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May 19

New fitness studios to open at Austin Landing – WDTN

New fitness studios to open at Austin Landing
MIAMI TOWNSHIP, Ohio (WDTN) Two new fitness studios and an organic restaurant are set to open at Austin Landing this year. The development is still under construction as developers work to add more to the property, piece by piece. Set to open, this ...

New fitness studios to open at Austin Landing - WDTN

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May 19

UB adds degree programs in exercise science, public health – The … – Buffalo News

University at Buffalo officials anticipate attracting as many as 850 students into three new degree programs that will be offered through the School of Public Health and Health Professions beginning this August.

The State University of New York and the state Education Department have approved bachelor's degree programs in public health and in statistics, as well as a combined bachelor's degree in exercise science and master's degree in athletic training.

University officials project the new programs will nearly double the enrollment of the School of Public Health and Health Professions within four to five years. Current enrollment in the school is about 1,100 students. The school will need to hire 20 to 30 additional faculty and staff during that time, said Jean Wactawski-Wende, dean of the school. "We're hiring five new faculty right now for the coming year," she said.

The school primarily is located on UB's South Campus in buildings shared with the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. The medical school is on schedule to move in August into a new $375 million facility downtown, opening up more room for the School of Public Health and Health Professions.

"Our growth and need for expansion can be done easily within the space the School of Medicine is vacating," said Wactawski-Wende. "We were just at the right time to consider such an expansion. The stars kind of aligned to do this."

The new public health degree is expected to draw the most interest, with a projection of 400 students.

"Public health in general has just been a growing area of interest," said Wactawski-Wende. "It's a very strong major, which provides a good foundation for many different professions."

UB has not offered an undergraduate degree in statistics in nearly two decades, but growth in the job market and heavy interest in big data and analytics convinced university officials to bring back the program. About 350 students are expected to be enrolled in the statistics program.

High demand for athletic trainers also is fueling the return of an athletic training program to UB. The university phased out a previous accredited athletic training program eight to 10 years ago. The new program allows students to receive a bachelor's degree in exercise science while also working toward certification and a master's degree in athletic training. Capacity for the athletics training program will be 100 students.

UB President Satish K. Tripathi said in 2015 that the university was looking to grow its enrollment by 2,000 students by 2020. The expansion of offerings in the School of Public Health is a key component of the planned enrollment increase.

The School of Public Health spent many months researching the market to determine what academic programs were most needed and will be in most demand before applying to SUNY and the state Education Department for permission to offer them.

"The motivation was this is a set of disciplines people are really looking for," said Wactawski-Wende.

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UB adds degree programs in exercise science, public health - The ... - Buffalo News

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May 19

RIT’s first exercise science graduate is ready to give back to her community – RIT University News Services

May 17, 2017 by Susan Gawlowicz Follow Susan Gawlowicz on Twitter Follow RITNEWS on Twitter

Rachael (Gardner) Aho

Rachael (Gardner) Aho is honored to be the first graduating senior from RITs new BS degree in exercise science offered through the Wegmans School of Health and Nutrition in the College of Health Sciences and Technology

This degree is much more than simple piece of paper, said Aho, from Fairport, N.Y. It embodies all the hard work, late nights and sacrifices required to earn it.

With a leap of faith, Aho transferred to RIT before the exercise science BS degree was officially in place. Discussions with Bill Brewer, director of exercise science at RIT, gave her confidence to begin her studies in the College of Health Sciences and Technology. In her senior year, Aho became the first student to enroll in the exercise science degree program.

Even prior to my becoming an RIT student, Professor Brewer encouraged and promoted my interest in combining exercise with traditional medical treatment to combat chronic disease and health issues, Aho said.

Her pursuit of exercise science is based on a commitment to serve her community. Aho enrolled in the Army after high school and was honorably discharged in 2010. A sense of service continues to guide her career choices.

I want to help people in my community learn that exercise doesnt have to be painful and they dont have to struggle at a gym to be healthy, Aho said.

She volunteered this year as a health coach through a program offered through the RIT and Rochester Regional Health Alliance. Her experiences in the training program on campus and as part of a health care team gave her valuable patient experience.

Completion of the exercise science degree this May will prepare Aho to take the Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist exam administered by the American College of Sports Medicine. This credential will enable her to pursue the career she wants using exercise to help people preventnot just managechronic disease.

