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Sep 1

Over 500 emergency cases at HMC on first day of Eid – Gulf Times

A total of 519 emergency cases were reported from 6am to 6pm on Friday at the Emergency Department of Hamad General Hospital (HGH) under Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC).

Meanwhile, about 350 cases were reported at various paediatric emergency centres of HMC all over the country.According to HMC statistics, Al Saad Paediatric Emergency Centre received 209 cases while Rayyan Centre had 77 cases, Airport Centre had 46 case and Dayeen Centre had 20 cases.Among the cases reported at HGH Emergency Department, majority were of the routine nature. Most of the patients were given treatment and sent back on the same day. There were around 66 trauma cases, 47 gastroenteritis cases and eight cardiac cases. According to HMC officials, there has been no increase in the number of emergency cases on the occasion of Eid al-Adha. Officials also pointed out that the emergency cases, reported to the centres, were very minor ones and there were not many critical cases so far. Dr Yousef al-Tayeb, accident and emergency consultant at HGH said that people should eat moderately during the festival days.People must refrain from overeating food items, especially those cooked with meat. This can prevent gastrointestinal disorders and intestinal dysplasia and indigestion. They should also follow healthy steps when preparing food and eating it. Do not eat fatty meals late in the evening and the last meal should be taken at least two hours before sleep.He also cautioned that people must take safety measures especially about children while going out. One must take enough safety measures to prevent children from falling and get injured in crowded places. Similarly, avoid going out in the hot sun. Be cautious and avoid exposure to the sun to prevent heat stress. They must also drink enough fluids to keep hydrated, he added.

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Over 500 emergency cases at HMC on first day of Eid - Gulf Times

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Sep 1

Key Strategies for Running to Lose Weight – Verywell

As one of the most vigorous exercises out there, running is an extremely efficient activity for weight loss. Many runners drop pounds and are able to maintain their weight. However, it is worth noting that others fall victim to common weight loss mistakes. If you're hoping to use running to lose weight, heeding some tried and true advice can help you be successful and stay on track.

If you want to lose weight by running, keep in mind that you'll only shed pounds if you burn more calories than you consume.

To lose a pound, you have to burn, through exercise or life functions, about 3,500 calories. So, you'll need to combine running with a healthy diet.

Runners have special nutrition needs, but the basic principles for healthy eating still apply. Try choosing smaller portions of high-fat and high-calorie foods and eating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

One common eating mistake among runners is that they overcompensate for the calories burned by exercise with extra calories from more food and beverages.

Some runners even find that they gain weight or hit a weight loss wall, despite their regular training. The first step to hitting your goal is knowing just how much you're eating. Use this calculator to learn how many caloriesyou need for weight loss.

One way to prevent "stealth calorie" consumption or mindless eating is to write everything you're eating in a journal for a few weeks. Reviewing a record of your food intake will help you see where your diet needs improvement. And, because you know that you'll need to log it later, it may also prompt you to think twice before eating thatchocolate-covered donut, helping you stay on track.

Runners often find that they constantly feel hungry, so you'll want to try to plan your snacks and meals to avoid going overboard. Get ideas for 100-calorie snacks and more tips on how to avoid overeating by controlling your portion sizes.

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Many new runners get started on a treadmill for convenience and safety reasons. Once you improve your endurance and confidence, you may want to transition to outdoor running (weather permitting), but the treadmill is a great place to get started with a running habit.

Consider these pointers to step up your treadmill running routine so that you burn more calories during each session.

Sticking to a training schedule is a simple way to stay motivated to run. You'll know exactly what you need to do every day,andsince each run builds on the nextit will be harder to postpone or skip workouts. Following a schedule can also help you avoid a running injury by not increasing your mileage too quickly. If you're new to running, here are beginner training schedules to check out:

Consistency is key, according to runners who successfully lose weight and keep it off. If you don't want to follow a schedule, you still need to make sure you're running regularly because you won't lose weight by running once a week.

