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3 Foods To Remove From Your Diet To Drop Pounds So Fast – SheFinds

1. White bread
Many people prefer white bread for their sandwiches, toast, and more. It may even be a staple in your own pantry and diet. Unfortunately, thought, Richards warns that this is one of the worst foods for your overall health and could seriously stall your weight loss efforts. For this reason, cutting it out of your diet is one great step to take on your weight loss journey.
White bread and other refined carbs, Richards says,"have many negative side effects for our health and belly fat is just one of them." Essentially, these processed foods "have undergone a refining process where the fiber and beneficial nutrients are removed and possibly replaced with synthetic versions." That means eating white bread can lead to "quick sugar spikes and inflammation, both of which stall weight loss and damage health."
Luckily, there are plenty of healthier breads to choose from. Switching to whole grain or even sprouted bread could make a major difference in your weight loss progress. Discover one of the best breads for weight loss here.
Here's another type of refined carb that health experts urge you to kick to the curb if weight loss is your goal (or even if you just want to be healthier overall). Richards cites sugary pastries like donuts and danishes as some of the worst foods for inflammation and weight gain.
"They are a combination of refined carbs and fat from oil," she warns. "These two together provide you with a high calorie, inflammatory, and weight promoting snack."
Like white bread, she goes on to explain that pastries are highly inflammatory and likely to lead to a quick rise in glucose due to all that sugar. "When the body is inflamed for a prolonged period of time it becomes more difficult to lose weight," Richards says, emphasizing that "the body will begin to hold on to weight more easily."
For a healthier breakfast that can still hit that sweet spot, you may want to go with some yogurt, granola, and fruit. Here are some of the best weight loss-friendly breakfasts to choose from.
When it comes to the worst commonly used ingredients that are likely to slow your weight loss progress, vegetable oils are definitely somewhere at the top of the list. Mauro warns that these cooking oils, which are processed with chemicals and packed with omega-6 fatty acids, "are a key contributor to inflammation" and "can lead to chronic inflammatory diseases and an increased risk of obesity."
Additionally, vegetable oils offer virtually no nutritional value. As Cowin notes, they "contain only trace amounts of nutrients, meaning cooking with this oil doesn't provide much benefit to your body or diet compared to other oils that are higher in unsaturated fats like olive oil." Learn more about the health benefits of olive oil here.
Of course, there's also the simple fact that this ingredient is extremely calorie-dense, with a single tablespoon coming in around 120 calories. Overall, your best bet is to trade vegetable oils for olive oil.
Of course, losing weight should be a comprehensive effort; it will take more than just cutting a few inflammatory foods out if you want to reach your goal weight as quickly as possible. However, if you frequently indulge in foods like white bread and pastries and tend to cook with vegetable oils, eliminating these foods from your diet will certainly take you one step closer.
See the article here:
3 Foods To Remove From Your Diet To Drop Pounds So Fast - SheFinds
Sustainable weight loss: How to lose the extra kilos and not gain them back – The Indian Express

Losing weight can be hard, but maintaining that weight loss can be harder. So, it is not surprising that people try out different diet regimes and fitness routines to keep their weight in check sometimes even without consulting an expert. According to data and studies, while some diet plans may help lose weight successfully in a short period of time, their results may not be long-lasting or healthy in the long term making all the efforts go in vain. So, is there a way to lose weight sustainably and not gain it back?
What is sustainable weight loss?
According to Neha Pathania, Chief Dietician, Paras Health, Gurugram, sustainable weight loss refers to a long-term approach to losing weight in a healthy and maintainable way. It involves making gradual lifestyle changes that can be sustained over time, resulting in a healthy and stable weight, she added.
Elucidating, the expert said that sustainable weight loss focuses on creating a caloric deficit by balancing healthy eating habits and physical activity. The goal is losing weight gradually and safely; typically, one to two pounds per week. It also includes making permanent lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet, staying active, and managing stress. Its not just about losing weight quickly, but about creating habits that can be maintained over time, she told
How to achieve it
According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, Combatting overweight or obesity can lead to large fluctuations in an individuals body weight, often referred to as weight cycling or yo-yo dieting. Current evidence regarding the potentially damaging effects of these changes is conflicting.
Here are some tips that can help, as per Pathania:
*Focus on whole foods: Eat a diet rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats.
*Reduce processed and sugary foods: Avoid foods that are high in added sugars, unhealthy fats and refined carbohydrates, such as junk food, fast food, sugary drinks and processed snacks.
