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Does caffeine affect blood sugar? A doctor unpacks a new study on the effects of caffeine levels on body fat, long term risks of diabetes – The Indian…

High levels of caffeine in the blood can keep a check on body fat, thereby reducing the drinkers risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, found a study by European researchers using genetic data of 10,000 people. The study is significant because instead of focusing on the consumption of caffeinated drinks, it focusses on how the compound is broken down by the body. The researchers found that those with low caffeine metabolism had higher levels of the compound in the blood as it took longer for them to process it and had consequently lower body mass index (BMI). Dr Ambrish Mithal, Chairman of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Max Healthcare, feels the study opens up a new avenue for research but warns that it is not evidence for one to increase their coffee or tea consumption.
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What is the link between caffeine and diabetes?Caffeine consumption has always been linked to weight loss. That is the reason you see all sorts of weight loss pills and fads containing caffeine. What this study has done, however, is take the link a step further to say higher blood caffeine content reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
The researchers have used genetic markers of caffeine metabolism and have used a method called Mandelion randomisation. This is one step ahead of observational studies that tracked coffee consumption and diabetes risk to establish a link between the two but is one step behind a randomised control trial that can prove that one causes the other.
The finding that caffeine metabolism is linked to lower body mass index is not surprising. And, since obesity is one of the major risk factors for Type 2 diabetes, having a lower BMI would of course reduce the risk for it. But what researchers have found is that only 50 per cent of this risk reduction is because of the lower BMI. What causes the other 50 per cent reduction in risk we dont know. And, that is where more studies are needed.
Does caffeine really lead to weight loss?
Caffeine increases the energy expenditure of the body and thereby promotes weight loss. What we know so far is that consuming 100 mg of caffeine a day can increase the energy expenditure of a person by 100 calories a day. This is actually quite high a person uses up only about 200 calories even when they do a rigorous workout.
Does this mean that increasing coffee consumption can prevent diabetes?
Absolutely not. First, the study is talking about caffeine metabolism and not the amount consumed. Second, going overboard with caffeinated drinks can lead to a host of other problems. It can increase a persons heart rate, lead to anxiety and restlessness, cause tremors of the hand, insomnia and headaches. Besides, drinking it with sugar can do more harm than good.
How much coffee or tea is too much?
So, a big cup of black coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine. And tea contains about one-third to half that quantity, depending on the kind of tea being consumed. An average Indian adult can have about 300 mg of caffeine a day. So, that would mean around three cups of coffee. But this does not mean people should increase their intake if they drink less. Also, if people already suffer from anxiety or are prone to increased heart rate, they should restrict their consumption to about 200 mg of caffeine a day. Instead of focusing on drinking more coffee and tea, working on lifestyle changes would be better to control weight and keep diabetes at bay.
What are the changes that people should focus on?
As I said earlier, obesity is one of the major risk factors for Type 2 diabetes. So if people keep their weight in check, they reduce their risk of the disease significantly. Maintaining body weight is a combination of diet and exercise. Along with regular exercise, you must cut down on refined carbohydrates, increase fibre and protein intake and keep the total calories under control.
Why Dr Mithal?
Dr Mithal is Chairman of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Max Healthcare. He has won numerous awards, including the highest award for physicians, Dr BC Roy award. He has also received the third highest civilian award, Padma Bhushan, for his contribution to the field of endocrinology. He was appointed as one of the domain experts in the governments National Health Authority, the body implementing Ayushman Bharat insurance scheme.
IE Online Media Services Pvt Ltd
First published on: 17-03-2023 at 17:31 IST
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Does caffeine affect blood sugar? A doctor unpacks a new study on the effects of caffeine levels on body fat, long term risks of diabetes - The Indian...
Is Apple Cider Vinegar an overhyped remedy for weight loss, cholesterol and diabetes? – Times of India

TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on - Mar 20, 2023, 07:00 IST
Apple cider vinegar, or fermented apple juice, has traditionally been regarded as a healing food that treats a wide range of health issues and removes toxins from the body. Everyone has been speaking about benefits of ACV or even consider it a cure-all for any ailment. But is it really a panacea for all health problems? This article will help you find answers to that.
