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Feb 18

How to Build Healthy Habits – The New York Times

Do it every day. British researchers studied how people form habits in the real world, asking participants to choose a simple habit they wanted to form, like drinking water at lunch or taking a walk before dinner. The study, published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, showed that the amount of time it took for the task to become automatic a habit ranged from 18 to 254 days. The median time was 66 days!

The lesson is that habits take a long time to create, but they form faster when we do them more often, so start with something reasonable that is really easy to do. You are more likely to stick with an exercise habit if you do some small exercise jumping jacks, a yoga pose, a brisk walk every day, rather than trying to get to the gym three days a week. Once the daily exercise becomes a habit, you can explore new, more intense forms of exercise.

Make it easy. Habit researchers know we are more likely to form new habits when we clear away the obstacles that stand in our way. Packing your gym bag and leaving it by the door is one example of this. Wendy Wood, a research psychologist at the University of Southern California, says she began sleeping in her running clothes to make it easier to roll out of bed in the morning, slip on her running shoes and run. Choosing an exercise that doesnt require you to leave the house like situps or jumping jacks is another way to form an easy exercise habit.

Dr. Wood, author of the book, Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes That Stick, calls the forces that get in the way of good habits friction. In one study, researchers changed the timing of elevator doors so that workers had to wait nearly half a minute for the doors to close. (Normally the doors closed after 10 seconds.) It was just enough of a delay that it convinced many people that taking the stairs was easier than waiting for the elevator. It shows how sensitive we are to small friction in our environment, said Dr. Wood. Just slowing down the elevator got people to take the stairs, and they stuck with it even after the elevator went back to normal timing.

Dr. Wood notes that marketers are already experts in reducing friction, inducing us to spend more, for example, or order more food. Thats why Amazon has a one-click button and fast-food companies make it easy to supersize. Were just very influenced by how things are organized around us in ways that marketers understand and are exploiting, but people dont exploit and understand in their own lives, she said.

Reward yourself. Rewards are an important part of habit formation. When we brush our teeth, the reward is immediate a minty fresh mouth. But some rewards like weight loss or the physical changes from exercise take longer to show up. Thats why it helps to build in some immediate rewards to help you form the habit. Listening to audiobooks while running, for example, or watching a favorite cooking show on the treadmill can help reinforce an exercise habit. Or plan an exercise date so the reward is time with a friend.

Take the Healthy-Habits Well Challenge: Now that you know what it takes to start building healthy habits, try the new Well Challenge, which gives you a small tip every day to help you move more, connect with those you love, refresh your mind and nourish your body. Just sign up, and Ill send you a daily email about your next challenge. You can also get these tips and more delivered each day to your smart speaker with My Well Minute, our new Flash Briefing skill on Alexa. Find out how to get started here.

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How to Build Healthy Habits - The New York Times

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Feb 18

Steer clear of the dry fasting diet trend – York Dispatch

A new fad diet includes consuming no water or liquids of any kind for many hours or days at a time, which is dangerous. (Dreamstime/TNS)(Photo: Dreamstime / TNS)

A new fad diet making the rounds on wellness influencer Instagram wont actually help you lose weight. And it could cause dehydration, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, organ failure even death.

Its called dry fasting. It goes beyond what most of us would consider fasting abstaining from solid food or liquid calories and requires consuming no water or liquids of any kind for many hours or even days at a time.

Instagram and other social media sites have provided a glossy new platform for extremely dubious health and nutrition claims. Posts about dry fasting often tout the need to heal or rest or reset your kidneys, or boost their filtration. In practice, what dry fasting will do is make you look a bit more toned, because your body is using up the water in your cells for energy.

Even more dubious claims suggest that dry fasting forces your body to burn toxins, or fat, or inflammation, or tumors. It does not. When you stop feeding your body calories, it breaks down muscle and fat. The toxic byproducts of that breakdown process build up in your system, requiring extra hydration to flush them out.

In other words, if youre abstaining from food, your body needs more water, not less.

Experts agree: There is no dietary or nutritional reason to go on a dry fast.

I dont recommend it at all, said Dr. Pauline Yi, a physician at UCLA Health Beverly Hills who regularly treats patients in their late teens and early 20s. She said intermittent fasting and other fasting-type diets are a popular topic with patients, and she has no problem with people trying them out.

But I also tell them when youre fasting you have to drink water, she said. You cannot go without hydration.

The majority of the human body is water. Your individual water consumption needs depend on your height, weight, health and the climate, but generally speaking, Yi said people should be consuming at least 68 ounces almost nine cups of water every day.

Cary Kreutzer, an associate professor at USCs schools of gerontology and medicine whose area of expertise includes nutrition and diet, says digestive systems arent meant to have extended breaks. She likened making your kidneys go without water to letting your cars engine run out of oil. You can basically burn out some parts of the car that youre going to have to get replaced, she said. You dont want those replacement parts to include your vital organs.

Another unintended consequence of dry fasting: It sets your body in water-conservation mode.

Your body likes homeostasis, said Yi, the physician. If youre going to cut back on water, your body will produce hormones and chemicals to hold onto any water.

So while you might gain a very short-term benefit by looking a tiny bit more toned while youre severely dehydrated (body-builders have been known to dry fast before competitions for that reason), once you consume liquid again, your body rebounds and desperately hangs on to even more water than before. Its like yo-yo dieting in fast motion.

Dry fasting is not the same thing as intermittent fasting, which has become a popular fad diet in recent years. There are different variations of intermittent fasting, but most people start with 16 hours of fasting followed by eight hours of eating. Martin Berkhan created the LeanGains 16:8 intermittent fasting guide and is widely credited with popularizing the diet. On his website,, Berkhan writes that during the 16-hour fasting window, coffee, calorie-free sweeteners, diet soda, sugar-free gum and up to a teaspoon of milk in a cup of coffee wont break the fast.

The subreddit for fasting, r/fasting, has an Introduction to Intermittent Fasting guide that contains the following tips for surviving the fasting portion of your day:

Drink lots of cold water

Always carry water, a canteen, a bottle, or keep a full glass within sight

Water, water, water, water

Valter Longo has studied starvation, fasting and calorie restriction in humans for nearly 30 years. Hes currently the director of the Longevity Institute at USC and a professor of gerontology. He developed the Fasting-Mimicking Diet, or FMD, a fasting-type diet with small prepackaged meals intended to provide the health and longevity benefits of a five-day fast without requiring a doctors supervision. Fasting-type diets have grown in popularity in recent years for a simple reason, he said: Because they work.

But he said hes not aware of any reputable studies about the effects of dry fasting, and said he wouldnt even consider putting one together, also for a simple reason: Its incredibly dangerous.

For sure, the body needs to reset, but there are safe ways of doing that, and dry fasting is not one of them, Longo said. We require water.

