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Apr 25

How Exercise Can Benefit Your Brain –

If youre thinking about starting a workout regimen (or amending your current routine), you can often find supervised programs through a hospital, community recreation center, or gym.

But while the new study only included such supervised programswhere elements like frequency, intensity, and duration were monitored and controlledyou can reap these cognitive benefits by exercising on your own, too, says Northey.

Just discuss your plans to exercise with your doctor first to make sure its safe, he says.

To maximize the brain benefits of working out, keep these key takeaways from the study in mind:

Include resistance training along with aerobic exercise. Current U.S. exercise guidelines recommend getting at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic exercise a week and doing strength training two or three times weekly. (At a moderate level, you can maintain a conversation while you work out. During vigorous exercise, it will be difficult to talk.)

Work out for 45 to 60 minutes per session. Researchers found the biggest benefit came from at least 45 minutes of exercise, although shorter sessions are certainly helpful as well. If youre working out more intensely, you may be able to do it for less time. (Northey is currently studying how high-intensity interval trainingalternating between hard and easy bouts of exercisecan impact brain power.)

Exercise on most days. While the review found beneficial brain effects with any level of frequency of exercise, a regular, consistent routine will improve your fitness level and muscle mass, two things that are protective as you age.

Consider starting with tai chi. Although there were fewer studies with tai chi, researchers found it does enhance cognitive abilities and it can be good for people who are new to working out or arent as mobile. (The study also looked at yoga, but researchers werent able to accurately gauge its impact on the brain due to a lack of good quality studies.)

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Apr 25

Some fitness classes suspended after launch of police probe into payroll issue – Massillon Independent

Massillon Police Chief Keith Moser: Two Rec Center employees were paid for more hours than they worked.

MASSILLONA pair of recreational exercise programs offered by the city have been scaled back as police investigate a payroll issue in which two contracted fitness trainers were overpaid.

Classes for Silver Sneakers and Zumba taught by the trainers have been canceled since the launch of a police investigation that began Thursday, after city officials said they learned of the discrepancy at the Massillon Recreation Center. Parks and Recreation Director Kim O'Farrell, whose resignation was pending, was immediately fired after the payroll questions came to light.

Mayor Kathy Catazaro-Perry said the two part-time fitness instructors have not been fired or suspended, but their status has been idle since late last week.

"They're not having any classes right now," said the mayor during an interview Monday afternoon at The Independent office. Police Chief Keith Moser, Civil Service Administrator Joe Alessandro and Parks and Recreation Board Chairman Dave Harding also attended the meeting.

Det. Jason Gohlike has been assigned to handle the case, according to Moser, who said the immediate focus of the investigation is on, but not limited to, three people O'Farrell, who was fired Thursday, and the two instructors. The chief declined to name the individuals.

"We're talking with people and gathering facts ... to see if there are any criminal elements," the chief said.

Both employees, who work as fitness instructors in the Recreation Center, were being paid at a rate of $20 per hour when their hourly rate was set at $8.15 per hour for one and $10 per hour for the other.

"It looks like it was a two-for-one deal. It showed them receiving more hours than they worked," said Moser.

The Rec Center also contracts with eight other fitness instructors who each are paid $20 per hour.

The police investigation is attempting to determinehow long the payroll practice had been occurring, how it started and who authorized it. There is no timetable to complete the probe.

"We want to find out where the break is so we can correct it," said Catazaro-Perry, adding that she plans to notify the state Public Employees Retirement System as a precautionary measure.

During City Council's work session Monday night, an approximately 35-minute executive session was called to discuss O'Farrell and personnel at the Rec Center. There was no public discussion on the payroll discrepancy.

Council members were mostly mum on the issue following the executive session.

"Let the city do its thing and the police do their job," said Councilman Ed Lewis, R-at large.

Council President Claudette Istnick said part of the session involved the mayor notifying members of the police investigation and a potential payroll audit at the Rec Center.

The payroll issue came to light Wednesday, when O'Farrell met with Safety-Service Director Joel Smith for a meeting aimed at easing the transition from her to Steve Pedro as interim parks director. O'Farrell submitted her resignation notice about two weeks ago and was slated to work through May 12.

