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The Paleo diet is a modern take on the Stone Age, but does it work? – ABC Local

Think back to what foods humans may have eaten before the development of agriculture 10,000 years ago, when they were living as ancient hunter gatherers, and you have the basis for this modern-day Stone Age diet.
It consists of meat, poultry and seafood along with eggs, fruit and vegetables.
Cereal grains such as wheat, along with dairy foods and anything processed is not allowed as part of this regime.
The Paleo or Paleolithic diet first appeared in the 1970s, but has received renewed interest over the past few years, with a number of versions, including some promoted by marketers of so-called paleo products.
It is claimed the diet reduces body weight and helps prevent conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood cholesterol, stroke, osteoporosis, and inflammatory diseases.
Nutritional aspects of the diet equate to:
Thinking about trying a new diet? Before you do, read this advice from Dr Sandro Demaio.
Breakfast: Omelette with prosciutto, fruit and herbal tea.
Snack: Sliced lean grass-fed beef, fruit.
Lunch: Chicken and avocado salad with an olive oil and lemon dressing, herbal tea.
Snack: Apple slices, walnuts.
Dinner: Beef curry with cauliflower rice, broccoli, carrots, plus blueberries, raisins and almonds.
The foods available to our ancestors were very different from those available to us now, and in practice, we can no longer eat a true paleo diet.
For instance, the meats eaten by our ancestors were wild and very lean compared with the meat most people eat today, which with the exception of kangaroo is from domesticated animals.
Life expectancy was also low so fewer people lived long enough to develop many modern health problems.
One key problem with the rationale behind the diet is that experts in evolutionary biology and archaeology say grains, legumes and foods related to the modern potato were in fact consumed at least 30,000 years ago.
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With its restrictions, it is likely followers of the Paleo diet may lose weight and this may have health benefits.
There are some useful messages in the diet, including the need to avoid salt, most types of alcohol, and processed foods and to eat more fruit and vegetables.
We've examined seven popular diets to find out what you can eat and whether they work.
However, valuable types of dietary fibre from grains and legumes are absent, calcium intake may be low because dairy food is not permitted and there is a risk of eating more red meat than is recommended for good health.
The World Cancer Research Fund says a high intake of red meat, especially processed meat, raises the risk of bowel cancer.
Current guidelines in Australia suggest eating a maximum of seven serves of lean red meat a week, which is equivalent to around 655g raw red meat a week.
Cutting out whole food groups in this case dairy products, legumes and all grains is contrary to the recommendations in evidence-based dietary guidelines and will likely lead to deficiencies in important nutrients.
This is general information only. For detailed personal advice, you should see a qualified medical practitioner who knows your medical history.
This story, which was originally written by Pamela Wilson and published by ABC Health and Wellbeing, has been reviewed by Dr Rosemary Stanton OAM, nutritionist and visiting fellow, School of Medical Sciences, University of NSW, and was updated in 2019.
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The Paleo diet is a modern take on the Stone Age, but does it work? - ABC Local
Jessica Simpson’s Nutritionist Shares the Diet That Helped Her Lose 100 Pounds – NewBeauty Magazine

Theres no denying that celebrity weight-loss stories can be totally inspiring, especially since Adeles recent 100-pound weight loss story has inspired us to finally commit to our own health goals this year.
And now, Jessica Simpson seems to be the latest celebrity to share her weight loss success story, as her nutritionist Liz Josefburg recently shared with Hollywood Life that the singer dropped an impressive 100 pounds of baby weight in just six months.
So how did she do it? Josefburg credits Simpsons weight loss success to practicing moderation and mindful eating by eating regular meals (three meals a day) throughout the day, including a snack. And aside from choosing walking as a form of exercise, Jessica's nutritionist also credited her weight loss to drinking a lot of water.
While Josefburgs plan definitely helped Simpson shed weight quickly, registered dietitian Brittany Modell, MS, RD, CDN, says that it might not be suitable for everyone, especially since celebrities like Jessica Simpson often have personal chefs, personal trainers, and health coaches around-the-clock to make losing weight easier.
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But thats not to say that she is agreeance with Josefburgs approach to indulging mindfully, as its something she recommends to her own clients in order to create a sustainable lifestyle. Among ways to practice mindfulness: learning to enjoy what you are eating, and practicing not to use terms of guilt (good foods or bad foods) when it comes to food. Rather than saying a certain food item is bad, try to reframe your mindset and think about it a different way, Modell says. Try asking yourself how will this food make me feel in an hour (or two hours), and if this food will give me energy, or make me feel tired later on in the day?
Modell is also in agreeance Josefburgs approach to upping your water while embarking on any kind of weight loss journey loss, as she says that consuming water (alongside a high-fiber diet) can definitely keep you satiated throughout the day. However, she strongly advises against filling yourself up water just to lose weight, as calories are very crucial to human health.