It's best to get some activity every day. But if that's not possible, try to shoot for at least three to four times per week. If you find that your motivation to run is suffering, follow these tips to get inspired. One trick to staying motivated is to give yourself little rewards when you reach a milestone, such as running a specific race or reaching a certain distance. Just make sure that you use non-food rewards, such as a pedicure, massage, or cool running gear.

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Incorporating speed work or interval training (running at a very fast speed for short intervals of time) into your running routine can also help your weight loss efforts. Speed work burns a great amount of calories in a short period of time. You'll also increase your muscle mass and improve your resting metabolism, causing you to burn more calories throughout the day. Try to add fun challenges, such as running a 5k every month for a year, to improve your motivation.

You may also want to consider adding strengthtraining to your routine. Some runners find they can boost their weight loss efforts (and performance) by doing strengthening exercisestwo to three times a week.

Speed Workouts:

Get more tips on how to boost your metabolismand how to burn more calories during your runs.

If you're running regularly and you're training for a long-distance event, proper nutrition is especially critical for your performance. Skipping meals doesn't allow you to train with adequately fueled muscles. You shouldn't skimp on calories before, during (when necessary), and immediately after your very intense and long workouts. These are crucial times when nutrition is important to performance and recovery.

Here are some common questions from runners who want to lose weight by running:

Again, running is a great activity for weight loss. It has a high calorie burn and can be done anywhere with nothing more needed than a good pair of sneakers. That said, if you find that running is not for you, don't give up on your weight loss efforts. Find an exercise that you enjoy. It's more important that you are able to stick with your routine than to choose one particular activity over another.

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Key Strategies for Running to Lose Weight - Verywell

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Sep 1

The fat guys guide to losing weight – Men’s Fitness

Contrary to what many fancy programs would have you believe, weight loss really isnt rocket science. And if that scale needle has crept up up up, barring a medical condition, you know how it got there: Too many burgers and fries and not enough burpees and flyes. Ready to turn it around? Heres the no-nonsense skinny on getting that way.

Its not enough to say, I want to lose weight. Not-so-newsflash: The majority of Americans (69%) are overweight and more than a third are obesea lot of those folks no doubt profess a desire to drop a few, too. Need a nudge? You can gain an inch of penis length for every 10 pounds you lose, says Rovenia Dr. Ro Brock, Ph.D., MS, RD. OK, not really, but as the gut shrinks, the prominence of the member grows. Seriously, though: You need to find your own come to Jesus moment for weight-loss motivation, whether its some scary health test results, a frustration with huffing and puffing at the top of every flight of stairs, or a vanity-driven desire to get back to your college weight. Whatever it is, it needs to be for you.

In most cases, your primary goal will be related to the scale. But be realistic: Know that a one- to two-pound loss per week is what experts consider healthy and sustainable. Be specific, Brock says. Not just, I want to lose weight, or I want to lose 30 pounds, but I want to lose 30 pounds in the next six months. Michael Pickert, MD, an internal medicine physician who himself dropped 120 pounds, suggests this calendar-based strategy: Select a date by which you would like to have a measurable loss. Count the number of weeks between then and now and multiply by 1.25 (a conservative per-week loss). Then do it again, until youve reached your final target.

Thats rightBanish that four-letter word from your weight-loss vocabulary. Diets dont work, Pickert says. They have an end. Diets are also synonymous with deprivation, which generally isnt sustainable. Cutting out foods or entire food groups that you love, and that youve loved your whole life, isnt realistic for most people. Still, 80 percent of losing weight is controlling what you eat. So youll need to develop an eating strategy that can work for you for the long haul, says Pickert. Brock concurs: If you want permanent weight-loss, you must make permanent lifestyle changes.

One pound of fat equals 3,500 calories. So to lose one pound of fat per week, you need to cut 500 calories per day from what you eat. Take your current weight and multiply it by 11. Thats a rough estimate of the calories your body needs to maintain status quo. Your new aim: To subtract 500 calories from that number, by making eating and exercise changes.

