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How to Time Intermittent Fasting Around Your Workouts – Men’s Journal

By now you havent just heard about one of the latest weight-loss trends, you know at least a handful people who are devoted to intermittent fasting (IF). Maybe youve even tried it yourself.
There are a lot of opinions surrounding IF, and there are different ways to do it. So you no doubt have a few questions. How effective is it? Whats the best method? What factors into the timing? How do you fit workouts around fasting? Heres what the science actually says about it.
Jordan Mazur, M.S., R.D., is the coordinator of nutrition and team sports dietitian for the San Francisco 49ers.
Intermittent fasting has been around for centuries, since ancient hunter-gatherer times, but its risen to popularity in the past five years or so. There have been a few catalysts: a 2012 documentary called Eat Fast, Live Longer; as well as a slew of books including The Fast Diet,The 5:2 Diet Book, and The Obesity Code. All of this media, combined with anecdotal success, have created a positive buzz around the trend.
IF is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It doesnt specifically say which foods to eat or avoid, but rather when you should be eating. Its actually more of an eating pattern than an actual diet per se. Modern IF methods can be summed up by these four types:
The 16:8 method is the most popular and easiest for people to stick to. Overall, no matter what method you choose, as long as youre reducing your caloric intake, any method should cause weight loss as long as you arent over-consuming during the feeding timeframes.
Fasting causes a number of reactions in the body that affect your cells on a molecular level. The main idea behind IF is that it helps your body access and mobilize fat stores by adjusting the hormones that influence lipolysis (the breakdown of fats). Without diving too much into the science and mechanisms of how this works, here are a couple of the changes that occur in the body during periods of fasting:
Among those benefits mentioned, a recent review of the science of IF in the New England Journal of Medicine does a deep dive on current research, explaining how IF can improve metabolism, lower blood sugar, decrease inflammation, and improve chronic conditions like asthma and arthritis. Theres even evidence to show it can reduce damaged cells and enhance brain function.
If youre considering IF and like to work out or train, there are some things to consider. Theres some research that shows exercising during a fasted state can help muscle biochemistry linked to insulin sensitivity. In laymans terms: It can help regulate blood sugar levels. On the other hand, theres research to show the benefit of eating, especially carbs, before exercising.
If youve never tried it before, heres what you could experience if you fast before you train:
Our take: If youre an elite or professional athlete, dont train or compete while fasted. If youre a weekend warrior looking to improve body composition, fasted cardio might be worth experimenting with. Make sure you think through the timing of your workouts when fasting based on your goals and individual performance. Working out before the eating window while fasted is preferred for those who want to improve body composition and know they can personally perform well on an empty stomach. Working out after the eating window is ideal for those who perform better after fueling, or those who dont have the time in their schedules to work out before the window.
What you eat during your feeding window also matters. Although the concept of IF is more of an eating pattern than a diet, the food and macros you eat during the window should reflect your goals as well. If youre strength training, higher carbs and protein are needed. If youre endurance training, carbs and protein are also importantbut in a different ratio (more carbs to protein). If your goal is to improve body composition and lower body fat, then following a low-carb diet in your eating window might be ideal for you.
No matter what type of IF you decide to try, make sure to listen to your body. If you feel weak or dizzy, you might need to switch it up. Your blood sugar may be too low, or you may be dehydrated. Make sure you eat well-balanced, high-quality foods during your feeding window, and always remember to stay hydrated and include electrolytes to achieve optimal performance.
The bottom line is there are many different types of IF. Theres positive research to back it up and improve overall health. However, there are a few considerations you need to consider to pick the ideal type and timing of IF that works for you and your goals.
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How to Time Intermittent Fasting Around Your Workouts - Men's Journal
How Mickey Jogoleff Lost 80 Pounds While Working Out Less and Eating More Carbs – BarBend

Mickey Jogoleff had to change something.
He was obese, weighing at least 245 pounds (he might have been heavier, but he actively avoided the scale). He abused his body, smoked cigarettes, drank a lot, and defended it all with the excuse of living life to the fullest. He couldnt make it through the day without needing to unbutton his pants to breathe. He couldnt do a pull up, and wouldnevertake his shirt off in public.