*Watch portion sizes: Practice portion control to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates, measure your food, and be mindful of your hunger and fullness cues.
*Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and to help you feel full. Avoid sugary drinks, which can contribute to weight gain.
*Exercise regularly: Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week.
*Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep can disrupt your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight.
*Manage stress: Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing exercises. Stress can lead to emotional eating and weight gain.
How to lose weight and not gain it back?
Talking about the same, Rujuta Diwekar, a celebrity nutritionist, took to Instagram to explain that our weight returns because we resume normal eating after a diet. We often make the mistake of cutting out certain food groups from our diet, and once we resume them, the weight immediately comes back, she said, adding that a lot of people lose weight, but not even 20 per cent of that population is able to keep off that weight. This can take anywhere between 3 weeks to 2 months, she stated.
The nutritionist further shared that slow and steady weight loss is the perfect way to make it last in the longer run. Ideally, we should aim for a weight loss of 5 to 10% over a period of one year. So, if you weight is 70 kgs, you should try to lose only 3.5 kgs to 7 kgs in the period of one year. This way, your weight loss will be healthy, and it will not return very easily even after you give up your diet.
Concluding, Pathania said, Remember that sustainable weight loss takes time and patience. Aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week, which is a safe and healthy rate of weight loss. Consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or medical conditions that may affect your weight loss journey.
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First published on: 26-04-2023 at 15:00 IST
Sustainable weight loss: How to lose the extra kilos and not gain them back - The Indian Express
1000-LB. Sisters Tammy Slaton needs 11-hour surgery costing $85k to fix excess skin & its not just her ne… – The US Sun

1000-LB. Sisters star Tammy Slaton's drooping skin needs cutting and stitching back up when her weight loss plateaus, a plastic surgeon has said.
But he warns that if the TLC star gains weight after any lengthy and pricy surgical skin removal treatments, it'll all be a waste of time.
Since making her debut 1000-Lb. Sisters in January 2020, Tammy Slaton lost a massive 300 pounds in weight.
The 36-year-old once tipped the scales at 717 pounds, and through the first three seasons, she was filmed managing her food addiction.
During season four, TLC began charting Tammys second stint at an Ohio food rehab clinic and her ongoing weight loss battle.
Kentucky-based Tammy followed up with gastric bypass surgery in June.
Now weighing around 400 pounds, Tammy posted a couple of post-surgery selfies on her Instagram feed recently.
These showed a close-up of her slimmed-down face - but the full effects of her weight loss meant Tammy's skin drooped under her neck.
One follower commented: "What's wrong with her neck? Is it something medical or excess loose skin due to weight loss?"
Another said: "Its been amazing seeing your consistency within your health journey. Soon enough youll be approved for skin removal and just know we are all rooting for you! Proud of you!"
Loose skin is usually caused by losing lots of weight quickly and is said to happen more to weight-loss surgery patients.
One way to get rid of the excess skin is via plastic surgery.
In an exclusive interview, plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Westreich told The U.S. Sun: If you lose around 100 pounds or more like Tammy has, then you wind up with extra skin.
After the initial extreme weight loss, skin presents underneath the chin as seen in Tammys Instagram photos.
After bariatric surgery and extreme weight loss, its usual to have extra skin, since it cant shrink enough.
The fat loss and the extra skin are no different than wearing old clothes.
Obviously your clothes from when you were heavier will hang off your body, and skin is no different.
Skin can shrink, but only by a variable degree.
If you put your clothes in the dryer and shrink them, theyll only shrink so much and can be still too big.
Most patients like Tammy would probably get a lot of issues with the arms and the lower abdomen.
"She would have issues with the legs - with the skin above the knees.
Usual skin tightening procedures wouldnt work in these instances.
For Tammys face, she would get a facelift or a direct neck lift where you cut out skin from the center of the neck before closing it up.
A neck lift would take between four to five hours and cost around $35,000.
For Tammys lower abdomen, this procedure would be abdominoplasty, which takes two to three hours and costs around $20,000.
For the knees, she would need a leg lift, which could take two hours and cost around $15,000.
The skin on Tammys arms would be taken care of by a Brachioplasty.
"This can take two hours and cost around $15,000 to remove the extra skin."
This totals $85,000 - and the doctor warns it could be wasted money.
He says: If she gains weight again after any skin surgeries, the skin will stretch again and shell be back to where she started.