In short, Modell says that there are positive takeaways from Simpsons diet. These include having three meals and a snack throughout the day (a great way to keep energy up and metabolism running efficiently, she explains), along with hydrating yourself with a sufficient amount of water. However, she reiterated the importance of remembering that just because a diet plan worked for a celebrity, doesnt mean it will automatically work for you. Drastic weight loss can be associated with concerning low-calorie plans, she adds, which can leave you deficient in important nutrients.
In order to lose 100 pounds in six months, one must be on a very restrictive, low-calorie plan, she says. My concern with rapid weight loss is that if it is not done healthfully or sustainably, it might result in malnutrition or nutrient deficiencies, as a person experiencing it may not be meeting their nutritional needs. Instead, she advises losing weight gradually by focusing on whole foods, eating enough calories to sustain your metabolism and body, hydrating your body and incorporating some form of movement into your life. Plus, youll always want to be remember to be patient with yourself, she adds, as drastic weight loss doesnt happen overnight.
Small changes that take place over a long period of time are often more sustainable, so be patient, she suggests.
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Jessica Simpson's Nutritionist Shares the Diet That Helped Her Lose 100 Pounds - NewBeauty Magazine
What Really Happens to Your Body When You Lose 10 Pounds – LIVESTRONG.COM

So many noticeable things happen when you lose weight your clothes fit better, you have more energy and you may even feel more confident. But what is actually happening inside your body when the scale ticks down?
The benefits of losing 10 pounds go far beyond appearance.
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Well, quite a lot, as it turns out. And these positive changes might start sooner than you think. In fact, when you lose just 10 pounds especially if you're overweight it can kickstart a whole host of bodily shifts toward better health.
To fully understand the biology of weight loss would take the equivalent of 30 semester hours. To save you the trouble of enrolling in university, here's a brief explanation of what's really happening in your body during the early stages of weight loss and the benefits of losing 10 pounds.
You gain weight when you eat more calories than your body needs to support its basic functions think: respiration and digestion and energy output, including exercise. Your body converts these excess calories to fat and stores it in your fat cells for later, just in case there's a shortage.
When that shortage doesn't come, and when you continue to exceed your calorie needs, more and more fat is stored in your fat cells, which begin to grow larger and larger. This is the reason your pants seem to get smaller and smaller.
But when you start to lose weight, the opposite happens.
"Dieting produces a condition of negative energy balance, where energy in is less than energy expended. The body must then use stored energy to survive, which primarily comes from our fat cells," Joseph Houmard, PhD, director of the human performance laboratory and professor of kinesiology at East Carolina University, tells "With this 'stress' of negative energy balance, hormones in the bloodstream magnify the ability of the fat cells to release stored fat to be used for energy in other tissues."
As this happens, your fat cells shrink and your pants seem to get bigger and bigger.
This doesn't happen immediately, though. According to authors of a research review published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in March 2014, during the early stage of weight loss the body is primarily burning stored carbohydrates and protein as well as a considerable amount of water.
This early phase lasts several days or weeks, until the body shifts to burning fat for energy. You can expect your fat cells to start whittling away by the time you reach the 10-pound mark, though, which means you'll start noticing changes in the mirror.
A drop in blood pressure is one of the positive things that happen when you lose 10 pounds.
Credit: annebaek/iStock/GettyImages
Beyond being able to wear skinny jeans, one of the most important reasons to lose 10 pounds or more is heart health.
Being overweight increases the volume of blood your body must circulate through your blood vessels, which increases strain on the arteries, according to the Mayo Clinic. Over time, high blood pressure can lead to a narrowing and hardening of the arteries, affecting their ability to carry fresh, oxygenated blood to the heart. This increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and heart disease.
The good news is that your blood volume decreases quite quickly when you start to lose weight. "The efficiency of weight loss is quite remarkable, with as little as 2 pounds of weight loss producing a one point drop in blood pressure," Dr. Houmard says. "Thus, relatively modest amounts of weight loss in the range of 4 to 8 pounds can decrease blood pressure by 3 to 8 points, which is significant in terms of reducing risk for heart disease and other conditions."
Just how weight loss reduces blood pressure is complex. According to Dr. Houmard, it has to do with a combination of changing hormones, better kidney function and a decreased strain on the heart.
Other mechanisms behind decreasing blood pressure and blood volume involve terms like "natriuretic peptides" and "renin-angiotensin-aldosterone." But by now you get the basic idea without going into full-on geek mode.
Hormones are your body's Uber. They carry chemical messages through your bloodstream and tissues that affect things like your metabolism, growth and development, reproduction, sexual function and mood. But excess body fat can affect the normal functioning of hormones, according to Harvard Health Publishing, and the processes they affect that are crucial to health.
A wealth of research, including a study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in July 2012, has shown that being overweight or obese can increase a woman's risk of hormone-receptive breast cancer. According to, the association isn't fully understood, but it's likely due to increases in hormones, including estrogen, that occur with excess weight.