That was then. That was before he spent 12 months honing his diet and exercise, taking his weight from 245+ pounds to 168 pounds, a loss of at least 77 pounds. Now 32 years old, hecut his body fat percentagedown to 9 percent and at one point, he even got it as low as 3 percent.
Note: All bolding is done by BarBend editorial team for emphasis.
Mickey initially tried losing weight without the guidance of a pro, which he now sees as a mistake.
When I looked in the mirror I saw the fat me, and I would starve myself and punish myself with workouts, he says. I was stuck, super frustrated, tired of busting my ass while starving myself.
Eventually he sought the services of biochemist and BarBend Expert Dr. Trevor Kashey, founder of TKN Nutrition. When he approached Dr. Kashey, he was eating1,500 calories a day and working out six or seven days a week.
Now, he eats more and lifts less: 3,500 calories a day, training three to four days a week.
I did my best to stay short sighted,' he says. I would talk with my coach and we would just come up with a plan for the week. That would be my main focus; I would not think about next week, next month, or anything but the next step.
The biggest changes he made were eating fewer meals on the go no more running on coffee, fast food, and cigarettes. He cooked more and cut back on beer,but the process of tracking his calories and consulting with an expert taught him that he can still enjoy food while looking good.
I can have both, he says. Before I started, I was very strict with meal prepping and had a low carb intake, but I didnt actually track anything. I was just adamant about eating healthy.'
Once he started tracking his food, he was able to be more consistent with his weight loss and it eliminated the feeling of restricting himself: if he stayed inside his calorie goal, he could make room for his favorite foods and even the occasional beer.
I was given guidelines to operate in and have it fit my plan. The easiest way for me was coming up with some staple go-to meals, he says. I pick a carb of choice, normally a mix of rice and veggies, then my protein of choice, normally chicken thighs, then top it off with fat, normally olive oil. Throw all that into a big bowl, mix it up, and divide it into however many times I want to eat. Simple and fast, while still allowing me the ability to mix it up.
(His wife calls it the Super Bowl.)
Once he was actually monitoring calories and following expert guidance, Mickey found he wasdoubling the amount of food he was eating. It enabled him to be less restrictive when eating out with his wife he could drink wine and have dessert while still meeting his calorie goal. Today, in the best shape of his life, hes eating over 500 grams of carbs per day.
My biggest challenge was definitely a busy schedule, he says. (Mickey, like almost everyone in his family, is a construction worker.) Part of the reason my weight had gotten so out of hand was long hours. So I never cooked, which meant lots of takeaway tacos and fast food followed by beers to unwind after work. The crockpot and rice cooker, or things I could set and forget, werehuge for me; keeping it simple and making sure I was set up because I have little to no time.
[Related: Our guide to making easy, inexpensive protein in your crockpot.]
I have tried many different style of training, from bodyweight calisthenics, bodybuilding, cardio, big lifts, he says. Ultimately, I found my home with a solid routine of little to no cardio and lifting three to four days a week. I do track my weight to measure progress and continue to push myself.
While losing weight, Mickeys relative strength his strength to bodyweight dramatically increased. (Which is freaking awesome, he notes.) Heres how much he could lift before and after his 80-ish pound weight loss.
Lifting, for me, is focused around building and maintaining strength, he adds. I focus on basic barbell movements while also incorporating some accessory work [like] weighted pull-ups. I will typically rotate between hypertrophy and strength cycles.
His cardio consists entirely of nightly walks with his wife.
I am happier than I have ever been or ever thought possible. I have endless energy, I am able to go out on a date with my wife without worrying about what I eat, I no longer live in fear of gaining the weight back, he says. I am in disbelief when I talk with people and they tell me they want to look like me. It feels like a dream.
But the best part? Hes inspired his loved ones to take care of their own health. His dad and brother are in the best shape of their lives and his mom has lost over 100 pounds.
Without knowing, I was leading by example.
How Mickey Jogoleff Lost 80 Pounds While Working Out Less and Eating More Carbs - BarBend
MS: Dietary interventions may calm down the immune system – Medical News Today

A study in mice has shown that a change in diet may slow diseases that involve the activation of the immune system, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). Could the findings lead to improved treatments in humans?
