, but when it grows uncontrollably, it leads to inflammation and flaking of the scalp.
Other factors that can contribute to dandruff include hormonal changes, medical conditions like psoriasis and a weakened immune system.
Diet plays a crucial role in maintaining health of skin, including the scalp. Consuming a diet high in processed foods, sugar and saturated fats can lead to inflammation, which can exacerbate dandruff symptoms.
Additionally, certain foods can increase growth of yeast on the scalp, leading to an overgrowth of Malassezia furfur.
To prevent or manage dandruff, it's essential to avoid foods that can contribute to its development. Here are some foods that should be avoided:
Consuming sugar and refined carbohydrates can lead to an increase in insulin level, which can trigger inflammation.
This inflammation can exacerbate dandruff symptoms and lead to overgrowth of yeast on the scalp. Foods to avoid include sugary drinks, candy, pastries, white bread and pasta.
Dairy products, like milk, cheese and yogurt can contribute to overgrowth of yeast on scalp.
These products contain lactose, which is a type of sugar that can feed the yeast. Additionally, dairy products can trigger inflammation, exacerbating dandruff symptoms.
Fried and processed foods are high in saturated fats, which can contribute to inflammation. This inflammation can exacerbate dandruff symptoms and lead to an overgrowth of yeast on the scalp. Foods to avoid include fast food, potato chips and fried snacks.
Alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration, which can exacerbate dandruff symptoms. Additionally, alcohol can weaken the immune system, making it easier for yeast to overgrow on the scalp. It's best to avoid or limit alcohol consumption if you have dandruff.
Spicy foods can trigger inflammation, which can exacerbate dandruff symptoms. Additionally, some spices, like cumin and coriander, can increase growth of yeast on the scalp. It's best to avoid or limit consumption of spicy foods if you have dandruff.
While avoiding certain foods is crucial in managing dandruff, including specific foods in diet can help prevent and alleviate symptoms.
Here are some foods to include:
Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, making them beneficial in reducing inflammation. Consuming foods high in omega-3 fatty acids like fatty fish, flaxseeds and chia seeds can help manage dandruff symptoms.
Probiotic-rich foods, like yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut contain beneficial bacteria that can help regulate growth of yeast on the scalp. These foods can also improve gut health, which is crucial in maintaining overall skin health.
Zinc is a mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy skin. Consuming foods high in zinc, like oysters, pumpkin seeds and beef, can help prevent and manage dandruff symptoms.
Vitamin B plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy skin and hair. Consuming foods high in vitamin B, like eggs, whole grains and leafy greens, can help prevent dandruff and promote healthy scalp and hair.
Drinking plenty of water is essential in maintaining healthy skin, including the scalp. Dehydration can exacerbate dandruff symptoms, so it's crucial to drink enough water to keep the scalp hydrated and healthy.
The role of diet in dandruff cannot be ignored. Consuming a balanced diet that includes foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, zinc and vitamin B, while avoiding foods that can exacerbate dandruff symptoms can play a significant role in preventing and managing dandruff.
Additionally, drinking enough water is essential in maintaining a healthy scalp. By utilizing the role of diet and incorporating healthy eating habits, we can take control of our scalp health and overall skin health.
The rest is here:
Role of diet in dandruff: Foods to add and avoid - Sportskeeda
7 high-protein vegetables which are as good as eating eggs – Health shots

You need protein for several body functions. So try these protein-rich vegetables to fulfill your daily protein requirements.
We include vegetables in every meal. They not only make our meals eye-appealing and delicious, but they also make sure that our body receives a wider variety of vital nutrients. However, most people suggest that green vegetables are more nutrient-dense when it comes to eating vegetables. Well, there there is no denying that this is true but your diet should be focused on all the nutrients your body needs. If youre a vegetarian looking for ways to add protein to your diet, try these protein-rich vegetables.
Protein is an essential component of all cells in your body. It is utilized to construct and repair tissues, as well as to produce enzymes and hormones. Protein is required for the growth of bones, muscles, skin, and blood and serves as a source of energy. Protein transports hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to all of our cells. Moreover, it also helps to transport minerals and vitamins to the cells that require them. Due to these benefits, you require protein on a daily basis.
Health Shots reached out to nutritionist Vidhi Chawla, founder of Fisico Diet Clinic, to find out some of the best protein-rich vegetables that can help you meet your daily requirement.
Chawla says, Protein is an essential nutrient. If youre consuming enough protein daily, it can build muscle, help maintain a healthy weight, prevent overeating, strengthen bones and lower your blood pressure. So, add these protein-rich veggies to your diet and make for yourself delicious yet nutritious meals to stay healthy.