Pedro was also present during the meeting, whereO'Farrell explained that it had been an ongoing practice she had "inherited."

Once the police investigation is concluded, evidence will be shared with City Law Director Andrea Scassa, who will help determine whether a recommendation on any criminal charges will be forwarded to the Stark County Prosecutor's Office, Moser said.

Reach Steven at 330-775-1134or at On Twitter:@sgrazierINDE

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Some fitness classes suspended after launch of police probe into payroll issue - Massillon Independent

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Apr 25

9 Tips For Women Who Want To Lose Weight After 40 (especially around the middle) – Huffington Post

Are you a woman over 40 and noticing its getting harder to lose weight? Got some extra stubborn fluff and puff around the middle? Maybe yourefinding that the diets you did in your 20s or 30s dont work as fast as they used to or donteven work at all! If youre already well past 40, chances are youve found its harder to lose weight. And, those inches around your waistline wont budge.

Yes ladies, Middle Age Spread is a real thing. Now before you click the little x on your browser to close this page and curse my name in disgust, sit tight. First, Im going to lay out the facts of why this happens to most women. Then, Im going to give you some action steps you can take tostart losing weight again!

Ok, no big surprise here. During perimenopause, our estrogen and testosterone levels start to drop. By menopause, they plummet. This is probably why approximately 30% of women between 50 and 59 are obese.

There appears to be a connection between estrogen and body weight regulation. With lowerestrogenlevels, lab animals tend to eat more and be less physically active. Levels that are too high or too low appear to lead to fat storage. And, lower estrogen levels may also slow down your metabolic rate (the speed at your body converts stored energy into working energy).

Many of us just slow down with age and exercise less. This is just bad all around. This is true for both men and women. Heres why:

Sarcopenia. Sar-who? Naturally as we get older, we gradually lose muscle mass a little bit every year. It actually starts happening as early as 30. The less muscle we have on our bodies, the slower our metabolism is and the easier it is to gain weight.

We also lose aerobic fitness as we age, further slowing down our ability to use up energy when we exercise. In other words, we burn less calories when we exercise.

If you were very active in your younger years, you may have had some injuries. Like a spicy pepperoni pizza does after dinner, those injuries from your carefree days can come back to haunt you. These ghosts of injuries past show up in the form of early arthritis, bone spurs, tighter muscles, pinched nerves, etc. After our 30s, new injuries also take longer heal. No wonder we slow down.

Many women have troublesleeping during menopause due to hot flashes, night sweats, stress and the other fun stuff that goes along with low estrogen levels. Migraines anyone?? The bummer is poor sleep is linked to hunger and weight gain because of two more hormones: ghrelin (the feed me hormone) and leptin (the Im full hormone). Heres a short blog I wrote on that topic. If youre sleep deprived, these hormones get out of whack.

As we age, we tend to become more insulin resistant which can put us at risk for type 2 diabetes. When you eat foods that break down into sugar, the pancreas pumps out insulin to escort the sugar out of your blood. People with Insulin resistance dont use insulin effectively so that cells have trouble absorbing sugar which causes a buildup of sugar and insulin in the blood. Researchers still arent 100% in agreement as to why, but at the end of the day, people with insulin resistance gain weight, particularly around the middle. And some research shows that lack of estrogen may cause insulin resistance.

1. Eat less added sugar, processed food and refined grains (white bread, bagels, pasta, white rice, you know the drill). A lot less. According to the sugar science department at UCSF, added sugar is hiding in 74% of all packaged food. And, the majority of carbohydrates in the typical American diet is made of refined grains. This means reading labels folks and knowing how many different names there are for sugar. Just because its called agave nectar or cane juice crystals doesnt mean its any better for you than the white granulated stuff. Your body doesnt know the difference and once you eat it, its all the same to your pancreas (the organ that produces insulin in response to sugar). Click this link to see 61 different names of sugar then run to your pantry and read the ingredients on your packaged food.Prepare for a rude awakening!

2. Exercise More. Contrary to what your body may want to do, you must exercise more regularly as you age, not less! If youre finding yourself slowing down, gradually start ramping it back up. Its not a good idea to go from taking an occasional walk to running a 10K. Thats a fast track to getting an injury. But start finding ways to fit more physical activity to your life. The more you exercise, the more insulin sensitive you become (thats the opposite of insulin resistant!)