No, this doesnt necessarily mean overhauling your entire refrigerator overnight. And it doesnt mean putting foods on the no-never list, either (remember: deprivation doesnt work). It means figuring out what swaps and compromises you can make without feeling totally compromised. Then start small. For example, Pickert says, lets say you have ice cream or chips every night. How about cutting that back to every other day? Or you have to have your french fries. Fine, but maybe sub them once per week with a baked potato.

One of the biggest issues is misinformation. Pickert uses olive oil as his example. Ask most people, is it good for you? Theyll say yes. But it has the exact same number of calories per tablespoon as any other type of pure fat (butter and lard included): 120. So by cutting down on ALL oil, you cut calories out. (Pickert is a big fan of measuring the oil you use, and blotting foods of excess oil before eating.) Brock recommends meeting with a nutritionist to learn more about developing healthier ways to modify your mealseven if you end up deviating from it some, youll be better off than going into it blindly.

Most people fail at weight loss because they dont have a plan, says Brock. She recommends plotting out your menus for the week, and sticking to them as closely as you can. When you plan your meals, youre much more likely to shop for only those foods on the plan, she says. It not only saves calories, it saves money, too! Another part of the plan is learning about portion size and how many calories are in what youre eating. Logging your food in an app that does the calculating for you (such as MyFitnessPal) is the easiest way to gauge your intakeand keep yourself honest. Not sure what a portion size is? Measure it out until you can reliably eyeball it, Brock says.

You eat your food (especially snacks) right from the container? How about divvying out a portion into a bowland when its gone, theres no going back for seconds. Another issue is eating too quickly. Pickert calls it the batter up mentality: putting a bite in your mouth, and shoveling the next bite in before youve swallowed the last one. His solution is to actually put the fork down and cross his arms until hes swallowed. You dont need to chew every bite 30 times, he says.

Yes, there is another way to control your calories: by moving more to burn them off and by building muscle, which boosts your metabolism overall. Exercise will help you reach your goals quicker without starving yourself, says Eric Emig, personal trainer and founder of Evolution Fitness in St. Louis. You can burn several hundred calories, and eat a little more. Or, you can keep the calories the same and be 200 to 300 calories closer to your goal. If you only make changes to what you eat, your body will lose both fat and muscle. Which is why strength training is also important to reduce muscle loss. Every pound of muscle helps you burn an extra seven to 10 calories per day, Emig says. It doesn't sound like a lot until you gain or lose 20 pounds of muscle.

If you havent been exercising, start small. Swimming, deep-water running, or water aerobics are the most joint-friendly for someone who isobese. Then, graduate to a walking program, slowly increasing the amount of time walked, without worrying about the distance, until youre up to a half hour. Then, Emig says, resistance training can be added in 30 minutes sessions twice a week. With resistance training, supersets of opposite muscle groups with short intense bursts of cardio are the best, per Emig.

Pickert cant emphasize enough how valuable the role of the spouse is in meeting goals. His wife still has responsibilities, such as making sure he eats slowly, even five years after his weight loss. Its all about accountability, Emig says: Sign an exercise contract in front of friends. Get an exercise partner who is more motivated than you, or already exercises. Sign up for exercise classes. Hire a trainer that you have to meet at least once a month to keep you on track.

They happen. The body gets used to everything, so it will adapt to your new eating and moving routine. That means when you see things stalling, mix up your routine. That said, consistency is key, in terms of your commitment to the program. Pickert cautions against weighing yourself too oftenthe number on the scale doesnt mean that things arent happening in your body. (He points out that when you start a calorie-deficit eating plan, your body can lose eight pounds in water weight, which means it has several weeks of actual fat loss at the one-to-two-pounds-per-week rate to catch up.) But if you realize youre not making it, circle a new date on the calendar and adjust your math, Pickert says. Dont give up.

How your clothing fits (or no longer fits) is an awesome indicator of progress, especially if youve added strength training into the mixwhile you shouldnt be gaining from muscle training (if you're overweight to begin with), you may not lose pounds as quickly as you lose inches. And then there are the unexpected physical benefits of a shrinking body size. I vividly recall feeling that I had more of a spring in my step after losing just 20 pounds on my eventual 120-pound-trek, Pickert says. Later on, after 50 pounds, I noticed one night how much easier it was to roll over in bed; I didn't have to make a plan with a leg kick and a flip anymore!