7 vegetables rich in protein you must eat:
Broccoli is high in protein, low in fat, and low in calories. Its an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all supporting good health. Folate, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins K and C are all found in broccoli. It also includes glucosinolates, which have been demonstrated to combat cancer.
Peas are a rich source of vegetable protein and fiber. In fact, these little treats have less fat and cholesterol. Peas are also high in manganese, copper, phosphorus, folate, zinc, iron, and magnesium. They also include phytonutrients like coumestrol, which can help prevent stomach cancer. If you have not yet included peas in your diet, now is the time. Peas are great in curries, salads, and other dishes.
Kale is another excellent plant-based protein source. It also includes phenolic chemicals, which provide it antioxidant benefits. Kale may be readily steamed, boiled, or sauteed and consumed on a regular basis for optimal benefit.
Kale contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as vitamins K, C, A, and B6, calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. It also includes lutein and zeaxanthin, which have been linked to a lower risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, respectively.
You might be surprised but sweet corn is also a vegetable! Sweet corn is low in fat and high in protein, meeting roughly 9 per cent of the protein you need every day. Corn also contains thiamine, vitamins C and B6, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Corns may be used to make sandwiches, soups, and salads to help you stay healthy.
Cauliflower has a high protein content. This adaptable vegetable may be used in several cuisines. Cauliflower contains sinigrin in addition to potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins C and K, and iron. This glucosinolate molecule may have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects.
Spinach is thought to be one of the richest in nutrients leafy green vegetables. Protein, together with necessary amino acids, is claimed to contribute 30 per cent of its calories. Spinach is the second richest source of protein in vegetables. It contains nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin C, which help to maintain an effective immune system, protect eyesight, and promote healthy blood flow, among other things.
Brussels sprouts combine fiber and protein with a variety of vitamins and minerals to keep you full and fed. Not to mention the health advantages, which range from brain sharpness to cancer prevention and blood pressure reduction.
So ladies what are you waiting for? Add these protein-rich vegetables to your diet and enjoy the benefits!
See the original post here:
7 high-protein vegetables which are as good as eating eggs - Health shots
Effects of different doses of exercise and diet-induced weight loss on … –

Study design
The study was a 16-week, parallel-group, four-arm, assessor-blinded, randomized clinical trial conducted between February 2019 and October 2021 at the Centre for Physical Activity Research (CFAS), Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark. The study was preregistered at (NCT03769883) and was approved by the Scientific Ethical Committee of the Capital Region of Denmark (approval number H-18038298) before the commencement of any study procedures. Guidelines from the Helsinki Declaration were followed, and the data are reported following the CONSORT guideline for multi-arm trials43 and the REPORT standards43. The study protocol for this clinical trial is available in the Supplementary Information and has been published previously22. The prespecified full statistical analysis plan (SAP) was completed and uploaded to our website before commencing any statistical analyses (
Participants were recruited through the media, municipalities and the Danish Health Data Authorities. The potential participants contacted the study nurse and completed the screening process before the medical examination. The main inclusion criteria were (1) men and women aged 1880years, (2) diagnosed with T2D within <7years, (3) no current treatment with insulin and (4) BMI>27kg/m2 and <40kg/m2. All participants provided written and oral informed consent before any testing.
CON received standard care and was encouraged to maintain habitual physical activity and dietary habits throughout the study. DCON received standard care and dietary intervention. MED received standard care, dietary intervention and an exercise intervention with two aerobic training sessions per week and one combined aerobic and resistance training session per week, totaling 150165min of exercise training per week. HED received the standard care and dietary interventions as described above but had twice as much exercise as MED, with a total of four aerobic training sessions per week and two combined aerobic and resistance training sessions per week, totaling 300330min of exercise training per week.
Standard care included pharmacological management of blood glucose, blood lipids and blood pressure according to a prespecified algorithm and was managed by an endocrinologist who was blinded for participant allocation22. To minimize an influence on the findings of poor glucose control upon study entry, medical standardization was introduced according to the prespecified treat-to-target algorithm for 6weeks before the baseline measurements. Furthermore, the pharmacological treatment was evaluated according to the algorithm following baseline measurements and at week 12 of the intervention. The treatment targets were in line with current guidelines. In adjunct to the algorithm, pharmacological treatment was adapted to mitigate subjective signs of hypotension or hypoglycemia. Blood lipids, blood pressure and blood glucose were measured before the intervention and 4, 12 and 16weeks into the intervention. In case of any adverse events, the participants were advised to contact the study nurse. At each visit, the study nurse interviewed all participants about potential adverse events. The adverse events definition followed ICH E2A guidelines44.