His work has also involved looking at how cultures and religions have engaged with starvation and fasting throughout human history, and says he hasnt heard of any that involved extended fasting without water. The closest is Ramadan, during which observers go without food or water during daylight hours but at most, that lasts for 16 hours, and its preceded and followed by extensive hydration.

If someone tries dry fasting for a full day, Longo said, they risk side effects like developing kidney stones. Longer than that, and you start risking your life.

Some proponents of dry fasting eschew water but recommend hydrating with fresh fruits and vegetables. Hydrating with fruit is certainly better than not hydrating at all. An orange has about a half-cup of water in it; to get to the recommended 68 ounces of water a day, youd have to eat around 17 oranges. Thats a lot of peeling.

So, in conclusion: Dry fasting puts you at risk of kidney stones or organ failure. There are no known, proven long-term benefits to doing it. Though different types of fasts and fasting diets can be beneficial, there is no medical evidence to suggest you need to stop consuming water for any period of time, or that water from fruit is better for you than filtered drinking water. Do not take medical advice from a photo of a person in a sarong.

Please drink some water.

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Steer clear of the dry fasting diet trend - York Dispatch

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Feb 18

Body type, stress and sleep – FIT Talk With Tania –

Photo: Contributed

If you're one of the many readers who set their 2020 vision for health and have been following along in this eight-week series, you should be at about the halfway mark and starting to see and feel some positive changes in your body.

Makes you want to keep going, doesn't it?

So far I've covered how detoxing is a great way to clean out your body's filtering systems colon, liver, kidneys and start fresh and clean, working towards achieving your health and weight loss goals. I also explained the importance of choosing clean, single-ingredient foods and eating them in a way that stabilizes blood sugar and why this is so important, not only for weight loss, but for overall health.

If you missed these earlier articles, you can get up to speed by joining my 8 Weeks is All it Takes group on Facebook and watching the weekly videos posted in the announcements section.

Moving on through week three and into four, we're going to dive into unpacking the three different body types and identifying which one best describes you. Also, we're going to explore how stress and sleep directly affect your weight and overall health.

When it comes to body type, you'll fall into one of these three categories: ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph. An ectomorph is someone who can lose weight easily and never seems to gain an ounce. An endomorph is just the opposite, someone who has to work harder to lose weight and can gain it back quite easily. A mesomorph is someone who falls somewhere in the middle and can lose or gain weight just about equally well. And as you may have guessed, everyone's metabolism is different.

Think about a bicycle. Ectomorphs are lean and fast, much like a road bike. Mesomorphs are similar to a mountain bike. A bit more resistance than a road bike, but will get to the destination relatively quickly when you ride just a little harder. Endomorphs are like the cruiser bikes. No gears or anything extra to make pedalling easier, but when you put in the effort and stay the course you will get there.

That last bit is important to note. You will get there. Regardless how fast (or not) your metabolism is, or how quickly (or not) you lose weight, if you just keep riding your bike and moving forward, you will arrive at your destination and see results.

Body type is only one determining factor in reaching your health and weight-loss goals. Stress and sleep carry a lot of weight here too. No pun intended.

Let's do a little survey. On a scale of one to 10, if one is nothing and 10 is maxed out, what number would you give your current level of stress? On the same scale, how would you rate the way you've been sleeping? Ideally, you want to be low on the stress and high on the sleep. Unfortunately, the opposite is true for most folks.

Stress triggers a chain of reactions that, if not broken, is extremely detrimental to your health. Cortisol is released into the blood stream, which causes the body to store belly fat. Blood sugar levels spike resulting in insulin spikes as the pancreas works overtime to try and bring the levels back in line and restore balance. Adrenaline is also released into the body, digestive function is slowed, sleep is compromised and blood flow is diverted away from vital organs to our extremities. Stress, whether real or perceived, equates to danger and these things are set in motion to prepare us to be able to stand and fight or turn and run away. Problem is, stress is not so much situational like when our ancestors had to run from a tiger or fight off attackers. They escape, stress is gone, body goes back to its original state. Today, most people who describe themselves as being stressed say it's just there and they don't see any way to change it. With no escape, the body remains in this heightened state, constantly working overtime.

Lack of sleep also comes with some side effects. Without enough hours of good quality sleep on a regular basis, the body cannot properly metabolize the food you give it. So even when you're eating good quality food, you're missing out on some of the nutrients. In addition, the hormones that tell us when we're hungry or full (ghrelin and leptin) become imbalanced with lack of sleep, causing us to make poor food choices. Lack of sleep also lowers immune function, affects moods, concentration, focus, co-ordination, decreases your productivity, and increases internal inflammation.

So what can a stressed-out, sleep-deprived endomorph do to lose weight and increase overall health? First, although you can't change your body type per se, any body type can increase metabolism with good quality food and eating to stabilize blood sugar. Truly, you'd be amazed what this can do. Next, set yourself up for a good night's sleep by turning off all screen time 30-60 minutes before bed. Dim the lights and opt for reading, taking a warm bath, listening to music, etc., to wind down and prepare your body for sleep. And if you have a lot going on in your head, quickly jot down on paper everything running around in there, effectively emptying your mind and allowing you to fall asleep more quickly and have better quality sleep.

Finally, identify where your stress is coming from and put it into perspective. We mistakenly think that everything needs to be done yesterday or the world will come to an end. Know your limits, prioritize, and ask yourself, Will anyone die if I don't ________? If the answer is no, let it go. And to break up stress and allow your body to come back down, get out and run like a tiger really is chasing you. You'll be amazed at how great you feel.

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Body type, stress and sleep - FIT Talk With Tania -

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Feb 18

How to Be an Effective Motivational Speaker for Yourself – Thrive Global

Remember Your Reasons

It has to start first with the answer to your whys. Why do you have to wake up early every day? Why do you have to do this laborious job that leaves you exhausted at the end of the day? Why do you have to study thick books each night?

Remember that all the hard work and pain that you conquer every day all roots from different reasons. Perhaps its because you want to help your family or make them proud. Or maybe you just simply want to prove to yourself that you can achieve your dreams.

Each day, its inevitable that the mundane tasks will leave you feeling dull and uninspired. If you cant get out of that mindset quickly, you will be stuck in that negative emotion. You might even end up quitting altogether.

This is also the perfect opportunity for you to realize the importance of your sacrifices. Are the things youre compromising for worth it? Perhaps if you cant find a strong reason, then you shouldnt kill a part of yourself from doing it.

You, of all people, know more about yourself. You dont have to get influenced by the opinions of other people. You might end up seeing your colleagues or classmates giving up. And maybe their reasons also resonates with you that you might end up doing the same. However, you have your own reasons and inspirations. You just have to find them and keep them engraved on your mind.