Several people assert that using apple cider vinegar prior to meals might reduce hunger and promote fat loss. Yet, this is not sufficiently supported by scientific data. Research on apple cider vinegar's ability to help people lose weight have not consistently revealed patterns of weight loss in various populations. It's crucial to keep in mind that there is no simple way to lose weight, and any strategy that guarantees quick outcomes without encouraging healthy diet or increased exercise is untrue. Hence, even while it can support a comprehensive weight loss programme, it would be prudent not to rely on it only for calorie burning.
Apple cider vinegar may help lower levels of total cholesterol, LDL (low density lipoprotein), or bad cholesterol, and triglycerides, according to a number of modest research conducted on both humans and animals. It is thought that activation of the AMPK pathway, decreased lipogenesis, elevated feelings of fullness, and higher energy expenditure may all be factors in this impact, even though the precise causes are yet unknown. To determine the degree of its usefulness and the mechanisms underlying it, more research is necessary.
There is currently insufficient data to support the use of apple cider vinegar as a treatment for humans, despite certain animal and laboratory research suggesting that it may potentially have an impact on cancer. Before using any alternative therapies, including apple cider vinegar, it's crucial to talk to your doctor about them. It is also vital to realise that conventional cancer treatment should never be substituted with apple cider vinegar. Although studies on apple cider vinegar's potential health advantages are ongoing, it is still unknown and unproven how the substance might be used to treat or prevent cancer.
Blood sugar levels are thought to be controlled by apple cider vinegar, so assisting those with diabetes. Although research has shown that people with Type 2 diabetes who consumed it had slightly lower blood sugar, triglyceride, and insulin levels for up to five hours than those in the placebo group, it doesn't mean that diabetes medications can be replaced, and its effects only last for a short period of time. Its potential long-term effects are still being researched. Because it has digestive characteristics and has been shown to increase the quantity of good gut bacteria in persons who drink acetic acid mixed with water, it may be advantageous to drink it before eating a high-carb meal.
Consuming apple cider vinegar may irritate the oesophagus (the tube that joins the throat and stomach) due to its high acidity. It can also wear away at tooth enamel. It is recommended to dilute apple cider vinegar in water and consume it through a straw to protect your teeth in order to avoid such problems.
Some people may experience indigestion or nausea after consuming apple cider vinegar. It is advised against consuming it on an empty stomach. Stop using it if you feel unwell or start throwing up after consuming it. While occasionally consuming apple cider vinegar is safe, doing so too frequently or in excess might be detrimental. Also, taking it with other things might not be safe.
Read More..‘I was told to lose weight for years but I actually had polycystic ovary syndrome’ – Wales Online

For years, Amy Jones was told to lose weight when she went to her doctor about fertility issues. It took ten years her for to be diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition that affects around one in 10 women in the UK.
PCOS is a common condition that affects how the ovaries work, with the main features of the condition being irregular periods, excess androgen (high levels of 'male' hormones in the body), and polycystic ovaries.
"I had been back and forth to the GP, but because I was overweight, all I was ever told was lose weight," Amy, who started experiencing symptoms when she was 21, said. "So, in the end, I just pay private to go to a clinic in Cardiff." After blood tests and internal scans, Amy was diagnosed with PCOS in 2019.
READ MORE: 'I was told over and over I had a kidney infection but it turned out to be cancer'
Symptoms of the condition include having irregular periods or no periods at all, difficulty getting pregnant, excess hair growth on the face, back, chest, or buttocks, weight gain, thinning hair or hair loss, and oily skin or acne. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown and there is no cure, but it often runs in families.
For Amy, the length of time it took for her to get diagnosed with PCOS was frustrating. She said: "I felt quite lonely and sometimes I felt like people didn't believe the symptoms, because it has been talked about a lot more in the last few years - we didn't have social media [back then]. So I just felt really lonely."
Amy would go from having periods that lasted months to not having a period at all for months at a time. At one point, she says she went 10 months without having a period. She would bleed in between periods, and suffered with bloating and hormonal imbalances.
"No month was the same," she said. "It was frustrating and lonely. I kept blaming myself because I was overweight. I kept comfort eating due to the pain and my emotional state was affected." However, Amy says that she was repeatedly told by doctors that she needed to lower her BMI for her symptoms to improve.
