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Mar 17

Fitness Program

This information pertains to active duty, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve Airmen in the area affected. References to Airmen in this article relate to officers and enlisted personnel.

Effective Nov. 1, 2017, Airmen in Air Liaison Officer (13LX) and Tactical Air Control Party (1C4X1) Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) are granted a permanent exemption to the following components of the standard fitness assessment: aerobic, push-ups, and sit-ups.

Airmen in these AFSCs are required to complete the abdominal circumference (AC) component in addition to their annual occupational AFSC-specific fitness assessment, conducted by a certified physical training leader (PTL).

Airmen in Combat Control (1C2X1), Combat Rescue Officer (13DX), Pararescue (1T2X1), Special Tactics Officer (13CX), Special Operations Weather Technician (1W0X2) AFSCs are granted a temporary exemption to the following components of the standard fitness assessment until Dec.1, 2018: aerobic, push-ups, sit-ups.

Airmen in these AFSCs are required to complete the AC component in addition to their occupational AFSC-specific fitness assessment annually, conducted by a certified PTL.

These exemption are contingent upon each career field manager (CFM) resuming and continuing development and validation of their new AFSC-specific, operationally specific/relevant fitness assessments.


AFFMS II is only postured to manage the standard fitness assessment; therefore, exempted components will be individually marked as "Exempt" and the AC measurement will be input to satisfy the annual requirement. The AF Form 4446, Air Force Fitness Assessment Scorecard, will be completed to reflect exemptions in applicable components and the AC measurement, then maintained in accordance with AFI 36-2905, Fitness Program. Each CFM will track and maintain all other data related to the Battlefield Airman AFSC-specific fitness tests.

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Fitness Program

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Mar 16

Benefits of Sermorelin Therapy | Natural HGH Booster

The Many Benefits of Sermorelin Therapy

As a person ages, their quality of sleep decreases. Sleep plays a big part in determining proper levels of HGH a persons body produces. Researchers have determined that most of a persons natural HGH production happens as they sleep. When a person is not able to get adequate amounts of rest, or has a bad sleep pattern, their body will not be able to produce a sufficient amount of HGH. People who use sermorelin therapy experience a better quality of sleep. Their sleep patterns improve, and their sleep is deeper. A persons body is able to produce necessary amounts of HGH naturally. This improves a persons ability to recover from daily life activities and exercise.

As people age, hGH levels inevitably drop, resulting in lower energy levels. As Sermorelin therapy replaces the lost hormones, the body is able to breakdown fat easier. As the fat breaks down, it is turned into energy. Low hGH levels can contribute to rising stress levels and difficulty sleeping. Both of these factors can also play a role in a decrease in energy as well.

Along with energy loss, low hGH levels can also decrease libido levels. Issues, such as premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, are unfortunate side effects of the aging process. As hormone levels drop, sexual relationships can become complicated. Sermorelin therapy is a promising solution to returning libido levels to their normal state and curing any sexual dysfunction. Several man have stated that their problems with arousal were cured by this therapy.

It has been proven that Sermorelin therapy will allow the body to burn fat and create more energy. As the body gets rid of excess fat, it will allow for muscle gain. As this therapy corrects the bodys growth hormone levels, the body is able to support more lean muscle mass. Also with an increase of energy, therapy patients will find more motivation to follow a fitness regime. This increase in energy will help the body gain muscle as well.

As hGH levels began to decrease, the body gains weight faster and makes it harder to lose. However, Sermorelin therapy will allow the pituitary gland to begin producing more hormones, allowing the body to burn fat more efficiently.

Growth hormones are a vital part of joint and muscle health. As these levels drop, patients may begin to experience pain in joints and muscles. Sermorelin Therapy works tolessen pain as the body looses excess weight and gains muscle mass. Sermorelin is also proven to help bone density and can help lower risks of Osteoporosis.

When individuals participate in sermorelin therapy, they experience higher energy levels and have a clearer mind. In many cases, this therapy has led to a decrease in many health issues people experience with the aging process. Weight loss comes more easily, and a persons metabolism improves. Their bodys fat cells begin to efficiently burn calories. Sermorelin improves a person in middle-age or older to develop better muscles. When people combine sermorelin therapy with regular exercise, their bodys composition will change rapidly. Many individuals report they feel as if theyre in the best shape of their lives during this therapy.

The aging process can be very harsh on skin. As the skin loses its elasticity, it may appear to become wrinkled or droopy. Sermorelin therapy can help agin skin return to a healthier state and appearance. It has been noted that this type of therapy allows the skin to hold more water, which means the skin will look more full and firm. As the skin becomes firm, the appearance of wrinkles will decrease.