Jill Brown

3. Keep a food journal or use an app to track what you eat. As we get older, our metabolisms naturally slow down. That means you need less food. If youre still eating as much as you did in your 30s, youve probably had to buy a whole new wardrobe or 2 by now. Apps like My Fitness Pal or Lose It help making weight loss goals easier by keeping you on track. Or you can go old school and write everything down then look up the calories. Not all calories are created equal, but one is for sure, taking in more than you burn leads to more body fat.

Pay attention to how you feel after eating certain types of foods and notice what makes you good and what makes you feel crappy.

4. Take probiotics to aid in digestion.

5. Eat more anti-inflammatory foods high in omega-3s, along with garlic, turmeric, cocoa, tea and berries.

6. Eat more high-quality protein. Higher protein diets have been shown to help with weight loss.

7. Eat more soluble fiber. It fills you up so you feel less hungry, it can increase insulin sensitivity and you know the other reason.

8. Sleep more and stress less. Easy, right? This may be the hardest part. There are plenty of things you can try. Melatonin and or magnesium at night. Massages. Yoga. Meditation. Hot baths before bed. Black out windows and cooler temperature in your bedroom. A good shrink. Theres really no shortage of suggestions. It may be time to experiment if youre not getting enough good sleep.

9. Talk to your doctor about hormone replacement therapies. HRTs have been shown to help control weight gain.

Think of this as a quick start guide for what you can do to promote weight loss starting around the perimenopausal years. In future articles, I will go deeper into each of the topics mentioned to help you lose weight and feel better so we can enjoy what should be the best years of our lives! Stay tuned!

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9 Tips For Women Who Want To Lose Weight After 40 (especially around the middle) - Huffington Post

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Apr 25

How a Vegan Diet Can Help You Lose Weight –

People may choose a vegan diet for a variety of reasons, be it for the environment, animal ethics or health.

However, some people give the vegan diet a try purely to lose excess weight and perhaps for good reason.

Vegans tend to have lower body mass indexes (BMIs) than the general population, and several studies acknowledge that a vegan diet can promote weight loss (1,2).

Not to mention, a well-planned vegan diet is nutritious, can lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels and may even decrease your risk of certain diseases (3,4).

This article explains how a vegan diet can help you lose weight and shares some tips on how to follow this diet in a healthy way.

Observational studies often report vegans to be thinner or to have lower BMIs than the general population (2,5).

In addition, randomized controlled trials, the gold standard in scientific research, show that when all other factors are controlled for,vegan dietscan help participants lose significant amounts of weight (6,7).

In one study, people following a vegan diet for 18 weeks lost 9.3 pounds (4.2 kg) more than those who made no dietary changes (6).

Another study compared vegan diets to vegetarian,pescatarian, semi-vegetarian and omnivorous diets.

Participants assigned to the vegan group lost an average of 7.5% of their body weight over the 4-month study period. This was more than twice as much weight as the average lost in each of the other four groups (8).

A vegan diet even appears to help people lose weight more effectively than diets commonly recommended by several different health authorities.

In fact, a low-fat vegan diet helped participants in one study lose 2 to almost 3 times more weight than diets recommended by the American Dietetics Association (ADA), the American Heart Association (AHA) and the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) (1,3,4,9,10).

In a study that followed up with participants one year after the initial study period, researchers reported that all participants regained some weight.

However, those initially on the vegan diet remained 5 pounds (2.3 kg) lighter than those initially assigned to the control weight loss diet (1).

Summary:Vegan diets can help individuals lose significant amounts of weight and keep it off. They could be even more effective than diets currently recommended by certain health authorities.

In order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit.

A vegan diet can help you create this calorie deficit in several ways.

For starters, a plant-based vegan diet generally contains a good amount of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, beans, peas, nuts and seeds.

Such foodstend to be rich in fiber, a nutrient that can help reduce hunger and increase feelings of fullness (11,12,13).

Higher fiber intake may help you achieve the calorie deficit needed forweight losswithout restricting your calorie intake or portion sizes.

