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Aug 5

Is testosterone therapy safe? Take a breath before you take …

Understand the potential risks and consider alternatives before boosting your hormones indefinitely.

Millions of American men use a prescription testosterone gel or injection to restore normal levels of the manly hormone. The ongoing pharmaceutical marketing blitz promises that treating "low T" this way can make men feel more alert, energetic, mentally sharp, and sexually functional. However, legitimate safety concerns linger. For example, some older men on testosterone could face higher cardiac risks.

"Because of the marketing, men have been flooded with information about the potential benefit of fixing low testosterone, but not with the potential costs," says Dr. Carl Pallais, an endocrinologist and assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. "Men should be much more mindful of the possible long-term complications."

MIND Depression Reduced self-confidence Difficulty concentrating Disturbed sleep

BODY Declining muscle and bone mass Increased body fat Fatigue Swollen or tender breasts Flushing or hot flashes

SEXUAL FUNCTION Lower sex drive Fewer spontaneous erections Difficulty sustaining erections

Images: Thinkstock

A loophole in FDA regulations allows pharmaceutical marketers to urge men to talk to their doctors if they have certain "possible signs" of testosterone deficiency. "Virtually everybody asks about this now because the direct-to-consumer marketing is so aggressive," says Dr. Michael O'Leary, a urologist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital. "Tons of men who would never have asked me about it before started to do so when they saw ads that say 'Do you feel tired?'"

Just being tired isn't enough to get a testosterone prescription. "General fatigue and malaise is pretty far down my list," Dr. O'Leary says. "But if they have significant symptoms, they'll need to have a lab test. In most men the testosterone level is normal."

If a man's testosterone looks below the normal range, there is a good chance he could end up on hormone supplementsoften indefinitely. "There is a bit of a testosterone trap," Dr. Pallais says. "Men get started on testosterone replacement and they feel better, but then it's hard to come off of it. On treatment, the body stops making testosterone. Men can often feel a big difference when they stop therapy because their body's testosterone production has not yet recovered."

This wouldn't matter so much if we were sure that long-term hormone therapy is safe, but some experts worry that low-T therapy is exposing men to small risks that could add up to harm over time.

A relatively small number of men experience immediate side effects of testosterone supplementation, such as acne, disturbed breathing while sleeping, breast swelling or tenderness, or swelling in the ankles. Doctors also watch out for high red blood cell counts, which could increase the risk of clotting.

Men on long-term testosterone appear to have a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, like heart attacks, strokes, and deaths from heart disease. For example, in 2010, researchers halted the Testosterone in Older Men study when early results showed that men on hormone treatments had noticeably more heart problems. "In older men, theoretical cardiac side effects become a little more immediate," Dr. Pallais says.

Some physicians also have a lingering concern that testosterone therapy could stimulate the growth of prostate cancer cells. As with the hypothetical cardiac risks, the evidence is mixed. But because prostate cancer is so common, doctors tend to be leery of prescribing testosterone to men who may be at risk.

For men with low blood testosterone levels, the benefits of hormone replacement therapy usually outweigh potential risks. However, for most other men it's a shared decision with your doctor. It offers men who feel lousy a chance to feel better, but that quick fix could distract attention from unknown long-term hazards. "I can't tell you for certain that this raises your personal risk of heart problems and prostate cancer, or that it doesn't," Dr. Pallais says.

So, keep risks in mind when considering testosterone therapy. "I frequently discourage it, particularly if the man has borderline levels," Dr. Pallais says.

These steps can help you feel more energetic today without drugs or dietary supplements:

Pace yourself: Spread out activities throughout the day.

Take a walk: It gives you a lift when you feel pooped out.

Snack smart: Have a snack with fiber and some protein between meals.

A large, definitive trial for hormone treatment of men is still to come. Until then, here is how to take a cautious approach to testosterone therapy.

Have you considered other reasons why you may be experiencing fatigue, low sex drive, and other symptoms attributable to low testosterone? For example, do you eat a balanced, nutritious diet? Do you exercise regularly? Do you sleep well? Address these factors before turning to hormone therapy.

If your sex life is not what it used to be, have you ruled out relationship or psychological issues that could be contributing?

If erectile dysfunction has caused you to suspect "low T" as the culprit, consider that cardiovascular disease can also cause erectile dysfunction.

Inaccurate or misinterpreted test results can either falsely diagnose or miss a case of testosterone deficiency. Your testosterone level should be measured between 7 am and 10 am, when it's at its peak. Confirm a low reading with a second test on a different day. It may require multiple measurements and careful interpretation to establish bioavailable testosterone, or the amount of the hormone that is able to have effects on the body. Consider getting a second opinion from an endocrinologist.

After starting therapy, follow-up with your physician periodically to have testosterone checks and other lab tests to make sure the therapy is not causing any problems with your prostate or blood chemistry.

Approach testosterone therapy with caution if you are at high risk for prostate cancer; have severe urinary symptoms from prostate enlargement; or have diagnosed heart disease, a previous heart attack, or multiple risk factors for heart problems.

Ask your doctor to explain the various side effects for the differentformulations of testosterone, such as gels, patches, and injections. Know what to look for if something goes wrong.

Testosterone therapy is not a fountain of youth. There is no proof that it will restore you to the level of physical fitness or sexual function of your youth, make you live longer, prevent heart disease or prostate cancer, or improve your memory or mental sharpness. Do not seek therapy with these expectations in mind.

