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Mar 10

Weight Loss Tips – Lose Weight Safely – The Frisky

1- Input output

In the beginning, you have to know how your body works and how it burns fat. Your body reacts according to the following equation.

Intake Calories Output Calories

Intake calories are the amount of calories you gain from the food and beverages you consume daily. Output calories are the number of calories you burn from your body metabolism and daily physical activity So, to guarantee continuous weight loss, you have to be careful about this equation. You have to keep your output calories must be higher than your intake calories to lose weight.


The most important meal in your diet is breakfast because your body metabolic rate depends mainly on it at the beginning of the day. Early breakfast results in a higher metabolic rate for the whole day, but be Careful of eating a large amount of food for breakfast. Its recommended to have fruits, vegetables or some yoghurt to be included in your breakfast with a suitable amount of water.

Your body metabolism rate reacts according to how many meals you eat per day. Eating 5-6 small portions meals result in a higher metabolism rate, but 1-2 daily meals will reduce your metabolism and increase your weight gain rate. The more you eat, the more you burn, as long as the intake calories are less than the output calories as we explained before.

The body fat is considered as the fuel for your muscle. So, when you do exercises, your body muscles use this fat and burn it to produce sufficient energy for your muscles. Thats why physical activity is so important in losing weight, but Im not talking about any type of physical activity. We will explain later further details about the exercises.


There are many natural metabolism boosters that you can use to help you increase your metabolism rate and lose weight easily.

Do you know that drinking water before meals suppresses your appetite? Not only that, but some researches said that cold water helps your metabolic rate to be higher to keep your body temperature normal at 37 Celsius. One of the most common mistakes is drinking soda instead of water. Consuming one or two cans of soda causes your waistline to increase five times than with those who are not drinking. In addition to the large amounts of sugar in the soda will increase your appetite to eat more food, even the diet soda which contains artificial sugar will do the same bad effect.

Sleeping well will maintain your body nervous system in a healthy state and thus help improve your body activity level and accordingly the metabolism. But insufficient daily sleep results in higher levels of cortisol hormone (stress hormone). You have to sleep 6-8 hours daily to help your body recover and remain in good health.


One of the most common mistakes Ive ever seen in my career life.

When you feel sad, dont eat!

When you feel depressed, dont eat!

When you feel stressed, dont eat!

Eating while you are depressed or upset will make you eat more without knowing. Try to control your appetite when you feel depressed. There are many natural depression treatments like a piece of dark chocolate or coffee, or you can go for some walk and get some fresh air. Trust me! Eating too much food wont make you happier.

Ive seen this case so many times. Dont worry its normal and temporary to gain some weight during your diet program, keep following your diet and exercise to lose weight again. Never stop because of some pounds up!

Following a low calories diet for a long time will make your metabolic rate lower, and thats the main reason for gaining weight again after losing. Your diet should include a free day, in which you can eat anything as you like to break the daily diet routine and help increase your body metabolism again.


-Your body starts to burn the stored fats after around 30 mins of exercising.

-Dont divide the time of your exercise on the day, at least do 30 mins continuously.

2- Strength Exercise:

-The muscle cell needs energy more than the fat cell, so it means that the more muscle mass in your body the higher metabolic rate.

3- Lifestyle modification:

-The best way to burn calories during the day without efforts.

-Using the stairs instead of the elevator.

-Home work like cleaning or washing

-Parking the car away from the destination entrance to walk more.

-Washing your car.

-Cardio exercises use your stored fats to produce energy.

-Gym machines exercises tend to increase your muscle mass and increase your metabolic rate.

-Both of them are useful for weight loss but with different theories.

-You can perform both of them but focus on the cardio exercise especially at the beginning

-Dont believe the TV commercials!

-Abdominal exercises increase your abdomen muscles mass but not burning its fats.

-The fat loss during abdominal exercise is so low compared to the increase in muscle mass.

-The result will be that you will get a big muscle mass on the abdomen fat layer, which will not be a good shape.

-But focus on cardio exercises only until you lose your abdomen fat and becomes nearly flat.

-Then start the abdominal exercises to build sexy six packs without fat.

Source: Instagram

Cellulite is a condition in which the skin appears to have areas with underlying fat deposits, It is most noticeable on the buttocks and thighs and usually occurs after puberty.

-Grades or types of cellulite:

*Grade 1 cellulite sees no clinical symptoms, but a microscopic examination of cells of the body detects underlying anatomical changes.

*Grade 2 have decreased elasticity, in addition to anatomical changes noted by microscopic examinations.

*Grade 3 cellulite has visible roughness of the skin (like an orange peel) along with all grade 2 signs.

-Causes of cellulite

1- Hormonal factors

2- Genetics

3- Diet

4- Lifestyle factors

5- Tight Clothing

-Treatment of cellulite:

There are several treatments that have been suggested to reduce cellulite. But according to my experience, the best one is radiofrequency therapy (RF) sessions.