"Estrogenically active fat is linked with breast cancer. If the fat a woman lost was fat that produced estrogen, then hormonal levels will decrease when that fat is lost. This is why weight loss is recommended to reduce the risk of breast cancer," explains Denise Pickett-Bernard PhD, RDN, LDN, a certified practitioner with the Institute for Functional Medicine.
Losing weight can help normalize hormone levels pretty quickly. In the 2012 Journal of Clinical Oncology study, the women lost 10 percent of their body weight, on average, during the 12-month trial, and markers of several estrogen-like hormones, as well as testosterone, decreased by between 10 and 26 percent.
Interestingly enough, whether the women lost the weight via diet only or by a combination of diet and exercise affected the results. Women who both dieted and engaged in regular exercise had much greater decreases in the potentially risky hormones.
It's not all good news, however. While potentially dangerous levels of some hormones change favorably, other unfavorable hormonal changes may take place, and these can affect your ability to lose 10 pounds and then keep the weight off. "Humans are hardwired to store body fat in case of a famine," says Pickett-Bernard. As explained in a research review published in the International Journal of Obesity in August 2015, our bodies tends to adjust to a calorie deficit in an effort to maintain homeostasis and hold onto fat stores.
To maintain status quo, levels of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin increase, while levels of appetite-suppressing leptin decrease. These hormonal changes can persist even after you've reached your goal, making it difficult to sustain your weight loss.
When you lose 10 pounds via exercise, your muscles and calorie burn will change along with your weight.
Credit: vitapix/E+/GettyImages
If you lose 10 pounds with the help of exercise, your body will adapt, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At the beginning of a new workout regimen, you're more likely to see fast results in muscle gain and fat loss. Your body is less conditioned, so you have to work harder, and you'll burn more calories than someone who is more conditioned doing the same activity.
The good news is you're getting fitter; the bad news is that you'll have to gradually progress the intensity, duration and/or frequency of your workouts to continue to achieve results.
Being overweight increases your chances of having a sleep disorder, and having a sleep disorder increases your chances of being overweight, say the authors of a March 2013 review in Nature of Science and Sleep. Talk about a double-whammy.
The good news is that losing 10 pounds can improve your sleep along with your risk factors for obesity. In a 2012 study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 77 volunteers who were either overweight or obese and who reported a variety of sleep disorders were divided into two intervention groups a weight-loss diet or a weight-loss diet plus exercise.
After six months, both groups had lost 15 pounds and 15 percent of their belly fat. As a result, both groups improved their overall sleep score by approximately 20 percent. Based on those findings, losing even 10 pounds is likely to help you sleep a lot more soundly.
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What Really Happens to Your Body When You Lose 10 Pounds - LIVESTRONG.COM
Intermittent Fasting is the Lastest Diet Trend. It Burns Fat Fast –

A major media maven emailed me the other day to ask for the name of a nutritionist who could help her suck off 7 pounds -- pronto. She has TV appearances to do and needed to look camera-ready in a flash. I told her don't waste your money or your time.
There is a new diet sweeping the nation and it works better than keto, without the controversial emphasis on oils, fats and animal products. It's Intermittent Fasting, and it's based in good science, done by doctors, like Dr. Jason Fung, who hasco-authored the book, Life in the Fasting Lane, out this spring (but you can pre-order it now on Amazon.)
I had an extensive interview with Dr. Fung about a weekago, and then I started this regimen -- and lost weight almost instantly. It felt like cheating. I ate all the foods I normally like, but in a window of about 8 hours, and fasted for the other 16. Andmy body shed fat, fast. I had been considering getting "cool" sculpting on my thighs (since no matter how much I work out I have always had stubborn fat pockets on my outer thighs) and just as I was making the appointment, I tried Intermittent Fasting, and low and behold,I lost fat. Okay not all of it and not exactly where I wanted to but my stomach felt flatter, my pants loser and though I don't weigh myself, I could estimate that I dropped about 5 pounds in one week. Without changing my diet. I just changed the timing of how I eat. (Which for me is plant-based but Dr. Fung said you can try Intermittent Fasting on any diet, so long as you don't go crazy on processed foods and carbs, which is good advice on any diet.)
Dr. Fong explained that he first figured out this was an effective weight loss tool when he worked with diabetics who were overweight and suffering from kidney failure. Rather than treat the kidneys he decided to backtrack and treat the obesity that was causing the insulin to short circuit, and in every case that the patient complied they lost weight, saw their insulin levels regulate and were able to avoid dialysis. IF works by lowering your insulin spike that, when you eat extra calories that you are not going to burn right away, signals to your body to store this excess energy as fat.
Intermittent fasting is having a major moment, partly because it works and partly because celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry, Reese Witherspoon, and Kourtney Kardashian have talked about Intermittent and how they use it to effectively control their weight. In a quick search, more than 3.2 million people have hashtagged #intermittentfasting on IG, andit was the most searched diet term on Google in 2019, according to the search engine.
