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Apr 6

Elder Russell M. Nelson Marries Wendy L. Watson

ElderRussell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of TheChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Wendy L. Watsonwere married today in the Salt Lake Temple. This is the secondmarriage for Elder Nelson and the first for Wendy Watson.

Elder Nelsons previousmarriage was to Dantzel White Nelson, who died 12 February 2005.Their family includes 10 children, 56 grandchildren and 18great-grandchildren.

Ordained an Apostle on 12April 1984, Elder Nelson received his B.A. and M.D. degrees fromthe University of Utah and his Ph.D. from the University ofMinnesota. A renowned surgeon and medical researcher, Elder Nelsonserved as the former president of the Society for Vascular Surgeryand also as former chairman of the Council on CardiovascularSurgery for the American Heart Association.

Wendy L. Watson, originallyof Raymond, Alberta, Canada, is the daughter of the late LeonardDavid and Laura McLean Watson. She is a professor of marriage andfamily therapy in the School of Family Life at Brigham YoungUniversity (BYU) and will retire 1 May 2006. She received her Calgary, Alberta, Canada, her B.A. from the University of Hawaiiin Honolulu, her M.Sc. from BYU, and her Ph.D. from the Universityof Calgary. She served as chair of BYU Womens Conference for 1999and 2000, and is the author of several books and addresses recordedon CD, including Rock Solid Relationships and Things AreNot Always as They Appear.

Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide.

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Apr 6

Advice From President Nelson to Millennials Living in a …

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How can the rising generation live more happy and meaningful lives? President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints told a group of young adults in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Saturday, February 17, 2018, the answer can be found, in part, from a parable describing the importance of avoiding distraction and temptation.

He began his address using a parable to emphasize that your ultimate safety in this life lies in never taking the first enticing step toward going where you should not go and doing what you should not do.

The prophet explained that as human beings we all have appetites necessary for our survival. These appetites are absolutely essential for the perpetuation of life. So, what does the adversary do? He asked. He attacks us through our appetites. He tempts us to eat things we should not eat, to drink things we should not drink, and to love as we should not love!

President Nelson told hundreds of young adults, participating in the fireside in four Las Vegas Mormon meetinghouses, that they should learn to have purpose in this life, know who they are, why they are here and how to master the divine laws.

Personal Identity

One of the most important things you need to learn in life is to know who you really are, President Nelson said. He encouraged his audience to learn about their parents, grandparents and other forebears down their genealogical lines. Most importantly, he said they should know their ultimate identity.

Know that you are an elect son or daughter of God, created in His very image, President Nelson said.

Sister Nelson, who also spoke Saturday night, said, It's time that we stop comparing ourselves to others. "When you let the Lord know that you are serious about doing exactly what you came to earth to do, watch what happens. He may change many things dramatically. So hang on for the ride of your life, the ride that you were born to take.


President Nelson reminded those present that everyone was made for a reason and answering the "why"of their lives is essential.

When you begin to catch even a glimpse of how your Heavenly Father sees you and what He is counting on you to do for Him, your life will never be the same, said President Nelson.

Divine Law

President Nelson said his experience as a heart surgeon taught him that divine laws are discoverable, predictable, dependable and repeatable. This, he explained, is true in science and religion. For example, there are laws of science that govern a beating heart and those of religion that govern revelation.

One size really can fit all who are here tonight, said Sister Nelson. Whatever is said over the pulpit can fit each one of you perfectly because the Holy Ghost will tailor-make whatever is said to fit you. I don't know what you need to hear, but the Lord does.

Sister Nelson recalled calling off an engagement when she was 24 years old after receiving inspiration while listening to general conference.

President Nelson said, The more of Gods laws you know and more importantly, live the more effective your righteous leadership will be.In that vein, President Nelson encouraged those present to follow Jesus Christ by living a life of prayer, service and careful study of Gods laws.

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Apr 6

Latter-day Saint Missionary Program – Missionaries Serve …

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' missionary program is one of its most recognized characteristics. Latter-day Saint missionaries can be seen on the streets of hundreds of major cities in the world as well as in thousands of smaller communities.

The missionary effort is based on the New Testament pattern of missionaries serving in pairs, teaching the gospel and baptizing believers in the name of Jesus Christ (see, for example, the work of Peter and John in the book of Acts).

More than 70,000 full-timemissionaries are serving missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Most missionariesare young people under the age of 25, serving in more than 400 missions throughout the world.

