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Jun 20

ClassPass gets $70M for virtual fitness network app – MobiHealthNews

New York-based ClassPass, a virtual fitness membership network, has raised $70 million in Series C funding in a round led by Temasek. Existing investors Acequia Capital, CRV, General Catalyst, GV, M13 and Thrive also contributed to the funding, which ClassPass will use to expand operations and develop new products.

ClassPass, which was founded in 2013, uses an app to connect users to fitness classes across 39 cities worldwide. Unlike a traditional gym or fitness boutique membership which only allows members to work out at that particular gym ClassPasss membership connects users to all 8,500-plus participating fitness organizations and allows them to book classes wherever they are.

According to the companys stats, the model seems to have struck a chord with people: ClassPass lists some 35 million bookings have been made on the platform, and says it's doubled its member base in the past year. Additionally, the company has hired virtual marketplace veterans from the likes of Amazon, Expedia, Priceline and Microsoft to join their executive and board appointments.

The acceleration weve seen this year is validation that our new plan offerings and recently rolled out product features have incredible traction and engagement, said ClassPass founder and Executive Chairman Payal Kadakia said in a statement. With this new round of funding, our potential is endless as we reinvest in our core product and continue to further innovate on how we motivate people to be active.

The company has also recently invested in features to bring more people to the platform and to keep them coming back including a social network, on-demand video, and giving users the option to return to their favorite studios more often.

Im looking forward to using this new injection of funds to build on our momentum and to further deepen the technical sophistication of our platform. This year were focused on improving our customer and partner experiences while expanding into new fitness categories and audiences, ClassPass CEO Fritz Lanman said in a statement. Were aiming to become the ultimate destination for all things fitness, and this financing will allow us to accelerate our investments in market expansion and product innovation while better curating customer recommendations and increasing partner revenue.

ClassPass gets $70M for virtual fitness network app - MobiHealthNews

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Jun 20

Exercise essential for cancer survivors – Baraboo News Republic

PORTAGE As National Cancer Survivors Day took place June 4, local physical therapist Mary Rose Strickland finds this annual celebration of life as the ideal opportunity to point out the ways research has shown that movement and exercise can improve the health and quality of life of those who suffer from and have survived cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, multiple studies have shown that regular physical therapy and exercise can have profound effects on those battling cancer, both physically and mentally even to the extent of improving survival rates and lowering the risk of cancer recurrence.

Physical therapy and exercise can no doubt play critical roles in improving a persons quality of life both during and after cancer diagnosis and treatment, said Strickland, co-owner of New Life Physical Therapy in Portage, Baraboo and Westfield. Physical therapy can help cancer patients maintain strength, reduce fatigue, minimize pain, and maximize function and mobility.

Exercise also improves self-esteem and reduces anxiety and depression in cancer patients.

Beyond the physical benefits, physical therapy is a great way for people to feel in control of restoring their bodies during and after cancer treatment through exercise and good health practices, Strickland said.

Following successful cancer treatments, the importance of physical therapy and exercise doesnt diminish. In fact, Strickland says, it remains an important aspect of life after cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, at least 20 studies have suggested that physically active cancer survivors specifically, survivors of breast, colorectal, prostate and ovarian cancers have a lower risk of cancer recurrence and improved survival rates. This is when compared to those cancer survivors who remain inactive.

Beating cancer doesnt end when you go into remission, said Strickland. Making physical activity a regular part of your life, including both cardiovascular and strength exercise, remains an essential part of both recovery and prevention. No matter who you are, regular physical activity is always a solid option for overall health and happiness.

Both during and following cancer treatments, physical therapists like those on the New Life Physical Therapy team can work with cancer survivors (and their physicians) to establish exercise programs that maintain long-term strength, cardio fitness, and overall functionality.

Originally posted here:
Exercise essential for cancer survivors - Baraboo News Republic

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Jun 20

Ferenstein: My Experiment with a Cheaper, Legal Obamacare Alternative that Rewards Healthy Lifestyles – Breitbart News

We can live longer, more vibrant lives than in any time in human history. Instead, sedentary lifestyles hunched over computers and calorie-packed franken-foods have left us chronically sick and addicted to prescription drugs. This twisted devolution in our health is wrecking the nations families, communities, and economy.