During her years of food addiction, Tammy endured two rehab stays before undergoing gastric bypass surgery - or bariatric surgery - in June.
This is an operation on the digestive system which helps people lose weight quickly in extreme situations.
It works by creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach, meaning it takes less food to make you feel full and you'll absorb fewer calories from the food you eat.
In previous scenes during season 4, Tammy reached her goal weight of 550 pounds to allow her to get the surgery.
But after weighing in at 534 pounds, within months the reality star was spotted heading back to her home after a trip to McDonald's.
Tammy has also been seen out on her scooter, vaping, and shopping for Twinkies and other treats at Walmart with her sister Amy.
Dr, Westreich said: Most patients that undergo bariatric procedures get a lot of counseling for the skin area as well.
Tammy would have expected this type of sagging skin."
However, Tammy cannot get a skin tightening operation until her weight has "equalized."
Dr. Westreich said: This means waiting until youre evened down and not losing a significant amount of weight anymore.
That time frame is different for everybody.
The entire process is hard for patients because youre also treating obesity.
If you've lost several hundred pounds, its really worth it having to manage all this.
The surgeon would usually do a reasonable amount of the skin surgeries together.
"They may not do all of them but, usually, they would do the abdominoplasty, leg lift, and maybe the arms.
"The face usually gets done separately.
"The main scarring would be on the arms as that's the hardest one to hide.
"The chin or face scar will be obviously visible, but that's usually pretty well hidden.
"I don't think any of these skin surgeries are particularly difficult.
"I think that the arm lift would leave the worst scar that's very visible for Tammy.
From a recovery standpoint, the abdominoplasty and the leg lifts would probably be two to three weeks of recovery.
With regards to infections of the skin in the meantime, there wouldnt be any more risk.
Tammy wouldnt be getting any more skin infections with the rolls of skin she has than when she was heavier.
Go here to see the original:
1000-LB. Sisters Tammy Slaton needs 11-hour surgery costing $85k to fix excess skin & its not just her ne... - The US Sun
What Is the hCG Diet, and Is it Safe? – EatingWell

According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey posted on the National Center for Health Statistics, on any given day, 17.4% of the U.S. adult population over the age of 20 is on a special diet. Of those individuals on a diet, data shows it's more likely to be a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate and weight-loss-focused diet versus the low-fat or low-cholesterol diets that once reigned supreme in the wellness world.
Given the continual interest the public has in finding a quick-fix way to lose weight, popular trending diets like the ketogenic diet and Dukan Diet continue to surface, while others such as the hCG diet have tried to make a name for themselves over the years. While the hCG diet may be new to you, it's actually been around since the early 1950s and is touted to accelerate weight loss in conjunction with a very low-calorie diet. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about the hCG diet and what nutrition experts want you to know about its safety.
The hCG diet is a very low-calorie dietusually a range of 500 to 800 calories per daythat is used in conjunction with supplemental hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) injections as a means to stimulate weight loss. In the early 1950s, a British physician by the name of Albert Simeons began promoting the hCG diet for weight loss. Simeons made claims that the hCG diet allowed participants to burn stored body fat, not muscle mass, with testimonials claiming participants lost 20 to 30 pounds in 40 days without feeling hungry or weak.
Let's make this clear: Science has not proved nor supported any of the claims Simeons made in the 20th century. Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration has not supported the use of hCG for weight loss. While hCG is a hormone that is naturally produced in the body during pregnancy, it has not been approved by the FDA for weight loss nor for use without a prescription for any purpose.
Given the lack of scientific data on the hCG diet, the list of recommended foods allowed on the very low-calorie diet are a bit subjective. According to Lauren Manaker M.S., RDN, LD, a registered dietitian and author of Fueling Male Fertility, "The hCG diet requires that people stick to a low calorie limit spread over two meals a day. Calorie-free drinks that include coffee and tea are approved, and they can be sweetened with stevia or saccharin. Lean protein, certain low-carbohydrate vegetables, berries, citrus, apples and 1 tablespoon of milk is permitted every day."
With these factors in mind, the list of foods allowed on the hCG diet would look like this:
There is a simple and direct answer to this question: no. Women's health experts, Melissa Groves Azzaro, RDN, LD, owner of The Hormone Dietitian, Kendra Tolbert, M.S., RDN, RYT, owner of Live Fertile, and Manaker are all in agreement about this.