If erectile function has been a problem, testosterone therapy might not fix it. In fact, it might increase your sex drive but not allow you to act on it. You may also need medication or other therapy for difficulty getting or maintaining erections.

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Is testosterone therapy safe? Take a breath before you take ...

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Aug 5

What is Sermorelin? – Age Management of West Michigan

As we age our bodys natural production of human growth hormone (hGH) declines, resulting in a decline in our bodys ability to stimulate tissue repair and regenerate our cells to keep us healthy. This natural decline is responsible for the symptoms of aging that include loss of muscle mass and bone density, increase in body fat stores, loss of skin elasticity, thinning of hair, and poor sleep patterns. At the age of 20, our natural hGH levels are at their peak, but suddenly decline consistently after the age of 30. By the age of 40, most individuals hGH levels are 40% lower than they were at there peak at age 20, and continue to decline by 14% each decade.

Sermorelin stimulates the bodys natural production of hGH and circulating IGF-1 levels, allowing the body to repair and rejuvenate itself and alleviate the signs and symptoms of aging. Since Sermorelin is stimulating the pituitary gland to naturally increase hGH production and release, it is safely regulated through the pituitary glands negative feedback system. So safety concerns with hGH overdosing are avoided. Sermorelin Amino Acid Peptide Therapy offers patients a safe and effective way to get all the benefits associated with hGH replacement therapy without the side effects.

Read the rest here:
What is Sermorelin? - Age Management of West Michigan

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Aug 5

What is Autoimmune Paleo or AIP Diet?

The Autoimmune Protocol is a diet that helps heal the immune system and gut mucosa. It is applicable to any inflammatory disease.

We have a problem in this country with how we eat, treat disease and heal disease. AIP addresses inflammation in the gut that causes Autoimmune Disease. Autoimmune disease is a condition where the body cannot tell the difference between healthy tissue and foreign invaders and a hypersensitive reaction occurs. The body starts self-tissue attack. For months or perhaps years, this self-tissue attack can occur silently until full blown autoimmune disease develops. There are more than 80 types of "official" autoimmune disorders (and MANY more being discovered daily) but all autoimmune disease have in common is tissue self-attacking in places like the thyroid gland, brain tissue or salivary glands, to name a few.

The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet works to reduce inflammation in the intestines. Many elimination diets are not complete enough and often do not remove immune triggers that promote inflammation in the gut. AIP works to calm inflammation in the gut and also calm inflammation in the body. And while autoimmune disease can never be cured, it can be put into remission. The AIP diet is geared toward healing the intestinal mucosa and supporting low inflammation in the body that can temper the fires of an autoimmune flare-up. First I would like to say that this is our interpretation. There is more than one interpretation of how to follow the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet. I call it a lifestyle because in a modified form it is how I eat and live my life. It is also how I recommend my autoimmune clients to eat in their own modified form long term as well.

The Autoimmune protocol has been said to be a version of the Paleo diet, but really, I see that it is so much more than that; it is a dramatic way to address inflammation that is driving Autoimmune Disease that has its beginning roots in the gut. Diet is one aspect of healing. And, although it is the largest aspect of long term health, in the short-term, there are other components that require the help of a skilled practitioner. I suggest you find one that is trained. I personally have a professional practice primarily around helping those on this diet as well as nutritional lab work evaluations, supplement protocols and dietary support. Please email me at if you would like to set up an appointment and work together remotely. There are many divergent paths that have an overlap with the AIP lifestyle like Autoimmune disease, adrenal fatigue, H-P Axis imbalances, co-infectins, parasites, SIBO, liver congestion, hormone imbalances, insulin resistance that play a role in how you may use supplements along with the AIP diet to heal your body. Each person who decides to try the AIP diet should work with their practitioner to determine if they are candidates for a low histamine, low latex and/or low FODMAP in addition to following AIP. This is where you will benefit from having an experienced, clinically seasoned practitioner to help personalize your AIP plan. Other adjunct protocols may include: functional blood chemistry, saliva hormone testing, saliva adrenal testing, stool testing and antibody tests.

Before you start AIP, I encourage you to read this post: When AIP Is A Crutch Not A Cure.

I share this all with you as an expert AIP Nutritionist. I am an authority in the AIP movement. I always recommend working with an experienced practitioner when starting AIP and getting blood work and other functional tests like adrenal/cortisol and hormone saliva tests. If you have dysglycemia, insulin resistance, anemia (not all anemias are from low iron!), intestinal or other infections like h. pylori, SIBO, h-p axis issues, adrenal dysfunction, you may not get better on the AIP diet alone. I see this quite a bit in my nutrition practice. If you have been on the AIP diet and are not seeing results you wanted, or are looking for a heart-centered approach to autoimmune disease please contact me directly for information on how to set up an appointment with me. I primarily use Skype for both my AIP clients and The Loving Diet Program. For more information about me and working together, go to this page.

6-8 Weeks

High FODMAPS may disagree with some on the AIP diet. For example; nectarines, coconut or onions may bother some people. Whole30's great Paleo Low FODMAPS shopping list:

If you are reacting to certain starches in foods, it may be a sign that high FODMAPS need to be eliminated from your diet. Also, Ashwaganda is in the nightshade family, and should be eliminated during the first phase of AIP. I find it usually well tolerated in general by most people however. If you are FODMAPS sensitive, eliminate for 10-14 days and then slowly reintroduce.