Fasting for short bursts isas ancient as human-kind, Dr. Fung explains. We were not built to eat all the time, snacking and gorging all day long. We were built to find, forage, hunt or grow our meals and eat sporadically. We were also programmed to be sharper and more focused the hungrier we get, so that our survival is ensured by our brains becoming even more attuned to our surroundings as hunger signals: Feed me. If you can push through the initial surge of hunger, you can fast and turn on your body's fat-burning hyper chargers, since your body will do everything it can to feed itself, Dr. Fung explains. If you don't put something in your mouth, your insulin levels flatline, letting yourbody know: We need some energy here, let's get it out of reservers. It dips into the body's natural storage system to burn fat for fuel. You may even feel slightly euphoric or energized as the adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine(your three "fight or flight" hormones) flood your body and brain to keep your heightened awareness up until you eventually do eat. How long you go is up to you.
Another reason Intermittent Fasting is taking off is unlike Keto diets, which often get criticized for cutting out healthy carbs such as those from veggies and fruits,to avoid evennatural complex carbs that are healthy for youand help your body's cell function by delivering anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, nutrients and fiber, by contrast, you can eat the entire spectrum of healthy foods and still lose weight on Intermittent Fasting. In fact, Intermittent Fasting allows you to eat what you want, within a certain window -- either 4 or 6 or 8 hours, depending on whether you want to fast for 14, 16, 18 or 20 hours. Dr. Fung admits that at his most extreme, he went five days without eating, other than green tea, water, and coffee, to slim down and shed fat fast after an indulgent holiday.
But the health benefits of IF go well beyond the potential wins of weight loss (like lower blood sugar, blood pressure, lower cholesterol, lower insulin resistance to name a few). There is research to show that IF leads to a reduction in inflammation which is known to be a precursor to disease and illness, and improve glucose regulation. It can also help you stave off stress and slow the free-radical damage that shows up as aging in your cells and even lead to disease over time.
Stars like Jennifer Aniston, Kourtney Kardashian, Hugh Jackman and Lance Bass, Chris Pratt, Kate Walsh, Molly Simms and others have posted about their Intermittent Fasting regimens. All of them look amazing, and now we know why.
Is Intermittent Fasting for you? This question is one only you can answer. We tried it and while I usually hate being hungry, I got past it easily because I kept hearing Dr. Fung's words in my head: Hunger does not keep going up. It's a momentary thing and then you feel it abate when your body switches on the fat-burning process. You literally "feed" yourself, but it happens internally. He also pointed out that most people have about 200,000 calories stored in their body in the form of fat. You have enough calories to last about two weeks without eating. You are not going to collapse. In fact, you are going to feel better.
That's what we found. After doing it for just two days out of three, I felt lighter, tighter and less puffy and bloated. My jeans floated off my hips for the first time in months, and while I didn't weigh myself before starting my first fast of 16 hours, I felt like I had lost about five pounds by the end of week one. (Which involved two our of three days of fasting, on two cycles.)
Here is how to do it.
Don't get overly ambitious all at once. Instead, try different windows for eating (such asten hours on, 14 hours off) and find the one that works for you. We suggest that you start with the most popular window: Eat for 8 hours and fast for 16. So if you have dinner at 7 p.m. and finish by 8 p.m. (including wine) then fast until noon or slightly after the next day. Then you get the next eight hours to eat. While you can eat what you want, the body will be more likely to not store calories as fat if you stay away from the carbs. Other than that this diet works for plant-based and omnivores alike. Of course, the healthier you eat the better your body will feel, and the healthier you will be.
If you want to ramp-up to fasting for longer you basically have two choices: Eat breakfast or a mid-day meal and then fast through dinner until the next morning, or eat dinner and then hold off until the next evening. These are personal decisions and most people find that it's social to dine with their loved ones, but if you are a dinner skipper, or enjoy lunch with colleagues or have work functions during the day that require you to eat that works as well.
Make friends with your hunger and tell yourself this is your body's way of dialogue over where the next energy source is coming from. If from food then eat, If from fasting, tell yourself this is just a signal that it's switching over to burning fat.
Dr. Fung recommends fasting helpers like green tea or coffee with the anti-oxidants that help speed up metabolism, and if you want to break your fast, then do so with a snack that is lower in carbs and has fiber, a little bit of fat and protein (almond butter on a celery stick is a great choice) so that your insulin levels don't spike too high and come right back down again. If you snack, don't beat yourself up, you can still be effective when small snacks that help you stay on track.
The most important thing about fasting is to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water, tea, coffee, and other non-calorie fluids so that you don't mistake thirst and hunger. You need to drink. Our recommendation is that you follow the routine of two days of fasting a week, three at the most, alternating normal days with intermittent fasting days. Enjoy the food you eat and appreciate your amazing body for working with you on the important job of being healthy, active and strong.
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The EPOC Effect – What Is Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption – Women’s Health

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Sure, it takes time to see major payoffs from working out, whether you're looking to build muscle, lose weight, or improve your general health. But exercise does offer some forms of instant gratification (oh hey, endorphins). Among the best of which is a metabolic boost due to EPOC, a.k.a. the afterburn effect.