Groves Azzaro shares, "While hCG is a hormone naturally produced by the body during pregnancy, we do not know the long-term risks of daily exogenous hCG use. The diet also involves severe calorie restriction, with followers consuming just 500 calories a day, about a quarter of what most people need. While rapid weight loss may occur at first, it would not be sustainable as one's metabolism slows down."
In addition, the hCG diet is very restrictive. Groves Azzaro, Tolbert and Manaker all expressed extreme concern over the potential for nutrient deficiencies. Groves Azzaro writes, "Due to the limited food choices, this raises the risk for multiple nutrient deficiencies because it limits many necessary categories of foods including starchy vegetables, grains, and legumes, which are good sources of B vitamins and fiber, oils and fats, which could lead to deficiencies in many fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E and K."
While the hCG diet may appear promising for those interested in losing weight quickly, at this time, there are no scientific studies available supporting its use. In fact, a 2016 article published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements stated that there is no science available to support the efficacy of the hCG diet and use of it actually does more harm than good. Furthermore, registered dietitians interviewed unanimously agree this diet is dangerous and should not be recommended.
The only instance in which hCGwithout the recommendation of the very low-calorie diethas been recommended or approved for use by the FDA is under medical supervision and with a prescription for the treatment of infertility in certain situations.
Very low-calorie diets, like the 500 to 800 calories recommended on the hCG diet, pose a risk for nutrient deficiencies as mentioned above. A 2022 article published in the Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene explored the concept of nutrient deficiencies and the need for preventive measures to help improve health of individuals at risk. Given that the hCG diet puts individuals who follow the diet at risk of nutrient deficiencies related to inadequate intakes of important macro- and micronutrients, it poses concern for the risk of developing other diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
While the hCG diet is not in and of itself a style of intermittent fasting, its reduction in calories and thus minimal eating windows make it strikingly similar to a fasting-style diet. A recent 2022 study published in the journal of Eating and Weight DisordersStudies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity investigated the impact low-carbohydrate diets alongside intermittent fasting have on disordered eating in university students. Findings revealed that compared to non-dieters, dieters experienced a greater preoccupation with food that led to higher levels of binge eating, food cravings and restrictive tendencies towards food and carbohydrates.
A 2017 article published in the journal of Perspectives on Psychological Science explored the concept of weight loss from the lens of reducing calorie intake. While researchers found that lower calorie intakes did result in short-term weight loss, the weight loss was not sustainable and the impact this deficit had on one's metabolism and hormones was unfavorable. Instead, the scientists called for more research exploring the mechanisms that can help with controlling one's weight long-term aside from a reduction in calorie intake.
As tempting as it may be to hop on the "get fit quick" train with a low-calorie diet like the hCG diet, it's not recommended by health care professionals, regardless of your age or life stage. Both Groves Azzaro and Tolbert see red flags throughout this diet, sharing the same sentiment that the risks outweigh any supposed benefits the eating plan advertises. Groves Azzaro goes on to say, "There are much more sustainable ways to lose weight that are backed by scientific evidence and aren't associated with such risks."
Similar to other low-calorie diets, Groves Azzaro notes the side effects of this diet would include fatigue, irritability, depression, nutrient deficiencies, potentially constipation from the lack of fiber, dry skin, hair loss and a huge potential for weight regain. The FDA reports that serious adverse reactions have also been reported, including "cases of pulmonary embolism, depression, cerebrovascular issues, cardiac arrest and death." Both Groves Azzaro and Tolbert also share that the hCG injections bring potential risks as well, including pain, bruising and infection at the injection sites, as well as allergic-type reactions like rash, hives and swelling.
The hCG diet consists of a very low-calorie diet that ranges between 500 and 800 calories per day. These calories come from lean proteins and low-carbohydrate fruits and vegetables.
While diets that promise rapid weight loss like the hCG diet may seem alluring if you're been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully for some time, they are neither safe nor recommended by nutrition experts. The long-term consequences include nutrient deficiencies and potential for development of disordered eating behaviors, and the unknowns of hCG use far outweigh the short-term weight-loss potential. If you're looking for a sustainable approach to build lifelong healthy habits, consult with a health care professional who can work with your individual needs.
Up Next: How to Lose Weight When You Don't Know Where to Start, According to a Dietitian
See the original post here:
What Is the hCG Diet, and Is it Safe? - EatingWell
Understanding Low Testosterone: Available Treatment Options – Digital Journal

Published April 27, 2023
Low testosterone, also known as hypogonadism, is a condition that affects men of all ages. It is characterized by a low level of testosterone, the hormone that plays a key role in male development and sexual function. Symptoms of low testosterone can include decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and depression. Fortunately, there are several treatments available that can help to alleviate these symptoms.