My long-term goal is to eventually start my own fitness/wellness center focused on strength and cardiovascular exercise programs that include lifestyle changes and wellness programs to serve those with chronic cardiovascular, metabolic and pulmonary diseases, Aho said. I believe that health, fitness and lifestyle changes are key components to preventing the initial onset of many such diseases and disorders and, even if they are already present, are vital in preventing them from progressing to chronic life-threatening conditions.

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RIT's first exercise science graduate is ready to give back to her community - RIT University News Services

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May 19

Advocates aid in chronic disease awareness – Mountain Xpress

Denise Baker, whomoved to Asheville eight years ago, has lived during that time with a chronic disease dementia. Im retired from an exciting yet stressful job with the U.S. government, says Baker, whosuffered a stroke 20 years ago at age 52. I was very lucky I was alive, I was mobile, and I was fairly lucid; and I had a good friend who came to see me every day in the hospital. We laughed about most everything that was going on my inability to read or write, the hospital food, my throwing up on her shoes and somewhere along the way I realized that humor and not taking things too seriously helped me recover from the effects of the stroke.

Looking back, Baker can pinpointthe stroke as the beginning of hercognitive decline into vascular dementia. About four years ago, it dawned onher that the confusion she had been developing mustbe more than aging, so shetook some tests whichshowed mild cognitive impairment, leading to a diagnosis of dementia. Baker joined a memory support group. Asheville has a lotof help for those of us with cognitive and age-related issues, says Baker, whois on the steering committee of Dementia Friendly WNC.We are just like everybody else. We have issues too, and we are doing the best we can to cope with them.

According to theU.S. National Center for Health Statistics 88 percent of Americans over 65 years of age are living withat least one chronic health condition. Economic Development Asheville reports that 18percent of people living in Buncombe county are over 65 years old. With nearly a fifth of Buncombe County residents likely to have one or more chronic health conditions, professionals in Asheville are working to educate, support and assist those with chronic diseases.

Diane Saccone,director of healthy aging initiatives for the YMCAof WNC, saysif we can change the individual, then we can change the community, which in turn benefits the larger society. The YMCA of WNC offers an array of chronic disease prevention programs, such asdiabetes prevention, fall prevention, LIVESTRONG cancer program and Parkinsons disease maintenance and prevention.

Because many baby boomershave several chronic diseases, says Saccone, the YMCA recently startedits Enhanced Fitness group exercise program forchronic diseases, especiallythose which are potentially debilitating, suchrheumatoid arthritis. Most recently, the Enhanced Fitness program launchedPedaling for Parkinsons and Power Moves adaptive wellness recovery programsdeveloped for peoplewith degenerative movement diseases. Both programs began the first week of April and areongoing, and are allowing new members to the program on a first come, first serve basis. The programs have been filling up.

Steve Miller, adaptive wellness instructor at the YMCA of WNC, was diagnosed five years ago with Parkinsons disease.Power Moves was not a lightbulb: it was fireworks, says Miller. It gave me empowerment to live a normal life. Miller became involved with Mission Pardee Health Campusand Care Partners to teach classes to help improve his own condition as well ashelp others to be the pied piper of PD [Parkinsons disease] patients in the area, he says.

Miller helped form a partnership betweenCarePartners andthe YMCA to offer Power Moves and Pedaling for Parkinsonsat the YMCA of WNC. Saccone and Miller are developing a referral system with local neurologists and physical therapists to refer peoplewith the chronic diseases to bothprograms.

Power Moves, an ongoing program that also beganlast monthat the Reuter Family YMCA and the YMCAat Mission Pardee Health Campus, is a once a week exercise program that addresses cognitive as well as physical issues. Its not just muscles that twitch; there is an emotional engagement as well, says Miller. There is apathy and depression, attentional issues, executive functioning and how you make decisions.

Power Moves fights the basic things that hit us, Miller says, and we [those with Parkinsons] have to power up to stand up straight, rock and reach, and [do] functional things like reaching to get a hat out of the top of the closet. There are rotational issuesfrom the disease which cause difficulty withtransitions, such as getting out of cars or stepping one foot at a time to get moving, he continues. We do the exercises in five different positions: standing, sitting, crawling, prone and supine.Exercise is medicine, and it has been proven to improve brain health. The cognitive piece to Power Moves is huge.