"I felt embarrassed. I stopped going [to the GP]. I've still got a fear now of going to the GP surgery. It made me feel ashamed," Amy said. "I would come from there and eat more. It was like a vicious circle and I didn't feel supported." Feeling frustrated with her situation, Amy decided to go private to get a diagnosis. In less than a week, she was diagnosed with PCOS.
The diagnosis came as a relief, but Amy had never heard of the condition before. But living with PCOS meant that Amy found it difficult to get pregnant. "I didn't speak about to anybody in 2019 because I felt ashamed," Amy said. "But now there are communities on social media and there are so many ladies in the same position as me."
Visiting a fertility clinic on a regular basis, Amy says she felt pressure to to look presentable but was too insecure to visit a beauty salon for a wax. It was this insecurity that put the wheels in motion for her setting up her own waxing studio for those living with endometriosis and PCOS.
Amy qualified as an aesthetician in 2020 and has a small studio for her business, Waxing by Amy, where she hopes she can make clients feel at home. Her studio uses wax that is able to cover a range of hair length and thickness as those with PCOS often have excess hair growth. "My bed holds up to 600 pounds, I've got wide chairs, and just everything I could think of that I've had concerns in my head about [when going to a beautician].
"I used to worry about beauticians talking about me because of my size and I know a lot of ladies feel the same. I hope by it only being me there that I can't talk about them and I wouldn't. I'm a plus-sized person so I hope that people will feel more comfortable to come to me."
However, Amy feels PCOS is often dismissed or misunderstood. She said: "I feel because you can't see physically see the illness, people think that it's not real. A lot of comments have been made to me like, 'You're trying to lose weight so you're saying you have PCOS because your bellies bloated.' I feel women think it's an excuse. Men, especially, are dismissive towards it."
Today, Amy feels much more supported than she did 10 years ago, largely due to groups on social media made up of people who live with the same condition. She says these groups have been "life-changing" for her, and she now tries to organise monthly meet-ups for women with the same condition. "These groups are important because it's reality. You don't feel so alienated," she said.
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'I was told to lose weight for years but I actually had polycystic ovary syndrome' - Wales Online
A Fitness Expert Tells Us The Best Type Of Cardio To Shed Pounds In Your Midsection – Yahoo Life

Visceral fat in the midsection is the hardest, and the most dangerous type of fat, to lose. Its fat that lies between the abdominal organs and in a tissue called the omentum. Although visceral fat is only a small proportion of the body, it can cause a variety of health problems like high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance.
One reason that visceral fat is so hard to lose is that its an active fat, unlike other fats that sit dormant. Visceral fat releases hormones that can have an impact on your overall health and your ability to lose weight in the waist and abdominal area. Thats why the food you eat and the type of exercise you do is so important. Many personal trainers recommend cardio but whats the best type of cardio to shed pounds?
To learn more, we spoke with Keith Hodges, NASM-certified personal trainer, performance coach, and founder of Mind In Muscle Coaching in Los Angeles about the best cardio to do in the gym to keep weight off the midsection. He recommends running to lose fat. Find out more below!
Running is aerobic cardio that generally burns around 560 to 840 calories per hour while cycling may only burn around 500 to 740 calories per hour. In a study from Duke University, people who exercised the equivalent of jogging 11 miles a week didn't gain any visceral fat but those who jogged 17 miles a week were able to reduce both visceral and subcutaneous fat. That's why running is an effective aerobic cardio to lose visceral fat.
And, although it may be intimidating to start, especially if you're over the age of 50, there are some tips and tricks to slowly transition from just walking every day to jogging.
One great way to start is by walking on an incline on a treadmill. This is Hodges' top recommendation for a low-impact, steady cardio workout. "It's a form of cardiovascular exercise that isn't taxing on your joints. You can perform it for long periods of time because it doesn't elevate your heart rate too high and you can do it just about [every day,]" he explains.
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He adds, "In terms of weight loss, treadmill walking at a moderate pace means oxygen will be available for your body to sustain the exercise consistently." In other words, to burn fat, you need to do an aerobic cardio work out. The more oxygen your body uses, the more fat you'll be able to burn.
