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May 28

Dramatic shift in gut microbes and their metabolites seen after weight loss surgery – Medical Xpress

May 26, 2017 The four images indicate the degree of microbial diversity in the gut in normal patients as well as in obese patients before and after undergoing two types of weight-loss surgery.The normal human gut has a high degree of microbial diversity, considered important for the maintenance of health. Obese patients have lost much of this diversity and while laparascopic band surgery effectively leads to weight loss, the low microbial diversity condition remains.By contrast, gastric bypass surgery results in the restoration of microbial diversity in the gut, though the composition of microbes is distinct from both normal weight and obese patients. Credit: Jason Drees for the Biodesign Institute

Obesity, already a global epidemic, is on the rise. Over one third of the U.S. population is currently afflicted, according to the Centers for Disease Control and the monetary costs alone are approaching $150 billion dollars annually. Causes of the epidemic include changing diets and greater sedentism, though environmental factors may also contribute.

A new study compares the two most common surgical therapies for obesity, known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB). The results demonstrate that RYGBthe more aggressive of the two surgeries produces profound changes in the composition of microbial communities in the gut, with the resulting gut flora distinct from both obese and normal weight patients. The results are likely due to the dramatic reorganization of the gut caused by RYGB surgery, which increases microbial diversity. The new research paves the way for new diagnostics and therapies for obesity.

The gamut of adverse health effects associated with obesity is broad, including such devastating illnesses as type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, stroke and certain forms of cancer. Patients often suffer loss of mobility, social isolation and inability to work. Currently bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment for morbid obesity, in terms of significant and sustained weight loss.

In the new study, appearing in the current issue of the Nature Publishing Group journal International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME), Zehra Esra Ilhan, Rosa Krajmalnik Brown and their colleagues at the Biodesign Institute at ASU, along with researchers from Mayo Clinic, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, explore microbial communities in the human gut following RYBG and LAGB surgeries.

The results confirmed their earlier research with a smaller sample size, showing that in the case of the more aggressive and irreversible RYGB surgery, microbial communities underwent a profound and permanent shift following weight loss. The resulting post-surgical composition of gut microbes observed for RYGB patients was distinct from both normal weight and obese patients, and displayed the high microbial diversity associated with a healthy gut.

The current study also applied the technique of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to examine the metabolomea composite of the metabolites produced by the various microbes in the gut, again noting significant alterations as a result of the RYGB procedure. In the case of the alternate treatment, LAGB, changes in the gut microbiota were mild and accompanying weight loss was less pronounced.

"This is one of the first studies to show that anatomically different surgeries with different success rates have different microbiome and microbiome-related outcomes," notes Ilhan, lead author of the new paper. Further, the results indicate that correction of obesity tends to improve related metabolic conditions, including diabetes and high cholesterol.

"One of the key findings of the paper confirms what we had already observed in earlier research. RYGP gastric bypass had a huge effect on the microbial community structure," Krajmalnik-Brown says. This fact may have profound implications for both the understanding and management of obesity.

The body's personal assistants

The millions of bacterial microbes in the human gut perform a vast range of critical functions in the body and have even been implicated in mood and behavior. Among their critical responsibilities are the micro-management of nutrients in the food we digest, hence their central place in the regulation of body weight.

A tell-tale indicator of pathology in obese patients has been found in the gut, where a markedly lower diversity of microbial communities is observed. As Krajmalnik-Brown explains, diversity of gut microbes is essential to good health. "Diversity is good because of what we call functional redundancy," she says. "If you have 10 workers that can do the same job, when one of them gets sick, the job still gets done."

Low microbial diversity in the gut, by contrast, is associated not only with obesity but a range of ailments including inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis and autism. (Earlier research by Krajmalnik-Brown and her colleagues demonstrated diminished diversity in the gut microbiome of autistic children and in a more recent study, improvement in the symptoms of autism was demonstrated following transplantation of beneficial microbes.)

Competition in diverse microbial networks in the gut helps provide a system of checks and balances. Should diversity fall, a delicate democracy can be shattered and tyranny may prevail, as populations of microbes like Salmonella or Clostridium difficileusually subsisting at low levels in the gut expand and take over.