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The fat guys guide to losing weight - Men's Fitness

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Sep 1

SBS show The Obesity Myth is breaking down stigma – The Weekly Review

Photo: supplied

Obesity is a predominantly genetic disease, rather than a lifestyle choice thats the central premise of a new SBS show calledThe Obesity Myth.

The show, which followed doctors and patients at the University of Melbournes Austin Health forsix months, aimsto dispel the stigma attached to obesity.

Austin Healths Weight Control Clinic head professor Joseph Proietto says obese people face constant discrimination.

There is a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation about obesity in the community its an injustice, he says.Gluttony is seen as sinful, and to commit a sin you have to use free will. So the idea has been that people choose to be fat.

The world-renowned obesity management expert says he hopes the program will show obesity is far more complicated than generallythought.

Recent research has revealed how the body regulates weight through the hormones leptin (which decreases appetite) and ghrelin (which increases it). Whenpeople lose weight, their leptin levels decreaseand their ghrelin levels increase.

In 2011, Austin Health discovered levels of otherhormones also change according to weight gain or loss, and that those changes are enduring. Proiettosays this evidence points strongly to weight gain being genetic.

Finding that hormone changes after weight loss are long-lasting showed us that medication needs to be life-long, he says. Obesity is a chronic condition.

In 2014, another of the clinics studies showed the rate of weight loss did not affect how quickly weight was regained, and that more people succeeded in a rapid weight-loss program than a gradual program.

Professor Joseph Proietto. Photo: SBS

To combat obesity in patients, the clinics physicians conduct a thorough history and targeted examination, then offer a partial, very-low-energy diet thatreplaces breakfast and lunch.

After theyve lost all the weight they want to lose, whether it takes three months, six months or a year, then we wean them off the diet and back onto things like carbs and fruit, Proietto says.

A dietician will outlinea balanced, energy-reduced diet, and the clinic will continue to follow the patientsprogress. If theyre struggling to keep weight off because of increased hunger, medication is prescribed.

Proietto hopes the clinics research intoobesity will become common knowledge.

GPs are getting better at treating this condition than they used to be, he says. Hopefully they will continue to educate the public to try to dispel this myth.

If youre struggling with obesity Proietto says not to beat yourself around the head, because its probably genetic. He suggests seeking medical assistance.

Speak to your doctor about it, and see if you can get some help, he says.

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SBS show The Obesity Myth is breaking down stigma - The Weekly Review

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Sep 1

What’s Unfolding For Shares of Hartford Financial Services Group … – Sheridan Daily

Hartford Financial Services Group Inc (HGH) will be on traders radar at the beginning of the upcoming session as the closing price ticked above the Parabolic SAR indicator (PSAR). The PSAR, Developed by Welles Wilder,is designed to determinethe point in time when there emerges a better than average probability of a trend switching directions. This is a common tool used by traders and investors to try to gauge potential reversal of a trend.

The parabolic SAR is shown on the charts as a series of small dots that are placed either above or below the price. When the price is trending to the upside, the dots are below the price action and when the price is trending to the downside, the dots are above the price action. The basic use of the Parabolic SAR is to buy when the dots move below the price bars (signaling an uptrend) and sell/short-sell when the dots move above the price bars (signaling a downtrend).

Investors and traders using technical analysis to examine stocks may be interested in taking a look at the ATR or Average True Range. Currently, Hartford Financial Services Group Inc (HGH) has a 14-day ATR of 0.24. The Average True Range is an investor tool used to measure stock volatility. The ATR is not used to figure out price direction, just to measure volatility. The ATR is an indicator developed by J. Welles Wilder. Wilder has developed multiple indicators that are still quite popular in todays investing landscape. The general interpretation of the ATR is the higher the ATR value, the higher the volatility.