-It stimulates the collagen in your skin and promotes the skin elasticity.

-It reduces the fat deposits under the skin layer (subcutaneous lipolysis).

-It reduces the orange peel appearance of the skin.

Here is the original post:
Weight Loss Tips - Lose Weight Safely - The Frisky

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Mar 9

The Benefits of Sermorelin and Ipamorelin – Harcourt Health

Sermorelin and Ipamorelin are growth hormones; or in simple terms, hormones that stimulate growth. They are natural hormones, found in both animals and plants. Most people accentuate growth hormones with muscle building, especially in relation to GHRPs or synthetically made growth hormones that are manufactured solely for muscle building. The hormones boost cellular regeneration, growth, cellular damage and they also repair injuries. The process advances weight gain and maintains the blood sugar levels.

The market is full of different growth hormones, and each is made for specific uses and has side effects. Most of the products are tested on animals before they are released onto the market. Nonetheless, some people consider this unethical. In case ethics is your primary concern, you should first look into the companys animal testing policies and procedures before purchasing the product.

Sermorelin is a Secretagogue, or a growth releasing hormone that stimulates the pituitary gland to produce more growth hormones. It is a bioidentical hormone. This means the hormones molecular structure is similar to the molecular structure of the bodys natural growth hormone. Sermorelin, therefore, functions like the bodys growth hormone, but unlike other kinds of growth hormone therapies, sermorelin stimulates the body to produce more human growth hormone, effectively and safely. Sermorelin is also a peptide, made up of 29 amino acids. However, it should not be compared with the naturally occurring human growth hormone which is a huge molecule made up of 191 amino acids. Sermorelines chemical name is GRH 1-29 because only the 29 amino acids actively stimulate the secretion of the human growth hormone from the pituitary gland. Currently, sermorelin is the only product available that enhances the effects of the human growth hormone.

While on the hormone replacement therapy, the body can efficiently regulate the growth hormone levels and determine the highs and the lows. The regulation is termed as the normal feedback which is the bodys protective mechanism. When the hormone levels are too high, the normal feedback mechanism tries to bring the levels back to a safer and more balanced level. The regulation prevents the sudden spikes and drops of the human growth hormone.

Currently, sermorelin is mainly administered through the subcutaneous injection. Since it has small molecules, it could be administered as a spray through the nasal mucosa. To know more about the procedure, or if youre interested in getting one yourself, click here to enroll for hormone replacement therapy. Sermorelin and the human growth hormone work in different regions of the body. The human growth hormone works in the liver while sermorelin works at the pituitary gland, but both hormones boost the IGF-1 serum. Sermorelin is measured in micrograms while the human growth hormone is measured in International units. Also, sermorelin is cheaper than the human growth hormone, but one vial of sermorelin has more daily doses than one vial of the human growth hormone. While taking sermorelin, the timing is crucial. The peptide should be administered once a day in the evening. This should be strictly before bedtime since sermorelin boosts the bodys natural production and development of the human growth hormone during sleep.

As people age, they experience decreases in energy levels and an increase in different bodily pains and aches. Besides being a safe growth hormone, Sermorelin therapy deals with such aging symptoms.

Just like Sermorelin, Ipamorelin is a secretagogue. Ipamorelin causes some response by binding the cellular receptors. The secretagogue stimulates the pituitary gland to produce the growth hormone into the bloodstream and suppresses the production of somatostatin. In most cases, ipamorelin works in the liver and the brain, and this makes it suitable for anti-aging effects. ipamorelin is a peptide since it contains amino acids and it is categorized as a GHRP or growth hormone releasing peptide. It is similar to Hexarelin, GHRP2, and GHRP6.

Compared to other peptides, ipamorelin is the mildest GHRP. The peptide is also the most versatile GHRP that can be utilized by SARMs, AAS and peptide stacks for more benefits. Ipamorelin also has the mildest side effects and can even boost low growth hormone levels when the long-term synthetic growth hormone inhibits the natural secretion of the growth hormone. Unlike prolactin and cortisol, ipamorelin stimulates the secretion of the growth hormone without the negative side effects.

Since it targets a specific growth hormone pulse and heightens ghrelin, ipamorelin is similar to GHRP-6. Nevertheless, unlike the GHRP-6, ipamorelin doesnt stimulate hunger. More so, it does not affect the plasma growth hormone levels and the cortisol levels. Unlike other peptides such as Hexarelin, Ipamorelin does not affect desensitization. Since it is a versatile hormone, ipomerlein is more suitable as a bedtime dose.

Although it doesnt affect cortisol levels, high doses of Ipamorelin directly affect prolactin and cortisol production. For this reason, a user can administer higher doses and with a higher frequency. This may not elevate the acetylcholine blood plasma levels or the cortisol levels. Despite being the mildest GHRP, ipamorelin is not the weakest. It is actually the longest lasting GHRP, and it is more potent at higher doses. Ipamorelin also functions as a slow building hormone just like the natural growth hormone. This makes it the healthiest peptide.