Missionaries work with a companion of the same gender during their mission, with the exception of couples, who work with their spouse. Single men serve missions for two years and single women serve missions for 18 months.

Missionaries receive their assignment from Church headquarters and are sent only to countries where governments allow the Church to operate. Missionaries do not request their area of assignment and do not know beforehand whether they will be required to learn a language.

Prior to going to their assigned area, missionaries spend a short period of time at one of 15 missionary training centers throughout the world. There they learn how to teach the gospel in an orderly and clear way and, if necessary, they begin to learn the language of the people they will be teaching. The largest training center is in Provo, Utah, with additional centers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, England, Ghana, Guatemala, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, the Philippines, South Africa and Spain.

Male missionaries are addressed with the title Elder and women are addressed with the title Sister.

A typical missionary day begins by waking at 6:30 a.m.* for personal study.The day is spent proselytizing by following up on appointments, visiting homes or meeting people in the street or other public places. Missionaries end their day by 10:30 p.m.

In some parts of the world, missionaries are sent only to serve humanitarian or other specialized missions. Those missionaries do not proselytize.

Missionary work is voluntary. Missionaries fund their own missions except for their transportation to and from their field of labor and are not paid for their services.

Contacts with family and friends during this time of service are limited to letters and occasional phone calls to family at special times. Missionaries avoid entertainment, parties or other activities common to this age-group as long as they are on their missions, so they can focus entirely on the work of serving and of teaching others the gospel of Jesus Christ.

*As of January 2017, missionary schedules and rules are more flexible depending on the culture of the country where missionaries are serving.

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Apr 6

Learn About Core Latter-day Saint Beliefs

Representatives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are often asked whether the Church is becoming more mainstream over time.

If the term mainstream means that Latter-day Saints are increasingly viewed as a contributing, relevant and significant part of society particularly in the United States, where there are now some six million members then, of course, the answer is yes. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, founded in New York State in 1830 with just six members, is today the fourth largest church in the United States by independent estimates.

It follows that its members are found at every level of society in business and agriculture, in education and the sciences, in political parties and in government, in the entertainment industry and in the news media. In fact, people are much more likely to be familiar with individual Latter-day Saints as friends, neighbors and working colleagues than they are with the Church institution itself or with its teachings. This also applies in many other nations outside the United States.

If being described as mainstream means the Church loses the very distinctiveness of the beliefs that are at the heart of its message, the answer is different. While respecting the divergent views of other people of faith, Church leaders want to be clear about the beliefs that help define Latter-day Saints.

The following are some of the more important differences in belief and practice between The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and other Christian churches.


Because Latter-day Saints believe that divine apostolic authority was lost from the earth after the death of the ancient apostles, a restoration of that authority was necessary. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that restoration began in the early 1800s with revelations to the young Joseph Smith.


Among the most important differences with other Christian churches are those concerning the nature of God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Together, these form what is commonly referred to as the Holy Trinity in many churches and as the Godhead by Latter-day Saints.

Modern prophets, continuing revelation and new scriptures

Latter-day Saints believe that God still speaks to humankind, that He has called new apostles and prophets and that revelation flows today as it did anciently. Further, many of those revelations have been formally incorporated into new volumes of scripture. These include the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ; the Doctrine and Covenants, a collection of revelations to Joseph Smith and subsequent presidents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; and the Pearl of Great Price, which includes the writings of Moses and Abraham as well as modern writings of Joseph Smith.

Plan of salvation

Latter-day Saint theology embraces what Church members refer to as the plan of salvation. The topic covers the pre-mortal state of all mankind, the reasons why God created the world, the nature and purpose of our life here and what future awaits us in the next life.

Temples and their purpose

The primary purpose of temple work is to seal or unite families together, with the expectation that those relationships continue beyond death. The same temple rites can be performed for those who have died. There is no counterpart to temple practices in other Christian churches.

Missionary program

This is a difference in practice rather than in doctrinal belief, since many Christian churches send out missionaries to preach the gospel. However, the missionary program of the Church is distinctive and recognizable for the sheer number and distribution of missionaries, for the length and variety of their service, and for their appearance and their preaching of a restored gospel.

Lay ministry

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has no full-time professional clergy at the congregational level. Even at the highest levels of the Church, leaders who are called as full-time apostles forsake their more remunerative professions in order to serve a lifetime calling as special witnesses of Jesus Christ and to oversee the Church worldwide.