Daily energy requirements were estimated using the age-adjusted Oxford equation45. The dietary intervention aimed at ~2530% energy deficit per day with a macronutrient distribution within the range of 4560 energy percent (E%) carbohydrate, 1520E% protein and 2035E% fat (<7E% saturated fat). The intervention consisted of individualized recommendations and recipes. A clinical dietician implemented the plan at three sessions during the intervention, and adjustments were performed based on self-reported, 3-day food records.
The exercise intervention consisted of both aerobic and resistance training, and the first 2weeks served as a familiarization period. The aerobic training sessions of 30-min duration had a target intensity of 60100% of maximal heart rate (HRmax). Throughout the intervention, the relative time spent exercising in intensity zone 80100% of HRmax was increased, and the relative time spent in the intensity zone 6079% of HRmax was reduced accordingly. Resistance training was added in combined sessions with 30min of aerobic training and 3045min of resistance training. The resistance training consisted of three sets in the main muscle groups, for example, chest press, leg press, back row, and leg extension. The 812 repetitions aimed at a resistance consistent with 03 repetitions in reserve46. All heart-rate profiles were recorded during the exercise interventions (Polar V800), and all training sessions were supervised by educated trainers.
Two experimental days were conducted at baseline and repeated at 16-week follow-up. Forty-eight hours before the experimental days, the participants were instructed to discontinue glucose-lowering medication use and refrain from any exercise. Moreover, no alcohol or caffeine was permitted 24h before the visits, and the participants were instructed to maintain their habitual diet. The participants arrived at the testing facilities at 07:30am after an overnight fast (10h fasting). Experimental days 1 and 2 were planned to be separated by 1week.
The participants completed a 3-h MMTT. The liquid meal was prepared using 400ml of Nestl Resource with an additional 36g of dextrose (total energy content, 735kcal; E%, 64/24/12 carbohydrate/fat/protein). Paracetamol (1.5g) was added to assess gastric emptying. Body weight was measured with an electronic scale, and height was measured with a Holtain stadiometer according to standard procedures. VO2max was assessed using indirect calorimetry (Quark CPET, Cosmed) on a Monark LC4 bicycle (Monark Exercise). The test was performed with a 5-min warm-up followed by increases of 20watts/min until exhaustion. Maximum muscle strength was assessed by two exercises performed in resistance training machines (chest press, leg extension) via estimating the maximum weight (kg) that could be lifted once with a full range of motion with proper form (that is, 1RM).
A three-stage hyperglycemic clamp was performed. After baseline blood sampling, a priming bolus of [6,6-2H2]glucose was injected intravenously and a continuous tracer infusion was initiated. The bolus dose and infusion rate of the tracer depended on the participants fasting glucose level and body weight as described elsewhere5. After 2h of tracer infusion, hyperglycemia was introduced by clamping glucose at 5.4mM above fasting glucose (whereas the absolute postintervention clamp glucose level was equal to the preintervention clamp level). An initial increase in blood glucose was brought about by a square-wave glucose infusion lasting 15min. After this, the glucose concentration was kept constant by adjusting GIRs based on blood glucose measurements (ABL 8 series, Radiometer) performed every 5min according to an automated algorithm5. After 2h of hyperglycemia, a continuous GLP-1 infusion was initiated at a rate of 0.5pmol/kg/min, and after 1h of hyperglycemia+GLP-1 infusion, an intravenous bolus of arginine hydrochloride (5g given over 30s) was administered to provide a maximal stimulus to the beta cells, leading to secretion of remaining intracellular vesicles of insulin. Before baseline sampling, the participant voided. Every time the participant voided during the clamp, the urine was accumulated, and urinary glucose concentration was measured at the end of the procedure.
Assessments of free-living physical activity and blood pressure were recorded by the participants between the 2 study days. Physical activity was also assessed with physical activity monitors (AX3, Axivity) for 7 consecutive days. Blood pressure was assessed with home-based resting measurements across 3days, including three measurements morning and evening. Furthermore, a 3-day record of total dietary intake was completed at baseline, during the intervention period (at weeks 4 and 12), and during the 3days leading up to follow-up testing.