The bodys immune system exists to help fight off infection and illness. As hormone levels decrease, this affects the immune systems effectiveness. When the thyroid is not working properly it affects the production of cells that kill off germs and other factors that could make a person sick. Sermorelin therapy can help return levels to their proper amounts, allowing the immune system to protect the body.

Those with low hormone levels are at a higher risk for heart disease and other related conditions. Sermorelin therapy can benefit the cardiovascular system in a number of ways. For example, it will smooth and relax vessels, allowing blood to travel more efficiently through the body.

It is common for sermorelin to be used as a cost-effective alternative to HGH therapy. On average, sermorelin costs approximately half of what is charged for HGH therapy. The reason HGH is so expensive is the detailed process required to genetically engineer a human growth hormone. Each person is different. Their symptoms, medical condition, and particular needs will determine if sermorelin therapy will work for them. Prior to anyone getting sermorelin therapy, a physician will carefully analyze their medical history. They will then get a physical exam and blood tests. This information will be used to determine if sermorelin will help an individual or if another therapy is necessary.

Medical researchers have noted there is a significant benefit to utilizing HGH therapy in conjunction with the natural abilities of sermorelin therapy. When HGH therapy is used with sermorelin, the level of human growth hormones in a persons body quickly increase. Sermorelin will then activate the natural production of HGH in a persons body. The chances that a persons body will stop producing HGH is greatly decreased. The outcomes of therapy programs using HGH and sermorelin have been remarkable. The improvements are even more than when either therapy is used alone.

People who use sermorelin therapy usually report that they experience improvements within a few weeks of starting the therapy. Their sleep quality is much better; energy levels increase and their moods are much better. After a few months, patients also report some very positive improvements in their bodys muscle tone. They also have a leaner physique. There is evidence of patients experience improved heart health. Their fat oxidation increases. They also experience a decrease in their LDL or bad cholesterol.

If you are interested in learning if sermorelin therapy can help you call usat (561) 922-9967 to schedule a free consultation.

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Benefits of Sermorelin Therapy | Natural HGH Booster

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Mar 16

7 Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women

The Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women Include More Than You Might Think

The symptoms of low testosterone in women are often passed off as just part of getting older, but they shouldnt be.

Testosterone is a hormone generally considered important for men, but did you know it is also a vital hormone for women to maintain a high quality of life?

Women often worry more about having high testosterone than low testosterone, but its possible your high testosterone is actually low testosterone thats been misdiagnosed.

That being said, if youve already been diagnosed with low testosterone, youre in the right place.

If youre experiencing any of these common symptoms, it may be time to consult with a medical professional who can check your hormone levels and help you determine the best course of action.

If you want to learn more about our testosterone therapy services for women, click here.

Here are 7 of the more common symptoms of low testosterone in women:

If youre constantly tired, even when youre able to obtain a full nights sleep, you could be experiencing one of the symptoms of low testosterone in women. Decreased testosterone levels may contribute to you feeling exhausted and drained.

You may even find it difficult to sleep through the night. Disrupted sleep is another common symptom for women with low testosterone. A healthy hormonal balance is key to achieving consistent, restful sleep.

Many women with low testosterone experience loss of muscle and progressive weight gain.

Midlife weight gain is so common that women often assume its just part of getting older, but if you are appreciate the inability to control your weight or have changes in muscle tone and bone density, you may be exhibiting symptoms of low testosterone.

Just like in men, testosterone affects sexual arousal in women. Low testosterone can affect womens sex lives in the following ways:

Because all of these symptoms are often associated with other types of illnesses, make sure you talk to your doctor before you begin testosterone treatments.

If you are experiencing sudden bouts of depression, unexplained mood swings, or a generally low mood, then you may be suffering from low testosterone.

Testosterone plays an important role in mood regulation in the body, and low levels of testosterone can play havoc with the bodys ability to regulate itself. If you are considering taking antidepressants to deal with your depression, then you may want to talk to your doctor about the possibility that your testosterone is low.

Even if you are not experiencing severe depression, you may still be having unpredictable mood swings, or even just a general low feeling, or low mood. If you are experiencing these symptoms, talk to your doctor about the possibility of low testosterone.

Another possible symptom of decreased testosterone levels is anxiety. Although anxiety caused by low testosterone is usually mild, it can possibly cause panic attacks.

If you suddenly experience bouts of anxiety, especially if you have never had anxiety issues in the past, then you may want to talk to your doctor about low testosterone.