In search of an answer, for the past year, I have been experimenting with an obscure Obamacare alternative that I believe holds an answer to declining health and, more importantly, is something that Congress should protect as it considers overhauling the nations healthcare law.

I am legally exempt from the Obamacare mandate and only pay about $200 a month for health coverage. The fascinating legal loophole that allows me to save so much money is the existence of unregulated religious health sharing ministries, which are allowed to charge consumers higher premiums if they engage in voluntarily unhealthy behavior.

Under this arrangement, if I visit the doctor and he finds that Im overweight, hell prescribe a protocol for healthy eating and exercise, based on what he knows about my unique access to nutritious food and genetics. If I refuse his advice and maintain a dangerously unhealthy lifestyle, my insurance costs can jump over $400 extra a month, reflecting what I am costing others in my healthshare pool.

Healthshares have been around for decades and are a financially sustainable for-profit healthcare insurance alternative.

So, how is my coverage so cheap?

Healthshares are legally allowed to reward consumers for their use of the so-called miracle drug,which is what the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges clever term for diet and exercise. Healthy behavior is a powerful known treatment for many major illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, depression, and Parkinsons.

Recently, Republicans have faced a string of attacks in the media for proposing reforms similar to the healthshare model, such as Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), who said its wise for insurance companies to require people who have higher healthcare costs to contribute more to the insurance pool.

He continued, that helps offset all these costs, thereby reducing the cost to those people who lead good lives, theyre healthy, they have done the things to keep their bodies healthy, and right now those are the people who have done things the right way and are seeing their costs skyrocket.

Fortunately, businesses for this approach already exist, are growing in popularity, and provide a working model from which to develop sound policy.

Heres my explainer for why I chose the healthshare model and what I think Congress can learn from it:

What are healthshares?

Healthshares are a kind of co-opt insurance alternative, where members collectively pool their monthly payments and withdraw from the fund in the event of a medical expense. Healthshares have been around for decades and have seen their ranks reportedly surge after the introduction of the Affordable Care Act.

Healthshares keep cost down in a variety of ways, including the benefit of having a self-selected population that is conscious about their health.

They have also had some success negotiating down medical fees on their members behalf like this example noted in the New York Times about Theresa Bixby, a 63-year-old patient who had joined a healthshare shortly before receiving a cancer diagnosis. The Times explains:

Christian Healthcare Ministries assigned her case to a member advocate, who negotiated discounts on her fees. These counted toward Ms. Bixbys $5,000 deductible, so she paid out of pocket only for office visits. In the end, the ministry persuaded the hospital to lop $220,900 off a bill of $301,540 and reimbursed or paid directly the remaining $80,640.

Healthshares began as religious-based organizations that often required consumers to declare their faith to a particular belief, but new entrants into the market have since broadened their admissions to almost any kind of faith.

Between a healthier clientele, discriminating prices, and strategic cost negotiations, healthshares allow members to enjoy (much) cheaper insurance.

What is your insurance and how does it charge you more for an unhealthy lifestyle?

My particular healthshare company, Liberty, flags unhealthy behavior during doctor visits.

For instance, a member who became obese by eating unhealthy foods and refused to exercise would be flagged by Liberty if they saw a doctor who noticed that their patient was dangerously overweight. Liberty would place the member on a higher risk Healthtrac plan and work with them to adopt a healthier lifestyle (being on Healthtrac is roughly three times more expensive).

We have a program called HealthTrac that helps people who have certain pre-existing health problems in their life that may be responsive to lifestyle changes (ex. smoking, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, etc.), a Liberty spokesman tells me.

We do this because of our shared belief that we are to treat our bodies as temples. We welcome anyone who wishes to take responsibility for the care of their health. We try to be as inclusive as possible. We are finding ways to take on people who have higher medical needs so that they too can contribute to others within our ministry.

Do these programs make people healthier and make healthcare more financially sustainable?

According to an Emory University study, preventable diseases cost America somewhere north of $150 billion a year and cost individual consumers over $1,200 a year. Americas uniquely poor lifestyle is one of the major reasons it cannot afford European-style, single-payer coverage, which would could cost an estimated $15 trillion (!) over a decade.