Saccone notes that all of our evidence-based chronic disease prevention programs [at the YMCA], which are in conjunction with Mission Health Partners, have expanded into the community. All the Enhanced Fitnessprograms arecurrently offered in senior centers and rehabiltation centers such asEmerald Ridge and Shiloh community complex. WithHominy Valley YMCA opening in September, the reach will be even further, says Saccone. With 5400 adults turning 65 every year in the state of North Carolina, the attention and research is vital.

Older adultstend to isolate in later years, says Millerwhether froma spouse becoming ill or passing away, or a difficult financial situation. These [situations] can negatively impact the life of an adult, especially those with a chronic disease. The social piece of the puzzle, he says,canimprove the outcome of those living with chronic diseases. Social interaction is so powerful on top of the exercise, says Miller. Its a game changer.

Social interaction is importantbecause itis good for the brain, says Cathy Hebert, geriatric nurse, board member and one of the founders of Dementia Friendly WNC. Eating well, exercising and reducing stress are important to stave off dementia, but another aspect that is well researched is social connection. It helps cognition much more than we ever thought it would. People with dementia can feel isolated and with no support. says Hebert. We are social beings, and without that, we decline cognitively, and we end up with depression, which also aids in cognition decline.

According to the WNC 2014 census, approximately 11 percent of adults over the age of 65 have dementia. Hebert notes that dementia is the only disease in the top tenlist of chronic diseases that has no cure and no treatment. Dementia Friendly WNC focuses on what the Asheville community can do to help people with dementia live well. Itsgoal is to reduce the stigma by raising awareness and transforming attitudes. It offersa two-hour educational awareness program that emphasizes communication techniques to help those with dementia. There is a lot of fear that is unfounded and a lot of incorrect information, says Hebert, who brings the program to places such asthe YMCA of WNC and the Asheville Art Museum.

Dementia Friendly WNC also collaborateswith local business ownersto signify their place of work isdementia friendly meaning the business has received training abouthow to interact with people who havedementia in a patient and compassionate manner. Those living with dementianeed a little extratime to count their money or walk to the counter,saysHebert.

Stephanie Stewart,aging specialist for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention at Land of Sky, agrees that social interaction and support are vital to chronic disease management. Stewart coordinates and trains volunteer facilitators for evidence-based programs serving Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania counties. Such programs utilize deep breathing, muscle relaxation and tips for managing pain and fatigue.

Stewart alsooffers the Stanford University Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, called Living Healthy, which is funded through state and federal money by the Older Americans Act. Living Healthy, like Enhanced Fitness and Dementia Friendly WNC, is designed to be brought into community settings,whereit offers communication skills, education, meal planning, and exercise. Stewart notes thatLiving Healthy poses a question to all its participants: What is one simple step for this week for a big picture of better health? Many times people with chronic conditions feel hopeless, frustrated and powerless because the body is doing something that is out of their hands, says Stewart. This program offersparticipants insight and expertise for what works and what doesnt.

Living Healthy is offered once a week for six weeks and includes goal setting and action planning with two trained facilitators in a small group. It is held at different locations around the counties served, including libraries, churches, community centers and senior centers. Stewart asks communities if they are interested in having the program and finds facilitators to run the free six-week series.

Denise Young,regional manager of theAlzheimers Association of Western Carolina, sayseducation and support are essential for those living with chronic diseases as well asfor caregivers. The association provides educational pamphlets, a 24/7 hotline and presentations in the community aboutfinancial planning and the basics of the disease,such as what to expect as changes take place in the brain.

A lot of research has been done toshow a connection between heart and brain health, particularly in regards to diet, says Young. There are several clinical studies that look at the Mediterranean diet that is rich with oils and nuts and less meat. Exercise is an important piece as well because the brain is fed by a healthy network of veins and arteries. Anything that affects the heart affects the brain.

Baker, who strives to maintain a healthy and full life following her stroke and decline with dementia, joined a memory support group four years ago, which has positively affected her life. Everyone feels like we are family because each of us understands what the other is going through, and many people talk about that. No one gets it unless they have the disease, says Baker. I think its good for the community to realize there are people with dementia among them. They need to be more patient with us, and also they need to be more patient with everyone. We all need to take care of each other.