Wondering what is EPOC, exactly? The acronym stands for excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, and it refers to the increased level of O2 your body consumes and calories it burns in order to recover from working out.
Tracy Wehrman, an exercise physiologist at Maximized Potential, likes to tell people to picture EPOC this way: You go on a run with your dog and he suddenly breaks free to chase after a squirrel. "Your casual jog turns into a sprint to catch him. After three minutes, you finally get a hold of the leash again but are exhausted and have to find a bench to sit on and catch your breath."
If the casual run is your body's regular state of operation, and the sprint is your workout, then EPOC is happening while you're posted up on that bench. Now that you understand what EPOC is, here are eight things you should know about it if you want to optimize the EPOC effect of your workouts.
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1EPOC is the result of ATP production.
On a cellular level, your workouts are powered by a chemical compound called adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is what essentially supplies the energy necessary for metabolism. "The more ATP [you use working out], the more calories needed to help produce more ATP for recovery," says Steve Proniewych, exercise physiologist at High Performance Physical Therapy.
2High-intensity exercises generate a greater EPOC effect than lower-intensity ones.
"The higher the intensity of the exercises, the harder you will stress the body," says Proniewych. "This would mean you will need more ATP energy and oxygen after for your body to recover."
3Exercises that recruit fast-twitch muscles are better at stimulating EPOC.
Fast-twitch muscles are larger and denser than slow-twitch muscles and can generate more force and power with quicker response times. They're the ones used during anaerobic workouts like HIIT, heavy lifting, and plyometrics. "The larger and denser your muscles are, the more ATP required, which means a higher level of calorie burn," says Proniewych.
4Anaerobic exercises lead to a bigger afterburn than aerobic workouts.
Doing workouts that require your body to produce energy without oxygen (anaerobically) as opposed to with oxygen (aerobically) means creates a bigger oxygen deficit in your system that'll it'll need to repay during recovery. Plus, anaerobic exercises rely primarily on fast-twitch muscles.
5HIIT produces the highest EPOC effect.
HIIT has the trifecta when it comes to EPOC igniters: 1. It's high intensity. 2. It's anaerobic. 3. It utilizes fast-twitch muscles. Boom! To get the most afterburn, "make sure it's an exercise that you can push your body as hard as it will allow," says Wehrman. Here's a list of HIIT workouts to help you get started.
6It's unclear how long an afterburn lasts.
More research needs to be done in regards to the length of time EPOC effects the body. Some studies say it lasts only 15 minutes, while others have determined that increased oxygen consumption can happen for several hours. What does ring true is that how many calories you burn post-workout depends is different for everybody and that the real benefit of EPOC is the collective impact of this elevated caloric burn overtime. "People should understand that EPOC is determinant on various factors. Adaptation response will work differently for people and specific fitness levels," says Abby Rivas, EP-C at High Performance Physical Therapy. So, making sure your workouts are varied, consistent, and progressively challenging are all key to keeping your EPOC effect optimized.
7Steady state cardio produces less of an afterburn
Endurance running, swimming, and cycling, are all great workouts, but they won't boost your metabolic rate as much as HIIT or resistance training. "Steady-state exercises that are a constant level of intensity for longer periods of time tend to have much lower EPOC effect, which means less calorie burn," explains Poniewych. This is because the energy you're expending is being produced using oxygen, meaning it doesn't much, if any, extra oxygen to replenish ATP post workoutit's doing it in real time.
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The EPOC Effect - What Is Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption - Women's Health
Yep, Its TrueStaying Positive Can Actually Help You Maintain Weight Loss – Yahoo Lifestyle

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From Bicycling
According to a new study published in the journal Obesity, those who were most successful at losing weightand keeping it offhad a more positive outlook.
Weight loss maintainers did not beat themselves up for regaining a few pounds or feel negative about themselves or the behaviors that had led to being overweight or obese.
Instead, weight loss maintainers practiced self-kindness and mindfulness, which helped them understand that days of overeating and low activity do happen, and you can get back on track the next day.
It should go without saying that no cyclist needs to lose weight, and cyclists indeed come in all shapes and sizes. But the reality is that many people get into cycling to lose weight, which is a challenging process, and those who are successful face an even harder road ahead: keeping the pounds off.
While theres no single strategy that works best for everyone, new research highlights certain tactics that many weight loss maintainers have in common, providing at least a roadmap for the maintenance journey.
Published in the journal Obesity, the study surveyed almost 5,000 members of WWformerly known as Weight Watcherswho lost an average of 50 pounds and didnt regain the weight for at least three years. Researchers looked at 54 behaviors related to weight management, encompassing strategies related to goal-setting, attitudes, food tracking, and type of food consumed.
In terms of habits around food, the most prevalent behaviors of the weight loss maintainers were keeping healthy, lower-calorie food accessible, setting daily consumption goals, recording actual food consumed, and continuing to measure or weigh foods.