Ipamorelin is sold as a lyophilized powder or a frozen powder form, and it is mixed with bacteriostatic water for usage. After it is reconstituted, you should keep it refrigerated, all the time, for up to 5 weeks, but in its powder form, you can refrigerate it for up to 12 weeks. After preparation, you can administer ipamorelin through injection; subcutaneous injection or intramuscular injection. To most people, the subcutaneous injection is the easiest, and it is administered two to three times in a day. A small insulin syringe can work well. An ipamorelin dosage is approximately 200 to300mcg, and for more benefits, most people combine the ipamorelin dosage with other growth hormone releasing hormones or GHRHs. The results should be visible within eight weeks, but the recommended minimum is twelve weeks. You can administer the ipamorelin therapy as long as you wish.

Even though it is a medication, ipamorelin is not readily available in the market. If you choose to buy the product, you must research through chemical supply companies, and you may find it, going for 15$ to $25 for very 2mg. Preferably take ipamorelin before meals since it is easier for the hormone to get into the bloodstream, for better results. Advisably, take the peptide at the same time every day and at the same frequency to ensure ipamorelin levels are boosted in the body at a uniform standard. This maximizes results and reduces the likelihood of Ipamorelin side effects.

Ipamorelin therapy comes with various benefits, and most of them are identical to Sermorelin benefits or other advantages attributed to normal growth hormones. Still, ipamorelin has additional benefits including controlling the growth hormone pulse release and the level of growth hormone released at one time.

Both sermorelin and ipamorelin therapies are safe and effective, and they are efficient anti-aging therapies. They deal with age-associated health issues such as low energy levels and lean muscle development. Since they firm the skin, sermorelin and ipamorelin therapies can make you look and feel younger. Nonetheless, in some cases, the therapies yield some side effects. When taken in high doses, ipamorelin causes a slight head rush feeling or a headache while sermorelin causes pain, nausea, swelling at the injection point, vomiting, paleness, redness and facial flushing. To manage these side effects, take lab tests to monitor the growth hormone levels and to track progress effectively. Also, in case you are on prescription medicine, pregnant, have a brain disease or medical allergy; consult a doctor before taking ipamorelin or sermorelin.

Photo by rankun76

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The Benefits of Sermorelin and Ipamorelin - Harcourt Health

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Mar 9

How to lose weight safely – Food and nutrition | NHS inform

Losing weight safely and at a realistic pace is the best way to reach your healthy weight and to maintain that weight in the long term.

To make sure you lose weight safely, always speak to your GP before starting a new diet or fitness regime.

One pound of fat contains 3,500 calories so cutting your calorie intake by 500 calories per day on average, should see you lose 1 pound per week. While it might not seem like much, if you ate an extra 100 calories per day, by the end of the year you could gain 11lbs. Small changes make a huge difference in the long term.

Setting small and realistic goals will help you lose weight safely and will make you more likely to maintain your weight loss.

Eat three regular, balanced meals a day and try to have meals at planned times. Only include snacks if you're physically hungry.

More abouteating a healthy balanced diet

Substitute high-calorie food for healthier alternatives if you're trying to lose weight:

Looking for healthy snack inspiration?

Losing weight is about eating a healthy and balanced diet, but a big part of being successful in your weight loss attempts is learning how to control your portion sizes.

Portion sizes vary depending on a number of factors - such as age, gender and activity levels - but as a rough guide, the following table outlines the portion sizes of some common foods:

Food item

Portion size

Pasta and rice

2 to 3 tablespoons


1 medium slice

Cooked meat

Size of a deck of cards



Hard cheese

Size of a matchbox

Beans or pulses

4 tablespoons

Picking a smaller plate can help to reduce your portion sizes and in turn, the number of calories consumed.

More aboutportion control.

Eating in front of the TV can influence our food choices but can also contribute to us eating more than we need. Concentrating on the TV instead of the meal or snack you're eating can lead to mindless eating where we eat more than we need and will be less likely to notice feeling full.

More about mindful eating (will add appropriate link).

Planning ahead is important to help ensure you have the right foods to hand, at the right times. You should:

Avoid buying larger pack sizes and in-store promotions that are often foods high in fat, salt or sugar - such as crisps and fizzy drinks - this can lead to overeating and weight gain.

Keeping active helps to burn the calories you consume. If you eat a healthy balanced diet with fewer calories and increase the amount of activity you do each day, you'll lose weight.

It's recommended that adults should try to be active every day and should complete at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week - this could include cycling or walking at a fast pace. Alternatively, you could complete 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise, which could include running or a game of football. You could split this up into easily manageable 30-minute workouts over 5 days of the week.

It's also important to include strength exercises that work all of the major muscles (chest, shoulders, arms, back, abdomen, hips, legs) into your workouts.

More aboutkeeping active

Alcohol contains a lot of calories. Drinking too much can damage your health and lead to weight gain.