The study sought to explore long-term changes in the gut in patients who had undergone either of the two surgeries at least 9 months prior, comparing them with normal weight and pre-bariatric obese patients. While the reasons for the sharp disparity of results between RYGB and gastric banding are not entirely clear, the results indicate that simply reducing the size of the stomach through gastric banding is not sufficient to induce the large changes in microbial communities observed for the RYGB group.

Operation weight loss

One hypothesis the authors put forward is that RYGB alters the physiology of the gut to such a degree that microbes formerly unable to survive conditions in the obese gut are able to flourish in their surgically-modified surroundings. "One of the things we observe from the literature is that the oral microbiome community composition is very similar to the colon microbiome composition after bariatric surgery," Ilhan says. "You're giving new microbes a chance to make it. Most of the species are acid sensitive, which supports the idea that changes in stomach pH levels may permit these microbes to survive and make it to the colon."

According to John DiBaise, a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale and co-author of the new study, "These new data on microbial community structure and function significantly expand our knowledge on how the microbiome is associated with weight loss following bariatric surgery."

While it seems clear that RYGB surgery produced permanent changes in bacterial communities in the gut, the resulting microbial community may also act to help maintain weight loss over the long term. Experiments have shown that transplantation of beneficial microbes from mice that have undergone RYGB surgery into obese mice induces dramatic weight loss. While these results have yet to be replicated in humans, the findings open the door to the eventual use of healthy microbial communities to treat obesity.

Weighing future research

Although the RYGB surgery has been quite successful for many patients suffering from morbid obesity, it is a serious, invasive procedure that is not without risks. Further, some patients are not successful and regain the weight they have lost post-surgery, perhaps because they lack the favorable microbes necessary for permanent weight loss. As Ilhan says, "a probiotic that would replace surgery would be great. Another positive outcome would be if we can find a microbial biomarker that will identify the best candidates for surgery and sustained weight loss."

Explore further: Metabolic benefit same with similar weight loss after surgery

More information: Distinctive microbiomes and metabolites linked with weight loss after gastric bypass, but not gastric banding, International Society for Microbial Ecology, 2017

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Dramatic shift in gut microbes and their metabolites seen after weight loss surgery - Medical Xpress

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May 28

Weight loss: How to lose weight FAST without exercise or cutting out entire food groups –

Getty Images

With summer approaching, shifting a few pounds quickly is high on the priority list for many people.

But exercise takes time to show results, so although it is something dieters should definitely be doing for long term goals, in the short term they may want to try other options.

One of the simplest things to do is to drink water instead of anything else.

Energy drinks, fruit smoothies and low-calorie alcohol all contain at least 100 calories each.

Simple carbohydrates wreak havoc on your weight because they're digested very quickly, leaving you hungry and more likely to overeat later

Jana Klauer, M.D.

But they are considered empty calories by professionals as they dont fill you up like 100 calories of food does, so you are better off drinking water and ingesting calories from food.

Another route to fast weight loss is cutting out white grain foods such as white rice, spaghetti and bread.

This is because simple carbohydrates cause bloating, particularly around the stomach.

Speaking to Cosmopolitan, Jana Klauer, M.D., author of The Park Avenue Nutritionists Plan, said: Simple carbohydrates wreak havoc on your weight because they're digested very quickly, leaving you hungry and more likely to overeat later.

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1 of 11

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If you want to slim down even more, cut out whole-grain bread, swapping it for vegetables for a week instead. One example would be exchanging a tuna sandwich for a tuna salad.

One simple way to lose weight fast is identify one indulgent food you eat every day and cut out it, whether it is a nightly chocolate bar or biscuits in the afternoon

This is an easy way to remove a couple of hundred calories from your daily diet without missing out on essential or healthy food.

Countless studies have also shown those who sleep more find it easier to stay slim.

The fast weight loss tips comes as a selection of experts revealed their tricks for slimming down quickly.

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Adding just 30 minutes a night to your sleep will mean waking up feeling refreshed and curb the temptation to eat something sugary first thing.

Between seven to eight hours a night is the optimum amount, and better sleep boosts metabolism.