Once that happens, you will realize that its up to you to change yourself. The world is not going to put your goals in easy mode. And no one is going to shape themselves to please you. But what you can do is you can develop yourself to adapt to different challenges. At the same time, you have your own say on how youll react to those changes.

Another habit that you should start is affirming your goals and personal changes that you want to happen in your life. It can be something as simple as I want to eat healthy this week. It is measurable and realistic enough that you wont feel pressured when you remind yourself of it. If you want to be an effective motivational speaker for yourself, you have to be your own coach towards your goals.

Lastly, make sure that you wont lose sight of your goals. Its very easy to just focus on the stress and difficulty of achieving it. Therefore, you have to engrave your affirmations inside your head. Perhaps a simple quotation by your door is enough to remind you that you are on your way there.

As I have mentioned previously, you have to remind yourself of your goals. But at the same time, be realistic about what you want to achieve. If you decide to go all the way immediately, chances are youll get pressured or stressed if you fail in doing certain things. Divide your goals into chunks that are doable.

Instead of saying that you want to lose weight this year daily, you can focus on what you want to change weekly. Maybe you want to start by reminding yourself to cut off sugary and fried foods. And next week, you want to insert half an hour of cardio every morning. Youll discover that instead of convincing yourself to quit, youll be more motivated to finish your goals.

My concept here is that you dont want to get stagnant. You have to keep moving, even if its just in small steps. Over time, even if youre just placing one brick a day, youll be surprised that the wall is close to finishing. You wont end up feeling demotivated if you didnt reach the expectations you set. Since they are much easier to do, youll feel much closer to your main goal.

For example, maybe youve been trying to redesign your home. However, youve been putting it off because it feels like such an exhausting thing to do. You can start by changing your walkway using a paver sealer. A small step like this is recognizable enough to keep you motivated. Think about it, the voice in your head doubts that youll finish that project. However, you noticed that your walkway looks way better than before. Youll be a much more effective motivational speaker when you see progress.

Dividing a goal into steps and chunks makes it more realistic to achieve. You only have to focus on one part at a time, so you dont end up procrastinating. And speaking of which, dividing a goal into different steps also makes it much easier for you to notice the things that can keep you from finishing or achieving a task.

Maybe you find yourself more overwhelmed or uninspired when doing a particular task. Once youre aware of them, dig deep on what you can hold onto to keep you from quitting. Are you feeling angry because you can no longer enjoy holidays because you end up using them for reviewing your lessons?

Perhaps you can divide your time to give yourself a breather. This way, the motivational speaker in you also gets his recharge to convince you afterward. It is worth noting that motivation is only going to be useful if you remove the factors that can stop you from believing in it. A problem that you might have ignored because it seems insignificant is enough to kill your motivation.

Perhaps the most effective quote that you can say to yourself to keep you motivated is the phrase, Do it now. Remember that we divided your goal into easy tasks, so you have no reason to skip them.

If you wait too long into doing something, trust me, youll end up not doing it. You might have the urge to start writing your book while watching your favorite movie. If so, then go ahead and stand up to do it. If you dont, youll end up with different reasons not to do it.

Imagine how many ideas that you didnt act on immediately. What if you were so close to accomplishing a lifelong dream, but you just pushed your motivational voice aside? Once the instinct kicks in, then go ahead and make it happen.Wouldnt itll be much easier to stay motivated when youve started something? After all, being happy makes you more productive.

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How to Be an Effective Motivational Speaker for Yourself - Thrive Global

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Feb 17

This SAS endurance workout will build strength and also melt fat off your body – T3

This SAS workout is a bit different from the workout routines we have posted here on T3. Well, maybe not fundamentally different from the Navy SEAL workout but definitely unlike the two-day push-pull workout or even the best bodyweight workout for beginners.

The reason being, in order to pass the 3-stage SAS selection process, you will need endurance, and a lot of it, as opposed to 'just' muscle mass. This doesn't mean you shouldn't follow the basic rules of how to get stronger but if you want to build endurance, you will need to move on from doing bicep curls only to doing more compound exercises, like squats and deadlifts.

In fact, if you are especially time-poor, in order to build overall strength, you can follow our best full body workout routine to build strength, but as well as doing that, you'll need a few more additional days of training throughout the week to build endurance as well as strength.

Most importantly, as much as the SAS workout is good for burning fat and building strength, if you ever struggled with obesity or have not been doing much (or any) physical training, you might want to consider losing weight fast first and/or get fit before you opt in for doing hard core military-style training.

Garmin Fenix 6 multisport smartwatch | Prices from 529.99 at GarminWe love the Garmin Fenix 6 Pro because it further refined the formula already tried and tested in the Garmin Fenix 5 Plus. It has long battery life, bigger screen and better menu system, just to mention a few improvements over its predecessor. A true adventure smartwatch with built-in topographic maps, compass, barometer and altimeter. Oh, and it tells the time, too.View Deal

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The SAS selection test is gruelling both for the body and the mind and consists of three parts:

This stage lasts for three weeks (!) and takes place in the hilly area in South Wales. Candidates have to carry a backpack full of equipment called bergen over a series of long timed hikes, navigating between checkpoints.

The bergen gets heavier as the days pass and the endurance phase culminates with 'the long drag', a 40-mile trek carrying a 55lb (25kg) bergen, that must be completed in under 24 hours.

Training takes place in Belize in Central-America, deep in the jungles. Those few who have passed the first stage will have to learn the basics of surviving and patrolling in the humid and warm conditions, surrounded by dense vegetation and bothered by small insects as well as noises coming from the forest.

For the escape and evasion (E&E) portion of the course, the candidates are given brief instructions on appropriate techniques then let loose in the countryside. They have to make their way to a series of waypoints without being captured by the 'hunter force' of SAS soldiers. This portion lasts for three days after which all candidates report for TQ, a.k.a. interrogation 'practice'.

Garmin Instinct rugged GPS smartwatch | Sale price 211 | Was 269.99 | Save 58.99 at AmazonConstructed to U.S. Military standard 810G for thermal, shock and water resistance, the Garmin Instinct is built for the Great Outdoors, for explorers who aren't afraid to get muddy and get their hands dirty when out in the wild. The integrated 3-axis compass and barometric altimeter, plus multiple global navigation satellite systems (GPS, GLONASS and Galileo) will get you where you want to be and back in one piece.View Deal

Garmin Instinct Rugged GPS...

Protein is great for muscle building as well as muscle repair

(Image credit: Getty images)

If you want to build muscles and lose fat, you will need to eat right and keep a balanced diet which includes ample amount of protein and good fats as well as clean carbs. Being more mindful about what your body requires to perform better is crucial part of endurance tests and the SAS selection process is no different.