According to this article, These mood-related symptoms, like anxiety and depression, occur because testosterone plays an important role in mood and neuropsychiatric regulation, and hormonal fluctuations can cause changes in brain chemistry that trigger symptoms.

If you find that you are having difficulty concentrating on normal tasks, especially when you have always been able to concentrate easily on the task at hand, then you may be suffering from low testosterone.

One of the difficulties in detecting low testosterone in women, and in men, is that the symptoms, like difficulty concentrating, often mimic the classic signs of aging.

Always check with your doctor before starting a testosterone replacement program to make sure you are not suffering from normal aging symptoms.

Hair loss is one of the more obvious symptoms of low testosterone, so keep an eye out for any hair loss, on your head or otherwise.

Although hair loss from low testosterone will be most obvious on the head, hair loss on other areas of the body may also occur.

If you notice that you have to shave your legs and armpits fewer times per month than normal, or if you notice that your hair is getting patchy, you may be suffering from low testosterone.

According to this article, Hair loss is one of the more visual symptoms of low testosterone as the hormone supports healthy hair production and maintenance. This symptom most often manifests as patchy hair cover on the head, or even baldness in women.

Body hair is also affected, though these symptoms are typically less noticeable, particularly in women who regularly shave their legs and armpits.

If youre experiencing any of these symptoms, the next best step is to consult with your doctor or book a free consultation at one of our DFW locations. Well discuss your symptoms, check your levels and determine if testosterone replacement therapy is right for you.

Or,if you just want to learn more about our testosterone therapy services for women, click here.

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7 Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women

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Mar 15

Long Term Weight Loss Tips – Shape Magazine

Discover how to modify your balanced healthy diet for long term effective weight loss.

No matter where it comes from, a calorie is a calorie, and it takes 3,500 calories to gain or lose a pound. Want to shed a perfectly respectable 1 pound per week? Carve 500 calories off your day by thinking through your healthy food choices and upping your exercise.

But make sure you're not cutting too many calories. Drastically reducing food intake could slow your metabolism and sabotage your efforts to build muscle, which is needed to burn maximum calories and be toned. To make calories count, choose nutrient-rich healthy foods with a mix of protein, carbs and fats at every meal for an overall balanced healthy diet.

Eat plenty of healthy foods full of the six nutrients most often lacking in women's diets. The quality and length of our lives depend on our health; our bodies thrive only when nourished with optimal amounts of the more than 40 nutrients and 12,000 phytochemicals found in minimally processed foods.

And, these also aid in weight loss. If you focus more on your health and less on your waistline, you will automatically eat more low-calorie, nutrient-packed healthy foods, like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nonfat dairy products and legumes, which help you maintain your weight.

Cut out the specific items in whatever categorycarbs, sweets, meatgives you difficulty without cutting out the nutrition. Give pretzels the heave-ho but don't dismiss whole-grain breads. Has ice cream become a problem? Instead, snack on single-serving portions of yogurt.

The best way to achieve that same clarity when you're trying to lose weight is to set some rules. Find yourself snacking on cereal at night? Make an only-for-breakfast rule. If you slip, no cereal in your house for a month! Tend to dive into the breadbasket as soon as the waiter brings it around? Set a one-starchy-carb-per-restaurant-meal rule. If you want the bread, tell yourself before you head out that you'll skip the potato or pasta that comes with your meal. To make the rules official, write them down.

Discover three more tips from Shape about a balanced healthy diet strategy that will help lead to effective long term weight loss.

[header = Find more long term weight loss tips for your balanced healthy diet at Shape.]

Fill up on wholesome, fiber-rich, water-filled healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans, which fill you up faster for longer on fewer calories. And how you eat is as important as what you eat. A growing body of research shows that the best way to keep your metabolism revved and body-fat levels low is to feed yourself in small amounts. Eat airline-size (rather than restaurant-size) portions of healthy foods like meat, fish, pasta, grains and desserts. And eat every three to four hours, for a total of five mini-meals per day.

You're much more likely to stick with a diet if your food looks, tastes and smells delicious. Feeling deprived will only backfire. Make a plan you can live with by livening up healthy foods with herbs and spices like basil, cilantro, curry and ginger; aromatic veggies like garlic and onions; and condiments like mustard, hot pepper sauce or salsa. Experiment with new nutritious foods: Tantalize your taste buds with two new fruits or vegetables at each meal. Try different cold/hot cereals and breads. Don't declare high-fat favorites "off limits"; savor them in small amounts to maintain a balanced healthy diet.