Finally, to ensure you dont let all of your hard work go to waste, learn how to pose for the camera to show off your body to its best advantage.

Push the chin forward, hold arms away from the body and turn slightly sideways from the camera with one foot in front of the other.

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Weight loss: How to lose weight FAST without exercise or cutting out entire food groups -

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May 28

Banana diet: how to lose weight quickly and useful for the figure – (press release)

Banana diet for weight loss a short-term mono-diet.

At first glance, the bananas are difficult to attribute to dietary products.

However, the banana diet is very effective! You will not only lose weight (2 days quite possible to lose 2 kg!), but cheer up!

The main advantage of the banana diet is that it is easy to carry. Because bananas are very rich. 100 g of one fruit 90 calories. Therefore, to suffer from hunger dont have to. Besides bananas are rich in potassium, vitamins C, E, b group and have cleansing properties eliminates toxins, stimulates peristalsis. In addition, according to the latest research by scientists, the banana diet helps to rejuvenate the body, improve complexion and skin condition.

The menu for the day for banana diet

3 medium bananas. 3 cups of yogurt or milk (2,5%) non-Carbonated water (mineral, dining room). Tea without sugar (green or herbal) in unlimited quantities.

See also: Protein prevents heart attack

Bananas and yogurt, divide into several meals. Dinner plan not later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Bananas what to choose for diet For banana diet you should choose only high-quality Mature fruit, yellow, thin-skinned and of medium length. In any case it is impossible for diet to buy unripe fruits: their composition includes the insoluble starch that is not digested by the intestines. You also cannot use dried banana: dried banana calories five times more than fresh.

Features banana diet The disadvantages of the banana diet can be attributed to the paucity of the diet (but you can blame all mono). In the strictest option menu consists solely of bananas and yogurt. To lose weight on such a diet longer than 2-3 days is not worth it. Otherwise the body will experience a shortage of nutrients. But for this period you can throw 2 to s lbs. If you sit on some bananas and yogurt is difficult, you can add low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables (except potatoes), lean meat or fish (100-150 g per serving). Dont be afraid to experiment: add bananas to salads and preparing a cocktail on our recipe.

See also: Nutritionists told me how to get rid of fatigue

Banana smoothie

You will need: 1 medium banana (100g) 2 tbsp of oatmeal 4 tbsp of water 400 ml of low-fat drinking yoghurt

Preparation: grind oatmeal in a blender. Clean and cut pieces of banana. Obtained the ingredients, mix, pour in the yogurt and blend in a blender until smooth.

If you follow all these rules, on a banana diet can effectively lose weight without harm to health: to lose 2 days to 2 kg. And not experience any discomfort.

2017, All rights reserved

Banana diet: how to lose weight quickly and useful for the figure - (press release)

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May 28

Right exercise combo can benefit seniors – Mohave Valley News

CHICAGO (AP) Heavy seniors who want to lose pounds safely shouldnt skip the weight machines or the treadmill, new research suggests.

Experts have worried about recommending weight loss to older, obese people because it speeds up bone and muscle loss, increasing the danger of falls and broken bones. Losing weight plus aerobic activity and strength training improved their health more than dieting plus either type of exercise alone.

The results suggest a combination of exercises is the safest approach, and may have big implications for helping people continue to live independently as they age. Medicare, the U.S. health insurance program for people 65 and older, now covers behavioral therapy for weight loss and some plans offer gym memberships.

It is the worst of both worlds, being fat and frail, said Dr. Dennis T. Villareal of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, who led the study under a grant from the National Institute on Aging.

More than a third of Americans ages 65 and older are obese. Obesity can make the elderly vulnerable to medical problems, but losing weight can worsen frailty by hastening muscle and bone loss.

The study, published by the New England Journal of Medicine, involved 141 older obese people who were randomly assigned to a diet-and-exercise program. They scored in the frail range on a standard test used with seniors.

One group did aerobics such as treadmill walking. Another did strength training with weight machines. A third group did aerobics and strength training. All exercised three times a week.

A control group didnt diet or exercise and only attended monthly nutrition classes.

After six months, all the groups except the do-nothing group had lost weight, about 19 pounds on average.