Eliminating these foods is important to reduce inflammation. All of the above listed foods can be gut irritants and exacerbate dysbiosis in the gut and contribute to SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth). AIP can help address the GALT imbalances (Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue) in the intestines. Because the gut contains such a large percentage of immune system GALT tissues (70%) that mediate the T & B Lymphocytes that carry out immune system attack by producing antigens or antibodies, the goal of AIP is to reduce this from occurring. It is widely accepted that gut mediated inflammation is applicable for addressing Autoimmune Disease. Below are the studies I have found that link the gut to the immune system. I encourage you to print these articles out and bring them to your doctor.

I also recommend doing yearly or twice yearly cleanses and support phases, eating fermented foods and bone broth at least 2-3 times a week in 1/2 cup portions. The reason we are compelled to share this all with you, is that food is fun. I believe you can be on the AIP diet and do as a lifestyle. You can be a foodie and do AIP. I love food too much to feel like I cannot eat foods that are satisfying, creative and exciting. Food is spiritual for me. It is my path. Helping others heal is my path. Teaching is my path. As I share my recipes with you, I eat them too. You are not alone in your path to health. We do this journey together.

There are many resources available to you beyond diet and supplements. I talk about them extensively on this blog as well as in my private practice. Looking beyond diet and supplements can be a very valuable endeavor on your path to healing. Here are a few posts to check out:

When You Don't Get Better on The AIP Diet

Self-Compassion and Autoimmune Disease

Trusting Your Life

Autoimmune Disease As Joy In Disguise

New Program for Autoimmune Disease

Illness as Transformation

Other Fabulous Resources (Some are not AIP but useful for autoimmune disease):

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What is Autoimmune Paleo or AIP Diet?

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Aug 2

How to Lose Weight I

We start 2015 with a new series How to Lose Weight. Probably what many people wonder about this time of year. First and foremost, any rational weight loss program starts with a thorough understanding of what causes weight gain in the first place. What is the Aetiology of Obesity?

Weve spent the previous year discussing this question in substantial detail. There was the 41 part series of posts entitled Hormonal Obesity. You can review it here starting with post 1. You may also review our 11 part series entitled Calories to review why calories do not actually cause weight gain. The four part Exercise series reveals why exercise, while healthy and beneficial, is a relatively minor part of weight loss. I am aware that reviewing over 50 blogs (about 50,000 words) may not be the most fun you have this new year, but hey, are we here to lose weight or have fun?

Once we understand that insulin is the key player in the development of obesity, we can begin to treat it. Insulin causes obesity so the key to the treatment of obesity is to lower insulin. Obesity is not a caloric imbalance, it is a hormonal imbalance. Obesity is a disease of too-much-insulin. Therefore, the treatment is to lower insulin. This, of course, is easier said than done.

It is not simply a matter of lowering calories, or lowering carbohydrates, or lowering sugar or lowering processed foods or or increasing fibre or increasing fruits and vegetables. No, it is a matter of doing all of these things that decrease insulin levels. There are two main factors that lead to increased insulin levels. The first factor is the foods that we eat. Certain foods tend to raise insulin more than others. There are also foods that protect against insulin spikes. This is the question which we obsessively think about What to Eat. Should we eat low calories, low carbohydrate, low fat, low animal protein, high fat etc?

But there is an entirely separate stimulus to insulin levels that does NOT depend entirely upon what we eat. This factor is insulin resistance. High insulin resistance will lead to high insulin levels. While fructose does play a role in increasing resistance, there are many other factors as well. This is the entirely separate question of When to Eat. This question is virtually ignored in the vast expanse of obesity literature both on the internet and in academic journals. Insulin resistance develops over time. This explains the time dependent factor of obesity. Most people become obese at a rate of only 1-2 pounds per year.

I plan to discuss the first question of What to Eat first. We will discuss the three major macronutrients of carbohydrates, protein and fats and healthy choices among them.

Then we will discuss the harder question of When to Eat and the startling implications. This leads to the ancient cure for obesity that has, until recently, been completely ignored. This deals with the time dependent factors. Since high insulin resistance is the disease known as type 2 Diabetes, this is also the foundation of rational treatment for type 2 diabetes. Drugs for type 2 diabetes, I believe as virtually useless. This ancient cure also works beautifully for type 2 diabetes, which we use extensively in our Intensive Dietary Management Program. This was demonstrated in our previous post.

Thats the general plan. So lets begin.

There are two prominent findings from all the dietary studies done over the years. First, all diets work. Second, all diets fail. What do I mean? Weight loss follows the same basic curve so familiar to dieters the world over. Whether it is the Mediterranean, the Atkins, or even the old fashioned low fat, low calorie, all diets in the short term seem to produce weight loss. Sure, they differ by the amount some a little more, some a little less. But they all seem to work. However, by 6 months to 1 year, weight loss gradually plateaus followed by a relentless regain despite continued dietary compliance. This occurs regardless of the dietary strategy. In the 10 year Diabetes Prevention Program, for example there is a 7 kg weight loss after one year. The dreaded plateau, then weight regain, follows. So all diets fail. The question is why.

Permanent weight loss is actually a two-step process. There is a short-term and a long-term (time dependent) problem. This resistance to weight loss represents homeostasis. The hypothalamic region of the brain determines the Body Set Weight (BSW). This is our fat thermostat. Insulin acts here to set BSW higher. In the short term, we can use various diets to bring our actual body weight down. However, once below the BSW, the body activates mechanisms to regain that weight. This resistance to weight loss was first demonstrated by Drs. Leibel and Hirsch in 1984. Obese persons that had lost weight require fewer calories. Their metabolism had slowed dramatically. The body is actively resisting long-term weight loss. This widely known fact has been both proven scientifically and empirically.