More Info Economic Development Asheville

Emerald Ridge Rehabilitation and

Dementia Friendly

Dementia Friendly

Power Moves

Diane or (828) 575-2904

AlzheimersAssociation of Western

National Center for Health

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Advocates aid in chronic disease awareness - Mountain Xpress

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May 19

‘Pill’ help slimmers shed third of their weight in just four months with no surgery – Plymouth Herald

Scientists may have developed a 'magic bullet' for slimmers. .

The hi-tech gastric balloon - which you swallow as a simple pill before it is inflated - fills up your stomach to make you feel full and then deflates itself after four months, reports Mirror Online.

Details of the slimming aid will be presented today at the world's biggest obesity conference in Porto, Portugal.

Incredible trial results found the 15-minute balloon operation was "safe and effective" and triggered "substantial weight loss" in obese patients.

On average, those who use the treatment shed a third of their excess body weight. Patients aged between 27 and 67 each lost an average of 15.2kg (2st 4lbs).

It has already been approved for use in the UK and could help those who find it impossible to shed the pounds through normal diets.

Experts said that millions of Brits could eventually benefit from the simple pill.

Unlike existing gastric products, no surgery is required to insert or remove it.

Dr Roberta Ienca, of Sapienza University of Rome, who led the study, said: "Because the Elipse Balloon does not require endoscopy, surgery or anaesthesia, this may make it suitable for a larger population of obese patients not responding to diet or lifestyle treatment."

A traditional gastric band requires surgery, unlike the new gastric balloon (Photo: Getty)

Dr Ienca told the Daily Mirror that all the patients also enjoyed "improvements in overall metabolic health including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar control".

She described the reaction of patients to the device as "incredible".

She said: "They are very happy about the results they were able to achieve.

"During my daily phone contacts with my patients, they shared with me their pictures and the amount of weight they lost.

"They are very satisfied with the results achieved day after day."

Speaking at the the European Congress on Obesity in Porto, Portugal, Dr Ienca added that it could also be fitted in patients "by a variety of clinicians - nutritionists, dietitians, and internists - who currently do not have access to or are qualified to fit endoscopic or surgical weight loss devices."

The new balloon could help people shift a third of their weight by suppressing their appetite (Photo: Getty)

The patient swallows a tiny pill containing the deflated Elipse balloon, which is made from a delicate polymer film.

A catheter is attached and once the pill has reached the stomach, a doctor fills the balloon with 550ml of water through the catheter, then tugs on the tube to detach it.

The filled balloon takes up a large part of the stomach, reducing appetite and improving the patient's odds of shedding weight.

And after 16 weeks, a valve in the polymer film opens and the balloon collapses. It passes out normally through the digestive system.

Previously, most existing gastric balloons rely on a surgeon putting the device in the stomach using an internal probe while the patient is sedated or under anaesthetic.

It also has to be removed during surgery the same way.

Two in three Brits are overweight or obese.

It is not yet available on the NHS but is available through some private weight loss clinics in the UK.

The NHS is already trialling similar balloon pills to the one in the study presented in Porto.

The cost for the full treatment varies between 2,200 and 3,400 - less than half the cost of gastric band surgery.

The balloon pill has the potential to provide "significant cost savings"

for the NHS and save billions of pounds a year.

Obesity now costs the NHS 16billion a year - which includes treating obesity-linked medical conditions like Type 2 diabetes.

Dieters who tried the balloon lost on average 15kg in just four months (Photo: Digital Vision)

The study presented in Porto found that the swallowable gastric balloon "is a safe and effective way to induce substantial weight loss".

The research examined the impact of the balloon on 50 obese patients who had failed to lose weight by diet alone and who had refused other gastric treatment, because of the need of an endoscopy or anaesthesia.

Each patient had the balloon in their stomach for 16 weeks after which it spontaneously opened, emptied, and was excreted.

They were checked every two weeks.

In the last four weeks of the treatment, a very low calorie diet of 700 kcal/day was introduced to enhance weight loss and maximise the results to increase patient satisfaction. Once the balloon was excreted, patients were transitioned to a Mediterranean diet for weight maintenance.

After 16 weeks, the average weight loss was 15.2kg. The average percentage weight loss was a drastic 31%.