The combination and aerobics-only groups built their ability to use oxygen most efficiently, which can increase endurance. The combination and strength-only groups preserved the most lean mass and bone.

The health differences showed up in follow-up testing where participants did a series of nine tasks including picking up a penny, standing up from a chair and climbing stairs.

Most improved was the combination group with a 21 percent average increase in scores compared to 14 percent improvement in the aerobics-only and strength-only groups.

Its never too late to change lifelong unhealthy habits, Villareal said.

Minor injuries such as knee pain and shoulder pain among the exercisers were not enough to outweigh the benefits, he said.

The study excluded people with severe heart disease and other serious health problems, so the results apply only to people well enough to start an exercise program.

You get more bang for your buck with doing both types of training, especially when it comes to improving frailty scores, said Dr. Lawrence Appel of Johns Hopkins University, who was not involved in the study.

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Right exercise combo can benefit seniors - Mohave Valley News

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May 28

Study says combination of exercises best for elderly obese people – Temple Daily Telegram

CHICAGO Heavy seniors who want to lose pounds safely shouldnt skip the weight machines or the treadmill, new research suggests.

Experts have worried about recommending weight loss to older, obese people because it speeds up bone and muscle loss, increasing the danger of falls and broken bones. Losing weight plus aerobic activity and strength training improved their health more than dieting plus either type of exercise alone.

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Study says combination of exercises best for elderly obese people - Temple Daily Telegram

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May 28

Ratings of remeron for depression – Withdrawal of remeron – Is remeron good for panic disorder – Utah Political Capitol

Welcome to the UPC Show with Curtis Haring, Alex Cragun, and Dylan McDonnell. On the show today we talk about the growing fight between the legislature and the governor around a special session to potentially replace Jason Chaffetz, Speaker of

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Welcome to the UPC Show with Curtis Haring and Alex Cragun with special guest Bob Kubichek. On the show today we talk about new signage requirements in bars versus restaurants, Donald Trump looks into Bears Ears, Jim Matheson has gotten

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Welcome to the UPC Show with Curtis Haring and Alex Cragun. On the show today we talkabout Jason Chaffetzs surprise announcement, the rest of the Utah delegation is having poll trouble, Trumps budget has a real impact on Utah, and

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Welcome to the UPC Show with Curtis Haring, Dylan McDonnell,and Alex Cragun. On the show today we talk about some proposed changes to an initiative to fund education, Chris Stewarthas a Democratic challenger, and Orrin Hatch might be on the

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Welcome to the UPC Show with Curtis Haring, Dylan McDonnell,and Alex Cragun. In the first half: UTAs woes and Rocky Mountain Power assumes that EPA regulations will be rolled back. In the second half: An audit shows that sex-offender treatment

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A general expressionof concern about the recent hospitalization of Senator Ralph Okerlund (RepublicanMonroe) was made at the Central Utah Leadership Summit, an annual gathering of elected officials and economic development experts in rural Utah. Public announcementsby both Byron Woodland, Board

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Welcome to the UPC Show with Curtis Haring, Dylan McDonnell,and Alex Cragun. In the first half: Orrin Hatch says he is willing to step asideif someone like Mitt Romney steps in and people booingRepresentative Stewart at a recent town hall

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Welcome to the UPC Show with Curtis Haring, Dylan McDonnell,and Alex Cragun. This week we round out the three part legislative extravaganza by talking about Business, specifically:HB 40 Check Cashing and Deferred Deposit Lending Amendments Brad Daw (Republican

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View other reviews in this series: Agriculture, Air Quality, and Alcohol Business, Campaign Finance, Crime and the Courts Drugs HB 50 Opioid Prescribing Regulations from Representative Ray Ward (Republican Bountiful) If you have been paying attention to public

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Ratings of remeron for depression - Withdrawal of remeron - Is remeron good for panic disorder - Utah Political Capitol

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May 28

Diet Doc Sees the 2-Week Diet As a Temporary Solution, While the Jumpstart Diet Offers Lasting Weight Loss Results – GlobeNewswire (press release)

May 24, 2017 01:00 ET | Source: Diet Doc

Jackson, MS, May 24, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 2-week diets are circulating around the internet as a way to quickly lose up to 15 pounds on a very strict, low-calorie and sometimes, low-carb diet. Caloric deficits are the most tried and true way to lose weight through diet and/or exercise. Most fad diets begin with this premise, but Diet Doc, a national telemedicine program for weight loss wants to warn consumers that there are many drawbacks that can come with sudden losses in calories.