The Williams Percent Range or Williams %R is another technical indicator worth checking out. Hartford Financial Services Group Inc (HGH) currently has a 14 day Williams %R of -43.42. The Williams %R fluctuates between 0 and -100 measuring whether a security is overbought or oversold. The Williams %R is similar to the Stochastic Oscillator except it is plotted upside-down. Levels above -20 may indicate the stock may be considered is overbought. If the indicator travels under -80, this may signal that the stock is oversold. Chart analysts may also use the indicator to project possible price reversals and to define trends.

The Average Directional Index or ADX is technical analysis indicator used to discern if a market is trending or not trending. The ADX alone measures trend strength but not direction. Using the ADX with the Plus Directional Indicator (+DI) and Minus Directional Indicator (-DI) may help determine the direction of the trend as well as the overall momentum. Many traders will use the ADX alongside other indicators in order to help spot proper trading entry/exit points. Currently, the 14-day ADX for Hartford Financial Services Group Inc (HGH) is 17.86. Generally speaking, an ADX value from 0-25 would indicate an absent or weak trend. A value of 25-50 would indicate a strong trend. A value of 50-75 would signal a very strong trend, and a value of 75-100 would indicate an extremely strong trend.

Traders may be leaning on technical stock analysis to help with investing decisions. Hartford Financial Services Group Inc (HGH) currently has a 14-day Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of 6.71. Despite the name, CCI can be used on other investment tools such as stocks. The CCI was designed to typically stay within the reading of -100 to +100. Traders may use the indicator to determine stock trends or to identify overbought/oversold conditions. A CCI reading above +100 would imply that the stock is overbought and possibly ready for a correction. On the other hand, a reading of -100 would imply that the stock is oversold and possibly set for a rally.

Traders are paying renewed attention to shares of Hartford Financial Services Group Inc (HGH). The current 14-day RSI is presently sitting at 45.84, the 7-day is 49.62, and the 3-day is 55.79. The RSI, or Relative Strength Index is a popular oscillating indicator among traders and investors. The RSI operates in a range-bound area with values between 0 and 100. When the RSI line moves up, the stock may be experiencing strength. The opposite is the case when the RSI line is heading lower. Different time periods may be used when using the RSI indicator. The RSI may be more volatile using a shorter period of time. Many traders keep an eye on the 30 and 70 marks on the RSI scale. A move above 70 is widely considered to show the stock as overbought, and a move below 30 would indicate that the stock may be oversold. Traders may use these levels to help identify stock price reversals.

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What's Unfolding For Shares of Hartford Financial Services Group ... - Sheridan Daily

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Sep 1

Ascendis Pharma A/S American (NASDAQ:ASND) Experiences Heavy Trading Volume – Modern Readers


413K shares changed hands by the end of trading on Friday. Volume was up 889.49% over the stocks average daily volume.

Investors are more bullish on the company lately if you take into consideration the downtick in short interest. The stock saw a fall in short interest of -2.21% as of the latest report on August 15, 2017. Short shares decreased from 344,109 to 336,495 over that timeframe. The days to cover increased to 7.0 and the percentage of shorted shares was 0.01% on August 15.

Here are some other firms who have updated their holdings. As of quarter end Venbio Select Advisor LLC had bought a total of 290,000 shares growing its position 41.4%. The value of the companys investment in Ascendis Pharma A/S American increased from $19,626,000 to $27,508,000 a change of $7,882,000 quarter over quarter. As of the end of the quarter Vhcp Management Ii, LLC had acquired 175,000 shares growing its stake by 21.6%. The value of the investment in Ascendis Pharma A/S American went from $22,722,000 to $27,385,000 increasing 20.5% for the reporting period.

Janus Capital Management LLC downsized its holdings by selling 35,260 shares a decrease of 5.9% as of 03/31/2017. Janus Capital Management LLC owns 559,035 shares worth $15,653,000. The value of the position overall is up by 30.1%. As of quarter end Foresite Capital Management Iii, LLC had sold 77,600 shares trimming its holdings by 77.6%. The value of the investment in (ASND) decreased from $2,800,000 to $622,000 a change of 77.8% quarter to quarter.