As a guide:

If you want to lose weight, cut down on the amount of alcohol you drink or avoid altogether.

You should limit the amount you drink to no more than 14 units spread evenly throughout the week.

Tips for cutting down on alcohol

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How to lose weight safely - Food and nutrition | NHS inform

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Mar 9

Low testosterone | Andrology Australia

What are androgens?

Hormones are chemical messengers madeby glands in the body that are carried inthe blood to act on other organs in thebody. Hormones are needed for growth,reproduction and well-being.

Androgens are male sex hormones thatincrease at puberty and are needed for aboy to develop into a sexually mature adultwho can reproduce. The most importantandrogen is testosterone.

Testosterone is the most important androgen (male sex hormone) in men and it is needed for normal reproductive and sexual function. Testosterone is important for the physical changes that happen during male puberty, such as development of the penis and testes, and for the features typical of adult men such as facial and body hair and a masculine physique. Testosterone also acts on cells in the testes to make sperm.

Testosterone is also important for overall good health. It helps the growth of bones and muscles, and affects mood and libido (sex drive). Some testosterone is changed into oestrogen, the female sex hormone, and this is important for bone health in men.

Testosterone is mainly made in the testes. A small amount of testosterone is also made by the adrenal glands, which are walnut-sized glands that sit on top of the kidneys.

The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus,located at the base of the brain, controlthe production of male hormones andsperm. Luteinizing hormone (LH) andfollicle stimulating hormone (FSH) arethe two important messenger hormonesmade by the pituitary gland that act onthe testes.

LH is needed for the Leydig cells in thetestes to make testosterone, the male sexhormone. Testosterone and FSH from thepituitary gland then act together on theseminiferous tubules (sperm-producingtubes) in the testes to make sperm.

Androgen, or testosterone, deficiency iswhen the body is not able to make enoughtestosterone for the body to functionnormally. Although not a life-threateningproblem, androgen deficiency can affectyour quality of life.

Androgen deficiency due to diseases of the testes or hypothalamus-pituitary affects about one in 200 men under 60 years of age. It is likely that androgen deficiency is under-diagnosed and that many men are missing out on the benefits of treatment. About one in 10 older men may have testosterone levels lower than those in young men, but this is usually linked with chronic illness and obesity. The benefits and risks of testosterone treatment for such men are not yet known.

Testosterone levels in men are highestbetween the ages of 20 and 30 years. Asmen age there is a small, gradual drop intestosterone levels; they may drop by up toone third between 30 and 80 years of age.

Some men will have a greater drop intestosterone levels as they age, especiallywhen they are obese or have other chronic(long-term) medical problems. On the otherhand, healthy older men with normal bodyweight may not experience any drop inserum testosterone levels.

There is no such thing as male menopauseor andropause that can be compared tomenopause in women.

Low energy levels, mood swings, irritability,poor concentration, reduced muscle strengthand low sex drive can be symptoms ofandrogen deficiency (low testosterone).Symptoms often overlap with those of otherillnesses. The symptoms of androgen deficiencyare different for men of different ages.

Androgen deficiency can be caused bygenetic disorders, medical problems, ordamage to the testes or pituitary gland.Androgen deficiency happens when thereare problems within the testes or withhormone production in the brain. A commonchromosomal disorder that causes androgendeficiency is Klinefelters syndrome.

A diagnosis of androgen deficiency involveshaving a thorough medical evaluation andat least two blood samples (taken in themorning on different days) to measurehormone levels. Diagnosis should not be simply based on symptoms as these could becaused by other health problems that needdifferent treatment. A diagnosis of androgendeficiency is only confirmed when blood testsshow a lower than normal testosterone level.

A reference range is used as a guide by testing laboratories and doctors to decide whether a persons hormone levels are normal or low, and whether treatment may be needed. Testosterone is measured in units called nanomalor. The normal testosterone reference range for healthy, young adult men is about 8 to 27 nanomolar but these numbers vary between measurement systems.

Androgen deficiency is treated with testosterone therapy; this means giving testosterone in doses that return the testosterone levels in the blood to normal. Testosterone is prescribed for men with androgen deficiency confirmed by blood tests. Once started, testosterone therapy is usually continued for life and the man needs to be checked regularly by a doctor.

In Australia testosterone therapy is available in the form of injections, gels, creams, patches and tablets, and works very well for men with confirmed androgen (testosterone) deficiency. The type of treatment prescribed can depend on patient convenience, familiarity and cost. Commercial testosterone products contain only the natural testosterone molecule that is chemically produced from plant materials.

Side-effects are not expected because testosterone therapy aims to bring a mans testosterone levels back to normal. However, testosterone therapy can increase the growth of the prostate gland which can make the symptoms of benign prostate enlargement (such as needing to urinate more often) worse. In the case of prostate cancer, testosterone therapy is not used because of concerns that it can make the tumour grow. Too high a dose of testosterone can lead to acne, weight gain, gynaecomastia (breast development), male-pattern hair loss and changes in mood. Any side-effects should be managed by a doctor and the testosterone dose lowered.