Health practices

Abstinence from alcohol among religious faiths is not unique to Latter-day Saints. However, among Latter-day Saints abstinence from alcohol is expected to be total, as is the abstinence from tobacco, tea and coffee.

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Apr 5

Louisville HCG Diet Doctor – Brad Cummins, M.D. – HCG …

Brad Cummins, M.D.

Brad Cummins, M.D. ofRevitaLife MD uses the HCG Diet to help men and women improve their overall quality of life and lose significant amounts of weight. Jefferson County and Louisville, Kentucky HCG Diet program includes a comprehensive medical weight loss program that can be tailored to specific needs and goals.

Thousands of patients have been able to reach their weight loss goals and lose high amounts of weight with the HCG Diet protocol. The HCG Diet is based on using the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone, which is produced in a womans body during pregnancy.This hormone functions to trigger the body to release fat stores for nutrients if a pregnant woman cannot take in enough nutrients and calories, which enables her to continue her pregnancy.

When this hormone is present in a person that is not pregnant, it still works the same way. While on the HCG Diet, people must follow a Very Low Calorie Diet of around 500 calories, which consists of eating only fresh vegetables, low sugar fruits, and lean sources of protein. This diet has helped many people to lose weight and can benefit both men and women.

Although HCG is made in a womans body, men can also benefit from the HCG Diet and do not usually encounter sex related side effects from using the hormone. The HCG hormone works the same way in a mans body as it does in a womans body, and men can lose weight without losing lean muscle mass. Usually men lose an average of around one pound per day. The HCG burns a mans fat stores when the body is triggered, and they can achieve a leaner appearance.

The HCG Diet and body fat loss may also benefit male hormone balance. This is because increased body fat can raise a mans levels of estrogen, which can lead to suppressed testosterone levels. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone that helps to maintain sexual function, muscle mass, energy, and libido. When estrogen levels rise due to body fat, these functions can begin to suffer. Men may feel more lethargic, have lower libido, experience reduced endurance and stamina, and lose muscle mass. Louisville HCG Diet Doctor, Brad Cummins, M.D. ofRevitaLife MD uses the HCG Diet program to help men lose body fat. This can help to lower estrogen levels, which can balance the estrogen to testosterone ratios.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a hormone that is produced naturally in a womans body during pregnancy, and it helps the body to utilize fat stores in the event a woman cannot take in enough food to nourish the growing fetus. When a woman that is not pregnant uses HCG, her body is treated both as the fetus and the mother in that the HCG taps into fat stores to make sure the body gets its required nutrients.

In women, higher amounts of body fat can offset the progesterone to estrogen ratios, and this is because fat contains estrogen. Increased body fat may lead to estrogen dominance, and because estrogen promotes tissue growth, higher levels can raise the risks of developing breast or uterine cancer, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and fibrocystic breasts. Losing weight with the Jefferson County and Louisville HCG Diet can help women to avoid developing estrogen dominance.

A woman should start the HCG diet following the last day of her menstrual period because her hormones must be at certain levels for the HCG hormone to take effect. It is also necessary to avoid cosmetic and hygiene products that have fatty components because they get absorbed into the skin and can affect the efficiency of the HCG hormone. Louisville HCG Diet Doctor, Brad Cummins, M.D. ofRevitaLife MD can guide women through the process of the HCG Diet program to help them lose weight and increase overall health.

Louisville HCG Diet Doctor, Brad Cummins, M.D. ofRevitaLife MD works with patients as a team to customize their healthcare. Countless patients have been able to restore their health and prevent obesity related diseases with the Louisville, Kentucky HCG Diet.

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Apr 5

The Best Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight Fast | Eat This …

Wouldnt it be great if life came with a magic remote control that made the bad parts speed up and the good parts slow down? You could hit FF at the beginning of every workday, and RWD at the end of awesome date. All the vacations, holidays and parties could move at the pace of a Kenny G song, and all the endless conference calls could spin by faster than Nicki Minajs hairstyles.

And right up there on the FF listweight loss. Sure, slow and steady may win the race, but who wants to plod along like a tortoise, especially when a warm weather getaway is right around the corner? Add these super weight loss foods to your day to get your weight-loss goals on hyperspeed. All of them have been scientifically proven to fry flab in 6 weeks or less! Tighten your seatbeltin fact, youll soon be tightening every belt!