Also important for those who kept the weight off for years is an emphasis on outlook. These participants focus on remaining positive and often think about past successes, said lead study author Suzanne Phelan, Ph.D., a kinesiology and public health professor at California Polytechnic State University.
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Focus on building these skills first, she told Runners World. The more these skills are practiced, the more they become habitual.
And while there are often unhealthy temptations and distractions all around us, putting consistent habits in place can counteract this environment, Phelan added.
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What the weight loss maintainers did not do was beat themselves up for regaining a few pounds or feel negative about themselves or the behaviors that had led to being overweight or obese.
Practicing self-kindness and mindfulness are connected to being self-aware, and to understanding that eating and activity are part of a process, Phelan said. There will be days of excess eating and low activity. How people respond to these days makes a difference.
Preventing weight regain isnt important just for a sense of emotional wellbeing. Recent studies have highlighted the health hazards of yo-yo dieting, since the weight thats regained is often fat, which raises heart disease risk and increases systemic inflammationa potential cause for many health issues, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
For those who are on a weight loss track right now, it may be helpful to look past that goal weight moment and think about implementing strategies that will boost maintenance efforts, too. Above all, obsessing over every single calorie or every single pound can quickly result in an unhealthy mindset so focusing on awareness, positivity, and healthy habits is key.
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Yep, Its TrueStaying Positive Can Actually Help You Maintain Weight Loss - Yahoo Lifestyle
German doctors have listed ways to lose weight for women after 50 years – The Saxon

It is no secret that older women are harder to keep the weight inherent in a slim figure. Metabolism becomes sluggish, aggravated by menopause the body does not have enough resources to actively participate in all physiological processes. In General, after the age of 50 years given weight loss much more difficult than after 30. But what to do if you fail to lose weight even in your sleep?
According to German doctors, even after the onset of the 50th anniversary of to lose weight quite real. This writes the German magazine Freundin.
The interviewed experts described the ways that will help in this.
Use spices and herbs. Studies have shown that people who add Cayenne pepper to food, experience fewer cravings for sweet, fatty foods. Supplementing the diet with spices and herbs stimulate metabolism, which helps to maintain or reduce weight, experts say.
There are like children. Sometimes it seems that the child needs an eternity to finish their portion. A slow manner is one of the best ways to maintain harmony, emphasized by nutritionists. It is scientifically proven that chewing food at least 30 seconds after each bite causes a feeling of satiety even before the plate is finally empty.
A feeling of satiety occurs only after a certain time. Long chewing helps to save calories and lose weight, tell the doctors.
Regular exercise. Not every sport is suitable for work after the age of 50 years. But swimming, Hiking, walking, riding a bike is gentle enough for the body load.
For weight loss after 50 years, it is important to focus on developing muscle mass to boost metabolism. Even small, but regular movement can help to achieve the goal, says the magazine.
Not to count calories. Practice shows: to choose healthy, nutritious food much better than to track her calories.
People tend to use processed foods. But it is better to get rid of the need to monitor calories and choose natural whole products, scientists believe.
To turn off the TV. The food is in front of the TV causes a person to consume about 13-25 percent more, as the attention is scattered and does not focus on food. For weight loss it is important to eat without distractions.
which helps to lose five pounds in a week.
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Originally posted here:
German doctors have listed ways to lose weight for women after 50 years - The Saxon
Meghan Markle Allegedly Thinks Prince Harry Is Overweight? Truth Revealed – International Business Times

Meghan Markle reportedly thinks that her husband, Prince Harry, is overweight.
A source told Radar Online that the Duke of Sussex gained a few pounds especially on his face, and the Duchess of Sussex has ordered him to lose weight.
That means getting back to the gym, cutting back on carbs and teaming up with a trainer every other day at the very least, the source said.
The insider added that Markle wants to make sure that she and Prince Harry would always look good especially when they are meeting up with the likes of George and Amal Clooney. The Duchess of Sussex has also been working on Prince Harrys style and wardrobe, and hes simply following her lead.
This isnt the first time that Markle was reported to have been encouraging Prince Harry to lose weight and improve his appearance and lifestyle.
Before his royal wedding in 2018, Prince Harry was photographed exercising in London with his trainer. He also stopped smoking after Markle encouraged him to do so.
A source told People that Markle has been a good influence on Prince Harry.
They both worked hard to be the healthiest they could be before they got married, the source said.
Prince Harry and Markle also teamed up with nutritional adviser Gabriela Peacock to design their meals. Prince Harry has also been taking Peacocks Clean Me supplements to boost his immune system and improve his skin condition.
And the Duke of Sussex has also given up his notorious party lifestyle since he met Markle. The Duchess of Sussex wants her husband to get in shape and be healthy.
As such, it is unlikely for Prince Harry to have gained weight recently especially around his face. And Markle doesnt need to encourage her husband to lose weight if he hasnt gained any.
During his recent appearance at the JP Morgan event, it was evident that the Duke of Sussex has maintained his weight and physique.