For energy, satisfaction, staying power and good health, aim to eat a healthy balance of protein (15-20 percent of your total daily calories), fat (less than 30 percent of your total daily calories) and carbohydrate (50-55 percent of your total daily calories) each day. Rule of thumb: Fill three-quarters of your plate with plant foods, leaving the rest for small amounts of fish, nonfat milk products and nuts or seeds.

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Long Term Weight Loss Tips - Shape Magazine

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Mar 13

LBHFC Amenities – Lake Bluff Parks

Services, Facility Amenities, Features:

KIDZONE Childcare

Childcare is available while youre in the fitness center working out or taking a class. Maximum of 1.5 hours per visit.MondayFriday 8:00 am3:00 pmSaturday 8:30 am noon

We hope you will join us for some Fun & Fitness, a great way to enhance your quality of life! Remember, OBOLOC! One Body, One Life, One Choice.Come to Lake Bluff Park Districts Fitness Center to begin or continue your journey to a higher quality of life through good health and enhanced fitness for the whole family! Where Healthy Happens!

More Fitness Center Information:MembershipsChild CareGroup XPersonal TrainingHours of Operation

Lake Forest Residents

Are now eligible to receive Resident rates at the Lake Bluff Health & Fitness Center!

Corporate Memberships

Contact our Fitness & Healthy Lifestyle Manager about a corporate membership for your employees. There is no better investment than supporting the wellness and health of your most valuable asset! Call 847-234-4150, ext. 7361 for more information.

Fitness Services:


For Active Older Adults, we have a special program of classes known as SILVER-FIT (Successful Independent Loving Vibrant Empowered Resilient- Fun In Training. Learn more Here


Full-time non-resident employees of businesses located in some areas of Lake Bluff, Knollwood or North Chicago that pay taxes to the Lake Bluff Park District are entitled to resident fitness center rates. Employees must show proof of full-time employment to participate.

See original here:
LBHFC Amenities - Lake Bluff Parks

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Mar 13

Lose Weight Fast, While Living On The Go | Ann Louise Gittleman

Whether you are a Fat Flusher for life, or your diet is vegan, vegetarian, raw, Keto, Paleo, low carb or you like juicing, you want to lose weight fast, or youre just super busy and need healthy options that are easy to grab on the go, smoothies fill the bill.

Based on the latest buzz, green smoothies have become well known as one of the easiest and healthiest on-the-go meals that also happen to deliver super speedy results when it comes to weight loss and overall health.

Weve seen the smoothie craze continue to grow, day over day, ever since we launched the Fat Flush Smoothie Shakedown way back in 2010! To date, it continues to be one of our most popular and most successful weight loss solutions.

This is encouraging news for those who still need to lose 5, 20, 50 or even 100 pounds!

Reset and revive with the Smoothie Shakedown

The Smoothie Shakedownwhich also features some delicious green smoothie optionswill help people to flush toxins for a flatter belly and trimmed down body.

The healthy side-effects include stronger immunity, better digestion, increased energy, and improved blood sugar regulation.

Plus, Smoothie Shakedown is proven to help people lose weight fast because it represses hunger for a good three to four hours, particularly when combined with the Fat Flush Body Protein powder as part of the smoothie mix. The protein is not only GMO and heavy metal free (third party tested), but provides the research-backed plant-based combo of rice and yellow peas, sweetened with low glycemic stevia and inulin, which is a potent prebiotic to feed the beneficial gut bacteria in the GI tract.

Green smoothies especially combine the best of detoxifying green foods with high protein. Cleansing greens like watercress, kale, Romaine lettuce, and arugula are packed with phytonutrients and beta-carotene, Vitamin K, folate, and chlorophyll that help support liver function and enhance the bodys ability to access stored body fat to be burned for energy.

Smoothie Shakedown, nourishes with two smoothies, one filling meal, snacks, veggies,supplements, and cleansing liquids that purge the damaging fats and toxin-laden fluids from the system.

Shakedown participants arent tempted to cheat or overeat because they simply dont feel hungry, thanks to the cleanprotein and essential fatmacronutrients that are part of the Smoothie Shakedown proprietary design. This program is scientifically designed to stabilize blood sugar and feed the neurotransmitters with quality, pure, clean, life-giving ingredients.