Either you are trying to lose fat or want to build muscle, eating more protein is beneficial for you. If you fall in the former category, try swapping some bad fats and carbs most of the processed food falls into this category to protein snacks, let them be protein bars or just a small portion of high-carb nuts.

If you are trying to gain muscle mass and are naturally skinny, try adding some high protein mass gainers, like Bulk Powders' Informed Mass or The Protein Works' Total Mass Matrix.

Drinking more water also helps, so fill up your gym water bottle and drink that water!

Bulk Powders Protein Flap Jack, box of 12 | Sale price 12.99 | Was 19.99 | Save 7 at Bulk PowdersThe Bulk Powders Protein Flap Jack not only tastes amazing but it also has 21 grams of muscle building protein in each 85-gram bar as well as loads of fibres too. Choose from three equally as delicious flavours: Chocolate Chip, Golden Syrup and White Chocolate Berry. A bit on the sugary side so be careful not to eat the whole box in the one sitting!View Deal

Make stretching an integral part of your workouts

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Apart from doing multiple exercise sessions a week, the SAS endurance workout also involves plenty of cardio elements as well as strengthening exercises, so stretching before and after the workouts is essential. Stretching can help you perform the exercises better and can also help reducing the risk of injury.

Use a foam roller and/or resistance bands, both of which can relieve muscle tension andknots in all areas of the body. On our best massage tools guide, you'll find plenty of options, like the aforementioned foam rollers, but also massage balls great for the calves and percussion massagers like the Theragun G3.

IMPORTANT: if you have any medical condition or experiencing pain of any sort especially back pain please consult a medical professional before you start working out. Some of the below exercises put a lot of stress on your lower back and if you are ever unsure how to perform them, get a PT or a trained athlete to show you the correct form.

The weekly-breakdown of the SAS workout:

For getting ready for the mental part of the selection process, we recommend the new SAS workout app from the boys at Who Dares Wins. This app has a unique approach to training by incorporating mental exercises as well as training tips and even diet options.

Suunto 9 GPS Multisport Watch | Prices from 244.74 at WiggleChoose from 80 different sport modes and enjoy an up to 120 hours of battery life with GPS using the Suunto 9. This monster of a multi-sport smartwatch measures heart rate on the wrist as well as being water rated to 100 metres, making it the ultimate gadget in any serious triathletes' toolbox.View Deal

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SUUNTO 9 Baro Smartwatch with...

(Image credit: Getty Images)

In-depth: 5-exercise full body workout

On the first day of the week, you want to give your body a run for its money. Our full-body workout consists of five exercises: deadlift, squat, bench press, shoulder press and bent-over row.

These exercises are probably the best compound exercises to build overall strength with the least amount different movement involved and focuses on large muscle groups and using free weights as opposed to machines.

If you don't want to sign up for a gym membership (just yet), you can perform these exercises at home, using resistance bands or dumbbells/barbell or even kettlebells.

Bowflex Selecttech Kettlebell

JAXJOX KettlebellConnect -...

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Resting your body after intense exercising is almost as important as the exercises themselves

(Image credit: Getty Images)

After bombing your body with weights the day before, you'll probably feel the effect of DOMS or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. This occurs after your muscles especially the glutes and legs area are worked hard and please also note the 'delayed' nature of the phenomena: it can happen up to 2-3 days later than the workout.

Giving your muscles a break can help them repair more efficiently and recover better, meaning you can expect to see results quicker by resting your muscles after heavy workouts.

Even on rest days, you can do light cardio e.g. brisk walking and stretching would definitely help also.

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Running is an excellent cardio exercise to build endurance

(Image credit: Brooks Running)

Depending on your cardio levels, on the third day you should go the distance.To be fit enough to be even considered to be selected as a member of the SAS (or SBS), you'll need to be able to comfortably run a 10K in under 50 minutes, ideally closer to 40 minutes.

Once you are comfortable with that speed, you can introduce more and more trail running sessions to your training plan. Trail running is somewhat different to road running obviously since you have to take the terrain into account as you run. You'll need different shoes as well for trail running: have a look at our best trail running shoes guide for inspiration.

Trail running is very popular worldwide and especially in the UK, where there are many groups you can join. Trail runners are a famously close-knit bunch who appreciate each other's company as much as the nature that surrounds them. By joining a trail running club, you get fit and be a bit more social, two birds with one stone.

Nike React Infinity Run | Buy it for 139.95 at NikeThe new Nike React Infinity Run was designed to reduce the risk of injury and make you faster, all in the same time. The wide forefoot platform and the all-new Flyknit upper will make your running sessions safer while the Vaporfly-like rocking mechanism will propel you forward without wasting much energy when you land.

Nike React Infinity Run...

The HIIT part will get those heart-rate levels high

(Image credit: Getty Images)

In depth: Full body HIIT workout gets you fit with only running shoes required

On the fourth day, your DOMS should have completely subsided and you are ready for a more intense workout: a HIIT workout! There are many reasons why you should try HIIT, it torches fat, boosts metabolism, can improve heart health and also super time efficient.

Ideally, you would like to do the entirety of the full body HIIT workout detailed in the linked article, for the same reason why you should perform all five exercises on the first day: by doing more exercises, you get stronger and also build endurance, which you will need for the selection process.

All the better, since we are talking about HIIT, the whole session can be done in under half an hour, 45 minutes tops. Make sure you go as hard as you can doing the circuits and don't let your heart rate drop too much in between them.

To monitor your heart rate, you should get a running watch or at least a heart rate chest-strap so you can track your heart rate on the accompanying apps. the new Polar H9 costs the fraction of a smart watch and will provide you with more accurate readings than wrist based optical sensors.

Polar H9 heart rate sensor | Buy it for 52.50 directly from PolarPolar H9 heart rate monitor is the smaller and more accessible sibling of the Polar H10 heart rate sensor. Connects to your wearables and/or smartphone using Bluetooth or ANT+ and has a battery life of 400 hours. Tracks heart rate more precisely than wrist-based optical sensors so you'll get better more accurate calorie burn estimates.

Suunto Unisex's 9 BARO Watch,...

Polar Vantage V Premium GPS...

(Image credit: SIXPAD)

Same as above, give your body a rest on the fifth day and let your muscles regenerate.

One thing you can try is to do some light training in the form of EMS. Electric Muscle Stimulation is not your golden ticket to six-pack abs heaven, but it can compliment training well by targeting high load-bearing muscles, such as the abs, on days when you would like to give the rest of your body a bit of a break.

Many EMS devices can also be used in other areas of the body too, like the arms or even the shoulders, making them a versatile tool for athletes.

You could also try using a percussion massager, like the Theragun, to fully loosen the muscles and get them ready for more training. Percussion massagers are like electric toothbrushes for your muscles: although the manual toothbrush does the job just fine, you can clean way more effectively with an electric one.