If youre not drinking green tea with your workouts, you might be wasting your time at that barre class. A study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that after just two weeks, exercisers who sipped four to five cups of green tea each day and logged 25-minutes at the gym lost more belly fat than their non-tea-drinking counterparts. What makes the drink so powerful? It contains catechins, an antioxidant that hinders the storage of belly fat and aids rapid weight loss. And thats not the only weight loss elixir out there: Discover more details and drop two sizes with these 4 Teas That Melt Fat Fast.

Think of each almond as a natural weight-loss pill. A study of overweight and obese adults found that, combined with a calorie-restricted diet, consuming a little more than a quarter cup of the nuts can decrease weight more effectively than a snack comprised of complex carbohydrates and safflower oilafter just two weeks! (And after 24 weeks, those who ate the nuts experienced a 62% greater reduction in weight and BMI!) For optimal results, eat your daily serving before you hit the gym. A study printed in The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that almonds, rich in the amino acid L-arginine, can actually help you burn more fat and carbs during workouts. Fill up, but dont fill out: Use these Eat This, Not That!-recommended 10 Daily Habits That Blast Belly Fat.

Stephen Colbert may be on to something. UCLA Center for Human Nutrition researchers divided study participants into two groups, each of which were fed a nearly identical low-cal diet for 12-weeks. The only difference between the groups was what they were given to eat as an afternoon snack. One group ate 220-calories of pretzels while the other group munched on 240-calories worth of pistachios. Just four weeks into the study, the pistachio group had reduced their BMI by a point, while the pretzel-eating group stayed the same, and their cholesterol and triglyceride levels showed improvements as well.

What if we told you that you could make 20 percent of your belly disappear this yearpoof, just gone? Penn State University researchers compared those who consumed avocado oil with those who consumed a flax-safflower oil blend. Those on the canola oil dietjust three tablespoons daily did the tricklost nearly 2 percent of their belly fat in just one month. For more ways to enjoy big, bold flavors, burn flab with these healthy fats.

Its time to focus on your lentil health. In one four-week Spanish study, researchers found that eating a calorie-restricted diet that includes four weekly servings of legumes aids weight loss more effectively than an equivalent diet that doesnt include beans. Those who consumed the legume-rich diet also saw improvements in their bad LDL cholesterol levels and systolic blood-pressure. To reap the benefits at home, work lentils, chickpeas, peas and beans into your diet throughout the week.

How would you like to take all the great weight-loss results youve just read aboutand double them? Thats what happens when you supplement your diet with a combination of vitamin D and calcium, according to a Nutrition Journal study. Just four weeks into the 12-week experiment, subjects who had taken these two nutrientsfound in abundance in some yogurtslost two times more fat than the other group! To get similar results at home, start your day with one of these best yogurts for weight loss.

Like a marathoner stretching before the big run, eating half a grapefruit before a meal can enhance your bodys fat-burning performance. A study published in the journal Metabolism found that this warm-up tactic can help whittle your middleby up to an inchin just six weeks! The scientists attribute the powerful effects to the grapefruits fat-zapping phytochemicals. The fruit can interact negatively with certain medications, so as long as you get the green-light from your M.D, plan to have half of a grapefruit before your morning meal and add a few segments your starter salads to reap the benefits.

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Apr 5

How Fast Will I Lose Weight on Keto? What to Expect Dieting …

Fact-checked by Dr. Anthony Gustin, DC, MS.

Written by Brenda Godinez

on October 9, 2018

Weight loss is one of the most popular uses of the ketogenic diet these days.

If youre using keto to drop pounds, you are probably wondering how fast you can expect to see results.

Since everyone is different, its hard to get an exact answer, but this article will cover the average weight loss rate you can expect tips for successfully losing weight on keto, and how to avoid common weight loss mistakes

Everyones body is different, which means the weight loss rate for each person is different too.

Your individual weight loss rate can vary depending on 4 main factors:

For example, someone with a slow metabolism and a lot of fat tissue to lose who doesnt exercise enough will take longer seeing weight loss on keto compared to someone with a normal metabolism, slightly overweight, who starts exercising 4-5 times a week along with doing keto.

The key is to stay consistent and focus on eating healthy keto-friendly foods. Treat the keto diet as what it is not simply a diet, but a lifestyle and metabolic shift in your health.

With that being said, what we can tell you is how to start off on the right foot.

Before you embark on your keto weight loss journey, its important to get the basics right.