1 small bunch of watercress or One scoop Uni Key Daily Greens1 green apple, quartered and cored1 lime, peeled and quartered1 stalk small celery small cucumber, peeled and quartered1 scoop Fat Flush Body Protein8 oz filtered waterIce cubes (optional)1 tablespoon flaxseed oil1 tablespoon chia seeds



Small handful of arugula1 pearJuice of one lime1 scoop of Fat Flush Body Protein8 oz filtered waterIce cubes (optional)1 tablespoon flax seeds1 piece one-inch ginger


If youre ready to try the smoothie craze for yourself, check out Smoothie Shakedown at the link below!

Get the Plan to Get Started >>

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Lose Weight Fast, While Living On The Go | Ann Louise Gittleman

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Mar 13

How To Lose Weight Fast and Easy (NO EXERCISE … – YouTube

SEND ME YOUR WEIGHTLOSS BEFORE AND AFTERS: (preferably email me please)EMAIL: Contact@AbigaleKirsten (Please also mention your permission for me to use your photo as inspiration to others on all my online Links aka Twitter, Instagram, My Upcoming Website, Facebook, YouTube etc).We need your support and pictures to inspire others and be part of the motivation for the world.

Credits:MUSIC : Jordan Sparks - One Step At A Time. (I do not own the music, tune, lyrics, or song).

How To Lose Weight Fast & Easy w/ NO EXERCISE.

PRECAUTIONS:+ Green Tea can cause slight seizures, although he population that carries this rare symptom is rather less, it is still a duty to advise you on it. Before starting the Greentea/Oolong Tea abby diet, i prefer you have a cup or two and see if another amounts.+ Green Tea can cause slight dizziness, feelings of vomiting, nausea, headache etc.. if you follow my steps exactly in the video you can very well avoid these symptoms easily. Do not take green tea for granted and drink more cups a day than I said, and do not have it on an empty stomach unless you have tried it once and had no reactions whatsoever (like me) in which cases when your in a rush to head off somewhere, those who can withstand it on an empty stomach, it is ok to do so, but do not do it everyday, and more than once in a day, even if you know you have or CAN handle it due to experience.

MOST ASKED QUESTION - Whats My Height, Age, and Weight.Height: 161.5cm - 5ft 3inches - grew an inch after weight loss, was 5"2 all my life till 17.Age: May 05 1994 - Its 2014 - I Turned 20 this year :/ BYEBYE TEEN LIFE D:Weight: My weight Fluctuates every now and then, Mainly because I am a woman, and we do have weight fluctuations quite frequently, also my body *morph* type is prone to fluctuations.Iam currently 60-63kgs, but mostly stay at 61 & 62. 63 being the highest in the middle of my monthly's for the most.

HOW MANY CALORIES SHOULD YOU EAT?I personally eat 1200 cals a day but thats for my height, This doesn't apply to everyone as all women come in different shapes and sizes. What i can recommend is for you to find out your BMI and it will calculate everything for you depending on your height. Some people who saw my video got mistaken and assumed I've told all women to eat UNDER 1000 Cals, including men. In order to reduce the amount of assumptions i get and unnecessary notification that are rather unimportant as even me making a video falls of def ears to a few tempered humans, i thought of adding this into my description. Type into your "Google Toolbar" for a BMI calculator, and you shall be presented with one online. Also, notice how i said don't starve yourself. If i would say that, it would be so incoherent to saying to eat under 1000 cals which literally is STARVING YOURSELF.

WHAT DID I SAY AT 11:20-11:25?I said "SOUP" can fill you Up. (btw soups with creams are Fattening).

Foods That will help you see results in 2 weeks:Lemon / LimePineapplesApplesPrunes (After or Before every meal {CAN ALSO BE USED FOR SNACKING).GreenTea ( For 3 - 4 months [MORNING + LATE AFTERNOON + EVENING] half an hour after every meal.Oolong Tea / Wulong Tea (After 3 - 4 months). half an hour after every meal.Honey + Lemon + Hot Water (Before Sleeping).

TIPS & WARNINGS:Green Tea & Oolong is best from either a traditional Chinese market/store or Walmart.Do not add too much honey to your prior sleep drink because it can cause heartburn as normal honey does.Do not Eat over 5 - 6 Prunes a day. It might cause irritation to your bowl movement.Do not go overboard with Pineapples and Apples just because it helps burn fat. Everything should be eaten in healthy quantities. Fruits can cause uncomfortable bloating or a beautiful gassy BUM!!! hahahahaEat frozen yogurt instead of regular Ice cream.

Hope I haven't missed out any important Tips or Additional Information.