There were no serious adverse events recorded. All other adverse events including nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain were either self-limiting or resolved with medication.Dr Ienca concluded: "The Elipse Balloon appears to be a safe and effective weight loss method. Furthermore, the absence of endoscopy and anaesthesia for placement and removal can lead to significant cost savings."

Prof Jason Halford, treasurer of the European Association for the Study of Obesity, which is hosting the world's biggest obesity conference, said:

"With bariatric surgery, there are potential complications, it's a very permanent change in your life and it's not easily reversible.

"People are looking for alternatives. "I think this is for people before they would get to the point where they need bariatric surgery. Potentially millions could benefit

"I think if studies are there and it's cost-effective... I think it should be considered on the NHS."

Dr Simon Cork, Research Fellow at the Department of Investigative Medicine,

Imperial College London, added: "Currently, gastric balloons have to be inserted under general anaesthetic or sedation.

"This not only limits the number of patients who can have them implanted,

but also increases surgery time and has significant costs associated with it."

He added: "The introduction of a device which doesn't require surgery to implant is a positive step forward."

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'Pill' help slimmers shed third of their weight in just four months with no surgery - Plymouth Herald

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May 19

Healthy breakfast ideas: Five porridge toppings that will help you lose weight – Daily Star

THESE breakfast foods could help kick-start your metabolism.


Youve heard it all before, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.

Eating within an hour of waking up helps get your metabolism het going and gives you the energy you need to crack on with the day.

So what are the best breakfast foods for fitness fanatics wanting to lose weight and bulk up?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and eating it could help battle the bulge and manage it long-term.

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There are so many breakfast options: Read here to see the most healthy ones

Porridge is a great morning mea because oats are among the healthiest grains on earth. Theyre a gluten-free whole grain and a great source of important vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants.

Studies show porridge oats can aid weight loss and help reduce risk of heart disease. The slimming food also fills you up meaning you wont need a mid-morning snack before lunch.

But how can you make your daily bowl of goodness even better? Just add one of the five health-boosting extras below:


1. Blueberries

Blueberries are one of the richest sources of antioxidants in the world. New research, by the Texas Woman's University, found they inhibit the development of fat cells in people who eat them regularly.

To avoid them spoiling you can grab a 400g bag of frozen blueberries for just 2 from

2. Whey protein

Adding Whey powder to your porridge is a simple way of introducing more protein into your diet. Protein helps repair muscles after a workout and can also repress appetite.

Simply add a few scoops to your porridge along with some milk or almond milk and stir well to avoid clumps.

The website has a great selection of delicious flavours.


3. Cinnamon

Using this spice adds some flavour to your porridge, but its also good for your waistline.

Adding cinnamon to your food multiplies your body's ability to metabolise sugar by a factor of 20, according to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition.

4. Raisins

Adding a handful of raisins to your porridge really spices up your oats. And a study, published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, found they are as effective at fuelling exercise as energy bars.

5. Yoghurt

Yoghurt can speed up weight loss by blocking the ability of your cells to store fat while encouraging your body to retain lean muscle tissue.

Eating yoghurt also slashes your risk of getting diabetes by 28%, according to research published in the journal Diabetologia.

See the rest here:
Healthy breakfast ideas: Five porridge toppings that will help you lose weight - Daily Star

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May 19

Mindful eating may help people lose weight, study finds – Medical News Today

People looking to lose weight should try to give meals their full attention rather than eat while doing something else, such as watching television or working. So suggests a new study that evaluated the effect of being more mindful about eating in a weight management program.

The study - led by Carolyn Dunn, a professor and nutrition specialist at North Carolina (NC) State University in Raleigh - is being presented at this year's European Congress on Obesity, held in Porto, Portugal.

Prof. Dunn and colleagues evaluated the effectiveness of increasing mindful eating in an online weight management program called Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less (ESMMWL), developed by NC State University and the NC Division of Public Health.

Obesity is a global public health problem that affects more than twice as many people today as it did in 1980.

According to estimates for 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults worldwide are thought to be overweight, including 600 million with obesity. In fact, most people now live in regions of the world where obesity is a bigger killer than being underweight.

Obesity is a major public health concern not only because it reduces quality of life, but also because it raises the risk of poor mental health and chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some cancers.