In the United States, nearly 1 million people over the age of 18 are living with a diagnosis of MS, according to estimates.
MS is the most common of the inflammatory disorders with an autoimmune component, which refers to the immune system attacking and damaging healthy tissue.
In MS, the immune system attacks the myelin sheaths that protect the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, disrupting nerves messages to and from the brain.
The result can involve muscle weakness, numbness, trouble with balance and coordination, and cognitive decline, all of which get worse over time.
Doctors most frequently diagnose MS in young adults, although the diagnosis can be made at any age.
At present, no medical treatment can prevent or slow MS without greatly increasing the risk of infection or cancer. But what if dietary changes could delay the diseases onset and progression in high risk individuals?
Researchers have recently explored the role of methionine, an amino acid, in the overactive inflammatory response of conditions such as MS.
The teams results now appear in the journal Cell Metabolism.
While methionine is essential to a healthy immune system, it has an adverse effect on people at risk of autoimmune disease.
Russell Jones, Ph.D., of the Van Andel Institute, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is the studys senior author. He comments on the findings, explaining:
Our results suggest [that] for people predisposed to inflammatory and autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis, reducing methionine intake can actually dampen the immune cells that cause disease, leading to better outcomes.
Many types of cell throughout the body produce methionine, a building block of protein and a form of fuel.
Defensive immune cells that respond to threats called T cells do not produce their own methionine and instead rely on dietary sources.
Certain animal products, such as meat and eggs, have especially high amounts of methionine.
One of the ways that the body defends itself against threats such as pathogens, or germs, is by flooding the affected area with T cells.
The researchers found that ingested methionine added fuel to this process by helping the T cells replicate and branch into specialized subtypes quicker.
However, once boosted by methionine, some of these reprogrammed T cells caused inflammation or swelling.
This is usually a healthy immune response, but if the swelling persists, it can cause damage such as that which characterizes MS.
The scientists found that dramatically lowering the amount of methionine in the diet of mice with induced MS changed the reprogramming of their T cells and limited the cells ability to cause swelling in the brain and spinal cord.
This, in turn, slowed the diseases progression.
These findings provide further basis for dietary interventions as future treatments for these disorders, Jones notes.
By restricting methionine in the diet, youre essentially removing the fuel for this overactive inflammatory response without compromising the rest of the immune system. Russell Jones, Ph.D.
However, before dietary guidelines can be established, researchers must prove that humans also experience these effects.
At present, there is no comprehensive understanding of the cause of MS, although genes related to the immune system play a role, as do environmental and metabolic factors, such as obesity.
The fact that metabolic factors like obesity increase the risk of developing multiple sclerosis makes the idea of dietary intervention to calm down the immune system particularly appealing, says co-author Catherine Larochelle, Ph.D., of the University of Montreal, in Canada.
The researchers will also investigate the possibility of creating new medications to target methionine metabolism.
The present study is only the latest to explore the role of dietary methionine limitation in disease treatment.
In 2019, a study from the Locasale Lab, at Duke University, in Durham, NC, showed that the cancer-fighting effects of chemotherapy and radiation could be improved by reducing methionine intake.
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MS: Dietary interventions may calm down the immune system - Medical News Today
Overweight Bear Is Less Than Thrilled With His New Diet – msnNOW

Facebook/The Wild Animal Sanctuary
When Dillan first arrived at The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado, the large moon bear lumbered into his enclosure hesitantly. He soon discovered a bowl overflowing with fresh fruit and vegetables and realized everything was about to change.
Up until he was rescued at the end of January, Dillan had spent his life inside a small concrete pen at a Pennsylvania roadside zoo. Without space to exercise, the bear quickly gained weight leaving him twice as big as he should be.Hes literally 100 pounds overweight, Kent Drotar, public relations director at the sanctuary, told The Dodo. His belly hangs to the ground.
The extra weight has taken a toll on Dillans health, putting stress on his ankles and feet and making it difficult for him to move around. But his rescuers are determined to help him drop the extra pounds.
Dillan isnt too excited about exercise instead, hes taking the opportunity to relax in his new space. Unlike his old home located next to a shooting range, the sanctuary is the perfect place for Dillan to take a much-deserved nap.