HOW I DID MY EYELINER?Check out my other youtube video link :

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Originally posted here:
How To Lose Weight Fast and Easy (NO EXERCISE ... - YouTube

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Mar 6

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off –

Losing weight seems like a pretty easy concept, when you think about it. You eat less, exercise more and the weight is supposed to come off. The fact is, I'll bet you already know how to lose weight. If you're like most of us, you've probably lost weight many, many many times, you're an old pro at it. You may even have your 'go-to' diet or exercise program, powering up your old Weight Watcher's account or starting back to the gym whenever the weight starts to creep up.

But what happens when you go off that diet or stop that workout program? You gain it right back, sometimes with a few extra pounds thrown in.

So what you really want to know isn't how to lose weight, but how to lose it and then make it stay lost...forever. There's no real secret to losing weight. The real challenge is making it permanent.

Weight loss is such a complex process, the only way we can really wrap our heads around it is to drill it down into a bunch of numbers. You already know these numbers, probably as well as any weight loss expert: You know that, to lose one pound of fat, you have to burn about 3500 calories over and above what you already burn each day. You don't really want to burn 3500 calories in one day, but rather to cut that down into daily calorie deficits, say cutting 500 calories a day with a combination of diet and exercise.

To go by the numbers, you have to go through a few calculations:

Your BMR is the most important part of the weight loss calculations because it tells you how many calories your body needs to maintain bodily functions such as breathing and digesting and well, existing. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day. Important Note: No calculator is 100% accurate and these formulas don't take into account things like bodyfat, frame size or other factors that can make a difference in your BMR. More about your metabolism.

-Sedentary................BMR x 1.2 (little exercise)

-Lightly active...........BMR x 1.375 (light exercise)

-Moderately active.....BMR x 1.55 (moderate exercise)

-Very active.............BMR x 1.725 (hard exercise)

-Extremely active......BMR x 1.9 (hard exercise daily)


Mary is 46 years old, is 5'4" and weighs 165 pounds. These are her stats:

BMR = 1465Activity Level = Moderately Active (1.55)Food Calories = 2700TEF Calories = 270

Mary's BMR/Activity level is 2270. She's eating about 2430 calories a day (less her TEF). That means Mary is eating about 160 calories more than what her body needs, which could eventually lead to weight gain.

Is There an Easier Way?

There isn't an easier way to lose weight, but there is an easier way to figure out how to lose weight, if these formulas are a little too much for you. The absolute simplest involves one thing: Make small changes in your diet and activity levels every single day. With this method, you don't always know how many calories you're cutting, or how many calories you're burning. But, if you're doing more movement than before and you know you're eating less than before, you are creating a calorie deficit and the weight loss will follow, even if it's slow. Some ideas:

Total Calories Saved: 532 (based on a 140-pound person)


Donnelly, J.; Blair, S.; Jakicic, J.; et al. Appropriate Physical Activity Intervention Strategies for Weight Loss and Prevention of Weight Regain for Adults. Med & Sci in Sports & Ex: Feb, 2009. Vol 41, Issue 2.

Kelly, Mark. "Resting Metabolic Rate: Best Ways to Measure it - And Raise it, Too." ACE. Retrieved August 29, 2013.

There's no doubt that your diet is probably the single most important aspect of a weight loss program. Why? Think about it for a moment; you can easily eat just one wrong thing and end up eating more calories than you're burning, even if you exercise.

I don't say this to make you paranoid about every bite you take, but it's important to understand how this energy balance works so you can get it right.

Say you've been eating great all day, tree bark and lemon wedges, water instead of Coke, etc. You've been walking all day and you even finish a workout that burns another extra 350 calories. You rock.

Then you go to dinner and have two margaritas and a glass of wine along with dinner. Your drinks alone are worth up to 450 calories and, right there, you've canceled out your workout.

That doesn't mean you have to starve yourself or that you can't have a margarita from time to time. However, if you really want to lose weight, you have to commit to more exercise and less tequila.

How Much Exercise Do I Need?

Exercise is an important weight loss tool, but how much you need varies from person to person. The guidelines recommend at least 250 minutes per week, which comes out to about 50 minutes, 5 days a week. However, it's important that you choose the right workouts - Workouts you enjoy and workouts that take you into your target heart rate zone so you can burn more calories.

There are some workouts that are better than others for burning calories including:

The caveat is that these workouts are very advanced and done at a high intensity. If you're a beginner, even if you used to workout like a crazy person, start with a beginner program to avoid injuries, burnout and misery.

It takes time to build the strength and endurance for high intensity exercise.

Where to Start

You have lots of options for how to start exercising. You could put on some shoes and head out for a walk right now and that would be a great place to start. I also have some programs and articles that offer a little more guidance:

The real key to the weight loss process has nothing to do with actually losing the weight. Most of us can easily figure out how to cut enough calories to do that, right? What we can't figure out is how to keep that weight off.