Some people think cutting carbs is enough to enter ketosis, but this isnt always the case. Its important to make sure youre actually running on ketones instead of carbs, otherwise youre not going to burn fat or lose weight and youll get discouraged.

So how do you make sure your cells are running on fat?

If you tick these boxes when starting keto, youll have the best weight loss results.

Which brings us to

As you know by now, not everyone loses weight at the same rate, but heres what you can expect based on the average results people get when using keto for weight loss:

Typically, in the first week of the keto diet people see a very quick drop in weight anywhere from a few pounds to as much as 10! Thats because at first, keto makes your body release a lot of water weight (not fat) due to your lower carb intake.

This is why that happens:

Carbs need water to stay in your body. When your body doesnt use glucose immediately, it stores it as glycogen in your muscles and glycogen binds to water. Each gram of glycogen is stored with 23 g of water. [*]

When you first switch to keto, your body will burn all the glycogen reserves first before using fat. Once it runs out of glycogen, the water that was needed to store it gets eliminated and thats why the weight on your scale changes so drastically.

While this isnt fat loss, its a sign that your body is working its way into ketosis: fat burning mode.

This rapid water loss may also lead to dehydration and constipation, so drink more water than you normally do each day to keep things moving.

After a week or two, weight loss will happen at a slower and more steady pace. This is also the period of time when youre getting fat-adapted as your body switches from burning carbs to burning fat, which means youll actually be losing fat now.

A safe, average loss from here is around 1-2 pounds (0.5-1 kg) per week.

Heres what research says about weight loss on the ketogenic diet:

As you can see, weight loss varies depending on how long youre on the keto diet, how much weight youve got to lose, and your health condition. People seem to lose the most fat on the first 2-3 months of the keto diet, although weight loss is sustained for as long as people follow the diet.

Long-term: Slower Weight Loss

As you get closer to your goal weight, weight loss slows down. This is because as your weight decreases, your total daily caloric needs decrease as well. So, even if you continue on a deficit of calories to lose weight, it will now make a smaller difference.

You might have some weeks where it seems you havent lost anything, then youll weigh a week or two later and be down 3-4 pounds. The key is to stick with it and not get discouraged; just make sure youre still in ketosis and give your body time to do its thing.

One study found that after one year on the keto diet, men and women between 30-69 years who weighed between 90-100 kg lost a total of 14 kg (30.8 pounds).[*]

However, most of that weight was lost in the early stages of keto. They

This means the keto diet is effective for fast and sustained fat loss. You will see the biggest changes if you stick with it for a few months, and you wont gain the weight back.

If you feel like you are going through a weight loss plateau after sticking with the keto diet for a few months, there might be habits or foods hindering your progress. Below are common weight loss mistakes and what to do about them:

This one may seem obvious, but its pretty common that people come out of ketosis without realizing it if they stop tracking their ketone levels. So, one of the biggest reasons people dont see weight loss results on keto is theyre not actually on keto.

What to do:

Some of the foods you eat can have more carbs than you realize. These hidden carbs can put you over your daily carb limit and bust your weight loss efforts.

What to do:

Some people tolerate dairy really well and others dont, so figure out which camp youre in. Some dairy like yogurt and whey protein may elevate insulin levels and kick you out of ketosis.

What to do:

Although its harder to overeat on keto due to the filling nature of fats, its still possible to eat more calories than you need. If you dont stay at a calorie deficit, you wont see weight loss.

What to do:

Those who have yoyo dieted a lot in the past might also need to give their bodies time to recover from damage. This might just mean giving the body time to heal while focusing on healthy keto nutrition.

When going keto, its important to focus on more than just weight loss, even if you have a lot to lose. Overall health should be the goal, so give yourself credit for any and all benefits you notice from the ketogenic diet. That could be:

Although weight is a good indicator of progress and is certainly an important marker of health (to an extent), remember that its not all about the number on the scale. In fact, many on the keto diet will say they noticed differences in the mirror more than on the scale.

If youre weight lifting at the same time, you might be replacing fat loss with muscle gain. While this might not move the scale much, itll show up on your body.

The ketogenic diet is amazing for losing weight and improving your health, so stick with it and dont be afraid to make changes as needed. Track what you eat, stick within your keto macros, and test your ketone levels frequently to make sure youre staying in ketosis. Most of all, give your body time to respond to the great changes youre making for it.