SIXPAD Electric Muscle Stimulation Training Gear | Prices from 175 at AmazonSIXPAD training gear won't replace hard work but it can make it more effective. These cordless pads can effectively enhance muscle stimulation and can "help users achieve an 8% improvement in abdominal muscle size after 4 weeks alongside a balanced diet and exercise" or so does SIXPAD claim. The percentage goes up to 12% after 8 weeks and many SIXPAD products can be used in other areas than just your abs.View Deal

SIXPAD Unisex Ems Trainer...

Both cycling and swimming build endurance and improve overall cardiovascular health

(Image credit: Rapha)

For best results, do cycling one week and swimming on the other. Either way, we are not talking about leisurely pedalling/splashing around the water: after your rest day, you would like to go the distance again and cover long distances on the bike/in the water.

As for cycling, you don't need to do the full Ironman distance 112 miles but you would like to cover as many miles as possible within an hour. Depending on the terrain, you are looking at doing around 15-20 miles for a good session. Should the weather permit, ride for even longer, two, maybe even three hours at the time to train your heart for sustained medium-intensity efforts.

In the pool, an hour-long session is ideal and you are looking at doing around two kilometres within that timeframe. You'd better master that freestyle swimming technique!

To track heart rate under water, we recommend using a triathlon watch and/or a swim proof chest strap like the Garmin HRM-Swim.

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POLAR Ignite Fitness Watch...

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Going for stroll, especially if the weather is okay, is a very good idea indeed

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This SAS endurance workout will build strength and also melt fat off your body - T3

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Feb 17

Zap Into Shape with Shock Room Fitness, Newly Opened in New Providence –

NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ - Shock Room Fitness recently openedNew Jersey's "first of its' kind"Electro Muscle Stimulation (EMS) group fitness studio located inside of Providence Health and Fitnessat 18 South Street in New Providence.For a limited time they are offering any new client a complimentary class to try their amazing new technology.

AShock Room Fitnessworkout uses EMS Technology,also known asElectro MuscularStimulation. Individualsare suited up in a high-techneoprenesuitwhich holds multiple electrodes that externally stimulate your muscles to contract using low intensity electric impulses. In only 20 minutesyour muscles can contract over 32,000 times simultaneously. This is unlike conventional resistance training where each muscle group in stimulated to contract separately with the stimulus coming from the brain.

"Whats the most incredible aspect about our EMS suits is that they can be used by people of all agesandfitness levels. They can beused with low intensity exercises so that there is no stress on bones, joints or ligaments or with a higher intensity routine as well," said Heather Hoffman, founder of the Luminous Beauty empire."So, this workout can be completely customized for a total beginner, someone with an injury,anathlete training for endurance, a bodybuilder, or even an NFL Player."

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The electrodes are attached through thespecial suit worn during the fitness class. The pulses blast the chest, stomach, buttocks, triceps, biceps, and quads. There are no weights, no heavy lifting, just body weight movements.The electrodes heightenmuscle contractions and intensifyyour workout in a way your body could not do on its own. While exercising, you feel a tingly feeling andyou will be aware your muscles are working.The intensity is monitored on a tablet that displays a read-out of the electrodes. The trainer will adjust the impulse intensity that suits your fitness level and supports your individual training goal.

"A Shock Room Fitness workout can be performed as a group or individually, and we can design a program to meet an individuals needs or desires," said Hoffman. "Even in a group, the impulse intensity is customized for each client. Our talented instructor, Angel Martinez,usesdifferent workoutssuch asbasic low-intensitymovements,aerobic,dance, Zumba,cardio,yoga and our very own Pop Cardiowhich he created. Angelputs a new flare, intensity and creativityinto all of his routines whichwill challenge you like never before."

After a severe injury andmultiplebacksurgeries,Hoffman knew she was in trouble as her mobility wasworseningandherbodywasgettingweaker every day. Sadly,she hadto give up almost everything she once loved to do.

Seeing her condition deteriorate,she said her verybest friend, and the most caring man that she knowsDr Richard Maggio [owner of About Face by LuminousMedSpa], started to research for over a year to help her find answers and therapiesthat could possibly help hercondition. His goal was to finda treatment that would make her feel as good on the inside as his work made her feel on the outside.I couldnt keep watching the person I care for so deeply hurt every day,Dr Maggio said.So,I continuously researched and educated myself on some of the most advanced treatments that can help make you feel amazing on the inside as well, he said.

While he was researching about novel treatments to introduce at AboutBody, he happened to be discussing his idea with one of his celebrity clients. This male super modeltold him about the most intense, sophisticated, revolutionary workout he loves to do while traveling in Europe.Dr Maggio decided toresearch this new technology which was sweeping Europe.He was convinced that this wasrevolutionary, and if brought to the US,it could make a difference in so many lives, not only for fitness but also for rehabilitation.

With EMS, people with injuries can start working out sooner -- "someone with a major back injury like me, now can do this work out," said Hoffman.

Call(908) 514-8106 to learn more andcheck for all new events and classes coming up. Follow Shock Room Fitness on Facebook.


About Body by Luminous: Dr. Maggio has created one of the most advanced health,wellness andnutrition centers which incorporatesfitness, beauty, meditation and so much more.Under the direction of Dr Maggio, About Body by Luminouswill also be offeringIV Vitamin Therapy, B12 Shots, Mic Injections, HCG, Weight Loss Programs, Cleanses, Nutrition, Genetic Testing, HormoneTherapy, Supplements, Massage & MLD Therapy, PEMF Mat Treatments, Infrared Sauna, Facials, Spray Tans, andmanyadvanced classes such as Pilates. Barre Intensity, Yoga, Meditation, Zumba, Pop Cardio and so much more.

Editor;s Note: To learn more about marketing your business with, contact

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Feb 17

For Your Health: Stay on track with winter fitness – Fairfield Daily Republic

By Courtney Dawley, DO, Kaiser Permanente Sports Medicine Physician

Youve probably heard the term fair-weather fan. It generally refers to a person who supports a sports team only when they are winning. Its easy to get excited when the conditions are perfect for the win.

The same could be said for people who only like to exercise when the weather is ideal. Not too hot, not too cold, not too windy, and just the right amount of sun.

Several of my patients have told me they go off track with their exercise routine in the winter. Its easier to stay in bed when its cold and dark outside.

However, you can and should continue a fitness routine all year-round even in the winter.

If you are exercising outdoors, prepare yourself for the cold temperatures. Warm up before you leave the house. Do some dynamic stretches like squats, high kicks, or push-ups to warm up your muscles before the work out.

Layer up for warmth, so you can remove your jacket or sweatshirt if needed. Runners or cyclists should wear reflective clothing and run or ride with a headlamp. It will help you to see whats in front of you and make you more visible to others. Since it gets dark much earlier, remember to stay safe. Consider exercising with a friend if you are walking, running or riding at night.