Imagine that you set your house thermostat low, and you are cold. You plug in a small electric heater. Soon, the house starts to warm up. Any brand of electric heater seems to work. All heaters work. This is the short-term solution to the problem. After a while, the thermostat senses that the temperature has gone up. So it turns on the air conditioning to bring the temperature back down. Eventually, after a seesaw battle, the house always wins. The temperature eventually drifts down and we are cold again. This is the long-term problem. All heaters fail. The problem is homeostasis. While we have adjusted the temperature, we have not adjusted the thermostat.

Now, lets put this into obesity terms. High insulin levels set the BSW thermostat at a weight that is too high. Now we decide to lose weight. Following any reasonable diet reduces weight in the short term. This is the quick fix just like the electric heater. What happens in the long term?

The problem of insulin resistance (time dependent factors) has not been addressed. The insulin resistance keeps insulin high. The BSW is still set at a very high level. The body responds to the weight loss by raising the body weight back up. Hormonal signals of hunger are increased, compelling us to eat. If that doesnt work, total energy expenditure (TEE) is reduced. This was exactly the experience of the participants in the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. As metabolism decreases, it becomes harder and harder to lose weight. Eventually, after a seesaw battle, the BSW wins. The end result is all too familiar weight regain. The problem is homeostasis.

So there are actually two separate questions to lasting weight loss. There is both a short-term and a long-term question. The short-term question is What to Eat. The longer-term problem is why all diets fail. This is the problem of insulin resistance and resetting the BSW. This question revolves around When to Eat. While these two questions are related, they must both be addressed to develop a comprehensive solution to obesity.

Continue to The MultiFactorial Nature of Obesity How to Lose Weight II

Start here with Calories I How Do We Gain Weight?

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How to Lose Weight I

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Jul 31

New Jersey HGH Therapy Treatment Clinics – Human Growth …

Injectable HGH is indicated for the replacement of endogenous growth hormone in adults with growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) or low HGH levels.

HGH for Men and HGH for Women. As women go through menopause, and men through andropause, HGH levels decline and can become deficient causing a variety of age-related symptoms. Some of the most notable are decrease in libido, flabby muscles, rapid weight gain, fat around the belly, mood swings, hot flashes and night sweats. This, combined with city living, especially in fast-paced cities like Newark, and lifestyles like those in New York where stress, lack of sleep or exercise can take a toll, make hormone optimization an important part of preventative medicine and anti-aging.

New Jersey HGH Therapy addresses how to prevent, slow, or reverse the effects of aging and help people live longer, healthier and happier lives. HGH scientific research has applications in genetic engineering, stem cell injections, tissue engineering, and other medical advances like hormone modulation, also known as Hormone Replacement Therapy. Some people want HGH prescribed specifically for weight loss, body-building, athletic performance, for use with HCG injections or anti-aging, and although growth hormone does help both men and women burn fat, lose weight, build strong lean muscle and enhance performance, prescription HGH is not prescribed by doctors for those purposes alone.

The best Human Growth Hormone Doctors & local HGH Treatment Clinics serving New Jersey residents in HGH Alpine, HGH Newark, HGH New Brunswick, HGH East Brunswick, HGH Rutherford, HGH Cranberry, HGH Jersey City, HGH Cherry Hill, HGH Jersey Shore, HGH, HGH Atlantic City, HGH Saddle River, HGH Clifton, HGH Camden HGH Elizabeth, HGH Hoboken, HGH Hackensack, HGH Trenton, HGH Teaneck, HGH Parsippany, HGH Paramus, HGH Wayne, HGH Franklin Lakes, HGH Summit NJ, HGH Tenafly, HGH Bernards Township, HGH Millburn, HGH Secaucus, HGH Toms River, HGH North Bergen, HGH Morristown, NGH in Jersey

To consult an HGH hormone specialist in New Jersey and to get HGH Injections pricing, fill out the Quick Info Form for a Free HGH Consultation today.At New Jersey HGH Treatment Centers we have the best hormone therapy support services, and the best pricing on growth hormone injection products like Genotropin, Norditropin, Somatropin, Omnitrope, Nutropin, Tev-tropin and Humatrope. Our HGH doctors are Mayo Clinic, Cenegenics and Cleveland Clinic trained using the most advanced HGH treatment protocols. Get your growth hormone levels tested and a physical exam, and if you are hormone deficient, you can get high quality injectable HGH with a doctor's prescription at one of our HRT clinics nationwide - inquire online. Your HGH Treatment program can be shipped to you overnight to your home or office anywhere in Jersey.

For more NJ HGH Therapy info, to find out the cost of HGH Treatment or to buy HGH Injections in New Jersey at the best price, fill out the Quick Info Form.

HGH Clinics in New Jersey provide HGH and Testosterone Therapy Services. Call for the cost of a somatropin prescription and best GH injection prices.

Your HGH Treatment program can be shipped to you overnight to your home or to your New Jersey office.

Also ask about ourTestosterone Therapy Programs.

View original post here:
New Jersey HGH Therapy Treatment Clinics - Human Growth ...

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Jul 29

Infused Water: The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret

One of my favorite weight loss topics to talk about is infused water!

Studies have shown that drinking water naturally boosts your metabolism among other water health benefits, and drinking infused water for weight loss can be an easy way to increase your water intake. (1)

I began making infusedwater back in April 2012 with my first infused water post Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water.That recipe turned out to be really popular, and went viral on Pinterest with over 2 million views within the first year.