Choose what describes you bestNo Exercise and Low ActivityExercise 1-2x/Week (Low Intensity)Exercise 1-2x/Week (Mid/High Intensity)Exercise 3-4x/Week (Low Intensity)Exercise 3-4x/Week (Mid/High Intensity)Exercise More than 4x/Week (Low Intensity)Exercise More than 4x/Week (Mid/High Intensity)High Intensity Exercise 5x/Week + Active Lifestyle

0% Changed

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Your Daily Macronutrient Goals

--Protein (g)

--Carbs (g)

--Fat (g)

--Total Calories

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Apr 5

Ipamorelin vs Sermorelin – Ipamorelin

Whilst ipamorelin is regarded as being a GHRP product, sermorelin is regarded as being a GHRH product; this means that it doesnt instigate a massive spike in growth hormone release, but rather sustains and optimises access to growth hormone whilst it is present.

As such, these two products can be effectively combined together.

Its worth noting that these two items actually share a similar list of benefits, though sermorelin is reportedly beneficial for boosting the immune system and supporting more restful sleep in a manner that is surplus to many other secretagogue varieties.

On balance, it does present an extended list of potential side effects when compared to ipamorelin. These products should not be compared, rather the user should consider how their unique benefits can be combined.

Youll often hear different peptide names being mentioned alongside each other, each with their own individual classification depending on how many amino acids they contain as part of their activation sequence.

Two of the most common classifications are pentapeptides (peptides featuring a chain of five or more amino acids as previously discussed) and hexapeptides.

Just like pentapeptides, hexapeptides too are a common feature of many skin care / anti aging products and medications / pharmaceutical applications.

Unlike anabolic steroids, a peptides functionality is not determined merely by its name alone instead, its all about what lies within.

The name hexapeptide merely means that the peptide type in question contains a chain of 6 amino acids. It does not dictate by default which six or what effect they will manifest.

This is only the same with pentapeptides, whereas their name merely dictates that a five amino acid chain is present. In either scenario, the products natures could be completely different to one another.

The below image showcases what a hexapeptide structure looks like.With the above information in mind, it is largely irrelevant to try and determine a peptide by its numerical value alone. Instead, treat them as you would steroids and look into the individual character traits on offer with each named peptide variety in order to understand more about them.

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Apr 3

Exercise & Long Term Weight Loss Walk from Obesity

Exercise is insurance for long term weight lossI cant even begin to tell you how many times I tell this to my clients. So many people seek my advice for exercise and weight loss and although exercise in and of itself may not facilitate significant weight loss, it is paramount to long term weight loss and weight management. I remember speaking at a weight loss surgery retreat this past year and before I began I went around the room and had each participant introduce themselves, explain where they were at with their weight loss journey, and tell me their current exercise habits. This was a small group of about nine weight loss surgery patients, but as they revealed their storiesevery single person who had not adopted a consistent exercise program had regained a substantial amount of their weight and every patient that was exercising regularly kept their weight off. No real surprise to me and when I pointed out that fact to the group; well, lets just say it proved my point. What a great way to start a talk about exercise and weight lossup front confirmation that this exercise stuff really works!

Ive witnessed both the weight regain and weight loss in thousands of clients over the years and every time, the regularity of exercise literally weighs in on which direction a client will landweight loss, weight management, or weight gain. And this is why I just completed my second book about exercise and weight loss. My newest book, Bariatric Fitness For Your New Life, gives you a functional approach with easy to follow instructions and step-by-step photos that will inform, educate, and outline functional exercise programs. It is a post-surgery program of mental coaching, mobility work, strength training, and fat-burning cardio routines. Bariatric surgery is a highly effective way to take control of your weight, but its only one part of the solution. A sound exercise program combined with healthy nutrition that is individualized for your current health and fitness level are key components to long term success. Bariatric Fitness For Your New Life will give you the tools you need for success! My first book, Rx Fitness for Weight Loss The Medically Sound Solution to Get Fit and Save Your Life, is geared to inform, educate and provide medically sound exercise guidance and motivation for the overweight and obese client who has always struggled with fitness specific to weight loss. Both of my books will encourage and instruct every person no matter what fitness level to thoroughly understand how to exercise, injury free, in order to maximize long-term weight loss and improved overall health. They also include real client testimonials and realistic fitness models that will encourage and motivate you to continue down your path of success.