Blood samples (plasma insulin, C-peptide, glucose, HbA1c, LDL-C, triglycerides and paracetamol) were analyzed at the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Rigshospitalet, using standard procedures. GLP-1 and GIP were analyzed using in-house carboxy-terminal radioimmunoassays. The total GLP-1 assay (codename 89390) is based on the amidated COOH terminus and therefore measures GLP-1(736)NH2 and GLP-1(936)NH2. The assay results, therefore, reflect the secretion rate of GLP-1 (refs. 47,48). The total GIP assay (codename 80867) reacts fully with intact GIP and amino-terminally truncated forms49. The glucose tracer [6,6-2H2]glucose was used for whole-body measurements of Ra and Rd of glucose during steady-state hyperglycemia and was calculated using non-steady-state equations50 adapted for stable isotopes51,52.
All participants received up to DKK6,000 (800) in total to cover lost earnings, transport and discomfort. The transaction was completed upon completion of the study (all four full laboratory days (V1, V2, V6 and V7) or upon withdrawal). For every completed day of laboratory testing, participants received DKK1,000. Moreover, DKK500 in compensation was added per biopsy (up to four in total). To prevent loss to follow-up in the CON group, we offered three supervised training sessions and a free 16-week membership in a fitness center following final testing.
The primary outcome was the change in late-phase DI from baseline to the 16-week follow-up, reflecting the beta-cell response during the last 30min of the hyperglycemic stage15. DI was calculated as the product of late-phase ISR and late-phase ISI (designated secondary outcomes, see below).
Secondary outcomes were prespecified in the SAP (designated Major secondary outcomes in the SAP) and included the late-phase ISR, late-phase ISI derived during the last 30min of the hyperglycemic stage, and the oral DI, oral ISI and oral ISR derived from the MMTT53. Late-phase ISR was calculated from the deconvoluted C-peptide measurements54 and subsequently normalized to ambient blood glucose concentrations. Late-phase ISI was calculated as the GIR divided by the product of insulin and glucose39. Oral DI was calculated as the product of oral ISI and oral ISR. Oral ISI (the Matsuda index) was calculated as 10,000/(fasting glucosefasting insulin)(mean glucose0120minmean insulin0120min), and oral ISR was calculated as the tAUC for glucose divided by the tAUC for insulin from time 0 to 120min during the MMTT53.
The exploratory outcomes (designated Other secondary outcomes in the SAP) included the change (baseline to 16-week follow-up) in first-phase ISR, EGP, first-phase DI, ISI and ISR, as well as HbA1c, LDL-C, fasting glucose, fasting insulin, fasting C-peptide, fasting triglycerides, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, body weight, absolute VO2max, relative VO2max, 1RM for chest press and leg extension (both absolute and relative to body weight), and tAUC and iAUC in glucose, insulin, C-peptide, GLP-1, GIP and paracetamol from the MMTT. AUCs for the different time periods were calculated using the trapezoidal rule. Ra and Rd were calculated from glucose tracers during clamp-induced steady-state hyperglycemia. Adverse events were self-reported.
Post hoc outcomes included intensification (yes or no), reduction (yes or no) and discontinuation (yes or no) for glucose-lowering and blood pressure-lowering medications. Due to restrictions in our pharmacological treatment algorithm regarding lipid-lowering medications, only intensifications were assessed for this outcome.
The participants were randomly allocated to the four intervention arms upon successful completion of the baseline measurements. An independent statistician (author R.C.) prepared a computer-generated randomization schedule in a ratio of 1:1:1:1, stratified by sex. To ensure concealment, the (permuted) block sizes were not disclosed. The schedule was forwarded to a secretary who was not involved in any study procedures and stored on a password-protected computer. Sequentially numbered, opaque, sealed envelopes were prepared and stored in a locked cabinet before commencing the recruitment. The envelopes were lined with aluminum foil to render the envelope impermeable to intense light. Following the conclusion of the hyperglycemic clamp, the appropriate envelope was opened by a study nurse, and the participant was informed about the allocation stated on the card inside the envelope. The participant received the allocation in a closed room. As such, the participants were blinded for treatment allocation until after the completion of the hyperglycemic clamp. Following the baseline assessment, blinding of the participants was no longer possible. Both study personnel involved with the data collection and the study endocrinologist managing pharmacological treatment and safety were blinded to allocation. The clinical results used for pharmacological management and safety assessment were presented to the endocrinologist by the study nurse without disclosing participant allocation.
We expected that an exercise intervention would increase the late-phase DI by 1.5 arbitrary units (a.u.) more than the control group, with a standard deviation of 1.5a.u. of the change in the exercise and 1.0a.u. in the control group5. For a contrast in a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with four means (1.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0) and contrast coefficients (1, 0, 0, 1) using a two-sided significance level of 0.05, assuming an error standard deviation of 1.5 and a balanced design, a total sample size of 80 participants in the PP population (approximately 20 participants in each group) would yield statistical power of 87.7%.