While many low-calorie diets are frequently used to trigger rapid weight loss in obese or overweight patients, these side-effects become even more apparent when these diets are performed without medical supervision. Furthermore, a medically-supervised diet plan can ensure that weight loss not only occurs quickly, but is maintained once the goal is reached (unlike fad diets where the weight lost usually returns soon after the diet is finished). Diet Doc Medical Weight Loss recommends seeking out nutritionists who can assess your bodys individual weight loss needs before embarking on a low-calorie diet. This way, comprehensive strategies can be used, such as appetite suppressants and mood stabilizers that can fend off debilitating side effects and make weight loss much easier.

Rather than consider a 2-week diet with temporary results, Diet Docs Jumpstart Diet combines healthy lifestyle choices with customized diet planning that suits your bodys unique requirements. After all, its not just about the calorie count, its the quality of the calories consumed that determines how successful a weight loss program will be. Diet Doc patients are losing up to 20 pounds per month with nutritional coaching, 24/7 support, convenient home or office prescription delivery and affordable diet plans.

Diet Doc offers a team of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and motivational coaches, Diet Doc products and individualized coaching help individuals lose weight fast and keep it off. Existing patients are losing up to 20 pounds per month safely and effectively. New patients can get started immediately, with materials shipped directly to their home or office. They can also maintain weight loss in the long-term through weekly consultations, customized diet plans, motivational coaches and a powerful prescription program. With Diet Doc, the doctor is only a short phone call away and a fully dedicated team of qualified professionals is available 6 days per week to answer questions, address concerns and support patients.

Getting started with Diet Doc is very simple and affordable. New patients can easily visit to quickly complete a health questionnaire and schedule an immediate, free online consultation.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.





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(800) 581-5038



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Diet Doc Sees the 2-Week Diet As a Temporary Solution, While the Jumpstart Diet Offers Lasting Weight Loss Results - GlobeNewswire (press release)

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May 27

Keep the baby food diet for babies – Fox News

A lot of people have asked me about developing a weight loss plan that revolves around baby food. Because I deliver babies, they think that I know all about baby food; so I looked into this diet. Below are the facts about it, including its plan and how it works:

The Diet

On the so-called "Baby Food Diet," you literally do as the name suggests. You replace several meals and snacks with jars of baby food, from sweet potato mash to pureed peas and blended chicken. Many people on the diet will eat 1014 jars of baby food throughout the day and end with a regular-sized dinner.

Why do people like this diet? It gives them an easy way to control their portion sizes while still getting in fruits and vegetables.

Since the snack and meals take little time to make, they also dont have as much motivation to eat out and can get on with their busy lives. They do not have to spend half an hour or more cooking meals.

Health Concerns

There are many health concerns that come with replacing adult-sized meals with portions made for little babies. First of all,babies digestive systemsare just developing, meaning that they have to take eating slowly and easily so that their stomachs can process it.


On the other hand, adults have fully developed digestive systems. They get great satisfaction from tasting and chewing food, then letting the heavy substance settle in their stomachs.

Their active digestive systems will zip right through baby food, leaving them hungry and unsatisfied throughout the day. You can probably guess what will happen if this cycle of hunger continues. The person will launch right into a binge after a while, undoing any progress he may have made.

Second, adults can suffernutritional deficiencies. Aside from needing over a dozen baby food jars to accommodate an adults metabolism, adults can easily get too little nutrients.

Baby food does not have enough fiber for a grown human body, and some people may limit their choices if they do not like the taste. For example, adults might find it hard to stomach pureed meats. Also, while baby food consists of mainly fruits and vegetables, its small size likely will not suffice for an adults nutrient needs.

In addition, health professionals have no research to show that the Baby Food Diet is actually safe for people to use. Therefore, dieters are proceeding with unknown risks to their safety.