Julias books can be ordered here:Bariatric Fitness for Your New LifeRx Fitness for Weight Loss

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Exercise & Long Term Weight Loss Walk from Obesity

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Apr 2

Boston HCG Diet – Rosy Sandhu, M.D. – HCG Weight Loss …

Boston HCG Diet Doctor, Rosy Sandhu, M.D. at Neem Medical Spa & Wellness Center has over 10 years of experience treating patients, and she has successfully changed the lives of countless men and women in the Boston and Middlesex County area with the HCG diet. She guides patients through the process of weight loss with the HCG diet and helps them to overcome the unpleasant consequences associated with obesity. Dr. Sandhus mission is to establish open channels of communication with her patients, hear out all of their concerns and address them, and deliver the best possible results. Rosy Sandhu, M.D. seeks to develop a partnership with her patients throughout their weight loss process, and she focuses a high level of attention on building a strong doctor to patient relationship in a warm and caring environment.

As a medical weight loss doctor, Rosy Sandhu, M.D. incorporates the latest advances in weight loss with the HCG diet to provide a powerful treatment plan for patients.

Dr.Simeons discovered The HCG diet in the 1950s while visiting India. During his visit he noticed that malnourished Indian mothers were giving birth to healthy babies. After years of research, he discovered that the mechanism behind this phenomenon was the HCG hormone. The hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin allows a fetus to obtain nutrition from the mothers fat storages in the event of a famine or food shortage. When the hormone is administered in conjunction with a low-calorie diet to a person who does not have a fetus to feed, it works in a similar way, metabolizing stored fat to supplement daily energy needs.

While on the HCG diet, the patient must adhered to a strict diet of 500 calories per day, the remaining calories needed by the body, around 1500 to 2000 additional calories, can be broken down from fat stores and released into the bloodstream by HCG. The release of calories from fat can also keep a person from feeling starved while on the diet, and it can prevent cravings for sugary, fatty, or unhealthy foods. The release of calories also helps to prevent blood sugar fluctuations, which can help to keep moods stable and healthy.

Some people argue that with the HCG diet, the weight loss is mostly due to the low calorie diet; however, without the use of the HCG hormone, a very low calorie diet would cause a person to feel starved, metabolize muscle tissue, and experience serious mood fluctuations. When the body is not taking in enough calories, it can trigger cravings for foods that can quickly supplement a need for a specific nutrient, which does not always promote the taking in of healthy foods. On the Boston HCG diet plan, patients are able to avoid the obstacles that can be present in other diets or in diets that are based on cutting calories.

The HCG diet is for men and women that are 20 pounds or more overweight for their age and height. Patients prescribed the HCG diet can safely lose up to one pound per day. During one course of HCG, most patients lose around 30 pounds. While on the HCG diet, patients must avoid products that contain fats, such as certain hygiene and cosmetic products, creams, and make-ups. The skin absorbs the fats from these products into the bloodstream, and the body thinks that more nutrients are being taken in, which can disrupt the function of the HCG hormone triggering the hypothalamus to break down fat.

After finishing the HCG diet, many men and women are able to reap the benefits of their weight loss. Some of the benefits of weight loss with the HCG diet can include:

Boston HCG Diet Doctor, Rosy Sandhu, M.D. at Neem Medical Spa & Wellness Center has helped countless men and women to improve their overall levels of health and wellness, while boosting their self-confidence. The Boston HCG diet is a safe and natural way to help men and women to lose weight, and it has helped many people to reach their weight loss goals.

Rosy Sandhu, M.D. at Neem Medical Spa & Wellness Center will start by performing tests that include a comprehensive metabolic panel, thyroid tests, complete blood count, pregnancy test for pre-menopausal women, and a lipid profile. Her customized programs last for duration of 26 to 40 days, depending on the patients weight loss goals. She offers daily subcutaneous injections with a 500-calorie a day diet. Dr. Sandhu offers continued support through emails, phone calls, and daily emails that include food and exercise goals of the day. Patients also have weekly visits with Rosy Sandhu, M.D. and weigh-ins. Supplements that include multivitamins, weekly B12-MIC injections, and probiotics may also be offered with the program. Upon completing an HCG diet program, patients will undergo a six-week maintenance program.

Designing customized HCG Diet programs has allowed Dr. Sandhu to greatly benefit patients and improve their overall levels of health and wellness. To learn more about receiving an HCG Diet program, contact Boston HCG Diet Doctor, Rosy Sandhu, M.D. at Neem Medical Spa & Wellness Center today to schedule a consultation!

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