The company is up from yesterdays close of $27.12.

Ascendis Pharma A/S, launched on September 21, 2006, is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company. The Company is involved in applying its TransCon technology to develop sustained release prodrug therapies with several product candidates in clinical and preclinical development. The Company is developing its product candidate, TransCon human growth hormone (TransCon hGH) for once-weekly administration to treat growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and other indications. In addition to TransCon hGH, the Company has developed a pipeline of long-acting prodrug product candidates, such as TransCon Treprostinil for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), TransCon Peptides for the treatment of diabetes and TransCon Ranibizumab for the treatment of ophthalmology. It is also using its TransCon technology platform to develop TransCon Parathyroid Hormone (TransCon PTH) for hypoparathyroidism, a rare endocrine disorder of calcium and phosphate metabolism. The Businesss subsidiaries include Ascendis Pharma GmbH (Germany), Ascendis Pharma, Inc. (Delaware, United States), Ascendis Pharma, Ophthalmology Division A/S (Denmark), Ascendis Pharma, Endocrinology Division A/S (Denmark), Ascendis Pharma Bone Diseases A/S (Denmark) and Ascendis Pharma Growth Disorders A/S (Denmark)..

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Ascendis Pharma A/S American (NASDAQ:ASND) Experiences Heavy Trading Volume - Modern Readers

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Sep 1

What Will Happen to Barings Global Short Duratin Hgh Yld Fnd … – BZ Weekly

August 28, 2017 - By Clifton Ray

The stock of Barings Global Short Duratin Hgh Yld Fnd (BGH) shows a multiple tops pattern with $21.07 target or 5.00 % above todays $20.07 share price. The 7 months chart pattern indicates low risk for the $402.56 million company. It was reported on Aug, 28 by If the $21.07 price target is reached, the company will be worth $20.13 million more.Multiple tops are chart patterns with decent performance in a bull market. The failure rate is higher but the average decline is reasonable. Back-tests of such patterns show that the break even failure rate is 10%, the average rise: 19%, the throwback rate: 61% and the percentage of stocks meeting their price targets: 40%.

The stock decreased 0.55% or $0.11 on August 25, reaching $20.07. About shares traded. Barings Global Short Duratin Hgh Yld Fnd (NYSE:BGH) has risen 16.94% since August 28, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.24% the S&P500.

More recent Barings Global Short Duratin Hgh Yld Fnd (NYSE:BGH) news were published by: which released: Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund on April 29, 2011. Also published the news titled: Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund Announces July 2017 Monthly on July 10, 2017. Nasdaq.coms news article titled: Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund Announces August 2017 Monthly with publication date: August 07, 2017 was also an interesting one.

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What Will Happen to Barings Global Short Duratin Hgh Yld Fnd ... - BZ Weekly

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Aug 31

Forget ‘quick diets’ if you want to lose weight – Health24

Are you already feeling despondent after just two weeks of following a strict diet? Relax! Rome wasn't built in a day.

If you're trying to lose weight, take your time and stay the course if you want to keep the weight off, a new study suggests.

Fluctuations aren't good

Researchers found that when dieters' weight fluctuated or swung erratically, they were less likely to maintain their weight loss over time.

"It seems that developing stable, repeatable behaviours related to food intake and weight loss early on in a weight-control programme is really important for maintaining changes over the long term," said study lead author Emily Feig. She is a former graduate student at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

What the study entailed

For the study, the researchers investigated why some people have more trouble maintaining weight loss. The authors enrolled 183 people in a 12-month weight-loss programme and followed them for two years.

The participants relied on meal replacements and set goals, for both their total calories and physical activity. In addition, they reported on food behaviours such as cravings, binges and emotional eating and took part in weekly weigh-ins in a group setting. One year after the weight-loss programme ended, the participants were weighed for a final time.

The study, published in the journal Obesity, found that the participants who had irregular swings in their weight didn't fare as well as those who reliably lost a consistent amount of weight over the course of the programme.