[He] just seems to enjoy the peace and quiet and in a very relaxed way slumbers off and on throughout the day, Drotar said. He has fallen in love with the firehose hammocks that we use for our animals.
At the sanctuary, Dillan is no longer showing signs of stress and when he is awake, his personality is starting to come out.
Dillan is turning out to be a bit of a ham, Drotar said. He seems to enjoy mugging for the camera and likes the positive attention he receives. Facebook/The Wild Animal Sanctuary There's even more fun stuff in store for Dillan. Soon, he'll get a bigger home wherehe will be able to romp around amultiple-acre habitat with another rescued moon bear. His caretakers are hopeful that getting outdoors will help kick-start the weight loss, transforming him into a whole new bear.
But, for now, Dillan couldn't be happier: He is enjoying and learning how to live a life of luxury, Drotar said.
RELATED VIDEO: Zookeepers hope their matchmaking will lead to new babies (provided by WUSA-TV Washington, D.C.)
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Overweight Bear Is Less Than Thrilled With His New Diet - msnNOW
Chelsea Handler Stopped Drinking Excessively and Feels Healthier Than Ever At 44 –

Youre used to Chelsea Handler cracking jokes on stage, but the comedian got serious about her diet, fitness, and self-care routine in a new interview with Health. At 44, Handler told the outlet shes the healthiest shes ever been, but it took some work to get there.
Like anybody, I struggle with insecurities and self-doubt, Handler said. A lot of people tell me that Im fearless. I dont feel fearless. While the Life Will Be The Death of Me author considers herself happy now, the star admitted she long struggled with eliminating things in her life that dont lead to happiness.
It took me a long time to figure that out, she told Health. For me, it was about finding moderation with everything in my life. One important step? She started to see a therapist regularly, who told her that she needed to slow down. I was always going 110 miles an hour ... I had to learn to sit with my feelings, not run from them.
Handler said she turned within to address childhood traumas and embrace a healthier lifestyle. You cant go around the world trying to be this great person if youre not even being compassionate with yourself, she said. For me, that was incentive enough to get healthy. Heres exactly what she did to become the healthiest version of herself, and why wellness is a priority for the comedian today.
Change doesnt happen overnight, and Handler knows this firsthand. She struggled with opening up to her therapist at first. It was uncomfortable. I tried very hard in therapy to not cry, she said. But then during a session, her therapist caught her off guard, leaving her in tears. After that, it became easier. I understand now that vulnerability is not weaknessthat vulnerability is strength.
Handler feels that the experience changed her for the better. Im calmand that leads to being more decent and being kinder. That calm is what I needed, she said. Now with all the tools I have, I understand how to be myself without being over-the-top, overbearing, or in peoples faces all the time. Im much more thoughtful now.
Handler admitted that she used to drink all the time. I thought I could handle my alcohol, but I didnt realize how much your body and your life changes when its not in your life every day, she said.
Although the comedian no longer drinks in excess, she wants to be clear that shes not cutting alcohol out cold turkey. Now Im not giving up drinking... I would never do that to peopleor to alcohol, she said. But its nice to wake up with clarity and to take a break from the bloat.
Handler says the change has also boosted her energy levels. I like to get up early. Now I get up at 5 a.m. every single day, she said, adding that excessive drinking led her to feel worse, crave unhealthy foods, and drink more. I dont want to live like that, she explained. Im in my 40s now, so I have to give a s about the way I look and actually take care of my health from the inside out.
Now, shes doing everything in her power to remain youthful. I want to be strong and vibrant. I want to be a force of nature, she said. There are so many benefits that come your way from living a healthier lifestyle ... But I feel much better all around. I feel balanced and grounded now.
The comedian told Health that she exercises pretty much every day. I just like to feel strong, and now its part of my mental strength.
When it comes to her diet, though, Handler admits that she still has some work to do. Ive had a terrible relationship with food, she said, adding that she grew up eating macaroni and cheese and Almond Joys. I was all out of sorts when I moved to Los Angeles. Ive basically experimented with every eating disorder there is.
I took water pills for, like, 20 years. The pills kind of drain your fluids, so you [look] thinner and leaner, she added. That was a problem for a long time. I took them way longer than I should have.