Studies show that consuming an extra 14 grams of fiber each day may naturally decrease your calorie intake by as much as 10%. This could lead to a loss of 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg) over a period of approximately 4 months (14).

The high fiber content of the vegan diet may also explain why study participants assigned to a vegan diet often lose weight despite being allowed to eat until they feel full (1,4,9,15).

Due to its higher content of fruits and vegetables, a vegan diet provides fewercaloriesfor the same volume of food. In other words, its less calorie-dense.

Practically speaking, you would have to eat approximately 10.5 ounces (300 grams) of cooked broccoli or about 10 ounces (283 grams) of melon to consume 100 calories.

Meanwhile, it would only take around 2 ounces (56 grams) of chicken breast or about 1 ounce (28 grams) of cheese to reach the same number of calories.

The lower calorie density of plant foods causes you to feel full with fewer calories, thus potentially contributing to the calorie deficit needed for weight loss.

However, its important to note that when matched for calories, a vegan diet is no more effective than a control diet for weight loss (16).

Many of the foods you come across each day contain animal products.

These include high-calorie, low-nutrient options such as processed foods and baked goods, which are deceptively easy to overeat (17).

Studies show that being exposed to such foods makes you more likely to consume them (18).

Following a vegan diet can make it easier to limit or avoid these options.

For instance, its easier to avoid eating more calories than you need when the cafe doesnt offer vegan brownies or when a bowl of candy only contains milk chocolate.

Research shows that having access to a wider variety of foods may cause you to mindlessly consume up to 23% more calories. By limiting your food choices to a select few, a vegan diet can help reduce your risk of overeating (19).

A vegan diet may also restrict the variety of choices you have when eating out. As a result, many vegans choose to cook at home rather than go to restaurants.

Home-cooked meals often contain less fat, sugar and overall calories than restaurant meals. This can help you limit calories and lose weight.

Summary:Vegan diets are generally richer in fiber, lower in calories and tend to limit your food options. All of these factors can help you lose weight by reducing the number of calories you eat.

In addition to helping you lose weight, a well-planned vegan diet is nutritious and can offer a variety ofhealth benefits.

However, a poorly planned vegan diet can raise certain risks.

A plant-based vegan diet tends to contain a good amount of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds all of which are high in vitamins, minerals,fiberand healthy plant compounds (20).

When compared to diets recommended by health authorities such as the ADA, AHA and NCEP, vegan diets appear to be up to 2.4 times more effective atlowering blood sugar levelsin diabetics (3,4,21,22).

Moreover, several studies report that vegan diets reduce total and LDL the bad cholesterol levels (23,24,25).

A diet with the ability to lower both cholesterol and blood sugar levels can be particularly beneficial, as it may lower the risk of heart disease by up to 46% (26).

Studies show that a vegan diet may reduce symptoms of arthritis as well, such as joint pain, swelling and morning stiffness (27,28).

Well-planned vegan diets are considered nutritious and safe for all stages of life (29,30,31).

But poorly planned vegan diets can increase the risk of nutrient deficiencies and poor health.

For example,vegansare more likely to suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency. This risk seems especially apparent for vegans who dont consume vitamin B12 supplements or eat vitamin B12-fortified foods (32).

Poorly planned vegan diets may also be lacking in calcium,omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, iron and zinc (33,34,35,36,37).

Consuming insufficient amounts of these nutrients can lead to an array of health issues, including nervous system damage,hypothyroidism, anemia, bone fractures and depression (38,39,40,41).

Vegans who fail to consume fermented foods such as sauerkraut and natto may also lack sufficient vitamin K2, a nutrient important for heart and bone health (42,43,44).

Finally, genetics may affect your ability tothrive on a vegan diet.

Up to 45% of people are unable to convert the beta-carotene found in carrots and other orange-colored vegetables to retinol, the active form of vitamin A (45,46).

Similarly, some peoples genetics may make it harder to maintain adequate levels of choline, a nutrient important for heart, liver and nervous system health (47).

If interested in a vegan diet, you should strongly consider tracking your nutrient intake in anonline food journaland getting your blood nutrient levels measured.

You can then enrich your diet with fortified foods orsupplementsas needed.

Summary:Vegan diets generally contain many nutrient-rich foods that can help reduce the risk of various diseases. However, its important to make sure your diet is well-planned to avoid nutrient deficiencies.