Slow and steady guidelines

"Settle on a weight-loss plan that you can maintain week in and week out, even if that means consistently losing three-quarters of a pound each week," principal investigator Michael Lowe, a psychology professor at Drexel, said in a university news release.

Health24 gives the following guidelines to lose weight slowly and to maintain the weight loss:

Image credit: iStock

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Forget 'quick diets' if you want to lose weight - Health24

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Aug 31

Is Snacking Sabotaging Your Weight Loss? Here’s What 3 Experts Have to Say – POPSUGAR

You can almost consider snacking to be an American pastime. As of 2015, a majority of Americans admit to snacking every single day, and half of us snack two or three times on the daily. Furthermore, a quarter of Millennials admit to snacking four or more times in one day. We can't help but ask whether this habit is helping us or hurting us in our long-term health goals.

Although snacking can hold us over until our next meal and prevent us from binge-eating, when it's done without any intention, it can just lead to calorie overload and an overly full stomach. We spoke to a few experts about the role snacking plays in our lives and what we can do to snack smarter.

Dr. Luiza Petre, board-certified cardiologist and weight-management specialist, told POPSUGAR, "Quite simply, to lose weight we need to take in fewer calories than our body needs. And even though weight loss means cutting calories, that doesn't mean you have to get rid of snacks." When you eat the right kind of snack low-calorie, protein-filled it "can be a secret weapon to fight excess pounds, while at the same time keeping your energy level up and giving you more opportunities to get in all your nutritional needs," Dr. Petre said.

Lisa Eberly Mastela, MPH, RD, agrees. "[Snacking] prevents you from ever feeling too hungry, so you avoid getting to that point of so hungry that you binge-eat unhealthy food," she told POPSUGAR. Allison Stowell, M.S., RD, CDN, and dietitian for Guiding Stars also added, "Deliberate, purposeful snacking that's used as a bridge between meals to sustain energy and control hunger is a very effective weight-loss tool."

However, the common denominator in all this is that your snacking is planned out and thoughtful. Dietitians agree that mindless snacking is exactly what leads to weight gain, so it all depends on how you control your own nosh habits.

"Grazing can be quite harmful, and when snacks are loaded with carbohydrates, the insulin swings and cravings go into high gear," Dr. Petre told POPSUGAR. "Snacking habits often add too many calories and too few nutrients to our diets." Eberly Mastela also reminded us that "snacking itself doesn't support weight loss," so in order to see results, you have to control it strategically.

Here are some tips for healthy snacking, straight from the experts:

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Is Snacking Sabotaging Your Weight Loss? Here's What 3 Experts Have to Say - POPSUGAR

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Aug 31

Breakfast Is the Most Important Meal. But Why? – Healthline

Researchers say making breakfast your biggest meal of the day is a good way to lose weight if you dont overdo it at lunch and dinner.

Mom was right.

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.

Thats the conclusion of a recently published study designed to determine what effects the timing and frequency of meals has on changes in body mass index (BMI).

Here are some of the researchers findings.

For the recently published study, researchers spent seven years observing the eating habits of more than 50,000 Seventh Day Adventists, all 30 years of age or older.

They gathered data about the number of meals eaten per day, length of overnight fast, whether the subjects ate breakfast, and what time they ate their largest meal of the day.

Then they looked for, and grouped together, similar patterns of behavior.

After adjusting for demographic and lifestyle factors, the researchers calculated the mean changes in BMI for each group.

The studys authors placed emphasis on the importance of eating breakfast.

It has been shown that people who usually skip breakfast have an increased risk of obesity and obesity-related chronic diseases. Our study adds to this evidence, the authors wrote.

They concluded that if you eat less often, do not snack, and make breakfast your largest meal of the day, you will likely lose more weight over the long term than if you do not adhere to those behaviors.

Although this might sound like common sense, the study does validate some of the advice medical professionals offer their patients.

Dr. David Cutler, family medicine physician at Providence Saint Johns Health Center in California shared his thoughts with Healthline.

This will not change what I do, but it will reinforce what I already do with my patients, said Cutler.