We have plenty of money to provide that safety net so that if you get cancer you dont end up broke, said Office and Management Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, regarding the so-called Jimmy Kimmel test that healthcare should be affordable to every American. However, Mulvaney noted, this guarantee does not extend to folks who have made poor choices.

Mulvaneys math on national healthcare costs already seems to be playing out for Liberty Healthshare. According to a spokesman, their premium track for overweight individuals does work to keep costs down.

We have about 12,000 people enrolled in our HealthTrac program and we graduate about 300 people a month, the spokesman says. Our HealthTrac members average slightly more than six months within the program. The members in HealthTrac agree to the health goals that are set and they are graduated once they have met those goals.

If members refuse a doctors recommendations, they must pay $600 a month or more.

What about people who get cancer and yet still live a healthy lifestyle?

Many citizens do everything right and still succumb to terrible diseases. But, with a healthy lifestyle, the frequency and severity of these tragedies are dramatically reduced.

Whenever I think about what human health can be like, I think of Jacinto Bonilla, a 77-year old prostate cancer survivor that regularly competes in the grueling Crossfit games.

I watched in awe as he posted a video of himself shoveling snow in the depths of last years New York blizzard to do a set of Olympic ring dips.

I have been in great shape most of my life.Whatever came up in my life and knocked me down, I always got up and kept on with my training. Yes, I give a lot of credit to Crossfit and my diet. Most of all ,its whats inside of you.The infinite divine mind of God, he tells me.

The data overwhelmingly supports Bonillas experience that lifestyle changes can improve cancer prevention and survival rates.

Twenty percent to 40 percent of cancer cases and about half of cancer deaths could potentially be prevented through modifications to adopt the healthy lifestyle, concluded ScienceDaily, describing a 2016 large-scale study published in the prestigious journal, JAMA Oncology.

We shouldnt look at Jacinto Bonilla as some bizarre exception. Humans are naturally athletic until death. Many of us can live happier, more vibrant lives, even in the face of old age and severe disease.

What about people with genetic-prone obesity or who live in food deserts?

Poverty and poor genetics are serious impediments to good health, but its good to remember that obesity is a relatively new epidemicweve had the same genetics for millions of years and managed to keep relatively slim. America is one of the most unhealthy countries on earth, and its not because were the poorest nation or have some fluke genetic mutation.

Obesity plagues even relatively affluent populations. I saw this first-hand as a chubby middle-class kid growing up in Omaha, Nebraska. A (very) large percent of Americans have all the money and time they need to make better choices.

Moreover, while nutritious foods can be more expensive and inaccessible for some, exercise is not some elite luxury.The latest health science suggests that less than 10 minutes of body weight exercise 3 times a week can have profound effects on our bodies. I often do my short exercises while watching TV.

Yes, some people have physical limitations, but access to bodyweight exercise is nearly universal and time is rarely a barrier.

A licensed physician can understand each persons unique challenges in being healthy and develop a fair prescription.

Is it ethical to legally monitor peoples health and incentivize behavior?

It was President Barack Obama, together with the larger medical community, that expanded the use of wellness rewards under the Affordable Care Act, which employers can use for small incentives to join a gym or walking program.

Obamacare also included provisions allowing higher premiums on smokers. Thus, the leaders of both parties and the medical establishment has already come to a conclusion that it is both ethical and possible. However, Speaker Paul Ryan has criticized the law for being too restrictive on the size of incentives.

For instance, one recent workplace studyfound that giving people upwards of $500 a year for more exercise did very little to improve healthy choices. The program failed to improve outcomes. The researchers concluded that $20 extra per bi-monthly paycheck is simply insufficient, which is roughly what Obamacare allows many insurers to provide as financial incentives.

My healthshare provider will charge me an order of magnitude more for unhealthy behavior. Incentives work and are legaltheyre just too small right now.

Isnt affordable healthcare a right?

I absolutely think healthcare is a right, but it is a deep American tradition to pair all rights with responsibilities. If we give people discounted access to doctors, it is their responsibility to honor the medical recommendations they get at a visit paid for by taxpayers.

No one is taking away choices. But unhealthy people cost me money because I am legally forced to pay to treat diseases they shouldnt have in the first place.

There is a long precedent in America of promoting the responsibility of health, from taxes on cigarettes to building playgrounds for children.