There are many herbal products marketed, particularly on the Internet, as treatmentsthat can act like testosterone and improve muscle strength and libido (sex drive). However, there are no known herbal products that can replace testosterone in the body and be used to treat androgen deficiency.

Testosterone therapy generally stops the production of the pituitary hormones FSH and LH, which reduces the size of the testes and can lower or stop sperm being made.

Testosterone treatment should not be given to a man wanting to become a father in the foreseeable future. If sperm production was normal before testosterone therapy, it usually recovers after treatment stops but it can take many months to go back to normal.

Testosterone therapy in men with androgen deficiency aims to bring testosterone levels back to normal and to return muscle strength and energy levels back to normal. However, the use of androgens (anabolic steroids) by normal men to improve athletic performance is illegal and has important short-term and long-term health risks.

Men who use anabolic steroids will lower or even turn off their own testosterone and sperm production. It may take many months for testosterone levels and sperm counts to return to normal after stopping anabolic steroids.

There are no known ways to prevent androgen deficiency caused by damage to the testes or pituitary gland. However, if you live a healthier lifestyle and manage other health problems your testosterone levels may improve, if your low testosterone levels are caused by other illness.

Not all men have a drop in testosterone levels with age. A healthy lifestyle may help you to keep testosterone levels normal.

Read the original post:
Low testosterone | Andrology Australia

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Mar 9

14 Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight – mindbodygreen

Are you eating well and exercising, but your weight just won't budge? Or it's going up? Desperate attempts to lose weight can be so frustrating and create a real stress in our lives. In fact, I'll go as far as saying that weight is the NUMBER ONE stress for women I know.

It's a vicious cycle of trying to control what we eat, feeling like a failure because the scale doesn't move, punishing ourselves for not being "more in control," and then manifesting a huge amount of bodily stress that causes further havoc in our bodies. Then we binge or take our diet to an extreme (never healthy) and the cycle continues

Oh gosh Ive exhausted myself just typing that!

Our self-esteem is measured by what the scales say, right?

Of course not, but thats what I believed. Now I believe that when we are kinder to ourselves, and practice positive thinking, our body will start to work in our favor. And the weight will go down.

Of course its not thaat simple, but it's the first part of being more in control of your own body weight.

And it doesn't need to be such a stress! There is a way to live without worrying about your weight and watching everything that enters your mouth. Once we have the skills in place to find happiness and psychological wellbeing, healthy eating habits (and a healthy weight) will follow easily.

Here are 14 reasons you may be hitting the wall with your weight

1. Your hormones aren't balanced.

If you are fatigued, suffer from PMS, experience irregular menstrual cycles, find it hard to lose weight, feel depressed or anxious, you may have a hormonal imbalance. Best to see a nutritionist or doctor who can support you and suggest certain tests that will confirm this so you can take appropriate action.

2. You're not getting enough Vitamin D.

A huge number of the population have low Vitamin D, which is associated with weight gain and several metabolic processes. If you spend much of your life indoors, get your Vitamin D checked with your doctor.

3. You're exercising, but not in a way thats benefiting your body!

You are either exercising too much or you need to mix it up a bit and give the body a bit of a shock. (Funnily enough, most people I see who over exercise tend to put on weight easily.) Enjoy a variety of workout techniques: weight training, Pilates, yoga and interval training. Quick and hard bursts are good. And weight training is very helpful to raise your metabolism.

4. Your digestion and absorption is not optimal.

You are not what you eat; you are what you digest and absorb! Our gut health will determine our overall wellbeing. The bacteria that lies in our gut helps us to fight disease, process our food, make nutrients and make hormones etc.

5. You're sitting on your ass all day.

You're not moving your body enough throughout the day, and your body does not like this. I understand some of your have office jobs and are tied to your desk, but is it possible to go for a few minute stroll every hour? Or walk 20 minutes to grab lunch?

6. You're eating too much.

I'd love to be able to say you can eat as much healthy food as you like, but unfortunately this is just not the case. The body cannot cope with a lot of food at once. It's vital to put good portions on your plate. (I usually say: of the plate should be protein, carbohydrate and veggies.) Fill that plate with your greens, my love, and eat 5 to 6 small meals a day. We must learn to listen to our bodies when it's full and to stop eating! We all need to work on this.

7. You're not chewing your food.

Chewing your food until it's liquid will really help with weight loss and better digestive performance.

8. You're stressed and not finding balance in your days.

Stress can impact your weight in a number of ways. Long term stress = high cortisol, which is linked to blood sugar imbalance and weight gain around the mid-section.

9. You're not sleeping enough.

Sleep = repair. When your body gets enough rest, it's able to perform.

10. You're a fad dieter.

This is not way of life. I often ask people are you weight conscious or health conscious? They're very different mentalities that foster very different choices.