In the United States, where more than 1 in 3 adults (37 percent) have obesity, the condition is a huge burden on the economy. The total medical bill for treating obesity in the U.S. in 2008 came to $147 billion.

Although it is preventable, obesity is not an easy problem to solve; many causes and contributing factors - including behavior, environment, and genetic predisposition - work together to initiate and maintain the disease.

Individual behavior affects diet, amount of physical activity or inactivity, and medication use. Environmental factors - such as availability of a range of foods, opportunity for physical activity, education, and food marketing - also have a big impact.

Mindfulness is a type of Buddhist meditation during which a person focuses on their present thoughts, feelings, and sensations, and what is in their environment "right now."

An important feature of mindfulness is to pay attention without judgement or evaluation - there is no right or wrong thought or feeling, there is only the awareness of what it is right now.

Mindfulness entered the mainstream as a therapeutic practice in the 1980s through the work of people such as Jon Kabat-Zinn and his Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, where there is now a Center for Mindfulness.

In his book Coming to Our Senses, Kabat-Zinn writes that when we pay mindful attention to the sense of taste, "even the simplest of foods provide a universe of sensory experience."

ESMMWL, the 15-week online program evaluated in the new study, uses the idea of "planned behavior" to help participants to alter habits that are known to be linked to weight management.

A live instructor delivers training online at the same time each week to a group of participants who link up via their computer, tablet, or smartphone.

To evaluate the effect of adding mindful eating to the program, the researchers asked participants to fill in a 28-item questionnaire called the Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ). The MEQ assesses five different areas of mindful eating.

The program uses an approach to mindful eating where the participant is invited to focus on many facets of dealing with and interacting with food, such as paying attention to how it tastes, noticing hunger and fulness cues, and planning mealtimes and snacks.

Mindful eating also invites you to just have "one or two bites" of foods that are higher in calories and "just savor the flavor."

For their study - which takes the form of a randomized controlled trial - the researchers asked people looking to enrol on the ESMMWL if they would be willing to take part.

Of the 80 participants who said yes, 42 were randomly assigned to the intervention group and 38 to the control group (they were effectively placed on a waiting list).

The results showed that the participants who completed the program (28 in all) lost more weight than the 36 who remained in the control group for the duration.

The average weight loss in the group that completed the program was 1.9 kilograms (4.2 pounds) compared with 0.3 kilograms (0.7 pounds) average weight loss in the control group - a result that the researchers describe as "statistically significant."

All participants completed the MEQ, but the before and after differences in the total score and the scores on the subscales were significantly larger in the group that completed the program than the control group. The authors remark on their findings:

"Results suggest that there is a beneficial association between mindful eating and weight loss. The current study contributes to the mindfulness literature as there are very few studies that employed rigorous methodology to examine the effectiveness of an intervention on mindful eating."

Learn how mindfulness meditation helps to control emotions.

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Mindful eating may help people lose weight, study finds - Medical News Today

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May 19

Losing weight after menopause is tough. Here are tips that may help. –

For Mary van den Berg-Wolf, 63, an internist in Bala Cynwyd, a ski accident and the resulting knee injury proved a wake-up call.

Knowing that every extra pound she carried translated into six pounds of additional pressure on that aching knee, she was determined to lose some of the 20 or so pounds she had gained between the ages of 45 and 50.

My experience with weight loss was always trying to lose a couple of pounds, trying to be healthy, eating a low-fat, high-carb diet and thinking of it as calories in, calories out, said van den Berg-Wolf. She often found herself cutting back on lunch and then devouring a box of low-fat cookies later in the evening.

And not losing weight.

Her experience, as many women can attest, is common. Shedding pounds after menopause is usually harder. But its not impossible, said Janine Kyrillos, director of the Jefferson Comprehensive Weight Management Program at Bala.

People are resigned to gaining weight as they get older, and they assume thats whats going on, said Kyrillos. But there are lots of subtle things happening, including lack of sleep and increased stress levels.

If people pay more attention to whats going on in their lives, it doesnt have to be a fait accompli that theyre going to gain weight, she said.

Metabolic changes during menopause, which make women more sensitive to carbohydrates, including sugars, can also promote fat storage, said Kyrillos.

During menopause, you become more sensitive to carbs, so you become more insulin resistant. Paying attention to the quality of food is important so you should try to stay away from carbs, processed foods, and sugars after menopause, she said.