And then, once you're ready to take the next step, you can start jogging. "Jogging," Hodges says, "is an excellent way to burn excess calories faster than walking to help with weight loss." And, you want to make sure you're warming up and stretching your muscles properly. The shoes you choose to run in are also important.
To shed that stubborn belly fat, you should try to jog or walk for 30 to 60 minutes, four to five times a week. And, if you want to get started with aerobic exercise, start with brisk walking on an incline and then transition to jogging and running. Aerobic exercise is especially effective at reducing visceral fat. It's also important to combine your cardio with a healthy diet of vegetables, lean proteins, and beneficial carbs to shed even more visceral fat!
Read this article:
A Fitness Expert Tells Us The Best Type Of Cardio To Shed Pounds In Your Midsection - Yahoo Life
I suffered seizures and memory loss after trying weight loss jab it was terrifying… – The US Sun

WHEN Rebecca Mullock started taking a new jab, she thought her weight loss worries would become a thing of the past.
But after having a seizure, it turned out the answer to her troubles was potentially causing her to suffer severe side-effects.
Rebecca, 31, from Paignton, Devon, started taking Saxenda in January.
It contains liraglutide, originally designed as an anti-diabetes medication, which helps suppress appetite, much like semaglutide, found in similar jabs Wegovy and Ozempic.
Wegovy - soon to be available prescription only in Boots and rolled out on the NHS - is what Elon Musk and allegedly Kim Kardashian swear helped them shed unwanted pounds.
After taking the jab, Rebecca ended up in hospital just four weeks later.
She says: Like lots of people, Id heard about weight loss jabs on TikTok and although it was expensive, I wanted to give it a go.
I went onto a well known high street chemist's website and was able to order three pens for 150 with one pen lasting ten days.
Ive spent 15 years trying to lose weight and was excited to try them.
Theyre like an epi pen that you inject into your stomach and within a week Id lost 6lbs and my appetite had shrunk.
Most read in Diet & Fitness
I was having maybe one meal a day and I just wasnt hungry.
Ten days in I was watching TV when a charity advert came on asking for donations for the war in Ukraine.
I turned to my husband Dave, 48, a machine operator, and said, What war?
My husband said I started having a panic attack which I dont remember at all but eventually he calmed me down and I went to bed.
Ive no recollection of the episode at all.
At 3am I started having a seizure and my husband put me on the floor and called an ambulance.
I had an ECG, bloods done and an MRI and they couldnt find anything conclusive thatd caused the episode.
I remember being terrified. I had no idea what was happening.
They werent able to confirm it, but as Saxenda was the only thing Id started taking recently, they suggested the whole episode could have been caused by that.
Seizures are listed as a rare side effect but it scared me enough to stop using them and Ill never use them again.
Its a shame because they were working and I lost 18lbs, but Im back to the drawing board again now.
Im 20st 7lbs at the moment but was 19st 3lbs when I was using them.
I do think Im in a minority with my experience but it has made me wonder whether it should be so easy to get them.
I didnt speak to my GP about it before buying them online, but they were from a very reputable website.
I just wonder, if I could only have got them from my GP whether they would have flagged the side effects a bit more.
I lost a whole week of my memory and no one can tell me if Ill get that back.
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I suffered seizures and memory loss after trying weight loss jab it was terrifying... - The US Sun
Working out but not losing weight? This could be why – Sportskeeda

If you're eating healthy and working out but not losing weight, there could be a reason behind it. Weight loss efforts are met with resistance from the body, so adjusting your approach may be necessary.
It's possible to lose a significant amount of weight quickly and easily when you first start dieting. However, the rate at which weight is lost may decrease or even stop after a certain period. At this point, you will need to tweak your approach to keep losing weight.
In this article, we will discuss the reasons why working out but not losing weight can happen.
Check out the following reasons for working out but not losing weight:
Weight loss requires a great deal of self-awareness. Many are completely oblivious to the quantity of food they consume daily.
Keeping a food diary or taking pictures of meals can aid in weight loss. However, there's a potential drawback to tracking food intake, especially when doing so with the aim of weight loss. Calorie counting and food tracking have been linked to a worsening of negative symptoms in people with eating disorders.
It's important, though, to strike a balance. Consuming the wrong kinds of foods may be the reason you're working out but not losing weight.