Eliminating animal products from your diet doesnt automatically lead to weight loss for everybody.

Consuming a plant-based vegan diet also doesnt automatically mean that your diet is healthy.

Here are some tips to keep in mind to maximize weight loss while ensuring that you continue to meet all your nutrient needs:

Summary:Following these guidelines will help you lose weight on a vegan diet without compromising your nutritional status.

Not all vegan diets are equally beneficial.

Some vegan diets favor vegan junk foods such as Oreos, mock cheeses or processed grains.

These diets are unlikely to meet your daily nutrient needs or help you lose weight.

Heavily processed vegan foods tend to contain more calories, sugar and fat. They also often contain limited amounts ofproteinand fiber, making them less filling (48).

This is why a 200-calorie snack of roasted chickpeas is generally more effective at reducing hunger than the same number of calories from vegan ice cream.

The filling effect of roasted chickpeas may also prevent you from overeating later on in the day, making it easier for you to create and maintain the calorie deficit needed to lose weight.

Summary:Junk food remains junk food, whether vegan or not. For best health and weight loss results, ensure that your diet consists mainly of nutrient-rich, minimally processed plant foods.

A plant-based vegan diet can be very effective at helping you lose weight.

This especially rings true if it contains a good amount of nutrient-rich plant foods and limited amounts of highly processed or high-fat plant foods.

In addition to helping you lose weight, a vegan diet can also help improve your health in a variety of ways, as long as it remains well-planned.

If you want to try this diet, you can see whether youre meeting your nutritional needs by tracking your daily intake and checking blood nutrient levels periodically.

Written byAlina Petre, MS, RD.Post originally appeared on Authority Nutrition.

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How a Vegan Diet Can Help You Lose Weight -

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Apr 25

The Most Effective Weight Loss Plan You’ve Never Heard Of Before – Women’s Health

Women's Health
The Most Effective Weight Loss Plan You've Never Heard Of Before
Women's Health
Like most diets, the TLC diet requires keeping an eye on calories, which is a no-brainer if you're trying to lose weight. However, the exact calorie range you should try to hit per day depends on your height, weight, and activity level. Everyone who ...

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The Most Effective Weight Loss Plan You've Never Heard Of Before - Women's Health

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Apr 25

‘Diet’ Products Can Make You Fat, Study Shows – Newswise (press release)

Newswise Athens, Ga. High-fat foods are often the primary target when fighting obesity, but sugar-laden diet foods could be contributing to unwanted weight gain as well, according to a new study from the University of Georgia.

Researchers found that rats fed a diet high in sugar but low in fatmeant to imitate many popular diet foodsincreased body fat mass when compared to rats fed a balanced rodent diet. The high-sugar diet induced a host of other problems, including liver damage and brain inflammation.

Most so-called diet products containing low or no fat have an increased amount of sugar and are camouflaged under fancy names, giving the impression that they are healthy, but the reality is that those foods may damage the liver and lead to obesity as well, said the studys principal investigator, Krzysztof Czaja, an associate professor of veterinary biosciences and diagnostic imaging in UGAs College of Veterinary Medicine.

Whats really troubling in our findings is that the rats consuming high-sugar, low-fat diets didnt consume significantly more calories than the rats fed a balanced diet, Czaja said. Our research shows that in rats fed a low-fat, high-sugar diet, the efficiency of generating body fat is more than twice as highin other words, rats consuming low-fat high-sugar diets need less than half the number of calories to generate the same amount of body fat.

Over a four-week period, researchers monitored body weight, caloric intake, body composition and fecal samples in three groups of rats. One group of test subjects consumed a diet high in fat and sugar, another group was fed a low-fat, high-sugar diet and a third group was given a balanced or normal diet.

Both the low-fat, high-sugar and high-fat, high-sugar groups displayed an increase in liver fat and significant increases in body weight and body fat when compared to the balanced diet group. Liver fat accumulation was significant in the high-sugar, low-fat group, which Czaja said is a very dangerous situation, because the liver accumulating more fat mimics the effect of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by fat buildup in the liver, and serious forms of the disease can result in liver damage comparable to that caused by heavy alcohol use.