This doesnt mean we cant recognize the difficulty some people have in losing weight or how privilege plays into obesity.

Exercise programs and nutritious foods could be subsidized by the government. Our government could promote the responsibility of health with additional support for disadvantaged populations.

Are healthshares the best model for the nation?

Its debatable. They have their limitations. BuzzFeed has a pretty great investigative story on how some healthshares systematically preclude people with pre-existing conditions. The stories are heartbreaking.

There are currently too many unhealthy people in America to keep costs down for those unlucky enough to have pre-existing conditions, even if they eat well and exercise regularly.

We would love [for] health care sharing ministries to get big enough that pre-existing conditions are no longer an issue, admitted Chris Faddis, founder of the healthshareSolidarity. Until more people are healthier, there needto be more traditional insurance options.

Perhaps even more disturbing, healthshares are not required by law to have enough money to pay for their members expenses and are not backed by the government. This is a recipe for disaster, says Washington and Lee School of Law Professor, Timothy Jost.

Jost tells me that healthshares have never encountered the type of scale theyre currently enjoying, and it could backfire as less healthy populations join.

Some government regulation may be necessary to protect patients, but we dont know. Healthshares are in uncharted territory.

What can I or my representative do?

The fate of healthshares hangs in the balance as Congress crafts another healthcare law. Congress should be encouraged to, at the very least, protect essential parts of the healthshare industry, if not continue to leave them unregulated. Congress should also dramatically increase the amount insurance companies can reward healthy behavior.

As for me, I opted out of Obamacare because I will not participate in a system that does not put preventative health as its top priority. America can dramatically reduce sickness and unnecessary death.

Readers are free to join me by joining a healthshare, if one works best for them and their family.

If America is to prosper from technological change, our sense of personal responsibility and standards of health must change as well.

See more here:
Ferenstein: My Experiment with a Cheaper, Legal Obamacare Alternative that Rewards Healthy Lifestyles - Breitbart News

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Jun 20

Jonah Hill cut this ONE thing from his diet to lose weight – Daily Star


Jonah Hill, famous actor, has lost a considerable amount of weight over the past few years.

When Jonah first burst onto our screens in Superbad in 2007 he was noticeably bigger than he is now.

While his weight has fluctuated over the years, the star has stepped out looking trimmer than ever.


And he credits the weight loss to cutting out one simple thing from his diet.

The 33-year-old said his weight loss journey began in 2011 when he was filming Moneybag with Brad Pitt.

He said at the time: It was mostly diet. I wish there was some crazy thing that I did, like a pill or a genie or something, but I went to see a nutritionist, and he told me what to eat and to change my habits and stuff.

I found that Japanese food was very helpful to me.

Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise

1 / 14

Scarlett Moffatt shows off her weight loss

However, he also admitted that cutting out beer from his diet was one of the main things that helped him to lose weight.

The 21 Jump Street actor revealed: I went to a nutritionist and I said, Ill lose weight, Ill eat healthier and whatever, but figure out how I can drink beer.

Its so annoying because when I dont drink beer, I get really really thin, Then when I drink beer, I get a little bigger.

Yet, 2015 saw Jonah put weight back on for his film War Dogs with Channing Tatum.

Two years later, and Jonah is back sporting a svelte figure achieved with the help of a personal trainer.

This is something he thanks Channing for: "I gained weight for this movie War Dogs, and then I wanted to get in better shape, so I called Channing Tatum, and said, 'Hey, if I eat less and go to a trainer, will I get in better shape?

"And he said, 'Yes, you dumb motherf*****, of course you will, it's the simplest thing in the entire world."

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Jonah Hill cut this ONE thing from his diet to lose weight - Daily Star

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Jun 20

There is an app for losing weight –

Credit: Apple via CNN

When it comes to losing weight, or getting in shape, or both, the key is coming up with a game plan and then stick to it.

David Hitt and Robert La Branche did that in a big way.

Robert has lost at least 80 pound. David has lost at least 50.

They have high pressure jobs. Both are contractors working on the Space Launch System. Both have families and 24 hours in most days just isnt enough.

But both are also data junkies.

In their jobs and work environment, they are constantly crunching numbers and data.

David and Robert have translated that approach to weight loss with the use of apps.