The most commonlow t treatmentis testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). This involves the use of testosterone supplements to bring the levels of the hormone back to normal. TRT can be administered in a variety of forms, including injections, patches, gels, and pellets. Your doctor will work with you to determine the best method of administration for your specific needs.
TRT can be highly effective in treating the symptoms of low testosterone, including low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and fatigue. However, it is not without risks. Testosterone supplementation can increase the risk of certain health problems, such as prostate cancer and heart disease. As a result, it is important to work closely with your doctor to monitor your hormone levels and any potential side effects of treatment.
Another treatment option for low testosterone is clomiphene citrate. This medication works by stimulating the pituitary gland to produce more luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which in turn stimulates the production of testosterone. Clomiphene citrate is typically administered in pill form.
Clomiphene citrate is effective in improving testosterone levels in men with low testosterone. It may be a good option for men who do not want to undergo testosterone replacement therapy or who have concerns about the risks associated with TRT. However, like any medication, clomiphene citrate is not without potential side effects, and it is important to work closely with your doctor to monitor your hormone levels and any potential side effects of treatment.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is another treatment option for low testosterone. This hormone is similar in structure to LH and can help to stimulate testosterone production. hCG is typically administered via injection.
hCG can be effective in improving testosterone levels in men with low testosterone. However, like TRT and clomiphene citrate, it is not without potential risks and side effects. It is important to work closely with your doctor to monitor your hormone levels and any potential side effects of treatment.
In addition to medical treatments, several lifestyle changes can help to increase testosterone levels naturally. These include:
Exercise: Regular exercise, especially resistance training, can help to increase testosterone levels.
Diet: Eating a healthy, balanced diet that is high in protein and healthy fats can also help to increase testosterone levels.
Sleep: Getting enough quality sleep is important for overall health and can also help to increase testosterone levels.
Stress management: High levels of stress can lead to a decrease in testosterone levels. Engaging in stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing can help to increase testosterone levels.
Low testosterone is a common condition that can have a significant impact on a mans quality of life. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available that can help to alleviate the symptoms of the condition, including testosterone replacement therapy, clomiphene citrate, and human chorionic gonadotropin. Additionally, making lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress can also help to increase testosterone levels naturally.
Understanding Low Testosterone: Available Treatment Options - Digital Journal
Explained: What Is Hypothyroidism, Causes, Symptoms And Treatment –

Do I have hyperthyroidism?
Is it hypothyroidism?
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These are common questions that come into our mind when we look at our thyroid reports. This topic deals with thyroid gland dysfunction especially hyperthyroidism.
Thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland which is present in the neck in front of the trachea (windpipe). The main function of this gland is to produce thyroid hormones which are T4 and T3. T4 hormone is produced in excess of T3, however T4 is converted to T3 at tissue levels which is more active than T4.
Thyroid hormone requires iodine, hence adequate iodine in diet is necessary to avoid diseases. Thyroid gland is in turn regulated by pituitary - master gland (present in the brain) by producing TSH hormone. If the T4 or T3 production is not sufficient then the TSH levels in the pituitary goes up. This is seen in hypothyroidism. Similarly, if T4 / T3 levels are high, the TSH level goes down which is commonly seen in hyperthyroidism.
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Even though both the terms hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis are used interchangeably, both are not the same. Thyrotoxicosis is a lab finding where T4 & T3 are elevated and TSH levels are suppressed. This can be seen in hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis or overtreatment of hypothyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland is over functioning, thus producing increased levels of T4 and T3 hormones, followed by low TSH. In thyroiditis the thyroid hormone storage of 3-6 months is released prematurely into the bloodstream in a short time leading to a similar picture (but the gland is not hyperfunctioning). Luckily hyperthyroidism is much less common than hypothyroidism. The symptoms of thyrotoxicosis are as follows:
Unexplained weight loss
Tremors of hand
Palpitation- healing ones own heart beat
Increased frequency of stools
Generalized weakness
Muscle weakness
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Goitre (thyroid swelling)
Eye symptoms- redness, irritation, protrusion
Neck pain, fever
Thyrotoxicosis can be seen due to many conditions, which are discussed below
Graves Disease - Graves disease is an autoimmune disease in which auto-antibodies like TRAb (TSH receptor antibody) stimulate the thyroid to over function leading to goiter, high T4 and T3; low TSH. The TRab antibody also affects the eyes causing symptoms like redness, irritation, pain, protrusion and sometimes double vision.