Along with the metabolic changes of menopause, aging can also mean a loss of muscle mass, said Colleen Tewksbury, a registered dietitian and bariatric program manager at Penn Medicine. Since muscle burns the most calories, a reduction in muscle means a lower resting metabolic rate, which translates to weight gain unless you eat less.

When people age, they tend to get less physical activity, as well, said Tewksbury, who recommends weight-bearing exercise and eating enough protein daily to build muscle.

For van den Berg-Wolf, losing weight meant changing her eating habits to rev up her metabolism. With the help of Kyrillos, she reduced the amount she ate and focused on a diet higher in fat and lower in sugar. She drank more water, gave up alcohol, and took a tiny amount of a prescription appetite suppressant for about a year, to help her adjust to eating less.

And, she slowly lost 12 pounds, which brought her to the tippy top of the normal range for her 5-foot-7 frame.

I dont eat things like pasta and bread every night, but I certainly do eat them when I want to, said van den Berg-Wolf.

People can lose weight, Kyrillos said. People get discouraged and say you cant teach a dog new tricks, but you can work on sleep and stress, or try something different like intermittent fasting. I have patients who thought they tried everything but have been able to take new approaches that have been helpful.

If youre struggling with taking off those postmenopausalpounds, here are some tips:

But what if none of these measures helps?

Rhonda Cohen, 63, knows what thats like. She spent much of her life on numerous diets that rarely worked, but when she reached 50, the scale refused to budge. It was galling, particularly because she had never exercised so much in her life.

At 49, when she was really, really heavy she won three months at Platoon Fitness, a boot camp exercise program, and over a year of slow and hard work eventually participated in a 5K run, the 10-mile Broad Street Run, and her first triathlon.

At first she lost weight, but then stalled.

For a while I didnt really weigh myself, I just thought I was getting in shape, said the administrator from King of Prussia. At 50, my metabolism stopped, despite doing all this exercise. I was getting better at keeping up with the others in the program. But I didnt lose a pound.

Doctors who checked her metabolism and ran blood work to uncover why she couldnt lose weight simply told her some people cant lose weight.

Eventually, at 61, Cohen opted for bariatric surgery. Put on a super restrictive diet of about 1,000 calories a day presurgery, she finally was able to drop a little weight.

We don't put an age limit on bariatric surgery, said Tewksbury. We look at patients as individuals. If we have a 70 year old with a BMI of 40 who is metabolically healthy but at risk of disease we will consider surgery. Lots of factors are at play to see if its surgically safe to do the operation, including good psychosocial support.

Its all about whether benefits are going to outweigh the risks, she said.

Following Cohens bariatric sleeve surgery, she dropped 100 pounds. She feels much better, although she says she still considers herself overweight. But as an athlete who continues to go out for six-hour bike rides with friends on weekends, she realizes that she cant live on 1,000 calories a day.

I need to eat 250 to 450 calories an hour to keep my strength up during a bike ride, says Cohen, who once took four blood pressure medications and now takes none. My choice is to be healthier rather than skinnier.

Published: May 19, 2017 3:01 AM EDT

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Losing weight after menopause is tough. Here are tips that may help. -

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May 19

Exercising too much could stop you losing weight, according to nutritionist – The Independent

Increasingly, research is being published which suggests exercising wont help us lose as much weight as most people think.

And to reinforce this point, a nutritionist has now spoken out to say that exercising too much can actually stop your body burning fat.

Its understandable that if you want to lose weight, youre going to hit the gym, go to dance classes or pound the pavement, but according to Jessica Sepel, working out too often could be hindering your weight loss efforts.

The Australian nutritionist and best-selling author has explained all in a new post on her blog.

From clinical and personal experience, I can tell you that over-exercising can do more harm to your weight than good, she says.

I see clients all the time who exercise everyday (sometimes twice) and still cant lose the weight.

When you work out too much, your cortisol levels spike (remember, your body doesnt know the difference between exercise stress and normal stress).

Then, when you stress out about working out, your cortisol levels go CRAZY. And high cortisol means your body cant burn off fat its too busy trying to balance out your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

Sepel found that by cutting down the high intensity exercise (such as spinning, running and boot-camp) she was doing, she regained energy and felt refreshed in the mornings rather than tired.