11. You're eating out too much and not cooking at home.

Trust me, you just dont know what that restaurant is using to cook your food. Assume they're using the worst vegetable oils, heavy amounts of butter and oil, and poor-quality produce. Unless you're dining at a place that claims healthy cooking and uses healthy produce, learn to love your kitchen!

12, You're not adding protein to your plate.

Protein is the satiety macronutrient that helps us to balance out blood sugars and therefore helps to control our weight

13. You're scared of good fats.

Don't be! Good fats are so so important to your brain and for making hormones. (So you can imagine why many of those who suffer from hormonal imbalances usually eat a low-fat diet) and your heart. The body actually uses the good fats and they will help to lower your LDL cholesterol.

14. Your liver is sluggish and you need a good cleanse!

If you're feeling low, tired, and moody and your diet contains alcohol, coffee and sugar, you need to give your body a break. When your liver is sluggish, it struggles to process substances/toxins/hormones efficiently and this leads to toxic build up and this will inevitably cause weight gain. You might benefit from a seasonal cleanse.

See original here:
14 Reasons You Can't Lose Weight - mindbodygreen

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Mar 9

What Can I Expect from Sermorelin Injection Therapy? – AAI

SermorelinInjection IS an hGH-based therapy. Therefore, participating in Sermorelin therapy leads to the same exact results that a patient would experience on hGH therapy. The aim is to elevate GH levels, which in turn raises IGF-1 levels. The only difference between the two therapies is how GH levels are increased. An hGH therapy involves the direct administration of synthetic hGH, whereas Sermorelin Injection stimulates the production of endogenous GH.

This makes Sermorelin Injection much safer to take because it is stimulating the production of your own, natural hormone production, which ensures that the pituitary gland receives regular stimulation. Conversely, hGH therapy can lead to pituitary atrophy if it is improperly administered and interferes with normal GH production. Furthermore, because sermorelin stimulates normal pulsatile GH release patterns, it enters the blood stream naturally to help promote better results while reducing the potential for side effects.

Overall, the use of Sermorelin Injection usually improves sleep within the first few weeks of therapy. This is usually concurrent with increased energy levels and improved mood. After 36 months of therapy, patients start reporting noticeable or significant changes in their body composition, such as an increased muscle tone and a leaner physique. Over time, patients will also notice a significant improvement in the health and tone of their skin. Like most peptide hormones, the full effects of sermorelin therapy are not fully noticed until 36 months of therapy. Once injected, both sermorelin and GHRPs are eliminated very rapidly from the body; therefore, they need to be injected frequently. The actions of sermorelin are dependent on a series of biological processes that result in and are caused by elevated and sustained concentrations of hGH and growth factors.

Here is what you can expect during your first 6 months of sermorelin therapy:

Month one:

Increased energy Deeper, more restful sleep Improved stamina A more content state of mind

Month Two:

Reduced belly fat Improved metabolism The return of some muscle tone Improved skin tone and fewer wrinkles Stronger hair and nails

Month Three:

Increased mental focus Improved flexibility and joint health More feelings of drive and ambition Enhanced sex drive and performance

Month Four:

Improved mental acuity Better skin elasticity Further improved appearance of the hair and nails Continued weight loss Increased lean muscle mass

Month Five:

Continued loss of belly fat Improved skin tone with the reduced appearance of wrinkles Noticeably fuller, healthier hair

Month Six:

A 510% reduction in body fat, without diet or exercise A 10% increase in lean muscle mass Significantly improved physique Increased vitality dies to organ regrowth (vital organs, including the brain, shrink with age)Benefits of Sermorelin Curious about Benefits of Sermorelin Therapy? Read more about what you can expect from this treatment and contact us for more information Treatments for Sermorelin

Real-life Experiences

To give you a better feel of what to expect from your Sermorelin Injection therapy, below are some quotes from actual patients who have been through a sermorelin or hGH treatment program with AAI Rejuvenation Clinic. This feedback was obtained by our AAI Wellness Advisors, and each patient gave their permission for us to share the details with you. Of course, the names have been changed to protect patient privacy, and the comments have been minimally edited for relevance.

Mark Schultz, NC () but its cool that the doctor didnt give me a hard time about just wanting to do hGH instead of the other stuff (Sermorelin Injection). I just really didnt think itd be as good. I was told a lot that hGH was just stronger and was going to give me better results so, if I was going to spend my money, I need it to be effective. I still want to thank you though _____, for insisting that I get permission from the doctor to just give it a try. The good thing is since I tried the other stuff (hGH) first I could actually compare it (). Three months into this stuff (sermorelin) and Ive only seen more and better physical results. I actually lost 6 pounds in the first 10 days, so Im happy. Cool stuff _____. Youre a good man.