Not an Effective Diet Program

While many people do not realize this fact, those promoting the Baby Food Diet actually use it formaintainingweight, not losing it. They recommend losing weight on a different diet regimen before starting the Baby Food Diet.


In fact, you should not rely on this diet for weight loss at all. It does not provide a safe, effective route for it.

The Baby Food Diet may lead to severe caloric restriction, slowing down your metabolism. In addition, because you need high motivation to keep up with it, you risk binge-eating or resorting back to your old habits.

Also, professionals have absolutely no research to back this diet, making it entirely unsafe. In fact, the diet does not even have rules or guidelines to help each person obtain similar results.

One person might replace two entire meals with one or two jars of baby food. Another person might eat four or five at a meal and pick through a few more for snacks.

Then, on a busy day, a person could forget to eat all of their dozen jars and experience dizziness, nausea, or weakness. They have no consistency.


Last but definitely not least, the Baby Food Diet does not teach adults the essential rudiments of a healthy diet. Adults who go back and forth between normal food and baby food will find themselves regaining any weight they may have lost before or during this diet. They may also have more temptation to cheat, undercutting their health and learning little about a truly healthy lifestyle.

The Baby Food Diet simply does not workunless youre a baby. It does not have adequate research to prove its safety nor guidelines to help people gain consistent, healthy results. Dieters risk getting nutritional deficiencies due to the small portion sizes and lack of fiber, and they do not learn the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Do yourself a favor and toss out this diet fad in place of a more balanced plan. You will see healthier, longer-lasting results.

This article first appeared on

Dr. Manny Alvarez serves as Fox News Channel's senior managing health editor. He also serves as chairman of the department of obstetrics/gynecology and reproductive science at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey. Click here for more information on Dr. Manny's work with Hackensack University Medical Center. Visit for more.

See the original post here:
Keep the baby food diet for babies - Fox News

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May 27

Sensory and diet therapies for autism lack strong evidence – Reuters

(Reuters Health) - - There is little or no evidence to support many popular therapies that aim to help children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), according to two new reviews of existing research.

ASDs are developmental disorders that can lead to social, communication and behavioral challenges. One review found some evidence that therapies targeting sensory issues provided at least short-term benefits, but the second review found little evidence to support the use of special diets or nutritional supplements for children with ASDs.

"I think they show how scattered the information we have is," said Catherine Lord, who directs the NewYork-Presbyterian Center for Autism and the Developing Brainin White Plains, New York.

"We need better ways of collecting systematic data about the treatments," said Lord, who was not involved with either review.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one in 68 children in the U.S. has been diagnosed with an ASD.

Amy Weitlauf and colleagues from Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee cite statistics suggesting that up to 88 percent of people with ASD have sensory processing issues.

"People with autism can be over-sensitive with how something looks, feels or smells," Weitlauf told Reuters Health. "They can also be under-sensitive."

Weitlauf's team examined data from 24 studies that tested the effectiveness and safety of therapies for ASD sensory issues, including 20 randomized controlled studies that are considered the "gold standard" of medical research. They divided the therapies into six groups based on what the treatment involved: exposure to different sensations like touch or motion, exposure to sensations in environments, music therapy, massage therapy, interventions to filter out things like triggering sounds and finally, other approaches that didn't fit under one of those headings.

Overall, therapies that exposed children to different sensations improved measures of sensory and motor skills. Exposure to environmental therapies improved some cognition scores. Massage therapy improved symptom severity and sensory issues.

In all cases, however, the strength of the evidence was low - and the studies generally only looked at short periods of time.

"There is some encouraging early evidence that these treatments may be helpful for some children," said Weitlauf. "As far as which children and which treatment, thats less clear. Parents should talk to their treating providers to get their opinions on next steps."

In the second review, many of the same researchers looked at special diets and nutritional supplements used to treat ASD symptoms.

They analyzed 19 randomized controlled trials of therapies such as use of omega-3 supplements or gluten- or casein-free diets for children with ASD.

There was not enough evidence to endorse any of the diets or other therapies. Furthermore, the omega-3 supplements were tied to harms like infections and stomach issues.