Since then, I have created a lot more infused water recipes, and written a book called Fruit Infusion: A Collection of Day Spa Inspired, Fruit Infused Waters.

These simple infusedwater recipes are inexpensive, have almost zero calories, and taste great too!

Also called detox water, fruit flavored water, or fruit infused water; infused water can generally be any combination of fruits, vegetables, and herbs immersed in cold water.

While infused water has the benefit of being full of flavor, it also has no calories, making it a very powerful tool in your efforts to lose weight and gain better health.

For a full one week detox plan, check out my Detox Diet Week post and give your weight loss a kick start, try a detox smoothie, or a Detox Tea for a hot water detox drink.

Special Tip:Fruit infused wateris greatto bring alongwith youand sip all day as a delicious hydrating treat.

To make it easier to take on the go, check out ourRecommended Fruit Infused Water Bottles or see ourlist of theTop 5 Best SellerFruit Infused Water Bottles.

With one of these fruit infuser bottles, you can refill the water over and over again and the flavor of the fruits and herbswill still infuse into the water.Its worth the $10-20 investment in your health!

Besides tasting great and having zero calories, a water detox has many additional health benefits, including:

Water and weight loss go hand in hand. Drinking water to lose weight and be healthier is one of the easiest habits you can have, especially when you can make so many types of infused water recipesto choose from.

Studies have shown that drinking infused water may help improve weight loss and support long term weight loss maintenance. (2)

Drinking water increases the amount of calories you burn by as much as 24-30% within 10 minutes of drinking water, and this water weight loss increase can last for as long as 60 minutes! (3,4)

So if you want tolose weight fast without much extra effort, try drinking more water.

I made this infused water instructional video for, the largest how-to site on the internet.

Everyone has their favorite fruit infused water ingredients, but some are more popular than others.

Fresh lemon, lime, strawberries, apple slices, and oranges and the most popular fruit ingredients, while cucumber slices, mint, basil, cinnamon, and ginger are the most popular vegetable ingredients.

Here is my list of the top 5 fruit infused water recipes:

When it comes to popularity,Lemon Wateris the undisputed king of them all.

Also called Lemon Detox Water or Lemon Water, this detox drinkrecipe has the benefit of being really simple and tasty.

Even though this lemon water detox recipe has only two ingredients, lemons and mint, the sweetness and sour from the lemons create a delicious flavor while also providing lots of Vitamin C and the mint adds a refreshing taste.

Drinking lemon water for weight loss is a great idea that you can do cheaply and easily. Try Lemon Mint Water for a refreshing family treat on a hot day.

This Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water recipe has been my most popular personal fruit infusedwater recipes of all time.

I originally wrote the Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water recipe on a blog post back in April 2012, and it got picked up on Pinterest right away.

Within 2 weeks I was getting 40,000 views a day on my website for this recipe!

Also called Detox Apple Cinnamon Water, this fruit water recipe is delicious and has the benefit of being metabolism boosting.

Did you know Ginger and Mango both boost your metabolism?

This Mango Ginger Water recipe has been at the top of the charts since it was first introduced.

Along with boosting your metabolism ginger also is a natural pain reliever, from migraines to menstrual cramps ginger heals a lot of pain.

It also helps reduce morning or motion sickness and banishes heart burn! Its no wonder this recipe is so popular!

This refreshing Tangerine and Strawberry Infused Water recipe contains fruits that are high in Vitamin C and are big metabolism boosters!

Strawberries and tangerines one of my favorite combos, andboth hot and cold this is a delicious drink.

This year-round favorite will have you drinking more water quickly.

This is the classic lemon water recipe youd find everywhere, and in the top 5 for good reason.

Cucumber Lemon Water is the ultimate detox drink.

Its got the great taste, and the health benefits of the cucumbers and lemon juice flush your system and help you feel better.

Drinking cucumber water for weight loss is also very popular recently because of one main works well!

Its very simple: Drinking water helps you lose weight. Studies have demonstrated that drinking water significantly elevates the resting energy expenditure (REE) in children by up to 25%. This effect lasted up to 40 minutes. (5)

Did you get that? Just by drinking water your body increases its burning of calories.

You know that soda is bad for you, including diet soda. Caloric beverages steal your health and steal great food from you because they fill you up with all the wrong stuff. Soda is the #1 culprit for the diabetes epidemic in America. Drinking infused water for weight loss is one of the easiest things you can do for better health.

Experts suggest that the average person should consume at least 64 ounces of water a day, but I recommend you drink up to double that amount for weight loss. But how do you drink that much water ifyou dont like the taste of plain water?

Many people have found drinking infused water for weight loss is the solution.

Because infused waters are naturally low in caloriesand contain no artificial ingredients, you can drink as much of it as you want. Some detoxwater recipes like Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water even contain metabolism boosting ingredients that naturally help accelerate weight loss.

Which fruit infused water is best for weight loss? The answer is: the one you will drink the most. When it comes to weight loss, more water is better and the goal is to drink as much as you can. Drinking infused water for weight loss is one of the easiest habits you can have to help you lose weight without a lot of effort.

Here are 7 tips for drinking more water:

Once you start drinking a gallon a day you will notice you are more thirsty and will crave more stomach slimming infused water. Your body will help you along if you can stick to it for a week or two. Our bodies need water to stay cool and hydrated, you will also notice clearer skin, stronger hair and nails and best of all water fills you up and it is zero calories!

Studies have shown that drinking water is a proven method for increasing weight loss.