You can also stay healthy at home. Online workouts or videos can provide a routine that means you dont have to go anywhere to complete it. Cardiovascular exercise like jumping jacks and running in place, along with strength training with hand weights or a band, can be done in about 30 minutes several days a week. Perhaps you prefer to work out at a gym or fitness center? They are climate controlled and can provide a safe environment.

I tell my patients the best thing they can do for their overall health is to get in small spurts of exercise throughout the day. Go for several quick walks around the neighborhood or near your office. Leave your desk and do some yoga or wall squats.

Cold weather doesnt have to limit you. In fact, winter weather provides different opportunities for fitness. If you are headed to the hills for some winter sports, remember to wear a helmet when skiing or snowboarding to help prevent head injuries.

Your heart, lungs, arms, legs and brain dont take a break in the winter. So, make sure to continue to give your body all that it needs to thrive even when the temperatures are low. Discuss your exercise routine with your doctor.

Heres another reason to keep up your fitness: taking time off in the winter could make it more difficult to jump-start a routine once the weather warms up. So, its best to stay consistent throughout the year. If you do get off track, dont beat yourself up. Any exercise you do to get your heart pumping is a victory that should be celebrated.

Courtney Dawley, DO, is a family medicine and sports medicine physician with Kaiser Permanente in the Napa Solano area.


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For Your Health: Stay on track with winter fitness - Fairfield Daily Republic

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Feb 17

Franchises that work out: Many of the hottest US businesses to franchise involve fitness – USA TODAY

Franchisees benefit from tried and tested proprietary knowledge and processes, in addition to existing customer brand recognition.(Photo: Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce / Flickr)

For many Americans, entrepreneurship seems like an attractive option. Owning your own business means not having to answer to a boss everyday and often a much higher earning potential than a salaried job. However, running a business is also far riskier than working in an established company.

One way for budding entrepreneurs to minimize the risk is to start a franchise location. Franchisees are entrepreneurs who acquire a license to operate one or many locations of an established brand. Though they typically pay an annual licensing fee, in addition to often high upfront startup costs, franchisees benefit from tried and tested proprietary knowledge and processes, in addition to existing customer brand recognition.

There are dozens of well-known brands that have expanded rapidly in the last several years from franchise licensing alone. Using data from industry advocate,Entrepreneur magazine, 24/7 Wall St. identified the hottest businesses to franchise in America. These 20 businesses reported the fastest domestic franchise establishment growth from 2014 to 2019.

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Only companies included in Entrepreneurs 41st annual Franchise 500 list with at least 500 U.S. franchise establishments were considered. Data on global location count, estimated franchise startup costs, and founding dates also came from Entrepreneur.

The rapid growth among the companies on this list is not only an indication of the popularity of the product or service they provide, but also often the continued viability of the business model. For example, the companies on this list tend to be in industries that will not likely suffer from changes to the consumer landscape brought on by technological advances. These industries include restaurants and fitness centers.

One of the most striking patterns that emerges from this list is the surge in franchises in the personal fitness industry. Half of the top 10 businesses on this list fall in that category, including the top three.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, growing awareness of the benefits of health and fitness is driving growth in this industry. Employment among fitness trainers and instructors is projected to climb by 13% between 2018 and 2028, more than double the 5% job growth across all occupations.

Firehouse Subs.(Photo: Dcawton / Wikimedia Commons)

20. Firehouse Subs

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +43.8%

Total 2019 global locations: 1,174

Est. franchise startup cost: $161,000 - $996,000

Product: Sandwiches

Firehouse Subs is a Jacksonville, Florida-based sandwich shop that started in 1994 and became a franchise the following year. Over the last five years, the number of branded U.S. franchise locations rose 43.8%, and that does not include the company's expansion into Canada.

The company claims to provide comprehensive training and operational support in order to make business easy and profitable for franchisees.

19. Dream Vacations

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +44.8%

Total 2019 global locations: 1,432

Est. franchise startup cost: $2,000 - $20,000

Product: Travel planning

Dream Vacations is one of two cruise planning companies to rank on this list. Starting a Dream Vacations franchise can cost as little as $2,000, making it one of the least expensive brands on this list. A subsidiary of CruiseOne, Dream Vacations franchisees typically work out of a home office, selling and planning cruise vacations for clients. Franchise owners go through a six-day training session at the company headquarters in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They can also use the company's team of technical support staff, and benefit from company-sponsored marketing as well as travel perks and discounts.

18. Buildingstars Intl. Inc.

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +50.2%

Total 2019 global locations: 805

Est. franchise startup cost: $2,000 - $53,000

Product: Cleaning services

Buildingstars Intl. Inc. is a commercial cleaning business. There were 799 franchise locations in the United States alone in 2019, up from 532 in 2014. The company has operations across the country, including the New York City metro area, Phoenix, Houston, and Chicago. The commercial cleaning industry may be attractive to many franchisees as demand for such services tends to remain constant during good economic times and bad.

17. Carl's Jr. Restaurants LLC

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +52.1%

Total 2019 global locations: 1,656

Est. franchise startup cost: $1.6M - $2.1M

Product: Fast food

Carl's Jr. Restaurants is a fast food chain that began as a hot dog cart in Los Angeles in 1941. It is now headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee. The restaurants offer options for a wide range of dining preferences, and the company recently introduced Beyond Meat vegetarian burgers in addition to several Keto diet friendly options.

Franchisees must go through a four-step process before they can open their own store: completing an application, developing a business plan, passing a financial and operational review, and training upon approval. The majority of the nearly 1,700 Carl Jr. locations worldwide are franchise businesses in one of 13 western states.

16. Motel 6

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +58.8%

Total 2019 global locations: 1,246

Est. franchise startup cost: $207,000 - $8.8M

Product: Accommodations

Motel 6 is a Carrollton, Texas-based discount motel chain. A subsidiary of G6 Hospitality, it is the largest owned and operated motel chain in North America. It is also one of the fastest growing franchises in the United States. There are currently over 900 franchised Motel 6 locations across the country, up from 571 in 2014. Brand franchisees benefit from multimedia advertising and an average nightly occupancy rate of 66%.

N-Hance Wood Refinishing.(Photo: Courtesy of Kite M. via Yelp)

15. N-Hance Wood Refinishing

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +62.4%

Total 2019 global locations: 590

Est. franchise startup cost: $52,000 - $167,000

Product: Wood refinishing services

N-Hance Wood Refinishing offers cabinet and floor refinishing services. The franchise business began nearly two decades ago. Estimated startup cost for new franchisees can go as high as $167,000, but the company offers in-house financing options. Over the last five years, the number of U.S. franchise businesses operating under the N-Hance brand climbed from 330 to 536, a 62.4% jump.