According to the protocol and the SAP, the analysis of the primary outcome was based on the as-observed population (missing data were not imputed in the primary analysis)55,56, as well as the PP population. The Full Analysis Set for the ITT population included all randomized participants irrespective of their compliance with the interventions. The PP population criteria included (1) completion of the primary outcome assessment (all groups), (2) compliance with the diet protocol defined as being within 30% of the prescribed energy intake (DCON, MED and HED), and (3) compliance with the exercise training protocol defined as completing 70% of the prescribed exercise volume across the intervention period (from weeks 2 to 16) (MED and HED). Missing data were assumed to be missing at random. Continuous data, including the primary, secondary and exploratory outcomes, were analyzed using constrained baseline longitudinal analysis via a linear mixed model57. As the baseline value is a part of the outcome vector, all participants with at least one measurement (baseline or follow-up) were included in the analyses57. The model included fixed effects for time (two levels), treatment (coded 0 for all groups at baseline and coded 0, 1, 2 or 3 at follow-up for CON, DCON, MED and HED, respectively) and sex (two levels), as well as the unique patient identifier as a random effect. The potentially biased PP population analysis was further adjusted for putative confounders: diabetes duration and baseline maximal oxygen consumption (ml O2/kg/min). Data are presented as the difference in the mean changes with 95% confidence intervals unless stated otherwise. The adequacy of the models was investigated via the predicted values and residuals. If the model assumptions were violated, the analyses were conducted using the log-transformed data and subsequently exponentiated for interpretation. Back-transformed data were expressed as the ratio of the geometric mean and interpreted as either percent change from baseline (within group) or difference in change between groups. A linear trend (interpreted as a linear doseresponse relationship) was examined by treating each treatment category as a continuous variable in the main model and tested using a Wald test (Pvalue reported). Linearity was inspected visually, and the P for trend was calculated only for the primary and secondary outcomes to the extent that the relationship was linear (that is, for late-phase DI and late-phase ISI). Sensitivity analyses were performed using multiple linear imputation procedures with the change in outcomes (post-pre values)55. The model included all covariates included in the main model, and beta coefficient and standard errors were based on 30 imputed data sets and adjusted for between-imputation variability58. Dichotomous outcomes were analyzed using logistic regression analyses. As sparsity of dichotomous outcomes (as expected for medications) invalidates the confidence intervals, exact logistic regression (exlogistic in Stata) was used when cases were <559,60. A post hoc statistical mediation analysis was performed to examine the extent to which the observed treatment effect (in the intervention groups) on the primary and secondary outcomes was mediated by the change in body weight. An exploratory statistical mediation analysis was performed in R61 to examine the extent to which the observed treatment effect (in the intervention groups) on the primary and key secondary outcomes was mediated by the change in body weight. The lme4 package was used to construct the linear mixed models for the analysis62. This simple mediation analysis partitions the total causal effect into average direct effects (ADE) and average causal mediation effects (ACME; otherwise known as indirect effects). Bias-corrected and accelerated 95% confidence intervals were generated via nonparametric bootstrap analysis (2,000 resamples with replacement).
All non-hypothesis-based comparisons (that is, on the secondary and exploratory outcomes) are per definition considered exploratory and supportive of the interpretation of the primary outcome. If the global test of significance indicated between-group differences (P<0.1)63, all outcomes (primary, secondary, exploratory and post hoc) on pairwise comparisons were explored. Although no corrections for multiplicity were performed, family-wise type 1 error rate on the primary outcome was retained by using a hierarchical analytic approach63. In accordance with our prespecified SAP, the six prespecified hierarchical hypotheses (based on a superiority assumption) were tested using the prespecified sequence: (1) CON versus HED, (2) CON versus MED, (3) CON versus DCON, (4) DCON versus HED, (5) DCON versus MED, (6) MED versus HED. If we failed to progress from any of the prior between-group comparisons (P>0.05), the subsequent Pvalues and confidence intervals were regarded as indicators of associations rather than causality. The statistical significance level (for superiority) was set at <0.05 (two-sided). The statistical analyses were performed using Stata/SE (StataCorp), version 17.1.
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Effects of different doses of exercise and diet-induced weight loss on ... -
Dont Have to Eat Animals: Bodybuilder Makes a Massive Diet Switch to Grow Big and Strong and Manly – EssentiallySports

Veganism is increasingly favored by people across the world as it reportedly offers many health benefits and cruelty-free food. However, fitness enthusiasts often worry that a plant-based diet could not promise sufficient protein uptake. But Norwichs Paul Kerton, a bodybuilding icon is promoting a vegan lifestyle without compromising on fitness goals.