Consuming 2530% of your calories as protein can increase metabolism by 80100 calories daily and cause you to consume hundreds of fewer calories without even trying.
As a bonus, it can make you much less hungry and less interested in eating between meals. Protein's effects on hunger hormones like ghrelin and others play a mediating role in this phenomenon.
Take advantage of breakfast by having a lot of protein-rich foods. Those who consume a high-protein breakfast report fewer hunger pangs and cravings throughout the day.
High protein intake is also helpful in warding off metabolic slowdown, which can occur during weight loss. Furthermore, it aids in the avoidance of gaining weight again. Not eating enough protein can be one of the reasons you're working out but not losing weight.
Not counting your calories can contribute to a situation of working out but not losing weight.
Many who struggle to slim down do so, as their caloric intake is too high. You might not think that it's relevant for you, but research shows that most people significantly underestimate how many calories they consume daily.
Keeping track of your food intake and weight loss progress through weighing and measuring can help. If you have a specific nutrient goal in mind, like obtaining 30% of your calories from protein, tracking is essential. Failure to keep accurate records can make this goal impossible to reach.
It's not realistic to spend your entire life weighing and measuring everything you eat. Do the opposite, and give the aforementioned methods a try for a few days every few months to get a handle on your eating habits.
It's not just about how much food you eat, but how good it is. Having a diet rich in whole foods has been shown to boost health and aid in appetite control. These foods are typically more filling than their highly processed counterparts.
It's important to remember that many packaged foods marketed as 'health foods' are quite unhealthy. Take note of their carbohydrate content in the label. Not including whole foods in your diet can contribute to working out but not losing weight.
Any physical activity that causes a rise in heart rate is considered a cardiovascular exercise. Fitness activities can range from jogging and cycling to swimming and water aerobics.
It's a great way to boost health and well-being. It's also great for getting rid of the disease-causing visceral fat that accumulates in the abdominal cavity and around the organs. Not doing cardio exercises can contribute to working out but not losing weight.
Weight lifting or other forms of resistance training are great for burning calories and helping you feel full longer. Not doing strength exercises can contribute to working out but not losing weight.
Muscle is often lost along with fat if you don't engage in any physical activity, so strength workouts can help you keep your hard-earned muscles. Weight training has additional benefits, including reduced risk of metabolic slowdown and maintenance of muscle tone and mass.
One of the most important things you can do for your mental and physical health, as well as weight, is to get a good night's sleep every night.
Lack of sleep has been identified as a major contributor to the development of obesity. Insufficient sleep increases risk of becoming overweight by 55% in adults and 89% in children.
Exercising but not losing weight can be due to many reasons. Losing weight isn't always simple, and there're a lot of things that can stop you in your tracks. It's pretty simple math: if you take in the same number of calories that you burn off, you won't lose weight.
Mindful eating, keeping a food diary, increasing protein intake and doing strength training are good options to lose weight. Eventually, you need patience, dedication, perseverance and resilience to lose weight and have lasting lifestyle changes.
Working out but not losing weight? This could be why - Sportskeeda
Top 6 Most Effective Weight Loss Strategies for Significant Results … – The Bellingham Business Journal

Weight loss for maintaining a healthy weight helps in promoting health benefits. So, numerous weight-loss programs, fad diets, and outright scams promise to make you lose weight quickly and easily. But you have to remember that the base of successful weight loss is improved physical activity along with a calorie-controlled, healthy diet. Most people tend to regain weight after a few years. That is why you need to change your lifestyle, eating habits, and health habits for long-term, successful weight loss.
This article will discuss six practical strategies for success in the weight-loss journey. The six strategies are briefly discussed below:
Long-term weight loss requires time and effort, and a strong commitment in the long term. As you do not want to regain weight, you should be ready to ensure that you will make permanent changes in your eating habits and physical activity. The below questions can be asked to determine preparedness:
If you can deal with the above mentioned situations, you can lose weight successfully. However, if you need help, you must consult a doctor to address your problems or emotions that seem like obstacles in your weight-loss journey. If you are ready from your heart, then stay committed and change habits to keep healthy.
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One must change the exercise and diet plan to get a successful result in achieving the goal. No one can make you lose weight unless you change your habits. But what can be done to be strong enough to stick to your plan of weight loss?