There are a number of reasons we regain weight: Following unrealistic diets or exercise programs we can't sustain, for example, or completely giving up on healthy eating and exercise during the holidays.

We also tend to think that there's an end to all of this healthy lifestyle stuff. That, as soon as you lose the weight, you can finally enter the 'maintenance' phase of your program which, for many of us, means we don't have to exercise as much and we can finally stop monitoring every single bite we take.

Unfortunately, there is no maintenance phase to the weight loss process. To keep the weight off, you have to do at least as much exercise as you did to lose the weight and, frankly, you may have to do more. The more weight you lose, the less energy your body expends during exercise and the more you have to do to get the same results. Not fair, I know.

So, keeping the weight off has more to do with how you start the weight loss process than how you finish it. To that end, you have to set yourself up for success and to do that you'll need to find a few things:

Keeping the weight off would be so much easier if there were just one thing you had to do. And, depending on how you look at it, there is just one thing to do to keep the weight off and that is: Keep your calories balanced. It's that balancing act that requires constant maintenance because it changes from day to day. Getting your mental strategies in order is just as important as the physical strategies and it may help to think about it like this: At its heart, weight loss will happen if you just learn how to take care of yourself. Once you start doing that, you may be surprised that you don't care as much about the scale anymore.

More here:
How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off -

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Mar 3

fitness | Tumblr

I have personally never believedin the concept of restrictive eating when it comes to weight/fat loss. I alwaysbelieved and suggested to people to eat BETTER instead of less. See this aboveis speaking the truth When I hear people saying that they dont eat becausetheyre trying to lose fat it makes me laugh (deep inside) because not eating actually slows down the metabolism,so when people start eating restrictively they are actually sabotaging their fat loss efforts; slow metabolism = NO weight loss! Thebody thinks its starving, so it will go on the survival mode which means itwill literally slow down its calorie-burning capacity in order tosurvive.

Inother words, by not eating the body will sense that it is in trouble, so itwill try to conserve the little amount of energy it has left as much aspossible, which will result in a slower metabolism! Fat is emergency storagefor your body. Your body will burn muscle first if you get on low caloriediets, sothe body is going to use muscles as fuel, yes muscles, so not only themetabolism will slow down, but the body will also lose some precious muscles.

SoMoral of the story, you dont have toeat less - you just have to eat BETTER!! In the above picture you canclearly see the sticking difference between 1575 calories of junk foods andhealthy foods. Remember this, when youre eating right you dont have toconstantly worry about counting calories

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Mar 2

Exactly How to Cut Calories to Lose Weight | Shape Magazine

Photo: Getty Images/Chris Ryan

To lose weight, you need to cut calories. Sounds easy, but there's more to this age-old weight-loss wisdom than meets the eye. After all, if you're not smart about how you cut calories, you'll wind up starving (read: hangry) and unable to sustain your diet long enough to budge the scale. And if you've added exercise to your weight-loss plan, you need to know how to eat just enough to fuel your workoutswithout going overboard in the process.

Of course, you can always use exercise as your main weight-loss strategy, but it's typically easier to simply consume less energy than try to burn it off. "The idea that diet is a more important element for weight loss isn't necessarily because the calories from your diet are more significant, it's just that it's easier to target," says Rachele Pojednic, Ph.D., assistant professor of nutrition at Simmons College and former research fellow at the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

Let's put it this way: You can run for a solid hour to create a 600-calorie deficit, or you can just cut that jumbo muffin from your diet in the first place. Either approach can lead to weight loss; it's just a matter of which is easier to manage both physically and mentally. "At the end of the day, [weight loss] is a math equation," Pojednic says. (Related: 7 Weird Things That Can Lead to Weight Gain)

To cut through the confusion, we tapped three experts to show you exactly how to slash calories for weight-loss success.

When cutting calories, you'll be far more successful if you count 'em as you go. But while calorie counting often gets a bad rap, it's key to weight loss for a few reasons.

For starters, counting calories keeps you accountable. "If you need to write down and acknowledge the 400-calorie cupcake you have with your afternoon chai latte, you're more likely to make a healthier choice," says Pojednic.