Part of the reason is because water naturally raises your metabolism.

Other reasons include: fills you up, flushes your system, and naturally helps your body release fat cells.

What better way to increase your water consumption than to drink infused water for weight loss?

Make a pitcher to drink all day and watch your weight loss go up!

I also like to have a fruit infused water bottle with me when Im on the go for infused water water anytime, anywhere, at any hour.

I have lots of recipes, just select the Fruit Infused Water category on the drop-down, or chose one of these great water detox drinks:

You can make a serving of infused water in a single glass, or use an fruit infusion pitcher to make a large batch. I like to keep a large pitcher of infused water in my refrigerator at all times.

My family loves the taste and Ive found I can get them to drink a LOT more water when I have a pitcher already made up and available.

You can refill your infused water pitcher several times without losing a lot of flavor, and the pitchers also look really nice on a kitchen table.

Fordetox waterany time, check out our Recommended Fruit Infused Water Bottles or see ourlist of the Top 5 Best SellerFruit Infused Water Bottles.

The best thing about drinking this stuffis that you can try any combination of fruits and herbs to create your own recipes.

Try adding fruits you really like or some youve never tried before.

When it comes to making weight loss water, the skys the limit.

The most important thing to remember is that any recipe works, as long as it helps you drink more water.

Please reply in the comments below and let me know what your favorite recipe is. Enjoy!

Related Articles:

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Infused Water: The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret

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Jul 28

How Weight Lifting Workouts Can Help You Lose Weight …

Weight lifting workouts can help you lose weight when such workouts are done in conjunction with a weight loss diet regime. Lifting weights can help you lose fat, change how your body looks and tone your muscles without the risk of injury if done correctly. You can also successfully re-sculpt trouble spots such as bat wings on your arms.

Lifting Weights to Lose Weight

In order to lose weight, it's important to increase your rate of metabolism. Lifting weights increases your body's rate of metabolism and keeps it raised long after the activity is completed. This is because your body has an increased demand for oxygen as a result of the workout and hence registers an increase in the metabolic rate.

A weight lifting workout also helps in the development of muscles. Muscles are an important factor in raising your metabolism, as a pound of muscle can burn up to 20 calories a day whereas a pound of fat can burn only five calories. Since lifting weights helps build muscles and also burns fat, it has a dual benefit in weight loss programs. In addition, weight lifting workouts also help to strengthen the bones and increase endurance levels. For optimum results, weight lifting workouts should be combined with cardiovascular activities.

Burning Fat

In order to burn fat, build muscle, shape your body and lose weight, you should lift weights at least 3 times a week and also pay equal attention to your diet. Aerobic training in the form of cardiovascular workouts are also essential. Doing all three in conjunction can help you attain a lean, muscular and sculpted body. You can also optimize your muscle to fat ratio and keep fat away on a permanent basis.

How to Lose Weight With a Weight Lifting Workout

Always remember to lift more weights than your muscles are used to. You should increase the amount of weights you lift once your body gets used to a particular set of weights. You should ensure that the amount of weights you lift can enable you to complete the last rep with difficulty. Make changes in your weight lifting regime on a regular basis.

Choose a variety of rep ranges that target different muscle fibers if you wish to lose weight from different areas of your body. You should ensure that you do not work the same muscle groups continuously, and you should rest your body on certain days so that your muscles can grow during the rest periods. It's important to warm up before a workout and cool down after one. The weights should be lifted and lowered slowly without you holding your breath. In order to prevent any injury, it's essential to maintain your posture and keep your balance.

In order to obtain optimum results, you should go slow in order to protect yourself from injury. You should only lift comfortable amounts of weight and add on slowly in order to prevent stressing your body. You should never use jerky movements while lifting or lowering weights as jerking can cause permanent injury. Breathing regularly and getting rest are essential as well.

How Weight Lifting Workouts Can Help You Lose Weight ...

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Jul 28

Anytime Fitness Dashboard

Anytime Fitness Dashboard Terms and Conditions

The Anytime Fitness Dashboard Terms and Conditions ( Agreement) is an agreement between Anytime Fitness, LLC (Anytime Fitness, we, us, or our) and you, individually, (you) and contains the terms and conditions that govern your access to and use of the Anytime Fitness Dashboard at // and the content and materials available on the Dashboard (collectively, the Services). This Agreement applies to your access to and use of the Services and does not alter the terms and conditions of any other agreement you may have with Anytime Fitness.

This Agreement takes effect when you click a Login or I Accept button or check box presented with these terms or, if earlier, when you use any of the Services (the Effective Date). You represent to us that you are lawfully able to enter into contracts.

1. Limited Use of the Dashboard.

1.1. Grant. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, we hereby grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, and non-transferrable license to have access to and use the Services solely in connection with, and within the scope and purpose of, your business relationship with Anytime Fitness or an Anytime Fitness health and fitness club.

1.2. Confidentiality. The Services are the confidential and proprietary information of Anytime Fitness (the Anytime Fitness Information). You may use the Anytime Fitness Information only in connection with your use of the Services as permitted under this Agreement. You will not disclose Anytime Fitness Information during or after the term of this Agreement. You will take all reasonable measures necessary to avoid disclosure, dissemination or unauthorized use of Anytime Fitness Information. When this Agreement terminates, you can no longer use the Anytime Fitness Information.