"Even though we dont have clear evidence documenting safety and efficacy, many (if not most) families of children with ASD try different diets and nutritional supplements at some point in time," said senior author Zachary Warren, who is also at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

"There are often perceptions that such interventions will be safe and that they have fewer side effects than conventional medications," he added. "This isnt always a safe assumption."

Warren told Reuters Health that parents may have limited resources, and those resources should be spent on therapies with proven benefits.

"In this context, providers should join with families around this motivation, provide a transparent understanding of the evidence and harms, and link them with services of known benefit wherever possible," he said.

There is progress in developing new treatments for ASDs, Geraldine Dawson, of the Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, North Carolina, wrote in an editorial accompanying the new reviews.

"We must press forward by testing these treatments in the most rigorous fashion and be careful to limit our conclusions until definitive trials are conducted," she wrote.

SOURCE:, and Pediatrics, online May 26, 2017.

(Reuters Health) - - Recreational drugs like MDMA and amphetamines have long been linked to a variety of movement disorders, and a new study suggests that basic motor skill impairment may linger even among former users.

(Reuters Health) - - A new type of "heat-not-burn" cigarette releases some of the same cancer-causing chemicals found in traditional cigarette smoke, a recent experiment suggests.

SHANGHAI April Zhang, a 21-year-old student from Shanghai, reflects the fast-shifting attitudes of China's younger generations toward sex. She's confident to talk about a topic once taboo here and is well educated about the risks.

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Sensory and diet therapies for autism lack strong evidence - Reuters

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May 27

The Real-Life Diet of Martin Truex Jr., Who Has Never Peed in his Racecar – GQ Magazine

Professional athletes dont get to the top by accident. It takes superhuman levels of time, dedication, and focusand that includes paying attention to what they put in their bellies. In this series, GQ takes a look at what pro athletes in different sports eat on a daily basis to perform at their best. Heres a look at the daily diet of NASCAR's Martin Truex Jr.

Who needs to hit the gym five times a week and count calories when youre constantly fighting the G-forces that come along with driving a car at 200 miles per hour? Certainly not Martin Truex Jr. All that time throwing weights around and pre-planning meals could be used for something fun. Like fishing. Or running a foundation that supports cancer research. Or winning NASCAR races. All of which the Toyota driver has been doing a lot of this season. We caught up with Truex ahead of the Coca-Cola 600a race he won last yearto find out the best meal for tackling NASCARs longest trek and how exactly one avoids having an accident. (We dont mean the automobile type).

GQ: Youve been a NASCAR driver since the early 2000s. Have you seen a shift in the way that people address their diet or nutrition as the sport has evolved?

Martin Truex Jr.: I think in general, most people are more focused on being fit, eating healthy, working out, training, blahblahblah. I try mostly to eat somewhat healthy foods, but I really dont have a scientific approach or anything specific that I do. I just try not to eat junk or eat too much. I really dont do anything special. I just do my own thing. I really dont do a lot of training either. I absolutely cannot stand working out. I try to stay busy instead. Im always doing stuff when we go outside to work on [the house]. I make sure Im doing something so Im not sitting on the couch eating food all day. Thats my training schedule.

So what does a typical day look like for you then? Is it all over the place, food-wise?

Im not a huge breakfast person. Sometimes Ill have cereal. Corn Flakes are my favorite. But Ill usually have something small. I like to grab something quick as Im running out the door if I can. Just a granola bar or protein bar is enough for me. I dont get up super early so Im usually only a few hours away from lunch anyways. I just need something to hold me over until then.

And then you just go all in on lunch?

Sometimes Ill have a Cobb salad, but I really like quesadillas. A ham and cheese quesadilla is really good if you throw it on the grill. We have a lady who cooks for us and the quesadillas that she makes are really good. She even makes this pizza quesadilla that is so good. So Ill do cool things like that for lunch. And dinner is all across the board. I like a lot of different foods. I like beef, I like red meat, I like fish, I like all kinds of seafood. We really mix it up, honestly. Ill eat just about anything.

Your girlfriend, Sherry, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a couple years ago. I know you both are huge advocates for raising awareness and educating people on the disease. Did Sherrys diagnosis change the way you both approached food at all?