But the author has come a long way in her journey towards health. Its tough being a woman. I try to set a good example, but sometimes Im not being a good example, she admitted. Fortunately, Handler said she didnt have any major damage following her history with disordered eating. Now Im the healthiest Ive ever been, she said.
Handler is an advocate for marijuana, citing therapy, meditation, and weed as the three pillars that shaped her healthier lifestyle. Weed has had such a positive impact on me, she said, adding that she microdoses with a THC gummy before bed and occasionally before exercising.
She also doesnt go a day without meditation, even though it annoyed her at first. I tried with my psychiatrist several times. He made me short recordings and long recordings, and then Id meditate, she said. Sometimes Id just masturbate. They both start with m, and your brain lets you relax after each one, so who cares?
But once she committed to three months of meditation, it stuck, and shes been reaping the benefits for a year now. I like it first thing in the morning because it sets you up for the day, she said. It sets your intention. Be kind, be patient, and dont react to everything. Nothing is really that important.
As Handler enters her mid-40s, shes already planning for the next chapter. Ive started to be more thought-oriented with what Im doing in my professional life, she said. I want to do things because theyre powerful and theyre going to inspire others.
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Chelsea Handler Stopped Drinking Excessively and Feels Healthier Than Ever At 44 -
The healthy diet of Amanda Anisimova, the 18 years old French Open semifinalist – Tennis World USA

Not many 18 years old players get to the semifinals of a Grand Slam, mainly because of the lack of experience and physical power, but Amanda Anisimova is one of the few exceptions, so taking a look at the diet that helped her outperform top 10 players like Petra Kvitova and Simona Halep is a smart way to update the eventual flaws in your eating habits.
Anisimova took part in Athletes Cookbook, a video series sponsored by Nike and hosted by American comedian James Davis. Amanda helped Davis, who is on a mission to learn how the best athletes in the world fuel their training with healthy, simple food, by sharing her diet guidelines.
I've been eating a lot of plant-based recently. I sometimes have chicken, but mostly fish or just plant-based. Anisimova pointed out after admitting sushi is one of her favorite meals. Do not make the mistake of thinking that Anisimova was forced to turn to a healthy diet with no hamburgers, french fries and coke of a nutritionist appointment.
Amanda told James Davis how the change happened. When I was 14, I started feeling sluggish and then I started to change my diet and I felt better in tournaments. It was just finding things that felt right for me and what foods I liked.
Anisimova said. Besides the above, Amanda Anisimova satisfied one of the curiosities of the comedian. He asked her about carrots and their nutrients. My parents used to tell me that its good for my eyesight when I was younger and I think it is actually true. Anisimova said.
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The healthy diet of Amanda Anisimova, the 18 years old French Open semifinalist - Tennis World USA
Leg Cramps on Keto: Causes, Treatment, and More – Healthline

If you have ever dealt with sudden, severe leg pain on the ketogenic diet, youre not alone.
Although this high fat, low carb diet may aid weight loss and even help treat certain medical conditions, it has been associated with a number of side effects including leg cramps.
This article explains why some people may experience leg cramps on keto and offers tips for treating and preventing this uncomfortable side effect.
Cramps are involuntary, localized muscle contractions that are often painful. Leg cramps typically affect the calf muscle, though they can occur in other parts of your leg as well (1).
These contractions commonly occur at night and can last seconds to minutes. Most leg cramps are over in less than a few minutes (1).
Although their exact cause isnt always clear, multiple factors, including pregnancy, medical treatments, insufficient blood flow, and the use of certain drugs, may increase your risk.
The keto diet may make you more susceptible to leg cramps for several reasons (2).
A potential cause of leg cramps is an electrolyte imbalance.
Electrolytes are minerals that are essential for critical functions in your body, such as cell communication. They include sodium, magnesium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphate, and bicarbonates (3).
If your levels become depleted, your nerve cells may become more sensitive. In turn, this leads to pressure on nerve endings, which may cause muscle spasms (4).
When adapting to the keto diet, your body may lose more electrolytes through urination in response to decreased levels of blood sugar and the hormone insulin (5).