Setting realistic goals for weight loss is very important. But do we know what it means? Let us know in brief here: Setting a target to lose 0.5 kilograms to 1 kilogram (1 to 2 pounds) per week, you must burn 500 to 1,000 calories more than you intake daily. It can be done by taking a low-calorie diet and daily physical activity. An initial realistic goal is 5% of your current weight, depending on your weight. Even losing weight at this level can help to reduce the risk of chronic health issues like type 2 diabetes and heart problems. So, it would help if you remembered to think about process and outcome goals while setting them.
Adopting a new eating habit that helps lower calorie intake must be included in promoting weight loss. Reducing calorie intake does not mean sacrificing satisfaction, taste, or ease of meal preparation. Eating more plant-based foods, like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, can reduce calorie intake. Try to have a variety of low-calorie food that can help you to attain your goals without giving up nutrition or taste. Following are some tips for having low-calorie food:
Exercise can help you burn the excess calories that cannot be cut through diet. It offers various health benefits, including strengthening the cardiovascular system, boosting mood, reducing blood pressure, etc. Physical activity also helps maintain weight loss in the long term. The calorie you burn depends on certain factors such as the duration of your actions, intensity of the activities, frequency, etc. So, you should increase your physical activity throughout the day if you need more time to exercise regularly. Extra movements can help in burning calories. In this way, you can lose weight gradually.
Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly for weeks or months is insufficient for long-term weight management. There must be a positive outlook on your daily routine and eating patterns so the habits transform into a way of life.
It is always wise to take advice from a professional before starting a new weight-loss program. We can get a clear idea of the essential strategies mentioned above for reducing and maintaining weight in the long term. But remember to pay attention to the bodys signals and other health issues during the weight-loss journey.
Continued here:
Top 6 Most Effective Weight Loss Strategies for Significant Results ... - The Bellingham Business Journal
My 600-Lb Life: Marla McCants’ Weight Loss Transformation In Photos – Screen Rant

My 600-lb Life has shared some of the most inspirational weight loss journeys, including the story of Marla McCants, who has completely transformed herself. Originally weighing in at nearly 800 pounds, Marla sought the help of the Houston-based Dr. Younan Nowzaradan (typically known as Dr. Now), in order to prepare herself for weight loss surgery. She managed to drop enough weight to be approved for surgery, and then had a successful operation and recovery, with the help of her daughter, Sierra.
Prior to weight loss surgery, Marla had been bedridden, and was unable to perform basic tasks. Therefore, learning how to function as an able-bodied person again was tough for the mother of three. After years of emotional eating, and hard experiences that left her with very little motivation to succeed, My 600-lb Life's Marla McCants made a drastic change. She kept making progress, and thanks to maintaining her healthy lifestyle, she looks very different today, almost a decade after her episode first aired.
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When Marla's story began, she traveled to Houston to meet with Dr. Now. Back then, she weighed nearly 800 pounds. After years of emotional eating, Marla had become bedridden, and needed her childrens' help with everyday tasks. Her daughter Sierra had even moved in with her, and traveled with her to Houston, in order to help her mom. Although she'd tried to lose weight on her own in the past, Marla found herself unsuccessful, after giving all of her energy to her family. Her life was on the line, and the My 600-lb Life star decided to seek Dr. Now's help. She wanted to finally conquer her most difficult problem.
After her bariatric surgery, Marla lost a significant amount of weight. At first, she was still bedridden and struggling to move, relying on Sierra to help her with everything. Sierra became frustrated with her mother, believing that she was more capable than she thought. With the help of Sierra and medical professionals, Marla was able to stand up for the first time, post-surgery. From there, she began to progress quickly. Marla shed weight fast, by following her diet and exercising. Though her episode of My 600-lb Life finished filming, Marla continued to make progress on her own. She documented it all for the future.
After sharing her inspiring story on My 600-lb Life, and continuing to drop weight in a healthy, manageable way, Marla began to post photos of her progress on Instagram. She lost nearly 560 pounds, getting down to about 225 pounds. The significant weight loss changed her life, as well as her body. Today, Marla travels around America, working as a motivational speaker. She discusses grief, and her weight loss journey. After My 600-lb Life, Marla continues to share her story, inspiring others, and ensuring that they always know there is someone there who can relate to them.