Cutler cautioned, however, that he has some concerns about this study.

The problem with the study is the very select population, said Cutler. Youre dealing with very healthy people already, and its kind of hard to draw conclusions for the general population.

Cutler pointed out that, For example, 93 percent of the people in the study already eat breakfast. Thats certainly not true of my patients.

While only 5 percent of study participants had diabetes, Cutler believes that number is closer to 20 percent in his patients.

Similarly, Cutler said the same disparity shows up when comparing use of tobacco (1 percent vs. 15 to 20 percent) and alcohol consumption (10 percent vs. 75 percent or higher) against the general population.

As for the largest meal of the day, only 37 percent of study participants said that dinner was their largest meal. Among his own patients, Cutler said it is almost 100 percent.

So youre dealing with sort of a skewed population already and that makes it hard to draw conclusions for the general population, he said.

Cutler acknowledged that, it [the study] does reinforce the fact that eating calories earlier in the day, and specifically eating breakfast, and avoiding eating a large dinner, probably are healthy in terms of losing weight.

However, keep in mind, he warned, the amount of weight theyre talking about in this study is truly miniscule.

Sarah Diehl, RD, and Silje Bjorndal, MS, RD, CNSC, are both registered dieticians with Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center in California.

They also expressed concern about the somewhat skewed population used in the study.

Diehl agreed that the study's recommendations might work for its healthier population.

But with diabetic patients, she told Healthline, and with some of the other patients we see in the hospital, we would not be able to recommend having three meals and not having small, frequent meals.

They also acknowledged the danger of people in general misinterpreting the study authors conclusions.

Silje commented, I think for somebody who doesnt take the time to look at this study and think about how it applies specifically to them, [following] it could put a lot of pressure on your body to break down a lot of food in the morning, Silje told Healthline.

This includes, she continued, getting all the insulin moving, and moving all the sugars into the cells.

Cutler expressed similar concerns.

The conclusions really have to be tailored to the individual population that youre dealing with, he said. If youre dealing with an overweight population, they need to reduce the calories in their diet and follow a healthier diet.

Moreover, if youre dealing with diabetics or high cholesterol patients, or high blood pressure patients, those conclusions have to be directed toward those specific populations and their health problems, continued Cutler.

Silje noted that sometimes when we talk with patients in the hospital sense, they may not know what a calorie is, and they may not know how many calories they need in a day.

To underscore the need for individualized solutions, Silje gave an example.

If somebody wants to lose a pound a week, you have to cut out 3,500 calories in that week in order to lose a pound, she said.

Silje also posed a question, So if you take more of an individual approach, what does that mean?

If youre a 6-foot-2-inch guy who requires 2,500 calories in order to maintain your weight, she said, it means you may eat 2,000 calories every day for a week to lose that pound.

The study pointed out the positive effects of intermittent fasting.

Data show the greatest reduction in BMI occurs when subjects eat a large breakfast, a smaller lunch, and then nothing else until the following day.

In general, when you start fasting, Cutler said, your body thinks youre starving and it does change your bodys metabolism. And most studies do show help with weight loss, whether its being lumped into overnight fasts, or even if youre going to fast a couple of days per week.

The thing you have to avoid, though, is that after youre starving, your body really craves eating lots and lots of food, said Cutler. So what you do have to do is you have to control your dietary input, and controlling that dietary input means becoming more mindful of what youre eating.

Healthline asked Cutler about dietary supplements and whether people should take them when fasting.

Cutler responded, The thing about dietary supplements is that people who are eating a good diet do not need any dietary supplements.

If youre eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, he explained, youre getting all the vitamins and minerals you generally need.

There are some exceptions.

For example, some women should be on calcium supplements, said Cutler. And some people, if theyre not getting sun exposure should probably be getting vitamin D supplements.

Cutler noted, however, that these are two minor exceptions to the general rule that is good for most people.

This bottom line issue of the importance of breakfast Ive been hearing about it for the last 50 years, since I was a kid, he said.

Read the rest here:
Breakfast Is the Most Important Meal. But Why? - Healthline

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