The 49-year-old turned to veganism back in 2012 and is still going strong. He finds himself more energetic and considers switching to veganism as the best decision of his life. Now, he counters an Australian National University study which states that men are generally reluctant to turn to veganism as they consider meat-eating manly.
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Kerton reiterates that meat will not make one manly. Before embracing veganism, the bodybuilders major protein intake, a whopping 500g, came from animal sources. I was going through 500g of animal protein a day. It was crazy amounts, he says. Influenced by his partner, Gemma, he took to veganism a decade ago and finds this new lifestyle more befitting. I feel amazing now. I got into the best shape of my life, he asserts. Revealing how his health improved after turning vegan, he said to the DailyMail, I feel so energized. My eyesight is twice as strong. I have a new lease of life.
Promoting his lifestyle, Kerton says, You can be big and strong and manly and be healthy and fit and we dont have to eat animals. The motto to opt for a plant-based diet came after he realized that meat eating could lead to severe health problems. I didnt want to be the cause of my own death, opens up the vegan bodybuilder.
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Kerton now sources his protein intake from plant-based foods, such as vegetables, wholegrain, seeds, nuts, and legumes. He also finds the vegan diet very diverse. In the first year of being vegan, I ate 500 new foods. Ive really expanded my palette like crazy, says Kerton beaming with joy.
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The fitness gurus breakfast includes porridge, flax meal, dates, and berries. Rice with chickpeas, seeds, and nuts is served for his lunch. The dinner includes a creamy vegan tempeh bacon pasta, kalamata olives, and Mediterranean vegetables served roasted. Superficial talking is not something that pleases Paul Kerton as he aims to lead by example for those who want to turn to veganism.
Watch the story here: Former Mr.USA and bodybuilding Hall of Famer is still able to maintain an unbelievable physique at 65
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Dont Have to Eat Animals: Bodybuilder Makes a Massive Diet Switch to Grow Big and Strong and Manly - EssentiallySports
Is anyone in favor of the Atlantic City road diet? – Press of Atlantic City

ATLANTIC CITY Eric Alvarez, the owner of Popa Pizza, said he is in favor of any projects that would help generate more traffic to his business.
But that doesnt mean Alvarez supports the citys plans to cut a lane in each direction on Atlantic Avenue for a road diet, something that would generate the kind of traffic he doesnt want at his business located at the busy intersection of South Pennsylvania and Atlantic avenues.
Business owners like Alvarez think the city should focus on synchronizing lights, repaving roads and mitigating traffic concerns without turning Atlantic Avenue into a two-lane road.
Theres too much traffic. Getting rid of a lane is a bad idea, said Alvarez. I dont think its a good idea.
The road diet, another term for a roadway reconfiguration, will make Atlantic Avenue into a two-vehicle-lane road, down from its current four-vehicle-lane configuration. The idea is to improve safety by increasing mobility and access to different modes of transportation, such as bike lanes, roads and bus stops. Repaving roads, synchronizing lights, improving traffic flow and slowing down cars are just some ways a road diet can help improve Atlantic Citys quality of life.
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The multimillion-dollar project calls for repaving Atlantic Avenue, installing Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant sidewalks, adding bike lanes and LED streetlights, and making drainage improvements.
Road diets reduce crashes anywhere from 19% to 47%, according to the Federal Highway Administration.
The program has worked in the Downbeach communities of Margate and Longport. Although it was highly debated by Margate residents and officials at first, the city went ahead and completed the $400,000 street configuration project in 2021 with the help of a $271,000 grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
ATLANTIC CITY The Democratic mayor and Republican state senator have decided to work toget
In Atlantic City, the project is expected to cost an unclear number of millions, with $10.7 million covered by a federal infrastructure grant.
The estimated cost of Phase 1 is $5,061,891.80. The estimated cost of the first part of Phase 2 (2A) is around $2.2 million, said city spokesperson Andrew Kramer. Because the remaining phases are in the design stage, there are no estimated costs at this time.
The first phase of the road diet will start at Maine Avenue in the Inlet section of the city and run to Tennessee Avenue in midtown. Additional phases will complete the work 2.7 miles down to Albany Avenue in the Chelsea neighborhood.
But while City Council has already approved the first phase of the project, several council members have said they would not vote to continue past that point.
State Sen. Vince Polistina, R-Atlantic, said traffic throughout the city should remain two lanes in each direction, and that major transportation changes shouldnt happen without a complete traffic study that analyzes how the redistribution of traffic on adjacent roads will affect those roads.