More: Why Coliesa McMillian's My 600-Lb Life Story Is The Most Heartbreaking
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My 600-Lb Life: Marla McCants' Weight Loss Transformation In Photos - Screen Rant
5 Exercises for Men To Increase Testosterone – Eat This, Not That

When it comes to men's health, testosterone is a major topic. Declining testosterone levels occur as a result of aging as well as lifestyle and diet factors. Overall, declining testosterone is associated with a range of symptoms you probably want to avoid. According to research, these include decreased lean body composition, lower energy levels, loss of muscle strength, decreased physical and cognitive functions, and worsening mood. While clinically low testosterone levels require advice from a professional, there are some steps you can take in the gym with your workouts that can increase your testosterone, even if you're not receiving supplemental testosterone. I've put together five of the best exercises for men to increase testosterone that you can start doing today.
According to research on exercise and testosterone, workouts that result in the greatest testosterone serum increases are compound exercises performed at a high intensity. This includes heavy lifting with squats and deadlifts as well as power-based exercises such as Olympic lifts and sprints.
Scientists cannot necessarily say the exact best repetition range to use, but somewhere between five and 12 repetitions with a heavy weight and 60 to 90-second rest are guidelines I tend to see across various authorities on the topic. For sprints, keep it high-intensity with short-medium rest periods for the best testosterone-boosting effect.
The following are my top five exercises for men to increase testosterone. For each exercise, choose a repetition range between five and 12. I usually prefer either six or eight repetitions. Rest for 60 to 90 seconds, and perform three to four total sets. Incorporate each of these once per week either in a single session or multiple sessions. Take two to three full days off throughout each week for recovery.
Barbell back squats are a must if you want to increase your testosterone through weight training. They allow you to lift very heavy weights with the largest muscle groups in your body, which is typically the best way to get post-exercise testosterone serum elevation. I recommend using the safety pins in a squat rack and going for heavy sets of six to eight repetitions on barbell squats.
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Like barbell squats, barbell deadlifts allow you to lift massive amounts of weight with a ton of different muscle groups. Because they load and stress somewhat differently from squats, you can include both for more total testosterone-boosting volume.
When deadlifting, keep your spine neutral and core braced. Push the floor away with your feet, and try to keep your chest rising at the same rate as your hips.
Loading your body vertically and working your shoulders with some heavy overhead presses is a great way to boost testosterone while performing some upper-body muscle group training. For the same reasons I like barbell squats and deadlifts, I prefer the barbell overhead press when maximal weight for the repetition range is the goal.
When overhead pressing with a barbell, engage your core in the same way you would during a squat. Prevent your shoulders from shrugging as you press the bar fully overhead.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e
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Trap bar deadlifts can rightfully be called trap bar squats as well. The trap bar is a device that allows you to stand inside the bar directly between both weights holding parallel handles. The resulting movement is safer on your back and joints and becomes a hybrid movement between a traditional barbell squat and a deadlift. Focus on keeping your chest at 45 degrees or higher throughout the movement, and keep your hips from shooting up at the beginning of the movement.
Sprints are a great total-body exercise that gives the level of stimulus required to see the testosterone-boosting effect. I recommend 50-meter all-out sprints with 30 seconds of rest between sprints for a total of five to 15 repetitions depending on your current fitness level. Sprints are very high-impact, so ease into them especially if you are performing all the exercises in this program.
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5 Exercises for Men To Increase Testosterone - Eat This, Not That
Peak TRT & Wellness Can Get You Back To Peak Performance – New Tampa Neighborhood News

For many men, it starts with lethargy, low energy levels and an overall sense that they just dont have the same juice they used to have.
That juice, in most cases, is testosterone, a hormone important to mens health that the body stops producing in excess after the age of 30.
Reduced testosterone levels can lead to a variety of health issues, from loss of muscle mass and strength to sleep apnea to low sex drive and erectile dysfunction. At Peak TRT and Wellness, owner and Master of Science Nursing (MSN) Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Jerry Reed and his staff seek to reverse those problems.
Open since October 2022 in the Westbrook Professional Park on S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel, Peak TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) specializes in hormone replacement and other treatments related to mens health, including diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol.