Toxic Multinodular goiter - Subjects with long standing goiter may sometimes develop hyperthyroidism due to autonomy (loss of regulation by pituitary). Usually seen in elderly patients.
Toxic nodule with hyperthyroidism- Sometimes thyroid can have single hyperfunctioning nodule which increases thyroid hormone production. These can be diagnosed with Tc (Technetium) scan or Iodine 123 Scan. Patients respond well to radioactive iodine ablation.
Thyroiditis - Patients can have sudden release of thyroid hormone due to thyroiditis (inflammation of thyroid gland) causing sudden onset of symptoms like weight loss, tremor, palpitation, neck pain or fever. Usually seen after viral infections or after delivery (postpartum thyroiditis). Diagnosis is by combination of lab reports and clinical assessment. Patients respond well to steroids and painkillers.
Hyperemesis gravidarum - Pregnant women have increased HCG hormone levels which can stimulate the thyroid leading to transient thyrotoxicosis. Usually associated with vomiting in early pregnancy and resolves within 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Other causes - Some drugs like amiodarone, lithium, etc. can interfere with thyroid function or can interfere with the lab testing giving spurious results. Other rare causes of hyperthyroidism are TSH producing pituitary tumors and HCG producing tumors (germ cell tumors, choriocarcinoma)
Thyroid profile- TSH, T4 (total or free), T3 (total or free)
TSH receptor antibody (TRAb) - positive in Graves disease
Tc (Technetium scan) or I123 scan- Positive in Graves, toxic multinodular goiter and toxic nodule. Negative in thyroiditis
Ultrasound thyroid and FNA thyroid - in patients with nodular goiter
Anti-thyroid drugs- Methimazole, carbimazole, Propylthiouracil
Drugs to control symptoms and heart rate: Beta blockers or diltiazem
Radioactive iodine ablation- Patients with graves, toxic nodule, toxic multinodular goiter can be given radioactive Iodine which releases Gamma radiation which kills the overactive thyroid cells making the patient hypothyroid, which can be managed more easily
Surgery- in patients with large goiter patients who are not fit for anti-thyroid drugs and radioactive iodine.
Steroids + anti-inflammatory drugs for patients with thyroiditis
Patients require close follow up every 1-2 months initially to monitor symptoms and thyroid profiles. Once the initial control is achieved a longer interval can be prescribed. Some patients achieve long term remission with antithyroid drugs. However, patients advised against use of anti-thyroid drugs without supervision because complications can develop in unregulated treatment.
About the author: Dr. Shrinath P Shetty is an Endocrinologist at KMC Hospital, Mangalore. All views/opinions expressed in the article are of the author.
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Explained: What Is Hypothyroidism, Causes, Symptoms And Treatment -
Fit Body Boot Camp Opens with Transformation Challenge for … – InvestorsObserver

New Gym Debuts May 15 Introducing Workouts that Burn Twice the Calories in Half the Time through Science-Based Exercise
FLOWOOD, Miss. , May 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Fit Body Boot Camp , the world's fastest-growing boot camp fitness franchise, is opening in Flowood and motivating people to live a more active lifestyle. Located at 901 Lakeland Place, Ste. 5C, Fit Body Boot Camp brings a welcoming, fat burning group workout to the Flowood area. Due to the blended training exercises, calories will continue to burn up to 36 hours after each 30-minute workout is complete.
The new Fit Body Boot Camp is owned and operated bylocal entrepreneurs and husband-wife duo, Chouna and Philip Land . Chouna, a Mississippi native and mother of 3, first discovered her passion for fitness after having her third child. After reaching her own fitness goals, she decided to start working at the gym she trained at. She worked her way up through a variety of roles and became a coach and trainer. The couple discovered Fit Body Boot Camp while visiting the brand's headquarters in Chino Hills, CA. Immediately after meeting the Fit Body team and trying one of their workouts, Chouna and Philip knew they wanted to be apart of the brand. Between Philip's entrepreneurial background and Chouna's well-versed fitness experience, this husband-and-wife duo is thrilled to bring the first Fit Body Boot Camp to the state of Mississippi and has plans to continue expanding their business locally in the near future.