Robert downloaded My Fitness Pal. David downloaded Lose it.

It boils down to math for them. If they eat less calories than their target calorie goal, they lose weight. If they eat more than the target calorie goal, they dont lose weight.

Some might say, they need to exercise to make this work. David says he does when he has a chance.

The point here is David and Robert have found a system that works for them to keep weight off and they have to discipline to stick to it.

If you know someone that has a success story when it comes to losing weight, you can email to tell us about it!

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There is an app for losing weight -

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Jun 20

3 Reasons Why Diets Dont Work | Psychology of Eating

Theres a stunning dieting statistic that has been tossed around since 1959, when the clinical study revealing this fact was conducted and its still shocking: 95% of all dieters will regain the weight they lose within one year. While we would like to believe things have changed since 1959, in this case, its only gotten worse. Currently, we have even more dieters, (approximately 45 million people dieting on any given day, in the US) and because of that, an ever growing diet industry. And thats just the people we can keep track of!

One thing we know for certain, however, is that most of these diets are not concerned with long-term weight loss because if they were we wouldnt have a 33 billion dollar diet industry. They would do their job and we would move on.

So the question we need to answer is, with so many different diets, and so many differing approaches, and so many experts and books why are we not losing weight? It turns out that the very premise of dieting works directly against our biology, psychology and our inborn need for pleasure. And its these three dimensions that can help us understand the 3 key reasons why diets dont work.

It does seem counterintuitive that when working our hardest to shed pounds, our body is working against us, but its true. This is because our body experiences dieting as a stressor. When were stressed, we produce high-levels of cortisol and adrenaline (stress hormones). These hormones cause our body to slow down the rate at which we burn calories. Our body is intentionally slowing down our weight loss efforts, because it perceives our reduced calorie intake as a threat to survival. And all our body is trying to do is keep us alive and as healthy as it can, every day, all day long.

When we cut caloric intake too much, as far as our body is concerned, we might as well be on a desert island with limited food and fuel, and so we have thousands of years of evolutionary conditioning informing our biology that its in our best interest to conserve fat, just in case were going to be in low-calorie survival-mode for a long time. The bodys job is to keep you alive.

Most of us can change our eating habits for a week or two, or sometimes even a month or two, but most often dietary induced changes are external changes eat this, and dont eat that. Of course what we eat is important, but changing the type of food we ingest alone does not necessarily create long lasting change, because it doesnt touch on theedeep rooted beliefs, patterns, and behaviors that inform our food choices and eating habits in the first place.

If a diet only focuses on food choices and doesnt touch upon why, we keep reaching for foods that diminish our energy and health, then we are likely stuck working only on the surface level. In order to make sustainable changes in our eating habits, we need to explore why we eat, how we eat and who we are as an eater.

Long-lasting change comes from making shifts on both the external level of food choices and eating behavior, as well as on the inside, which we know as the psychology of eating. The mindset that we bring to the table, consciously or unconsciously is the key to our relationship with our food and body.

All diets have an element of deprivation, and theres often a no-no list of foods that we must avoid if we want to be successful. Restrictive diets require us to have willpower and an ability to stick to the rules. But the problem with this constraining, tough-it-out attitude, is that its no fun! Theres no pleasure, and theres no joy involved in becoming healthier! Theres no ease in our eating when we are being tight-lipped and controlling around our food.

And, whenever we are in this state of tension around our food, we create an environment of stress within our body. As mentioned above, stress causes a rise in cortisol and adrenalin, which diminishes our calorie burning potential. So were creating the exact conditions that makes losing weight difficult.

If youre not willing to enjoy what you eat and how you eat, then weight loss will be like the battle so many believe it to be. Diets dont work, but stepping into pleasure and exploring the deeper psychology of eating can

By creating a positive relationship with food and body we will actually support our biology and psychology in generating the ideals conditions for reaching our natural weight. Dieting is concerned with the exterior, but eating psychology deeply addresses who we are as eaters.