We look at the whole health picture, says Reed. Testosterone is what we focus on here, but we dont ignore anything else we see in the lab tests.
Reed likens a visit to Peak TRT to visiting your primary care physician for your yearly physical. Except, he jokes, that many men who walk into his business havent been to a doctor in years because men are, in general, less likely than women to go to the doctor.
Certain things will drive men to get health care and one of them is sexual function, Reed says. If theres something wrong there they usually want to find out pretty quick whats going on.
Your visit starts with a complete health assessment, and Reed will provide a comprehensive review of the lab results with you. Those include metabolic panels, which measure 14 different substances in your blood that help assess your physical health, cholesterol panels and a PSA test that screens for prostate cancer.
The medical staff at Peak TRT and Wellness will then prepare a personalized mens wellness plan. Those include treatments for low testosterone, erectile dysfunction, hypertension and high cholesterol.
Peak TRT also offers Peptide Therapy. Peptides are building blocks of proteins that are composed of amino acids and generally signal other cells and molecules as to what functions to perform. They are crucial to your healing process, as well as other physical and mental functions.
It starts with testosterone, he says, but we cover everything else, too, from your A1C number (diabetes) to cholesterol. Then, well focus on what plan would be best for you.
Reed says the biggest difference between Peak TRT and your primary care doctor, however, might be how low testosterone is treated. If you are within the acceptable range of having enough testosterone, even on the very low end, Reed says it will likely go untreated. At Peak TRT, the goal is to raise that number to the middle or higher range of what is considered to be okay.
Typically, a primary care physician doesnt really specialize in testosterone, he says. Therefore, most of them dont treat it very aggressively. If you are one point within the normal range, your primary doctor is typically not going to treat it, whereas we look at it as each individual is different. You can technically be normal on your testosterone level, barely normal, but still have all of the side effects.
Those side effects include decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, decreased energy, weight gain, lack of focus and even depression.
Many of those symptoms also are related to underlying conditions like obesity and diabetes, but if the problem is determined to be low testosterone (also known as male hypogonadism), Reed says Peak TRT will treat it aggressively. Those who decide to take part in the plan pay a monthly fee and get weekly injections tailored to their needs and, every three months, new tests are taken to measure the progress.
What works for one person may not work for another, Reed says, Primary care takes a more cookie-cutter approach.
Reed opened his business last year but had been involved in treating Low-T previously. He received his Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, TN, and his MSN degree from East Tennessee State University in Johnson City.
He says he was an ICU nurse before working for the Low T Center national chain (47 centers in 11 different states) in Dallas, TX. After leaving that job to move back to Florida, he took a job at Advent Health Wesley Chapel as a hospitalist before deciding to get back into the mens health field with his Peak TRT & Wellness.
Reed says that unlike some of the bigger low-testosterone companies, he has created a place where men can get easy, personalized care with real people.
We want everyone to be comfortable coming here, he says, even though discussing your sexual decline can be an uncomfortable topic. Once you broach that first subject, get that out of the way, everything else is gravy after that.
A patient named Larry says the personal touch is what drew him to Peak TRT.
Now that he is in his upper 40s, Larry says he had noticed a decrease in his energy levels that concerned him.
I felt like I had a lost a little zeal for life, he says. I was laying around and eating and just kind of doing nothing, and Ive never been that person before.
He tried some of the larger, more corporate Low T places, but said, It was a lot of press 3 for that, press 4 to talk to this personI just wanted to go somewhere where I would be able to know somebody.
The price was right ($99 for his initial visit and tests), and Larry has now been a client at Peak TRT for roughly five months. And, best of all, he says he has noticed significant results.
Im definitely less cranky, and when I wake up Im ready to go, he says. I dont feel lethargic anymore.
The ease of just stopping into a real office with real people that he now knows for his weekly injection keeps Larry coming back.
Its all very straightforward and simple, he says.
Peak TRT and Wellness doesnt accept insurance, but Reed says he tries to make it as affordable for everyone as he can.
Peak TRT & Wellness is located at 28593 S.R. 54. It is open Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. For more information, call (813) 973-5206.
Continued here:
Peak TRT & Wellness Can Get You Back To Peak Performance - New Tampa Neighborhood News