This loss is typically greatest during the first 14 days of transitioning to keto, so muscle cramps related to electrolyte imbalance may be worse during this period (5).
People transitioning to the keto diet often urinate more due to factors like reduced insulin levels and increased sodium excretion. In turn, increased urination can lead to dehydration, another potential cause of leg cramps (1, 5).
Dehydration is one of the most common keto side effects and may thus increase your risk of leg cramps (6, 7, 8).
All the same, evidence is mixed and more studies are needed (9).
Several other factors may also cause leg cramps.
For example, certain medications, such as diuretics, asthma drugs, and statins, are associated with an increased risk of these pains (10).
Additionally, sedentary habits, old age, strenuous physical activity, and medical conditions like liver and kidney failure are associated with leg cramps (11, 12).
People on the keto diet may experience leg cramps due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Other causes of leg cramps include sedentary habits and certain medications.
Aside from leg cramps, other symptoms associated with the keto diet include headaches, constipation, and fatigue collectively known as the keto flu.
These symptoms may likewise be caused or worsened by dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, making prevention all the more important.
The best way to prevent and treat leg cramps on keto is to ensure that youre eating nutritious foods, supplementing if necessary, and staying properly hydrated. Here are a few tips:
If you have persistent or extreme leg cramps, you should visit a health professional to ensure that youre not experiencing symptoms of a more serious medical condition.
Staying hydrated, consuming plenty of electrolytes, and engaging in gentle physical activity may help reduce your chances of leg cramps on keto.
While many people swear by the keto diet, transitioning to a very low carb, high fat diet can lead to uncomfortable symptoms, including leg cramps.
Nonetheless, making a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle, such as staying hydrated, eating plenty of electrolyte-rich foods, and engaging in gentle activity, may help treat and prevent keto-associated leg cramps.
If youre experiencing leg cramps, try out a few of the tips listed above but remember to visit your healthcare provider if your cramps are persistent or extreme.
Read this article:
Leg Cramps on Keto: Causes, Treatment, and More - Healthline
How Your Diet And Self-Care Habits Affect Your Skin, From A Derm – Women’s Health

When conventional treatments arent working, its time to consider not just the magic elixirs that youre putting on your face but also whats going on in your diet and daily life. Ahead, some tips from Jeanette Jacknin, MD, a San Diegobased dermatologist who approaches treatment from a holistic perspective.
Sorry to break it to you, but everything youve heard about quitting dairy and sweets for better skin is legit, Dr. Jacknin notes. She also says to avoid fried food, soda, alcohol, and anything else youd consider junk. A Mediterranean or whole foodsbased diet, with a lot of fresh vegetables and fish like salmon, is ideal, she says. Several studies show low-glycemic-load diets improve acne.
Theres no one-size-fits-all method for calming down and cutting stress, so Dr. Jacknin works with her patients to see what gets them in their Zen zone. Is it a HIIT class with your friends? A solo hike in nature? A morning meditation sesh? Find your outlet, but know that adequate sleep, regular exercise, and speaking to a mental health professional are pretty much a 10/10 across the board.
Dr. Jacknin combines botanical actives and Rx ones, depending on severity and preference. More intense cases may require a prescription, but on milder spots, she suggests applying 5 percent tea tree oila natural antibacterialtwice a day. Also clutch? Ingredients like green tea and resveratrol (an antioxidant found in grape skin), which are known to reduce inflammation. Try Este Lauder Advanced Night Repair Intense Reset Concentrate ($80,
Este Lauder Advanced Night Repair Intense Reset Concentrate
This article originally appeared in the March 2020 issue of Women's Health.
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How Your Diet And Self-Care Habits Affect Your Skin, From A Derm - Women's Health
Adele diet: Is this the food the Hello singer eats to maintain seven stone weight loss? – Express

Now in the maintenance stage, Adele's breakfast options could include choc chip granola with pecans and jumbo oats or apple pancakes with blackcurrant compote.
Lunches are said to feature turmeric, chicken and kale salad, or baked potato and chickpea stew while the dinners may include chargrilled beef with red wine jus and onion rings, garlic kale and herb roasted potatoes.
However, nutritionists have warned that the extreme programme could actually lead to more weight gain in the long term.