The first phase at the north end doesnt have the same traffic as the center or southern portions of the town, so I think the road diet should be stopped after phase one, Polistina said.
Greater Atlantic City Chamber President Michael Chait also agreed that the city shouldnt carry out the road diet without a proper traffic study, and wouldnt know how city businesses and the citys economy would be affected until a full study was done.
Kramer said the city had illustrations to show what work will be done to each road and what they will look like. The city also has done a traffic study that showed how many vehicles approach traffic lights at about six intersections, how many vehicles turn left, how many bicyclists and pedestrians pass, and other traffic information.
ATLANTIC CITY The casino industry has concerns about the citys planned road diet for At
We dont know how much the synchronization of the lights will impact potential congestion. Its possible that this could improve traffic flow. But its difficult to understand what that is without the true study, said Chait. We would love to see the city implement a traffic study that would show potential additional congestion, or lack thereof. Paving the roads as part of this, which is obviously critical, a huge need for synchronization of the lights, would be fantastic. But without seeing an engineering firm conduct a traffic study, theres some cause for concern.
Mark Giannantonio, president of the Casino Association of New Jersey and CEO of Resorts Casino Hotel, also had concerns. He expressed his opinion during a recent city Clean and Safe committee meeting, wondering whether the road diet would be a turn-off to travelers coming to Atlantic City during peak traffic times.
Noel Feliciano, owner of One Stop Bait and Tackle in the Inlet, is worried about how the changes would affect small businesses.
Im sure people will get used to it, but will it help if people have to wait 15-20 minutes to get three blocks? said Feliciano. Fix what you have, and stop trying to reinvent the wheel. Down here its going to work, but once you get past Pennsylvania Avenue, its not. The city is already congested as it is. I doubt its going to work.
Preliminary work has already started on phase one of the road diet, which will affect 28 city streets.
The dieting portion of the project and paving will begin as soon as possible, Kramer said. If it begins this summer, the city will make sure work will be done in a way to ensure normal business activity during the height of tourism season will not be disrupted.
Its not the first time the topic of traffic flow has been discussed in the city.
Since 1906, officials periodically have tried to make Pacific Avenue a one-way street, to no avail.
ATLANTIC CITY Mayor Marty Small Sr. entered the room in a light-up robot costume to make h
Former Mayor Edward Bader, for whom Bader Field is named, made an unsuccessful attempt in 1920. And ideas to turn Atlantic Avenue into a one-lane road, along with other road reconfiguration options, were thrown into the mix in the 1980s and 90s.
The idea to make Pacific one-way toward the Inlet and Atlantic one-way toward Ventnor was also entertained, but fell apart. Criticism from the Atlantic City Jitney Association and the business community halted the initiative.
If someone says one way, I think you must have a one-way mind to think that, said city resident Higinio Rivera. Its not the right decision. The city needs to rebuild what it already has.
Fixing potholes and bumpy roads should be the citys first solution to mitigating traffic problems, said Rivera. City officials and residents have long complained about the state of the roads throughout the citys 48 blocks.
The community and public officials have long advocated for paved roads and synchronized lights, which many think would eliminate the need for a road lane reduction.
Casino executives, public safety professionals, business owners/groups, most elected officials, etc., believe the road diet is a bad idea, said Polistina. The city should listen to the many voices that dont think the road diet should happen and work together on alternatives to getting Atlantic Avenue paved.
See original here:
Is anyone in favor of the Atlantic City road diet? - Press of Atlantic City
IPL 2023: Exercise tips, diet plan for cricketers to stay fit the whole season – Hindustan Times

Indian Premier League or IPL is one of the most anticipated cricketing events worldwide, with the world's finest cricketers competing in a high-pressure, fast-paced cricket tournament where the players need to stay fit and healthy throughout the season to maintain their top performance level. The importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise cannot be overstated, especially in a tournament where the players are constantly on the go.
In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr J Haikishan, Senior General Physician at Kamineni Hospitals in Hyderabad, suggested that the cricketers maintain a well-balanced diet consisting of high protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and plenty of fruits and vegetables. He advised, A healthy diet is essential to maintain optimal energy levels, endurance and performance. A diet rich in protein helps in muscle repair and growth, while complex carbohydrates provide the necessary energy for sustained physical activity. In addition to a well-balanced diet, it is essential to stay hydrated throughout the tournament. The players should drink plenty of fluids, especially water, to avoid dehydration. Adequate hydration helps maintain optimal body temperature, which is crucial during long, intense matches.