The unbalanced diets also induced chronic inflammation in the intestinal tract and brain. Former studies in rats conducted by Czaja have shown that brain inflammation alters gut-brain communication by damaging the vagus nerve, which controls sensory signals, including the brains ability to determine when one is full.

The brain changes resulting from these unbalanced diets seem to be long term, and it is still not known if they are reversible by balanced diets, Czaja said.

This study expands upon the researchers previous work that determined high-fat diets alter the gut microbiome, the collection of bacteria, viruses and other microbes that live in the digestive tract. The recent study found that the unbalanced diets decreased the microbiomes bacterial diversity, and the low-fat, high-sugar diet increased gut bacteria that are associated with liver damage.

The study was published online in the journal Physiology and Behavior and is available at Co-author Claire de La Serre, an assistant professor of foods and nutrition in UGAs College of Family and Consumer Sciences, conducted metabolic analysis for the study.

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'Diet' Products Can Make You Fat, Study Shows - Newswise (press release)

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Apr 25

Study: Teff hay could serve as drought-tolerant forage for dairy cows – High Plains Journal

Researchers at Kansas State University may just have found a safety net for dairy producers during times of limited water availability or drought.

Graduate research assistant Benjamin Saylor is reporting findings of a study showing that teff hay has the potential to replace alfalfa and corn silage in the diets of lactating dairy cows.

Teff is a warm-season grass native to Ethiopia, where the grain is also used for human consumption. Due to its physiology, it is well-suited to drought conditions.

The universitys feeding trials with high-producing dairy cows included a control diet and two alternative formulations of the teff diet.

In terms of intake, milk yield and milk fat percentage, there was no significant difference seen among the three diets, Saylor said. The only significant difference we saw was the two teff diets resulted in milk that had significantly higher protein concentrations.

Its a surprise finding in that teff grass is relatively high in fiber and somewhat lower in protein. You wouldnt look at the nutrients and say this is an exceptional forage, compared to something like alfalfa, Saylor said.

But in the feeding trials, it performed well, he added.

The three diets were formulated for similar dry matter, crude protein and starch concentration. The researchers monitored the cows for dry matter intake, milk and component production, body weight, body condition score and other indicators of performance.

When you go into something like that, its easy to say, well no one is going to adopt this because everyone has been feeding XYZ forever, said Barry Bradford, professor of animal sciences and industry, who supervised the project.

For me an important initial spark for this was five to six years ago. A really well-respected dairy nutrition consultant who was working with some big herds in western Kansas, called me one day and said that we need to do something different with those herds long-term. He asked, Are you guys doing anything on more water-efficient forages we can potentially use down the road?

Bradford said that helped to lead him and Saylor to this project, which is part of a larger collaboration with researchers in agronomy, agricultural economics and geography.

Doohong Min, an assistant professor of agronomy at K-State, was the lead investigator on a $70,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study the viability of teff as a dairy forage, Bradford said.

Min coordinated a greenhouse study that helped to set the foundation for the feeding trials. In the greenhouse study, the researchers grew 240 teff grass samples to determine the effects of seed variety and the best time to harvest teff for yield, quality and digestibility.

They found that seed variety did not make a difference, and that in greenhouse conditions, cutting teff at 45 to 50 days after planting was the best time to optimize yield and quality.

The researchers are now working to incorporate an economic analysis, which could shed light on whether it would be profitable for producers to convert land to teff grass to help offset future water shortages.

I think one of the main limiting factors is that teff has not been grown in field situations across the United States, Saylor said. Prior to the greenhouse study, theres just not enough data for a farmer to say, OK, if I plant this, this is the minimum yield Im going to get. Its just uncertain. Some additional field trials need to be done across the United States, looking at rain-fed and irrigated fields. We need more data.

But, he added: We see in the future that this might be a significant issue. There are industry people that are expressing interest, and the idea is to get some preliminary work done prior to a (severe drought) event. If that time comes, we can provide industry with some options without scrambling.

Saylors work on this project is helping him to complete a masters degree at Kansas State. He plans to continue his studies in dairy cattle nutrition while pursing a doctoral degree at the University of Florida next fall.