Sabrina Wilson, TX Oh, Im so happy to write this out for you _____. Thank you for asking. Ive been telling all my friends actually. I just wanted to lose a few pounds, remember like I told you? Well, I was a little discouraged at first because I thought it wasnt working. But you were right. () after those few couple of weeks, everything just started changing. I spoke with Dr. Larry about it because I swear its just been helping me with all my other hormones. I can just feel it; you know what I mean? ()

Mary Correa, FL () Im telling you I was losing myself. When a person cant sleep for x number of days in a row something bad starts to happen to you. So, like I told you. 8 days, 2 hours a day; I was having trouble just spelling my name. So that first day that I took the Sermorelin Injection I was actually knocked out and stayed knocked out; that was some $#@&! You guys better never go anywhere!!!!

Javier Gonzalez, GA I knew about it because of my field () its discussed around me a lot. Most of the time you hear about the hard stuff and you dont even know where these people are getting it from, so when the doc really broke it down for me, I figured for the price I should try it. I gotta tell you, (the results were) totally unexpected. You know they tell you that you gotta wait some weeks and () but I felt this the NEXT day. I slept so good man; I was just ready the next day. Alert! Ive been telling my buddy () so you guys better hook me up when he calls you. Ha!

Gina Carrano, (FL) () and Ive been telling her how much it has worked to (help my libido). She wanted me to share with her (..) I told her I dont think so! Lol. Aside from that, you were right. I dont feel like the old lady at the gym anymore, and I definitely dont need to wait 3 days in between that cycling class anymore. By the next day, Im myself again and can push harder. Thank you for that. You dont know what it feels like to start NOTICING that you are getting old. It sucks.

Benefits of Sermorelin Curious about Benefits of Sermorelin Therapy? Read more about what you can expect from this treatment and contact us for more information (866) 224-5698

See the original post here:
What Can I Expect from Sermorelin Injection Therapy? - AAI

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Mar 7

How to lose weight fast: You could lose 10lbs in three …


With the summer coming up and wedding season nearly upon us, many Brits will be wanting to shed a few pounds.

But what is the best way to lose weight quickly? There are so many fad diets and exercise regimes out there it can be confusing to know which one to focus on, but we might have the answer.

The Military Diet is perfectly designed to hep you burn fat faster and its completely free.

Participants are not required to do any exercise (although it would probably help) and can expect to lose up to 10lbs in a matter of days.

If you are looking to lose that belly fat, try these simple easy to follow tips that will help you on the road

1 / 10

Eat every three hours - Passing on breakfast will send your body into starvation mode, meaning your body starts to store everything youve eaten as fat, and youre midsection is the first to suffer the consequences

The Military Diet site claims: The food combinations in the Military Diet are designed to burn fat, kick start your metabolism and lose weight fast.

In fact, the Military Diet is one of the best natural diets for rapid weight loss without a prescription.

This diet is thought to have originated in the 1980s and was used by military men who had a medical check-up coming up and needed to lose some weight fast.


It consists of three days of very low calorie intake, followed by fours days of measured calories of around 1200 Kcal- 1500 Kcal.

Here is the three-day meal plan:

Day 1

Breakfast: 1 slice of wholegrain toast with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 cup of coffee or tea.

Lunch: A slice of whole grain toast, 1/2 cup of Tuna, 1 cup of coffee or tea

Dinner: 3-Oz (85 grams) serving of any meat, 1 cup of green beans, 1 small apple, 1/2 banana, 1 cup vanilla ice cream.

Day 2

Breakfast: 1 slice of toast (whole grain), 1 hard-boiled egg, 1/2 banana.

Lunch: 1 hard-boiled egg, a cup of cottage cheese, 5 saltine crackers.

Dinner: 2 hot dogs without bun, 1/2 cup of carrots and 1/2 cup of broccoli, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream.


Day 3

Breakfast: 1 slice of cheddar cheese

5 saltine crackers, and an apple

Lunch: 1 slice of toast, one egg (hard boiled or cooked according to your likes)

Dinner: A cup of tuna, 1/2 banana, 1 cup of vanilla ice cream. No snacks are allowed between meals, black coffee and green tea without sugar are allowed.

The reason this diet provides rapid weight loss is because it is a low calorie plan and it is a type of intermittent fasting.

This is not a long-term diet plan and should not be followed for more than three days.

How to lose weight fast: You could lose 10lbs in three ...

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Mar 6

Diets That Work – Easy Diets – How to Lose weight Quickly

Medshape Weight Loss Clinic is proud to concentrate on Diets that Work and to be a national leader in Medical Weight Loss.Our Medical Weight Loss Team ensures your success with the innovative diets we present.Because weonly offer our customers and weight loss patients the very best in specializeddiets that work.In addition,we are one of the first, best and largestweight loss clinicsin Phoenix Arizona and Weight Loss Clinics in Minnesota to harness the benefits in preserving the endocrine system. Furthermore, waking up your desire to lose weight fast and boosting your metabolic functions at the same time to get your weight off quickly is vital.