Britain's Prince Harry and his wife Meghan (pictured following their engagement in 2017) have started a new life in Canada away from the British monarchy Photo: AFP / Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS
See the original post:
Meghan Markle Allegedly Thinks Prince Harry Is Overweight? Truth Revealed - International Business Times
Man who struggled to walk has life back thanks to huge weight loss – Daily Record

A inspirational Carluke man has an important piece of advice for people struggling to lose weight: Believe in yourself.
Gordon Davidson had been miserable after piling on the pounds and reaching his heaviest weight of 18 stone.
The 62-year-old could no longer enjoy his summer holidays and was struggling to walk around without getting breathless.
I never had the belief I could lose weight, said Gordon.
But Weight Watchers, attending workshops, walking and regular activity has now given me a belief in myself.
If I can do it, then others can do it. Believe in yourself.
It was after returning from a trip abroad that Gordon realised he needed to take some serious action to get back in shape.
While his holiday should have been a time to relax and enjoy himself, walking around sightseeing was difficult because he was so unfit and all the holiday food led to more weight gain.
Gordon said: I didnt enjoy my time abroad and when I came home and saw a picture of myself, I decided that it was finally time to do something about it.
I had been eating all the wrong things like lots of puddings, biscuits and cakes, so its no wonder my weight had gone up to 18st.
It was the heaviest I had ever been.
I was eating too much and portions were big, too big!
Gordon joined the Weight Watchers club that meets at Wishaw Volunteer Centre, and was warmly welcomed by slimming coach Barbara Graham.
She made me feel instantly at ease, said Gordon.
I settled into the my Weight Watchers plan quickly and easily and loved the choice of zero smartpoint foods, which really helped to fill me up without using too many points. I learned that I could eat lots of foods if I just changed what I was eating.
I was always satisfied and never hungry.
I was able to enjoy alcohol at the weekends and the occasional dessert, and I could mix and match different foods.
My weekly workshop was really beneficial and we all helped to motivate each other.
Now 70lbs lighter, I am fitter and healthier than ever before.
Gordon now walks regularly throughout the week and loves to play badminton to stay fit.
His trouser size has dropped from a 38-inch to 32-inch waist, and hes ditched XXL tops for a standard medium size.
Five stone lighter and in much-improved health, Gordon is looking forward to jetting off and enjoying his holidays again.
Read the original here:
Man who struggled to walk has life back thanks to huge weight loss - Daily Record
Potatoes and Diabetes: Safety, Risks, and Alternatives – Healthline

Whether baked, mashed, fried, boiled, or steamed, potatoes are one of the most popular foods in the human diet.
Theyre rich in potassium and B vitamins, and the skin is a great source of fiber.
However, if you have diabetes, you may have heard that you should limit or avoid potatoes.
In fact, there are many misconceptions about what people with diabetes should and shouldnt eat. Many people assume that because potatoes are high in carbs, theyre off-limits if you have diabetes.
The truth is, people with diabetes can eat potatoes in many forms, but its important to understand the effect they have on blood sugar levels and the portion size thats appropriate.
This article tells you everything you need to know about potatoes and diabetes.
Like any other carb-containing food, potatoes increase blood sugar levels.
When you eat them, your body breaks down the carbs into simple sugars that move into your bloodstream. This is whats often called a spike in blood sugar levels (1).
The hormone insulin is then released into your blood to help transport the sugars into your cells so that they can be used for energy (1).
In people with diabetes, this process is not as effective. Instead of sugar moving out of the blood and into your cells, it remains in circulation, keeping blood sugar levels higher for longer.
Therefore, eating high-carb foods and/or large portions can be detrimental to people with diabetes.
In fact, poorly managed diabetes is linked to heart failure, stroke, kidney disease, nerve damage, amputation, and vision loss (2, 3, 4, 5, 6).
Therefore, its usually recommended that people with diabetes limit their digestible carb intake. This can range from a very low carb intake of 2050 grams per day to a moderate restriction of 100150 grams per day (7, 8, 9).
The exact amount varies depending on your dietary preferences and medical goals (9, 10).
Potatoes spike blood sugar levels as carbs are broken down into sugars and move into your bloodstream. In people with diabetes, the sugar isnt cleared properly, leading to higher blood sugar levels and potential health complications.
Potatoes are a high carb food. However, the carb content can vary depending on the cooking method.
Here is the carb count of 1/2 cup (7580 grams) of potatoes prepared in different ways (11):
Keep in mind that an average small potato (weighing 170 grams) contains about 30 grams of carbs and a large potato (weighing 369 grams) approximately 65 grams. Thus, you may eat more than double the number of carbs listed above in a single meal (12).
In comparison, a single piece of white bread contains about 14 grams of carbs, 1 small apple (weighing 149 grams) 20.6 grams, 1 cup (weighing 158 grams) of cooked rice 28 grams, and a 12-ounce (350-ml) can of cola 38.5 grams (13, 14, 15, 16).
The carb content of potatoes varies from 11.8 grams in 1/2 cup (75 grams) of diced raw potato to 36.5 grams in a similar serving size of french fries. However, the actual serving size of this popular root vegetable is often much larger than this.