Warm Regards,

The Institute for the Psychology of Eating Institute For The Psychology of Eating, All Rights Reserved, 2014

The Slow Down Diet: Eating for Pleasure, Energy, and Weight Loss

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New Insights to Forever Transform Your Relationship with Food

P.S. If you havent had a chance to check out our FREE information-packed video series, The Dynamic Eating Psychology Breakthrough, you can sign up for it HERE. Its a great way to get a better sense of the work we do here at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. If youre inspired by this work and want to learn about how you can become certified as an Eating Psychology Coach, please go HERE to learn more. And if youre interested in working on your own personal relationship with food, check out our breakthrough 8-week program designed for the public, Transform Your Relationship with Food, HERE.

About The Author

Emily Rosen


Emily Rosen is the Director of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, where she oversees business development strategies, student affairs, marketing and public relations in addition to her role as Senior Teacher. With an extensive and varied background in nutritional science, counseling, natural foods, the culinary arts, conscious sex education, mind body practices, business management and marketing, Emily brings a unique skill-set to her role at the Institute. She has also been a long-term director and administrator for Weight Loss Camps and Programs serving teens and adults and has held the position of Executive Chef at various retreat centers. Her passion for health and transformation has provided her the opportunity to teach, counsel, manage, and be at the forefront of the new wave of professionals who are changing the way we understand the science and psychology of eating and sexuality. Emily is also co -founder of the Institute for Conscious Sexuality and Relationship.

Continued here:
3 Reasons Why Diets Dont Work | Psychology of Eating

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Jun 20

The dangerous diet that could ruin your health – New York Post

The dangerous diet that could ruin your health
New York Post
The diet dictates that you eat only one food for several weeks to lose weight fast, something that many experts warn is dangerous and only successful in the short term. Hunter, however, used it to kick-start a long-term weight-loss plan to shed the ...

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The dangerous diet that could ruin your health - New York Post

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Jun 20

If You Want to Lose Weight, You Need to Love Yourself First – POPSUGAR

The Important Breakthrough That Helped Me Become Healthier

We're happy to share this story from our friend Sara Lou of Eat, Drink and Be Skinny.

I'm just a little bit pissed with the dieting industry lately. OK, I lied, I've always been pissed with the dieting industry.

The get-thin-quick schemes, the shakes, the programs purporting to help every women lose 10 pounds. The pills, teas, surgeries, and insert the next big weight loss product here have just been, ugh.

As a society we spend billions in health & weight loss and yet we're fatter than we've ever been. We are sicker than we've ever been. Yet, we're spending more money than we've ever had on trying to not be sick. Are we unable to put the two together? So what gives? And why isn't anything working?

I've also contemplated this as I stood naked in front of a bathroom mirror prodding at the parts of my body I wanted to shrink, I've thought about it as I was working out obsessively on the treadmill, restricting all bad calories and wondering why I wasn't seeing the results I wanted to. I've wondered this as I beat myself up over not going to the gym for two weeks in a row, or when I quickly gave up on kickboxing class because it was too hard for me.

Weight loss just always seemed like a goal that was out of reach. Something with long hard workouts, fat burning zones and food restrictions that not everyone is cut out for.

And well . . . not everyone should be cut out for it.

Our obsession with weight loss and the science behind it is at best a bit absurd. We somehow gain lots of weight and expect a scientific experiment and many research studies to shed the weight off for good. But is anyone asking why we put the weight on to begin with? Does anyone know why and how we've come to this? And by knowing why and how we've come to this, can't we reverse the course of this scary epidemic?

A few years ago I was looking in the mirror wondering why the hell I had adult acne, severe anxiety and hadn't lost any weight when I was eating healthy food and working out. I thought I was doing all of the right things and just wanted to throw in the towel. After a little bit of help and therapy, I decided to be easy on myself instead. I developed fitness goals that didn't surround weight loss, or calorie restriction but instead to heal up my skin and anxiety.

I turned inwards to find out why I wasn't losing weight or reaching my goals. When I placed my goals on my own self worth and doing fitness activities that were fun and challenging for me, regardless of their outcome, I started shedding excess fat and became more toned.

When I started forgiving myself for missing a workout, I started becoming more consistent and would, ironically, miss less workouts.

When I stopped giving a flying f*ck about my weight on a scale and instead focused on making myself strong, both on the outside and on the inside, I started getting visibly thinner.

When I put food in my body that nourished me, rather than what the weight loss experts told me to eat, my skin cleared up and I started to feel better.