Our goal is that you achieve a rapid and safe weight loss. Doing so by using our weight loss system and real diets that work. Also with the support, education, and knowledge from our Health Counselors, your weight will come off in no time. Most of all, your body will transform in a fast manner which is a huge motivator when it comes to losing weight. All of our medical weight loss programs have been designed around this very factor. Therefore, make sure to research for the best and easy diets.

Continued here:
Diets That Work - Easy Diets - How to Lose weight Quickly

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Mar 6

Exercise Programs | Parkinson’s NSW

PD Warrior Program

Matthew Gray is a Physiotherapist and trained instructor in the PD Warrior exercise program. PD Warrior is an exercise philosophy designedto help you slow your Parkinsons down. Bringing together the latest evidence withthe experience and success of training thousands of people, PD Warrior proves that exercise is medicine.

What makes PD Warrior so effective, is its proactive approach to exercise and improving your quality of life. It is important not to wait for symptoms to impact on your daily life before gettinginvolved. Investing now to slow your Parkinsons down will enable you to control your Parkinsons before it controls you.

Phone:02 6672 8495 or

Fiona Boyle. Registered Nurse and Registered Exercise Professional. I am passionate about improving the quality of life for people affected by Parkinsons Disease after having a personal connection with Parkinsons myself. I provide PD Warrior-like small group exercise classes and Personal Training in PD Warrior-like exercises. My focus is on providing a personalised exercise program with specific moves to improve functionality, mobility and overall fitness, thus having the ultimate goal of slowing the progression of the disease.

Phone: 0404917882

Roger Bowden is a certified Feldenkrais Practitioner servicing the Ballina and Byron Shires. The Feldenkrais Method is a universal method for improving human life through better movement, sensation, posture and breathing . These gentle thoughtful movements are an ideal form of exercise that have proven beneficial for people with Parkinsons Disease who are looking to improve their flexibility , mobility, posture , balance and step length, and ultimately the prevention of falls.

For further information on classes or individual home visits contact Roger on 0411022262 or email:

Kylie Sayers is a Lismore-based physiotherapist & qualified Punchin Parkos practitioner. Kylie travels to treat people privately in their own home. Her assessment includes balance, mobility, posture, sleep, continence & well-being. She writes, supervises & monitors home-based exercise programs. She encourages self-management by providing up-to-date resources and support to help you achieve your best possible quality of life. Since graduating in 1993 she has had a keen interest in PD, working in acute rehab, Day Therapy, aged-care consulting & facilitator of Stepping On, a govt. funded, community-based Falls Prevention Program.

Kylie can be contacted on:

(02) 66242054


Dancing for Parkinsons is an internationally acknowledged programme specifically designed for people living with PD. It incorporates specific movement , mobility, balance, rhythm and flexibility in an enjoyable and social environment. We welcome people at all levels of ability and mobility as well as partners, friends, family and caregivers.

Cost per class is $10.00 per person.

Classes in Lennox Heads, Lismore and Alstonville.

For more information contact

Jodie on 0408 665 275 or

Yvette on 0400 405 160 or

Julie on 0402454654

For information on Dancing for Parkinsons in Kingscliff and Murwullimbah please call Virginia Woods on 0409 576 285

The Healthy Lifestyle PD class runs at the Southern Cross University Lismore Campus and includes a package of 16 sessions on an initial exercise assessment, 15 exercise session visits and a final evaluation for $50.

The sessions run between 2 4pm on Tuesdays.

They provide individual assessments identifying specific muscular and balance weaknesses and then put together an exercise programme that includes cardio, strength, balance and functional exercises.

For further information and bookings call the Uni on 02 66269131.

The Uni also offers an easy access 33m heated pool. For more info on the pool opening times and the Fitness Centre please call 02 66203 952.

Julie Simpson of Julie Simpson Art offers art classes using a range of mixed medias including acrylics, pastels, drawing, painting and collage. As well as a successful Artist Julie has worked extensively in the Aged Care sector as a Nurse and Aged Care Nurse Trainer. Small groups or private tuition lessons are available. Open up your life and join Julie in her fun and creative classes.

For more info call Julie on 0402 454 654 or

email Julie at

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Exercise Programs | Parkinson's NSW

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Mar 6

How to lose weight without dieting – Business Insider


Going on a diet is a losing game. Some research suggests more than nine out of every 10 people who try to diet will fail.

Even people who are able to diet successfully often fight a tough battle against the body's evolutionarily savvy attempts to store extra energy. In fact, scientists have found that the bodies of severely overweight people who lose weight can actively work against them: as they slim down, their metabolism drops, making it harder to lose more weight.

Experts agree that extreme diets and juice cleanses aren't good long-term strategies for maintaining a healthy weight. To that end, the US News & World Report's 2018 ranking of the best diets put the trendy ketogenic diet dead last.

But there are a few simple things you can do to stay trim and satisfied in the long run.

We asked dietitian Jason Ewoldt from the nation's top-rated hospital, the Mayo Clinic, for his simplest, sanest ideas for staying lean. Here's his advice:

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How to lose weight without dieting - Business Insider

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