As for exercise, he recommended, It is crucial for cricketers to maintain a consistent workout routine. The training should focus on building strength, endurance, and agility. Strength training helps in building muscle mass and improving overall strength, while endurance training improves cardiovascular health and stamina. Agility training helps in improving balance, coordination, and flexibility, all of which are essential for cricket. Incorporating stretching exercises into the workout routine is also crucial to prevent injuries. Stretching before and after a match helps in preventing muscle strains, sprains, and other injuries. A proper warm-up routine also helps in improving blood circulation, oxygen supply to the muscles, and reduces the risk of injury.
The health expert added, A well-balanced diet and consistent exercise routine are essential for cricketers to maintain optimal performance levels throughout the IPL season. A diet rich in protein and complex carbohydrates, along with plenty of fluids, is crucial to maintain energy levels and avoid dehydration. Regular strength, endurance, and agility training, along with stretching exercises, help prevent injuries and improve performance. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, cricketers can perform at their best and lead their teams to victory in the IPL season.
Bringing her expertise to the same, Vani Krishna, Chief Clinical Nutritionist at Manipal Hospital Varthur Road, Msc Nutrition and Dietetics, Certified Sports Nutritionist at SAI and Certified Bariatric Nutritionist, gushed, In India, cricket is the most famous form of sports from decades. We celebrate the joy to the fullest from the test match to the world cup. Have you any time thought about what diet the sportsmen eat? Nutrition plays an important role in the field of sports because better the nourishment better the performance. Eating an adequate amount of carbs, protein, fats, fluids are the vital components of food for a player. The food during training, eating before and after the match, hydration plays a vital role in the performance of a player.
Talking about the pre-game meals, she said, The meal should provide adequate energy, so that players will not feel hungry during the game . The meal should be composed of carbs, moderate protein and limit on fat content. A larger meal is recommended before 4 hours of the game starts, which ensures the food is digested and ready for the match. She recommended the following diet plan:
2. Pre-Game, 30 to 60 minutes Players should have light meals or drinks to avoid bloating and abdominal discomfort. Food should in less in fat content.
3. During the Match - Players must take the break as an advantage to top up the energy and fluids in the body. Try to include carbohydrate rich food , which is low in fat and contains enough fluids. Meals consumed during the cricket match must provide complex carbohydrates to keep the blood glucose level normal.
4. Recovery Phase - The most important phase for a player is the recovery phase. Immediate refueling after the match is to replenish the fluids and energy. Recovery meal intake should start as soon as the match finishes. The meal should contain protein along with carbohydrates with adequate fluids to match up the lost electrolytes. Protein carb meal helps the player to accelerate the post-match protein synthesis.
5. Hydration - Maintain an euhydrated state before the match to keep the electrolyte and normal plasma in the body. Avoid consuming too much fluid before and during the game since it may upset your stomach and make you frequently urinate. Plain water is the most effective drink to replenish the fluid lost. Mouth rinse with carb containing liquids can improve the performance and fatigue. To restore the depleted glycogen stores, sports drinks and gel can be included.
Read this article:
IPL 2023: Exercise tips, diet plan for cricketers to stay fit the whole season - Hindustan Times
‘I’m a dietitian here’s why these common diet myths don’t hold up’ – BBC

In recent years, fruit has become unnecessarily villainised because of the type of sugar it contains. Fructose is a naturally occurring sugar found in all fruits, and while research has suggested that a high intake of fructose is linked with an imbalance of cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and heart disease, its important to take a closer look before you consider any changes to your diet.
There are two important points to explore here. Firstly, most of these studies have been observational so we cant yet be sure that fructose alone causes these effects. Secondly and perhaps more importantly these studies mainly investigated the effects of high-fructose corn syrup (HCFS) which is completely different from the fructose found in fruit.
The sugar in whole fruit is contained within its cell structure so is not classed as free sugar, which is the type that many of us need to be mindful of. Free sugars are the kinds that are added to food or drink to sweeten it, and the type you find in juice, syrup and honey.
In fact, consuming fruit alongside vegetables has been associated with having a reduced risk of developing conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and some cancers.
Plus, fruits are a great source of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fibre all of which are important for good health.
We should aim for at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Fruit juice does contribute towards our five-a-day, although only ever as one portion no matter how much you drink. Its important to remember that the fibre is mostly removed in these drinks and the natural sugars count as free sugars (because of the juicing process the same goes for fruit smoothies). So, we should have no more than one small glass (150ml) a day.
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'I'm a dietitian here's why these common diet myths don't hold up' - BBC