All of this points me to self love. The secret ingredient in any health and weight loss journey that often gets overlooked because of our do or die mentality. We are so afraid of failing and crushing our egos that the minute we miss a workout or eat pizza we all of a sudden have failed miserably at our weight loss journeys.

So how can you choose to love yourself this week?

Here are five simple steps you can take to incorporate self love into your weight loss journey

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Emily Faulstich Product Credit: Dear Bowie robe

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If You Want to Lose Weight, You Need to Love Yourself First - POPSUGAR

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Jun 20

India’s no-meat, no-lust advice for pregnant women ridiculed – USA TODAY

Nirmala George, Associated Press 3:16 a.m. ET June 20, 2017

A doctor examines a pregnant woman at the district women's hospital, in Allahabad, in India's most populous state of Uttar Pradesh.(Photo: AP)

NEW DELHI Indias government is advising pregnant women to avoid all meat, eggs and lusty thoughts.

Doctors say the advice is preposterous, and even dangerous, considering Indias already-poor record with maternal health. Women are often the last to eat or receive health care in traditionally patriarchal Indian households.

Malnutrition and anemia, or iron deficiency, are key factors behind Indias having one of the worlds highest rates of maternal mortality, with 174 of every 100,000 pregnancies resulting in the mothers death in 2015. Thats better than five years earlier, when the maternal mortality rate was 205 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, but still far worse than Chinas 27 per 100,000 or the United States 14 per 100,000, according to UNICEF.

The government is doling out unscientific and irrational advice, instead of ensuring that poor pregnant women get to eat a nutritious, high-protein diet, said gynecologist Arun Gadre, who is based in the western Indian city of Pune but works in rural areas.

The government booklet, titled Mother and Child Care, smacks of religious dogma and ignores widely accepted medical evidence that pregnant women benefit from eating protein-rich meats and can safely engage in sex, doctors said.

It says pregnant women should also shun impure thoughts and look at pictures of beautiful babies to benefit the fetus.

Pregnant women should detach themselves from desire, anger, attachment, hatred and lust, reads the booklet, released last week by the Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy, a part of the governments ministry that promotes traditional and alternative medicine.

The traditional medicine minister defended the booklet as containing wisdom accumulated over many centuries, and said it did not advise specifically against sex, only against all thoughts of desire or lust.

The booklet puts together relevant facts culled out from clinical practice in the fields of yoga and naturopathy, Minister Shripad Naik said.

It is the latest push for vegetarianism by Prime Minister Narendra Modis Hindu-nationalist government, which already advocates avoiding beef and strictly limits the transportation and slaughter of cows, which are considered sacred by Hindus.

But the latest homily to pregnant women has outraged the medical community.

This is a national shame. If the calories of expectant mothers are further reduced by asking them to shun meat and eggs, this situation will only worsen, Gadre said. This is absurd advice to be giving to pregnant women in a country like India.

About a third of Indias 1.3 billion people struggle to live on less than $2 a day. Many are lucky to eat more than one full meal a day, and women often give their portions up to their hungry children or husbands.

Malnourished women are more likely to give birth to underweight babies, who then are in danger of being stunted or not growing to their full height and weight. A full 48 percent of all Indian children under the age of 5 are considered stunted, according to a 2015 report by UNICEF.

Undernourished girls grow into undernourished women. Married by their families while still in their teens, these girls become pregnant by the time they are 17 or 18, when their bodies have not matured enough to safely deliver a child, said Amit Sengupta, a physician and health care activist with the Delhi Science Forum, a public advocacy organization.

He said the governments advice to pregnant women betrayed backward thinking and hostility toward evidence-based science.

This kind of advice is detrimental to womens health, he said.

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India's no-meat, no-lust advice for pregnant women ridiculed - USA TODAY

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Jun 19

‘Breatharian’ no-food diet claims are a bunch of hot air, experts say – New York Post

'Breatharian' no-food diet claims are a bunch of hot air, experts say
New York Post
The story of the couple's extreme and implausible diet went viral, with numerous outlets picking up the story, including the New York Post. But Tanya Zuckerbrot, a registered dietitian and author of The F-Factor Diet: Discover the Secret to Permanent ...

'Breatharian' no-food diet claims are a bunch of hot air, experts say - New York Post

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