14. Smoothie King

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +64.2%

Total 2019 global locations: 1,073

Est. franchise startup cost: $264,000 - $844,000

Product: Smoothies

Smoothie King is a brand of smoothie stores that first opened in 1973. The brand's first U.S. franchise opened its doors in New Orleans in 1989, and today, it is among the fastest growing franchises in the United States. The number of U.S. locations grew from 553 in 2014 to 908 last year.

Like many brands on this list, Smoothie King offers franchisees extensive training. The process starts with a one-day orientation at the company's Dallas headquarters, followed by an 11-day management training program. When a new location opens, Smoothie King sends a training professional to help train new employees for up to five days.

13. Marco's Pizza

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +73.1%

Total 2019 global locations: 933

Est. franchise startup cost: $294,000 - $789,000


Marco's Pizza is a chain of pizza restaurants that started in 1978 and became a franchise business the following year. It is one of the few brands on this list with no company-owned stores. Of the 933 global franchise Marco's Pizza locations, 900 are located in the United States. Marco's claims its franchisees have an advantage over the competition because of the high quality of its pizza.

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12. Cruise Planners

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +74.2%

Total 2019 global locations: 3,062

Est. franchise startup cost: $2,000 - $24,000

Product: Travel planning

Of the two travel planning companies on this list, Cruise Planners is growing the fastest. Over the last half decade, the number of franchise locations all of which are based in the United States climbed from 1,757 to 3,061, a 74.2% growth. Franchisees with the company are effectively travel agents who serve their own customers from home offices. Becoming a travel agent with the company requires a relatively small financial investment, and franchisees do not need any prior experience and benefit from travel discounts.

11. Jersey Mike's Subs

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +86.5%

Total 2019 global locations: 1,592

Est. franchise startup cost: $237,000 - $767,000

Product: Sandwiches

Along with Firehouse Subs, Jersey Mike's is one of two sub sandwich chains to rank on this list. Over the last five years, the number of Jersey Mike's franchise locations in the United States has jumped by 86.5%. While there are no international Jersey Mike's franchise locations, 72 stores, including several outside of the United States, are company owned. It took more than 30 years after the store's 1956 founding in Point Pleasant, New Jersey, for it to become a franchise business.

Supercuts.(Photo: Mr. Blue MauMau / Flickr)

10. Supercuts

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +86.8%

Total 2019 global locations: 2,883

Est. franchise startup cost: $151,000 - $321,000

Product: Haircuts

Supercuts is the only franchise hair salon business to rank on this list. Over the last five years, the number of U.S. Supercuts locations climbed by 86.8% from 1,268 locations to 2,369. Supercuts has grown even more rapidly abroad. Over the same time period, the number of international Supercuts franchise locations climbed from only 19 to 140, a 637% increase.

As the company expands its franchise reach, it is trimming its number of company-owned stores. The number of non-franchise Supercuts locations fell from 1,140 in 2014 to just 374 in 2019, a 67.2% decline.

9. Mathnasium Learning Centers

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +91.9%

Total 2019 global locations: 1,047

Est. franchise startup cost: $113,000 - $149,000

Product: Math tutoring

As math proficiency rates continue to trend downward in American schools, many parents may be more inclined to turn to tutoring to ensure their children are mastering critical material. This may help explain why Mathnasium Learning Centers, a math tutoring service for students in grades K-12, ranks among the fastest growing franchises in the United States. The number of Mathnasium U.S. franchises has nearly doubled in the past five years. The company has also added more than 40 franchise locations overseas.

8. Pure Barre

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +101.6%

Total 2019 global locations: 524

Est. franchise startup cost: $199,000 - $446,000

Product: Personal fitness

Pure Barre is one of several personal fitness franchises to rank on this list. Barre is a type of workout based on the use of a ballet barre, and it has exploded in popularity in recent years, particularly among women. The workout uses small movements for stretches and strength training designed to sculpt and shape the body.

As the fitness routine has gained popularity, so has the largest barre specific gym franchise. After more than doubling its U.S. footprint in the last five years, Pure Barre now has over 500 locations across the United States and Canada.

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7. Planet Fitness

U.S. franchise growth 2014-2019: +101.6%

Franchises that work out: Many of the hottest US businesses to franchise involve fitness - USA TODAY

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Feb 17

Health and fitness industry booming in Basalt – Aspen Times

Attendees of the 6 a.m. HIIT workout run through the supersets at Elevate Fitness on Friday, Feb. 14, 2020. (Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times)Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times Buy Photo

Kate Carei completes a round of one arm chest flies on a ball during a 6 a.m. HIIT workout at Elevate Fitness in Basalt on Friday, Feb. 14, 2020. (Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times)Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times Buy Photo

Margaret Hjerleid works on longtime patient Sandy Smith during a private ortho session in the Just Breathe pilates and ortho-bionomy studio in Willets on Friday, Feb. 14, 2020. (Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times)Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times Buy Photo

Jean-Robert Barbette, center, poses for a portrait in the upper level of his gym in Aspen on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020. (Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times)Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times Buy Photo

A sign on Colorado 24/7 Fitness in Basalt informs 400+ members the business is closed. The gym operator closed shop when the heating system broke. The landlord said it was the tenant's responsibility.Scott Condon/The Aspen Times Buy Photo

Julia Steele, left, Minette Mahoney and Kate Carei stretch after completing an hour HIIT class at Elevate Fitness on Friday, Feb. 14, 2020. (Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times)Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times Buy Photo

Jean-Robert Barbette poses for a portrait in the upper level of his gym in Aspen on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020. (Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times)Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times Buy Photo

Margaret Hjerleid works on longtime patient Sandy Smith during a private ortho session in the Just Breathe pilates and ortho-bionomy studio in Willets on Friday, Feb. 14, 2020. (Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times)Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times Buy Photo

Jean-Robert Barbette poses for a portrait in the upper level of his gym in Aspen on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020. (Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times)Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times Buy Photo

Susie Hessel completes a tabata routine during a 6 a.m. HIIT workout at Elevate Fitness in Basalt on Friday, Feb. 14, 2020. (Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times)Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times Buy Photo

Attendees of the 6 a.m. HIIT workout run through the supersets at Elevate Fitness on Friday, Feb. 14, 2020. (Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times)Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times Buy Photo

Elevate Fitness trainer Bonnie Webb explains the movement for the ab exercise at the end of the HIIT class in the gym in Basalt on Friday, Feb. 14, 2020. (Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times)Kelsey Brunner/The Aspen Times Buy Photo

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When Colorado 24/7 Fitness in Basalt closed its doors with about 48 hours notice Feb. 7, more than 400 members were left scrambling to find a new place to get their fitness kicks.

Fortunately, they didnt have to look very far since the midvalley has a plethora of options. Basalt has another large gym in operation, two CrossFit centers and numerous boutique workout studios, personal trainers and Pilates studios.