In addition, chances are you underestimate just how many cals are in your go-to breakfast burrito, post-workout smoothie, or afternoon cookie (don't worry, we all do it). Logging your food will give you a better handle on exactly how many calories you're consuming, which is critical if your goal is weight loss, says Kristen F. Gradney, R.D.N., director of nutrition and metabolic services at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

When using food tracking apps, manually enter your food items when possible to ensure accuracy, Gradney says. Many apps even allow you to scan barcodes making tracking easier than ever. Pojednic recommends MyFitnessPal and the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) SuperTracker.

But before you start slashing calories left and right, you need to figure out how many calories you need per day just to maintain your weight. You can do this by figuring out your basal metabolic rate (BMR), or the number of calories your body burns at rest. Your BMR is determined by a host of different variables, including sex, age, height, muscle mass, genetics and even the weight of your organs. And according to a review in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, your BMR is responsible for a whopping 60 to 75 percent of your total daily caloric expenditure, while physical activity and digestion account for the remainder.

The best way to get an accurate BMR number is to visit a doctor, nutritionist, or fitness facility for an indirect calorimetry test to measure your oxygen consumption. But FYI, these tests can cost $100-plus, according to Marie Spano, C.S.S.D., C.S.C.S., sports nutritionist for the NBA's Atlanta Hawks. For a woman on a budget, your quickest, easiest option is to plug your height, weight, and current activity level into this interactive calculator from the USDA.

Once you have your daily caloric estimate, Spano recommends subtracting no more than 500 calories to get your new daily total. Just keep in mind, this total is a starting point. Feel free to adjust if you find you need feweror morecalories than you're currently allotted. If you slash calories too low, you may lose weight initially, but you'll risk some unpleasant side effects: headaches, moodiness, and low energy, Pojednic says. Not to mention, calories are what fuel your workouts and recovery. So, if you find you're struggling with your current calorie allotment, don't be afraid to tinker with it until you find a sustainable total. Otherwise, you'll sabotage your weight loss later on. "Typically you end up overcorrecting after you've lost the weight and put it all back on. Or more," Pojednic says.

Just keep in mind that once you start dropping pounds, your daily calorie needs will also drop, Spano says. This is because simply put, smallerthings require less energy to power them. Think of it this way: Your smartphone likely uses less juice than your laptop or tablet. So, if you're using the USDA calculator or another online tool, recalculate your daily caloric needs once you lose 10 pounds. This way, you don't eat more calories than you need. If you coughed up cash for an in-office test, wait until you've lost 20 pounds or more to get re-tested, and use an online calculator to tide you over until then. (Related:6 Tricks for Preventing Weight Gain and Staying at Your "Happy" Weight)

Once you're ready to cut calories, start by slimming your bevvies, Gradney says. To avoid feeling deprived, pick calorie- and sugar-free versions of your favorites. From there, cut high-cal condiments like mayonnaise, and top your salads with vinegar-based dressings instead of creamy ones. You can also reduce calories by subbing in fiber-rich fruits and veggies for your midafternoon snack, which offer the added benefit of keeping you fuller longer. Your best options include apples, bananas, raspberries, dark greens like spinach, carrots, and beets.

Spano also recommends cutting fat before carbs, especially if you're a runner or HIIT-lover. "You need a certain amount of carbohydrate for high-intensity exercise," she says, but adds that you can cut back on carbs if you have a light workout planned or the day off. You'll want to stick with general dietary recommendations, which suggest approximately 130 grams of carbohydrates per day. Limit saturated fat to less than 10 percent of your daily calories.

And (no surprise here), while you're cutting, make sure the calories you are getting aren't coming from junk foods. Swap out high-fat, high-sugar foods like muffins, chips, and processed meats for nutritionally dense options like leafy greens, whole grain breads, and lean protein. This will give you the most nutritional bang for your buck, helping you fill up while you slim down. (Related: This 30-Day Clean-ish Eating Challenge Will Reset Your Diet for the New Year)

Okay, so you've calculated your daily caloric needs and dutifully tracked your food intake to stay within a 500-calorie deficit. What if, after weeksor even monthsof effort, the scale hasn't budged? (Ugh!) According to Pojednic, if you're sticking to a 500-calorie per day deficit, you should be on track to lose about 2 pounds per week. So if you haven't seen any progress after 30 days, it may be time to enlist the help of a physician or registered dietitian, Pojednic says.

According to Spano, it's not uncommon for people to calculate their calorie needs incorrectly, overestimate how many calories they're burning through exercise, or underestimate how many calories they're eating. A physician or registered dietitian can help pinpoint your problem, and advise new strategies to get you on track (thinkincreasing exercise or meal frequency, or re-evaluating your calorie-counting method).

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Exactly How to Cut Calories to Lose Weight | Shape Magazine

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