A low GI diet can be an effective way for people with diabetes to manage blood sugar levels (17, 18, 19).
The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how much a food raises blood sugar compared with a control, such as 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of white bread (1, 11).
Foods that have a GI greater than 70 are considered high GI, which means they raise blood sugar more quickly. On the other hand, foods with a GI of less than 55 are classed low (1, 11).
In general, potatoes have a medium to high GI (20).
However, the GI alone isnt the best representation of a foods effect on blood sugar levels, as it doesnt take into account portion size or cooking method. Instead, you can use the glycemic load (GL).
This is the GI multiplied by the actual number of carbs in a portion, divided by 100. A GL of less than 10 is low, while a GL greater than 20 is considered high. Generally, a low GI diet aims to keep the daily GL under 100 (11).
Both the GI and GL can vary by potato variety and cooking method.
For example, a 1 cup (150 gram) serving of potato may be high, medium, or low GL depending on the variety (11, 20):
If you have diabetes, choosing varieties like Carisma and Nicola is a better option to slow the rise of blood sugar levels after eating potatoes.
You can check the GI and GL of different types of potatoes through this website.
The way a potato is prepared also affects the GI and GL. This is because cooking changes the structure of the starches and thus how fast theyre absorbed into your bloodstream.
In general, the longer a potato is cooked the higher the GI. Therefore, boiling or baking for long periods tends to increase the GI.
Yet, cooling potatoes after cooking can increases the amount of resistant starch, which is a less digestible form of carbs. This helps lower the GI by 2528% (21, 22).
This means that a side of potato salad may be slightly better than french fries or hot baked potatoes if you have diabetes. French fries also pack more calories and fat due to their cooking method.
Additionally, you can lower the GI and GL of a meal by leaving the skins on for extra fiber, adding lemon juice or vinegar, or eating mixed meals with protein and fats as this helps slow the digestion of carbs and the rise in blood sugar levels (23).
For example, adding 4.2 ounces (120 grams) of cheese to a 10.2 ounce (290 gram) baked potato lowers the GL from 93 to 39 (24).
Keep in mind that this much cheese also contains 42 grams of fat and will add nearly 400 calories to the meal.
As such, its still necessary to consider the overall number of carbs and the quality of the diet, not just the GI or GL. If controlling weight is one of your goals, your total calorie intake is also important.
A low GI and GL diet can be beneficial for people with diabetes. Potatoes tend to have a medium to high GI and GL, but cooled cooked potatoes, as well as varieties like Carisma and Nicola, are lower and make a better choice for people with diabetes.
Although its safe for most people with diabetes to eat potatoes, its important to consider the amount and types you consume.
Eating potatoes both increases your risk of type 2 diabetes and may have negative effects on people with existing diabetes.
One study in 70,773 people found that for every 3 servings per week of boiled, mashed, or baked potatoes, there was a 4% increase in the risk of type 2 diabetes and for french fries, the risk increased to 19% (25).
Additionally, fried potatoes and potato chips contain high amounts of unhealthy fats that may increase blood pressure, lower HDL (good) cholesterol, and lead to weight gain and obesity all of which are associated with heart disease (26, 27, 28, 29).
This is particularly dangerous for people with diabetes, who often already have an increased risk of heart disease (30).
Fried potatoes are also higher in calories, which can contribute to unwanted weight gain (27, 29, 31).
People with type 2 diabetes are often encouraged to maintain a healthy weight or lose weight to help manage blood sugar and reduce the risk of complications (32).
Therefore, french fries, potato chips, and other potato dishes that use large amounts of fats are best avoided.
If youre having trouble managing your blood sugar levels and diet, speak with a healthcare provider, dietitian, or diabetes educator.
Eating unhealthy potato foods, such as chips and french fries, increases your risk of type 2 diabetes and complications, such as heart disease and obesity.
Although you can eat potatoes if you have diabetes, you may still want to limit them or replace them with healthier options.
Look for high fiber, lower carb, and low GI and GL foods like the following (33):
Another good way to avoid large portions of high carb foods is to fill at least half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables, such as broccoli, leafy greens, cauliflower, peppers, green beans, tomatoes, asparagus, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, and lettuce.
Lower carb replacements for potato include carrots, pumpkin, squash, parsnip, and taro. High carb but lower GI and GL options include sweet potato, legumes, and lentils.
Potatoes are a versatile and delicious vegetable that can be enjoyed by everyone, including people with diabetes.
However, because of their high carb content, you should limit portion sizes, always eat the skin, and choose low GI varieties, such as Carisma and Nicola.
In addition, its best to stick with boiling, baking, or steaming and avoid fried potatoes or potato chips, which are high in calories and unhealthy fats.
If youre struggling to make healthy choices to manage your diabetes, consult your healthcare provider, dietitian, or diabetes educator.
Potatoes and Diabetes: Safety, Risks, and Alternatives - Healthline