And while one door has closed, another is set to open. Longtime Aspen gym owner and operator Jean-Robert Barbette is preparing to open a 7,000-square-foot gym in Willits Town Center in mid-May. He said he is excited about opening a new gym with new equipment in a new building. He had planned the move well before Colorado 24/7s abrupt departure.

If we want to grow, we have to move downvalley, he said. He will continue to operate the Aspen gym as well, but times are changing. Sixty-two percent of his clients now live in places downvalley from Aspen.

Id like to say the market is saturated, but theres plenty of room for competition.Amanda WagnerPresident and CEO, TAC Fitness

The middle class is moving away, he said.

While he was working toward expansion into the midvalley, the closure of Colorado 24/7 worked to his good fortune. Barbette said he had 12 people reserve space at his new gym online just on the day the other gym closed. As of Feb. 10, he had filled nearly all the 200 spaces being offered at $75 per month for gym access and unlimited classes.

Barbette bought his space in Willits Town Center so he isnt at the mercy of a landlord and figuring out how to pay escalating rents. He intends to limit memberships to between 700 and 800 in Basalt.

I dont want to pack the place, he said.

Customers also can pay for a package that allows them to work out in Basalt and Aspen.

Colorado 24/7 closed after the heating system broke. The landlord said it was the gym owners responsibility to fix it. The gym owner said that was financially prohibitive.

Ryan Harrington was among the customers who became a workout refugee due to the closure. He had been a member of the gym in that location for 11 years through multiple owners. The attraction was an affordable price, fun people to work out with in classes and good trainers, he said.

He also has a punch pass for classes at a competing gym in Basalt, TAC Fitness, so he had alternatives to pursue. Harrington said he is examining long-term options looking at the variety of classes being offered, the availability of classes due to crowding and the price. He is resigned to paying more than he did at Colorado 24/7 and its predecessors, where his rate was $55 per month with unlimited access to classes.

I dont think there are enough affordable options, Harrington said.

Amanda Wagner, president and CEO of TAC Fitness, said although there are numerous businesses related to health and fitness in the midvalley, there is room for them all.

Id like to say the market is saturated, but theres plenty of room for competition, Wagner said.

TAC Fitness membership has grown 10% to 20% annually since the gym part of the operation opened in 2013, she said.

With swelling populations in Carbondale, Basalt and points in between plus thousands more commuters driving by on weekdays, she feels the market is barely tapped. The number of members at her gym and other health and fitness businesses is just a fraction of the overall population, she noted. Businesses need to find ways to attract the people who would like to workout but havent pulled the trigger, for whatever reason.

Wagner said there is a growing body of knowledge that exercise helps people live longer at a higher quality of life and more people are realizing it and acting. In addition, aging baby boomers realize they cannot just work themselves into shape during ski season anymore. They need to keep up their fitness level at an indoor facility.

TAC Fitness has about 1,200 members in its 6,500-square-foot facility. She believes the facility has capacity for as many as 2,000 members.

One key to staying in business is rolling with the changes. As more people have joined, Wagner has added more equipment capable of a wider variety of functions, more classes and more trainers. She also added a small group performance center that has been popular.

I pay attention to the trends. I pay attention to the research. I pay attention to our own members, she said.

She also has secured her business future by purchasing her space.

Wagner stressed she welcomes competition and believes its healthy for the health and fitness industry to offer so many options in the midvalley. Her focus, she said, is to run my business as well as I can.

While larger establishments such as TAC Fitness and Jean-Roberts Gym pull in the biggest crowds, multiple niche options exist. Shawn Hunsberger, owner of Elevation Fitness, is the model of adaptability. He entered the fitness business locally in 2002 first in small-group training, then as a personal trainer and then as the owner of a full-service gym that was located where TAC Fitness now calls home.

He paid $7,744 per month in rent for the large space and felt like he was always struggling to survive. The gym closed in 2013. Since then he has rebuilt a small-group studio and crafted a strong and stable program that has attracted dedicated customers.

He noted that nine fitness businesses pop up in a Google search for fitness in Basalt. There also are multiple Pilates and yoga studios.

It seems a bit saturated, Hunsberger said.

Hes seen a lot of places come and go. A lot of times, it comes down to a high price per square foot that the businesses are paying. It is tough to get enough customers at the price necessary to offset the prohibitive rent.

Theres just not enough people to sustain that, he said.

Hunsberger said he was fortunate enough to find a 1,500-square-foot space on Park Avenue in the Willits Design Center at a rate that is sustainable. He focuses on small groups, limiting class sizes to eight people so the trainer can give them attention. He remains as passionate as ever. I want to help out to keep people healthy, he said.

Margaret Hjerleid is another veteran of the local fitness business who used adaptability to her advantage. She opened Just Breathe Pilates Ortho-Bionomy in October 2018 after working at Studio 360 in Willits for 11 years. She had a great experience there but saw an opportunity for working with her client base. She bought a 609-square-foot space in the Willits Medical Center building and has a growing business.

For me, if you have a special niche, you can do very well, Hjerleid said.

She has a different take on saturation of health and fitness businesses in the midvalley. Pilates is a foundation that focuses on how you organize and move your body.

Pilates is not meant to be your end-all, she said.

So instead of being possessive of her clients, she encourages them to go try other fitness businesses for workouts. She refers numerous clients to personal trainer Kate Lokken at TAC Fitness, for example.

Hjerleid said she focused for years on honing her Pilates service and getting it right to me.

Do what you love to do and do it really well, she said.

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Health and fitness industry booming in Basalt - Aspen Times

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Feb 17

Feb 22 | Sweat Your Heart Out with Orangetheory Fitness | Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills, IL –

In honor of #HeartHealthMonth in February, Orangetheory Fitness, a workout centered on heart rate training, is sweating its heart out in an effort to raise awareness of the many cardiovascular diseases Americans battle every day.

On Saturday, February 22, starting at 11:15 a.m., the Willowbrook-Hinsdale studio will donate proceeds from its 90-minuteSweat Your Heart Out charity workout class to the American Heart Association.

Members and non-members are invited to take this special class for a $25 donation with 100% of revenue going to the non-profit organization. Immediately following the workout, participants can enjoy heart-healthy drinks and snacks.

Call or stop by the studio to reserve your spot in the class and make your $25 donation. More information can be found at Space is limited.

In addition to the charity workout, the Willowbrook-Hinsdale studio will be celebrating heart health all month long, giving away free heart rate monitors to new members who sign-up between February 1 17, 2020, curating new heart-pumping playlists, hosting ongoing raffles for fun fitness gear and prizes and providing heart-healthy recipes and wellness tips to its members.

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Feb 22 | Sweat Your Heart Out with Orangetheory Fitness | Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills, IL -

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