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Study: Teff hay could serve as drought-tolerant forage for dairy cows - High Plains Journal

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Apr 25

Diet Doc Encourages Healthy Weight Loss Over Calorie-Cutting … – Marketwired (press release)

PHOENIX, AZ--(Marketwired - April 25, 2017) - Millions of Americans are in search of the perfect weight loss solution, but finding and maintaining an effective diet can be extremely challenging. For typical adults, losing 1 to 2 pounds of weight loss per week means having to reduce calorie intake per day by 500 to 1000 calories. With a balanced diet and consistent physical activity, however, dieters can lose weight effectively and become healthier over time. Medical weight loss solutions, available in many forms, can assist dieters with persistent weight loss struggles.

Introduced by Dr. Simeons in the early 1950s, the original hCG diet limited daily calorie consumption to just 500 calories while prescribing small doses of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). It was practically starvation-based and caused various negative effects like extreme weakness, hair loss, and muscle loss. For that reason, it was ultimately marked "unsafe" by medical experts, nutritionists, and leading weight loss centers like Diet Doc.

hCG has a relatively short history of being used as a weight loss solution, but has received a lot of attention. hCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy that contains 244 amino acids and has been linked to rapid weight loss by supposedly cutting down "abnormal" fat from cells and around internal organs. Now, as various researchers have learned more about the hCG hormone, safer hCG treatment programs with higher calorie requirements are available. Typically, these programs involve going through hCG treatment while intaking between 800 to 1250 calories on a daily basis. As a result, dieters can lose weight consistently while minimizing the negative side effects associated with the original Simeons method of hCG dieting.

Diet Doc, a nationally recognized weight loss program, has continuously discouraged the Simeons method of hCG dieting and suggests high-calorie programs that involve safer weight loss. Doctor-supervision and diet customization based on nutritional needs are also highly recommended.

Regardless of their weight loss history or individual struggles, Diet Doc helps patients develop an individualized diet based on their nutritional needs or even their genetics. All Diet Doc programs provide a doctor-supervised, customized diet plan. Instead of encouraging patients to adopt harmful dietary practices with no prior medical knowledge, Diet Doc consults with patients to provide a detailed weight loss plan based on their nutritional needs and medical history.

Losing weight with Diet Doc is safe, simple and affordable. Nutrition plans, exercise guidance, motivational support, and dietary supplements are all part of the package. Over 90% of Diet Doc patients report an average weight loss of 20 or more pounds every month and long-term weight loss maintenance is made possible through continuous counseling.

Patients can get started immediately, with materials shipped directly to their home or office. They can also maintain weight loss in the long-term through weekly consultations, customized diet plans, motivational coaches and a powerful prescription program. With Diet Doc, the doctor is only a short phone call away and a fully dedicated team of qualified professionals is available 6 days per week to answer questions, address concerns and support patients.

Getting started with Diet Doc is very simple and affordable. New patients can easily visit to quickly complete a health questionnaire and schedule an immediate, free online consultation.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.


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Diet Doc Encourages Healthy Weight Loss Over Calorie-Cutting ... - Marketwired (press release)

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Apr 25

Forget Your BMI and Focus on Your Waistline Instead – Weight Loss … –

When it comes to determining whether a person is overweight, body mass index (BMI) is the most widely used measure out there. But doctors admit that BMIa ratio of weight to heightis far from perfect. Now, a new study suggests there may be a better way to estimate the risks of health problems associated with excess weight.

The new research, published today in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found that waist-to-hip ratio was a better predictor of whether people would die over the course of the study, compared to BMI. This isnt the first study to reach this conclusion, but it'sone of the largest to-date.

Researchers from Loughborough University in the U.K. and the University of Sydney in Australia looked at data from 42,702 men and women living in England and Scotland over a 10-year period. Specifically, they wanted to know if people who carried extra weight around their middles were at increased risks of health problems, compared to those who were technically overweight but carried their extra pounds elsewhere.

Over the course of the study, 5,355 of the participants died. After controlling for factors such as age, gender, smoking status, and physical activity, the researchers found that people who had normal BMIs but who also had central obesitydefined as a high waist-to-hip ratiohad a 22% increased risk of death from all causes, compared to people with normal BMIs and healthier waist-to-hip ratios.