Instead of such intense workouts, she recommends people do restorative exercise like walking, pilates or yoga.

And this has led to great results for Sepels clients: They would come back into my office and their clothes were looser, their energy levels were higher, and they were sleeping much better, she says.

If youre exercising a lot in a bid to lose weight and not seeing the number go down on the scale - of course, you could be gaining muscle and youll need to be eating healthily too - but Sepel recommends cutting down your workouts a bit:

Overdoing the exercise may be making it harder for you to lose weight, she says.

If you havent shifted your weight by now with high intensity exercise, try cutting it back like I did and see if that makes a difference. A rested body is a healthy body and it is incredibly important to commit to resting daily.

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Exercising too much could stop you losing weight, according to nutritionist - The Independent

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May 19

5 easy changes you can make right now to lose weight :: –

By McKenna Park, FamilyShare

When it comes to losing fat and maintaining a healthy weight, dieting alone just wont cut it. Theres no secret trick. Some people will lose weight with a fad diet, but then what happens after the diet is over? They gain it all back.

The key to reaching a healthy weight and keeping it off isnt about short-term dietary changes its about a healthy overall lifestyle, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If redesigning your lifestyle seems overwhelming, don't worry getting started is much easier than you think. Change starts with baby steps; follow these five easy steps and soon your habits will lose the weight for you.

1. Drink more water

Drinking enough water is critical to weight loss success and should be done continuously throughout the day, according to dietitian Leah Kaufman, R.D.

Water has several weight loss advantages, including an increasing your metabolism rate, making you feel fuller and boosting your energy levels.

If you're wondering how much water you should drink, health authorities commonly recommend the 8x8 rule: eight 8-ounce glasses of water or about two liters per day. You can make remembering to hydrate simple by using water bottles that measure fluid ounces, or downloading an app that reminds you to drink up.

2. Eat less processed foods

Want to lose weight? Start by eating real food. 74 percent of processed foods contain added sugars. Whats more, most processed foods have a long list of health offenses, including artificial ingredients, refined carbohydrates, little to no nutrients, bad fats and little fiber.

Avoiding processed foods is simple. One way is to shop mostly on the outside edges of the grocery store rather than the aisles. That way you're purchasing dairy, proteins and produce, rather than crackers, chips and cookies. You can also check a products ingredient list if it has a long list of ingredients and/or names you cant pronounce, don't buy it. The very best foods have one ingredient, like apples, chicken, broccoli, eggs and so on.

3. Cut the sugary drinks

Next time youre out to eat and the server asks you what beverage you want, Just water, please is the right answer. Soda and other sugar-filled drinks aren't helping you lose weight.

Dont be fooled by diet soda and other zero calorie artificial sweeteners either. Researchers from the University of Texas found that over a 10-year period, diet soda drinkers had a 70 percent greater increase in waist circumference when compared with non soda-drinkers. They also found that people who drank two or more sodas a day had a 500 percent increase.

Even fruit juices are not the best health choice because they contain all the sugar found in fruit but little to none of the fruits fiber. To be extra healthy, choose an orange over orange juice and always drink water over soda.

4. Smile while you sweat

Exercise can be a major obstacle between people and their weight loss goals. Many people find exercise too hard, too boring or both.

But theres a simple answer for those who need an extra push toward working out find an active activity you enjoy. If you hate running on a treadmill, dont do it. Instead, go for a hike, join a city sports team, go for a bike ride, play backyard games with your kids or even play a video game that gets you on your feet.

Exercise shouldnt be a chore you dread. Instead, make it a fun activity you look forward to.

5. Eat your veggies

Remember when your mom told you that to grow strong and healthy you needed to eat your veggies? She was right. Scientists have found vegetables and fruits to be directly linked to weight-loss, yet fewer than one in five Americans are eating the recommended servings of the two vital food groups.

A good trick to make sure you include enough of these two food groups in your diet is to first fill half your plate with fruits and veggies before adding other foods.

Maintaining a healthy weight is all about a healthy lifestyle with a nutritious diet, lots of water and (fun) exercise not tediously counting every little calorie.

McKenna Park is a staff writer at FamilyShare. She's a happy wife, puppy mama, ice cream addict and film nerd. Contact her at

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5 easy changes you can make right now to lose weight :: -

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