Absolutely, yeah. Everything we bring into our house, all the things we eat on a daily basis, has changed a little bit based off what she went through. I mean, her diet has changed 100 percent. My diet has probably changed 40 to 50 percent. Some of the things we used to have in the house we dont even look at anymore. We started paying a lot more attention to what was actually in the foods that were eating and what type of products were using. You know, trying to lose the chemicals and get rid of all the stuff they say is bad for you. We definitely focus on that a lot more these days. Like I said, with Sherrys diet and what she does, its really 100 percent based around that.

When it comes to the day of an actual race, is there anything special youll do in terms of what youre eating or drinking?

I do actually have a little bit of a routine for most races. Generally Ill drink a lot of water for probably two days leading up to the race to make sure Im hydrated. Before the race I like to try to eat a decent-sized breakfast. If its a night race, Ill make sure I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But the meal right before a race is really pretty standard. I go with something light. Chicken and rice is always pretty bulletproof. No spaghetti. Nothing with heavy sauces. Nothing spicy, nothing wild. Im not eating sushi before a race. I try to keep it kind of standard with chicken and rice. Its not going to upset your belly and youre going to feel good all night. Plus itll keep you fill long enough, so thats the go-to.

Ive heard of some racers actually eating in the cars during a race. Jimmie Johnson once said hes had actual sandwiches passed to him during a race. Is that something you ever do?

You can have a granola bar or a protein barwhatever your favorite choice isjust as a quick snack if were under caution or whatever. I actually havent done that in the past few years, though. I used to always have something there in the car for a snack but for whatever reason I really havent had the need for it recently. We do have a drink bag system in the car, so you have a hose that runs to your helmet. Usually Gatorade or whatever is what I use. For a long race, I definitely go with Gatorade. I think it helps me a little more.

This is something I would love to know: The Coca-Cola 600 this weekend is a 600-mile race. Im assuming its got to get pretty hot in that car, especially with all your gear on. Then youre in the middle of a race with your adrenaline pumping. Youre probably drinking a bunch of Gatorade or water to stay hydrated. So when it comes to going the bathroom

I think its a case where youve trained for so long to be able to do this without thinking about having to go. Youre so focused during the race that sometimes Ill get out of the car and be like, Oh my God, I really have to get to the bathroom! It just kind of sneaks up on you without you even noticing it. Then theres the element that youre sweating so much. Especially in the summertime when its hot out, youre sweating so much that I dont know that you could ever drink enough water to actually have to end up going to the bathroom. So its probably a combination od things, but Ive never had an issue with that. Ive heard stories of guys actually peeing in the car because they couldnt hold it. Ive never done that. Never had to. I guess it depends on how precise your mental focus is. [Laughs]

After a race, and after youve relieved yourself, is there a meal you typically like to have to refuel?

Usually its a race to the airport in order to get home, so we always end up eating on the plane. So whatever area we happen to be in, whatever theyre famous for, Ill get. If we go to Kansas City, usually Ill have barbeque on the way home. Most times its a sandwich or a cheesesteak or a cheeseburger. Something thats just going to fill you up quick because youre absolutely starving by that time after a race. And you dont want something thats going to sit on the plane for an hour or two and get soggy, so youve got to be careful about what you order.

Im assuming its the same thing with hydration. Are you just pounding water after a race?

I could literally drink five bottles of water after a race. I mean, Im so thirsty that I will drink water until my stomach hurts. Ill keep drinking it right up until I get to bed that night. I try to get all that water back in there pretty quickly.

Youve had success at the Coca-Cola 600 in the past. Youre the defending champ there. Im not sure you want to give away any secrets on how to win that race, but could you reveal any tips or secrets for winning a race that long?

I honestly dont know how to answer that one. I just try to approach this race as I would any other race. Its a tough challenge with it being the longest race of the year, but I look at it like this: Its only an extra hundred miles. Once you do 500 miles, thats a pretty long ways already. Whats a hundred more?


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The Real-Life Diet of Martin Truex Jr., Who Has Never Peed in his Racecar - GQ Magazine

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