Obese people with central obesity were also at higher risk of death compared to normal-weight and normal-waist individuals.

On the other hand, people who were technically overweight or obese based on their BMIsbut who did not have central obesitywere less likely to die than people with normal BMIs but high waist-to-hip ratios.

Surprisingly, overweight people with central obesity didnot have anincreased risk of death from all causes, compared to people with a normal weight and smaller waistlines.These findings are counterintuitive, say the authors, but theyre similar to those of previous research: A 2015 study found that people with normal BMIs but central obesity had the worst long-term survival rates, even when compared with overweight and obese people who also had central obesity.

Explaining these paradoxical findings is challenging, the authors say. One possibility is that overweight and obese people are more likely to also have extra fat stored around their legs and hips, which has been linked to healthier metabolism.

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The authors also say that limitations in their researchlike the fact that BMI and waist measurements were only collected once, rather than several times over the course of the studymay have skewed the results.

But they point out that all participants with central obesity, in every BMI group, were at increased risk of dying specifically from cardiovascular disease. This may imply that the health risks of excess belly fat are specifically related to heart problems, the authors say, more so than other major causes of death.

People with a BMI between 18.5 and 25 are considered normal weight; between 25 and 30 is considered overweight, while 30 and higher is obese. Central obesity is defined as a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.85 or higher for women and 0.9 or higher for men. (Heres how you can calculate both.)

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Lead author Emmanuel Stamatakis, PhD, associate professor of public health at the University of Sydney, says that while BMI has its flaws, it does provide some useful informationespecially for tracking general trends in large groups of people over time.

Instead of ditching BMI and replacing it with waist-to-hip ratio, which is relatively easy to measure and is consistently associated with cardiovascular health and mortality risk, we should be thinking about adding waist and hip measurements into routine medical examinations and in health studies, Stamatakis told Health via email.

But Stamatakis says that, on an individual basis, waist measurement might be more important for overall health. If I had to choose between making sure my BMI or my waist-to-hip ratio are OK, I would go for the latter, he says.

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BMI can be affected by many things, he says, including the amount of lean muscle mass a person has. (Thats why super-fit people, especially men, can register as overweight based on BMI alone.)

A high waist-to-hip ratio, on the other hand, most likely means high amounts of abdominal fatwhich has been definitively linked to serious health risks.

People with larger waistlines may want to start thinking and, if needed, seek help to alter their lifestyle to reduce that belly fat, says Stamatakis. Increasing physical activity, improving diet, and cutting down on alcohol consumption can work miracles if sustained in the long term, and all have a myriad other co-benefits in terms of health and wellbeing.

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Apr 25

Weight loss – girl shows the shocking TRUTH behind her impressive before and after picture –


Imgur user issegal shared two images of herself in a bikini which appear to show months of weight loss.

In the first picture, the girl can be seen standing in a red bikini which cuts in to her sides, causing a muffin top.

Her stomach protudes and does not appear to be flat at all.

In the second image - presumed to be an after shot - the girl wears the same red bikini top with a pair of black bottoms.

Her muffin top has completely disappeared, and her stomach is now completely flat. Her thighs also appear slimmer too.

But the photos have not been taken months or even days apart - but were in fact taken with just 15 minutes between them.

Captioning the post, issegal explained: Lose weight in only 15 minutes by changing your stance, hair, clothes, came zoom and filter.

The post has gone viral, with over 219,000 views and hundreds of comments.

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1 of 11


Finally a 15 minute weight loss program that works

One person joked: Finally a 15 minute weight loss program that works.

Another said: Everything else I understand, but how did the dreaded muffin top disappear, just looser pants?

One wrote: Black underwear is also very slimming.

One person noted: If its stupid but it works then its not stupid.

The shocking before and after pictures come as one common kitchen ingredient was revealed as a secret star for weight loss.

Scientists have been investigating the effects of apple cider vinegar on weight loss in recent years and there has been consistently encouraging evidence of its beneficial effect on the body.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is made from crushed apples combined with yeast and bacteria for fermentation.

The major active component of ACV is acetic avid, also known as ethanoic acid.

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Weight loss - girl shows the shocking TRUTH behind her impressive before and after picture -

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