"Fit Body Boot Camp cultivates a unique concept and is built by incredible people," said Chouna Land. "As a mom, I know the 30-minute workout is perfect to stay active and healthy while also still providing the time I need to spend at home. This is a concept I know our community will love and I cannot wait to get started!"
Fit Body Boot Camp's specialized Afterburn workouts use a combination of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Active Rest Training to help the body burn up to twice the fat and calories that traditional workouts burn in only half the time and keep it burning for up to 36 hours after each group personal training session. Fit Body Boot Camp workouts are designed for both women and men and aim to support the client's success with one-on-one accountability with fitness coaches, nutrition coaching, smart goal-setting and workout adjustments.
Fit Body Boot Camp Flowood will have sessions scheduled in the mornings and evenings to accommodate all schedules. The coaches use low-risk exercises and minimal equipment to emphasize the natural fat burning and muscle toning power of the human body. Fit Body Boot Camp not only aims to minimize fat, but the overarching goal is to increase confidence and self-worth for people working out at the gym. A focus of every location is to create a local family that is dedicated to wellness and supportive of each other and themselves.
As the pioneer of indoor group training concepts, Fit Body Boot Camp was founded in 2009 by personal trainer & fitness industry icon/social influencer/author/podcaster Bedros Keuilian . His vision was to provide mainstream access to best-in-class professional guidance from fitness coaches, at a fraction of the cost of expensive one-on-one personal training. With convenience in high demand in a fast-paced world, the brand's 30-minute, high intensity workout also appeals to those looking to get a good burn in a short period of time.
For more information about how to become a member of Fit Body Boot Camp in Flowood , please visit or call 601-724-2050.
About Fit Body Boot Camp Founded in 2009, Fit Body Boot Camp is the world's fastest growing fitness boot camp, offering members around the world affordable, high-intensity, 30-minute fat loss boot camps that challenge the body and deliver results. As an established, award-winning brand, Fit Body Boot Camp has been recognized by Inc. Magazine on its Inc. 5000 list for fastest growing companies in the United States for four consecutive years and Entrepreneur Magazine on its Franchise 500 list for three consecutive years. For more information about Fit Body Boot Camp, visit .
Media Contact:Danny Stewart | Fishman PR | 847-945-1300 |
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SOURCE Fit Body Boot Camp
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Fit Body Boot Camp Opens with Transformation Challenge for ... - InvestorsObserver
Weight Loss Surgery Could Cut Cancer Risk in Half Over Time – WebMD

May 1, 2023 Weight loss surgery has long been known to provide health benefits beyond the actual pounds lost. Diabetes can go into remission, sleep apnea can improve, and blood pressure can decrease, research has shown. Now researchers are adding a lower risk of cancer to the list.
The researchers compared almost 56,000 people with obesity who had bariatric surgery to the same number who did not. They tracked how many people developed cancer over the next 10 years.
The surgery group had less than half as many cases of cancer.
We did see a difference in breast cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, and ovarian cancer incidence with patients in the bariatric surgery group having lower incidence of these four types of cancers when compared to the non-surgical control group, said Vibhu Chittajallu, MD, lead study author and a gastroenterology fellow at University Hospitals in Cleveland.
Obesity has been associated with multiple serious illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The obesity epidemic is one of the most serious health challenges in the U.S. today, Chittajallu said during an April 27 media preview of research highlights for Digestive Disease Week 2023.
Obesity is also common. The CDC reports thatnearly 42% of American adults have obesity, and rates continue to rise.
Chittajallu and colleagues identified 55,789 people with obesity who underwent the surgery and a control group of others who did not by using billing codes in a national database. Their retrospective, observational study included people undergoing sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, and gastric band procedures at one of 47 health care organizations nationwide.
Key Findings
They found 4% of the surgery group and 8.9% of the non-surgery group developed cancer. The bariatric surgery group had lower numbers of new cases for multiple types of cancer.
Cancer Development Over 10 Years
The researchers found significant drops in four specific cancers linked to obesity: breast cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, and ovarian cancer. Several other cancers were not significantly different between groups, including renal, rectal, and endometrial cancers.
Why the risk of cancer drops after surgery for obesity is not completely understood, Chittajallu said, but bariatric surgery has been shown to lower excess inflammation, elevate insulin, and moderate hormone levels.
Makes Logical Sense
Loren Laine, MD, moderator of the media briefing, described the study as fascinating.
Obesity is clearly associated with a number of different cancers and that's very important. So it makes logical sense that if you lose weight that you will reduce that risk, said Laine, who is a professor of medicine and chief of digestive health at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, CT.