1.3. Additional Restrictions. You may not, and may not permit any third party to, use the Services in any manner or for any purpose other than as expressly permitted by this Agreement. You may not, or may not attempt to, and may not permit any third party to: (a) modify, alter, tamper with, copy, translate, or otherwise create derivative works of the Services; (b) reverse engineer, disassemble, or decompile the Services or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of any software included in the Services; (c) resell or sublicense the Services; (d) use the Services to develop any software or other technology having the same primary function as the Services; (e) use the Services in a manner that interferes with other users' use of the Services; or (f) use the Services in any manner that violates our Policies. All licenses granted to you in this Agreement are conditional on your continued compliance this Agreement, and will immediately and automatically terminate if you do not comply with any term or condition of this Agreement.

1.4. Reserved Rights. We own and reserve all right, title, and interest in and to the Services. This Agreement does not grant you any rights in or to the Services except for the limited rights to use the Services expressly granted by this Agreement. We may change or remove features or functionality of the Services at any time.

2. Your Account. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL USE AND ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH OR ARISING FROM ANY USE OF YOUR ACCOUNT. WE AND OUR AFFILIATES ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO YOUR ACCOUNT. You will contact us immediately if you believe an unauthorized third party may be using your account or if your account information is lost or stolen. You will be deemed to have taken any action that occurs under your account. You agree to keep your password secret and not to share it with anyone except as may be expressly allowed under this Agreement.

3. Policies. Your use of the Services is subject to our general website Terms of Use currently referenced at and the privacy policy currently referenced at, as each may be updated from time to time, and any other policy or terms for access to and use of the Services (collectively, the Policies). You will comply with all applicable laws and regulations in connection with your use of the Services.

4. Term and Termination

4.1. Term. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and will continue thereafter until terminated as set forth in this Agreement.

4.2. Suspension. We may suspend your right to access or use any portion or all of the Services immediately upon notice to you if we determine: (a) your use of the Services may subject us, our affiliates, or any third party to liability or may adversely impact the Services or the systems of Anytime Fitness; or (b) you are in breach of this Agreement or any other agreement you may have with Anytime Fitness. Our right to suspend your right to access or use the Services is in addition to our right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 4.3.

4.3. Termination. This Agreement automatically terminates at the time your business relationship with Anytime Fitness or an Anytime Fitness health and fitness club terminates. In addition, we may also terminate this Agreement immediately, without notice or liability, if we determine in our sole discretion that: (i) you have breached any portion of this Agreement or any other agreement you may have with Anytime Fitness; (ii) your use of or access to the Services inhibits any other user from using or accessing the Service; or (iii) the Services will no longer be offered. We may also terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason by providing you notice.

4.4. Effect of Termination. Upon termination of this Agreement, your rights to use the Services and the Anytime Fitness Information immediately terminate.


6. Limitations of Liability.IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER ANYTIME FITNESS OR ITS AFFILIATES OR LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE SERVICES OR THE AGREEEMENT, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH DAMAGES.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER SHALL ANYTIME FITNESSS, ITS AFFILIATES OR LICENSORS AGGREGATE LIABILITY RESULTING FROM OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE SERVICES EXCEED ONE HUNDRED U.S. DOLLARS ($100.00). Certain state laws do not allow limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of certain damages. If these laws apply to you, some or all of the above disclaimers, exclusions, or limitations may not apply to you, and you may have additional rights.7. Indemnification. You will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless us, our affiliates and licensors, and each of ours and their respective employees, officers, directors, and representatives from and against any claims, demands, damages, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or relating to any third party claim concerning: (a) your use of the Services (including any activities under your account); or (b) your breach of this Agreement or violation of applicable law. We will promptly notify you of any claim subject to this Section 7, but our failure to promptly notify you will only affect your obligations under this Section 7 to the extent that our failure prejudices your ability to defend the claim. You may: (a) use counsel of your own choosing (subject to our written consent) to defend against any claim; and (b) settle the claim with our prior written consent before entering into any settlement. However, we may also assume control of the defense and settlement of the claim at any time.

8. Modifications to the Agreement. We may modify this Agreement at any time by posting a revised version on the Anytime Fitness Dashboard website or by providing notice to you as set forth in this Agreement. The modified terms will become effective upon posting. By continuing to use the Services after the effective date of any modifications to this Agreement, you agree to be bound by the modified terms.

9. Survival. The provisions of this Agreement, which, by their terms, require performance after the termination of this Agreement, or have application to events that may occur after the termination of this Agreement, shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

10. Notices. All communications and notices to be made or given pursuant to this Agreement must be in the English language. We may provide any notice to you under this Agreement by means of posting a general notice on our website or by sending a message to the email address then-associated with your account. Notices we provide by posting on our website will be effective upon posting and notices we provide by email will be effective when we send the email. It is your responsibility to keep your email address current. You will be deemed to have received any email sent to the email address then-associated with your account when we send the email, whether or not you actually receive the email. You may give notice to us at any time by any letter delivered by nationally recognized overnight delivery service or first class postage prepaid mail to us at the following address: Anytime Fitness, LLC, 12181 Margo Avenue South, Hastings, MN 55033 USA. Notice to us shall be deemed given when received by us.

11. Assignment. You will not assign this Agreement, or delegate or sublicense any of your rights under this Agreement, without our prior written consent. Any assignment or transfer in violation of this Section will be void. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement will be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

12. No Waivers. The failure by us to enforce any provision of this Agreement will not constitute a present or future waiver of such provision nor limit our right to enforce such provision at a later time. All waivers by us must be in writing to be effective.

13. Relationship of the Parties. The parties to this Agreement are independent contractors, and this Agreement does not create an agency, partnership or joint venture.

14. Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. Any invalid or unenforceable portions will be interpreted to effect and intent of the original portion. If such construction is not possible, the invalid or unenforceable portion will be severed from this Agreement but the rest of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

15. Governing Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota, without giving effect to its conflicts of law principles. For the purpose of resolving conflicts related to or arising out of this Agreement, the parties expressly agree and consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of, and venue in, the federal and state courts in the State of Minnesota.

16. Entire Agreement; English Language. This Agreement includes the Policies and is the entire agreement between you and us regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes all prior or contemporaneous representations, understandings, agreements, or communications between you and us, whether written or verbal, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. We will not be bound by, and specifically object to, any term, condition or other provision which is different from or in addition to the provisions of this Agreement (whether or not it would materially alter this Agreement) and which is submitted by you in any receipt, acceptance, confirmation, correspondence or other document. If the terms of this document are inconsistent with the terms contained in any Policy, the terms contained in this document will control. This Agreement has been prepared in English, and English is the controlling language with respect to all matters concerning this Agreement.

Last updated June 3, 2014

4828-4563-0747, v. 1

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Jul 28

Fitness – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fitness in biology is the relative ability of an organism to survive and pass on its genes to the next generation.[1]p160 It is a central idea in evolutionary theory. Fitness is usually equal to the proportion of the individual's genes in all the genes of the next generation.

Like all terms in evolutionary biology, fitness is defined in terms of an interbreeding population, which might or might not be a whole species. If differences in individual genotypes affect fitness, then the frequencies of the genotypes will change over generations; the genotypes with higher fitness become more common. This is the process called natural selection.

An individual's fitness is caused by its phenotype, and passed on by its genotype. The fitnesses of different individuals with the same genotype are not necessarily equal. It depends on the environment in which the individuals live, and on accidental events. However, since the fitness of the genotype is an averaged quantity, it reflects the reproductive outcomes of all individuals with that genotype.

Fitness measures the number of the copies of the genes of an individual in the next generation. It doesn't really matter how the genes arrive in the next generation. For an individual, it is equally "beneficial" to reproduce itself, or to help relatives with similar genes to reproduce, as long as similar number of copies of individual's genes get passed on to the next generation. Selection which promotes this kind of helper behaviour is called kin selection.

Our closest relatives (parents, siblings, and our own children) share on average 50% (half) of our genes. One step further removed are grandparents. With each of them we share on average 25% (a quarter) of our genes. That is a measure of our relatedness to them. Next come first cousins (children of our parents' siblings). We share 12.5% (1/8) of their genes.[2]p100

William Hamilton added various ideas to the notion of fitness. His rule suggests that a costly action should be performed if:

Fitness costs and benefits are measured in fecundity.[3]

Inclusive fitness is a term which is essentially the same as fitness, but emphasises the group of genes rather than individuals.

Biological fitness says how well an organism can reproduce, and spread its genes to its offspring. The theory of inclusive fitness says that the fitness of an organism is also increased to the extent that its close relatives also reproduce. This is because relatives share genes in proportion to their relationship.

Another way of saying it: the inclusive fitness of an organism is not a property of itself, but a property of its set of genes. It is calculated from the reproductive success of the individual, plus the reproductive success of its relatives, each one weighed by an appropriate coefficient of relatedness.[4]

The British social philosopher Herbert Spencer coined the phrase survival of the fittest in his 1864 work Principles of biology to mean what Charles Darwin called natural selection.[5] The original phrase was "survival of the best fitted".

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Fitness - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Jul 28

Smart Fitness Online

Desi Bartlett M.S., CPT | Flexibility

Desi Bartlett M.S., CPT, has been teaching health and wellness for over 18 years. Her innovative approach to teaching is to tap into one's inner joy and let movement be an outer expression of that state. Originally from Chicago, she has earned a degree in Kinesiology, a minor in dance and her Master's degree in Corporate Fitness. Desi holds advanced certifications in Yoga, Personal Training, Pre & Post Natal Fitness and Group Fitness. She is also a continuing education provider through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the National Council for Personal Trainers.

Desi's inspiring and unique classes have been featured on networks such as ABC, Univision and Lifetime. In 2005, Desi was named ambassador for Lululemon Athletica. In that same year, she helped open Equinox Fitness in Santa Monica as their Group Fitness Manager. In early 2006 she was a presenter for NikeFitnessAcademy at the University of Southern California and also worked as the product director of fitness for Gaiam, teaching Yoga Dance Fusion,' at Gaiam's 10th annual LOHAS conference.

As an extension of her relationship with Lululemon Athletica, Desi designed the first round Yoga mat on the market, the 360 mat. She created a special class format based on the design of the mat, which is called 360 Yoga-Flow. Desi also filmed her 2009 Prenatal Yoga DVD on the 360 mat, inviting in a feeling of freedom to the movement for expecting moms.

In 2008, Acacia released two DVD projects created by and featuring Bartlett. The first title,' 3 in1 Total Body Fitness,' is a triathlon style, full body workout, the eclectic DVD combines 30 minutes of strength training to sculpt and tone; 30 minutes of cardio to train your heart, boost your energy and endurance; and 30 minutes of flexibility training and stretching to lengthen muscles and open stiff joints. The 2nd title,' Yoga for Beginners,' includes two unique practices, one an active, easy flow for complete body toning, the other slower and deeper for building long, lean muscles. There is much more to come from Desi, so sit back, relax and stay centered.

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Smart Fitness Online

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