Dietitian Emer Delaney told the BBC: "At first glance, this is not a diet I would advise for my clients.
"Having a glass of red wine or a small amount of chocolate occasionally wont do us any harm - I wouldnt recommend them on a daily basis. We should also be eating a mixture of different fruits and vegetables and not just those on the list.
"In terms of weight loss and boosting metabolism, people may have experienced a seven-pound weight loss on the scales, but in my experience, this will be fluid. As soon as people return to their regular eating habits, they will regain the weight."
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Adele diet: Is this the food the Hello singer eats to maintain seven stone weight loss? - Express
Tom Kerridge weight loss how Lose Weight and Get Fit star shed 12st – The Sun

HIT telly chef Tom Kerridge is a prime example when it comes to body transformations - having dropped from a whopping 30 stone to under 18 stone.
The Salisbury-born cook, 46, has managed to shed nearly half his body weight in just five years through a variety of healthy, weight loss techniques.
And he has been busy helping others follow in his footsteps through his popular programme Lose Weight and Get Fit on BBC2.
Here, we take you through the main ways Tom has transformed his physique...and kept the weight off.
Tom has credited something called the dopamine diet for helping him to blitz his body fat.
It involves boosting your levels of the so-called 'happy hormone' so that it's easier to stick to your diet.
There are different ways of doing the diet, however, all are based around food that is thought to boost dopamine levels in the slimmer.
Foods you're allowed to eat on the diet include unprocessed meat, dairy and dark chocolate, meaning that it doesn't overly restrict what you can eat.
Most versions of the diet recommend avoiding caffeine and processed sugar.
As well as diet changes, Tom also began a rigorous swimming routine to help him lose weight.
He started setting his alarm to 6.15am every morning so he could go swimming at the hotel up the road from his house.
He said: On a busy day I swim a kilometre; on a relaxed one Ill do a mile.
According to the University of California, Berkeley,swimmingburns an average of 600 calories an hour, depending on the stroke and intensity.
Tom says he became a lot more conscious of how many carbs he was munching on when he kickstarted his weight loss journey.
"Carbs are a big thing, he said.
"The more you understand it and the more you look into it, you see that there are so many carbohydrates involved in sugar as well."
When he was at his biggest, Tom admits he used to regularly skip breakfast.
At the start of his day he would usually consume just two pints of coffee and then snack later in the day on cheese on toast and packets of crisps.
However, he now makes sure he eats a hearty breakfast every day - eating things like overnight oats or omelettes.
One significant change Tom made to his diet regime was completely ditching booze.
He told the Radio Times: "I own pubs and, you know, Im quite good at tasting. So I knocked all booze on the head. Stopped drinking, went completely teetotal."
Tom says he gave up alcohol not just to make sure he was cutting out liquid calories - but also to help get in a healthy mindset.
He told Good Morning Britain: "Drinking on diets isn't good and that's on any diet. It's not a calorie thing or the sugar content, it's the mindset."
Tom believes that a big part of losing weight is about "arming yourself" with healthy alternatives.
This is so that when you're hungry, you aren't tempted to reach in the biscuit tin or gorge on a bag of crisps.
The Great British Menu star told The Spectator: "Celebrate the foods you can eat, instead of focusing on the ones you cant. Have low calorie skinny popcorn next to you."
Tom particularly enjoys having apples and grapes as a snack now - instead of chocolate or biscuits.
While Tom is all about eating healthy, he says it's important to let yourself have a treat every now and then.
He told GQ: "There is nothing wrong with a flapjack in the afternoon when you get that 4pm lull if everything else is in place."
Tom also pointed to Anthony Joshua who has a honed physique - but still allows himself to have a burger and chips every now and then.
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Tom, whose TV credits include MasterChef and The Great British Menu and whose Bucks gastropub The Hand & Flowers gained its second Michelin star in 2012, previously said he decided that he needed to change his diet during a moment of reflection around his 40th birthday.
"Say we live to 80. Well, I thought, Im halfway there. And then, I thought Im not going to get there. If Im like this, Im not going to make it," he said.
Tom Kerridge weight loss how Lose Weight and Get Fit star shed 12st - The Sun