The investigators controlled for risk factors that also could contribute to cancer development, including smoking history, alcohol use, heart disease, and hormone therapies. Laine added it was likely that investigators could not control for all factors because they were limited to information available in the database.
Unanswered Questions
If future research shows that the more weight you lose, the more likely you are to have a reduction in cancer, that would be fascinating, Laine said. Also, it would be interesting to know if other approaches like weight loss medications could decrease the number of cancers too.
We need more research to understand how bariatric surgery affects cancer risk, Chittajallu said, but the significant findings from this study suggest its an exciting avenue for further study.
Continued here:
Weight Loss Surgery Could Cut Cancer Risk in Half Over Time - WebMD
Lose Weight with Sunflower Seeds: Expert-Backed Advice – msnNOW

Provided by Getty Images Sunflower Seed image
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Sunflower seeds are sources of fiber that increases satiety and decreases the feeling of hunger. However, it is a source of healthy fats, has a high caloric value, and should be consumed in moderation.
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They can help with weight loss yes, because like other seeds like pumpkin seed, flaxseed and chia, they give you satiety, keeping you fuller for longer, reducing caloric intake. But remember that no food has the power to make you lose weight, this process depends on many factors.
See more questions and expert answers related to Sunflower Seed.
Love Sunflower Seed? Get nutritional facts, tips from health experts, and more
Sunflower seeds are a great source of health promoting vitamins, minerals and fibre which all may support weight loss. Sunflower seeds are also a great source of polyunsaturated fat which is one of the most health promoting fats and help keep us fuller for longer which can aid in weight loss.
See more questions and expert answers related to Sunflower Seed.
Love Sunflower Seed? Get nutritional facts, tips from health experts, and more
Originally posted here:
Lose Weight with Sunflower Seeds: Expert-Backed Advice - msnNOW
Princess Beatrice’s significant weight loss after ‘upsetting’ pictures were released – Express

Princess Beatrice has lost a lot of weight over the years (Image: GETTY/PA)
Princess Beatrice has battled with her weight in the past, but she is currently known for her extraordinarily slim body. In 2010, the Princess of York partook in the London Marathon which was when her figure began to visibly change. The Princess reportedly lost two stone in preparation for the run.
Since then, she has kept her trim figure and always looks stunning in photos on royal engagements.
Beatrice was upfront about her weight difficulties in her late teens and early twenties when she had a quite different appearance.
The Princess has attributed her ability to maintain her weight loss to a powerful fitness regimen.
This includes exercise, lots of water, and plenty of fruits and vegetables, which is a claim her fitness trainers have also supported.
Beatrice was motivated to lose weight after pictures taken of her in a swimsuit on a Saint Barthelemy beach in 2008 were released.
Regarding the images, she stated at the time: "I could probably do with losing the odd pound though, so perhaps it's the kick I need.
"It was such an unflattering bikini and I've got one that's so much nicer, so I could have kicked myself for wearing it.
"I thought people were a bit mean, although I know it comes with the territory. The trouble is, I don't have much confidence so it can be quite upsetting," she told The Daily Mail.
Beatrice finished the half-marathon in two hours and 16 minutes in September 2010.
Then in April 2011, the Princess of York partook in the full London Marathon with her boyfriend at the time.
Now 12 years later, Beatrice is a mother-of-one and has never looked better.
Since running the marathons, her weight has not shifted in any great way, and she looks incredible.
Personal trainer Nadya Fairweather helped Princess Beatrice get in shape prior to giving birth to Sienna Mapelli Mozzi.
Nadya commented: "She wanted to build up her stamina and just make exercise a part of her life.
"We train whatever the weather and she never cancels shes pretty hardcore," she told People Magazine.
Princess Beatrice found time for three to five workouts per week, including at-home workouts, despite having a demanding royal schedule.
Prince Philippos of Greece and Nina Flohr married one month after Sienna's birth, and Princess Beatrice and her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi attended the nuptials.
The new mother looked stunning in a two-tone dress that included a wide black skirt with a sparkly pink ribbon adorning it, as well as a beige long-sleeved bodice.
In order to lose weight, it's possible that the royal changed her diet and chose healthier options.
Princess Beatrice most certainly included exercise in her post-birth regimen as well, presumably at varying intensities depending on the type of pregnancy she had.
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Princess Beatrice's significant weight loss after 'upsetting' pictures were released - Express